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Offshore Wind- Clean Energy from the Sea

In 1991 the first wind turbines to be placed in the sea

were installed off the coast of Denmark. Since then
development has continued steadily and a great deal
has been learned, both through research and by
experimentation. 'Offshore Wind' describes the
technologies and development of this type of wind
energy in general, paying special attention to the
industry off the west coast of Europe.
By Frits Ogg, Renewable Energy Consultant, the
If Europe is to achieve its goal of generating 12% of
its energy from renewable sources by 2020 a
minimum of 10,000 affordable sea-based wind
turbines will be needed. By late 2012 almost 5,000
offshore wind turbines had been installed in coastal waters off Europe, with a combined capacity of
over 3,000MW. The global potential for offshore wind energy is enormous. From European
beginnings many offshore wind projects are being developed in North America, India, China and
many other parts of Asia, and there is a predicted worldwide installed capacity of between 440 and
1,150GW by 2050. This new industry is expected to create hundreds of thousands of jobs
worldwide. It has been calculated that offshore wind energy could satisfy seven times the current
European demand.
The author of this new book, Chris Westra, is well placed to write this introduction to the offshore
wind energy industry. He spent 20 years at the university of Amsterdam and 17 years at ECN
(Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands) in Petten working on the introduction of wind energy,
as well as being managing director of We@Sea.
The book has three chapters covering the development of wind farms at sea, the technology being
used and the offshore wind farms of Denmark, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Belgium and
Germany. These are the five countries that have been at the forefront of developing wind energy at
sea. Four other small chapters describe why there is a need for offshore wind energy, its
development in Europe and developing public acceptance, ports of importance, and the companies
and businesses that are involved in offshore wind energy.
The chapter development of wind energy at sea gives attention to aquaculture, environmental
impact, wind measurement, finance, risk and insurance, and wind farm layout. The chapter
technology at sea pays closer attention to the turbine itself: foundations, vessels, electrical
infrastructure, operation, maintenance, health and safety. The biggest chapter of the book (82 pages)
gives an overview of all offshore wind farms. The North, Baltic and Irish Seas all offer good
opportunities but need support from national and European policies. This book contains information
about all the current wind farms with details about each farm and a chart with its location.
The book is very well illustrated throughout which makes it an accessible and attractive production.
The text is in English and Dutch on all pages simultaneously.
A sustainable future will need offshore wind energy; this book shows why and how. It is highly
Offshore Wind: Clean Energy from the Sea
By Chris Westra, Hardback 191 pages, ISBN: 978-90-823004-0-6
Price: 29.95 + postage ( 10.35 outside the Netherlands), Weight: 1.4 kg; dimensions: 30.5 x 24 x
2.2 cm, available only via

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