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What is water pollution?

Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans,
aquifers and groundwater), very often by human activities.
Water pollution occurs when pollutants (particles, chemicals or substances that
make water contaminated) are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies
without enough treatment to get rid of harmful compounds. Pollutants get into water
mainly by human causes or factors. Water pollution can be a Point-source, Non Pointsource, orTransboundary in nature. Water pollution is the second most imperative
environmental concern along with air pollution.
Any change or modification in the physical, chemical and biological
properties of water that will have a detrimental consequence on living things
is water pollution.
The water pollution problemWater covers over 70% of the Earths surface. It is a
very important resource for people and the environment.
Water pollution affects drinking water, rivers, lakes and oceans all over the world. In
many developing countries, it is usually a leading cause of death, by people drinking
from polluted water sources.

More to this, water pollution affects not only individual living species, but also
populations and entire functioning ecosystems that exists in the waters.
Humans have now realized the importance of clean water as a foundation for life. In
recent time, more and more organizations and councils are working hard to educate,
protect, restore waterways and encourage practices that help keep waters from
contamination, and also to preserve water ecosystems from destruction.
In this lesson, we shall learn all about water pollution, the types of water pollution,
causes of water pollution, effects and some preventive practices that we can all use to
help deal with water pollution. Use the menus on your left to learn more. Enjoy.

Types of water pollution

There are many types of water pollution because water comes from many sources. Here

are a few types of water pollution:

1. Nutrients Pollution
Some wastewater, fertilizers and sewage contain high levels of nutrients. If they end up
in water bodies, they encourage algae and weed growth in the water. This will make the
water undrinkable, and even clog filters. Too much algae will also use up all the oxygen
in the water, and other water organisms in the water will die out of oxygen starvation.
2. Surface water pollution
Surface water includes natural water found on the earth's surface, like rivers, lakes,
lagoons and oceans. Hazardous substances coming into contact with this surface water,
dissolving or mixing physically with the water can be called surface water pollution.
3. Oxygen Depleting
Water bodies have micro-organisms. These include aerobic and anaerobic organisms.
When to much biodegradable matter (things that easily decay) end up in water, it
encourages more microorganism growth, and they use up more oxygen in the water. If
oxygen is depleted, aerobic organisms die, and anaerobic organism grow more to
produce harmful toxins such as ammonia and sulfides.
4. Ground water pollution
When humans apply pesticides and chemicals to soils, they are washed deep into the
ground by rain water. This gets to underground water, causing pollution underground.
This means when we dig wells and bore holes to get water from underground, it needs
to be checked for ground water pollution.
5. Microbiological
In many communities in the world, people drink
untreated water (straight from a river or stream).
Sometimes there is natural pollution caused by
micro-organisms like viruses, bacteria and protozoa.
This natural pollution can cause fishes and other
water life to die. They can also cause serious illness
to humans who drink from such waters.
6. Suspended Matter
Some pollutants (substances, particles and
chemicals) do not easily dissolve in water. This kind of material is called particulate
matter. Some suspended pollutants later settle under the water body. This can harm
and even kill aquatic life that live at the floor of water bodies.
7. Chemical Water Pollution
Many industries and farmers work with chemicals that end up in water. This is common
with Point-source Pollution. These include chemicals that are used to control weeds,
insects and pests. Metals and solvents from industries can pollute water bodies. These
are poisonous to many forms of aquatic life and may slow their development, make

them infertile and kill them.

8. Oil Spillage
Oil spills usually have only a localized effect on wildlife but can spread for miles. The oil
can cause the death to many fish and get stuck to the feathers of seabirds causing
them to lose their ability to fly.

Do you remember the BP Oil spill in 2010? Over 1,000 animals (birds, turtles,
mammals) were reported dead, including many already on the endangered species list.
Of the animals affected by the spill, only about 6% have been reported cleaned, but
many biologists and other scientists predict they will die too from the stress caused by
the pollution.

Other causes of water pollution.

Apart from the industrial causes of water pollution, as we saw in theprevious page, here
are some more:
Sewage and waste water
Everyday, we cook, do laundry, flush the toilet, wash our cars, shower and do many
things that use water. Think about how we use water in schools, hospitals and public
Where do you think all the water, liquid waste, toilet and urine ends up? In many
developed communities, this waste water and soluble waste (called sewage) is treated,
cleaned and dumped into the sea or river. Even though they are treated, they are never
the same as fresh water.
In some not-so-developed countries, the sewage is not treated, but quickly dumped
into the sea or water bodies. This is VERY dangerous because they contaminate the
environment and water bodies and bring many
deadly diseases to us.
Septic Tanks
Every domestic (home) toilet is connected to septic
tank usually located outside the house. Each time
poop is flushed down the toilet, it goes into this
tank, where the solid part is separated from the
liquid part. Biological processes are used to break down the solids and the liquid is
usually drained out into a land drainage system. From this stage, it can escape into the
soil and nearby water bodies.

