4 - Dad and Sister of Mine Think That The Cure For Cancer Exists

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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden : Page 4
(Today, 03:14 PM)


If we just ate like our ancestors, we would never get cancer!


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A Fish Aficionado


(Today, 03:14 PM)

Originally Posted by Makai


I find the herbal supplement market fascinating. Its customers seem to have this attitude that consumption of herbs can
only be positive. Harmless at worst and miracle cures at best.
Alternative and integrative medicine is the absolute worst. Talk about snake oil salesman. Some go as far as suiung critics and
calling for violence against doctors and scientists. The sad thing is that it is being accepted more and more in healthcare.
Completely goes against medical caution and burden of proof.
Last edited by A Fish Aficionado; Today at 03:20 PM.



(Today, 03:19 PM)

Originally Posted by jmdajr


If we just ate like our ancestors, we would never get cancer!

You're not getting enough coral calcium in your diet, breh. That was their secret. That is how people in the Bible lived to be
hundreds of years old.

(Today, 03:24 PM)

I view cancer as a price we pay for being multi celled beings. Completely defeating it is something that will probably require
mastering the inner working of our biology in levels that can be even scary to think about.



Bonfires Down


(Today, 03:25 PM)

Originally Posted by jmdajr


If we just ate like our ancestors, we would never get cancer!


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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 4 - NeoGAF


Are you saying that most peoples diet is a-ok or that diet has nothing to do with cancer?

(Today, 03:27 PM)

As long as they aren't forcing this opinion on you, or getting angry at you for not agreeing, I don't see why you should be so
hostile or angry towards them no matter how stupid/irrational you think they are being. The reality is, sometimes the closest
people to you believe in really dumb shit. But it's not worth souring the relationship just because you know they are wrong.




(Today, 03:28 PM)

Originally Posted by Bonfires Down


Are you saying that most peoples diet is a-ok or that diet has nothing to do with cancer?
I said neither



(Today, 03:29 PM)

Originally Posted by Bonfires Down


Are you saying that most peoples diet is a-ok or that diet has nothing to do with cancer?
I think/hope jmdajr is saying that people incorrectly treat cancer like a completely modern disease, when 1. plenty of people died
from it in the past and we just weren't able to diagnose it with much specificity, 2. we're seeing more people dying from cancer
because as life expectancy increases, so do the risks of getting cancer.

"Do you know what I'm
"Neither do I."
(Today, 03:36 PM)

Originally Posted by vicnorris

To be honest, is really possible that the cure of cancer (not all types, but some of them) exists and pharmaceutical
companies just don't want the people to know, because the treatments for cancer gives lots and lots of money.
It's not hard to think about it, money is more valuable than people. If you really think the assumption above is not
possible (im not saying is the TRUTH) then you are naive.
Why would a company invest money on research only to table it because they want to sell half measures? People spend tens of
thousands of dollars on treatments just to extend their life with cancer. Imagine what they would pay for a cure.
It is true that companies and charities tend to only spend time and money on widespread well know diseases. That is a tragedy
much more real than some silly conspiracy theory.

Originally Posted by jmdajr

If we just ate like our ancestors, we would never get cancer!

What diet prevents HPV?
Wait... I'm guessing you are joking. The exclamation point gives it away.
Last edited by Zaphod; Today at 03:39 PM.

Grandmaster of
Official Threads
(Today, 03:38 PM)

Originally Posted by diggmcbadass

If they keep it secret to all but the highest bidder, I don't see how Steve Jobs would die from cancer.


Exactly, and were done here.


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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 4 - NeoGAF


Originally Posted by M3d10n

I view cancer as a price we pay for being multi celled beings. Completely defeating it is something that will probably
require mastering the inner working of our biology in levels that can be even scary to think about.
The cumulative knowledge that the scientific community has with regards to the human body and its inner workings is so woefully
inadequate it definitely is scary. Almost every aspect of our biology sits behind a black box.
Last edited by BruceLeeRoy; Today at 03:41 PM.



(Today, 03:38 PM)

Originally Posted by Kaako


One must ask, is there a possibility they could be right?

Nah, it's easier to just dismish theories. People would rather die than think.

Mammoth Jones
(Today, 03:41 PM)


If there was it'd be sold as a treatment. Just like diabetes meds.




(Today, 03:41 PM)

Originally Posted by ramparter


Nah, it's easier to just dismish theories. People would rather die than think.
If you think about it for one second, this "theory" falls apart completely.

