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Marshall Mix Design

HMA consists of two basic ingredients: aggregate and asphalt binder. HMA mix design is the
process of determining what aggregate to use, what asphalt binder to use and what the optimum
combination of these two ingredients ought to be. There are several different methods used to go
about this process of which the Hveem, Marshall and Superpave methods are the most common.
The mix design fundamentals discussed here are applicable to all mix design methods.
Many private laboratories do Marshall method because it is proven method and requires
relatively light, portable and inexpensive equipment. Like the Hveem and Superpave methods,
the Marshall method has been proven to produce quality HMA from which long lasting
pavements can be constructed. In here briefly discusses the Marshall mix design method which
was originally formulated by Bruce Marshall. The American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) has standardized the testing procedures and is given in ASTM 1559, Resistance to
plastic flow of bituminous mixtures using Marshall apparatus.

The primary objective of design of asphalt paving mixes is to determine an economical

blend and gradation of aggregates meeting the specifications for the work, and asphalt
that produce a workable mix having;

i. Sufficient asphalt to ensure a durable pavement.

ii. Sufficient stability of the mix to satisfy the demands of traffic without distortion or
iii. Sufficient voids in the total compacted mix to allow for a slight amount of additional
compaction under traffic loads without flushing, bleeding and loss of stability, yet low
enough to keep harmful air and moisture.
iv. Sufficient workability to permit efficient placement of the mix without segregation.
The following apparatus are required.
1) Marshall testing machine (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Marshall testing machine.

2) Sieves.
3) Mixing bowl.
4) Mechanical mixer.
5) Oven or hot plate .
6) Marshal mould, base plate and collar to prepare test specimens.
7) Spatula.
8) Electronic thermometer.
9) Water bath.
10) Compaction hammer (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Compaction hammer.

11) Extraction jack.
12) Electronic balance.
13) Paper filters.
14) Towel.
Preparation of test specimens:
The Marshall method uses standard test specimens of 64 mm (2 '') height and 102 mm (4'')
diameter prepared as described below (Figure 3).
1) The aggregates were dried to constant weight at 105 0 C to 1100 C and the aggregates were
separated by dry sieving into the fraction of 19 mm to 9.5 mm, 9.5 mm to 4.75 mm, 4.75
mm to 2.36 mm and passing 2.36 mm.
2) The aggregate fractions were weighed into separate pans in the required proportion in
sufficient quantities to produced a batch for one sample (Approximately 1.2 kg). Then the
aggregates were recombined.
3) The recombined aggregates were heated in an oven or hot plate to a temperature 177 0 C to
1910 C.

4) The mould and hammer were heated to a temperature between 930 C and 1490 C.
5) The heated aggregate was transferred to the mixing bowl pre-heated to a temperature
940C to 1220 C.
6) A crater was formed at the center of the aggregates and the asphalt pre-heated to 177 0 C to
1910 C was poured into the crater and mixed well. Mixing time was between 1 and 2
7) The mixture was placed in the mould with the collar in position, spaded with a heated
spatula 15 times around the perimeter and 10 times over the top.
8) Then the collar was removed and the surface was smoothen to a slightly rounded shape.
9) The collar was replaced and the mould was placed in the mould holder of the compaction
equipment. The required number of blows were applied according to the design traffic
category, (35, 50 or 75 blows) with the compaction hammer using a free fall of 457 mm
10) The mould was removed from the compaction equipment, removed the base plate and
collar and reassembled with the specimen reversing the top and bottom and placed in the
compaction equipment. The same number of blows were applied.
11) The mould was removed from the compaction equipment, the base plate was removed
and the specimen was allowed to cool in the mould overnight.
12) The mould was placed in the extraction jack and the specimen was carefully removed
from the mould and placed it on a level surface.

Figure 3 Test specimens

Test Procedure:
In the Marshall method each compacted test specimen was subjected to the following tests and
analysis in the order listed.
1) Bulk Specific Gravity determination
2) Stability and Flow test
3) Density and Voids analysis
1) Bulk Specific Gravity determination: The bulk specific gravity was determined by using
saturated surface-dried specimens according to ASTM D 2726 (or ASTM D 1188).

