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BREEAM-NOR ver. 1.0 (2012)

New Construction

Norwegian IPR: Norwegian Green Building Council

International IPR: BRE Global

SD 5066A: ISSUE 1.1

BES 5066: ISSUE 1.0

BREEAM-NOR ver. 1.0

The BREEAM-NOR Assessor Manual is a technical guidance document which

has been created to aid licensed BREEAM Assessors, licensed by BRE to carry
out BREEAM-NOR Buildings Assessments.

This NGBC Environmental & Sustainability Standard is the property of the Norwegian Green
Building Council, based upon a license from BRE Global Ltd. Pursuant to the Framework
Agreement entered into, and is made publicly available for information purposes only. Its use
for testing, assessment, certification or approval must be in accordance with NGBCs
procedures, approved by BRE Global Ltd., and requires interpretation by NGBC and by NGBCs
experts. Any party wishing to use this NGBC Environmental & Sustainability Standard to offer
testing, assessment, certification or approval must have undergone examination-related
training by NGBC and possess a license; a fee will normally be charged. BRE Global will not
unreasonably refuse such applications. NGBC accepts no responsibility for any unauthorised
use or distribution by others of this NGBC Environmental & Sustainability Standard and may
take legal action to prevent such unauthorised use or distribution.

NGBC 2011


.......................................................................... 1
SD 5066A: ISSUE 1.1 ........................................................................................................................ 1
BES 5066: ISSUE 1.0 ......................................................................................................................... 1
Norwegian Green Building Council ...................................................................................................................... 6
Terms and conditions for accessing BREEAM Europe scheme manuals .............................................................. 6
1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 8
1.1 What is BREEAM? .......................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Governance and Quality Standards ................................................................................................................ 9
1.3 BREEAM Credibility ..................................................................................................................................... 10
1.4 The BREEAM Manuals ................................................................................................................................. 11
2.0 Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 16
2.1 Stages of assessment ..................................................................................................................................... 17
2.2 Type of projects that can be assessed using BREEAM-NOR ........................................................................ 18
2.3 Type of buildings that can be assessed using this BREEAM scheme ............................................................ 26
3.0 Scoring and Rating .......................................................................................................................... 36
3.1 Rating benchmarks ........................................................................................................................................ 37
3.2 Environmental section weightings................................................................................................................. 37
3.3 Minimum standards ....................................................................................................................................... 38
3.4 BREEAM credits for innovation .................................................................................................................... 40
3.5 How to calculate a buildings rating ............................................................................................................. 41
3.6 BREEAM Outstanding Rating ....................................................................................................................... 43
4.0 Management ..................................................................................................................................... 44
5.0 Health and Wellbeing ...................................................................................................................... 88
6.0 Energy ............................................................................................................................................. 138

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7.0 Transport ........................................................................................................................................ 182

8.0 Water ............................................................................................................................................... 212
9.0 Materials ......................................................................................................................................... 233
10.0 Waste ............................................................................................................................................ 261
11.0 Land Use and Ecology ................................................................................................................ 284
12.0 Pollution ....................................................................................................................................... 306
13.0 Innovation..................................................................................................................................... 344
14.0 Technical Checklists ................................................................................................................... 346
14.1 Technical Checklist A2: Man 2 Constructors Environmental and Social Code of Conduct .................... 346
14.2 Technical Checklist A3: Man 3 Construction Site Impacts ....................................................................... 352
14.3 Technical Checklist A4: LE3 Land of Low Ecological Value ................................................................... 359
14.5 Technical Checklist A5: Mat 5 Responsible Sourcing of Materials .......................................................... 360
14.6 Technical Checklist A6: Guidance for relating ecologists report to BREEAM ....................................... 367
14.7 Technical Checklist A9: NOx emissions grid electricity ........................................................................... 382
14.9 Technical Checklist A15: Site Waste Management Plan ........................................................................... 383
14.10 Technical Checklist A16: Contaminated land ......................................................................................... 386
14.12 Technical Checklist A20: Miljgiftslisten ................................................................................ 390
16.0 References ................................................................................................................................... 393

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List of Tables
Table 1.1 Summary of BREEAM categories and main issues ................................................................ 12
Table 3.1 BREEAM 2009 rating benchmarks .......................................................................................... 37
Table 3.2 BREEAM 2009 environmental weightings ............................................................................... 38
Table 3.3 Minimum BREEAM standards ................................................................................................. 38
Table 3.4 BREEAM issues with exemplary level criteria. ........................................................................ 40
Table 3.5 Example BREEAM score and rating calculation ..................................................................... 42
Table 5.1 Average daylight factor according to latitude at the building location ..................................... 88
Table 5.2 Point daylight factor in office areas according to latitude at the building location ................... 89
Table 5.3 Point daylight factor in common and sales areas according to latitude at the building location
................................................................................................................................................................. 89
Table 5.4 Reflectance for maximum room depths and window head heights ......................................... 93
Table 5.5 VOC criteria by product type ................................................................................................. 113
Table 5.6 Seven-point thermal sensation scale .................................................................................... 122
Table 6.1 Percentage improvement over the requirements of local Building Regulations .................... 139
Table 6.2 Size of plant for which separate metering would be required ............................................... 147
Table 7.1 Frequency and distance to public transport requirements for retail developments............... 183
Table 7.2 Frequency and distance to public transport requirements for industrial developments ........ 183
Table 7.3 Default hours of operation for a typical day ........................................................................... 186
Table 3 Guideline values for bacteriological monitoring ........................................................................ 231
Table 4 Guideline values for general system monitoring ...................................................................... 231
Table 9.1 Applicable elements to assessment stage .............................Feil! Bokmerke er ikke definert.
Table 9.2 Relevant product groups distributed by building elements in the assessment phase234
Table 9.3 Responsible Sourcing Tier Levels and Criteria ..................................................................... 253
Table 9.4 EMS Criteria .......................................................................................................................... 254
Table 11.1 Credits awarded depending on the change in ecological value of site ............................... 294
Table 12.1 Refrigerant GWP ................................................................................................................. 309
Table 12.2 Dry NOx emissions level depending on nominal heat input offices & retail ..................... 317
Table 12.3 Dry NOx emissions level depending on nominal heat input - industrial .............................. 317
Table 12.4 Recommendations for the uniformity of illuminance ........................................................... 336
Table 12.5 Recommendations for Maximum Luminance (CD/m2) ....................................................... 336
Table 12.6 Environmental lighting zone ................................................................................................ 339
Table 13.1 BREEAM issues with exemplary level criteria ..................................................................... 344
Table 14.1 Standard road transport fuel conversion factors ................................................................. 357
Table 14.2 Standard road transport fuel conversion factors ................................................................. 357
Table 14.3 Standard Road Transport Fuel Conversion Factors ........................................................... 358
Table 14.4Freight road mileage conversion factors .............................................................................. 358

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BREEAM is a registrered trademark of BRE (the Building Research Establishment Ltd.

Community Trade Mark E5778551). The BREEAM marks, logos and symbols are the
Copyright of BRE and are reproduced by permission.
Permission is given to Norwegian Green Building Council accordance authorization as
National Scheme Operator of BREEAM-NOR in Norway

Norwegian Green Building Council
Kongensgt 9
N-0153 Oslo


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The BREEAM name and logo are registered trademarks of the BRE.

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Terms and Conditions for accessing BREEAM Manuals


Norwegian Green Building Council

NGBC is an independent association for industry leaders in Norwegian construction and real estate.
NGBC intends to be a motivator and driving force for the changes that construction and real estate will
be making to reduce adverse effects to the environment and human health by disseminating knowledge
and tools, and preparing its members and others with respect to future requirements and possibilities.
NGBCs purpose is to increase the environmental standard of Norwegian construction by developing
BREEAM-NOR in a manner that causes environmentally friendly buildings to be demanded and highly
sought after.

NGBC is, with its 120 members (spring 2011), nation-wide and representative for the entire value chain
in construction and real estate, including tenants and local societies/towns. A membership list can be
found at

BREEAM-NOR ver. 1.0 was developed with input from more than 100 volunteering employees from
NGBCs member companies. Five technical working groups have received strategic guidance and
advice from the Strategic Advising Group (SAG), which is composed of representatives from the
authorities, the research community and the member companies. The working groups have purchased
expert consulting as needed. SAG has given the Board of NGBC its recommendation for BREEAMNOR. BRE Global Ltds approval of BREEAM-NOR is based upon its adoption by the Board of NGBC.

Terms and conditions for accessing BREEAM Europe scheme

By accessing or using this website you agree to these terms and conditions of use.

Personal data protection

NGBC respects the privacy of users entering this site and we recognise the importance of the
responsible use of information collected on this site. We will do our best to maintain the accuracy of the
personal information you supply to us. You have the right to access and correct your personal
information at any time and if you wish to do so please contact us at We will not sell or
rent your personally identifiable information to anyone..


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Terms and Conditions for accessing BREEAM Manuals

Mention of third party products, services, companies and websites on any BRE website is for
informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.
This manual, and the associated material at NGBCs Web site, may be downloaded and used freely.
The information and images contained on our websites are the property of NGBC or BRE Global Ltd,
unless explicitly stated to the contrary. They are protected by copyright laws. Material may be
downloaded free of charge or printed without requiring specific permission but remains the intellectual
property, technical know how and copyrighted material of NGBC. Such material is not to be used in a
derogatory manner, in a misleading context or for commercial purposes. If the material is being issued
to others, the source including the web address and copyright status must be acknowledged. We may
require you to register your details before downloading certain information or documents.

Trade Marks
BREEAM is a registred trademark of BRE (the Building Research Establishment Ltd. Community Trade
Mark E5778551). The BREEAM marks, logos and symbols are Copyright of BRE and are reproduced
by permission.

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Terms and Conditions for accessing BREEAM Manuals


1.0 Introduction
1.1 What is BREEAM?
BREEAM is an integrated assessment system for construction and real estate, which documents
differences in effects on the environment and human health, and which makes it easier to make the
correct choices. BREEAM-NOR is a Norwegian adaptation and is connected with relevant standards
and rules in the environmental and energy areas.
BREEAM (Building Research Establishments Environmental Assessment Method) is the worlds
leading and most widely used environmental assessment method for buildings, with over 115,000
buildings certified and nearly 700,000 registered. It sets the standard for best practice in sustainable
design and has become the de facto measure used to describe a buildings environmental
performance. Credits are awarded in ten categories according to performance. These credits are then
added together to produce a single overall score on a scale of Pass, Good, Very Good, Excellent and
Outstanding. The operation of BREEAM is overseen by an independent Sustainability Board,
representing a wide cross-section of construction industry stakeholders.

BREEAM-NOR was developed by the Norwegian Green Building Council (NGBC). NGBC operates
BREEAM-NOR under a license from BRE Global Ltd, which allows NGBC to issue certificates on behalf
of their certified assessors in the classes of Pass, Good, Very Good, Excellent and Outstanding.

Aims of BREEAM:

To mitigate the impacts of buildings on the environment

To enable buildings to be recognised according to their environmental benefits

To provide a credible, environmental label for buildings

To stimulate demand for sustainable buildings

Objectives of BREEAM:

To provide market recognition to low environmental impact buildings

To ensure best environmental practice is incorporated in buildings

To set criteria and standards surpassing those required by regulations and challenge the
market to provide innovative solutions that minimise the environmental impact of buildings

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To raise the awareness of owners, occupants, designers and operators of the benefits of
buildings with a reduced impact on the environment

To allow organisations to demonstrate progress towards corporate environmental objectives

1.2 Governance and Quality Standards

BRE Global Ltd has authorized NGBC as National Scheme Operator of BREEAM-NOR.
Board of NGBC decides and supervises the use of BREEAM-NOR and associated manuals,
publications, standards and certification, within mandate given in Framework Agreement, by
BRE Global Ltd. The Board is elected by NGBCs annual meeting.
The Board has given the mandate to Strategic Advisory Group and Education Group to
ensure and advice relevant and targeted development and use of BREEAM-NOR. NGBC has
made use of its members' professional experience and expertise, supplemented by best
knowledge and expertise, in the development of BREEAM-NOR. NGBC has paid special
attention to balance the BREEAM-NOR in relation to the diversity and different interests in
Norwegian Real Estate and Construction sector, and work closely with the Norwegian
authorities, NGOs and emphases within the purpose.
The board and SRG represents a broad cross section of stakeholders from the construction
industry, designers, developers, end users, research and government.
NGBC educate and authorizes Accredited Professional (AP) as an internal project support to
make solutions and changes to imporve design to achieve cost-effective solutions in line with
BREEAM-NOR. BREEAM-NOR AP is assumed to have experience of competence, and will
have a special understanding and knowledge of interdisciplinary collaboration, and optimized
timeline for project development. BREEAM-NOR AP in Norway has been developed in
accordance to similar BREEAM-schemes in UK. The use of AP can provide up to 3 credits.
Certification by BREEAM-NOR will be done by a qualified auditor (Assessor), - trained,
certified and licensed by NGBC. The user of BREEAM-NOR has to engage BREEAM-NOR
Assessor to get part approval. The Assessor may be consulted, but cannot have any
tasks in the project / property. This implies that the Assessor cannot be employed by the
building owner.
The review and classification done by Assessor will be quality assured by SINTEF
Certification, on behalf of NGBC. The final acceptance of the classification done by Assessor,
will qualify for certificate. SINTEF Certification is accredited by Norsk Akkreditering.

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1.3 BREEAM Credibility

Technical Credibility
BREEAM has been tried and tested since 1990, both in terms of its robust technical standards and its
commercial delivery, and expert advice (based on scientific evidence) continues to inform almost every
issue in BREEAM.

In the UK there are over 115,000 buildings certified and over 700,000 homes and buildings currently
registered for assessment. BREEAM can be used to assess any building type anywhere in the world.

Robust Technical Standards

BREEAM has always used objective criteria to recognise good environmental performance:

Issues for assessment are agreed to be significant, and offer worthwhile reductions in
environmental impact

Issues must be assessable at the relevant stage in the buildings life

Performance levels are based on scientific evidence wherever possible

Performance levels must exceed demands of law and regulations and encourage innovation

Improvements encouraged by BREEAM are achievable and cost effective

Where specific targets cannot be set using hard science or research, sensible practical measures are
recommended to minimise environmental impact or enhance the environment of the building and its

Commercial Credibility
Assessments are undertaken by organisations and individuals trained and licensed by NGBC pursuant
to a license from BRE Global Ltd.. This ensures:

Competition in the market for assessment services

Engagement with the whole of the industry

Design and auditing will be done accordance to the same quality standards throughout the hole

value chain. Certification will be issued by NGBC, under license from BRE Global Ltd

BRE Global has gained UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) accreditation for all its BREEAM
schemes. This means that its management of BREEAM is monitored and overseen by UKAS.

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1.4 The BREEAM Manuals

The BREEAM-NOR assessment tool is based upon a so-called Credit List (point list). NGBC has
developed such a list based upon BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009 and BREEAM Education 2008.
NGBCs list is based upon Norwegian rules and standards, and Norwegian practices. The list is
specified in Handbook for Environmentally Correct Construction.

The points that can be attained will vary with the type of building (retailing, office, industry and
education). Users must establish the project type and building category in the correct manner for all
parts of the construction.

Version 1.0 has been developed by 5 technical working groups, approved by the Strategic Advising
Group, adopted by the Board of NGBC and authorised by BRE Global.

What is in the BREEAM Manuals?

A definition of the scope of each BREEAM scheme
Full information on the technical standards and criteria of each BREEAM scheme (summarised below)
Rating & scoring information
Technical checklists
Country appendix sheets with further information and guidance specific to each country are provided in
a separate document.

Understanding the BREEAM Manuals

A BREEAM standard covers ten categories of sustainability including:


Health & Wellbeing






Land Use and Ecology



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Each category is detailed in this technical manual and consists of a number of issues (summarised
below) with specified purposes. Each issue seeks to mitigate the impact of a new or refurbished
building on the environment by defining a performance target and assessment criteria that must be met
to confirm the target has been achieved. The criteria specify the performance target(s) that the
solutions must satisfy, relevant to the purpose. Where a performance target has been achieved the
number of available BREEAM credits can be awarded.

Table 2.1 Summary of BREEAM categories and main issues


Construction site impacts
Building User Guide

Health and Wellbeing

Occupant thermal comfort
Indoor air and water quality


Public transport network connectivity

Pedestrian and Cyclist facilities
Access to amenities
Travel plans and information


Construction waste
Recycled aggregates
Recycling facilities


Refrigerant use and leakage

Flood risk
NOx emissions
Watercourse pollution
External light and noise pollution

Land Use and Ecology

CO2 emissions
Low or zero carbon technologies
Energy sub metering
Energy efficient building systems


Site selection
Protection of ecological features
Mitigation/enhancement of ecological value


Embodied life cycle impact of materials

Materials re-use
Responsible sourcing

Water consumption
Leak detection
Water re-use and recycling

Exemplary performance levels

Use of BREEAM Accredited Professionals

The performance targets go beyond and support the minimum standard needed to satisfy Building
Regulation or other legislation. The targets represent good or best practice in the field of sustainable
design and procurement.

The BREEAM issues are tradable, meaning that a tenant, user, developer or design team/client can
pick and choose which to require and/or comply with in order to build their BREEAM performance
score. Several BREEAM issues do have minimum standards meaning that, to achieve a particular
BREEAM rating, a defined number of credits for that issue must be achieved or specified performance
requirements met (BREEAMs minimum standards are outlined in section 3.0).

Each BREEAM issue is structured as follows:

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Issue Information: Issue ID, issue title, number of credits available for meeting the performance
target and whether the issue forms part of BREEAMs minimum standards.

Aim: Broadly outlines the objective of the issue i.e. the impact it intends to mitigate

Assessment Criteria: outlines the building performance target/benchmark and its criteria. Some
issue have Exemplary Level Criteria. Where a building demonstrates that it meets Exemplary Level
Criteria an Innovation Credit can be awarded (refer to section 13 Innovation for more detail)

Schedule of Evidence Required: outlines typical examples of the type of information that must be
collected from the design team/client by the BREEAM assessor so they can assess if the building
complies with the issue criteria.

Additional Information: details relevant definitions of BREEAM terminology and contains

information to support the assessment and compliance of the building.

The following pages contain an example BREEAM issue.

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Example of a BREEAM Issue

Please note: this BREEAM issue has been edited for the purpose of demonstration.

This box indicates the total number

of BREEAM credits available for
each scheme. These credits can be
awarded if the assessed building
complies with the assessment

objective of the
issue and the
impact that the
Criteria seeks to

Information box appears at

the top of each BREEAM
issue. Each issue has a
unique ID and title.

This box states whether or not minimum

standards apply to the BREEAM issue.
Section 3.3 of the guidance details the
specific minimum standards for each
relevant BREEAM issue. For example,
one of the two available credits for the
Man 2 issue must be achieved to obtain
an Excellent BREEAM rating.

The Assessment Criteria

details the requirements
demonstrate compliance
with for the available
BREEAM credits to be

Some BREEAM issues

have Exemplary Level
Criteria an additional
BREEAM credit can be
section 13 Innovation
for further detail.

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Occasionally international
or national publications
and standards will be
referred to within the
followed by a reference
number or a link to a
compliance note. Full
international publications
are provided in section 16
of this document and
references to the national
standards are provided in
appendix sheet.
Each BREEAM issue
contains a Compliance
Notes table. This table
Assessment Criteria.