Ocean and marine dumping

Again, think of the rubbish we all make each day. Paper waste, food waste, plastic,
rubber, metallic and aluminum waste. In some countries, they are deposited into the
sea. All these waste types take time to decompose. For example, it is know that paper
takes about 6 weeks, aluminum takes about 200 years and glass takes even more
years. When these end up in the sea, they harm sea animals and cause a lot of water
animal deaths.
Underground storage and tube
Many liquid products (petroleum
stored in metal and steel tubes
Other sewage systems run in
tubes. Overtime, they rust and
that happens, they contaminate
liquids in them end up in many

products) are
begin to leak. If
the soils, and the
nearby water

Atmospheric deposition is the pollution of water bodies caused by air pollution. Each
time the air is polluted with sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, they mix with water
particles in the air and form a toxic substance. This falls as acid rain to the ground, and
gets washed into water bodies. The result is that, water bodies also get contaminated
and this affects animals and water organisms.

Effects of water pollution.

You will notice in the previous pages that water pollution is very harmful to humans,
animals and water life. The effects can be catastrophic, depending on the kind of
chemicals, concentrations of the pollutants and where there are polluted. Below, we
shall see a summary of the effects of water pollution. (Make sure you see
the factsheet page for some very unfortunate incidents of water pollution in recent
The effects of water pollution are varied and depend on what chemicals are dumped
and in which locations.
Many water bodies near urban areas (cities and towns) are highly polluted. This is the
result of both garbage dumped by individuals and dangerous chemicals legally or
illegally dumped by manufacturing industries, health centers, schools and market
Death of aquatic (water) animals
The main problem caused by water pollution is that it kills life that depends on these
water bodies. Dead fish, crabs, birds and sea gulls, dolphins, and many other animals
often wind up on beaches, killed by pollutants in their habitat (living environment).
Disruption of food-chains
Pollution disrupts the natural food chain as well. Pollutants such as lead and cadmium
are eaten by tiny animals. Later, these animals are consumed by fish and shellfish, and
the food chain continues to be disrupted at all higher levels.

Eventually, humans are affected by this process as well. People can get diseases such
as hepatitis by eating seafood that has been poisoned. In many poor nations, there is
always outbreak of cholera and diseases as a result of poor drinking water treatment
from contaminated waters.
Destruction of ecosystems
Ecosystems (the interaction of living things in a place, depending on each other for life)
can be severely changed or destroyed by water pollution. Many areas are now being
affected by careless human pollution, and this pollution is coming back to hurt humans
in many ways.

Liquid Waste (Sewage/Wastewater) Treatment

Wastewater (liquid waste) from flushing the toilet, bathing, washing sinks and general
cleaning goes down the drain and into a pipe, which joins a larger sewer pipe under the
road. The larger pipe also joins a major pipe that leads to the treatment center.


Screening is first stage of the wastewater treatment process. Screening removes large
objects like, diapers, nappies, sanitary items, cotton buds, face wipes and even broken
bottles, bottle tops, plastics and rags that may block or damage equipment.
Special equipment is also used to remove grit that gets washed into the sewer.
This involve the separation of organic solid matter (or human waste) from the
wastewater. This is done by putting the wastewater into large settlement tanks for the
solids to sink to the bottom of the tank. The settled solids are called sludge. At the
bottom of these circular tanks, large scrappers continuously scrape the floor of the tank
and push the sludge towards the center where it is pumped away for further treatment.
The rest of the water is then moved to the Secondary treatment.
The water, at this stage is put into large rectangular tanks. These are called aeration
lanes. Air is pumped into the water to encourage bacteria to breakdown the tiny bits of
sludge that escaped the sludge scrapping process.
Next the almost treated wastewater is passed through a settlement tank. Here, more
sludge is formed at the bottom of the tank from the settling of the bacterial action.
Again, the sludge is scrapped and collected for treatment. The water at this stage is
almost free from harmless substances and chemicals. The water is allowed to flow over
a wall where it is filtered through a bed of sand to remove any additional particles.
The filtered water is then released into the river.

Important facts of water pollution.

