(A Poem by Xavier Menezes) : Society'S Aim

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(A poem by Xavier Menezes)

What should society strive to be
Is a question of huge importanceIn chaos, is fear or love the key?
The praise by roses or the sentence by guns?
What will define humanity such
That we have no need for fear,
For too little fear is bad and so is too much
And which, oh which, would bring cheer
To what we define as perfection
Yes we, the vain mortals,
Who strive to seek direction
And cut each others throats in pursuit of morals.
Should we live with our heads held high?
Or cower beneath authority?
Should we cast our eyes towards the sky,
Or live rotting in our so called inferiority?
For power is fickle, and must be controlled,
Only by those who use it best,
But should this power only a king hold

Starring down at all the rest?

Should we walk, free and proud,
Members of a nation great,
Or should every rebel be wrapped in a shroud,
As we fester in a world of hate?
Is the whip of power always for pain,
To keep us servile and separate,
Or can be turned into a powerful chain,
To link us before it is too late.
For anyone, to ever fight,
To think, to dream, to rebel,
To bring forth into the light,
A society burning in hell?
Will the term civilization be brought down,
And the world turned into a bunch of beasts,
Is it prudent to live under a crown,
And believe, what the leaders like priests,
Say, to keep us muzzled,
And remind us of our unworthiness.
Should we not be puzzled,
As to why they keep us rooted in darkness?

Yes, it will be dangerous,

To try and oppose our masters,
But if we win, we can live fearless,
Responsible for our own triumphs and disasters.
True, there will be death,
And destruction of a horrible kind,
But no one likes to be set,
Tied down, lied to, and to live blind.
We can live proud, if we want to,
We go higher than the skies.
There is no limit to what we can do,
If we stop listening to the disgusting lies,
Of those who would keep us, like sheep,
And proclaim themselves our shepherds,
And then, we would helplessly weep,
And rue the day we heard their poisonous words.
And all hope is not lost,
If there is one among us, who can dream,
Who is prepared to at any cost,
Prove that things arent as they seem.

Who will be different, and have a vision

Of a better tomorrow,
Who can see the necessity of a revision,
Of societys destructive flow.
Who can look over the horizon, and see
The flood of evil we struggle under
And lead us on to an ark, in which we,
Would be saved from society torn asunder.
For there can no longer be only one,
But all, who have to turn,
And believe, that we can fly towards the sun,
Fearlessly and not burn.
We need to be fearless and bold,
And take charge of our lives,
The draft of change might be cold,
But he who perseveres and strives,
Will be led in to a place,
Where power lies in the hands of us all,
And everybody, every soul, every face,
Will have the power to make their own call.
It wont be the heaven we all wished we had,

Itll be better than the hell we left behind,

But the one thing in which joy has to be had,
Is that everyone will have their own individual mind.
The prospect of a new world may be daunting,
Theres no leading king or magic wand,
But for nothing will we ever be wanting,
For the power to change is in our hand.

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