The Schedule of Evidence Required

table describes the types of
information that must be provided to
the BREEAM assessor as evidence
compliance with the Assessment



The Schedule of Evidence table is split in to two

sections. The first details the type(s) of evidence
required at the interim design stage of assessment.
The second describes the type(s) of evidence
required at the final post construction stage of
assessment. The numbers in the table correspond
to the numbered assessment criteria in the above

The Additional Information section contains

definitions of terms used in the
Assessment Criteria and Compliance
Notes section. This section will also contain
further information relevant to the issue
e.g. assessment guidance and relevant

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2.0 Scope
This section of the guidance outlines the scope of this international BREEAM scheme and the type of
buildings that it can be applied to.

BREEAM-NOR can be used to assess the environmental effects for commercial and educational
buildings that are subject to Norwegian rules and practices.

Buildings and projects that are not covered by the scope of the BREEAM-NOR Scheme may be
assessed by utilising the BREEAM International Bespoke Scheme. Until NGBC has developed a
national scheme for adapted assessment, BREEAM International Bespoke will be offered by BRE
Global Ltd. Further information may be obtained at, or via BREEAM Internationals
customer support

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2.1 Stages of assessment

BREEAM-NOR can be used to assess the environmental impacts arising as a result of an individual
building development (including external site areas). Assessment may be done at the end of the
following 2 phases:
1. The design stage (DS) assessment leading to an interim certificate
2. Post-Construction Stage (PCS) assessment leading to a final certificate
Design Stage
The project review in this phase must have progressed to an extent that relevant information is
available to the BREEAM assessor, and that the buildings performance, in its rough characteristics
may be assessed on the basis of available reports and documentation against the specifications in the
BREEAM-NOR Scheme manual.
Assessment after the design stage assesses the buildings performance, as a rule before the start of
construction. If preparatory work and/or demolition work is being undertaken that will be included in line
with the relevant compliance notes, it is important to look after time-specific requirements for
documentation, specified under each individual item.

Assessment at this stage does not represent the building as-built, and thus is unable to serve as
qualifications for a final certificate. It is highly recommended that advance assessment and any possible
interim certificate be undertaken as support for achieving the desired qualities with respect to BREEAMNOR.

To complete an assessment at this stage the design must be advanced to the point where the relevant
information is available to enable the BREEAM assessor to demonstrate, in a robust manner, the
buildings performance against the reporting and evidential criteria of the technical guidance. The
interim DS assessment will therefore be completed and certified at the scheme design or detailed
design stages.

Post-Construction Stage
A final assessment will be carried out after its construction and certification pursuant to the practical asbuilt work has been completed.

There is no requirement that there be advance assessment or an interim certificate in order to have a
building audited in the post/construction stage as a basis for certification of the building.

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A 2-stage use of BREEAM-NOR, by doing an advance assessment, gives greater predictability, more
cost-efficient documentation and reporting, and reduces the risk for losing timeline-dependent points. In
a 2-stage review, the phase after the design phase will be organised so as to confirm the advance
assessment and that that completed building accords with the underlying project planning basis, reports
and documents.
The PCS assessment and subsequent BREEAM Certification represents the final as built performance
and BREEAM Rating. A final PCS assessment is completed and certified after practical completion of
the building works.

There are two approaches to assessment at the post-construction stage:

1. A post-construction review of an interim design-stage assessment

2. A post-construction assessment

A post-construction review serves to confirm the interim BREEAM rating achieved at the design stage
in accordance with the reporting and evidential criteria of the technical guidance. Where a formal
interim DS assessment has not been carried out and a BREEAM assessment and rating is required, a
full PCS assessment can be conducted.

2.2 Type of projects that can be assessed using BREEAM-NOR

A BREEAM-NOR assessment may only be carried out in the stages described above, and only for the
following types of projects:

Whole new buildings

Major refurbishments of existing buildings

New build extensions to existing buildings

A combination of new-build and existing building refurbishment

New build and/or refurbishments which are part of a larger mixed use building

Existing building fit-out

Major refurbishments and renovation to existing buildings

For the purposes of a BREEAM assessment, a major refurbishment project is a project that results in
the provision, extension or alteration of thermal elements and/or building services and fittings. These
types of projects include:

Thermal elements include walls, roofs and floors.

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Fittings include windows (incl. rooflights), entrance doors

Building services include lighting, heating and mechanical ventilation/cooling and management

Minor refurbishments
This BREEAM scheme is not designed to assess a cosmetic and minor refurbishment of an existing
building, i.e. works that do not result in the provision, extension or alteration of thermal elements and/or
building services and fittings; or a change of use.

New build extensions to existing buildings

BREEAM can be used to assess new build extensions to existing buildings and, where the existing
building is undergoing major refurbishment, the new build extension and existing building.

When assessing only a new-build extension to an existing building, in some BREEAM issues it is
necessary to consider services/facilities within the existing building, where such services/facilities will
be integral to the new extension or used by the occupants of the new extension. Assessment guidance
on what should be evaluated is provided in the Compliance Notes table within the specific BREEAM
issue for such instances, where relevant.
Building Fit-out
BREEAM can be used to assess a fit out of an existing building. An assessment can be carried out on
the first fit-out of the shell of a new building/unit or subsequent re-fit of an existing building/unit. A
building fit-out can be certified at the interim stage, based on the fit-out design and specification and/or
post fit-out based on an assessment of the actual finished, fitted-out unit/building.

The methodology for a fit-out assessment includes issues core to the BREEAM assessment and rating
of a building. This includes the assessment of building-related impacts that may not be affected by the
scope of the fit-out works. This approach serves to highlight the intrinsic environmental performance of
the existing building/unit and recognise the opportunity that a fit-out presents to improve the
environmental performance of an existing building.

In the technical guidance the assessment criteria for a building fit-out, for the most part, is the same as
that for a new build/major refurbishment assessment. In some BREEAM issues there is building fit out
only assessment criteria, including; Construction Site Impacts, Materials Specification and Responsible
Sourcing; and some issues contain fit out only compliance notes and guidance. Furthermore, some
BREEAM issues are not applicable to fit-out only assessments, including; Land Use and Ecology, reuse of facades and structure, recycled aggregates and Flood Risk.

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The assessor should note that if the building is undergoing a first fit-out and the shell and core of the
building has previously been BREEAM assessed using the same version of BREEAM, it is permissible
to use the existing shell and core building assessment performance and couple this with an assessment
of the fit out specification to produce a BREEAM rating for the fully fitted building.

Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments

Non fitted-out buildings of a speculative nature, more commonly referred to as Shell and Core
buildings, can be assessed using this BREEAM scheme. For the majority of issues the assessment of a
Shell and Core building against BREEAM criteria will be straightforward. However, several of the
BREEAM issues and their criteria are tailored to assess a building that is being fitted out. These Fit Out
related BREEAM issues will not be scoped out for the BREEAM assessment of a speculative building,
as ultimately the building will be used in a fitted out state, therefore the BREEAM rating must account
for this.

Non fitted-out buildings will typically cover fundamental building elements such as structural, climatic
buffer and the fitting out of common areas. An HVAC-system can be delivered for the core with the
possibility for tenants to connect to it.

It is recognised that it may not be possible to assess compliance with some of the fit out related
BREEAM issues, as fit out decisions relating to certain aspects of the building will be made by the
future tenant, who at the time of the formal assessment of the Shell and Core building may not be
known. Subsequently BREG recognise that there is a need for a degree of flexibility in applying
BREEAM to Shell and Core buildings, to recognise the scope of limitations and opportunities open to
the developer to influence the final fitted-out performance of the building.

There are four options available to clients who wish to use BREEAM to assess a shell and core
building. Each option provides a different level of robustness to assessing BREEAM fit out issues and
therefore value in terms of a contribution towards the BREEAM percentage score and rating.
Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and tenant/s
BREEAM aims to encourage a mutually beneficial relationship between the Shell and Core
developer/owner of a building and its future tenant/s so that the fully fitted operational building can
demonstrate performance against the highest possible environmental standards. In order to achieve
this, BREEAM encourages and rewards the use of formal legally binding Green Lease Agreements
between a developer/owner and their tenant/s, although we recognise that these agreements are
currently not widely used within the market place. As such, Green Lease Agreements can be used as
evidence demonstrating compliance with the relevant BREEAM issues criteria at the interim and post
construction stages of assessment.

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BREEAM will only be assessing the fit out specifications of the first tenants to occupy the building after
construction, and whether they comply with the tenancy lease agreement. However, green lease
agreements should be considered within a long-term strategy wherever possible and future tenants
should also be covered by the agreement. Where the developer chooses to use BREEAM In Use to
assess the operation of the building after construction, green leases will also be recognised as an
acceptable way to demonstrate compliance.
Where a legally binding tenancy agreement, that commits the tenants fit out to meet the BREEAM
criteria, is provided as evidence, the full value of the available BREEAM credits covered by the criteria
can be awarded.

The assessor will, when reviewing the lease contract, determine the specific criteria that will be deemed
to have been fulfilled with respect to the contract submitted.
Option 2 A Green Building Guide for tenant fit outs
As an alternative to a Green Lease, developers may demonstrate part compliance with BREEAM
credits where they produce a building specific Green Building Guide that is distributed to all future
tenant/s of the assessed building. This formal, but non legally binding document must provide
development specific guidance to the tenant on carrying out their fit out in a manner that upholds the
BREEAM criteria of the credits sought, and encourages tenants to play their role in maintaining and
improving the overall buildings environmental performance.

A Green Building Guide does not provide conclusive evidence that the tenant will implement the
suggestions when compared to a Green Lease Agreement and this needs to be reflected in the relative
score achieved by the building. Subsequently, where relying on a Green Building Guide to demonstrate
compliance with a BREEAM fit out issue or requirement, half of the value of the available credits can
be achieved and contribute towards the overall BREEAM score and rating.

Green Guide is a formal document providing detailed advice to the future tenant(s) of the building
concerning how the buildings effects on the environment can be minimised. The guide places a special
emphasis on the environmental effects that the tenant(s) can influence through their fitting out of the
building. The assessor will, when reviewing the relevant Green Guide determine precisely which
criteria will be deemed to have been fulfilled, if the tenant follows the recommendations in the guide.

Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration

Where the future tenant(s) of a building is/are known a collaborative assessment may be carried out.
The performance of the building and compliance with the BREEAM criteria can be assessed using the
design and procurement evidence for the shell and core elements of the building and evidence provided

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by the future tenant(s) e.g. their fit-out design and specification. Where compliance is sought via this
route, the full value of the available credits can be achieved and contribute towards the overall
BREEAM score and rating.
Option 4 No evidence provided for tenant/s fit out specification
Where a Shell and Core developer cannot confirm compliance with a particular issue or chooses not to
produce a Green Lease Agreement or a Green Building Guide to cover the content of a particular issue
(or where one or more of the above documents are produced but a particular BREEAM issue is
excluded from the content), the BREEAM credits available for the particular issue must be withheld.

Shell and core assessments of developments with multiple tenants

It is accepted that in developments with multiple tenants, provided at least 75% of the net lettable floor
area within a multiple tenanted building/development is covered by the tenants lease agreement, this
will be acceptable for the purposes of awarding full BREEAM credits. Where some of the tenants are
covered by the tenants lease agreement, but these do not account to 75% of the net lettable floor area,
the total score for each issue might be area-weighted provided that all other tenants are covered by
Option 2

Shell and core building assessments and minimum BREEAM standards

Please note that all minimum BREEAM standards remain applicable for Shell and Core buildings. For
issues with minimum standards, compliance can be demonstrated for the areas of the Shell and Core
building that are directly under the influence of the Shell and Core developer. For issues reliant upon
compliance of tenant areas/fit out items, the minimum standards will still be applied to those areas and
compliance can be demonstrated via the lease agreement, green building guide or tenants fit out
specification (as demonstrated using example below).

Example - Wat 2 Water Meter

The aim of Wat 2 is to ensure that water consumption can be monitored and managed therefore
encouraging reductions in water consumption. Using the BREEAM Europe Retail scheme as an
example, the criteria of this issue state that buildings with multiple tenants are required to provide
separate pulsed meters on the water supply to each letting area, common area and service areas
where they exist. The installation of a water meter for each of the areas listed above is not carried out
by the developer, perhaps because the tenants are responsible for the water consumption in their own
unit and pay rates accordingly. However, BREEAM still sets a requirement for these areas to be
separately sub-metered and compliance can be demonstrated for each option as follows:

Option 1 - In order to demonstrate compliance with the criteria of this issue and receive the full value of
the available BREEAM credits a green lease agreement can be provided as evidence to the BREEAM

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assessor. The agreement will need to include a clause which requires the tenants to install a water
meter for each of the relevant areas they are responsible for. The clause in the tenancy agreement
must demonstrate to the BREEAM assessor that the BREEAM criteria will be met. At the post
construction stage of assessment it is recognised that if the tenant is unknown then the Green Lease
cannot and does not have to be signed by the tenant to demonstrate compliance. The
developer/landlord must however confirm that all prospective tenants will be required to sign the Green
Lease Agreement to secure compliance with, and the full value of the relevant BREEAM issues. This
evidence will allow the development to achieve one credit for this issue.

In developments with multiple tenants, where only some tenants have signed the Green Lease
Agreement, and a Green Building Guide has been developed as an informative document for all other
tenants as explained below, the score can be area-weighted and the minimum standards will be
reduced to half the value. This will be referred to option 1a in the scoring tool.
Option 2
As an alternative to a Green Lease, developers may demonstrate part compliance with BREEAM
credits where they produce a building specific Green Building Guide that is distributed to all future
tenant/s of the assessed building. This formal, but non legally binding document must provide
development specific guidance to the tenant on carrying out their fit out in a manner that upholds the
BREEAM-NOR criteria of the credits sought, and encourages tenants to play their role in maintaining
improving the overall buildings environmental performance.

A Green Building Guide does not provide conclusive evidence that the tenant will implement the
suggestions when compared to a Green Lease Agreement and this needs to be reflected in the relative
score achieved by the building. Subsequently, where relying on a Green Building Guide to demonstrate
compliance with a BREEAM fit out issue or requirement, half of the value of the available credits can
be achieved and contribute towards the overall BREEAM score and rating.

Option 3 - If the developer and tenants choose to undertake a collaborative assessment then the shell
and core specification and the fit out design specification can be used as evidence to demonstrate

If this evidence demonstrates compliance with the BREEAM criteria, it will allow the

development to achieve one credit for this issue.

Option 4 - The developer may choose to take no action and subsequently, unless they meet the criteria
of this issue through the shell and core specification, no recognition can be given as the assessment
criteria will not be met. Subsequently the development will achieve zero credits for this issue.

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Shell and Core assessments and BREEAM issue Ene 1: Energy Efficiency
When calculating the Energy Performance Rating for a shell and core building, where HVAC/ lighting
variables for the tenanted areas are not known, a developer is required to assume for the shell only
spaces the most energy intensive fit-out specification permissible under local building regulations i.e.
the maximum design fit-out specification.

For the purposes of the BREEAM assessment it is permissible, when conducting the energy modelling
and calculating the Building Energy Performance Index, to substitute specifications confirmed
within a Green Lease Agreement, and therefore legally committed to by the tenant(s), in place of the
maximum design fit-out specification. This rule applies only to those areas of the building that the scope
of the Lease Agreement covers. Tenanted areas not covered by the scope of the Green Lease must
assume the maximum design fit-out specification as defined under local building regulations.

The use of a Green Building Guide for tenants fit out (described above) cannot be used to substitute the
maximum design fit out specification, for the purpose of assessing BREEAM issue Ene 1 Energy
Efficiency, as such a Guide is not legally enforceable.

Shell and Core Typically a Shell and Core building covers base building elements such as structure,
envelope and fit out of common areas. A core HVAC system may be provided to allow for tenant
Fit Out related BREEAM issues In BREEAM the following are the typical BREEAM issues which are
either specific to, or contain criteria that rely on or are influenced by the tenants fit out of a building.
Please refer to each issues specific compliance note for further guidance on how to assess the issue
for a shell only development.
Man 1 Commissioning

Hea 13 Acoustic Performance

Man 4 Building User Guide

Hea 14 Office Space (Industrial & Retail

Hea 1 - Daylighting


Hea 2 View Out

Ene 2 Sub-metering of substantial energy

Hea 3 Glare Control


Hea 4 High Frequency Lighting

Hea 5 Internal and External Lighting Levels

Ene 3 Sub-metering of high energy load and

Hea 6 Lighting Zones & Controls

tenancy areas

Hea 9 Volatile Organic Compounds

Ene 4 External Lighting

Hea 10 Thermal Comfort

Tra 8 Deliveries and Manoeuvring

Hea 11 Thermal Zoning

Wat 1 Water Consumption

Hea 12 Microbial Contamination

Wat 2 Water meter

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Wat 4 Sanitary Supply Shut Off

Pol 3 Refrigerant GWP Cold Storage

Wst 4 Compactor Baler

Pol 4 NOx emissions from heating source

Pol 1 Refrigerant GWP Building Services

Pol 7 Reduction of night time light pollution

Pol 2 Preventing Refrigerant Leaks

Pol 8 Noise attenuation


Similar buildings (or units) on the same site

It is possible to assess a number of separate but similar buildings, or individual units within a larger
building development, within one BREEAM assessors report. This is subject to the following conditions:

1. The buildings/units must all be on the same site

2. The buildings/units must be of the same building type e.g. an office, with the same building
functions/spaces and fitted out to a similar specification and therefore assessed using the same
BREEAM issues
3. Each BREEAM issue must be assessed, and its credits awarded, based on the worst performing
4. The assessors conclusion that all the buildings/units can be assessed pursuant to BREEAM-NOR

For the above scenario, a single BREEAM certificate will be issued listing all the buildings/units covered
by the single BREEAM assessors report.
Where required, a duplicate of the certificate can be produced for the purposes of display in each
individual building/unit. Duplicates of certificates are not chargeable provided they are requested by the
BREEAM assessor along with the initial certification request to BRE Global.

Alternatively, a certificate can be produced specific to each individual building/unit. In such cases an
additional charge will be made for each individual certificate requested.

In either case the certification criteria must be confirmed by the assessor on the Certificate Request
Form submitted with their formal assessment report to BRE Global.

If one or more building/unit performs markedly better than another on the same site and the client
wishes to recognise this, a separate BREEAM assessment and therefore certificate is required.

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2.3 Type of buildings that can be assessed using this BREEAM

2.3.1 Offices
BREEAM Europe Offices can be used to assess buildings that consist of office areas and associated

The building functions/spaces listed below are covered by the scope of BREEAM Offices where they
form a part of an office development:

Office areas

Cellular or open plan offices

Meeting rooms

Training/presentation rooms

Other associated functions/areas

Reception and waiting areas

Staff restaurant and/or kitchen facilities

Restrooms, WCs and changing facilities

Storage and waste management areas

I.T suites, server rooms

Staff gym or crche

Ancillary areas e.g. plant room, circulation space

The office areas must make up >50 % of the gross internal floor area of the building.

The above list is not exhaustive, but serves to indicate the type of areas covered by the scope of this
BREEAM scheme. Where a proposed building contains a small additional function/area that is not listed
above, the building can still be assessed using this scheme. If the assessor has reason to believe that
this scheme is not appropriate given the small additional function/area type, BRE Global should be
contacted for advice.

