Indonesia Culture: Baduy Ethnic

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Geovanny Sumeinar (60)
Ulfia Fitriani Nafista (61)
Putri Aneswari (62)
Dhinar Ika W.P (63)

The Baduy (or Badui) are a traditional community living in the western part of the
Indonesia province of Banten. Bedouin tribes sometimes also call themselves Kanekes, because
it is located in the Village Kanekes. They are located in the subdistrict of Leuwidamar. Their
villages around the river and Cikanekes Ciujung Keundeng Mountains. Or about 172 miles west
of the capital Jakarta and 65 km south of the capital of Serang. They constitute one of the tribes
to apply isolation from the outside world. In addition they also have the confidence taboo to be

A. Language
The language they use is a Sundanese dialect of Sunda-Banten. To communicate with people
outside their fluent use the Indonesian language, although they do not get that knowledge from
the school. People not familiar with the culture Kanekes In writing, so that the customs, beliefs /
religion, and ancestor stories stored only in oral speech only.
Kanekes people do not know the school, because formal education as opposed to their
customs. They rejected a government proposal to build school facilities in their villages. Even to
this day, although since the era of the Suharto government has been trying to force them to
change the way hidupmereka and build modern school facilities in their areas, people still refuse
Kanekes the government's efforts. As a result, the majority of people Kanekes can not read or
write draw.

B. Group
Ethnically the Baduys belong to the Sundanese ethnic group. Their racial, physical and
linguistic traits bear much resemblance to the rest of the Sundanese people; however, the
difference is in their way of life. Baduy people resist foreign influences and vigorously preserve
their ancient way of life, while modern Sundanese are more open to foreign influences and a
majority are Muslims.

The Baduy are divided into two sub-groups; the Baduy Dalam (Inner Baduy), and the
Baduy Luar (Outer Baduy). No foreigners were allowed to meet the Inner Baduy, though the
Outer Baduy do foster some limited contacts with the outside world. The origin of the word
Baduy may come from the term "Bedouin", although other sources claim the source is a name of
a local river.
Kanekes people still have a historical relationship with the Sundanese . Physical
appearance and their language is similar to the Sundanese people in general. The only difference
is their beliefs and way of life. Kanekes people shut themselves from the influence of the outside
world and strictly maintain their traditional way of life, while the Sundanese are : more open to
foreign influences. Kanekes society in general is divided into three groups: tangtu, panamping,
and dangka

1. Tangtus group
Tangtu group is a group known as Kanekes In (In the Bedouin), who most closely
follow the custom, namely residents living in three villages: Cibeo, Cikertawana, and
Cikeusik. Characteristic Kanekes People are dressed in white, natural and dark blue
and wearing a white headband. They were forbidden by custom to meet with
foreigners (non-citizen)
Most of the rules adopted by the tribe Kanekes In include:
1. Not allowed to use vehicles to transport
2. Not allowed to use footwear
3. Door of the house should face north / south (except the chairman's house Pu'un or
4. Prohibition of use of electronic tools (technology)
5. Using fabric, black / white as the clothes are woven and sewn himself, and not
allowed to use modern clothing.
2. Panampings group
The second community group called panamping are those known as Kanekes Outer
(Outer Baduy), who lived in various villages scattered around the region Kanekes In,

like Cikadu, Kaduketuk, Kadukolot, Gajeboh, Cisagu, and so forth. Community

Kanekes Foreign distinctively dressed and black headband.
Foreign Kanekes are people who have come out of peoples and regions Kanekes In.
There are several things that cause the release of citizens to Kanekes Kanekes In
1. They have violated customary Kanekes In society.
2. Desiring to get out of Kanekes In
3.Married to a member of Foreign Kanekes
The characteristics of the people Kanekes Foreign
1. They have known technologies, such as electronic equipment, although its use
remains a ban for every citizen Kanekes, including residents of Foreign Kanekes.
2. They use the equipment in a way secretly to escape detection for superintendent of
Kanekes In.
3. The development process Kanekes Foreign houses have been using assistive
devices, such as saws, hammers, nails, etc., which previously prohibited by
customary Kanekes In.
4. Using traditional dress with black or dark blue (for men), which indicates that they
are not holy. Sometimes using modern clothes such as T-shirts and jeans.
Using modern household appliances, such as mattresses, pillows, plates & cups
glass & plastic. They live outside the area Kanekes In.

3. Dangkas group
They live outside the area Kanekes, and currently lives in the remaining two villages,
namely Padawaras (Cibengkung) and Sirahdayeuh (Cihandam). Kampung Dangka
functions as a kind of buffer zone on outside influences. Baduy livelihoods, most
importantly, cultivating rice farming and gardening and making crafts Koja or bag of
bark, palm sugar processing, weaving and a small portion have been familiar with
C. Belief

Kanekes public confidence in the so-called Sunda Wiwitan rooted in the worship of
ancestral spirits ( animism ) which on subsequent development was also influenced by Buddhism
, Hinduism , and Islam . The core belief is indicated by an absolute pikukuh or customary
provisions adopted in the daily lives of people Kanekes (Garna, 1993). The most important
contents of the 'pikukuh' (compliance) Kanekes is the concept of "without any changes", or a
change in as little as possible: Lojor heunteu beunang cut, short heunteu beunang spliced.
(The length can not / should not be cut short, can not / should not be spliced)
Bedouin community is very obedient to the supreme leader called puun. This puun served as
controller of customary law and the order of a society that adheres to the teachings of the Sunda
Wiwitan relics of his ancestors. In every village in the Bedouin led by a puun, which should not
leave the village. Custom helm puun led by Trinity, which is in Kampung Cikeusik puun Sadi,
puun Janteu in Kampung Cibeo and puun Kiteu in Cikartawana.
D. Government
Kanekes community know of two systems of government, namely national system, which
follows the rules of the state of Indonesia, and systems that follow the traditional customs of the
community trust. Both systems are combined or diakulturasikan such a way that no collisions
occur. Nationally, the population Kanekes led by the village head called Jaro pamarentah, which
is under the sub-district , while customarily subject to the highest Kanekes traditional leaders,
namely "Pu'un". Government Structure Kanekes
Traditional leaders are the highest in society Kanekes "Pu'un" in three villages tangtu. The
position lasts for generations, but not automatically from father to son, but can also be other
relatives. Duration Pu'un position is not specified, only based on one's ability to hold that office.
Executing everyday customs administration kapu'unan (kepu'unan) implemented by Jaro, which
is divided into four positions, namely tangtu Jaro, Jaro dangka, Jaro dependents, and Jaro
pamarentah. Jaro tangtu responsible for the implementation of customary law on citizens tangtu
and various other matters. Jaro dangka duty to maintain, administer, and maintain a deposit
ancestral land inside and outside Kanekes. Jaro dangka amounted to 9 people, which when
coupled with 3 people Jaro Jaro tangtu called the twelve. Leaders of twelve Jaro Jaro is referred
to as a dependent. The Jaro pamarentah customarily served as a liaison between indigenous

Kanekes with the national government, which assisted in his duties by pangiwa, strip, and
kokolot overtime or village elders.

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