2) Stability and Flow test: Stability and Flow were determined using Marshall testing
machine. It is a compression testing device designed to apply loads to test specimens
through semi-circular testing heads at a constant rate of strain of 51 mm per minute. The
applied load was determined with a calibrated proving ring. The amount of strain at the
maximum load was determined by using a Marshall flow meter. The procedure is
explained below.

The specimens were immersed in a water bath at 600 C for 30 to 40 minutes before test.

The flow meter was adjusted to read 'zero'.

The inside surface of testing head was thoroughly cleaned.

The dial indicator was checked to see if it was firmly fixed and set at 'zero' for no-load
The test specimen was removed from the water bath and carefully dried the surface. The
specimen was placed on the lower testing head and center. The upper testing head was fitted
into position.

Flow meter was placed over the marked guide.

Testing load was applied to specimen at constant rate of deformation (51 mm per minute)
until failure occurs.
The reading of maximum load (Newtons) at failure was recorded. This was the Marshall
Stability value.
While stability test was in progress, the flow meter was held firmly in position over guide
rod and removed as the load began to decrease. The reading was recorded and this was the
flow value for the specimen expressed in units of 0.25 mm.
The entire procedure of testing was completed with in 30 seconds from the time of
removal of the specimen from the water bath.
The above was repeated for other test specimens. Usually specimens were made for six
asphalt contents in 0.5 % increments, and three specimens were made for each asphalt
3) Density and Voids analysis
The bulk specific gravity values for all test specimens of a given asphalt content were
The average unit weight for each specimen was determined by multiplying the average
bulk specific gravity value by 1.0 Mg/m3.
A graph was prepared plotting unit weight vs asphalt content and drawing a smooth curve
for the best fit.
The unit weight values were read directly from the graph for each asphalt content and
equivalent bulk specific gravity values were computed by dividing by 1.0 Mg/m3.
The effective specific gravity of the aggregate, absorbed asphalt in kg of dry aggregate,
percent air voids and percent voids in mineral aggregate (VMA) were calculated using the
bulk specific gravity of the aggregates and the theoretical maximum specific gravity of
paving mixtures (ASTM D 2041).
Stability values were measured for specimens that departs from the standard thickness of
63.5 mm shall be converted to an equivalent 63.5 value by means of a conversion factor

given in the table below.


Correction ratio





















The flow values and the converted stability values for all specimens of a given asphalt
content were averaged.

The following graphs were drawn from the test data.

- Stability vs asphalt content
- Unit weight of the total mix vs asphalt content
- Percent air voids vs asphalt content
- Percent voids in mineral aggregate vs asphalt content

Determination of the optimum asphalt content:

The optimum asphalt content of the asphalt paving mix was determined from data
obtained considering three curves which gives maximum stability, maximum unit weight
and the median of limits for percent air voids.


Observations are given in calculations and Annex 1 & 2.

Calculations and result:

Analysis of the compacted paving mixtures:

When a paving mixture is compacted in the laboratory the compaction effort should
provide a density equal to the density that the mixture will be subjected to under traffic
following compaction by rolling during construction.

Three different specific gravities for aggregates are used for analyzing paving mixtures,
bulk specific gravity (Gsb).

Voids in mineral aggregates (VMA) should be calculated using bulk specific gravity of
aggregates (Gsb).

Bulk specific gravity with an allowance for the asphalt absorbed by the aggregate should
be the basis for calculating the air voids (Va) in the compacted asphalt mixture.

The effective asphalt content of a paving mixture is the total asphalt content minus the
portion of the asphalt content that is lost by absorption to aggregate particles. VMA and
Va are expressed as percent by volume of the sample of paving mixture.
Depending on how the asphalt content is specified, the effective asphalt content may be
expressed either as percent of the weight of total mix or the percent of total weight of
aggregate in the mix.

Specimen Calculation:

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