Students' Feedback On The Use of Google Classroom - A Survey

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How they felt while using

Google Classroom
amazed: 21 %

happy: 32 %

confident: 5 %

impressed: 13 %

scared: 3 %

I was surprised to know that there are a lot of things that

you can do in google classroom that you can not do in a
normal classroom.
- Tyler

I felt quite excited when I started using Google Classroom. This is

because this can be able to allow learning to be more conducive as
we are able to use different ways of writing and submitting the online
activities that we do.
- Richwynn

relieved: 5 %

excited: 21 %

I felt excited because it was like opening a door that leads to a

room of new possibilities. I think that this could be a possibility
of school at home, like a virtual classroom.
- Adrian

A Simple Survey on the Use of

Google Classroom in the iPad
Respondents: 6C - St. A. Hurtado, SJ
Third Quarter I SY 2014-2015
Xavier School - San Juan

How is Google Classroom used in class?

communicate with classmates

submit projects in class

view keynote presentations used

by teacher in class

ask what I missed in class

(for absent students)

write journals in our class

share and watch videos
take quiz or practice test

A Simple Survey on the Use of

Google Classroom in the iPad
Respondents: 6C - St. A. Hurtado, SJ
Third Quarter I SY 2014-2015
Xavier School - San Juan

Is Google Classroom easy to use?

range of 1-5
1 as very easy and 5 as very difficult

A Simple Survey on the Use of

Google Classroom in the iPad
Respondents: 6C - St. A. Hurtado, SJ
Third Quarter I SY 2014-2015
Xavier School - San Juan

How often do you use Google Classroom in

range of 1-5
1 as always and 5 as never

A Simple Survey on the Use of

Google Classroom in the iPad
Respondents: 6C - St. A. Hurtado, SJ
Third Quarter I SY 2014-2015
Xavier School - San Juan

How often do you use Google Classroom at

range of 1-5
1 as always and 5 as never

A Simple Survey on the Use of

Google Classroom in the iPad
Respondents: 6C - St. A. Hurtado, SJ
Third Quarter I SY 2014-2015
Xavier School - San Juan

What do you like best about Google Classroom?

frequent answers

I like where it reminds you when you have not done an

assignment online because it can help me to remember
that I have to do that assignment and it helps me a lot. Tyler

It is connected to other things for example

XS mail,website and drive. - Yanni

What I liked best about Google Classroom is that it is easy

to learn and understand and it is a helpful tool in school. Ryan N
I like that it is linked to our school account so we are able to access it
in class because it is school related and we are able to access it in
school. - Robin
I like that Google Classroom can let us use different
classrooms for our subjects so we can both learn well and
have a lot of fun. - Kyle

we can chat with one another- Ryan Y

A Simple Survey on the Use of

Google Classroom in the iPad
Respondents: 6C - St. A. Hurtado, SJ
Third Quarter I SY 2014-2015
Xavier School - San Juan

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