40% of Americas rivers and 46% of Americas lakes are too polluted for fishing,
swimming, or aquatic life.
1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, storm
water, and industrial waste are discharged into US
waters annually.
Source: Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO),

Polluted drinking waters are a problem for about

half of the worlds population. Each year there are
about 250 million cases of water-based diseases,
resulting in roughly 5 to 10 million deaths.
Source: Top Facts about Pollution.,

In 2010, there was a huge oil spill in America by BP. Of the 400 miles of Louisiana
coast, approximately 125 miles have been polluted by the oil spill. Over 1,000 animals
(birds, turtles, mammals) have been reported dead, including many already on the
endangered species list. Of the animals affected by the spill that are still alive only
about 6% have been reported cleaned, but many biologists and other scientists predict
they will die too. In November 2012, BP agreed a settlement with the US government
worth $4.5bn, including a $1.26bn criminal fine.
Source: River Pollution.,

In April 2010, The Transocean Oil Rig exploded, killing 11 workers. The disaster also
damaged the Gulf of Mexico coast causing one of the biggest environmental disasters in
US history. In January 2013, the company paid $400m (248m) in criminal penalties
and a $1bn civil fine after pleading guilty to violating the Clean Water Act.

In developing countries, 70% of industrial wastes are dumped untreated into waters
where they pollute the usable water supply.
Source: WWAP

How the world uses freshwater:

about 70 percent for irrigation
about 22 percent for industry
about 8 percent for domestic use
Source: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

27% of the urban population in the developing world do not have piped water in
their homes. Source: UNESCO
A lack of safe water and sanitation in cities leads to
cholera, malariaanddiarrhoea. Source: WHO

In March 2011, a very powerful earthquake in the sea (tsunami) hit the Japan
coast. The sea level rose and water came into the land, damaging 4 of the 6 reactors in
the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
World Health Organisation (WHO) experts confirm that there is slight increased risk of
some cancer types for some people who were exposed to the radiation. These included
people living in that area and some workers at the plant. Below is a peice of the
information given on BBC website:
"The biggest lifetime risks were seen in those exposed as infants, compared with children or adults.
For girls exposed to radiation from the accident as infants, the report found a 4% increase above the
lifetime expected risk of solid tumours and a 6% increase above that expected for breast cancer.
Boys exposed as infants are expected to have a 7% increased risk of leukaemia above that expected
in the normal population.
The biggest risk was seen in thyroid cancer, which for infant girls could be up to 70% higher than
expected over their lifetime."

BBC Website: /news/health-21614722

More Water Pollution Facts Here

SOURCES (Some of our research on this lesson included the following)

1. Natural Resources Defense Council, Water.
2. Watercare, Au. Water Pollution Fact, Sheet 1 PDF
3. Rio's Olympic waters blighted by heavy pollution. By Julia Carneiro, BBC Brasil, Rio de Janeiro
4. UK Rivers Network,
5. Accidental discharges of oil.
6. EPA, Collecting Used Oil for Recycling/Reuse.
7. Managing Water under Uncertainty and Risk. The UN World Water Development Report 4 VOL1
8. Lesson 4, Water Pollution
9. BBC News,
10. Accidental discharges of oil;

