2008 February Student Newsletter

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Page 1

Newsletter Volume1

February News


World News 1
World News
National News 2
2008 is a Leap Year Fish Stocks at Risk
Quebec News 3
A leap year takes place every Research shows that the
Entertainment 4 four or five years. We add a world’s fish stocks are in dan-
day in February so our calen- ger. Changes in the ocean are
Health Tips 4
dar matches the solar year. A affecting fish numbers.
Games 4
solar year equals the time it There is concern because
Trivia 4 takes the Earth to go around people around the world get
the Sun. their food from the sea.

CONTEST! Chinese New Year

February 7th was the first
This newsletter day of the Chinese New Year,
needs a name! which is the biggest Chinese
holiday of the year. Festivals UFO Sighting
Do you have any
were held around the world to Explained
ideas? Send them to
welcome the Year of the Rat. A January UFO sighting in
us. If we pick your
idea, you will win Texas turned out to be
$50.00! American Air Force jets. At
first, the Air Force denied
Send ideas to: having jets in the area, but
vhuegli_qlwg@hotmail.com they later changed their
In Chinese tradition, a different animal
represents each new year. story.
National News
Concern about $555 Million to
Drug for Bird Flu Help Haiti
“Tamiflu” is a treatment for people
Canada has pledged $555 million to
who get sick with bird flu. Many
help Haiti. Over the next five years,
countries have been storing the drug
the money will be used for new roads,
to prepare for an outbreak. In Can-
police stations, and public programs.
ada, there is concern that the flu vi-
rus is becoming resistant to the
Canadian Robot to
be Sent to Space
A $200-million Canadian robot will go
into space this March. The two-
armed robot will be aboard the space
shuttle Endeavour. Its job will be to
help with outside repairs on the shut-
For most Canadians, the
risk of getting bird flu is
very low.

Afghan Mission
Canada says that its Afghan mission Federal Budget
will now end in 2011. The mission had The government announced its fed-
been set to end in 2009. 78 Canadian eral budget in late February. Some
soldiers have already died. Polls show have called this a prudent budget in
that Canadians are split on whether unsure times. Others have called it a
we should stay. boring, “do-nothing” budget.

Page 2
Page 3

Quebec News
Winter Blues Cotton Swab
It has been one snowy winter across Warning
the province. Many areas have had
more snow than they’ve seen in
years. Experts say that people
should get outside and stay active to
beat the winter blues.

A Quebec coroner warns against using

cotton swabs in the ear. Last year, a
Montreal man died after piercing an
eardrum with a cotton swab. The
man’s ear got infected and he later

Quebec City’s
Carnival Dentists Planning
The debut of Quebec City’s Carnival
Medicare Pullout
was delayed because of a winter Quebec dentists are planning to pull

storm. Activities quickly resumed out of Medicare. Dentists say that

and the city enjoyed a successful they will start charging fees for

festival. children under ten and people on


Quebec City celebrates its

400th birthday this year!
Page 4
Entertainment Health Tips 
The Academy Awards were
held on February 24th. Some  
of this year’s winners are:     


1. Best Film: No Country


for Old Men
2. Best Animated Film:
3. Best Costumes:  
Elizabeth: The  !
Golden Age

4. Best Song:
“Falling Slowly” 

“Forget Love. I’d rather

fall in chocolate”.
-Author unknown

Games and Trivia

Sudoku Riddle
Fill in the missing numbers so every row, Many have heard it, but nobody has ever
column, and quadrant has the numbers 1 seen it. It will not speak back until spoken
through 9. to. What is it?

1. What fruit has its seeds on the outside?

2. What is the name of our galaxy?

3. Complete the expression: No use crying

over ___________.

Check answers below.

3. Spilled Milk 2. The Milky Way Trivia: 1. A strawberry
Riddle: An echo

To find out more about QELA, go to www.qela.qc.ca

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