Mixed use developments

Office space within a mixed use development/building can be assessed using BREEAM Offices,
provided the office space is separable from the other mixed use elements of the building.

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Floors within a larger office development

Single or multiple floors of office space sandwiched between other floors that do not form a part of the
assessment can be assessed using this scheme. An example of this situation may be in the case of a
tenanted building where part of the building is undergoing refurbishment or a re-fit and the remaining
parts are not undergoing such change, or they are undergoing refurbishment/fit out but do not require a
BREEAM assessment.

Data centres
The BREEAM-NOR Scheme cannot be used to assess data centres (buildings whose primary function
will be to act as data centres i.e. the floor area of such buildings consists predominantly of data hall)
alternatively, the BREEAM International Bespoke Scheme should be used..

Building does not fit the scope of BREEAM Offices

Building types not covered by the scope of BREEAM-NOR, category Offices could be assessed using
another category in BREEAM-NOR scheme, or other BREEAM schemes. BREEAM-NOR can be
downloaded from, and all BREEAM scheme manuals can be downloaded from, each manual details the scope of that scheme. Alternatively, if the building does not
fall within the scope of an existing BREEAM Scheme it can be assessed using the BREEAM
International Bespoke Scheme.

Building does not fit the scope of BREEAM Offices

Building types not covered by the scope of BREEAM-NOR, category Offices could be assessed using
another category in BREEAM-NOR scheme, or other BREEAM schemes. BREEAM-NOR can be
downloaded from, and all international BREEAM scheme manuals can be downloaded
from, each manual details the scope of that scheme. Alternatively, if the building does
not fall within the scope of an existing BREEAM standard it can be assessed using the BREEAM
Bespoke scheme.

2.3.2 Industrial
BREEAM-NOR, category Industrial can be used to assess one or a combination of the following types
of Industrial building:

1. Storage and distribution warehouses: (including cold food storage)

2. Light industrial/factory units e.g. manufacturing, assembly, packaging etc. and small starter or
nursery units.
3. Workshops: e.g. manual workshops and vehicle workshops.

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The building functions/areas listed below are covered by the scope of BREEAM NOR, category
Industrial where they form a part of one of the above industrial building types:

Operational areas

Other associated functions/areas


Light industrial/factory uses

Workshops and cold storage

Staff restaurant and/or kitchen facilities

Delivery yard

Restrooms, WCs and changing facilities

Waste management areas

I.T. suites, server rooms

Office areas (see also figure 1 and guidance

Staff gym


Staff crche/nursery

Cellular or open plan offices

Ancillary areas e.g. plant room, circulation

Meeting rooms

Training/presentation rooms

Reception, counter/customer services and

waiting area


The operational areas must make up >50% of the total gross internal floor area of the building.

The above list is not exhaustive, but serves to indicate the type of areas covered by the scope of this
BREEAM-NOR category Industrial scheme. Where a proposed building contains a small additional
function/area that is not listed above, the building can still be assessed using this scheme. If the
assessor has reason to believe that this scheme is not appropriate given the small additional
function/area type, BRE Global Ltd. should be contacted for advice.

Unless otherwise stated, BREEAM-NOR category Industrial cannot be used to assess any of the above
functions/spaces as standalone developments, i.e. the BREEAM-NOR category Industrial cannot be
used to assess and certify an office or gym that does not form a part of one of the above industrial
building types. Such buildings can be assessed using one of the other standard BREEAM schemes or,
where appropriate, the BREEAM International Bespoke scheme.

BRE Global Ltd



Are offices
Office area > 10m2



Office area


> 500 m2

Office +
Associated area


< 3000 m2






Figure 1: Determining the type of BREEAM Industrial assessment

The approach to the assessment of office areas within an industrial building differ depending on the
size of office space provided. The BREEAM Assessors spreadsheet tool selects the appropriate
BREEAM issues for assessment based on the scope of the building requiring assessment, as defined
by the BREEAM assessor.
Trade Warehouse
A building used for trade only with a counter and customer service area can be assessed using the
BREEAM Industrial scheme. A building with goods display areas must be assessed using the BREEAM
-NOR, category Retail.
Automotive servicing and repair workshops
Buildings with a vehicle workshop service and repair area, counter and customer waiting area and staff
office/room should be assessed using the BREEAM -NOR, category Industry.
Automotive showrooms
Automotive showrooms that meet the following must be assessed using the BREEAM -NOR, category
a. The majority of the gross internal floor area (excluding office areas and other associated
function areas) consists of vehicle sales and display areas.
b. The remaining gross internal floor area consists of vehicle workshops and offices areas.

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Where the vehicle sales and display area is less than 50% of the gross internal floor area, NGBC
should be contacted for advice on which BREEAM scheme to use.
Building does not fit the scope of BREEAM -NOR, category Industry
Building types not covered by the scope of BREEAM-NOR, category Industry could be assessed using
another BREEAM-NOR category. BREEAM-NOR can be downloaded from, and all
International BREEAM scheme manuals can be downloaded from, each manual
details the scope of that scheme. Alternatively, if the building does not fall within the scope of an
existing BREEAM standard it can be assessed using the BREEAM Bespoke scheme.

2.3.3 Retail
BREEAM -NOR, category Retail can be used to assess one or a combination of the following types of
retail building:

1. General display and sale of goods: covers general shops and retail units selling non-food goods
2. Food retail: covers supermarkets/superstores and other convenience stores i.e. building types
which display food or food and non-food goods
3. Food preparation and service: covers restaurants, cafes, public houses, bakeries, takeaways i.e.
building types where food is prepared on site and served for consumption either on or off site
4. Service provider: covers banks, post office, bookmakers, dry cleaners, travel agencies.

The Retail scheme can assess the above types of retail where they combine to form part of a larger
retail development e.g. shopping centre/district, department store or retail park.

The building functions/areas listed below are covered by the scope of BREEAM -NOR, category Retail
where they form a part of one of the above retail building types:

Retail areas

Commercial kitchen/food preparation and

Retail sales and display areas

Counter and customer service areas

Commercial laundry/dry cleaner

Customer dining and seating areas

Delivery yard

Petrol station & vehicle wash

Waste management areas

Operational support areas

Goods storage/warehousing


Cold storage

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Office areas (see also figure 1 and guidance


Cellular or open plan offices

Meeting rooms

Training/presentation rooms

Associated functions/areas




Health and fitness suite

Staff restaurant and/or kitchen facilities

Restrooms, WCs and changing facilities

Reception and waiting areas

I.T. suite, server room


Ancillary areas e.g. plant room, circulation


The retail and operational support areas must make up >50 % of the gross internal floor area of the

The above list is not exhaustive, but serves to indicate the type of spaces covered by the scope of this
BREEAM NOR scheme. Where a proposed building contains a small additional function/area that is not
listed above, the building can still be assessed using this scheme. If the assessor has reason to believe
that this scheme is not appropriate given the small additional function/area type, NGBC should be
contacted for advice.

Unless otherwise stated BREEAM NOR Retail cannot be used to assess any of the above
functions/spaces as standalone developments, i.e. the Retail scheme cannot be used to assess and
certify an office or gym that does not form a part of one of the above retail building types. Such
buildings can be assessed using one of the other standard BREEAM NOR schemes or, where
appropriate, the BREEAM International Bespoke scheme.

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Are offices
Office area > 10m2



Office area
> 500



Office +
Associated area


< 3000 m2





Figure 1: Determining the type of BREEAM Retail assessment

The approach to the assessment of office areas within a retail building differ depending on the size of
office space provided. The BREEAM Assessors spreadsheet tool selects the appropriate BREEAM
issues for assessment based on the scope of the building requiring assessment, as defined by the
BREEAM assessor.

Trade Warehouse
A building used for trade only with a counter and customer service area can be assessed using the
BREEAM -NOR, category Industry. A building with goods display areas must be assessed using the
BREEAM -NOR, category Retail.
Automotive servicing and repair workshops
Buildings with a vehicle workshop service and repair area, counter and customer waiting area and staff
office/room should be assessed using the BREEAM -NOR, category Industry.
Automotive showrooms
Automotive showrooms that meet the following must be assessed using the BREEAM -NOR, category
a) The majority of the gross internal floor area (excluding office areas and other associated
function areas) consists of vehicle sales and display areas.
b) The remaining gross internal floor area consists of vehicle workshops and offices areas.

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Where the vehicle sales and display area is less than 50% of the gross internal floor area, BRE should
be contacted for advice on which BREEAM scheme to use.

Mixed use developments

Retail space within a mixed use development/building can be assessed using BREEAM -NOR,
category Retail, provided the retail space is separable from the other mixed use elements of the

Floors within a larger retail development

Single or multiple floors or units of retail space sandwiched between other floors that do not form a
part of the assessment, can be assessed using this scheme. An example of this situation may be in the
case of a tenanted building where part of the building is under-going refurbishment or a re-fit and the
remaining parts are not undergoing such change, or they are undergoing refurbishment/fit out but do
not require a BREEAM assessment.

Building does not fit the scope of BREEAM Retail

Building types not covered by the scope of BREEAM -NOR, category Retail could be assessed using
another BREEAM-NOR category or another BREEAM scheme. BREEAM-NOR can be downloaded
from, All other International BREEAM scheme manuals can be downloaded from, each manual details the scope of that scheme. Alternatively, if the building does not
fall within the scope of an existing BREEAM standard it can be assessed using the BREEAM Bespoke

2.3.4 Education
1. Pre-School, including;
Nursery schools1
2. Schools, including;
Primary schools
Secondary schools
All age-range schools (including education/teaching buildings at boarding
Non-acute Special Educational Needs (SEN) schools
3. Further and Higher Education/Vocational Colleges and Institutions, including;
Teaching facility

Nursery school/education means full-time or part-time education suitable for children who have not attained compulsory school
age (whether provided at schools or elsewhere), i.e. facilities/buildings for the teaching of children who are between the ages of
one to five years old. If the buildings sole purpose is to provide full/part day care facilities for children 2yrs old or younger
i.e. a crche, its assessment using the BREEAM Education scheme is unlikely to be appropriate.

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Learning Resource Centre

Laboratory / Workshop
Student Union
Or a mixture of the above types.

The building functions/areas listed below are covered by the scope of BREEAM Education
where they
form a part of one of the above building types:
General educational specific areas
- Classrooms and seminar rooms
- Open plan teaching areas
- Lecture theatres
- Libraries
- Teaching laboratories
- Private study areas/rooms
- I.T. suites
- Play rooms

Home economics/teaching kitchens

Drama studios
Music rooms
Audio visual
Assembly Halls
Student break out areas

Further and Higher Education specific areas

- General teaching and research laboratories (part of a H.E or F.E institution), including;
o Wet and dry labs
o Microbiological / clinical labs
o Cleanrooms
- Desk-based visual arts studios
- Large-scale visual arts studios, e.g. sculpture/photography/film/drama
- Multi-media recording studios and editing studios
- Trade-based workshops, e.g. salons, bricklaying, carpentry etc.
- Engineering/design based teaching and research workshops/studios
- Independent living workshops/classrooms, e.g. childcare provision, support for
physical disabilities, support for learning
- difficulties
- Recreational
- Retail unit, e.g. bookshop, convenience store
Office/staff areas
- Cellular or open plan offices
- Meeting rooms
- Staff rooms
Other associated functions/areas
- Sports Facilities, e.g. gymnasium,
swimming pool etc.
- Conference rooms
- Reception and waiting areas
- Food preparation and servery
- Dining areas and common rooms

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Interview/counselling/medical rooms
Crche areas Restrooms, WCs and
changing facilities
Storage and waste management
I.T. server room / data centre
Ancillary areas e.g. plant room,
circulation space




The above list is not exhaustive, but serves to indicate the type of spaces covered by the
scope of BREEAM-NOR. Where a proposed building contains a small additional function/area
that is not listed above, the building can still be assessed using this scheme. If the assessor
has reason to believe that this scheme is not appropriate given the small additional
function/area type, NGBC can be contacted for advice.
Unless otherwise indicated, BREEAM-NOR Education cannot be used to assess any of the
above functions/areas as standalone developments which are not part of an educational
establishment. Such buildings can be assessed using one of the other standard BREEAM
schemes or, where appropriate, the BREEAM Bespoke scheme.
All age range schools and academies
All age range schools and academies should normally be assessed using the guidance/criteria
applicable to secondary schools. In some cases, for these types of education establishments,
it may be more appropriate to use the assessment criteria for further education colleges or
primary schools. For example, where an all age range school or academy will contain
functional/operational areas more akin to those outlined above for further and higher
education buildings or where the needs of the accommodation and occupiers are similar to
those of primary or early years pupils. Based on the information received about the proposed
building, the Assessor should determine the most
appropriate BREEAM Education
guidance/criteria to assess the building against. Where in doubt the Assessor should contact
NGBC for guidance
Schools provided for users with severe desablities/ learning difficulties
Schools for children with severe disabilities/learning difficulties that prevent them from
interpreting their surroundings without feeling anxious or distressed needs special designed
Assessors carrying out assessments on schools for pupils with such needs will need to
carefully consider all the BREEAM issues that might be affected by the need to provide
special facilities for such building users, e.g. View Out, Cyclist Facilities, etc. and decide
whether the BREEAM Bespoke scheme would be more appropriate for such assessments.
Residential accommodation cannot be assessed using BREEAM-NOR Education.
Building does not fit the scope of BREEAM Education
Building types not covered by the scope of BREEAM Education, can be assessed using the
BREEAM Bespoke scheme.

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Scoring and weighting


3.0 Scoring and Rating

This section of the BREEAM manual explains how an assessed buildings certified BREEAM rating is

There are a number of elements that determine the BREEAM rating; these are as follows:

BREEAM rating benchmarks

BREEAM environmental weightings
Minimum BREEAM standards
BREEAM credits for Innovation
Special requirements for Outstanding

In order to obtain points, performance with respect to the criteria must be fulfilled and documented. As a
point of departure, no points will be awarded unless it has been proved that the criteria have been
fulfilled in a satisfactory manner. This normally means that all performance targets that are included
must at a minimum be legally mandated or executed. If doubts or disagreements arise concerning the
validity of the documentation, NGBC will determine whether the claimed performance will be accepted
as having been attained.

Each of these elements is described in the sections on the following pages; this is followed by guidance
and an example describing how a BREEAM rating is calculated.

In addition, there is a section describing the conditions that must be met in order to award an assessed
building a BREEAM Outstanding rating, the highest achievable BREEAM rating.

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Scoring and weighting


3.1 Rating benchmarks

The rating benchmarks for the 2009 version of BREEAM Europe are outlined in table 2 below for new
buildings, major refurbishments and fit-out projects:

Table 1.1 BREEAM 2009 rating benchmarks


% score













* Please note: there are additional criteria for achieving a BREEAM Outstanding rating. Please refer to
the guidance below.

3.2 Environmental section weightings

The areas are weighted with respect to each other.

The weighting table below is based upon the weightings in BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009. The
Strategic Advising Group and the Board of NGBC have made small adjustments to this in order to
strengthen BREEAM-NORs significance for the changes BREEAM-NOR wishes to contribute to in
Norway. The areas of Transport and Materials have been strengthened to some extent, in order to
reflect the transport challenges in a country with scattered developed areas, and in order to support
robust solutions in light of traditions for lacking maintenance/technical outdatedness. The areas of
Water and Pollution have been correspondingly reduced in significance, due to Norway having good
access to clean water and with the significance of BREEAM-NOR being limited in comparison with the
significance of the authorities to reducing pollution.

The sum of the points obtained in each area are converted to the percentage obtained of the total
possible within each area, with the share then being weighted with respect to table 3 below.

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Scoring and weighting


Table 3.2 BREEAM 2009 environmental weightings

BREEAM Section

Weighting (%)
New builds, extensions
Building fit-out only
& major refurbishments

Health & Wellbeing





















Land Use & Ecology

3.3 Minimum standards

Even if the building qualifies for the class and certificate attained with respect to table 2 above, the
minimum requirements in table 4 (below) must be satisfied in order to obtain the class and certificate.

Table 3.3 Minimum BREEAM standards






BREEAM Rating /
Minimum number of

Man 1 - Commissioning

Man 3 - Construction site impacts

Man 4 - Building user guide

Hea 4 - High frequency lighting

Ene 1 - Energy Efficiency (min credit out of 13 credits as total)

Ene 2 - Sub-metering of substantial energy uses

Ene 5 - Low or zero carbon technologies

BREEAM issue

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Scoring and weighting

Wst 3 - Storage of recyclable waste

Mat 1 - LCA-based material selection

Hea 8 Ventilation solution in order to ensure indoor air quality

Hea 9 Volatile organic compounds

Hea 20 - Moisture protection

Ene 23 - Energy performance of building structure


The criteria for Hea4 High-frequency lighting is normally satisfied in Norwegian measures and projects.
Hence it is a condition that the criteria in Hea 4 should be met in order to obtain the class and
In Mat1 LCA-based material selection, there is a specific requirement that the authorities list (under
preparation) for avoiding use of building materials with environmental toxins must be complied with. It is
however possible to deviate with respect to given criteria. It is a condition that this criteria be satisfied in
order to obtain the class and certificate. Because the requirement does not go beyond the minimum
requirements of the code of regulations, no points are given for satisfying the criteria.

Please refer to the relevant part of the scope section of this manual (section 2.2) for guidance on how
BREEAMs minimum standards are applied and assessed for speculative (shell and core) building

BRE Global Ltd


Scoring and weighting


3.4 BREEAM credits for innovation

Innovation credits provide additional recognition for a building that innovates in the field of sustainable
performance, above and beyond the level that is currently recognised and rewarded within standard
BREEAM issues. Innovation credits therefore enable clients and design teams to boost their buildings
BREEAM performance and in addition, help support the market for new innovative technologies and
An additional 1% score can be added to a buildings final BREEAM score for each Innovation credit
achieved. The maximum number of Innovation credits that can be awarded for any one building
assessed is 10; therefore the maximum available score achieved for innovation is 10%. Innovation
credits can be awarded regardless of the final BREEAM rating i.e. they are awardable at any BREEAM
rating level.

A building can achieve an Innovation credit by meeting criteria given for exemplary performance for an
existing BREEAM issue (table 5 outlines the BREEAM issues with exemplary performance criteria).
Further detail is available in section 13 Innovation.
Table 3.4 BREEAM issues with exemplary level criteria.
Man 3 Construction Site Impacts
Hea 1 Daylighting
Hea 9 Volatile Organic Compounds
Hea 14 - Office Space (BREEAM Retail & Industrial Schemes only)
Ene 5 - Low or Zero Carbon Technologies
Tra 3 Alternative modes of transport
Wat 2 - Water Meter
Mat 5 - Responsible Sourcing of Materials
Wst 1 - Construction Site Waste Management
Pol 4 NOx emissions of heating source

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Scoring and weighting


3.5 How to calculate a buildings rating

The BREEAM assessment is made by an assessor, authorised to perform assessments with respect to
BREEAM-NOR. A BREEAM assessor must determine the BREEAM rating using the BREEAM
Assessors Spreadsheet Tool and associated calculators. An indication of performance against the
BREEAM standard can also be determined using a BREEAM Pre-Assessment Estimator. The PreAssessment Estimators are available from the BREEAM website for each scheme.

