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Works Cited- Colter Weil

Primary Sources
"Budapest Dohany Street Great Synagogue - the Largest Synagogue in Europe."
Budapest Dohany Street Great Synagogue - the Largest Synagogue in
Europe. 2006. Accessed January 12, 2015. http://
This primary source is an image of the Dohany Street Synagogue. I learned that this is the
second largest synagogue in the world. This showed me how vibrant the Jewish community in
Budapest was, giving perspective on why Wallenberg made such an impact. This was used to
show the legacy of Wallenberg in that he preserved the Jewish culture in Budapest.
Dardel, Guy Von. "Letter to President Truman from Raoul Wallenberg's Half-brother Guy Von
Dardel." Letter to President Truman from Raoul Wallenberg's Half-brother Guy
Dardel. March 27, 1947. Accessed February 1, 2015. https://
This primary source is a letter that discusses Wallenbergs fate. I learned that his fate was
very mysterious and even his brother had no clue what happened. This shows that the United
States President was able to get involved due to Wallenbergs importance meaning there are
implications for his legacy in the letter. I used it to describe Wallenbergs fate.
"Honorary Citizens of the United States." Honorary Citizens of the United States.
January 1, 1981. Accessed January 12, 2015.
This primary source is the list of Honorary US citizens. I learned that he is extremely
appreciated and is one of seven recipients. This was essential to understanding his impact and
lasting legacy. He was also historically appreciated by the United States since world war two,
leading up to this honor. This was used to reinforce his strong legacy in the project.
"International School for Holocaust Studies." Historical Background: The Jews of Hungary
During the Holocaust. November 1, 1944. Accessed January 12, 2015.

This primary source is a series of pictures that depict Wallenbergs efforts. They helped
me to understand his efforts in Budapest. These details are what made him so important and
make it more clear what really happened in his affairs. They are used to show his methods of
saving lives in Budapest.
Max, Arthur. "Clues Surfacing in Wallenberg Disappearance." April 27, 2008.
Accessed January 12, 2015.
This primary source is an image of Wallenbergs passport, which was given to a relative of
his in 1989. I learned to be suspicious of Russian claims of his death more than forty years
before it. This shows a lasting impact of Wallenberg and his actions far after the war in my
Nobel Peace Prize. "Nomination Database." Nomination Database. January 1, 1948. Accessed
January 12, 2015.
This primary source is the nobel peace prize nomination of Wallenberg. The showed to
me the scope of his heroism through the prestige that comes with a nomination. It was used in
the project to demonstrate his legacy and as an example of the appreciation he has received.
"Raoul Wallenberg's Arrest Order, Signed by Bulganin in January 1945." Searching for Raoul
Wallenberg. January 17, 1945. Accessed January 12, 2015.
This primary source is the original Russian arrest order for Wallenberg. It helped me to
analyze his arrest, which was a very important part of his life and mysterious disappearance that
composes his legacy in some ways. This warrant was used in the project as evidence for his

"Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the United States - Home of the Raoul Wallenberg Award, A
Study of Heroes, and STONES." The Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the United
- Home of the Raoul Wallenberg Award, A Study of Heroes, and STONES.
January 1,
1944. Accessed January 12, 2015.

This primary source is an image showing one of Wallenbergs hospitals he used to hide
Jews during the holocaust. I learned one of the many methods he used for hiding them from the
Nazis. This was used as an image showing a hospital he founded in the project to demonstrate
the ways he saved Jews.
"Raoul Wallenberg's Passport Application." Raoul Wallenberg. December 18, 1944.
Accessed January 12, 2015.
This primary source is an image of Wallenbergs passport application in 1944. It shows
one of Wallenbergs actions during his time of heroism. Passports were essential to his master
plan of saving lives, and this being his is significant. It was used to show his constant efforts and
to be an example of his life during the war.
"Smoltsov Report." Searching for Raoul Wallenberg. July 17, 1947. Accessed
January 12, 2015.
This primary source is an image depicting a note of Wallenbergs supposed death in 1947.
This showed me the speculation that occurred is hard to trust. His fate is very mysterious and
historians still cant be sure of what really happened. It was used in my project as an example of
the numerous suspicious notes regarding his death.
Wallenberg, Raoul. "The Wallenberg Curse." WSJ. August 27, 1944. Accessed
January 17, 2015.
This primary source is an example of one of Wallenbergs protective passes. I learned it is
a prime example of his methods of saving Jews. These passes were vital to his master plan. This
is used as an important example of his heroism in the project.
"Was Russian Prisoner No. 7 Actually the 'dead' Diplomat Who Saved Thousands of Jews during
the Holocaust?" Mail Online. January 1, 1944. Accessed January 12, 2015. http://
This primary source is an image showing Jews that Wallenberg saved in 1944. This
shows a primary example of the people he saved. These people inspired him to be a hero that has
a lasting legacy today. It was utilized to show an example of the people he saved for my project.
"Women Marching in Budapest." Surviving the Holocaust: One Man Remembers Raoul
Wallenbergs Safe House. January 1, 1944. Accessed January 12, 2015. http:// Bundesarchiv_

