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ETL Management Solution

What is Orbit?

Orbit is an END-TO-END management solution
for your Extract-Transform-Load processes
With a centralised approach, your processes can be
defined, managed and monitored from a single point

Current Practice in Many Operators

What Orbit Offers

Currently, ETL operations in many operators are
scattered, to say the least
Orbit offers a CENTRALISED

mechanism to run, manage and

monitor your ETL tasks

It is time to say goodbye to Crontab and other

third-party scheduling tools

What Orbit Offers

Powerfull and efficient Multi-Instance
Core Modules have been
specifically engineered

to provide high performance

Thousands of Big files
can be processed quickly

with this structure

What Orbit Offers

Simple and fast Task definition provides quick
integration period for new and existing processes.

Sample Task configuration files could be used for

fast setup.
Diagram view to see linked task and proceses

What Orbit Offers

An instance consists of file transfer,
parse and load tasks.

They can be custom defined allowing

a task to start right after another one

Queuing mechanism allows tasks to

start at the right time with the correct
input to process.

Orbit Modules

FTP File Transfer

Orbit supports FTP, SFTP Dowload and Uploads

With advance module algorithm, it is possible to;
Supports Binary and Ascii formats
Search Sub folders, use multiple masks for file
and folders
Uncomress and compress downloaded files
Convert unix format to windows format
Use motinor file to eleminate prior downloads
Backup and Error folder structure for operation

With above and other features, all complex FTP

tasks can be scheduled.

Orbit Modules

Orbit Platform support all major Wireless Vendor formats.
(Alcate-Lucent, Ericsson, Huawei, NSN, ZTE)

GSM, UMTS and LTE technologies are supported.

CM, PM, Measurement, Alarm and Event Files are

Some of the parsers :

Huawei Parsers : CM, CME, PCHR

(R16 supported), CONFMML, AIM, PM, TAN,

Ericsson : CM, PM, GPEH, NCS, MRR, WNCS, SMO, HW,


Orbit Modules


Orbit Platform support Oracle and Sybase Database

Oracle External Load and SQL loader supported.
All reqired create, load and process sql scripts are prepared
automatically by the Orbit for all parser outputs.
External Table feature is the fastest method and Orbit load
feature makes very easy to maintain Oracle database
structure with column mapping, auto long column name
change, duplicate column name fix features, etc.

Orbit Modules

Orbit provides several tools to complete all required ETL needs in Orbit. Some of them are;
SQL command run
SQL and PLSQL commands are supported. Users can run multiple command in one
File content check.
It can check number of row, columns to find out file content is correct

Other checks are Min file size, max file size, file creation date.
File and Folder operations
Delete-Copy file and folder, compress, backup etc.
Send Email with attachment, Export to Excel, Custom reports, Database comparison, etc.


For More Information

+90 232 282 0265

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