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General Rules and Guidelines

1. The contest is open to all bonafide students of BHCI.
2. Each section from the different colleges and year levels can send at most two (2) teams.
3. Teams who wish to participate must properly and completely accomplish the Registration
Form. Registration form must be submitted on or before five oclock in the afternoon (5:00 PM)
of September 24, 2014 (Wednesday). The Registration Form can be submitted through:
c/o The General Education Unit
GenEd Faculty Room (Back of the Open Stage)
4. Each team must pay a Registration Fee of Php90 (Php30 per team member).
5. For further inquiries and concerns feel free to contact any officer of the SCIMATH Club.
The Participating Team
1. A team shall be composed of three (3) regular contestants, and one (1) alternate contestant.
2. In case a regular contestant may not be able to compete, the alternate contestant shall take
his/her place.
3. A team captain must be assigned by each team. He/ She will be the teams representative in
case of protests/complaints.
4. All teams are expected to report promptly at the registration booth at the event venue. Failure
to report at the said booth 15 minutes after the scheduled start of the qualifying round forfeits the
teams chance to join the competition.
5. Members of the team should be on their prescribed school uniform and wear their school ID
during the competition proper.
The Board of Judges
1. The Board of Judges shall decide on all case of complaints or protests raised by a Team
2. It shall be composed of five (5) invited BHCI Instructors, one (1) from College of Medical
Technology, one (1) from College of Midwifery, one (1) from College of Nursing, one (1) from
College of Physical Therapy, and one (1) from Radiologic Technology.
3. The decisions of the Board of Judges are final and irrevocable.
4. The BHCI SCIMATH Club reserves the right to choose and invite the members of the Board
of Judges.
The questions for this competition will be formulated from the topics, Health and Wellness,
Nutrition, and Diseases and Diseases Prevention.
Mechanics of the Competition
Qualifying Round
1. All teams will undergo the Qualifying Round which will be held on September 26, 2014,
1:00 PM at BHCI Open Quadrangle.
2. The Qualifying Round will be a 25-item multiple-choice type examination which will consist
of questions from topics presented above (see scope). Each member of the team will take the
exam individually.
3. The exam is good for thirty (30) minutes.
4. Any questions during the qualifying round should only be addressed to the proctors.
5. Calculators, cell phones or any gadgets will not be allowed during the examination.
6. Only answer sheets, pens and questionnaires provided are allowed to be used during the
qualifying round.

7. A short program (Intermission numbers) may be held during and after the qualifying round.
The results of the qualifying exam will be announced thereafter.
8. Any form of cheating and intellectual dishonesty will result to the disqualification of the team.
9. The top six (6) teams with the highest accumulated score for this round will qualify for the
Semi-Final Round.
10. In case of a tie, the involved teams will advance to the next round.
Semi-Final Round/
1. In this round, the participating teams will be provided with boards and markers with which to
write their answers.
2. The Semi-Final Round will have ten (10) questions.
3. Each question is worth five (5) points.
4. Questions may be in the form of multiple choice, identification, or enumeration.
5. Questions will be read twice by the quizmaster. Contestants may start writing their answers
after the first reading of a question.
6. After the question has been read twice, the contestants will be given ten (10) seconds (unless
otherwise specified) to write their answers. The quizmaster will signal all the teams to
immediately raise their boards once the given time has elapsed.
7. Contestants are not allowed to alter or change their answers after the quizmaster has signaled
to raise the boards showing their answers.
8. All complaints shall be addressed at once to the Board of Judges.
9. No complaints regarding a previous question will be entertained after the quizmaster has read
the next question.
10. Coaching or any form of cheating is not allowed during the quiz proper; such acts will result
to the teams disqualification.
11. The top three (3) teams with the highest score for this round will qualify for the Final Round.
12. In case of a tie, the involved teams will advance to the Final Round.
Final Round
1. The scores obtained by the three (3) teams during the Semi-Final Round will be reset back to
zero (0).
2. The round will consist of five (5) questions. The five questions are worth 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50
points (higher points have higher level of difficulty).
3. Questions may be in the form of multiple choice, identification, or enumeration.
4. Questions will be read twice by the quizmaster. Contestants may start writing their answers
after the first reading of a question.
5. After the question has been read twice, the contestants will be given ten (10) seconds (unless
otherwise specified) to write their answers. The quizmaster will signal all the teams to
immediately raise their boards once the given time has elapsed.
6. Contestants are not allowed to alter or change their answers after the quizmaster has signaled
to raise the boards showing their answers.
7. All complaints shall be addressed at once to the Board of Judges.
8. No complaints regarding a previous question will be entertained after the quizmaster has read
the next question.
9. Coaching or any form of cheating is not allowed during the quiz proper; such acts will result
to the teams disqualification.
10. In case of a tie, the involved teams will have to answer a tie-breaker question, in which the
first team who could give the correct answer shall be declared as the winner.
11. The team to obtain the highest score in the Final Round will be declared the 2014 BATTLE

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