This primary source is an image of women marching in Budapest. It shows that some
things were out of Wallenbergs control, even through his actions were extensive, the Nazis were
a brutal force that couldn't be stopped. This photo was used to show a photo taken by
Wallenberg, and that he couldn't save everyone.
Yad Vashem. "Vera Goodkin's Interview." YouTube. July 7, 2010. Accessed February 1, 2015.
This primary source is an interview of a woman who was saved by Wallenberg. It is
important because it showed how highly she thought of Wallenberg and how much of an impact
he left on her family and the spirits of the people around them, while he also saved their lives. It
was used as an interview on the website to show he story of Wallenberg.

Secondary Sources
Daniel, Jamie, Raoul Wallenberg: one man against Nazi terror. G. Stevens childrens books.
Milwaukee 1992. 68 pp.
This secondary source gives a description of Wallenbergs actions in Budapest. It allowed
me to understand his actions in detail as an overview of why he is important to society. The book
was used for background knowledge regarding his actions, leading up to analysis in my project.

International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation. "Raoul Wallenberg Documentary Film." YouTube.

December 27, 2013. Accessed January 12, 2015.
This secondary source is a documentary on Wallenberg. It helped me by showing how
well known and appreciated he is at an international level. It was used for describing his legacy
with survivor opinions, who provide insight on Wallenberg as a hero.
Larsson, Jan. "Raoul Wallenberg's Biography." Raoul Wallenbergs Biography.
Accessed January 12, 2015.
This secondary source is a bibliography of Wallenbergs life. It allowed me to
contextualize his actions into a point of view that makes his inspiration seem understandable, yet
unique. It was used for information on his life before and after the war, to provide context in the
Metzler, David. "Raoul Wallenberg." Raoul Wallenberg. September 7, 2009.
Accessed January 12, 2015.

This secondary source combines many primary sources and discusses details in a
chronological order of Raoul Wallenbergs life. It helped me by describing his actions and was
used to place his actions into context in the project, which provides a great deal of perspective
into why he did what he did.
PBS. "Raoul Wallenberg (1912-?)." PBS. Accessed January 12, 2015. http://
This secondary source describes Wallenbergs thorough process and dangers he faced
during the war. It helped me understand the dangers he experienced while being a hero, and
shows his impressive integrity and bravery. It was used to describe his dangers, courage and his
relationship with Eichmann.
Rauch, Jeanine. "Holocaust Essays: The Story of Raoul Wallenberg." Holocaust Essays: The
Story of Raoul Wallenberg. July 10, 2004. Accessed January 12, 2015. http://
This secondary source is an essay describing Wallenbergs accomplishments. It helped me
understand how much of a hero he was in a direct way to change the world. The source was used
in the project as background information for describing his heroism.

Swedish Institute. "Raoul Wallenberg a Man Who Made a Difference." May 14,
2014. Accessed January 12, 2015.
This secondary source is a description by the Swedish Government of a Swedish hero.
The source revealed his appreciation from his home country, even in the modern day. It was used
to understand his lasting legacy in Sweden and around the world as a testament to his heroism.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. "Raoul Wallenberg and the Rescue of Jews
in Budapest." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. June 20, 2014.
Accessed January 12, 2015.
This secondary source gives a historically accurate overview of Raoul Wallenbergs
efforts during the holocaust. It helped me by giving maps of the circumstances in Budapest
during 1944 that Wallenberg dealt with. It was used for maps and details regarding Budapest
during the war.
University of Michigan. "Raoul Wallenberg - Wallenberg Legacy, University of Michigan."
Wallenberg Legacy University of Michigan. May 18, 2012. Accessed January 12,
This secondary source is a description of a famous alumni at a university. It was helpful
to me because it showed his importance and experience in college for context. His education
helped him to be a hero. It was used for understanding his educational background and his legacy
because it puts it in context for the project.
This secondary source tells the story of Jews in Hungary. I learned how severe antisemitism was
in Hungary and the story of their perseverance leading up to Nazi control. It helps place their
actions into context. It was used in the project to tell the conditions that caused Wallenbergs
intervention, which are a major part of the topic.
Yad Vashem. "Raoul Wallenberg - The Righteous Among The Nations - Yad Vashem." Raoul
Wallenberg - The Righteous Among The Nations - Yad Vashem. February 7, 2014.
Accessed January 12, 2015.
This secondary source gives an important holocaust museums memorial of Wallenberg.
It helped me to understand his legacy as a hero, with a Jewish perspective in the modern day. The
source was used for understanding Wallenbergs lasting impact on the world, and to reflect how
we remember him today.

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