Magotteaux Mill

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The Magotteaux Mill is a laboratory mill designed

to reproduce the pulp chemical conditions of the
plant grinding mill in a laboratory.

It allows

the user to investigate the impact of grinding

chemistry on their metallurgical process.
The product generated in the laboratory has
nominally the same physical properties (particle
size distribution) and pulp chemical properties
(pH, Eh, dissolved oxygen, temperature, oxygen
demand and EDTA extractable iron) as an
equivalent sample taken from the plant. This
now means that it is possible to replicate plant
conditions in the laboratory.
Unique design. Exceptional results.
The unique design provides an exceptional base
to build strong conclusions. It is what sets the
Magotteaux Mill apart.
Why choose the Magotteaux Mill:
A robust technology and methodology.
Reliable and reproducible results.
The data it produces - very close to those
experienced in operating plants - provide
the end user with higher confidence in the
laboratory test program.
It allows the operator/researcher to explore
changes in pulp chemistry.

The Magotteaux Mill capabilities.

The Magotteaux Mill generates a product in
the laboratory which has nominally the same
physical and pulp chemical properties as an
equivalent sample taken from the plant by:

Grinding the sample to achieve the

particle size distribution of the flotation

feed, and
Purging the system with gas (nitrogen
and air) to yield similar Eh and dissolved
oxygen values as the plant mill
Once this recipe is established, it is
replayed using different media types, and
as the change in grinding media is the only
intentional change it is possible to evaluate
the impact on pulp chemisty and metallurgical
An experimental regime using the Magotteaux
Mill will provide a reliable base upon which
to build strong conclusions.

The Magotteaux Mill can be used for a
variety of test work including:
Investigating the effect of the grinding

environment (e.g. Eh) on collector

absorption and subsequent flotation

The information and data in this data sheet are accurate to the best
of our knowledge. They are intended for general information only.
Applications as suggested are described only to help readers make their
own assessment. They are neither guarantees nor to be construed as express or implied warranties of suitability for these or other applications.

Ore characterization studies, where

the mill is used to prepare the surface of

minerals in a standard way for
different ore types;
Reagent testing;
Flow sheet development;
Investigating mineral dissolution/
oxidation under different chemical
The ability to monitor and measure
the pulp chemical conditions during
grinding is key to understanding particle
preparation and its impact on flotation

Key capabilities
pH control.
Temperature control.
Grinding chemistry control.
Continuous monitoring of the chemistry

of the system during grinding.

Europe: +32 43 61 76 17
North America: +1 615 385 3055
South America: +56 2 632 6642
Africa: +27 11 467 0240
Australasia: +61 8 9322 3255

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