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A church with open arms, loving hearts, and a desire to bring glory to god

Faith Christian Church News

Spring Time!

Song of Solomon 2:11-12 For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers
appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.

Thank you from Ambucs!

The church has received a thank you letter from Ambucs for the donation of $1,800 to the Every Kid
Needs a Bike project. The funds donated were raised in the Harvest Festival in November of last year.

Mark Your Calendar!

CLT wants to hear from YOU!

Do you have any ideas, concerns or
would like to get involved at FCC? If so;
please contact one of the CLT members
before our next CLT meeting on 3.10.15.

March 8-Daylight Savings Time begins

Good Friday

April 5-Easter-Stay tuned for details on a

On Friday, April 3, 2015 we will have an event at

The Venue. Stay tuned for details!

March 29-Beginning of Holy Week

April 3-Good Friday-Stay tuned for details!
Sunrise Service, Breakfast, Fellowship , and Worship Service

Volume 3, Issue 18

March 2015

Whats in FCC News this week?

Thank You from Ambucs!

CLT wants to hear from You! 1

Good Friday

Mark YOUR Calendar



Our Extended Church


Message from Pastor Reid

Memorial Gift

March Birthdays

Altar Flowers


Meeting place address:

4630 Blanchard Road
Burlington NC 27217

Postal address:
P. O. Box 1731 Burlington NC 27216
Church website:


On Sunday, April 5, 2015 we will have

a Sunrise Service, Breakfast, Fellowship, and worship Service. Stay tuned
for more details!

Contact Information for Pastor Reid

Home Telephone(336) 447-4445 Cell Phone(336) 214-1065

Have you liked our Facebook Page?

Or checked out our website!
Click on FCCs logo and Facebook icon to visit our page and website

Message from Pastor Reid

Are You Stuck Spiritually?

Our Extended
Church Family
Hassell and Becky Corbett-

712 Jeffries Cross

Road Burlington
NC 27217
Ervin and Polly Stanfield6403 Union Ridge
Road Burlington
NC 27217
Victor Newcomb1413921 M C I
P. O. Box 506
Maury NC
Hannah RichWestern Carolina
University 245
Memorial Drive
Suite 8054
Cullowhee NC

Leadership Contacts
Leadership Team
Eddie and Vonda Lewis
336- 516-2454
Jon and Stephanie Gordon
Jerry and Sharon Madden
Jeff and Melissa Blanchard
Lisa Oakley 336-229-9436
Sandi Gordon 336-578-3533
Greg Oakley 336-229-9436
Wilbur Gordon 336-578-3533
Homer Whitaker 336-227-7778
C Tejeda 336-585-0076
Richard Terrell 336-229-0203

Pastor Reid Dickens


Prayerfully answer these 10 questions which will help you get free.
1. Is there some unconfessed sin in my life that I need to deal with? 1 John 1:8-10
2. Is there some person I have offended or hurt, but I have not apologized to or sought forgiveness
or restoration? Matthew 5:23-24
3. Is there some person in my life whom I have not forgiven? Ephesians 4:31-32
4. Is there any idol that I have adopted into my life in the place of God? 1 John 2:15-16
5. Am I believing lies about God, myself, others, or my situation? Philippians 4:8
6. Am I being disciplined and consistent in my pursuit of God? Psalm 63:1-8
7. Are there any areas of my life that are out of balance? Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
8. Are there any areas of my life that are requiring inappropriate amounts of my time? Ephesians
9. Is there some ministry that God wants me to pursue, but I have held out? 1 Timothy 4:14
10. Have I been 100% honest before God on each of the above questions? John 8:32
Printed from

Psalm 139:23-24
Search me O God and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
(New Living Translation of the Bible)

Memorial Gift
The church has received a memorial gift from Bobby and Mary
Roach in memory of Joe Walters.

March Birthdays
Happy Birthday!
3-Mitchell Price
6-Tim OMalley
8-Stacy Warner
9-Louise Whitaker

15-Tom Moore
28-Melissa Blanchard
30-Kay McCall
Luke 1:14 And you will have joy and
gladness, and many will rejoice at his

Altar Flowers
Would you like to put
flowers on the altar in
memory or in honor of
someone? Contact Pastor
Reid to purchase and put a
message of your chosen in
the bulletin.

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