Complete CPAC Schedule

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Saturday, February 28, 2015


General Session Doors Open

Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance

Potomac Ballroom


Mark Levin, The Mark Levin Show

Potomac Ballroom


Reining in a Lawless President: Obamnesty and Other Pen and Phone Affronts

Potomac Ballroom


Tomi Lahren, One America News Network

Potomac Ballroom


Exhibit Hall Opens

Exhibit Hall D-E


Chesapeake 4-6

Moderator: Kelly Riddell, The Washington Times

Representative Mick Mulvaney, (SC-5)
Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch


Book Signing: Search and Destroy by Scott Cleland

Religious Freedom In America: Would the Pilgrims Still Be Welcome Here?

Potomac Ballroom


Book Signing: Brown People by Javier Manjarres

Exhibit Hall D-E


CPAC Job Fair

National Harbor 4-5, 13-14

Moderator: Cal Thomas, The Washington Times

Tony Perkins, Family Research Council
Representative Randy Neugebauer, (TX-19)
Dana Loesch, Dana Loesch Radio

Sponsored by the Leadership Institute



Naghmeh Abedini

Potomac Ballroom


Book Signing: Game Plan by Kevin Freeman

Exhibit Hall D-E


Inventing To Nowhere. Two first-time inventors encounter patent legislation that

threatens their intellectual property rights and Americas innovative spirit.
Sponsored by Citizens United. Open to all registered CPAC 2015 attendees.

Chesapeake 4-6
CPAC Theater

If We Build It, They Wont Come

Potomac 1
Breakout Room #1

The University Of The Future

Potomac 2
Breakout Room #2

The United States of Google: Big Brother and Big Data

Potomac 3
Breakout Room #3

Moderator: Charles Keckler

Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform
Ed Martin, Eagle Forum
David Keene, The Washington Times
Representative Paul Gosar, (AZ-4)


Moderator: Alex Smith, College Republican National Committee

Katherine Mangu-Ward, Reason Magazine
Chris Long, Intercollegiate Studies Institute
Anne Neal, The American Council of Trustees and Alumni
Mike Farris, Home School Legal Defense Association


Moderator: Erik Telford, Franklin Center for Public Integrity

Scott Cleland, Precursor LLC
Seton Motley, Less Government
Tom Schatz, Citizens Against Government Waste

Presented by the American Conservative Union

Official CPAC-1-2015 events appear in BOLD


Deficits Debunked: It's a Spending Problem, Not a Revenue Problem

Potomac 4
Breakout Room #4

How Does Power Generation Work and How is Energy Used?

Potomac 5
CPAC University

Supply-Side Strategy: Exposing and Confronting the Abortion

Industry as Big Business

Potomac 6

All Roads Lead to a Tax Increase?

Chesapeake A
CPAC University

Strategic Planning Session: Working Together to Turn Ideas Into Actions

Potomac Ballroom


Book Signing: Licensed to Lie by Sidney Powell

Chesapeake D-E


Book Signing: Hands Off My Gun by Dana Loesch

Chesapeake D-E


The Gift Of Life. Explores the sanctity of life as a moral issue,

starring Governor Mike Huckabee.
Sponsored by Citizens United. Open to all registered CPAC 2015 attendees.

Chesapeake 4-6
CPAC Theater

Moderator: Deroy Murdock, National Review

State Senator Mark Green, (TN)
Representative Tom Price, (GA-6)
Jonathan Bydlak, Coalition to Reduce Spending


Tom Pyle, Institute for Energy Research


Charmaine Yoest, Americans United for Life


A Debate on Infrastructure Development

Rich Juliano, American Road & Transportation Builders Association
Chris Edwards, CATO Institute

CPAC University

Patrice Pederson, Sutherland Institute


Save Us From Bankruptcy: Reforming Federal Entitlements and State Pensions

Potomac 1
Breakout Room #1

The Middle East: the 30 Years War

Potomac 2
Breakout Room #2

Hands Off My Wi-Fi!!! The Politicization of Internet Access

Potomac 3
Breakout Room #3

Putin's Russia: A New Cold War?

Potomac 4
Breakout Room #4

History of the Gun Control Debate

Potomac 5
CPAC University

Fade to Black: How Vulnerable is our Electric Grid and Power Supply?

Potomac 6
CPAC University

Carrie Lucas, Independent Womens Forum (Invited)

Nina Owcharenko, The Heritage Foundation (Invited)


Moderator: Van Hipp, American Defense International, Inc.

Walid Phares, Florida International University
Clare Lopez, Center for Security Policy


Moderator: James Edwards, Eagle Forum

Commissioner Maureen Ohlhausen, Federal Trade Commission
Commissioner Ajit Pai, Federal Commuciations Commission
Representative Bob Goodlatte, (VA-6)
Commissioner Scott Kieff, International Trade Commission


Moderator: Seth Cropsey, Hudson Institute

Carly Fiorina, Former CEO, Hewlett-Packard, Chairman, American Conservative
Union Foundation
Cliff May, Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Amanda Brickell Bellows, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Gregory Angelo, Log Cabin Republicans


Lexy Rusnak, NRA-ILA


Peter Pry, Family Security Matters

Commissioner Rob Powelson, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission

Presented by the American Conservative Union

Official CPAC-2-2015 events appear in BOLD


How Capitalism Empowers the Poor

Chesapeake A
CPAC University


Camellia 4

Robert Doar, American Enterprise Institute


Values Voters Reception

Values Voter Meet and Greet hosted by FRC Action. Come say hello to FRC
Actions President Tony Perkins and FRC Action 's Executive Director Josh
Duggar and his wife, Anna, who also star in reality TV's 19 Kids and Counting.
Sponsored by FRC Action

Dusting off the 10th Amendment: The Future of Federalism

Potomac Ballroom


Chesapeake 4-6
CPAC Theater

Moderator: Bridgett Wagner, The Heritage Foundation

Representative Bob Goodlatte, (VA-6)
Governor Sam Brownback, (KS)
Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma Attorney General


Inventing To Nowhere. Two first-time inventors encounter patent legislation that

threatens their intellectual property rights and Americas innovative spirit.
Sponsored by Citizens United. Open to all registered CPAC 2015 attendees.

Americas Security in the Age of Jihad

Potomac Ballroom


Chesapeake 4-6
CPAC Theater

Moderator: Deroy Murdock, National Review

Pete Hegseth, Concerned Veterans for America
Dr. Zudhi Jasser, American Islamic Forum for Democracy
Concerned Veterans for America video presentation
Sponsored by Citizens United. Open to all registered CPAC 2015 attendees.


Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers, (WA-5)

Potomac Ballroom


Content of Your Character: Conservatives See Deeper

Potomac Ballroom

Tan, Rested, and Ready: Do Conservatives Have What it Takes to Win in 2016?

Potomac Ballroom


Patrick Hussion, One America News Network

Potomac Ballroom


The Washington Times CPAC Straw Poll Results

Potomac Ballroom

CPAC Closing Remarks

Potomac Ballroom

Moderator: Ron Christie, Christie Strategies

Robert A. George, New York Post
Patrice Lee, Generation Opportunity
Mercedes Schlapp, Cove Strategies


Jenny Beth Martin, Tea Party Patriots

Ned Ryun, American Majority
Matt Schlapp, Chairman, American Conservative Union, Former White House
Political Director

Sponsored by The Washington Times

Larry Beasley, The Washington Times
John Solomon, The Washington Times
Kellyanne Conway, The Polling Company


*The CPAC Schedule is Subject to Change

Presented by the American Conservative Union

Official CPAC-3-2015 events appear in BOLD

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