Last edited by Siegcram; Today at 03:45 PM.

(Today, 03:41 PM)


Here's a good article I read recently.

An Apple a Day, and Other Myths

In the opening plenary session, Dr. Walter C. Willett, a Harvard epidemiologist who has spent many years studying
cancer and nutrition, sounded almost rueful as he gave a status report. Whatever is true for other diseases, when it
comes to cancer there was little evidence that fruits and vegetables are protective or that fatty foods are bad.
About all that can be said with any assurance is that controlling obesity is important, as it also is for heart disease, Type
2 diabetes, hypertension, stroke and other threats to life. Avoiding an excess of alcohol has clear benefits. But unless a
person is seriously malnourished, the influence of specific foods is so weak that the signal is easily swamped by noise.
Eating right is important, but so far there is no undeniable proof that eating a certain way will cure or prevent cancer.
I was eating healthy,exercising,wasn't overweight, no high blood sugar or bad cholesterol, no drinking or drugs.... my reward.....
it sure makes you humble.
Large Study Finds Vegetarians Have Poorer Health, Lower Quality of Life Than Meat-Eaters

Vegetarians suffered from higher rates of allergies, cancer, anxiety, and depression. They were also vaccinated less
often than all of the other groups, and visited the doctor for preventative check-ups less frequently than subjects eating a
carnivorous diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
That health arrogance!
In the end treat yourself the best you can, go to the doctor regularly, and well.. good luck! Hope for the best!
Last edited by jmdajr; Today at 04:17 PM.


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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 4 - NeoGAF




(Today, 03:43 PM)

Originally Posted by ramparter


Nah, it's easier to just dismish theories. People would rather die than think.
Yeah, the scientific and medical community are well-known for their reluctance to think and investigate something objectively.
It is indeed very easy to dismiss theories like this because there isn't a single shred of evidence that supports it. To actually
believe them despite of any evidence is not thinking, it's creating a paranoid conspiracy-fueled narrative in your own head.



(Today, 03:52 PM)

Originally Posted by PsychBat!


He blurted out that maybe there is a cure and that the government is keeping it a secret to all but the highest bidder.
Grab a list of famous and rich people that died from Cancer. See how they move the goalposts.

(Today, 03:52 PM)

I found out recently my Dad thinks mermaids are real..





(Today, 03:53 PM)

Originally Posted by LSauchelli


Grab a list of famous and rich people that died from Cancer. See how they move the goalposts.
There are still people who believe that Magic Johnson got some secret HIV cure that's reserved for certain people. It's a
convincing narrative to some, even if it's BS.

Grandmaster of
Official Threads
(Today, 03:54 PM)

Originally Posted by finowns

I found out recently my Dad thinks mermaids are real..


Rough marriage huh?

Junior Member
(Today, 03:55 PM)

Its true! Is only for rich, influential people like Jobs, right? ...





(Today, 03:56 PM)

Originally Posted by ramparter


Nah, it's easier to just dismish theories. People would rather die than think.
Absolutely. People that believe this "theory" could open a book and look up what cancer actually is.


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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 4 - NeoGAF


Then they can start making up other conspiracy theories with a better factual basis.


(Today, 03:57 PM)

Originally Posted by Lonely1


Its true! Is only for rich, influential people like Jobs, right? ...
The cruel irony of this is that Jobs may have hastened his own death by buying into alternative medicine and turning to that
instead of real treatment.

(Today, 03:57 PM)

If there was a true cure for cancer (I highly highly doubt there is), it would probably result in a lot of people needing to find
new work since cancer research and treatment facilities would either be obsolete or downsized.


You don't think there are greedy people out there that would fight that?
I don't believe there is a cure, but I also don't want to underestimate human greed.



(Today, 04:00 PM)

Originally Posted by Sephzilla


If there was a true cure for cancer (I highly highly doubt there is), it would probably result in a lot of people needing to
find new work since cancer research and treatment facilities would either be obsolete or downsized.
You don't think there are greedy people out there that would fight that?
I don't believe there is a cure, but I also don't want to underestimate human greed.
Human greed would sell the cure at a very high price because they'd want a return on investment for the years of research and
incredible amounts of money spent to find it.
That is, unless you go with the narrative that it's something cheap or freely available, in which case we descend ever deeper into
the conspiracy rabbit hole.