Ang polusyon sa tubig ay naidudulot ng pagka

nagkaroon ng polusyon-

=== kasi ang mga tao ay nag tatapon ng mga basura sa ilog ===

=== dahil ang mga tao ay hindi marunong maglinis ===

sanhi at bunga-

Ilan sa sanhi nito ay maaring apoy, pagluluto o kaya naman ay sulpur dioxide na ating nilalabas sa
hangin. Kabilang din ang mga kemikal na nagdudulot ng masasamang epekto sa atmospera sa mga
sanhi ng polusyon. Ilang halimbawa nito ay SO2, NO2, SPM, lead at RPM.
Maraming nagiging bunga ang polusyon sa hangin. Isa rito ay ang ulang asido. Nangyayari ito kung may
mga mapaminsalang kemikal tulad ng SO2 at NO ay napupunta sa ating atmospera at humahalo sa tubig
ulan sa mga ulap. Matapos nito, mahuhulog ito sa lupa sa pormang tubig ulan at kung masydong mababa
ang ph nito, ito ay nagiging ulang asido. Ang ulang asido ay maaring maging sanhi ng pagdumi ng mga
lupa na maaring taniman, pagkasira ng ilang konkreto o semento sa mga gusali o kaya naman ay
pagkasira ng balanse ng buhay sa mga dagat, ilog, lawa, batis at iba pang malalaking katawan ng tubig.
Ang iba pang sanhi ng polusyon ay ang Oil Spill na aksidenteng tumatagas o natatapon sa mga
naaksidenteng mga barko na may dala ng mga krudo o langis. Ang paggamit ng dinamita sa pangingisda
dahil maraming nasisira sa ilalim ng dagat tulad ng mga corals at mga lamang dagat.
epakto sa mga tao-Ilang pang bunga o epekto ng polusyon sa tubig ay ang pagkasira ng ilang sisterma
ng irigasyon. Maari din kasing madumihan ang mga tubig na nagsisilbing tubig ulan sa mga bukid at kung
nangyari ito, maapektuhan ang produksyong pangagrikultura. Bukod pa doon, maari ding magbunga ang
polusyon sa tubig ng mga sakit. Ilan dito ay kanser lalo na kung masyado ng kontaminado ang iyon tubig
at mga sakit na may kinalaman sa genetika o sa ibang salita, iyong mga namamanang sakit.
paraan kung paano nagsimula ang polusyonmaiiwasan-Pangalawa, masasabi ko rin na mas mainam na pagkatapos nating bigyan ng disiplina ang
ating mga sarili ay magsimula ng gumawa ng hakbang ang mga gobyerno. Unang una, dapat ay bigyan
ng pansin ng gobyerno ang mga batas na naipatupad na at siguraduhing masusunod ito. Isang
hailmbawa nito ay ang Clean Air Act na hindi naman masyadong nasusunod ng ibang mamamayan.
Pangalawa, ipalaganap nila ang paglilinis at pagpapaayos sa kapaligiran. Dapat lamang na ipakita ng
Gobyerno na ito rin ay may malasakit sa kalikasan para naman magaya ito ng mga mamamayan. At
panghuli, dapat ay lagyan ng ngipin ang batas. Ngayon na siguro ang panahon upang ipatupad na ang
mas mabibigat na parusa para lamang sa mga taong sumisira sa kapaligiran. Ito ay mainam para
magkaroon ng disiplina ang mga mamamayan at matakot sinoman na may lakas ng loob na sirain ang

araw-araw.Ang problema sa Yamuna River ay angminutong kompara sa pagsugpo

ngpolusyon sa buong bansa. Sa kabuuanng mga dumi sa India, mayroong 80%bahagdan
ang mga ito mapupunta sadagat at iba pang anyo ng tubig. Haloslahat ng anyo ng tubig dito
sa India ayhindi na ligtas inumin o gamitin.
15. KONKLUSYON AT REKOMENDASYONTalagang napakalaki na ng problema sa
polusyon sa tubig.Kaya kailangan talagang malaman ang mga sanhi at epekto nito.Ngunit
mas mahalaga ay matuto tayong bawasan ito.Sa ating sitwasyon ngayon partikular sa
Pilipinas, masasabikong talagang malaki ang ating problema pagdating sa polusyon.Unang

una ay hindi ito pinagtutuunan ng pansin ng gobyerno kayanaman karamihan sa atin ay

nawawalan na rin ng interes dito. Angiba naman ay hanggang sa ngayon ay hindi pa rin
nakikita angtunay na sitwasyon natin tungkol sa polusyon. Ngunit kung gustonatin kahit
papaano ay mabawasan man lamang ang problema ditoay kailangan ay magsimula tayo sa
ating sarili.Unang una dapat tayo ay matutong mag-recycle o gamitinmuli ang mga bagay na
pwede pa nating magamit. Makakatulongitong mabawasan ang tinatawag nating solidong
dumi atmapapanatili nating malinis ang kapaligiran. Isa pa ay dapat matutotayong umiwas sa
mga produktong may nakakapinsalang epekto saating kapaligiran. Kasama rito ang mga
CFC, insektisayd, pestisayd,at pertilizer. Kasam na rin dito ang huwag masyadong paggamit
ngmga hindi nabubulok na bagay dahil sa maiipon lamang ang mga itoat magsisilbing dumi
lamang sa ating mga lupain.
16. Isa pang solusyon ay ipalaganp ang kaalaman. Dapat aydagdagan pa ang pagbibigay ng
edukasyon sa mga tao tungkol sapolusyon sa tubig at ang mga epekto nito lalong lalo na
ang mga batadahil mas mainam kung bata pa lamang ay alam na ang dapat gawinupang
tulungan ang kalikasan. Magtanim ng puno, kahit na paisa-isalamang ay malaki na ang
maidulot nito sa ating kalikasan. Mahahalagaang mga puno dahil sa nililinis nito ang hanging
ating hinihinga atpinipigilan pa ang mga pagbaha. Magtipid sa lahat ng oras. Kailanganay
magtipid tayo sa tubig at pati na rin sa ating mga kagamitan upangmabawasan naman ang
mga kalat at dumi. Sumali sa mga proyektongnaglalayong malinis ang ating kapaligiran.
Mahalaga na tayo aymagpakita ng malasakit sa kalikasan upang magsilbi rin tayong
modelolalo na sa kabataan. At siguro, isa pang mainam na paraan ay disiplinapara naman
magawa natin ang ating mga hakbang para sa kalikasan.

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