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Danielle Muntyan

OUGD603 Extended Practice

Brief # 11 DBA - Capital North

Danielle Muntyan

OUGD603 Extended Practice

Brief # 11 DBA - Capital North

The Brief


Context & Target Audience


To brand Northern Powerhouse and create awareness

of its many and varied attributes to the rest of the world.

There are many things to consider with this brief,

especially with working in a group. Concept/idea, logo,
imagery, typography, execution and deliverables need
to be looked into and well thought out to fit the brief, the
context, target audience and to achieve full purpose.

The government believes that, by improving the

transport infrastructure through HS3, connecting Leeds
to Manchester, and tapping into the huge potential of
the North of England, the North will become the globally
significant economic force it has always powered to

As a group we came up with an identity for Capital

North whereby the four cities are connected through
strong bonds forming one united entity.

The government has recently revealed a strategy to

develop the North of England as a second economic
capital in Britain to redress the economic balance across
the country and to compete on the world stage. They
are calling this strategy Northern Powerhouse. The
cities making up this are Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester
and Hull.
Brief Type
Live Brief from DBA (Design Business Association).
Bethany Dalzell
Victoria Redmond
Sam Cook

When considering final solutions, avoid cliches and

stereotypes. Rolling countryside, regional dialects and
visual shorthands are not appropriate here. This is not
about what its like to be in tNorth, its role is to attract
interest and investment to a region with an ambition to
create prosperity to rival any economic power.

Great global cities have many attributes - access to a

deep pool of human capital, great jobs and businesses,
education, hospitals and culture.
On a global scale northern cities are quite small and
have individual strengths but together they have the
capacity to ac as a global city.
Although HS3 will not be a reality until 2030, the idea
already has significant impetus and the process of
connecting the major cities has already begun.
Stakeholders chose the name Capital North combining
purpose and place. Everyone is a potential viewer of
the campaign and user of the transport system.

I am really pleased with how this brief has been executed,
and feel as a group we worked well collectively to make
the most out of and learn the most out of the project.
I feel well took quite a lot on board with this project
changing our concept after a week or so in, however
feel what we have produced conceptually and visually
is something to be proud of as individuals and as a


Danielle Muntyan

OUGD603 Extended Practice

Brief # 11 DBA - Capital North

Contextual Research

Cities and Identities

Initially looking into exisiting branding and identities
for different cities worldwide, allowed for ideas and
inspiration to flow in regards to concepts, execution,
colour and tone. It is important to relate with something
the people of the North can connect with, as well as
those visiting the cities, as seen with the examples
above for Singapore, Madrid and New York. Each
takes influence from the landscape, language or
culture allowing a personal connection with the target

Danielle Muntyan

OUGD603 Extended Practice

Brief # 11 DBA - Capital North

Outcome: Logo, Typography and Colour


C=11 M=35 Y=100 K=0


C=93 M=85 Y=40 K=34


C=80 M=16 Y=53 K=0


C=47 M=20 Y=6 K=0

Logo Design



The logo design represents the four cities being

connected by bonds to unite as one force or enitity.
Each of the four cities, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester
and Hull are represented by one of four circles,
connecting to form a N for North also.

Simple yet bold Sans Serif typefaces have been

selected for the logo, and typography on promotional
materials to ensure that the message can be read and
seen at any scale.

A different colour for each city has been selected,

allowing an identity to be created and recognised as
seperate places as well as a combined unit. This also
adds visual focus allowing for recognition around the


Danielle Muntyan

OUGD603 Extended Practice

Brief # 11 DBA - Capital North

Outcome: Posters

A series of posters have been created to showcase
each city as its own, as well as apart of a collective
Capital North, through the connecting Northern routes
shown visually.
Each city is represented by a colour and then
highlighted through subsequent typography and a
slogan Connecting the North.


Danielle Muntyan

OUGD603 Extended Practice

Brief # 11 DBA - Capital North

Outcome: Train Livery and Train Stations

Train Livery and Train Stations

The HS2 and HS3 lines are represented through the
connecting bonds showcased on the side of the train
carriages, representing the connecting cities as the
train passes through and people travel.
Promotional posters would also be placed in train
stations around the four cities and surrounding areas
promoting and showcasing the Capital North.


Danielle Muntyan

OUGD603 Extended Practice

Brief # 11 DBA - Capital North

Train Station Lifts

Environmental Signage

The lifts in the train stations would showcase a

connecting series of dots or bonds, as used for the
identity, creating a visual representation and recognition
for the viewer and train user associating this with other
branding and identity elements seen around the cities.

Each city would feature relevant signage promoting

Capital North both visually and through the use of the
logo and colour schemes previously noted.

Outcome: Lifts and Signage


Danielle Muntyan

OUGD603 Extended Practice

Brief # 11 DBA - Capital North

Outcome: Promotional Material

Promotional Totes and Postcards

A series of branded tote bags would be given out to
promote Capital North not only in Leeds, Liverpool,
Manchester and Hull, but in cities users travel to.
Postcards have also been designed to promote each
individual city as well as the brand. Free train tickets,
food vouchers and local promotions would also be
included in the tote bags.


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