(Today, 04:01 PM)

Originally Posted by Orayn


The cruel irony of this is that Jobs may have hastened his own death by buying into alternative medicine and turning to
that instead of real treatment.
Though in his case he was going to die either way. It's not like there was effective medecine available that could save him.
and cancer Treatment can make you pretty miserable.



(Today, 04:05 PM)

Originally Posted by mcz117chief


There are two options:

1) They have some very clean and very broad spectrum drug for cancer but don't distribute it for fear or losing cash
income (not very likely but possible)
2) They try to prevent people from finding the cure so that they can cash in on the victims by selling them their own
drugs and letting them pay for expensive therapies (very likely)

Just like every other disease on the planet. Each disease mutates ever so slightly inside every person when he/she is

Originally Posted by mcz117chief

I wonder...do people still believe that the US goverment was not involved and that it was a solo mission by the terrorists


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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 4 - NeoGAF


Oh....never mind.
(Today, 04:10 PM)


To be blunt, they're quite ill-informed and sound ignorant.

"Cancer" isn't really even a singular thing, it makes no sense to have a "cure for cancer". Only methods to treat particular
occurrences of it. It's good to be skeptical and not blindly trust the government, but there's a point where it's paranoia and
delusions rather than productive skepticism. Your father and sister appear to have reached that point.



Junior Member
(Today, 04:12 PM)

Originally Posted by jmdajr


If we just ate like our ancestors, we would never get cancer!

Not true.
Our ancestors simply did not live long enough for cancer to manifest itself. Cancer can occurs naturally in all animals as they get
older. Increased life expectancy and better diagnostic tools are responsible for increased cancer rate more so than our diet
(although cigarettes and alcohol consumption aren't helping either). *Colon cancer is about the only type where there is hard
evidence that ones diet can either increase or decrease the likelihood of cancer. Either way there is no definitive way to avoid
Diet and Cancer (NIH)
Last edited by Kill3r7; Today at 04:16 PM.



Junior Member
(Today, 04:13 PM)

Originally Posted by CreepingFear


My grandfather thought the same. He didn't trust doctors and didn't go see one when he was in pain. He died of colon
Same thing happen to my grandfather but it was lung cancer.

(Today, 04:14 PM)

I remember one of my biology teachers talking about some experimental treatment that involved supercharging your
immune system or something like that and after it was done it kind of left you a bit weak but it works. Is that really possible?



Single-handedly caused
Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX,
start World War 3
(Today, 04:16 PM)

Originally Posted by ThoseDeafMutes

Yes I know multiple people who think this. Considering how common cancer is though, there's no way the people in this
conspiracy aren't personally affected by it. And if they're giving the cure to their friends and family, the word is going to
get out. Cancer is not so simple as to have a single cure, some herb or pill that would just reverse it all.
The problem with the "complex" answer is that you're giving it to simple-minded people who aren't really capable of imagining
that sort of complexity. It's like explaining single payer public health care plans to poor Republicans. They don't understand how
the sausage machine works, and they don't want to know... all they know is someone they trusted told them it was bad (even if
that person was themselves), and they have faith that the person who told them that isn't lying to them (particularly if that person
was themselves), so that's good enough for them. At best, they have a mental checklist of things they don't like and like (and
things like the government get multiple, weighted checks), and there are fewer checks for things they like and for what they don't
like, so they're done with the analysis at that point. Occasionally there is a vetting process that lasts all of one question: "Why
would they (I) lie about this?"... which is a question that they think they know the answer to as they ask it, but they are actually
incapable of understanding the true answer because they are asking it from a simple-minded perspective.
And, don't get me wrong, some people who have this sort of simple-minded process are actually sometimes quite intelligent
people... about other subjects. But not this one.



Junior Member
Originally Posted by Zaphod

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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 4 - NeoGAF


(Today, 04:21 PM)

Originally Posted by Zaphod


Why would a company invest money on research only to table it because they want to sell half measures? People spend
tens of thousands of dollars on treatments just to extend their life with cancer. Imagine what they would pay for a cure.
It is true that companies and charities tend to only spend time and money on widespread well know diseases. That is a
tragedy much more real than some silly conspiracy theory.

What diet prevents HPV?

Wait... I'm guessing you are joking. The exclamation point gives it away.
If there was a cure it would be cheaper than those half measures and many enterprises would join the cause and some cancer
stripes would be so cheap that they wouldn't win a desirable money.
Treatments that are not final are the best for pharmaceuticals.
Junior Member
(Today, 04:30 PM)

Originally Posted by Akainu

I remember one of my biology teachers talking about some experimental treatment that involved supercharging your
immune system or something like that and after it was done it kind of left you a bit weak but it works. Is that really
No. I mean you are welcome to try anything and people do out of desperation but you would be hard pressed to find actual
scientific evidence to support such claims.
OP I highly recommend that your father and sister read the Emperor of all Maladies. It will really give them a completely different
outlook on the fight against cancer.



