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(Answers and Rationales on page 324.)
1. The mechanism of action of Maxair is closely
related to which of the following agents?
a. Zafirlukast
b. Albuterol
c. Ipratropium
d. Nedocromil
e. None of the above
2. Which of the following is/are available dosage
strength(s) of oral Norvasc?
I. 2.5 mg
II. 10 mg
III. 25 mg

I only
III only
I and II
II and III
I, II and III

3. Which of the following auxiliary labels should be

affixed to the container for Xalatan?
a. May discolor urine
b. Refrigerate before opened
c. Do not freeze
d. b and c only
4. A consulting pharmacist in a nursing home is asked by
a nurse for advice regarding selegiline and sertraline
administration for an 85-year-old patient. The patient
has received the following new orders:
Sertraline 25 mg PO q AM
Selegiline 5 mg PO at breakfast and lunch
What is the most appropriate recommendation?
a. Administer the sertraline at bedtime.
b. Separate the morning medication
administration by at least 2 hours.
c. Call the physician to warn of a potential drug
d. Call the physician to recommend a higher dose
of sertraline.
5. A 62-year-old patient is transferred from a skilled
nursing facility to the emergency department after a
fall. The emergency department doctor writes an
order for IV meperidine 15 mg/h. During medication
reconciliation, the pharmacist notices that the
patient has been taking 10 mg selegiline q AM.
What is the most appropriate action?
a. Ensure timely delivery of the meperidine to the
b. Recommend changing to oral meperidine.
c. Recommend an alternative medication for pain
management because of a potential drug
d. Recommend an alternative medication for pain
management because of the patients age.
6. A patient brings in a vial of cloudy NPH insulin.
Examination of the medication profile reveals

simultaneous use of NPH and regular insulin.

Which of the following is the MOST PROBABLE
explanation for the cloudy appearance of the
NPH insulin?
a. The insulin has been improperly stored.
b. The insulin has expired.
c. The insulin has been contaminated.
d. The insulin is expected to be cloudy.
7. What is the generic name of Invirase?
a. Ritonavir
b. Saquinavir
c. Nelfinavir
d. Indinavir
8. A patient has a prescription for Lansoprazole,
which is not on the formulary of his insurance. The
pharmacist calls the prescriber to recommend a
change to a similar medication that is on the
formulary. Which of the following would be the most
appropriate recommendation?
a. Latanoprost
b. Fluconazole
c. Pantoprazole
d. Aripiprazole
9. An uninsured patient has a prescription for Lipitor
10 mg daily. After discussing the cost of the
prescription with the patient, the pharmacist calls the
prescriber to recommend a change to a similar
medication that is less expensive. Which of the
following would be the most appropriate
a. Simvastatin 10 mg daily
b. Simvastatin 20 mg daily
c. Crestor 5 mg daily
d. Crestor 10 mg daily
10. What is the generic name of Aciphex?
a. Aripiprazole
b. Rabeprazole
c. Pantoprazole
d. Albentazole
11. What is the generic name of Noxafil?
a. Posaconazole
b. Methimazole
c. Voriconazole
d. Albentazole
12. What is the generic name of Terazol?
a. Tramadol
b. Tioconazole
c. Terconazole
d. Miconazole
13. A patient who has been seizure free on phenytoin
suspension 3.5 mL PO twice a day is now receiving
feedings and medication through a nasogastric
tube. What would be the most appropriate
recommendation to ensure that the patients
phenytoin level stays at a therapeutic level?

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