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Examiner : Not sure

Attempt :!st
Ship Sailed : Oil Tanker (VLCC)
Function 3:
1. What type of ship u sailed on? which ships r called vlcc as per
regulation? say whts annex 6? regulation 13 ? methods of reducing
sox n nox...?what precaurtn u tke on board ur ship to reduce it?
questn abt BDN? thing mentn in technical file?
2. What is bulbous bow ? its function ? internal construction ? if not
fitted ? pounding ? arrangemnts for pounding ? ptate floors distance
distance ovr here ?n arrngmnts to reduce?
3. what is free surface effect? hw wll u reduce it?describe all
construction of swash blkhd? why fitng longitudnlly wll reduce more
than transvrse..? etc
4.what is an inclining expt? how done?name of instrumnt? condition
in which we cn do? wht is metacntric chart ?
5. what is psc?n several cross questn? psc on board in engine
room...,what all r those major confrmities for whch ur ship can b
detaind? wht are major confirmities?
Function 4:
1. what is fatigue? engne where find? hw?...n questns..,,wat bst
materials to improve fatigue?
2. what is hydrogen fire? hw will u reduce it? hw causd?
3. generator specifictn ?all terms in specification? lube oil circulation
in d systm? hw liner lubricatd? wht typ of lubricatn? where wht
etc..,n sme x ques?
4. what is ur sludge pp? wat is snake pp? why clld so? wht mke it to
calld so? sme special brng used in dis brng ..wht is it? why used?
material of casing spindle?hw sealng? etc

5. purifier frictn clutch? ferodo linng? why provider?

contrctn?how to fit it?( startd frm why purifier nt gaining rpm)?
Function 6:
1. what is ferule? wht instrumnt use to make ferule? hw to use
flerng tool? hw mch dia reducd? on wat typ of pipe n system it is
used? wht mke den to join (two pipe in case joint ..wht is d name of
joing part in ferule)?
2. take out n overhall suctn v/v of air compressor? lap it? precaurtns
to tke? leak tst ?n mst imp safety part in it?
3. hw to tke bootm end berng clr? y takn at bdc? wht hindrance?
other method? value? gauge? main brng clr? where to tke? if nt
maintn what wrng cn happn?
4. take out n overhall fuel injctor? why spring pr relievd? tests of
injector? sme x questn abt testng p/p? oil used in tst? property? hw
to tst o ring nt leakng? wht mirror cntct?
5. fresh water production less?factors governg it? hw shell temp cn
rice? safe ppm of drinkng water? chemical we put? hw mch sea
water produce wll produce hw mch percntage of frsh water?
function 5 :
1. connecting circuit breakr its nt connecting...,all parameters
ok...,nothng tripd before...,jst startng fr d frst tym? wat can b d
2. alternator maintainance? all papametrs all aternator..pwr factor,ip
no.,insulation ,speed? etc? (x questn ip no? wat first n second no in
23 signify?, pwr factor? insultn f temp ? above wat ambient temp?
hw brush pr adjstd value? air gap value? brush pressue? hw to
make slip ring even in surface? wht at d tym of pedestril brng
3. msb safeties in dry dock?wht is interlock? what pannel door
called actually?
4.motor given in wrkshp overhall it? ir test ? min value? bearing pullr

hw to use? hw knw n when to chnge brng damagd? cn u do

revarnish on board?
5. alternator safeties all with their value of seting n time taken to trip
As cnt able to ans 1st questn nicly ,so lst questn to me ..
what r mcb safeties?

Attempt no 2
Ext: pv ray int: shrivastav
1. M/e specification sfoc and cloc value and calculatiin.
2. Aux engine specification lubrication system and lo line from sump
to everywere.
3. Boiler specification. Y blow thru f g/g glass done nd process.
4. Me exgaust vv operation and all preesure opening nd closing.
5.non desturtive test .name and dp test in detail.
6. Priming nd foaming. How reduce this.
Fn 6
1. Centrifugal pump overhaul . Inspection.especially abt key slot nd
shaft trueness.
2. Sdnr? Globe valve overhaul.
3. Air compressor suc vv ovhaul nd safties f air compressor.
4 . Fwg . Working nd production low.nd many more in dis.
5. Fitted bolt and service bolt. Were used.
6. Aftr cylinder head aux engine piston removal....
Got both fn 4 nd 6