The process of determining a BREEAM rating is outlined below and in table 6:

1. For each BREEAM section the number of credits awarded must be determined by a BREEAM
assessor in accordance with BREEAMs assessment criteria (detailed in the technical sections of
the scheme manual).
2. The percentage of the credits achieved is calculated for each BREEAM section.
3. The percentage of credits achieved is then multiplied by the corresponding BREEAM section
weighting (see note below). This gives the section score.
4. The section scores are then added together to give the overall BREEAM score. The BREEAM
score is compared to the benchmarks in table 2 and, provided all minimum standards have been
met, the relevant BREEAM rating is achieved.
5. An additional 1% can be added to the final BREEAM score for each Innovation credit achieved (up
to a maximum of 10%).

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Scoring and weighting


BREEAM Section

Credits Achieved

Credits Available

% of Credits Achieved

Section Weighting

Section score

Table 3.5 Example BREEAM score and rating calculation







Health & Wellbeing





























Land Use & Ecology















Final BREEAM score


Minimum Standards for BREEAM Very Good rating



Man 4 Building User Guide

Hea 4 - High frequency lighting

Ene 2 Sub-metering of substantial energy uses

Mat 1 - LCA-based material selection

Hea 8 Ventilation solution in order to ensure indoor air


Hea 9 Volatile organic compounds

BRE Global Ltd


Scoring and weighting


3.6 BREEAM Outstanding Rating

The following conditions must be met in order to certify a building at the Outstanding BREEAM rating
1. The building must achieve a final BREEAM Score 85%
2. The minimum performance standards (table 4) for the Outstanding rating level must have been met
3. Provision of material for the production and publication of a case study (refer to guidance below) on
the Outstanding rated building.

Production of case study

One of the most important aspects of the Outstanding BREEAM rating will be that projects receiving
this rating will act as exemplars for the industry. It is therefore a very important aspect of the new rating
that a good-quality case study is produced that design teams can refer to.

The design team and client will be asked via the certificate request form to agree to provide relevant
building/project information to allow BRE Global to produce a case study. Case studies should be
prepared in line with NGBCs standard template. NGBC reserves the right to produce such a project
presentation if it becomes necessary. This information will be required with the formal post construction
stage BREEAM assessors report for the assessed building.

Subject to approval from the design team/client, BRE Global will publish the case study on either the
BREEAM website, Green Book live website and other BRE/BREEAM-related publications (as

Where information is not provided for the production of a case study, the building will be certified to a
BREEAM Excellent rating level.

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Man 1 Commissioning


4.0 Management
No. of credits





Issue Title

Minimum Standards


Man 1 - Commissioning

To recognise and encourage an appropriate level of building services commissioning that is carried out
in a co-ordinated and comprehensive manner, adhering to national best practise guidelines, thus
ensuring optimum performance under actual occupancy conditions.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
First credit
1. An appropriate project team member(s) is appointed as commissioning agent to monitor and
programme pre-commissioning, commissioning and, where necessary, re-commissioning of the
following key services (where they are present in the building) on behalf of the client:
Heating systems
Water Distribution systems
Lighting systems
Ventilation systems
Refrigeration systems
Automatic and manual controls
Cold storage
2. The main contractor accounts for the commissioning programme, responsibilities and criteria within
the main programme of works. In particular, an adequate period of time has been allowed for
commissioning in the project programme.
3. A specialist commissioning manager is appointed (by either client or contractor) at design stage for
complex systems (where they exist please refer to compliance notes for a definition of complex
systems). The scope of their responsibility includes:
Design input: commission ability design reviews and solutions supporting robust and rational
Commissioning management input to construction programming
Commissioning management input during installation stages
Management of commissioning, performance testing and handover/post-handover stages.
Second credit
1. The first credit has been achieved.

BRE Global Ltd


Man 1 Commissioning


2. Where a Building Management System (BMS) is specified, the following commissioning procedures
must be carried out:
a. Commissioning of air and water systems is carried out when all control devices are installed,
wired and functional
b. In addition to air and water flow results, commissioning results include physical measurements
of room temperatures, off coil temperatures and other key parameters as appropriate
c. The BMS/controls installation should be running in auto with satisfactory internal conditions
prior to handover
d. All BMS schematics and graphics (if BMS is present) are fully installed and functional to user
interface before handover
e. The occupier and operator will be fully trained in the operation of the system.

The above appointment(s) include the following seasonal commissioning responsibilities over a
minimum 12 month period, once the building becomes occupied:

Complex Systems Specialist commissioning manager

a. Testing of all building services under full load conditions, i.e. heating equipment in mid-winter,
cooling/ventilation equipment in mid-summer, and under part load conditions (spring/autumn)
b. Where applicable, testing should also be carried out during periods of extreme (high or low)
c. Interviews with building occupants (where they are affected by the complex services) to identify
problems or concerns regarding the effectiveness of the systems
d. Re-commissioning of systems (following any work needed to serve revised loads), and
incorporating any revisions in operating procedures into the O&M manuals.
Where specialist building services systems such as fume cupboards, microbiological safety cabinets
and a cold storage system are present then the assessor must ensure that these systems are included
in the specialist commissioning agents responsibilities.
Simple Systems (naturally ventilated) External Consultant/Facilities Manager
a. Review thermal comfort, ventilation, and lighting, at three, six, nine and twelve month intervals
after initial occupation, either by measurement or occupant feedback.
b. Take all reasonable steps to re-commission systems following the review and incorporate any
relevant revisions in operating procedures into the O&M manuals.

Compliance notes
New Build

There are no additional or different requirements to those outlined above

specific to new-build projects.


There are no additional or different requirements to those outlined above

specific to refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different requirements to those outlined above
specific to the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
An assumption has to be made that the shell only spaces of the building will
contain heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC), domestic
hot water systems (DHWS) and/or Lighting and therefore both credits must
be assessed.

Extensions to
existing buildings
Shell Only

Compliance with this BREEAM issue can be demonstrated via one of the
following means in shell only buildings/areas:

Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and

tenant/s (full value of available credits)
Option 2 A Green Building Guide for tenant fit outs (half the value of the
available credits)
Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration (full value of available credits)

BRE Global Ltd


Man 1 Commissioning


Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be demonstrated the

available credits must be withheld (option 4).

Fit Out only

Adequate period
of time



Complex systems

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Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description
of the above options.
The criteria at this stage of assessment are the same as those identified at
the design stage, subject to the following;
1. The criteria apply to the existing services, to encourage re-commissioning
of those services following additional installation works, and to any new
systems specified or integrated into the services strategy as part of the
fit-out works.
2. Where the existing services have been commissioned or recommissioned within the three years prior to the assessment, and
therefore further commissioning or re-commissioning would be of little
benefit, then this credit can be awarded by default. This is provided that
the scope of the current fit-out works does not result in any of the
a. Changing of layout which could enhance or reduce daylight,
ventilation and zone controls such as partitioning, relocation of
HVAC units etc;
b. Changing perimeter services;
c. Changes to zoned areas for HVAC equipment;
Specification of additional or replacement plant/controls that affect HVAC or
DHW systems.
The time allocated for commissioning, performance testing and handover
may vary depending on the scope of building services within the building.
However, at least two weeks should be allocated for commissioning where a
building contains complex servicing systems.
The role of the commissioning agent is to monitor and programme
commissioning of the building services as part of the global programme of
works to ensure that the commissioning carried out is adequate to the
systems installed in the building, as well as to carry out commissioning of the
simple systems. The commissioning agent can be:
A person from within the contractor or sub-contractor organisation,
A member of the design team
The project manager or design manager
provided they are not involved in the general installation works. Please
contact BRE for clarification on the suitability of other individuals.
This individual must be appropriately qualified to carry out commissioning of
complex systems, but also manage the commissioning requirements of those
systems from early design stage to post-handover of the building, in particular
the specialist commissioning manager must work with the design team, the
commissioning agent and the contractor to ensure commissioning
requirements are appropriately taken into account at each stage of the project
and that the systems will operate as per design. Examples of these
individuals include:
Building services engineer
M&E engineer
Specialist contractor
Specialist commissioning agency
They may be part of the design team or a specialist design contractor but
cannot be directly involved in the installation works. Please contact BRE for
clarification on the suitability of other individuals.
Complex systems are systems that typically involve interaction between a
number of components to ensure proper operation. They will usually require



Process related

Man 1 Commissioning


specific knowledge and expertise to be designed and installed. They may

depend on other systems such as control systems to work effectively Typical
complex systems are:
Air conditioning
Mechanical ventilation, displacement ventilation, complex passive
Building management systems (BMS)
Renewable energy sources
Microbiological safety cabinets and fume cupboards
Cold storage enclosures and refrigeration plant
Simple systems which may be commissioned by the commissioning agent
include gas condensing boilers or water pipes.
Where the building is largely naturally ventilated, using simple cross-flow
ventilation relying solely on openable windows and/or trickle vents (except in
areas where mechanical ventilation is legally required), the appointment of a
specialist commissioning agent is not required to award this credit. If a BMS
system is employed, however, to control the natural ventilation and/or if
renewable energy sources are utilised in the development, the requirement
for a specialist commissioning agent remains.
Any process- or manufacture-related equipment specified as part of the
building fit-out may be excluded from this requirement except where they
form an integral part of the building HVAC services, such as some heat
recovery systems.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

First Credit

A copy of a letter or commissioning

responsibilities schedule confirming the
appointment of [or commitment to appoint]:
Commissioning agent and scope of
their commissioning role.
Specialist commissioning manager and
scope of their commissioning role.

Commissioning records/reports confirming:

Monitoring actions carried out by the
nominated design team member.
Specialist commissioning managers

A copy of the specification clause

The managing contractors
responsibilities with respect to this

A copy of the main contract programme

Commissioning, performance testing and
handover period.

A copy of a commissioning schedule
Managing contractors commissioning
Sufficient time will be allocated for
commissioning, performance testing
and handover.
Second Credit

BRE Global Ltd


Man 1 Commissioning


Evidence (as outlined above) confirming

compliance with the first credit.

Evidence (as outlined above) confirming

compliance with the first credit.

A copy of the specification clause stating:

The standards and codes of practice to
which commissioning procedures are to
comply with.

Commissioning records/reports confirming:

Commissioning procedures executed in
compliance with relevant standards.

A copy of the specification

clause/commissioning schedule confirming:
The stages of the BMS/Controls
commissioning procedures.

Refer to evidence requirements for 1, 2 & 3

of the first credit. This evidence must
confirm the scope of seasonal
commissioning responsibilities/tasks (as

Commissioning records/reports confirming

BMS/controls commissioning activities
were carried out in compliance with the
commissioning schedule/specification
A copy of the seasonal commissioning
A copy of the letter appointing the
commissioning manager and scope of their

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Commissioning is a vital stage of most construction projects in ensuring that building services and fabric
operate as intended by the design team, i.e. in a safe but also efficient and effective way. A poorly
commissioned building can consume significantly more resources, and is likely to provide a significantly
poorer indoor environment than one that is properly commissioned.
Many projects suffer from inadequate commissioning due to a lack of clear responsibilities.
BREEAM seeks to ensure that such responsibilities are clearly assigned. Whilst rarely in a position to
control commissioning work, design team professionals are in an ideal position to witness it and give
feedback on its relevance, robustness, and effectiveness. On more complex projects, the appointment
of a specialist agent can give significant benefits in ensuring that systems work together and avoid
unnecessary conflicts through poor installation and setting.
Once a building is occupied, the actual internal environmental conditions may be different from those
anticipated at the design stage, and seasonal commissioning of the building allows the building services
to be fine tuned to provide optimum conditions under all actual weather/occupancy conditions..

BRE Global Ltd

Man 2 Constructors Environmental and Social Code of Conduct


No. of credits





Issue Title

Man 2 - Constructors Environmental & Social

Code of Conduct


Minimum Standards


To recognise and encourage construction sites which are managed in an environmentally and socially
considerate and accountable manner.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. The main contractor complies with Checklist A2, credits awarded as follows:
a. One credit where 6 items are achieved in each of the four sections.
b. Two credits where all items are achieved in each of the four sections.

Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

shell only assessments.

Fit Out Only

The criteria at this stage of assessment are the same as those identified at the
design stage.

Contractor not
yet appointed

At the interim design stage of assessment, where the contractor is not yet
appointed, the client must either include within the specification, or commit to
including, a requirement for the appointed contractor to comply with specific
criteria of Checklist A2. A general commitment to satisfy Checklist A2 will not
be acceptable. The assessor must then use this information to complete
Checklist A2.
The scope of this issue applies to the main contractor and their scope of
works. If the scope of the main contractors works includes demolition and site
clearance then this stage of work falls within the scope of the credit criteria.

Site clearance

Assessment of
Checklist A2

The site must be assessed by the BREEAM International assessor using

Checklist A2 along with a nominated individual on site, e.g. site manager. This
individual will confirm that the procedures outlined are in place and will
therefore be responsible for demonstrating the veracity of the checklist.

BRE Global Ltd

Man 2 Constructors Environmental and Social Code of Conduct



Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage
A copy of completed checklist A2.
A formal letter from the client/developer
The main contract includes a clause
requiring compliance with specific
requirements of Checklist A2.
Individuals responsible for third party
assessment of site compliance.
The scope of the main contractors

Additional Information


BRE Global Ltd

Post Construction Stage

A copy of the compliance report.


Man 3 Construction Site Impacts

Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Man 3 - Construction Site Impacts

To recognise and encourage construction sites managed in an environmentally sound manner in terms
of resource use, energy consumption and pollution.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
New build and refurbishment projects
1. One credit where evidence provided demonstrates that 2 or more of items a-g (listed below) are
achieved. OR
Two credits where evidence provided demonstrates that 4 or more of items a-g (listed below) are
achieved. OR
Three credits where evidence provided demonstrates that 6 or more of items a-g (listed below) are

Monitor and report and set targets for CO2 or energy arising from site activities
Monitor, report on CO2 or energy arising from transport to and from site
Monitor, report and set targets for water consumption arising from site activities
Implement best practice policies in respect of air (dust) pollution arising from the site
Implement best practice policies in respect of water (ground and surface) pollution occurring on
the site
f. Main contractor has an environmental materials policy, used for sourcing of construction
materials to be utilised on site
g. Main contractor operates an Environmental Management System.
The Assessment Criteria for items a-g are detailed in the relevant section of Checklist A3.
2. One credit where evidence provided demonstrates that at least 80% of site timber is responsibly
sourced and 100% is legally sourced.

Fit Out only assessments

1. One credit where evidence provided demonstrates that the fit-out contractor adopts best practice
policies in respect of air (dust) pollution arising from the site.
2. One credit where evidence provided demonstrates that the fit-out contractor has an environmental
materials policy, used for sourcing of construction materials to be utilised on site.

BRE Global Ltd


Man 3 Construction Site Impacts


3. One credit where evidence provided demonstrates that the fit-out contractor operates an
Environmental Management System.
The Assessment Criteria for each of the above items are detailed in the relevant section of Checklist
Exemplary level criteria new build and refurbishment projects only
The following outlines the exemplary level criteria to achieve an innovation credit for this BREEAM

Evidence provided demonstrates that all of the items a-g listed previously are achieved and at least
80% of site timber is responsibly sourced and 100% is legally sourced.

Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
existing buildings
Shell Only
Fit Out Only
Site timber

Site clearance

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell only assessments.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
fit-out-only assessments.
The fourth credit (for responsibly sourced site timber) is not dependent on any
of the first three credits being achieved.
For the purpose assessing this issue, site timber is considered to be timber
used to facilitate construction, including formwork, site hoardings and other
temporary site timber used for the purpose of facilitating construction. It does
not cover structural timber and timber used for fit-out items (this is addressed
in BREEAM issue Mat 5).
The scope of this issue applies to the main contractor and their scope of
works. If the scope of the main contractors works includes demolition and site
clearance then this stage of work falls within the scope of the assessment

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage


A copy of the relevant section from the main

contract specification confirming:
Contractors obligations in respect to
each item on the checklist
Site timber will be sourced from suppliers
capable of providing certification to the
level required for the particular tier
claimed (see table 13 of BREEAM issue
MAT 5)
All timber will come from a legal source
and is not on the CITES list*.

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Post Construction Stage

Site records demonstrating monitoring and
recording of the following (where relevant):
Site energy/CO2 consumption
Site deliveries
Site water consumption
Copies of the documented procedures used
on site for working to best practice pollution
management guidelines.
A letter from the main contractor confirming:


Man 3 Construction Site Impacts


Where the main contract specification is not

yet available, a formal letter from the
client/developer including:
Completed checklist A3 identifying which
items will form part of the main
contractors obligations.
The policy for sourcing site timber for the
Confirmation that the above will be
implemented in compliance with
BREEAMs criteria.
* Or in the case of Appendix III of the
CITES list, it has not been sourced from the
country seeking to protect this species as
listed in Appendix III.


Procedures for pollution management

and mitigation were implemented
Name/job title of individual responsible
for monitoring and managing
construction site impacts throughout the

A copy of the certification document or Chain

of Custody (CoC) certificate(s) for the site
Where any non-certified timber is used,
written confirmation from the supplier(s)
confirming that:
All timber comes from a legal source.
All timber species and sources used in
the development are not listed on any of
the CITES appendices for endangered or
threatened species (Appendix I, II, or

Additional Information
Relevant definitions

CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) Appendices I and II of the CITES
list illustrate species of timber that are protected outright. Appendix III of the CITES list illustrates
species that are protected in at least one country. If a timber species used in the development is on
Appendix III it can be included as part of the assessment as long as the timber is not obtained from the
country(s) seeking to protect this species.
Chain of Custody: This is a process used to maintain and document the chronological history of the
evidence/path for products from forests to consumers. Wood must be tracked from the certified forest to
the finished product. All the steps, from transporting wood from the forest to a sawmill, until it reaches
the customer, must maintain adequate inventory control systems that allow for separation and
identification of the certified product. Chain-of-custody certification ensures that a facility has
procedures in place to track wood from certified forests and avoid confusing it with non certified wood.
Chain-of-custody is established and audited according to relevant forest certification systems rules.

Monitoring and reporting at site level are the key factors in raising awareness of the impacts of energy
consumption. Whilst total energy is frequently monitored, this information is predominantly used to
feedback into the tendering process and is seldom used to seek improvements on the site in question.
Targets are requested in the BREEAM criteria as an Exemplary Level Criteria to complete the process
of setting, monitoring and achieving targets. BREEAM does not set targets, as these are very project
specific. For some guidance on how to set targets, contractors may find it useful to refer to Procedural may also be useful.

BRE Global Ltd


Man 4 Building User Guide

Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits



Man 4 - Building User Guide

To recognise and encourage the provision of guidance for the non technical building user so they can
understand and operate the building efficiently.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. A Building User Guide that contains the information described under the User Guide Contents
heading (see additional guidance) has been developed.
2. The guide is relevant to the non-technical building user and appropriate to the stakeholder(s) that
will occupy the building.
Second credit (Higher educational laboratory building type or function only)
1. A Laboratory User Guide that contains the information described under the User Guide
Contents heading (see additional guidance) has been developed.
2. The guidance is relevant to the laboratory users that will occupy and use the facilities.

