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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden : Page 3


(Today, 01:40 PM)

Originally Posted by BLAZER

Are you serious?? Cancer will be the highest grossing killer along with bacteria that will ever face humanity. There is no
where humans have to go to expand. Can you image the devastation it would cause to the world such as wars,
overpopulation, an even more under resourced planet etc etc if people are allowed to live cancer free over others. I think
you have drastically overlooked how much it would effect the world. It would totally change humanity!


I don't even know how to respond to this garbage. Yes, defeating cancer would drastically improve our lifespan. Was that your
People always like to think that a drug against cancer can be found by just pointing a microscope at some cells and performing
some generic 'science' on it.
People have been at it for decades. Hundreds, thousands of scientists and physicians, all around the world. Cancer deaths affect
all of us at some point in our lives, and it's devastating. If you truly believe we are just letting cancer run rampant on kids, teens,
adults and the elderly just to keep our population under control, then I have to question your sanity.

(Today, 01:41 PM)

Think back to when the thought any government was reading your emails and listening in on your phone calls could be
considered a paranoid conspiracy theory.



(Today, 01:42 PM)

If big pharma secretly did have the cure for cancer, but found treatment more lucrative, they'd keep patients alive &
constantly buying treatments for a lot longer than mere months. Maybe years. Maybe for the rest of their natural lifetime.


(like they do with Diabetes and AIDS)
Conspiracy eyebrows! /:o \:o

(Today, 01:43 PM)

I think they're the ones living in fantasy land.




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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 3 - NeoGAF

(Today, 01:45 PM)



Who really knows and whats the point of fighting about it? That's what gets me. Why fight over things we have no idea
about? Maybe there is one maybe not, but the fact is we don't know about it so why quarrel against each other over things like



Junior Member
(Today, 01:50 PM)

Originally Posted by Hoo-doo


I don't even know how to respond to this garbage. Yes, defeating cancer would drastically improve our lifespan. Was that
your point?
People always like to think that a drug against cancer can be found by just pointing a microscope at some cells and
performing some generic 'science' on it.
People have been at it for decades. Hundreds, thousands of scientists and physicians, all around the world. Cancer
deaths affect all of us at some point in our lives, and it's devastating. If you truly believe we are just letting cancer run
rampant on kids, teens, adults and the elderly just to keep our population under control, then I have to question your
Ha well i'm questioning yours. You are totally ignorant my friend. Its not simple science. You calling other people tin-foil wearing
and uneducated is just insulting when clearly you have no idea how the world and all its departments correlate for humanity. I
suggest you actually think what your about to post before posting something so trivial.

(Today, 01:54 PM)

Cancers can't be cured by a vaccine. Some Cancers are caused by virus like the ones cause by HPV, and for those there are
vaccines for prevention. So the vaccine conspiracy it's dumb



Black Canada Mafia
(Today, 01:55 PM)

The only time to worry about these sorts of (frankly, ludicrous) beliefs is when it can directly hurt someone. If any of your
loved ones get cancer, make sure they aren't fed this bullshit and tell them to go to a hospital.


Don't let them spend thousands of dollars on colon cleanses or some bullshit while their condition worsens.
I think one of the most upsetting things about conspiracy theories like these is just... how terrible you have to assume people are
for it to make sense. There would need to be collusion between thousands of people who are essentially heartless. I think barely
anyone is that two dimensional, let alone horrible.

(Today, 01:59 PM)

Originally Posted by BLAZER

Ha well i'm questioning yours. You are totally ignorant my friend. Its not simple science. You calling other people tin-foil
wearing and uneducated is just insulting when clearly you have no idea how the world and all its departments correlate
for humanity. I suggest you actually think what your about to post before posting something so trivial.

(Today, 02:03 PM)

Originally Posted by BLAZER

Ha well i'm questioning yours. You are totally ignorant my friend. Its not simple science. You calling other people tin-foil
wearing and uneducated is just insulting when clearly you have no idea how the world and all its departments correlate
for humanity. I suggest you actually think what your about to post before posting something so trivial.
Someone tell me i'm being trolled.
Where exactly am I ignorant of? The government conspiracy that tries to keep cancer in circulation as a way to thin the herd?
Why not educate me on the matter then, because i'm all ears.

