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Unit 1:
The word business stands for any economic activity
which is undertaken with a view to earn profit and the
communication undertaken in the process of this activity
is termed as business communication .
1. Sender/Encoder/Speaker.
2. Receiver/Decoder/Listener.
3. Message.
4. Medium .
5. Feedback.

1. Sender: The person who initiates the communication

process is normally referred to as the sender. He is the
person who transmits, spreads, or communicates a
message and is the one who conceives and initiates the
message with the purpose of informing/ persuading/
influencing/ changing the attitude, opinion, or behavior of
the receiver (audience/listener).from his personal data
bank he selects ideas, encodes and finally transmits them
to the receiver.
2. Receiver : A receiver is the targeted audience of the
message. The receiver gets the message, understands ,

interprets, and tries to perceive the total meaning of the

message as transmitted by the sender. He receives an
encoded message which attempts to decode.
3. Message : It is information, written or spoken, which is
to be sent from one person to another. The most
important characteristic of a message as an element of
communication is, that is organized, structured, shaped,
and selective, in the sense that it is a product of the prewriting or pre-speaking stage and exists in the mind of
the sender(communication).
4. Medium/channel: Another important element of
communication is the medium or channel, which is
nothing but vehicle or which facilities the sender to
convey the message to the receiver. It could be oral,
written or non-verbal.
5. Feedback: This is the top loop that connects the
receiver in the communication process with the sender,
who, in turn, acts as a feedback receiver and, thus, gets
to know that communication has been accomplished.

Unit 3:

Q. what is a business proposal letter?

Answer: A business proposal letter is a form of business
communication which is formal in nature. It is a mode of
written communication and is persuasive in tone.
Business proposal letters are prepare or written for selling
an idea or a concept. As the name suggests a proposal
letter is a proposal for the future de-pending upon past
records or present reviews.
Q. what is a different between a report and proposal
Answer: A reports and proposal are used in organizations
depending upon requirement; the formal may be
considering the basic difference between a reports and
1. A proposal is persuasive in nature whereas a report is
informative in nature.
2. A proposal is prepared for the future whereas a report
is prepared always on the data from the past.
3. Budget session or budgeting compulsory in the
proposal which isnot present in the report.
A report may have records of expenditure.
Q. what are the different types of the proposal?

Answer: 1. Solicited and unsolicited.

2. Internal and External.
3. Long and Short.
4. Cotasion.
5. Academic and Business proposal.

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