Passive Voice - Present and Past

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PALAZZO - Centar za stranski jazici

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I. Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.

1. Teenagers read fashion magazines.

2. Girls watch Tyra Banks show.

3. Susan follows fashion trends.

4. Most women appreciate shoes.

5. Fashion influences young teenagers.

6. Luke wears loose clothes.

7. Tess and Sandra wear tight clothes.

8. Fashion magazines sell dreams.

9. Professional models teach young models.

10. My cousin Lucy appreciates long dresses.

II. Write the passive form:

1. He composed the opera.
2. They produced some coal.
3. This architect designed this museum.
4. The students read the text aloud.
5. The students corrected the compositions.
6. The scientists made wonderful inventions.
7. The director read the letters.
8. The officer took the cases.
9. He checked the goods.
10. The lawyer sent the contract.
III. Make these sentences into Passive:
1. He found the child in the park.
2. They broke the glasses with a stone.
3. She saw the mouse in the kitchen.
4. I poished the furniture in the afternoon.
5. He made the dress.
6. Somebody pushed Mary into the water.
7. People from all over the world visited the museum.

IV. Change the sentences to passive voice.

1. They introduced me to her husband.
2. Someone sold this old hat to my wife.
3. The teacher called your parents.
4. The thieves stole all the gold.
5. The students use computers at school.
6. Edison invented the gramophone.
7. Everybody admired your last book.
8. The cat ate the sandwich.
9. They told us that the water is clean.
10. Millions of fans saw the final game yesterday.
11. They told us to leave the room.
12. The publishers published my book.
13. The boy found the purse in the school yard yesterday.
14. John gave a bar of chocolate to Jill.
15. I lent a pencil to Graham.
16. Fiona told the truth to Jullian.
17. They offered the job to Simeon.
18. The boss showed the new computer to Ana.
19. Julie taught the grammar to the students.
20. I asked the question to David.
21. Lucy threw the ball to David.
22.I sent the e-mail to John.
23. Mary invited Paul to her party.
24. British astronomers discovered a new planet.
25. One of the students broke the window.

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