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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 3 - NeoGAF


I'd love to see some well-supported evidence for the claims as ridiculous as yours. Maybe you have some sources for the
supposed 'cure' for cancer as well? Because i'd love to be able to tell my professors that i've found a cure for cancer off some
internet forum.
(Today, 02:03 PM)

Originally Posted by PsychBat!

So title explains it all. They believe that there's a vaccine kept secret by the government for cancer. It started one day
when I was sitting in the family car with my dad wondering what the world be like if there was a cure for cancer found.
He blurted out that maybe there is a cure and that the government is keeping it a secret to all but the highest bidder.
If that was true then Steve Jobs wouldn't be dead

Junior Member
(Today, 02:05 PM)

No I don't believe they are hiding a cure. What good would that do. Sounds like a script from the mind of Kojima.



Nose how to spell and rede
(Today, 02:06 PM)

Originally Posted by Kinyou

If that was true then Steve Jobs wouldn't be dead


Didn't Steve Jobs opt for alternative treatment until it was too late for conventional treatment to save him?

(Today, 02:09 PM)


I just saw a Family Guy episode regarding this

Originally Posted by Upinsmoke

No I don't believe they are hiding a cure. What good would that do. Sounds like a script from the mind of Kojima.
Well the idea is that it's a lot more profitable for these pharmaceutical companies to give expensive treatments to a patient than
cure it outright.
Last edited by Off-Kilter; Today at 02:13 PM.

(Today, 02:10 PM)


I never believed this particular conspiracy theory, however given recent events with ebola...that just when 2 Americans were
infected, suddenly they have an untested miracle cure that apparently cured those two within minutes of getting the
makes me think twice about it now.
I still dont fully believe it, but now I wonder.



Junior Member
(Today, 02:12 PM)

Originally Posted by Hoo-doo


Someone tell me i'm being trolled.

Where exactly am I ignorant of? The government conspiracy that tries to keep cancer in circulation as a way to thin the
Why not educate me on the matter then, because i'm all ears.
I'd love to see some well-supported evidence for the claims as ridiculous as yours. Maybe you have some sources for the
supposed 'cure' for cancer as well? Because i'd love to be able to tell my professors that i've found a cure for cancer off
some internet forum.
There is no government conspiracy. There will be no-one single cure. But cures for many types there will be. Either from
technology that we are currently developing or in the future that haven't been created. To think that the release of this wouldn't
have an adverse effect on humanity and the planet we live on would be illogical.

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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 3 - NeoGAF


EDIT I actually have a life so why would i spend part of that factually telling some random something he's not going to believe.
Last edited by BLAZER; Today at 02:15 PM.

(Today, 02:13 PM)

(Today, 02:15 PM)


There's no real "cure" for cancer since it is genetically-based, kinda like there's no cure for cystic fibrosis. The only way that
cancer could be eradicated in someone is making sure there are no new cancer cells, which is currently by killing the cells.
Cancer is caused by the mutation of the apoptotic mechanism in cells, so reversing this mutation in cancer cells is the only real
Silly OP, we all know that the cure for cancer is baking soda.





(Today, 02:15 PM)

(Today, 02:16 PM)

0% because cancer isn't a virus or bacteria that can be cured by a simple vaccine or pill. This is like saying a single vaccine
can be the cure for polio, tubercolosis, heart disease, pulmonar edema and MS at the same time.


The problem with cancer investigation is that every cancer is different and behaves very differently in the way it
attacks/spreads/multiply. It's impossible to have a vaccine be the cure to every cancer in the world.
You can have a vaccine for one specific type of cancer and it's "possible" that a pharmaceutical company is hidding the cure but
for every cancer? Not a chance.
And after the 5 years of seeing a small group studying the use of tamoxifen to treat endometrial cancer not to cure the cancer
itself, it's absurd to tme that anyone believes the cure is somewhere hidden.

Nose how to spell and rede
(Today, 02:17 PM)

Originally Posted by BLAZER

There is no government conspiracy. There will be no-one single cure. But cures for many types there will be. Either from
technology that we are currently developing or in the future that haven't been created. To think that the release of this
wouldn't have an adverse effect on humanity and the planet we live on would be illogical.