BRE Global Ltd


Man 4 Building User Guide


Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only

Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
For speculative developments it may not be possible to include all information
outlined below. The Guide must be developed, including all relevant sections
and completed as far as is possible given the services and fabric installed, so
that it can be handed over to the fit-out team who will then be able to complete
the relevant sections based on the fit-out strategy before handing over to the
tenant/building owner.
The criteria at this stage of assessment are the same as those identified at the
design stage. Where there is an existing Building User Guide this must be
updated in line with the scope of the fit-out work that will be undertaken and
comply with the BREEAM criteria. The guide must be developed/updated by,
or in collaboration with, the fit-out project team/contractor. Where there is not
an existing Building User Guide this must be prepared to cover all aspects of
the building, including aspects included in the shell construction/systems (if

Operation and

The presence of a building O&M manual does not meet this requirement. The
latter provides the detailed specialist information required by technical
Facilities Managers (FMs) and maintenance staff/contractors. The guide can
be contained in the Operation & Maintenance (O&M) manual, but must be an
extractable or stand alone section.

Multiple tenanted

Where the building will be divided in to multiple tenancies, one central building
user guide should be provided covering the scope of landlord controlled
areas/responsibilities. A separate subsidiary guide should be provided for each
tenants space, appropriate to the status/responsibility of the tenant(s) and
their building/unit.
If the building does not have laboratory space or is not a laboratory building
then the second credit does not need to be assessed. The assessors
spreadsheet tool will filter this credit from the assessment.

Buildings without

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

BRE Global Ltd


Man 4 Building User Guide


A copy of the specification clause confirming:

Requirement to develop a Building User
Scope of the Guides contents.


A copy of the Building User Guide.

Written confirmation from the design team
that the guide has been distributed to the
buildings owner, tenant(s) or fit out
contractor (for completion), as appropriate.

A formal letter from the client/developer

That the design team will be required to
develop a Building User Guide.
The contents of the Guide will be
developed in compliance with the
BREEAM criteria.

Additional Information
User Guide Contents
The list below indicates the type of information that should be included to meet the needs of the
Facilities Management (FM) Team/Building Manager and the general users (staff).
1. Building Services Information
a. General User - Information on heating, cooling and ventilation in the building and how these
can be adjusted, e.g. thermostat location and use, implications of covering heating outlets with
files, bags etc., and use of lifts and security systems.
b. FM As above, plus a non-technical summary of the operation and maintenance of the building
systems (including BMS if installed) and an overview of controls.
2. Emergency Information
a. General User - Include information on the location of fire exits, muster points, alarm systems
and fire fighting systems.
b. FM - As above, plus details of location and nature of emergency and firefighting systems,
nearest emergency services, location of first aid equipment.
3. Energy & Environmental Strategy
This should give owners and occupiers information on energy-efficient features and strategies
relating to the building, and also provide an overview of the reasons for their use, e.g. economic
and environmental savings. Information could include:
a. General User Information on the operation of innovative features such as automatic blinds,
lighting systems etc., and guidance on the impacts of strategies covering window opening and
the use of blinds, lighting and heating controls.
b. FM - As above, plus information on airtightness and solar gain (e.g. the impact of leaving
windows/doors open in an air conditioned office, or use of blinds in winter with respect to solar
gain); energy targets and benchmarks for the building type, information on monitoring such as
the metering and sub-metering strategy, and how to read, record and present meter readings.
4. Water Use
a. General User details of water saving features and their use and benefits, e.g. aerating taps,
low flush toilets, leak detection, metering etc.
b. FM As above, plus details of main components (including controls) and operation.
Recommendations for system maintenance and its importance, e.g. risk of legionella.
5. Transport Facilities
a. General User details of car-parking and cycling provision; local public transport information,
maps and timetables; information on alternative methods of transport to the workplace, e.g. car
sharing schemes; local green transport facilities.

BRE Global Ltd


Man 4 Building User Guide


b. FM - As above, plus information on conditions of access, maintenance and appropriate use of

car parking and cycling facilities, e.g. number of spaces provided.
Higher Education Institutes only
The above information in point 5 does not need to be included in the users guide if there is a
separate dedicated travel information space, accessible to the staff, and in compliance with
BREEAM issue Tra 7. However, the guide must reference the travel information space, the
information provided and its location.
Retail projects: the above information in point 5 does not need to be included in the users guide if
there is a separate dedicated travel information space, accessible to the staff, and in compliance
with BREEAM Issue Tra7. However, the guide must reference the travel information space, the
information provided and its location.
6. Materials & Waste Policy
a. General User Information on the location of recyclable materials storage areas and how to
use them appropriately.
b. FM As above, plus information on recycling, including recyclable building/office/fit out
components, waste storage and disposal criteria; examples of Waste Management Strategies
and any cleaning/maintenance criteria for particular materials and finishes.
7. Re-fit/Re-arrangement Considerations
a. General User an explanation of the impact of re-positioning of furniture, i.e. may cover
grilles/outlets, implications of layout change, e.g. installation of screens, higher density
occupation etc.
b. FM - As above, plus environmental recommendations for consideration in any refit. Relevant
issues covered in BREEAM should be highlighted, e.g. the use of natural ventilation, use of
Green Guide A rated materials, reuse of other materials etc., the potential impact of increasing
occupancy and any provision made in the original design to accommodate future changes.
8. Reporting Provision
a. General User Contact details of FM/manager, maintenance team, and/or help desk facility;
and details of any building user group if relevant.
b. FM As above, plus contact details of suppliers/installers of equipment and services and their
areas of responsibility for reporting any subsequent problems.
9. Training
Details of the proposed content and suggested suppliers of any training and/or demonstrations in
the use of the buildings services, features and facilities that will be needed. This could include:
a. General User - Training in the use of any innovative/energy saving features.
b. FM As above, plus training in emergency procedures and setting up, adjusting, and fine
tuning, the systems in the building.
10. Links & References
This should include links to other information including websites, publications and organisations. In
particular, the Carbon Trust programme should be referenced and links provided to its website and
good practice guidance.
11. General
Where further technical detail may be required by the FM Team or manager there should be
references to the appropriate sections in the Operation and Maintenance Manual.
Laboratory specific building user guide contents (where applicable)
Energy and Health and Safety staff should be involved in the development of this guide to ensure
relevant results.

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Man 4 Building User Guide


1. Training:
Include details of proposed content of any training and/or demonstrations in the use of the laboratory
facilities and equipment as needed.
a. General user - this could include coBuilder about dangerous substances (where relevant), training in
the use of any innovative/energy saving features and specialist equipment, emergency procedures;
b. FM - as above plus training in setting up, adjusting, and fine tuning the systems in the laboratory
2. Safety and Emergency procedures:
This should include:
a. Safe handling of hazardous materials and substances;
b. Security procedures for the laboratory operation;
c. Any procedure for evacuation, disinfection, decontamination as appropriate in case of emergency;
a. Emergency telephone numbers.
3. Energy and environmental strategy:
This section should give users information on energy-efficient features and strategies related to the
laboratory, and also provide an overview of the reasons for their use, e.g. economic and environmental
savings. Information could include:
a. Information on the energy efficient operation of fume cupboards and microbiological safety cabinets
(where present), including considerations on the impact of overloading fume cupboards and leaving
fume cupboards sashes open when not needed.
b. Good housekeeping and management planning to ensure that any equipment operation is minimised,
that time clock functions are utilised and that equipment is not left on unnecessarily.
c. Checking that the equipment has been tested and/or inspected via equipment log.
d. Minimisation of use of artificial lighting and temperature controls, and switching off of equipment,
lights, PCs etc.
e. Minimisation of use of water.
4. Materials and Waste
This should include:
a. List of potential hazardous materials and waste and risks associated (coBuilder).
b. Safe waste segregation and disposal instructions;
c. Potential for reuse/recycling any non-hazardous waste.
4. Checklist of safety and best practice daily procedures to be completed prior to leaving the
laboratory area
6. Links, references and useful contact numbers
BREEAM requires a Building User Guide that contains the necessary details about the everyday
operation of the development in a form that is easy for the intended users to understand.
Without the provision of adequate information and guidance it is likely that the building will be used
inappropriately leading to the dissatisfaction of occupants and wasted resources. For example: Some
ventilation and/or lighting systems can be impaired by inappropriate positioning of partitions, office
furniture etc. so causing inefficiencies, a lack of comfort and poor performance.
The aim of the issue is to ensure that design features are used efficiently and that changes to office
space are managed in the most appropriate manner. For example, the design team of a speculative,
open plan office, are likely to have considered the need for meeting or cellular space, and may have
provided additional riser or duct space to assist future use. The design of the building may require
additional or expanded systems to be installed if occupant levels rise above those designed for. This
information should be passed on to the personnel making management decisions, so that they are
aware of the implications of such decisions on the management of the building.

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Hea 1 Daylighting

Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Man 12 - Life Cycle Cost Analysis

To recognise and encourage the development of a Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis model for the project
to improve design, specification and through-life maintenance and operation.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. A Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis has been carried out based on the proposals developed during
RIBA Work Stages C/D (concept design/design development), or equivalent.
2. The Life Cycle Costs analysis based on the concept design/design development proposals covers
the following stages:
a. Construction
b. Operation - includes, as a minimum, utilities
c. Maintenance - includes, as a minimum, planned maintenance, replacements and repairs,
cleaning, management costs
d. End of life.
3. The LCC analysis uses a study period of 25 or 30 (as applicable) AND 60 years, shown in real and
discounted cash flow terms.

4. The analysis demonstrates that at least two of the following issues have been analysed at a
strategic and system level (as per figure 6, Different levels of analysis at different stages of the life
cycle, ISO 15686-5), comparing alternative options:
a. Structure
b. Envelope
c. Services
d. Finishes
The chosen solution is the one that best meets the performance requirements for the built asset.
5. The option(s) with the lowest discounted LCC over the period is preferred, assuming that their
selection results in at least one of the following:
a. The lowest building energy consumption over the operational life span of the building
(compared to other options/alternatives analysed)
b. A reduction in maintenance requirement/frequency
c. Prolonged replacement intervals of services infrastructure/systems or building fabric
d. Dismantling and recycling or reuse of building components.
6. The model was updated during Stages RIBA Work Stages D/E (design development/technical
design) or equivalent.
Second credit

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1. The first credit is achieved.

2. The results of the feasibility study have been implemented in the specification, design and final
construction of the assessed building.

Compliance notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only
Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different requirements to those outlined above

specific to new-build projects.
There are no additional or different requirements to those outlined above
specific to refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different requirements to those outlined above
specific to the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different requirements to those outlined above
specific to refurbishment projects.
Issue not applicable for fit-out-only assessments

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

First Credit

A copy of the feasibility stage LCC analysis.

The details of the cost consultant who has
completed the analysis.

No additional evidence required to that

outlined for the design stage of

A formal letter from the design team or cost

consultant confirming:
The preferred option.

No additional evidence required to that

outlined for the design stage of

An updated copy of the LCC analysis for the

detailed and final design.

An updated copy of the LCC analysis for

the final design.

A formal letter from the design team confirming:
The LCC analysis will be updated to reflect
the detailed and final design proposals.
Any proposed change(s) made to the
specification will be on the basis that they
will minimise life cycle costs and impacts.
Second Credit

A formal letter from the design team confirming:

The option(s) with the lowest discounted life
cycle costs have been, or will be,
implemented in the design and

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Assessors building/site inspection

The completed building reflects the
preferred option identified in the LCC


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Additional Information
Relevant definitions:
Life Cycle Cost analysis: A procurement evaluation technique which determines the total cost of
acquisition, operation, maintenance and disposal of the building.
The assessor should note that BREEAM places fixed requirements on the time at which the Life Cycle
Cost feasibility study should be carried out in order that maximum benefit from undertaking this is
The strategic level analysis (looking at issues such as location and external environment, maintainability
and internal environment, etc.) and system level analysis (looking at issues such as foundations, solid
or framed wall and floors, types of energy, ventilation, water capacity, communications etc.) should be
carried out early in the design process to influence the fundamental decisions taken regarding the
building without having an adverse affect on either cost or design programme. It is however important
that this is revisited as the design develops to ensure that an optimal solution is retained throughout the
procurement process.

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Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Man 13 Combined (Man 5 Man 11)

To reduce environmental impact through effective management,
- by recognize and promote several of topics in management, which together represent direct and / or
indirect reductions in environmental impacts from a variety of topics. Man 13 will motivate and
recognize the developer to include this diversity of individual topics.
Assessment Criteria
Up to 3 points can be gained if at least 2 of the 6 optional credits are complied with:


Man 5 Site Investigation

1, 2

Man 6 Consultation

1, 2

Man 7 Shared facilities

Man 8 Security

Man 9 Publication of building-related information

Man 10 The building and its grounds as an educational resource

Man 11 Ease of maintenance

Compliance notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only
Fit Out Only

BRE Global Ltd

There are no additional or different requirements to those outlined above

specific to new-build projects.
There are no additional or different requirements to those outlined above
specific to refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different requirements to those outlined above
specific to the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different requirements to those outlined above
specific to refurbishment projects.
Issue not applicable for fit-out-only assessments


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Ref. requirements under each course.

Individual requirements are listed in the specific credit text.

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Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits


Man 13.5 Site Investigation

To recognize and encourage detailed site investigation to ensure the building accounts for site
conditions and any remedial action required is taken beyond the requirements that apply to planning
and building regulations.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. The site has been investigated to determine local conditions that will affect the design and
specification of the proposed development.
2. The following areas are covered in the investigation:
a. Ground and ground water conditions assessed in accordance to governmental instructions
b. Establishing the engineering properties of the soil and aggressiveness of the ground water
c. If the site investigation indicates the site may be contaminated, further investigations are
carried out
3. The relevant bodies (see Compliance Notes) have been consulted and confirm the absence of the
a. Buildings of local architectural or historical interest referred to in a local authority
development plan
b. Buildings within areas of outstanding natural beauty and national parks
c. Scheduled ancient monuments buildings in historic parks and gardens
d. Buildings within the curtilage of scheduled ancient monuments
e. Buildings or sites with distinguishing local architectural characteristics
f. Sites of archaeological interest
4. Where the building/site is identified as one of the above types appropriate measures have been
taken to protect any areas/features of value and all relevant bodies have been consulted and have
agreed the design adopted.
5. The site investigation has been carried out at, or prior to, RIBA Stage C concept design, or
Compliance Notes
New Build

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There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.


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For refurbishment projects that do not include ground works or additional

structural load, the ground investigation detailed in requirement 2 is not
required. All other credit criteria remain applicable. For refurbishment projects
that do include ground works or additional structural load, advice should be
sought from BRE on whether requirement 2 is applicable.

Extensions to

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Relevant Bodies

The relevant bodies, depending on the UK region, will typically include: the
Local Authority, English Heritage, Historic Scotland, Natural England, Scottish
Natural Heritage, Environment and Heritage Service (NI) or appropriate
agency department of the Assembly Government (Wales).


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage
A Copy of the site investigation report
A copy of correspondence with/from the
Relevant Body beyond the subject of
consultation in connection with the building
A maked-up site plan identifying:
Proposed development
Sensitive buildings/sites in proximity
Location and scoope of protection

Post Construction Stage

The evidence required at this stage of
assessment is the same as that identified at
the design stage.
Formal written confirmation from the design
team that measures identified at the design
stage to protect features/buildings were

Additional Information
Relevant definitions

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Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits



Man 13.6 Consultation

To involve the relevant stakeholders (including building users, business, residents and local
government) in the design process in order to provide buildings fit for purpose and to increase local
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
First credit
1. During the preparation of the brief (equivalent to stage B) the following was undertaken:
a. Members of the local community and appropriate stakeholders identified with whom the
design team consulted
b. Knowledge and experience collated from the existing buildings of the same type (if
relevant) to identify existing partnerships and networks. If the building is a new
development in an existing community or for a community still under construction, a
representative consultation group should be identified from similar buildings of the same
type in the same authority/area
c. A consultation plan was prepared and included a timescale and methods of consultation,
clearly identifying at which points consultees can usefully contribute and how they will be
kept informed about progress on the project.
1. The consultation included at least the following issues:

Functionality, building quality and local impact (including aesthetics)

Building user satisfaction/productivity
Management and operational implications
Maintenance resources/burdens
Good and bad examples of buildings of the same type.
Local traffic/transport impact.
Opportunities for shared use of facilities and infrastructure with the community/appropriate

2. Feedback has been given to the consultation group regarding suggestions made, and this feedback
a. What was proposed during the consultation exercise
b. How each of these proposals were considered
c. The outcome, e.g. implementation of suggestions or description of why options have not
been deemed feasible.

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Where higher educational laboratory building type or function is present:

4. A stakeholder engagement workshop has been undertaken at RIBA stage B or equivalent with the
scope of determining the clients broad requirements with concern to laboratory facilities. The
workshop must have been attended by the following (as a minimum):
a. Internal staff (including senior representatives from estates, academic users, and laboratory
b. Design team, including the mechanical engineer
c. Project manager.
5. A design team meeting has been undertaken at RIBA stage C or equivalent with a focus on
appropriate sizing, optimisation and integration of laboratory equipment and systems. As a result,
the design has been developed by using a risk assessment approach and, where possible, it was
supported by the use of 3D modelling for pipework and duct planning. The workshop must have
been attended by the following (as a minimum):
a. Internal staff (including a representative from the maintenance function)
b. Design team, including representatives from the architects and all significant building
services contractors
c. Project manager.
6. The results of the above activities have been summarised in a design intent document, which has
been approved by all parties involved and formed the basis of subsequent quality control.
Second credit
1. The first credit is achieved.
2. The consultation process used an independent method carried out by a third party, such as DQI,
DQM or School Works (see Additional Information section).

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Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Fit Out Only
Relevant Bodies

Schools & sixth
form colleges

Further and
Higher Education

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
Issue not applicable to fit-out-only assessments.
The relevant bodies, depending on the UK region, will typically include: the
Local Authority, English Heritage, Historic Scotland, Environment and Heritage
Service (NI) or appropriate agency department of the Assembly Government
Includes the following (as appropriate to the school building type):
Local residents and volunteer group(s)
Ex pupils/students group(s)
Teachers/lecturers (representative groups)
Local businesses
Design team members and main contractor
Community groups (for example based on religion, leisure or culture)
Local Authority and/or local education service providers.
Where the assessment concerns a new building or a refurbishment within an
existing campus i.e. an infill development, it is sufficient to consult with relevant
stakeholders, including the following (as appropriate):

Students and staff groups and unions

Alumni associations
Director of estate
Teachers/lecturers (representative groups)
Departmental and institutional senior management
Design team members and main contractor
Local Authority and/or local education service providers
Health and Safety representative

Where the assessment concerns a whole campus, members of the local

community must also be identified and consulted with. These would typically
Local residents and volunteer groups
Local businesses
Community groups (for example based on religion, leisure or culture)
Schedule of Evidence Required

Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

First Credit

A list of the stakeholders consulted.

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Evidence as outlined at the design stage of


A consultation plan setting out the process

and the scope of the consultation.

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Copies of agendas and minutes of meetings

with the stakeholders demonstrating:
The consultation plan in action
The stage in plan of works that
consultation occurred.
3, 4

Copies of documentation demonstrating

consultation feedback, including (where
Newsletters, posters, circulars etc.
Agenda and minutes from meetings.
A copy of the design intent document.

Second Credit
Evidence (as outlined above) confirming
compliance with the first credit.
Name of the Construction Industry Council
(CIC) approved registered DQI facilitator or
School Works/DQM facilitator.

Copies of the assessment results from the

Ready for Occupation version of the DQI tool.

Copies of the assessment results from the

DQI tool for each stage of the project where
DQI used.
Second Credit

As above.

As above.

