2Nd Sunday of Lent (B)

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Dates for your Diary

Monday 2nd March. 11:00am Funeral Service for Pierre (Peter) Vincent
Jones, Beloved husband of Beryl and father of Son Anthony. NO MASS
Monthly Cake Stall: Our next 'Bring & Buy' cake sale will be Saturday
11th and Sunday 12th April. See Maureen Reed if you can offer your
baking skills.


Tel: 01827 713177,
Website: st-benedicts-atherstone.org
Parish Priest: Mgr. Paul Watson

Women's World Day Of Prayer: 6th March, 3:00pm at Trinity Church,

Coleshill Road, Atherstone. All are welcome, see notice at the back of

Thought for the Week

Finance Secretary: Jo Howe 01827 750214

Newsletter: Brian Ingram 01827 704858
email: brianingramocds@gmail.com
Items for inclusion in the Newsletter by Thursday Noon

Giving my all for lent

Is it really possible for someone to give up anything for God? God loved the
world so much that he gave His only begotten son (John 3:16). We see this
replicated by Abraham in todays first reading when he had to give his only son
Isaac. What is the Lord asking to give up for Him? What are those unpleasant
habitual practices that we are resolutely inclined to and how might we rise
above them? I guess our response ought to be Here I am Lord; I am ready to
do your will. Part of doing Gods will is based on our freedom to transform our
lives. The scripture again reminds us: I assure you: Unless a grain of wheat
falls to the ground and dies, it remains by itself. But if it dies, it produces a large
crop (John 12:24). We somehow need to inconvenience our personal comfort
and upset ourselves for the good reason in order to make our Lenten
observances relevant. When Abraham gave up his only son, he was instantly
rewarded. Our live will be transfigured into the right individuals God intends us
to be if we are ready to allow Him. Todays gospel enjoins us to listen to Jesus
speak to us through the daily events of our lives especially during this holy
season of lent.
Fr. Raphael Imoni

We extend a warm welcome to everyone worshipping here this

weekend, refreshments are served in the Church Hall after 9.30am
Mass, please come and join us, ALL ARE WELCOME.


Saturday 28th February



Sunday 1st March


2nd Sunday of Lent

Monday 2nd March


Tuesday 3rd March

No Mass

Wednesday 4th March

No Mass

Thursday 5th March

No Mass

Mass in School all welcome

Friday 6th March


Eucharistic Service

Saturday 7th March



Sunday 8th March


3rd Sunday of Lent

The Liturgy & the Care of the Church

Readers this week:


B. Ingram

Readers Next week:

M. Henney

J. Taylor

Offertory Procession this week:

Eucharistic Ministers

D. Leaper

M. Heath

The Sick and their Carers

Please pray for Father Andrew, Pat & Maureen Burke, Bridie
Symmons, Ada Russell, Winifred Jones, Charlotte Smith, Kath Ford,
Patricia Carter, Christina Chetwynd and Father Paul. Please
remember our housebound parishioners in your prayers: Marion
Burrows and Marie Aherne .
We must sadly announce the passing of Noel O'Brien who was
called to the Lord on Thursday 26th February, may he rest in

We pray for all our deceased relatives and friends especially those
anniversaries fall at this time, Eilene Bates, Florence Parsons, Muriel
Clinton, Monica Cullen, Patrick Joyce, John Nolan, Ted Gallagher,
Nicole Rousell. May They Rest in Peace.

Money Matters
Last week 1st Collection 2nd Collection Thank you!

"That in all things God may be glorified St. Benedict

Looking to the future, is there anyone
who has keyboard (piano/organ) skills
would be interested in helping with music
in the liturgy especially on Sundays?
Perhaps also we could think about
establishing a choir so that we could
begin singing other parts of the Mass,
such as the Responsorial Psalm, Gloria,
and plan some extra music for Holy Week

More News
From Paul to the Benedictines
Greetings to you all and many, many thanks for your continued prayers and for
greetings cards I have received. Some of you discovered that I celebrated a birthday
last Saturday! Thank you for the cards and good wishes. It turned out to be a very
quiet day - as befits my increasing years!! However, on Tuesday I did go into
Birmingham to paint the town! Actually, I went for a tour around the BBC Centre I
was in the Midlands Today studio and in the studio where "The Archers" is
recorded. We even performed a very short play which was recorded. My
performance was such that I've decided to hold on to my day job! Then after a
short walk against high winds along the Birmingham Canal to Brindley Place (&
Symphony Hall), I enjoyed a lovely meal nearby, before returning somewhat
exhausted to St Joseph's. I was reminded that I celebrated my birthday last year
here at St Joseph's - I hope that this is not becoming a tradition!
By the way, I share my date of birth with Blessed John Henry Newman, as well as
having lived for a number of years at Newman's first Catholic home, to which he
gave the name Maryvale!
I think that I'll be away for one more weekend after this - so I'm looking forward to
being back with you soon. I am very grateful to Fr Raphael for all that he has done
while I've been away.
You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Fr Paul.
Unused Rosaries: Do you have unused rosaries tucked away in the
cupboard or drawer, we are collecting rosaries to send out to various
missions around the world, this appeal is being made by The Catenians
who have so far sent out 135,000 rosaries. It would be good if we could
give this initiative our support, spare rosaries can be given to Fr. Paul or
Brian Ingram.

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