EDIT I actually have a life so why would i spend part of that factually telling some random something he's not going to
So wait, do you think we can (or could, or will be able to) cure cancer but we don't (or won't, or shouldn't) release that
information because then health standards would be too much higher in richer countries than in poorer countries and that would
lead to wars? Or do you mean that politicians in rich countries and the elite would be able to live longer lives thanks to better
access to healthcare and the people would revolt?
(Today, 02:20 PM)

Originally Posted by BLAZER

There is no government conspiracy. There will be no-one single cure. But cures for many types there will be. Either from
technology that we are currently developing or in the future that haven't been created. To think that the release of
this wouldn't have an adverse effect on humanity and the planet we live on would be illogical.

EDIT I actually have a life so why would i spend part of that factually telling some random something he's not going to
So there's potentially a conspiracy revolving around near future technology that may or may not hold the key to a cancer cure that
big pharma would spend millions to produce AND THEN....just sit on it. Cuz capitalism and all.
Please tell me you're joking.

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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 3 - NeoGAF


Excuse me while I burn 24% So who here

of my money.
(Today, 02:21 PM)



knows what a Phase III clinical trial is?




(Today, 02:22 PM)

Originally Posted by Arkos


Didn't Steve Jobs opt for alternative treatment until it was too late for conventional treatment to save him?
I guess the question is how that magical cure would be offered to people anyway. Would some guy in a suit show up at your
doorstep and tell you that he'll cure you for 5 billion $? How would he prove that the cure is real? How would he stop the buyer
from spilling the beans? It seems like a really bad business model

(Today, 02:22 PM)

So you want people to listen to you, but you don't want to return the favor. You just storm off in anger and call people idiots
instead :D.
Im no expert at convincing people, but that doesn't really seem like a productive way to get your point across.


I don't believe for a second there is some magical cure for all cancers hidden somewhere though.

Junior Member
(Today, 02:29 PM)

Originally Posted by soepje

So you want people to listen to you, but you don't want to return the favor. You just storm off in anger and call people
idiots instead :D.
Im no expert at convincing people, but that doesn't really seem like a productive way to get your point across.

I don't believe for a second there is some magical cure for all cancers hidden somewhere though.
EDIT: @soepje Woops sorry bud. Thought that was projected at me like some of these other comments.
Last edited by BLAZER; Today at 02:39 PM. Reason: Mistake

(Today, 02:32 PM)

I've got some conspiracy clowns in my family (father in-law, cousins etc) and I've started to beat them to the punch by giving
them a taste of their own medicine:


'Don't believe everything you hear and read'

'Don't believe everything the mainstream conspiracy media reports'
'You need to become more educated on this topic'
etc etc
Drives 'em nuts when I beat them to it.



(Today, 02:35 PM)

Originally Posted by BLAZER


I don't expect anything. Tell me where i said someone was an idiot, please. I'm voicing an opinion. Whether you take it
with a grain of salt is up to you.
I was talking to the OP.
Edit: np mate :)
Last edited by soepje; Today at 02:46 PM.



Very good! Keep thrusting!

(Today, 02:41 PM)

Originally Posted by BLAZER


Can you image the devastation it would cause to the world such as wars, overpopulation, an even more under resourced

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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 3 - NeoGAF



planet etc etc if people are allowed to live cancer free over others.
Could you perhaps list all the wars that have ever been fought over the availability of vaccines for diseases that kill huge amounts
of people every year? I'm not clear on why you think eliminating cancers would cause some kind of collapse. Cancer kills people
well after their sexual maturity and child bearing age on average. People will live longer (but still die from other things) but this
will not have a disastrous impact on population growth rates.
JJ's Glory Hole!
(Today, 02:43 PM)

Originally Posted by BLAZER

There is no government conspiracy. There will be no-one single cure. But cures for many types there will be. Either from
technology that we are currently developing or in the future that haven't been created. To think that the release of this
wouldn't have an adverse effect on humanity and the planet we live on would be illogical.

EDIT I actually have a life so why would i spend part of that factually telling some random something he's not going to
Wait, are you saying releasing cures for cancer will have an adverse effect on humanity? I'm ... I'm hoping you just accidentally
double-negative'd the sentence there ...
(Today, 02:46 PM)

(Today, 02:49 PM)

The medical cabal exists to extract as much money from the sick as possible, to exploit wherever possible. Why does an
Advil cost $20? I don't think there is a cure for cancer out there, but if there was, and the cabal did the math and determined
they'd lose a penny if it came to market, you would never see it.

Bats know it. Ask them.




