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Date: Week 727th February 2015

Book Fair is Here

Its been a very action packed week for our first week back.
The Book Fair arrived on Tuesday to help us with our World
Book Day celebrations. All week weve been running special story sessions, teachers have shared stories with different classes and Mr Marsh has launched some fantastic reading competitions. Thank you to everyone who has visited the book fair so
farweve had a great turn out and there are some lovely
books and fantastic bargains! There is still time to visit before
the books are collected on Tuesday and there are also five 5
book tokens up for grab in our Design a Bookmark competition.
Entries must be handed in to Mr Marsh by Monday. Good Luck!

Disabled Parking Spaces

A polite reminder that the disabled parking bays near to the
building are for blue badge holders
only. Please do not block access to
these spaces during pick up and
drop off. Thank you.

Calling All Y1 Parents

Please come and join us for
an afternoon of science experiments and investigations
at our Y1 Parent Event on
Wednesday 18th March
starting at 2.45pm. Hope to
see you there.

The price of vitamins is
rising from April 1st. ChilThis Easter we will be running free holiday
drens vitamins will be 2
club during the school holidays. Keep an
and Adult vitamins will be
eye out for more details and a booking
1. Vitamins are available
form coming next week.
from reception.

Easter Holiday Club

Contact us:
Bruce Avenue
Worsbrough Common
S70 4EB
01226 289989

Forest School Dates

Dont forget to bring wellies or
boots and warm clothes
3rd MarchY5
6th MarchY4
Visit our Forest School blog to
see whats been happening down in the woods this

Diary Dates
2nd/3rd MarchParents Eve
13th MarchComic Relief
18th MarchY1 Parent Event
26th MarchExpo Chef
27th MarchBreak up for
13th AprilSchool Closed for

Y3 Swimming
Y3 swimming lessons start on Wednesday afternoon next weekDont forget your swimming kit and towel!

EYFS Outdoors
EYFS staff would like to thank
all parents and carers for their
continued support in keeping
the outdoors set up and ready
for learning before school and
during pick up and drop off.
This really helps prevent losing
learning time during the day.

Recent Fundraising events:Comic Relief (so far from t-shirt sales) 75.
Non-Uniform day for MIND 114.29
Half term Disco (all money goes towards school
funds) 219.90amazing and thank you once again
for your support.

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