(Today, 04:57 PM)

Originally Posted by BruceLeeRoy


The cumulative knowledge that the scientific community has with regards to the human body and its inner workings is so
woefully inadequate it definitely is scary. Almost every aspect of our biology sits behind a black box.
The amazing thing is that we actually know a lot. The prescribing information of some drugs, for example, sounds like sci-fi
sometimes, with all the detail on how X component binds with Y molecule and causes Z changes into cell membrane and etc.
However, there's so much more that we still don't know that it's crazy, specially when it comes to such a complex system with so
many different parts interacting with each other. I imagine that we'll need AI or something like that to get past a certain
knowledge barriers in the future.
Last edited by M3d10n; Today at 05:00 PM.

(Today, 05:56 PM)

I'm not sure about cancer, but if you have the cure for something you can't really make money off the person after they have
been cured of it.

I would imagine something like cancer that required lots of medicine or treatments on a person, you'd be able to make money off
since its not really a cure.

(Today, 05:59 PM)


Originally Posted by M3d10n

The amazing thing is that we actually know a lot. The prescribing information of some drugs, for example, sounds like
sci-fi sometimes, with all the detail on how X component binds with Y molecule and causes Z changes into cell
membrane and etc. However, there's so much more that we still don't know that it's crazy, specially when it comes to
such a complex system with so many different parts interacting with each other. I imagine that we'll need AI or
something like that to get past a certain knowledge barriers in the future.
This, pharmacology blew my mind when I delved into it for the first time. It's beautiful.

(Today, 06:21 PM)


My mother believes this shit too, go as far to actually believe that conman/quack Stanislaw Burzynski is legit and the
government at the behest of the pharmaceutical industry has been on a campaign to shut him down. As if, if they really wanted
someone stopped they couldn't just have him disappear or have an "accident". But at least recently I might've finally gotten
through to her that he's a conman. Then again, she's also a fan of various televangelists and was into the "faith healer" crap,

That scumbag Kevin Trudeau has his own following of suckers that made him very rich and he'll probably be even more so after
he gets out of prison again. It's unfortunate that even in this day and age where you can look up damn near everything on such
figures in a matter of seconds that somehow, they still manage to have a large, supportive following it's pretty much all the same
sort of people who also believe various ill-informed if not outright wrong crackpot conspiracy theories and will refuse to

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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 4 - NeoGAF


acknowledge anything that contradicts it and no amount of debunking will change it.
Guess ought to just get use to the fact that there's a large segment of the population that's susceptible to this shit and it isn't
going to change any time soon.
Last edited by PHOENIXZERO; Today at 06:24 PM.

Excuse me while I burn 24%
of my money.
(Today, 06:24 PM)

Originally Posted by reddmyst

I'm not sure about cancer, but if you have the cure for something you can't really make money off the person after they
have been cured of it.
I would imagine something like cancer that required lots of medicine or treatments on a person, you'd be able to make
money off since its not really a cure.
But people are never going to stop getting cancer. If you had the cure, and you patented it, you would have 10 years to make
more money than you could ever spend in 10 lifetimes, you'd receive every significant scientific award, you'd have the eternal
gratitude of hundreds of millions of people even as they were emptying their pockets to make you wealthy, and you'd go down in
history as the most important person of the 21st century. It's mind-bottling that someone would keep all that a secret for the good
of the company that might not even exist in 10 years due to competition, failed products, or acquisition.
Again, the conspiracy requires a level of irrational loyalty that the current cancer treatment money can't buy.
Edit: Hell, there are people with unregulated fake therapies making money hand over fist with nothing but a few infomercials and
self-help books.
Last edited by Sho_Nuff82; Today at 06:27 PM.

Grandmaster of
Official Threads
(Today, 06:38 PM)

Originally Posted by M3d10n

The amazing thing is that we actually know a lot. The prescribing information of some drugs, for example, sounds like
sci-fi sometimes, with all the detail on how X component binds with Y molecule and causes Z changes into cell
membrane and etc. However, there's so much more that we still don't know that it's crazy, specially when it comes to
such a complex system with so many different parts interacting with each other. I imagine that we'll need AI or
something like that to get past a certain knowledge barriers in the future.
Most of drug prescription is to close to pinning the tail on the donkey. It truly is a game of guessing with the doctor having no real
idea what is really going on or how you will react.
I'm not one of those people that thinks going to the doctor is crazy but we really don't know as much as you would hope.