Junior Member
(Today, 02:50 PM)

Junior Member
(Today, 02:51 PM)


My mom thinks the same thing. She also thinks the technology on the original Star Trek was mostly real, and they just kept it
from us for years before gradually releasing it.
She meant tricorders and their little PDAs and things, not like..."ZOMG SPACESHIPS"
To be honest, is really possible that the cure of cancer (not all types, but some of them) exists and pharmaceutical
companies just don't want the people to know, because the treatments for cancer gives lots and lots of money.


It's not hard to think about it, money is more valuable than people. If you really think the assumption above is not possible (im not
saying is the TRUTH) then you are naive.



(Today, 02:52 PM)

Originally Posted by daycru


The medical cabal exists to extract as much money from the sick as possible, to exploit wherever possible. Why does an
Advil cost $20?
What? $20 for the normal over the counter liquid caps stuff?



(Today, 02:53 PM)

Originally Posted by daycru


The medical cabal exists to extract as much money from the sick as possible, to exploit wherever possible. Why does an
Advil cost $20? I don't think there is a cure for cancer out there, but if there was, and the cabal did the math and

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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 3 - NeoGAF


Advil cost $20? I don't think there is a cure for cancer out there, but if there was, and the cabal did the math and
determined they'd lose a penny if it came to market, you would never see it.
I have a little bit more faith in humanity that that. If there was truly a cure for cancer:
1. It's impossible to keep something of that magnitude a secret. It would involve hundreds if not thousands of people, all who
would have to be bribed to stay quiet. No way that stays secret for long.
2. Big pharma will make it's money regardless. The idea that they're going to spend a ton of money researching a cure only to sit
on it so that they can spend more money researching other treatments? Makes no sense whatsoever. Even if they tried to hide it,
see #1.


(Today, 02:54 PM)

Originally Posted by nubbe


Cancer is a DNA mutation

You can't kill it off like a virus...
That's what they want you to think



(Today, 02:54 PM)

Originally Posted by soepje


What? $20 for the normal over the counter liquid caps stuff?
He's talking about the artificially inflated price that hospitals charge you during a stay.
OTC aspirin is cheap.



(Today, 02:56 PM)

Originally Posted by SocksAndShoes


He's talking about the artificially inflated price that hospitals charge you during a stay.
OTC aspirin is cheap.
Ah, that makes more sense.

Junior Member
(Today, 02:57 PM)

Originally Posted by ThoseDeafMutes

Could you perhaps list all the wars that have ever been fought over the availability of vaccines for diseases that kill huge
amounts of people every year? I'm not clear on why you think eliminating cancers would cause some kind of collapse.
Cancer kills people well after their sexual maturity and child bearing age on average. People will live longer (but still die
from other things) but this will not have a disastrous impact on population growth rates.
There hasn't but who's to say there wouldn't be if cancer was eradicated in some populations. Think not just country to country
"war" (i shouldn't have used this term, it can provoke the wrong reasons) but within society. Your talking classes (middle, high,
low) cultural diversity etc etc

(Today, 02:59 PM)

I have a friend like that too, but coming from him, it wasn't even a surprise. More of a "of course you think that".





(Today, 03:02 PM)

Originally Posted by BLAZER


There hasn't but who's to say there wouldn't be if cancer was eradicated in some populations. Think not
just country to country "war" (i shouldn't have used this term, it can provoke the wrong reasons) but within society. Your

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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 3 - NeoGAF


just country to country "war" (i shouldn't have used this term, it can provoke the wrong reasons) but within society. Your
talking classes (middle, high, low) cultural diversity etc etc



Junior Member
(Today, 03:03 PM)

Originally Posted by SocksAndShoes

Yeah i know mate, i know. :)

Nose how to spell and rede
(Today, 03:04 PM)

Originally Posted by BLAZER

There hasn't but who's to say there wouldn't be if cancer was eradicated in some populations. Think not just country to
country "war" (i shouldn't have used this term, it can provoke the wrong reasons) but within society. Your talking classes
(middle, high, low) cultural diversity etc etc
Don't fret, there's already a huge disparity in access to healthcare and other resources both within societies and around the
world, I doubt a cancer drug is going to be the tipping point.



(Today, 03:04 PM)

Originally Posted by unbias


Your dad and sister wouldnt happen to be fans of this guy, would they?