External :PV ray

M/E speciation in detail,compression ratio,scloc.
M/E interlock in detail
Boiler partial blowdown
ae crankcase inspection
main sw pump type ,component n materail
alternator specification, maintenance on it
battery type n maintenance,
paralling of ae,
got f5
DATE: 23.12.2014
Attempt: 1
Internal: V.Rai
External: Paul Sir
Function 3:
1) Type of ship sailed. (Bulk Carrier). Tell about ch-12 of SOLAS.
2) What is collision bulkhead. Location,stiffening members,
spacing , difference between collision and corrugated bulkhead,
advantages of corrugated bulkhead.
3) What are hopper tanks used for(both lower and upper), uses of
4) How hatchcovers and hatch coaming ensure watertight sealing,
how hatchcovers are locked.
5) Explain duct keel,length,uses,constituting of,distance between
the two girders and importance.
6) Explain what type of detector in cargo hold of your ship,how it

works,where is the alarm panel,how co2 is admitted in cargo hold.

7) What is MARPOL annex iv , certificate, what type of bacteria in
STP and what is BOD.
8) What is ISPS code, certificate,levels,what will be your level at
Function 4B:
1) What is Turbocharger surging, causes,effects,remedies
2) What is Fatigue,which components are subjected to fatigue
3) What are the properties that a LUBE OIL possess.. explain
dispersency and detergency.
4) How will you change over from HFO to DO in auxilliary engine..
How in Main Engine.
5) Refrigeration compressor suction line frosted.. causes effects
Function 5:
1) What is ICCP,required for,components,arrangement.
2) What is earth fault,how will you come to know,how fault finding
will be carried out.
3) What is single phasing,protection,how will you come to know that
it is single phasing
4) Paralleling of alternators,why 11 o'clock the breaker is closed.
5) PID working.
6) Battery Maintenance and safeties.
7) Explain any transducer.
Function 6:
1) Difference between stud and bolt. How to tight a stud.. how will
you ensure that you are inserting right size of stud, what you apply
on threads before inserting stud.
2) What is a duplex filter, changeover procedure.

3) A/E cylinder head removal.

4) What is tappet clearance,importance,How to take tappet
clearance and do adjustment.
5) Evaporating coil of refrigeration system frosted,

Date : 22/12/2014
Internal : Shrivastav Sir
External : Paul Sir
Attempt : 1st
Ships sailed : 8000TEU Container and VLCC
Func 3:
1. What are cell-guides for? What is its cross section? What
stresses are predominant in container ship? What are the names of
the four sides of the torsion box? Can you enter the torsion box, if
yes what precautions?
2. Salient features of MARPOL annex VI? Why is it more difficult to
maintain NOx levels than SOx? What can be done to reduce SOx?
What is the sulphur content of fuel now?
3. Draw the six degrees of freedom of a ship.
4. Emergency generator regulations. Where is it stored? How is it
connected? At what temperature should it function? Can it be stored
anywhere on upper deck? Can it stored on upper deck ahead of
collision bulkhead? Why not?
5. What is stiff ship? What will happen if your KG is too low? What
are freeing ports? What are its functions?
Func 4:
1. What are the alarms and trips in an IG system from the boiler till
the tank? Lots of cross questions.

2. What was your DG? Did you have any problems as your DG was
odd-numbered? Tell me the fuel oil line for the DG from the service
tank to the DG? Your viscotherm is gone you need to run the DG
how to do it?
3. What is fatigue? Which all parts of the vessel and machinery are
in fatigue?
Rest Dont remember...
Func 5:
1. Give your alternator specifications. Whats all is mentioned on the
alternator plate? Tell me the insulation type and IP? What is the pf
of your ship alternator?
2. Regular maintenance carried out on alternator. What is the air
gap? What is its significance? What happens if it changes? What is
used to measure the air gap?
3. A motor was becoming hot. You stopped the motor. When after
being cooled its not starting. What may be the reason? What all
checks to be carried out to rectify the problem?
4. What are semi conductors? What are the types of semi
conductors used on board? What are thyristors? Where are they
used on board?
Func 6:
1. What are the hazards associated with gas welding and what
precautions are taken onboard against it? What is the limitations
of gas welding? What are the problems that might happen to a
weld? What are the methods to check the weld?
2. What is SDNR? What is the procedure to overhaul an SDNR incitu? How to remove the spindle from the bonnet? Where are SDNR
used on-board? Is the bilge pump sunction valve SDNR?
3. Your purifier is not picking up speed? What will be the reasons?
What are the problems with the bevel gear? What type of bearings

are used?
4. Tell all the things that are mentioned in a D/G de-carb report?