Excuse me while I burn 24%
of my money.
(Today, 06:40 PM)

Originally Posted by BruceLeeRoy

Most of drug prescription is to close to pinning the tail on the donkey. It truly is a game of guessing with the doctor
having no real idea what is really going on or how you will react.
I'm not one of those people that thinks going to the doctor is crazy but we really don't know as much as you would hope.
Most individual doctors and scientists know relatively little about the problems we face as a whole, but cumulatively, the
knowledge base is vast. Frighteningly so.

A Fish Aficionado


(Today, 06:43 PM)

Originally Posted by BruceLeeRoy


Most of drug prescription is to close to pinning the tail on the donkey. It truly is a game of guessing with the doctor
having no real idea what is really going on or how you will react.
I'm not one of those people that thinks going to the doctor is crazy but we really don't know as much as you would hope.
Um, what? You must've missed:
Originally Posted by M3d10n

The amazing thing is that we actually know a lot. The prescribing information of some drugs, for example, sounds like
sci-fi sometimes, with all the detail on how X component binds with Y molecule and causes Z changes into cell
membrane and etc. However, there's so much more that we still don't know that it's crazy, specially when it comes to
such a complex system with so many different parts interacting with each other. I imagine that we'll need AI or
something like that to get past a certain knowledge barriers in the future.

Originally Posted by Hoo-doo

This, pharmacology blew my mind when I delved into it for the first time. It's beautiful.


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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 4 - NeoGAF

(Today, 06:50 PM)


That's fucking dumb thing to hide. If the US government was that much of an asshole to hide cure for cancer, they could
make a shit tons more money being exclusive provider of cure for cancer.



(Today, 06:51 PM)


it would have been more understandable if it was an excitic virus or a bacterial infection, but the problem with cancer that
the disease is coming from a rogue cells created by your body. killing each individual cell with very high accuracy is extremely

i think the day cancer becomes a normal sickness is when technology progress enough for smart nanomachines to become real,
which are then injected to the body. their sole job is to attack cancer directly without any collateral damage with 100% accuracy.
this will remove all side effect that is common with chemo and radio therapy, and guarantees recovery.
Grandmaster of
Official Threads
(Today, 06:51 PM)

Originally Posted by Sho_Nuff82

Most individual doctors and scientists know relatively little about the problems we face as a whole, but cumulatively, the
knowledge base is vast. Frighteningly so.
This is mostly what I am getting at. I know we have a huge knowledge base but wisdom or the proper application and
understanding of any of that knowledge is woefully inadequate.

John OJ. O'Johnjey

(Today, 06:58 PM)


The blind arrogance of the U.S.A. (or WASP) "culture" , and his "faithful servants", rooted in the fierce competition,
materialism, reductionism, scientism, positivism, in the "I do not see I do not think," is fully manifested on these virtual pages:


there is an OCEAN of SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE ( e.g. the "Di Bella" cure , for example, AMONG MANY MANY OTHERS) of
TESTIMONIALS, of DIRECT EXPERIENCE ... and yet you prefer to take refuge in sarcasm, in the boundless conceit, into attitude, in
fatalism, ...

there are none so deaf as those who will not hear;


if only in these places do not banish "mercilessly" when the 'policy' of the "upper floors" is not respected, i will put my time and
energy to chip away at the short-sighted and presumptuous fiercely positions that I see spilling out like mushrooms on "hot topics"
with the implicit and ill-concealed TAXATION towards the same "open-minded" position, otherwise the ban, with childish sarcasm
and fierce in outline.

Greetings: sarcasm ahead with free content and humility: the U.S. : The pinnacle of modern civilization ... (THIS is instead
Last edited by John OJ. O'Johnjey; Today at 07:01 PM. Reason: improvement to the translation



(Today, 06:59 PM)

Originally Posted by robotvendingmachine


Same thing happen to my grandfather but it was lung cancer.