Hey now, don't bring Mulder into this. He was usually right.
The Albatross
(Today, 03:08 PM)


There are a lot of people convinced that there are cures for all sorts of diseases but the government or big pharma are
hiding them to try to milk people for money. Even otherwise reasonable and rational people believe these conspiracy theories.
Hell, there's probably a decent percentage of people in this thread who would say, "no way the government has cures and doesn't
release them!" but then leave it open for conjecture whether pharmaceutical companies do, and then try to rationalize their
conspiracy theory.
Hell, there are people that still believe that the US Government invented the AIDs virus to kill Black people and gay people. I'm
always surprised whenever I hear someone who I would otherwise consider fairly informed espouse this type of conspiracy
I didn't even read the thread when I replied, only to find that a decent percentage in here think that, well, of course the
government isn't hiding a cure, but "think of the profits for big pharma/medical cabal/etc/etc." There is a truther/birther level of
ignorance required to believe that.
Last edited by The Albatross; Today at 03:14 PM.

Excuse me while I burn 24%
of my money.
(Today, 03:09 PM)

Originally Posted by daycru

The medical cabal exists to extract as much money from the sick as possible, to exploit wherever possible. Why does an
Advil cost $20? I don't think there is a cure for cancer out there, but if there was, and the cabal did the math and
determined they'd lose a penny if it came to market, you would never see it.
If anyone at a drug company did come up with a universal cure, didn't patent it, and was scooped 10 years later by an
academic or small start up or rival pharma, they would have burned themselves (and their company) out of tens of billions of

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Dad and sister of mine think that the cure for cancer exists but is hidden - Page 3 - NeoGAF


Not to mention, the success of said cure and subsequent cover-up would require any company to compensate, bribe, or threaten
every participant of the actual clinical testing (which we would presume would have be done off the books somehow), from the
lowliest lab tech to the clinical trial manager. Not to mention all of the formulation scientists, basic researchers, pkd scientists, QC
scientists, portfolio project managers, small animal model testing scientists, animal facility protocol approval staff, all Phase I
participants, all Phase 2 participants, venture capitalists, the NIH, the FDA, all of your shareholders, and all members "in the
know" of all other companies that are in on the conspiracy with you. While somehow trusting that no one in this vast web would
just say "fuck it, I'm taking my billions" and walking the secret to the cure into the brand new company down the street that's
looking for a new CEO.
You're presuming a level of loyalty that simply doesn't exist in the industry. These companies fire entire offices of 500-1000 staff if
the wind blows the wrong way or if a product isn't working out as well as planned. No NDA could keep a discovery that big from
Edit: Here is the list of the top 10 selling cancer drugs of 2013. If you had one universal cure, you could make all of them obsolete
overnight, and pull in over 40 billion dollars a year. On one drug. For at least the next 10 years. You could buy a country with that
kind of money.
Last edited by Sho_Nuff82; Today at 03:15 PM.


It's far more likely the government is giving us

Satoru Iwata and his
Trilateral Commission cronies
are suppressing the truth Just look at fort Ditrick and lax regulation in all
about Retro. Wake up,
(Today, 03:12 PM)


cancer than the government withholding a cure.

sorts of industries.


(Today, 03:12 PM)

Somewhat related, I learned that a friend's wife believes in all this holistic-cures-cancer stuff she reads on the internet.
There are a few pretty big sites for this apparently and they're kind of all connected. They took the rather reasonable 'eating
healthy is good for you' premise and twisted the hell out if it. As I was reading this stuff it definitely was trying to rope in the
'government is lying to you' crowd in as well.


They all seemed to be related to some treatment that, from what I gathered, centers around a shitload of 'produce shakes' a day
and coffee enemas.
I tried to tell her to at least be a little skeptical and keep in mind that people benefit from driving traffic to this stuff. She was
really defensive and couldn't grasp that people had any way of making money from this stuff. In other words, "why would they
lie?" So I pulled up the site she was parroting the most. Ads, YouTube videos and donation requests galore. Apparently this
'treatment' even has 'clinics' where they take your money.
My friend stayed rather silent in all this. I could tell they'd had this argument before and he basically didn't have the will to argue
it anymore. :(


(Today, 03:14 PM)

Originally Posted by eravulgaris


Goddammit, selfish bastards.

Goddammit, shellfish bastards.




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