Safety:1. Tpc defination. If cargo oil is transfered frm fwd to midship tank.
Hw it wil affect tpc n explain.
2. Diff between strake n sheer strake. X questions regarding sheer
3. Lifeboat launching procedure.
4. ISM certificates, who issues them n there validity.
5. Last one i dont remeber.
Motor:1. Bunker specification.
2. In hot well hw d probe senses the presence of oil. Was asking fr
d controller type.
3. PID controller n working.
4. Boiler uptake v/v type. He asked y is it non return n x questions.
5. How is static electricity is generated in cargo tanks?? Electrical:1. Y meggger is used to check insulation. Y nt voltmeter.
2.What is air gap, hw is it checked? Y nonconducting material fr
checking airgap.

Date- 17.12.2014
Function- 3
Internal- Vikrant roy sir
External- R K D Sir( he is such a good person...).

1. In oil tanker while loading what other operation is carrying out

parallel.( want to listen high velocity vent and how it works.)
2. Hogging and sagging...
3.Function of bottom pintle and bearing pintle.
4.What is ism ;smc;doc.validity and where it is kept.
5. How the ship is supported in dock.
Decider by vikrant roy sir
1.TPC and its formula....what is water plane area..
2. What is stable;unstable;neutral equilibrium ....

Function 6
post scavenge fire inspection
liner calibration
how to take bumping clearance
bottom end bearing clearance
l.o test on board
Date - 16/02/2015
Ext- bhowmik sir
Int- srivastava sir
1. What are the additional bulk carrier safety measures as per SOLAS??
2. What is GT & NT and its importance??
3. Function of HRU in liferaft??
4. How to operate portable mechanical foam extinguisher and what r
their contents??
5. How many types of ladder used on board the ship?? Name all of

murti and biswas
1.draw card
2. boiler water tests
3. gudgeon pin clearances
4. reciprocating bilge paump not taking suction

Int. Srivastav
-butt much, hw taken, why
-sea water lline hole,5 ways to stop it..Wat is common fr pin hole
-shell n tube type heat xcngr opened up, Wht checks on covers, speciality of
end covers
-u stopped running gen in Nyt n wen u started in mng it didn't start.
Ganguly sir n moorty sir
1 . pre bunkering and during bunkering we will make sure barge carrying same
grade oil in all tanks ..ans he want to listen was sampling throughout the operation will tell us
about grade
2 auxiliary engine surging,, ur action. How we wil find cooler chocked,, in running condition ,,,ans
3 checks after scavenge fire.
4 oil in gauge glass ur action
5 omd alarm.. action n selector switch function
Decider moorty sir
Boiler feed pump ,, multistage centrifugal pump overhaul. I was wrong n then asked me how to
take out bearing n fix back n asked me to go out and find overhaul of single stage horizontal
centrifugal pump
internal -v.k.rai
func -4b
1. m/e specification
2.diff b/w me and mc engine
3.centrifugal p/p charecteristics. x question
4.imp of fwg shell temperature.
5. all components of a unit of m/e

func 6
1.fwg full overhaul
2.liner crack indication
3.exh v/v high temp reasons
4.control air line from main air bottle details fitting
5.steam line detailed fittings.

V.rai sir and mukherjee sir
1. What r things mounted on steam line
2.maintenance on air compressor to get more efficiency. many exhaust valve on four stroke engine . why in two numbers why not single valve and
4. For better purification what are are the conditions.
5. How to change duplex filter. And more cross questions.
Fun 4b
1.fuel injector testing,safeties,how to check pattern expect paper method.
2.on off control.
3.welding defects,cause and how to prevent. hardening.
Fun 6
1.Tappet clearance everything.when to take how to confirm TDC and values.
2.lube oil testing on board.drop taste details.
3.compressor manual start.
4.bursting disc.
5.effect of Fuel oil high temp., viscotherm working.

oralint murty ext pv ray

func three
which type of ship you sailed
draw the cross section of the gas tanker
what is the material of construction of the tank
what is the primary barrier made of
what is the secondary barrier made of
on what places is the relief valve arrangement provided on gas tankers
where do you use the boil off
what is free surface effect
what is done to reduce it
what is the marpol annex six regarding sox and nox
latest amendments in annex six
what is EEDi and impact of carbon dioxide