Well everyone's grandparents that don't like doctors aren't completely crazy. Hospitals are the third largest killer behind heart
disease and cancer. Still no excuse not to get treatment for cancer though.
Also in regards to not being able to treat cancer with a vaccine 'like a virus', a fun fact is that a good portion of available
chemotherapies are immunotherapies, which induce the body's immune system to see the cancer as an invader so it attacks a
specific target on the cancer cells, which is somewhat similar to how a vaccine prevents viral infections. But no, there's no 'cure'
that someone is keeping secret.
Not only are cancer targets specific (rather than there being a single 'cure') the trend is and has been towards more and more


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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 4 - NeoGAF


specificity, so much so that drugs can be tailored to a patient's/cancer's specific DNA/mutation.

(Today, 07:02 PM)

Originally Posted by John OJ. O'Johnjey

The blind arrogance of the U.S.A. (or WASP) "culture" , and his "faithful servants", rooted in the fierce competition,
materialism, reductionism, scientism, positivism, in the "I do not see I do not think," is fully manifested on these virtual

there is an OCEAN of SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE ( e.g. the "Di Bella" cure , for example, AMONG MANY MANY OTHERS) of
TESTIMONIALS, of DIRECT EXPERIENCE ... and yet you prefer to take refuge in sarcasm, in the boundless conceit, into
attitude, in fatalism, ...

there are none so deaf as those who will not hear;


if only in these places do not banish "mercilessly" when the 'policy' of the "upper floors" is not respected, i will put my
time and energy to chip away at the short-sighted and presumptuous fiercely positions that I see spilling out like
mushrooms on "hot topics" with the implicit and ill-concealed TAXATION towards the same "open-minded" position,
otherwise the ban, with childish sarcasm and fierce in outline.

Greetings: sarcasm ahead with free content and humility: the U.S. : The pinnacle of modern civilization ... (THIS is
instead sarcasm)

(Today, 07:04 PM)

Originally Posted by John OJ. O'Johnjey

The blind arrogance of the U.S.A. (or WASP) "culture" , and his "faithful servants", rooted in the fierce competition,
materialism, reductionism, scientism, positivism, in the "I do not see I do not think," is fully manifested on these virtual

there is an OCEAN of SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE ( e.g. the "Di Bella" cure , for example, AMONG MANY MANY OTHERS) of
TESTIMONIALS, of DIRECT EXPERIENCE ... and yet you prefer to take refuge in sarcasm, in the boundless conceit, into
attitude, in fatalism, ...

there are none so deaf as those who will not hear;


if only in these places do not banish "mercilessly" when the 'policy' of the "upper floors" is not respected, i will put my
time and energy to chip away at the short-sighted and presumptuous fiercely positions that I see spilling out like
mushrooms on "hot topics" with the implicit and ill-concealed TAXATION towards the same "open-minded" position,
otherwise the ban, with childish sarcasm and fierce in outline.

Greetings: sarcasm ahead with free content and humility: the U.S. : The pinnacle of modern civilization ... (THIS is

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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 4 - NeoGAF


instead sarcasm)
You should be fucking ashamed of yourself. There's an ocean of research that shows that the Di Bella "cure" doesn't work at all.


(Today, 07:08 PM)

Originally Posted by John OJ. O'Johnjey

The blind arrogance of the U.S.A. (or WASP) "culture" , and his "faithful servants", rooted in the fierce competition,
materialism, reductionism, scientism, positivism, in the "I do not see I do not think," is fully manifested on these virtual


there is an OCEAN of SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE ( e.g. the "Di Bella" cure , for example, AMONG MANY MANY OTHERS) of
TESTIMONIALS, of DIRECT EXPERIENCE ... and yet you prefer to take refuge in sarcasm, in the boundless conceit, into
attitude, in fatalism, ...

there are none so deaf as those who will not hear;


if only in these places do not banish "mercilessly" when the 'policy' of the "upper floors" is not respected, i will put my
time and energy to chip away at the short-sighted and presumptuous fiercely positions that I see spilling out like
mushrooms on "hot topics" with the implicit and ill-concealed TAXATION towards the same "open-minded" position,
otherwise the ban, with childish sarcasm and fierce in outline.

Greetings: sarcasm ahead with free content and humility: the U.S. : The pinnacle of modern civilization ... (THIS is
instead sarcasm)
John OJ. O'Johnjey


(Today, 07:08 PM)

Originally Posted by SamVimes


You should be fucking ashamed of yourself. There's an ocean of research that shows that the Di Bella "cure" doesn't
work at all.
PLEASE, point me toward it : act with pragmatism, and not with sarcasm and with the stick of morality in your hand ready to beat




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