Applications of RS - GIS To Geology (Compatibility Mode)

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Consultancy Unit

Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012

1. Introduction

Remote Sensing

Geographic Information System

2. Why Use RS/GIS
3. Areas of Application
4. Photo-geology
5. Imageries
6. Surface Mapping
7. Subsurface Mapping
Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012

Is the science and technology by which the characteristics of

objects of interest can be identified, measured or analyzed
without direct contact.

A device to detect the electromagnetic radiation reflected or

emitted from an object is called a "remote sensor" or
"sensor". Cameras or scanners are examples of remote

A vehicle to carry the sensor is called a "platform". Aircraft

or satellites are used as platforms

Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012

This is done by sensing and recording reflected or emitted

energy and processing, analyzing, and applying that
A. Energy Source
B. Atmosphere
C. Target
D. Sensor
E. Transmission, reception
and processing
F. Interpretation/Analysis
G. Application

Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012

Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012

Remote Sensing is classified into three

types in respect to the EM wavelength
Visible (VIS) and Reflective Infrared (IR)

Remote Sensing.
Thermal Infrared (TIR) Remote Sensing.
Microwave Remote Sensing.
Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012

Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012

An integrated set of computer hardware and software for

spatial data:
o Collection
o Storage
o Structuring
o Manipulation
o Analysis
o Visualisation

Referenced by geographic co-ordinates

X, Y, Z coordinates can be used to represent different
parameters, ie longitude, latitude, elevation
Data is stored in raster images (pixels) and vectors using
dots, lines and polygons

Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012

Means study of the Earth (structure, composition,

processes, etc)
Geological mapping entails the representation of geological
features on maps
Features can be represented by points, lines and polygons
the so-called GIS primitives
Geological features may include rock units, bedding planes,
folds, faults, lineation, foliation, etc
Geologic mapping may be done on the surface and/or the

Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012


Traditional mapping techniques slow and expensive. Earth

scientists increasingly searching for cost-effective and rapid
techniques of geological data gathering
Remotely sensed imageries show spatial relationships of
minerals and structures
Enables continues acquisition of data temporal resolution
Offers a wide regional coverage (synoptic view) with good
spectral resolution
Allows the mapping of inaccessible and difficult terrains, eg
the Mambila plateau, Oban massifs, etc

Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012


With GIS, maps can now be updated easily, interpreted and

There is a faster access to data
Maps can now be combined in layers, eg topography,
minerals, hydrology, etc
Geologists can now provide information in map form that is
easily interpreted by non-geologists
Provides capability for the integration, visualization,
enhancement, and interpretation of multiple geo-data sets
in a GIS environment

Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012


Mapping of major geologic units

Recognition of certain rock types
Mapping landforms (geomorphology)
Search for surface guides to mineralization
Determination of regional structures
Geo-hazard mapping, eg flood mapping/monitoring
Sedimentation mapping and monitoring
Structural mapping
Planetary mapping
Environmental geology eg oil spill extent and drift
Lithological mapping and geo-botany


Picking out rock units

Studying geo-morphology (the expression and modes of the
origin of landforms)
Determining the structural arrangements of disturbed rock
strata (folds and faults) in structural geology.
Evaluation of dynamic changes from natural events, ie,
geologic hazards (eg Earthquakes, floods, volcanic
eruptions, landslides, etc)
Seeking surface clues (such as alteration and other signs of
mineralization) to subsurface deposits of ore bodies,
hydrocarbon explorations, and hydro-geologic interests.
Functions as a base on which a geologic map is drawn

Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012



The advantage of large area or synoptic coverage permits

the assessment in single scenes (or in mosaics) the
geological representation of Earth on a regional basis
The ability to analyze multispectral bands quantitatively in
terms of numbers (DNs) allows for processing routines that
discern and enhance certain compositional properties of
Earth resources
Tool for recognizing faults and other known structural
trends, eg lineaments and folds
They reveal regional geologic settings and are easily
enhanced by digital processing

Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012









Interpretation of surface geology using RS images allows

inference of what may lie below
Imaging Spectrometry
They acquire images in a large number of spectral bands
(more than 100)
These bands are narrow and contiguous (adjacent)
Therefore they enable the extraction of reflectance spectra
at pixel level
Can be used in surface mineralogy mapping to aid in ore
exploration, lithologic mapping, structural mapping,
environmental geology eg acid mine drainage and mine
waste monitoring, etc

Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012




Geologic phenomena are typically spread over wider

scenes, so that the ability to see the regional picture is a
powerful attribute of space imagery
However, this view is somewhat hindered by the
interference of soil and vegetative cover
Other methods are required that can probe more deeply
into the ground by making use of the physical or chemical
properties of the buried rocks
These properties or changes in properties from one rock
type to the another are detected by carrying out
geophysical surveys with sensors such as gravimeters,
magnetometers and seismometers

Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012


Gamma radiation (electromagnetic radiation of very short wavelength)

arises from the spontaneous radioactive decay of certain naturally
occurring isotopes
They have enough energy to penetrate a few hundred meters of air,
hence may be detected conveniently from a low-flying aircraft
Only 3 isotopes lead to the emission of gamma rays when they undergo
their radioactive decay: Thorium (Th), Uranium (U) and Potassium (K)
Each rock unit has a relative abundance of Th, U, and K that is distinct
from that of adjacent rock units
If the abundance of each of these elements is imaged as a primary
colour and combined in a visual display, each rock unit appears with its
own characteristic hue
The changes in the hue in such an image correspond to geologic

Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012


The Earth has a gravity field and a magnetic field.

Rocks that have abnormal density or magnetic properties distort the
gravity and magnetic field of the Earth, producing local gravity and
magnetic anomalies.
Careful and detailed mapping of these anomalies over any area reveals
patterns that are related to the structure and composition of the
bedrock geology
Satellites equipped with GPS gravimeters allow for efficient and costeffective way to map gravity
Mapping of magnetic anomalies (called aeromagnetic surveys) from
low-flying aircraft (equipped with magnetometers) has been widely used
in commercial exploration for ore.
Both methods provide windows on the geology even when concealed
by cover formations such as soil, water, sediments and vegetation

Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012


Ground-based electrical sounding and profiling permit mapping of

subsurface electrical conductivity
Where the ground is stratified an electrical sounding can be
interpreted to reveal the layering in terms of the resistivity or
conductivity of each layer
Electromagnetic (EM) methods, however, require no electrical contact
with the ground and can therefore be operated from an aircraft,
increasing the speed of survey and the uniformity of the data coverage
Current is induced to flow in the ground by the passage of an
alternating current through a transmitter coil on board
EM surveys developed largely by the mineral exploration community
since many important ore bodies, eg sulphide ores, are highly
conductive and stand out clearly from their host rocks through electrical

Consultancy Unit GIS/Remote Sensing Workshop 2012





When RS is used for mapping, knowledge beforehand of particular

minerals likely in the sensed scene is beneficial
Thus when an area is being surveyed for specific mineral content (as in
exploration for ore minerals), this information aids in identifying the
mineral species being mapped
Some imageries used in geologic mapping include:
Radar image penetrates thick clouds and vegetation to about 10cm
of the subsurface
Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI) detects both shallow and deep-seated
structures such as lineaments
Radiometric airborne survey that detect radiation from sources
Landsat TM multispectral images at 30m resolution that extracts
surface lineaments and topographic features

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