what is ISPS code

what to do on gas tanker if port suddenly goes to level III
func four
spec of main engine
spec of DG
what all clearaqnces to take in DG
how to check the big end bearing clearance
what is wear down rate
how much ovality acceptable
diff between MC and MCC engine
location of thrust block in MC and MCC engine
fuc five
spec of alternator onboard..what was IP class and IN. class no.
what is the power factor
how much power factor
how to improve power factor
where is the power factor control is used by using sync motor and why
draw diag od the reverse power relay
how is the alumunium disc is supported in reverse power relay
how to check AVR
Explain KW and KVAR
safeties of SG motor..
fun six
what to do if the refer c/c is sweating
how to know air in S/g
how to remove air from it
if the ram is going in or going out
which type of p/p is sludge p/p
which type of coupling used
material of stator and rotor
how to maintain the LO temp of the main engine if you have only one cooler to maintain it.
what all can happen if even after cleaning the cooler tubes the cooler working inefficient
how to repair the hole in tubes without usng the hot work
explain which type of DAVCON used on cast iron
how to use DAVCON
what can be the reason and end effect id the shell temp of FWG is going down
what will u do if suddenly the bursting cap blown on main air compressor from starting to

Date : 10 Feb
Int. - V. Rai
Ext.- PV Ray
1. Specification of Alternator

2. Type of battery used on Board, Lead acid battery construction, Maintenance carried out
3. Shore Connection box safeties, where it is located. Difference between isolator, fuse and breaker
4. Alternator maintenance complete. What all check you will carry out on AVR.
5. Engine room Crane Safeties, inspection and maintenance of crane motor.
6. What is short circuit and open circuit.
7. On what factor does resistance of wire depends on.

Int.v.rai sir
Ext.daw sir.
1.power card nd draw card diffrence..diagram nd cross ques.
2.difference betwean cast iron nd mild steel.
3.function of bursting disc..
4.If safety nd blower washing procedure.
5.air in refer system.action to purge?
6.if u r control room,how u cm to knw abt scavenge fire if it s ? Action?.
Decider by v.rai sir..2nd stage suction valve leaking in compressor ,Wt ll hapon ?.
Wt s steam tracing ?
1.crankcase inspection.
2.boiler gauge glass blowdown.
3.Lo charging in refer plant .
4.bottom end bearing clearance
5.cop alarm nd trips ,scrubber high water level alarms...action..

Date 6 Feb 2015

Ext.- don't know
Int -Murti
-a/e main brg removal and inspection
-adjustment of vertical shaft spindle in Px wid procedure of doing it.(by murti).
-centrifugal pump overhaul (by murti)
-type of main air compressor and suction valve ovhl ...cross questions
-a/e routines
-adv of plate type heat xchanger over shell and tube type..maintenance on plate type heat Main advantage of shell nd tube type ovr plate type heat xchanger while in
operating condition.
Oral - 9/2/15
Int v. Rai, ext daw
Func 5
1 Megger, testing and parts
2 air gap in alternator why

3 trickle charging in battery

4 msb safeties
5 don't remember
Func 6
1 stud extractor
2 oil charging in reefer comp
3 gas charging in reefer comp
4 big end brg clearance
5 checks in a/e crankcase
Date-18 Feb
Alternator working
Safties in detail
Reverse power, trip reasons working
Earth lamps
Diff in msb and esb safties
Acb safeties
Safties from alternator to bus bar
Earth fault finding
Testing of trips
Plc controllers!!! Tht touch screen for operations he only said abt it...
Pid controller
Uptake fire reasons actions
Soot blowing
Prevention of uptake fire
Purifier over flow reasons
Boiler treatment?reasons
Reasons for blow down procedure
Gauge glass blow down
Boiler safety alarms
Air conditioning system cross questions
Room is not getting cooling effect reasons

How to take tappet clearance
Boiler accumulation pressure test
Hole in bilge line. How to repair

Oil in hot well...

Cleared class 4....

Date- 18 Feb
External- trassi
Fn 3
Define lightweight, deadweight, freeboard
Types of rudders and their advantages
Type of fixed fire extinguisher used on deck on my ship (fire main line)
Regulations for pumping out bilges from machinery space..

Date: 24.02.15
Biswas sir nd shrivastav sir.
1.what is freeboard? compare it w.r.t oil tanker,bulk carrer,log carrier.nd why different freeboard of
these ship.factors depending upon the freeboard.
2.what is stability of the ship? wat is metacentric height? how a ship become stable? wat is
righting lever nd how calculate this.
3. how many types of rudder? sketch nd explain. advantage nd disvantages of each other.
4.co2 flooding system, operating procedure.
5.solas requirements of co2 flooding safety,system safety.
1.what is viscocity, viscocity index.
2. wat is fuel quality nd various cross qstn; dont remember
3. m/e specification nd explain everything. my ship was b&w. so he asked revolution of b&w
4. sketch nd describe pneumatic control exhaust vv system.
one more qstn was there but sorry can't remember.
got function 3.

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