Marked-up design plans and/or copy of the

relevant sections of the specification
documents illustrating:
The influence of the consultation
process on the final design
Measures taken to protect features of
historic value.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
Existence/installation of identified features
on marked-up design plan or in

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Functionality: The way in which the building is designed to be useful and is split into use, access and
Build quality: The engineering and construction performance of a building.
Impact: The buildings ability to create a sense of place, and have a positive effect on the local
community and environment. This includes character and innovation, form and materials, internal
environment and urban and social integration.
Consultation guidance and methodologies

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There is a great deal of guidance available on community consultation, and many specialist
organisations offer such services. Much of it is focussed on community planning, but is adaptable.

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Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits



Man 13.7 Shared facilities

To recognize and encourage the acceptance of flexible building design that facilitates and increases the
opportunity for shared and / or changes of use, at no cost.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
Primary and secondary schools, sixth form and further education colleges and higher education
First credit
1. At least one credit has been achieved under Man 6 Consultation.
2. The design team confirms that:
a. Potential users of the shared facilities (such as operators of clubs and community
groups) have been consulted and their criteria have informed the brief.
b. They met formally to consider feedback according to the consultation plan
c. A document was produced describing the facilities to be shared and how access to
them will be arranged. The document must include a reflection of this can be done
likely without any extra cost.
d. This document has been communicated to all consultees.
Second credit
1. The first credit is achieved.
2. Shared facilities are provided in a separate and secured zone that can be accessed by
members of the public/community without gaining uncontrolled access to other parts of the
3. Instructions and guidance on access and use of shared facilities has been developed and
handed over to the building occupants (this can be included in the building user guide where
such a guide is provided).

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Hea 1 Daylighting


Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

refurbishment projects.

Fit Out

This issue is not applicable to a fit out only assessment.

Extensions to
Existing shared

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Type of shared


Where existing shared facilities are present on site that comply with the above
Assessment Criteria (including the involvement of users and community in the
consultation stage), the credits can be awarded. These facilities could be
within an existing building, that does not form part of the assessment, provided
the building is accessible to all relevant stakeholders.
No criteria have been set in this respect as the types of space will vary
according to the building size, type, and use and consultation feedback.
Typical facilities may however include:
Sports facilities
Meeting and conference rooms
Drama and theatre space
This issue does not apply to the assessment of pre-school developments i.e.
nursery school and children centres.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

As outlined under issue Man 6 Consultation.

As outlined under issue Man 6 Consultation.

Agenda & minutes from design team


There is no additional evidence required at

the post construction stage of assessment.

First Credit

A copy of the document, and its distribution

list, outlining the strategy for shared facilities.
Second Credit

A marked-up design plan highlighting:

The facilities that will be shared
Access and security zones for and
around the shared facilities.

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Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
Existence of shared facilities.
Access and security arrangements for
the facilities.


A copy of the document containing the

instructions and guidance on access and use
of shared facilities.

Hea 1 Daylighting


A copy of the document containing the

instructions and guidance on access and use
of shared facilities.

A formal letter from the design team
confirming that such a document will be
written and handed over to the building

Additional Information
Relevant Definitions:

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Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits



Man 13.8 Security

Aim: To recognize and encourage effective measures to improve safety and prevent crime
through the design of the building.
Assessment Criteria
1. Design team has consulted specialist in security, such as police, security consultant and / or
municipal SLT coordinator (coordination of local substance abuse and crime protective
measures), and recommendations are taken into account.
2. The consultation took place before or in conjunction with relevant planning.
3. The recommendations are incorporated in the design of the finished building.

Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

refurbishment projects.

Extensions to
Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

BRE Global Ltd

This issue is not assessed for a fit-out only assessment.


Hea 1 Daylighting


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


Correspondence from or a copy of the

report/feedback from the ALO/CPDA
Scope of their advice/involvement
The stage of design in which their advice
was sought
Summary of their recommendations

No additional evidence required to that

outlined for the design stage of assessment.

A marked-up copy of the site/design plan(s)

highlighting examples of:
The development conforming to
ALO/CPDA recommendations and SBD
principles and guidance.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence providing examples
The site/development conforming to key
ALO/CPDA recommendations.



If the timing of assessment does not permit

the above, a copy of the specification clause
The development will conform to ALO/CPDA
recommendations and SBD principles and

Correspondence from the ALO/CPDA

The as-built development or design
complies with their recommendations.
A copy of the developments Secured by
Design certificate.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions:
Secured by Design (SBD): A police initiative that seeks to encourage the construction industry to
adopt crime prevention measures in the design of developments, to assist in reducing the opportunity
for and fear of crime.

Relevant definitions:
Security Advisor:
Police and local coordination unit of the local drug and crime prevention (SLT) has approved
to have safety skills. Other advisors / consultants must be able to demonstrate competency in
line with the work police and SLT are doing.

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Hea 1 Daylighting

Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Man 13.9 Publication of building information

To recognise and encourage the publication of information related to the aspects of the design and
procurement process which reduce the overall environmental impact of the building.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. The information listed below is publicised as a case study through one of the following means:
a. Developers own website, publicly available literature or press release
b. Industry/sector or Government/Local Authority sponsored website or information portals.
c. Relevant public sector, organisation or institutional website or literature.

2. The following project related information is publicised in the case study:

a. A basic description of the project and building
b. BREEAM Rating and score
c. The key innovative and low-impact design features of the building
d. Gross floor area - m2
e. Total area of site dekar (1/10 hektar)
f. Area of storage (m2)
g. % area of grounds to be used by community (where relevant)
h. % area of buildings to be used by community (where relevant)
i. Predicted electricity consumption kWh/m2
j. Predicted fossil fuel consumption kWh/m2
k. Predicted renewable energy generation - kWh/m2
l. Predicted water use - m3/person/year
m. The steps taken during the construction process to reduce environmental
impacts, i.e. innovative construction management techniques
n. A list of any social or economically sustainable measures achieved/piloted
NGBC want to collect the construction cost - kr/m2, Operating Costs - kr/m2 and Construction
Cost - kr/m2. NGBC will, in collaboration with others, analyzing cost data, and use the analysis
in its guidance and information. The projects are encouraged to send such data to
3. At least two of the following must be met:

The first credit of Man 6 Consultation has been achieved

Site visits have been arranged for future building users

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Building users and/or other stakeholders have been given the opportunity to attend design
team meetings
Building users and/or other stakeholders are given regular presentations on progress of
Online and updated information on the progress of the design and construction of the

Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Buildings for
which this credit
is not applicable

Shell Only
Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
Higher Educational buildings of a sensitive or secure nature or where
confidential and sensitive information are handled or for which confidentiality
agreements have been signed may be exempt from the assessment of this
issue. In this case, the assessor must provide a statement in their report
justifying why this assessment issue is exempt.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of shell-only buildings.
Issue not applicable to Fit-out only assessments.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage


A formal letter from the developer or design

team confirming:
A case study for the development will be
The information to be included in the
case study.
The medium for case study publication.
As appropriate:
Evidence as required for issue M6.
A marked-up programme showing dates
of site visits.
A marked-up programme showing dates
of design team meetings attended by
building users/stakeholders.
The programme for presentations that
have been or will be given.
A brief description of the subject of each
presentation or copy of the presentation.
The web address for publicly accessing
information on the design and
construction process.

Post Construction Stage

A copy of the published case study.

As appropriate:
Evidence as required for issue M6.
A formal letter from the design team or
main contractor confirming date(s) of site
visits and design team meetings
attended by building users/stakeholders.
A copy of the presentation.
Assessor check of website to ensure
project information is valid and up to

Additional Information

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Relevant definitions


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Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Man 13.10 Development as a learning resource

To recognise and encourage the use of the building and site as a learning resource for demonstrating
environmental awareness.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. At least one credit has been achieved under Man 6 Consultation.
2. For pre-schools, schools and sixth from colleges the building and landscape, or for further and
higher education colleges the building and/or landscape is (based on the consultation process):
a. Designed, or includes features or installations that demonstrate to future building users a
local and/or global environmental impact of building development or operation, and how the
building and/or landscape mitigates such impacts.
2. Due to the subjective nature of the issue and circumstances of the individual project strict
Assessment Criteria have not been set. The items outlined below are suggestions that can be used
to determine whether the building and/or landscape meet the BREEAM criteria.
1. Use of demonstration projects such as:
a. A working renewable energy source such as PVs or wind turbines with a description of the
technology and live data on energy generated and subsequent CO2 emissions prevented.
b. Alternative heating sources such as wood fuel, solar thermal, geothermal with a description
of the technology, live data on energy generated and subsequent CO 2 emissions
c. Rainwater collection systems with live readings, a basic description of how the technology
works and its environmental benefit.
2. Utilisation of the building fabric or structure; for example a cutaway wall section that shows building
insulation use within the fabric, with internal and external temperature readings to demonstrate its
function. Alternatively, innovative use of a low-impact building material(s) or technology, such as
building products made from recycled materials, e.g. roof tiles made from recycled tyres.
3. A permanent display section with:
a. Information on the buildings design, construction and strategies to reduce its environmental

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b. General information on the environmental impact of the building as whole

c. Low-impact building solutions and materials that can be specified in modern design and
construction to mitigate such impacts.
4. Where energy or water meters with a pulsed output have been provided, the data can be displayed
with a description of the system being monitored.
5. The demonstration/information for the building is presented in a part of the building that has regular
user access: for example assembly halls, group or resource spaces.
6. The landscaping/site demonstrates either of the following:
a. Space within or adjacent to the site boundary or in the local area/region has been set aside,
to allow creation and management of a natural habitat or wetland
b. Space within or adjacent to the site boundary or in the local area/region has been set aside
to allow creation and management of an area for organic planting and/or animal husbandry.
c. The landscaping/site space(s) are clearly marked and designated on a site plan and
provide an adequately sized area for achievement of the aim.

Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of shell-only buildings.

Fit Out Only

Issue not applicable for Fit-out-only assessments.

Buildings for
which this credit
is not applicable

Higher educational buildings of a sensitive or secure nature or where

confidential and sensitive information are handled or for which confidentiality
agreements have been signed may be exempt from the assessment of this
issue. In this case, the assessor must provide a statement in their report
justifying why this assessment issue is exempt.
Higher educational buildings where no visitors or students are admitted (e.g.
research only buildings) may be exempt from the assessment of this issue. In
this case, the assessor must provide a statement in their report justifying why
this assessment issue is exempt.

Site selection for


Building Bulletin 71 (section 4) outlines information on site selection and

appraisal issues to consider when designating such a space.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage
Evidence as outlined under issue Man 6

BRE Global Ltd

Post Construction Stage

As outlined under issue Man 6 Consultation.


Marked-up design plan demonstrating:

The proposed/specified demonstration

Hea 1 Daylighting


Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
Installation and existence of the
demonstration feature

Additional Information
Relevant definitions

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 1 Daylighting

Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Man 13.11 Ease of maintenance

To recognise and encourage the specification of a building and building services that can be easily
maintained during their lifecycle.

Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates complaience:
1. A critical appraisal has been completed at the feasibility stage of building procurement,
covering the maintenance implications for different design options. This appraisal must comply
with service life planning in accordance with ISO 15686 Service Life Prediction Procedures.
2. A maintenance strategy has been developed from the critical appraisal and formulated at the
design stage. The maintenance strategy must cover the extent to which maintenance can be
designed out and how support systems can be built into the specification to facilitate efficient
and cost-effective operation and maintenance. The strategy must include an indication on how
all major plant and equipment is to be removed and replaced within the design life of the
building, including the access openings, lifting arrangement and route to and from the plant
room at a delivery point.
3. Where there is a management plan for the landscaping (for example, as defined in BREEAM
issue LUE 6 Long term impact on biodiversity), this has been included in the maintenance
4. Storage for appropriate equipment for cleaning and general maintenance, should be adapted.
This must be evenly distributed over the entire area / building. As a minimum there should be
broom cupboard or similar on each floor.
In connection with the larger purchase is recommended to use the checklist on account of ownership,
operation and maintenance. CIBSE 'Guide to the ownership, operation and maintenance of building
services', can be utilized, until Norway
have developed accordingly

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 1 Daylighting


Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

refurbishment projects.
This issue is not assessed in a fit-out only assessment.

Fit Out only

Extensions to

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

A formal letter from the design team with:

Confirmation of use and compliance with
the CIBSE checklist at the feasibility,
outline proposal, system design and
detailed design stages
A signed, dated and completed copy of
the checklist for the relevant stages.
Indicative examples of how items on the
checklist were addressed at each stage
of design for the building.

A formal letter from the design team or main

contractor with:
Confirmation of use and compliance with
the CIBSE checklist at the Production
information, tender, pre-construction,
construction and commissioning stages.
A signed, dated and completed copy of
the checklist for the relevant stages.
Indicative examples of how items on the
checklist were addressed at each stage
for the building.

A copy of the feasibility stage appraisal for

the design options.

No additional evidence required to that

outlined for the design stage of assessment.

A formal letter from the design team

Compliance of the appraisal with the
relevant standard(s).
A copy of the maintenance strategy
(including the landscaping plan if

A copy of the maintenance strategy

(including the landscaping plan if


A formal letter from the design team
confirming that:
A compliant maintenance strategy will be
This will include the landscape
maintenance plan, if relevant.

Marked-up drawings showing locations and

sizes of the storage space.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
The location and sizes of the cleaners
storage space.

Additional Information

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 1 Daylighting


Relevant definitions

BS 5930 Code of practice for site investigations. BSI, 1999.

BS 1377:1990 - Parts 1-9. Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes, BSI, 1990.
BS 10175:2001 Investigation of potentially contaminated sites, Code of practice, BSI, 2001.
Building Bulletin 71 The Outdoor Classroom, 2

BRE Global Ltd


Ed, DfES, 1999.


Hea 1 Daylighting

Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Man 14 BREEAM-NOR Accredited Professional

Promote the design and development of buildings with high environmental standards in an efficient and
cost effective manner.
Assessment Criteria
In recognition of the significant contribution a BREEAM-NOR AP can make to the design process, up to
three BREEAM-NOR credits are available if a BREEAM-NOR AP is engaged from an appropriate point
in a project
The following demonstrates compliance:
First credit
1. BREEAM performance objectives are agreed, no later than the end of the design brief stage.
2. The appointed BREEAM-NOR Accredited Professional is given the opportunity to attend key
design team meetings held from the start of design brief, up to and including stage Technical

If the overall responsibility is changed during the design stages, the role as BREEAM-NOR AP can be
transmitted from one person to another.
Second credit
1. The first credit has been achieved.

The project is reviewed against BREEAM-NOR performance objectives by the appointed

BREEAM-NOR Accredited Professional no later than the end of the Pre-Construction stage.


The appointed BREEAM-NOR Accredited Professional is given the opportunity to attend key
design team meetings held from the start of production up to and including Construction to
Practical Completion or equivalent, and is to be included on the circulation list of minutes from
all meetings

Third credit

The first and second credit is achieved


The project/building has achieved a classification according to the performance objective, which was
stated in connection to the first credit or higher, verified by part assessment.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 1 Daylighting


BREEAM-NOR Accredited Professional

The BREEAM-NOR AP will facilitate the team's efforts to successfully schedule activities, set priorities
and negotiate the trade-offs required to achieve a target BREEAM rating when the design is formally

Compliance notes
New Build

There are no additional or different requirements to those outlined above

specific to new-build projects.


There are no additional or different requirements to those outlined above

specific to refurbishment projects.

Extensions to
existing buildings

There are no additional or different requirements to those outlined above

specific to the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Shell Only

There are no additional or different requirements to those outlined above

specific to new-build projects.

Fit Out only

There are no additional or different requirements to those outlined above

specific to new-build projects.


BREEAM-NOR Accredited Professional is licensed by NGBC, and has

undertaken BREEAM-NOR AP training.
BREEAM-NOR Accredited Professionals will provide the design team with
expert advice on built environment sustainability, environmental design and
environmental assessment.
BREEAM-NOR AP has to have the following background to be licensed by
At least 3-three years post graduate (or equivalent) professional experience
working in a role covering the sustainability of the built environment candidates will ideally have design team involvement on a number of
projects where sustainability was part of the project brief e.g. a target to
achieve at least BREEAM Excellent for the completed design
Knowledge of environmental design / integrated design with an appreciation
of life cycle assessment and cost analysis

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

First Credit

A copy of pre estimator analyses showing

the possible scoring and performance

A copy of pre estimator analyses showing

the possible scoring and performance

A copy of confirmation letter

A copy of confirmation letter

Second Credit

BRE Global Ltd


Copy of the review(s) made during Design


Hea 1 Daylighting


Copy of the review(s) made before PreConstruction stage


Copy of the plan for review(s) to be done

before Pre-Construction stage.
A copy of confirmation letter

A copy of confirmation letter

Third Credit

Company statement, documenting required

special competence

Company statement, documenting required

special competence

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
The license as BREEAM-NOR AP does NOT document professional education and experience or
specific expertise in the design of buildings.
BREEAM-NOR AP is expected to promote BREEAM in a positive manner, and make use of BREEAMNOR in a way which is recognised as high quality.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 1 Daylighting


5.0 Health and Wellbeing

Minimum Standards


Issue Title




No. of credits


Hea 1 - Daylighting

To give building users sufficient access to daylight.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. The provision of daylight has been designed in compliance with national best practice
daylighting guides. For all developments, 80% of the office floor area is adequately daylit as
specified in point a-d.
2. For pre-schools, schools and further education colleges, at least 80% of floor area in occupied
spaces are daylit as specified in point a-d. For higher education buildings, at least 60% of floor
area in occupied spaces is adequately lit as specified in point a-d.

a. An average daylight factor in accordance with table 7 below:

Table 5.1 Average daylight factor measured at a height of 0.8 metres according to latitude at the
building location
Average Daylight Factor

Exemplary level
First credit - all buildings


Single-storey buildings

Multi-storey buildings




PLUS either (b) OR (c AND d) below

b. A uniformity ratio of at least 0.4 (spaces with glazed roofs, such as atria, must achieve a
uniformity ratio of at least 0.7) or a minimum point daylight factor in accordance with table 8

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 1 Daylighting


Table 5.2 Point daylight factor in office areas according to latitude at the building location
Minimum point daylight factors
First credit



All other

Spaces with
glazed roofs



Exemplary level single

storey buildings
All other
Spaces with
glazed roofs


Exemplary level multi

storey buildings
All other
Spaces with


A view of sky from desk height (0.7m) is achieved.

d. The room depth criterion d/w +d/HW < 2/(1-RB) is satisfied.
d = room depth
w = room width
HW = window head height from floor level
RB = average reflectance of surfaces in the rear half of the room.
Note: Table 10 (see additional information) gives maximum room depths in metres for different room
widths and window head heights of side lit rooms
3. For industrial developments, at least 80% of the operational area and all other occupied spaces are
adequately daylit as follows;
a. Average daylight factor in accordance with table 5.1 above.
b. PLUS either (b) OR (d) above.
4. For retail developments, at least 35% of the common areas (where applicable) have point daylight
factors in accordance with table 5.3 below:
Table 5.3 Point daylight factor in common and sales areas according to latitude at the building
Latitude () Minimum point daylight factors

Exemplary level criteria

The following outlines the exemplary level criteria to achieve an innovation credit for this BREEAM
1. At least 80% of all rooms for permanent occupation (for the building spaces/room identified above
in the standard criteria) has an average daylight factor in accordance with table 5.1 above or an
average daylight illuminance of 300 lux for 2650 hours per year in multi-storey buildings and 400 lux
in single-storey buildings.
2. The criteria outlined above concerning uniformity ratio, view of sky or room depth criterion are met.
Where demonstrating compliance via uniformity ratio or point daylight factor the following minimum
criteria apply:

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 1 Daylighting


a. A uniformity ratio of at least 0.4 (spaces with glazed roofs, such as atria, must achieve a
uniformity ratio of at least 0.7) or a minimum point daylight factor as in table 5.2 above.
3. For retail developments, at least 50% by floor area of the common spaces and 35% by floor area of
the sales spaces have point daylight factors in accordance with table 5.3 above or point daylight
illuminance of 200lux for 2650 hours per year.

Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

refurbishment projects.
The criteria of this issue apply only to the scope of the assessed building. If
this scope includes the existing building as well as the new building then the
relevant areas within the existing building must be assessed against the
criteria of this BREEAM issue. If the assessment covers only the new building,
then the areas in the existing building do not need to be assessed.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell-only projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
fit out-only projects.

Extensions to
existing buildings

Shell Only
Fit Out only
daylighting best
practice guides

assessed area

View of sky

Uniformity with

BRE Global Ltd


Lyskultur, publication No. 21, 1998 Daylight in buildings Project planning

Regulations relating to technical requirements for buildings (Building code
regulations) with guidelines.
SINTEF Byggforsk Building Detail 421.610 Requirements for lights and
Where the compliance requirement specifies that 80% of office or other
occupied space floor area must be adequately daylit, it refers to 80% of the
total floor area of all the rooms that must be assessed i.e. the compliant area.
If for example a development has 6 rooms that must be assessed, each 150m
(total area 900m ) then 720m must comply with the criteria; this is equal to 4.8
rooms. The number of rooms that must comply must always be rounded up;
therefore in this example, five rooms must have an average daylight factor of
2% or more (plus meet the other criteria) to achieve the credit.
To comply with the view of sky criteria at least 80% of the room that complies
with the average daylight factor requirement must meet the view out
requirement; i.e. it is permissible for up to 20% of the room not to meet the
view of sky requirement and still achieve a compliant room.
The room depth criteria cannot be used where the lighting strategy relies on
rooflights. In such areas either appropriate software should be used to
calculate the uniformity ratio or, in the case of a regular array of rooflights
across the whole of the space, the following figure can be used to determine
the uniformity ratio.


Excluded areas


Hea 1 Daylighting


Uniformity of illuminance decreases as the spacing between rooflights

(extracted from the CIBSE Guilding Light LG10)
Media, arts production, SEN sensory spaces, x-ray rooms and other areas
requiring strictly controlled acoustic or lighting conditions can be omitted from
the assessment criteria. Sports hall exercise spaces should be included within
the daylight calculations.
In general, the assessor should use their professional judgement to establish
which areas need to be exempted from the assessment of this issue. Any
exclusion will need to be fully justified in the certification report.
Laboratory areas must be included within the definition of occupied areas
unless the type of research that will be carried out requires strictly controlled
environmental conditions, such as the exclusion of natural light at all times.

Two-side lit

For rooms lit by windows on two opposite sides, the maximum room depth that
can be satisfactorily daylit is twice the limiting room depth (d) (measured from
window wall to window wall; CIBSE Lighting Guide LG10. The reflectance of
the imaginary internal wall should be taken as 1.

Borrowed light

For areas where borrowed light is used, calculations or results from

appropriate lighting design software must be provided to demonstrate that
such areas meet the BREEAM requirements (if contributing to the percentage
of compliant area). Examples of borrowed light include: light shelves,
clerestory glazing, sun pipes or internal translucent/transparent partitions (such
as those using frosted glass).
Two options are available to demonstrate that the daylighting criteria have
been met in order to accommodate for countries with different climate. The
illuminance approach may be used where the overcast sky is deemed not
appropriate to determine the daylight in the building, while the average daylight
factor approach may be more appropriate in temperate climate. Both options
are equivalent and will demonstrate one unique daylighting level, it is up to the
design team to determine which option is the most appropriate to the location.

Options for
demonstrating the

Daylight factor for

a point

Where the illuminance approach is chosen, a computer simulation must be

carried out to demonstrate compliance.
The daylight factor for a point must be computed for a point 1.0 metres from a
side wall, at a height of 0.8 metres above the floor and halfway in from the
window facade.

Schedule of Evidence Required

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 1 Daylighting



Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

Design plans for each floor in the building with

each room/area appropriately labelled for use.

Daylight calculations for the building as

built confirming compliance with all criteria.



Daylight calculations confirming:

Building areas assessed
Latitude of the site
The daylighting variables/criterion
Average daylight factor for each area
A copy of the results of the modelling
demonstrating that the appropriate level
of illuminance has been achieved for all
relevant areas
Compliance with room depth criterion,
uniformity ratio, view of sky (if required)
The daylight provision is in compliance
with the relevant standards.

Assessors site inspection report or as-built

drawings confirming:
The window sizes, light transmittance
and dirt factor, wall thickness and room
layout and dimensions are as per
A letter from the design team or main
contractor confirming that window
specification, size and/or room layout
have not changed since the design
stage assessment.

Option 1

Retail only

The percentage of area where point

daylight factors are at least 2.1/2.2 %
The position of the 2.1/2.2 % daylight
factors isolux contours in each of the
rooms assessed

Where there have been changes, revised

calculations/modelling are required to
demonstrate compliance for the relevant
Results from on-site measurements* that
have been carried out.
*These must be in accordance to the
methodology described
publication No. 21, 1998 Daylight in
buildings Project planning guidelines

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Occupied space: A room or space within the assessed building that is likely to be occupied for 30
minutes or more by a building user.
Area that is in use/room for permanent occupation: In buildings for the general public and work
buildings, all workrooms and rooms for the public will be regarded as rooms for permanent occupation.
Point daylight factor: A point daylight factor is the ratio between the illuminance (from daylight) at a
specific point on the working plane within a room, expressed as a percentage of the illuminance
received on an outdoor unobstructed horizontal plane. This is based on an assumed overcast sky,
approximated by the CIE (Commission Internationale de lEclairage) overcast sky. Computer
simulations are the most appropriate tools to allow for point daylight factors to be displayed.
Alternatively, the DF can be measured and computed in a scale model under an artificial sky with the
use of lux meters. 2% daylight factors isolux contours (i.e. lines connecting all the points that have the
same point daylight factor value) will need to be mapped on the room plan to check the area where
point daylight factors are 2% or higher. Mapping should be done based on a minimum calculation grid
of 50x50cm and 50cm from the wall.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 1 Daylighting


Average daylight factor: The average daylight factor is the average indoor illuminance (from daylight)
on the working plane within a room, expressed as a percentage of the simultaneous outdoor
illuminance on a horizontal plane under an unobstructed CIE Standard Overcast Sky.
Illuminance: The amount of light falling on a surface per unit area, measured in lux.
Uniformity: The uniformity is the ratio between the minimum illuminance (from daylight) on the working
plane within a room (or minimum daylight factor) and the average illuminance (from daylight) on the
same working plan (or average daylight factor).
View of sky / no-sky line: Areas of the working plane have a view of sky when they receive direct light
from the sky, i.e. when the sky can be seen from working plane height. The no-sky line divides those
areas of the working plane, which can receive direct skylight, from those that cannot.
Working plane: the horizontal, vertical or inclined plane in which a visual task lies. The working plane
is normally taken as 0.7-0.8 m above the floor .
Computer simulation: Software tools that can be used to model more complex room geometries for
The table below gives maximum room depths in metres for different room widths and window head
heights of sidelit rooms:
Table 5.4 Reflectance for maximum room depths and window head heights
Reflectance (RB)
Room Width (m)































Window Head
Height (m)

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 2 View out


No. of credits




Issue Title

Minimum Standards


Hea 2 View Out

To allow occupants to refocus their eyes from close work and enjoy being able to see an external view
and follow the changes in weather conditions and daylight throughout the day, thus reducing the risk of
eyestrain and breaking the monotony of the indoor environment.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

1. The relevant building areas are within 7m distance of a wall with a window or permanent opening
providing an adequate view out, where the window/opening is 20% of the total inside wall area
(refer to Compliance Notes for a definition of relevant building areas and adequate view out).
Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
existing buildings
Shell Only

Fit Out
Buildings with
office space
<500m2 (Retail &
Industrial only)

BRE Global Ltd

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
Where the actual workstations/desk layout is unknown at the time of
assessment, a notional workstations/desk layout may be used to demonstrate
Where it is not possible to confirm which areas of the building will contain
workstations/benches or desks, due to the speculative nature of the building,
then all areas of the building must comply (excluding ancillary areas).
The criteria at this stage of assessment are the same as those identified at the
design stage.

If the building being assessed contains office space that totals <500m then
this BREEAM issue does not need to be assessed as a standalone issue. The
criteria for this issue form a part of BREEAM credit Hea 14 Office Space. The
aim of Hea 14 is to recognise relevant Health & Wellbeing issues in buildings
with a small amount of office space, ensuring the issues are weighted relative
to the overall proportion of the building and users who utilise this type of


Adequate view

High level
Relevant building

Hea 1 Daylighting


The view out should ideally be through an external window providing a view of
a landscape or buildings (rather than just the sky) at seated eye level (1.2
1.3m) in the relevant building areas. A view in to an internal courtyard or atrium
will comply provided the distance from the opening to the back wall of the
courtyard/atrium is at least 10m (therefore allowing enough distance for the
eyes to refocus). The view cannot be an internal view across the room, as this
is likely to become obstructed by partitions, filing cabinets etc.
The bottom edge of the window must be maximum 0,9 m above underling
Roof lights and high level windows that do not provide an adequate view out
do not meet the criteria for this BREEAM issue.
Where the term relevant building areas is referenced in this BREEAM issue it
refers to any areas of the building where there are, or will be,
workstations/benches or desks for building users.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage


Design plan and elevation showing:

All relevant building areas and room
Actual or notional workstations/desk
Window/open areas
Site plan showing:
Building location and
external obstructions.

Post Construction Stage



Assessors site inspection report

photographic evidence confirming:
All relevant building areas comply.


As built drawings or a formal letter form the
design team confirming:
No changes have occurred since design
stage, therefore design stage evidence
demonstrates compliance post

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Occupied space: refer to BREEAM issue Hea 1.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 3 Glare control


No. of credits




Issue Title

Minimum Standards


Hea 3 Glare Control

To reduce problems associated with glare in occupied areas through the provision of adequate controls
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. An occupant-controlled shading system on all windows, glazed doors and rooflights in all relevant
building areas..
Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

refurbishment projects.

Extensions to

Where the existing building falls within the scope of the assessment, then the
criteria extend to the relevant building areas and occupied spaces of the existing
building. If only the new extension is being assessed then the criteria apply to
the relevant areas of the new building.

Shell only

Compliance with this BREEAM issue can be demonstrated via one of the
following means in shell only buildings/areas:

Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and

tenant/s (full value of available credits)
Option 2 A Green Building Guide for tenant fit outs (half the value of the
available credits)
Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration (full value of available credits)

Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be demonstrated the

available credits must be withheld (option 4).
Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description of
the above options.
Fit Out Only

BRE Global Ltd

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to fit
out-only assessments.


Buildings with
office space
<500m2 (Retail
& Industrial
building areas


Hea 3 Glare control


If the building being assessed contains office space that totals <500m then this
BREEAM issue does not need to be assessed as a standalone issue. The
criteria for this issue form a part of BREEAM issue Hea 14 Office Space. The
aim of Hea 14 is to recognise relevant Health & Wellbeing issues in buildings
with a small amount of office space, ensuring the issues are weighted relative to
the overall proportion of the building and users who utilise this type of space.
Where the term relevant building areas is referenced in this BREEAM issue it
refers to any areas of the building where there are, or will be,
workstations/benches, desks and/or close work will be undertaken or visual aids
For workshops, to avoid unduly high maintenance due to dust/dirt, compliance
can be also be demonstrated in such areas by designing out glare through
measures such as brise-soleil, low eaves, bioclimatic design or blinds integral to
the window.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

Marked-up copy of the design plan(s)

1. A description of the function of each of
the building spaces.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
2. Installation of compliant glare control

A copy of the relevant specification clause(s),

window schedule or design plan confirming:
Type of shading system(s) and control to
be installed.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Occupied space: A room or space within the assessed building that is likely to be occupied for 30
minutes or more by a building user and, with respect to this issue, where it would be desirable to limit
the potential for glare or provided a system of glare control.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 4 High frequency lighting

Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits



Hea 4 - High frequency lighting


To reduce the risk of health problems related to the flicker from light sources.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. All discharge lamps, fluorescent tubes and compact fluorescent lamps are fitted with high frequency
ballasts/transformers/drivers. If PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) of light sources, for example LEDs,
takes place, then such must be high frequency.
Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
Where the existing building falls within the scope of the assessment, then the
criteria extend to the existing building. If only the new extension is being
assessed then the criteria apply to the new building only.
Compliance with this BREEAM issue can be demonstrated via one of the
following means in shell only buildings/areas:

Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and

tenant/s (full value of available credits)
Option 2 A Green Building Guide for tenant fit outs (half the value of the
available credits)
Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration (full value of available credits)

Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be demonstrated the

available credits must be withheld (option 4).
Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description of
the above options.
Fit Out Only

BRE Global Ltd

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to fit
out-only assessments.


Hea 4 High frequency lighting


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

A copy of the specification clause or room

data sheets confirming:
A compliant lighting strategy.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
As-built drawings/specification confirming:
No changes have occurred since
design stage assessment.
Where changes have occurred, a
compliant lighting strategy is installed.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Occupied space: refer to BREEAM issue Hea 1.
High frequency ballast: High frequency ballasts increase the frequency of the power coming from the
grid (50Hz) to a frequency optimising the performance of fluorescent lamps, typically around 30kHz.
There are several advantages to running fluorescent lamps at higher frequencies. At 30kHz, the
frequency of re-ignition of a fluorescent lamp is too quick to be detected by the human eye, therefore
reducing visible flicker that some fluorescent lamps running on mains frequency fail to do. Additionally,
30kHz being above the audible range of the human ear, the buzzing noise coming out of low quality
main frequency ballasts is avoided. Finally, the luminous efficacy of fluorescent lamps increases with
frequency; it can be optimised by up to 10% when they are running at 30kHz compared to those
operating at 50Hz.
LED modules that are 230V will be able to flicker, see also normal LED fittings during dimming. When
dimming LEDs, the most common method is PWM (Pulse Width Modulation), which causes the light to
be rapidly switched on and off, i.e. the time the light is actually on is being regulated. If it is not checked
that the frequency at which this is occurring is sufficiently high, it will be possible that flickering may be

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 5 Internal and external lighting levels

Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Hea 5 - Internal and external lighting levels

To ensure lighting has been designed in line with best practice for visual performance and comfort.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

1. Internal and external lighting luminance (lux) levels are specified in accordance with national best
practice lighting guides. The lighting strategy for the building design must correspond to the levels
in the national best practice guidelines (see compliance notes for task areas, surrounding areas
and background areas.
2. For areas where computer screens are regularly used, confirmation is required that the lighting has
been designed to limit the potential for glare in accordance with national best practice lighting
guides, in particular the UGR limits are met.
3. The uniformity of illuminance over any task area is specified in accordance with national guidelines
for best practices for lighting.
Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to

BRE Global Ltd

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
Where the existing building falls within the scope of the assessment, then the
criteria extend to the existing building. If only the new extension is being
assessed then the criteria apply to the areas of the new building only.


Shell Only

Hea 5 Internal and external lighting levels


The assessment criteria apply to shell only areas of the building. For the
purposes of the BREEAM assessment it is permissible for the design team to
substitute the default design fit-out performance specification (as defined in local
building regulations) for the performance specifications confirmed within a Green
Lease Agreement (a template for this is under preparation by Norwegian Real
Estate/Green Building Alliance). This rule applies only to those areas of the
building that the scope of the Green Lease covers. Tenanted areas not covered
by the scope of the Green Lease must assume the default design fit-out
performance specification as defined under local building regulations.
The use of a Green Building Guide for tenants fit out (as defined in the Scope
section 2.2) cannot be used to substitute the maximum design fit out
specification, for the purpose of assessing BREEAM issue Hea 5 Internal and
external lighting levels.
Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be demonstrated the
available credits must be withheld (option 4).

Fit Out Only


No external
National best
practice lighting

Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description of
the above options.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to fit
out-only assessments.
The illuminance of the immediate surrounding areas must be related to the
illuminance of the task area, and should provide a well-balanced luminance
distribution in the field of view. Large spatial variations in illuminance around the
task area may lead to visual stress and discomfort. The immediate surrounding
area is taken to be a band with a width of at least 0.5 m indoors and 2.0 m
Where no external light fittings are specified, the criteria relating to external
lighting do not apply and the credit can be awarded on the basis of compliance
with the internal lighting criteria.

Lyskulturs 1B lux table and planning criteria for indoor lighting systems is a
guide to NS-EN 12464-1 Light and lighting - Lighting of workspaces - Part 1:
Indoor work places.
Lyskulturs 1C lux table and planning criteria for lighting of outdoor work
places is a guide to NS-EN 12464-2 Light and lighting - Lighting of
workspaces Part 2: Outdoor work places.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 5 Internal and external lighting levels


A copy of the specification or relevant room

schedules confirming:

levels are equal to or more stringent

than those established in NS-EN
UGR limits
The uniformity of illuminance over task
areas and surrounding area.
Where applicable, confirmation that
illuminance levels are equal to or more
onerous than those set in NS- EN 12464.
That the task area, surrounding area and
any possible background area are defined
with respect to national guidelines.


A formal written declaration from the design

team or main contractor confirming:
Light fittings have been installed in
compliance with the lighting specification.
No changes have occurred in the lighting
specification used to demonstrate design
stage compliance.
Where changes have occurred, a further
declaration is required confirming that the
revised lighting specification is in compliance
with the BREEAM criteria.

A formal written declaration of conformity
from the relevant member of the design team
The maintained illuminance levels, UGR
limits and uniformity for internal/external
space are in compliance with the relevant
Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Occupied space: Refer to BREEAM issue Hea 1.
Construction zone: For the purpose of this BREEAM issue the construction zone is defined as the site
which is being developed for the BREEAM-assessed building, and the external site areas that fall within
the scope of the new works.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 6 Lighting zones and controls

Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Hea 6 - Lighting zones and controls

To ensure occupants have easy and accessible control over lighting within each relevant building area.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

1. Lighting is zoned to allow separate occupant control of the following areas (where applicable):
a. Office and circulation spaces
b. In office areas, zones of no more than four workplaces
c. Workstations adjacent to windows/atria and other building areas separately zoned and
d. Seminar and lecture rooms: zoned for presentation and audience areas
e. Library spaces: separate zoning of stacks, reading and counter areas.

Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
existing buildings
Shell Only

Fit Out Only

Buildings with
office space
<500m2 (Retail &
Industrial only)

Occupancy /
layout unknown
Small spaces

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
new building extensions to existing buildings.
In the case of speculative buildings, the control system must have the capacity
to be zoned, as required, once the final tenant is known and occupancy
patterns/layout are agreed.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
fit out-only projects.
If the building being assessed contains office space that totals <500m then
this BREEAM issue does not need to be assessed as a standalone issue. The
criteria for this issue form a part of BREEAM issue Hea 14 Office Space. The
aim of Hea 14 is to recognise relevant Health & Wellbeing issues in buildings
with a small amount of office space, ensuring the issues are weighted relative
to the overall proportion of the building and users who utilise this type of
Where occupancy/workstation layout is not known, lighting control can be
zoned on the basis of 40m grids i.e. an assumption of 1 person/workspace
per 10m .
Where the building consists entirely of small rooms/spaces (less than 40m )
which do not require any subdivision of lighting zones/control or meet the
criteria by default, then this credit may be awarded.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 6 Lighting zones and controls


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


Design plans for each floor of the building

Space arrangement and room type

Assessors site inspection report, or as-built

drawings/specification confirming:
No changes have occurred since design
stage; therefore, design stage evidence
can be used to demonstrate compliance
at post construction stage.
Where changes have occurred since
design stage, the amended features still
comply with the design stage criteria.

Specification or design plans confirming:
Lighting zones
Location and scope of user-controls.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Separate Occupant Control: Light switches/controls for a particular area/zone of the building that can
be accessed and operated by the individual(s) occupying that area/zone. Such controls will be located
within, or within the vicinity of, the zone/area they control.
Publication No. 24, "Lighting controls", from Lyskultur may be used for advice and guidance.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 7 Potential for natural ventilation

Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Hea 7 - Potential for Natural Ventilation

To recognise and encourage adequate cross flow of air in naturally ventilated buildings and use of
natural ventilation in air-conditioned/mechanically ventilated buildings when outdoor climate makes it
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

1. Office areas of the building are designed to be capable of providing fresh air entirely via a natural
ventilation strategy, demonstrated via EITHER of the following:
a. The openable window area in each office space is equivalent to 5% of the gross internal
floor area of that room/floor plate. For room/floor plates between 7m-15m depth, the
openable window area is on opposite sides and evenly distributed across the area to
promote adequate cross-ventilation. OR
b. The design demonstrates (by calculation, using ventilation design tool) that the natural
ventilation strategy provides adequate cross flow of air to maintain required thermal comfort
conditions and ventilation rates.
For a strategy which does not rely on openable windows, or which has office spaces with a plan
depth greater than 15m, the design must demonstrate (by calculation in accordance with
requirement 1b above) that the ventilation strategy can provide adequate cross flow of air to
maintain the required thermal comfort conditions and ventilation rates.
2. The strategy is capable of providing at least two levels of user-control on the supply of fresh air to
the office space with higher rates of ventilation achievable to remove short-term odours and/or
prevent summertime overheating.
This would typically be demonstrated by providing a large enough area of manually opening
windows or powered window actuators. Any opening mechanisms must be easily accessible and
provide adequate user-control over air flow rates to avoid draughts.

Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
existing buildings
Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
Where the existing building falls within the scope of the assessment, then the
criteria extend to the existing building. If only the new extension is being
assessed then the criteria apply to the areas of the new building only.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell-only projects.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 7 Potential for natural ventilation


Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

fit out-only projects.

Buildings with
office space
<500m2 (Retail &
Industrial only)

If the building being assessed contains office space that totals <500m then
this BREEAM issue does not need to be assessed as a standalone issue. The
criteria for this issue forms a part of BREEAM issue Hea 14 Office Space.
The aim of Hea 14 is to recognise relevant Health & Wellbeing issues in
buildings with a small amount of office space, ensuring the issues are
weighted relative to the overall proportion of the building and users who utilise
this type of space.
The aim of this BREEAM issue is to ensure that a building is capable of
providing fresh air using a natural ventilation strategy. As a result, buildings
that employ a mechanically ventilated/cooled strategy may still be able to
achieve the credit, provided they can demonstrate compliance with the above
criteria (for future adaptability).


Openable window

The openable window area is defined as the geometric free ventilation area
created when a ventilation opening, e.g. window, is open to its normal
operational fully designed extent (i.e. this excludes open areas created when
reversible windows are opened for cleaning etc). It is not the glazed area of a
faade or the glazed area of the part of the window that is openable (unless it
opens fully).

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


Design plans and elevations, specification or

calculations confirming:
Ventilation strategy in each occupied
The depth of the room
Gross internal floor area of each
occupied space
The type of window/ventilator and total
openable area *
The location of openings
The type and degree of user-control.

Assessors site inspection report and

photographic evidence confirming:
The ventilation openings and controls
are installed in accordance with
compliant design stage evidence. *

AND (where relevant)

A copy of the results from the appropriate
software modelling tool demonstrating
*Manufacturers/suppliers literature may also
be used as evidence.

A formal letter from the design team or main

contractor confirming:
No changes have occurred since design
Where changes have occurred since design
stage, as-built drawings, specification and
calculations (as outlined under design stage
evidence) that re-confirms compliance.
* A random spot check of a selection of
occupied spaces is sufficient. The assessor
is not required to check each opening in all

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Ventilation design tools: any of the following design tools can be used to demonstrate compliance,
different tools being more suited to different stages in the development of the design:
Envelope flow models
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 7 Potential for natural ventilation


Combined thermal and ventilation models

Physical scale models.

Envelope flow models are the simplest tool and are recommended for the initial sizing of openings at
the chosen design conditions. The other tools provide more detailed information and are usually more
suited to later stages in the design.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 8 Indoor air quality

Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits



Hea 8 - Indoor Air Quality

To reduce the risk to health associated with poor indoor air quality due to unsatisfactory ventilation
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
First credit

Documentation being available that the building was designed to give quantities of fresh air with
respect to the Norwegian Technical Regulations.


Documentation being available of the implementations and final checks of the air quantities and
qualities (commissioning records).

3. Areas of the building subject to large and unpredictable or variable occupancy patterns such as
shops and leisure buildings have CO2 or air quality sensors specified and:
a. In mechanically ventilated spaces, the sensor(s) are linked to the mechanical ventilation system
and provide demand-controlled ventilation to the space.
b. In naturally ventilated spaces, the sensors either have the ability to alert the building
owner/manager when CO2 levels exceed the recommended set point, or are linked to controls
with the ability to adjust the quantity of fresh air, i.e. automatic opening windows/roof vents.

Air-conditioned and mix-mode buildings: Where the buildings air intakes are over 10 m apart to
minimimse recirculation AND intakes are over 20 m from sources of external pollution. Naturally
ventilated buildings: Where openable windows/ventilators are over 10m from source of external
a. Documentation being available that the placement and design of air intakes and exhaust
outlets are according to recommendations given in Building Details 552.360 and NS
13779:2007 in order to reduce the risk of moisture permeation and other pollution.


An operating and maintenance plan has been prepared for the ventilation system in Norwegian.

Two credits

Points 1 5 above have been fulfilled


The ventilation system gives the user the possibility to override night set back of ventilation in a
simple manner


Documentation being available showing that course material has been developed for future training
of operating personnel encompassing:
a. Detailed description of the ventilation system, including operation procedures

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 8 Indoor air quality



Detailed description of operating and maintenance procedures ensuring optimum

operation of the ventilation system

Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only
Fit Out only
Scope of the
Buildings with
office space
(industrial only)

Local or
national best
Measuring the

Sources of



There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to the
assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell-only projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to fit
out-only projects.
For industrial buildings the criteria apply only to the staff office areas and not the
operational area. If the building does not contain any office areas, the BREEAM
assessors spreadsheet tool will filter this issue from the list of applicable credits.

If the building being assessed contains office space that totals <500m then this
BREEAM issue does not need to be assessed as a standalone issue. The
criteria for this issue form a part of BREEAM issue Hea 14 Office Space. The
aim of Hea 14 is to recognise relevant Health & Wellbeing issues in buildings
with a small amount of office space, ensuring the issues are weighted relative to
the overall proportion of the building and users who utilise this type of space.
Technical Regulations, Building Detail 552.360 Placement of fresh air intake
and exhaust to minimize pollution and NS-EN 13779; Ventilation for nonresidential buildings. Performance requirements for ventilation and roomconditioning systems.
The distance requirement does not necessarily mean the plan distance, but the
three dimensional distance around and over objects; e.g. on plan the air intakes
may be less than 20m from a source of external pollution, but the intake may be
on the roof of a 10 storey building and therefore over 20m from the source of
This includes the following:
Highways and the main access roads on the assessed site.
Car parks and delivery/vehicle waiting bays
Other building exhausts, including from building services plant
industrial/agricultural processes
Service and access roads with restricted and infrequent access (for example
roads used only for waste collection) are unlikely to represent a significant
source of external pollution. These roads can therefore be excluded from the
criteria of this issue. This does not include vehicle pick-up/drop-off or waiting
It must be noted that filters fitted on the air supply are not considered by
BREEAM to provide adequate protection from sources of external pollution. As
such the distance criteria cannot be relaxed where filters are specified.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 8 Indoor air quality

Areas with a
large and


The following are examples of these types of spaces:

Retail stores/malls
Waiting rooms
Meeting locations
Where the assessed building does not have any areas deemed to be large with
an unpredictable pattern of occupancy, the fourth BREEAM requirement does
not apply.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

A marked-up proposed site plan highlighting:

Locations of intakes, extracts, openable
windows, ventilators
Any existing or proposed sources of
external pollution.

Assessors building/site inspection and as

built drawings confirming:
Locations of intakes, extracts, openable
windows, ventilators
Proximity of any sources of external
pollution to the above.

1, 2
and 5

A copy of the relevant area(s) in the

specification that confirm:
Design team calculations and/or
performance specification criteria confirming:
The fresh air rate set for each space
That the fresh air rate can be met using
the chosen strategy
The relevant standard(s) to which the
design is in accordance with.

Assessors site inspection report and as built

drawings that confirm:
Installation of sensors for air quality.
The sensors issue a signal indicating
that the ventilation is being increased
when the boundary values are reached

Where applicable, a confirmation that the

minimum requirements that are established
in the Technical Regulations are satisfied.
A copy of the relevant clause(s) of the
specification confirming:
Air quality monitoring sensors
How these boost ventilation when set
points are triggered.

An operating and maintenance plan in


BRE Global Ltd

Assessors building/site inspection and as

built drawings confirming:
Installation of air quality sensors.
The sensors boost ventilation when set
points are triggered

Assessors inspection report that confirms:

That an operating and maintenance plan
in Norwegian for the ventilation system
has been submitted


Hea 8 Indoor air quality


A labelled proposed building development

plan showing:
Where/how the user can override any
possible nighttime reductions

Assessors inspection report that confirms:

- that the user has the possibility to override
any possible nighttime reductions

Document that contains a description of

training courses for operating personnel in
the operation and maintenance of the
ventilation system

Assessors confirmation:
- that a plan for training course have been

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Occupied space: Refer to BREEAM issue Hea 1.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 8 Indoor air quality

Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Hea 9 Pollutants in the indoor environment

To reduce pollutants in the indoor air (suspended dust and chemical compounds) through requirements
for documented good building cleanliness and the choice of materials and products with documented
low emissions of volatile organic compounds and other chemical signal substances/compounds.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
First point

Documentation being available that fixed procedures have been established for clean and tidy
building processes with respect to recommendations given in Building Detail 501.107.


The quality of the cleaning upon the delivery of the building being documented and fulfilling at least
quality level 4 given in Building Detail 501.108 and NS-EN-INSTA-800.


All decorative paints and varnishes have been tested against EN ISO 11890-2:2006 Paints and
varnishes. Determination of volatile organic compound (VOC) content. Gas-chromatographic
method and meet the phase II maximum VOC content limit values set in Annex II of Decorative
Paint Directive 2004/42/CE. All decorative paints and varnishes must also be fungal and algal


The aim must be to use health-friendly interior paint in the building. Degassing (TVOC) from the
interior painting three full days after application must be specified. The degassing must be
measured with respect to SVEFFs trade standard Chemical Emission from paint and lacquer with
FLEC method, SP method 1598 or ISO 16000-10.


At least five out of the eight product categories listed in table 11 below (where specified) have been
tested against and meet the relevant standards outlined in the table below for Volatile Organic
Compound (VOC) emissions.


Mineral fibre products and other products with small fibres that might come loose are shaped or
built-in such that emission of fibres to the air in the room is prevented. Polluting activities and
processes are encapsulated, equipped with point exhaust vacuuming or take place in premises
with suitable separate ventilation.

Second point

The first point must be achieved.


At least six of the eight product categories that are listed in table 11 below (if specified), have been
tested against and satisfy the relevant standards that are outlined in the table below.

Exemplary level criteria

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 9 Volatile Organic Compounds


The following outlines the exemplary level criteria to achieve an innovation credit for this BREEAM

Two credits HEA 9 is awarded

10. All product categories listed below (where specified) have been tested against and meet the
relevant standards outlined in the table below for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions.

Table 5.5 VOC criteria by product type

Wood Panels
Fibreboard including MDF,
Cement-bonded particleboard
Solid wood panel and acoustic

European Standard
EN 13986:2002
NS-EN 15251:2007

Timber Structures
Glued laminated timber

EN 14080:2005
NS-EN 15251:2007

Wood flooring
e.g. parquet flooring

EN 14342:2005
NS-EN 15251:2007

Emission level required

Formaldehyde E1 (Testing req 1
see below)
2. The level of emissions 4 weeks
after production must be lower
than what is posed as a
requirement for low pollutant
materials in NS-EN 15251:2007,
Supplement C, and which are
measurement methodology/test
methodology that is used in
Building Materials (M1).
Verify that regulated wood
preservatives are absent and of
the minimum content.
Formaldehyde E1 (Testing req 1)
2. The level of emissions 4 weeks
after production must be lower
than what is posed as a
requirement for low pollutant
materials in NS-EN 15251:2007,
Supplement C, and which are
measurement methodology/test
methodology that is used in
Building Materials (M1).

Formaldehyde E1(Testing req 1)

2. The level of emissions 4 weeks
after production must be lower
than what is posed as a
requirement for low pollutant
materials in NS-EN 15251:2007,
Supplement C, and which are
measurement methodology/test
methodology that is used in
Building Materials (M1).
Verify that regulated wood
preservatives are absent and of
the minimum content.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 8 Indoor air quality


Resilient, textile and laminated Floor

Cork and rubber
Laminated wood flooring

EN 14041:2004
NS-EN 15251:2007

Suspended ceiling tiles

EN 13964:2004
NS-EN 15251:2007

Flooring adhesives

EN 13999-1:2007
NS-EN 15251:2007


Finished wallpapers
Wall vinyls and plastic wallcoverings
Wallpapers for subsequent

BRE Global Ltd

EN 233:1999
EN 234:1989
EN 259:2001
EN 266:1992
NS-EN 15251:2007

Formaldehyde E1(Testing req 1)

2. The level of emissions 4 weeks
after production must be lower
than what is posed as a
requirement for low pollutant
materials in NS-EN 15251:2007,
Supplement C, and which are
measurement methodology/test
methodology that is used in
Building Materials (M1).
preservatives are absent and of
the minimum content.
Formaldehyde E1 (Testing req 1)
2. The level of emissions 4 weeks
after production must be lower
than what is posed as a
requirement for low pollutant
materials in NS-EN 15251:2007,
Supplement C, and which are
measurement methodology/test
methodology that is used in
Building Materials (M1).
No asbestos.
1. The level of emissions 4 weeks
after production must be lower
than what is posed as a
requirement for low pollutant
materials in NS-EN 15251:2007,
Supplement C, and which are
measurement methodology/test
methodology that is used in
Building Materials (M1).
Verify that carcinogenic or
sensitising volatile substances are
absent (Testing req. 2-4).
1. Emissions Level to 4 weeks
after production will be lower than
the primary requirement for low
15251:2007, Appendix C, which
measurement method / test
Materials (M1)
Formaldehyde (testing req. 5) and
Vinyl chloride monomer (VCM)
(testing req. 5) release should be
low and within the EN standard
for the material.


Hea 9 Volatile Organic Compounds

Heavy duty wall-coverings
Textile wall-coverings


2. The level of emissions 4 weeks

after production must be lower
than what is posed as a
requirement for low pollutant
materials in NS-EN 15251:2007,
Supplement C, and which are
measurement methodology/test
methodology that is used in
Building Materials (M1).
Verify that the migration of heavy
metals (5) and other toxic
substances are within the EN
standard for the material.

Testing requirement:
1. EN 717-1:2004
2. EN 13999-2:2007 - Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
3. EN 13999-3:2007 - Volatile aldehydes
4. EN 13999-4:2007 - Volatile diisocyanates
5. EN 12149:1997
Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
Compliance with this BREEAM issue can be demonstrated via one of the
following means in shell only buildings/areas:

Extensions to
existing buildings
Shell Only

Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and

tenant/s (full value of available credits)
Option 2 A Green Building Guide (ref chapter 2) for tenant fit outs (half
the value of the available credits)
Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration (full value of available credits)

Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be demonstrated the

available credits must be withheld (option 4).
Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description of
the above options.
Fit Out only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

shell-only assessments.


The scope of this BREEAM issue does not extend to furnishings e.g.
desks/shelving, it focuses on the key internal finishes and fittings integral to the


All standards outlined in the table above are standards recognised across
Europe for VOC content, with the exception of the requirements that are posed
for indoor painting. In this area there currently are no other boundary values
/requirements that are able to give the manufacturers who focus on lowemission paint the requisite assistance in delineating their products. We thus

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 8 Indoor air quality


have taken a point of departure in NAAFs requirement for TVOC specifically in

order to contribute to manufacturers who have high quality paint with low
emissions receiving such assistance with their segment.
Other standards and guidelines:
Building Details 501.107 Clean, dry building processes
Building Details 501.108 Cleanliness during the building period
SP method No. 1598, Swedish National Testing and Research Institute,
SVEFFs trade standard Chemical Emission from paint and lacquer with
FLEC method (Field and Laboratory Emission Cell), The Swedish Paint and
Ink Makers Association
NS-EN ISO 16000-10:2006 Air examination in indoor air Part 10:
Determination of emissions of volatile organic compounds from building
materials and interior fittings Emission cell method.
NS-INSTA 800:2010 Cleaning quality System for establishing and assessing
cleaning quality

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

1 and

A copy of the control plan/checklist that

documents procedures for clean, dry building
processes and cleaning quality

A copy of a completely filled in control

plan/checklist that documents fulfilment of
criteria for clean, dry building processes and
cleaning quality

3, 4
and 5

A copy of the relevant specification clause

The VOC content of the relevant
specified product types will comply with
the standards specified above.
That the products fulfil the requirements
posed for degassing from building
materials and indoor paint

For each relevant product, a formal letter

from or copies of the manufacturers
literature confirming:
The standard(s) against which the
product is tested

Drawings or specifications that confirm that:

Mineral fibre products and the like are
shaped or built-in such that emission of
fibres to the air in the room is prevented.
Polluting activities and processes are
encapsulated, equipped with point
exhaust vacuuming or take place in

BRE Global Ltd

The VOC content in the relevant

specified product groups correspond with
the standards that are mentioned above.
That the products fulfil the requirements
posed for degassing from building
materials and indoor paint
Assessors inspection report and as built
drawings that confirm that:
Mineral fibre products and the like are
shaped or built-in such that emission of
fibres to the air in the room is prevented.
Polluting activities and processes are
encapsulated, equipped with point
exhaust vacuuming or take place in


Hea 9 Volatile Organic Compounds


Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Pollutants in the indoor environment upon takeover
The indoor environment is often worse in new buildings than in buildings that have been in use for a
while. This is due to the emissions from materials being greater when the materials are new, and that
the indoor air contains pollutants in the form of dust that is not removed to a sufficient degree during the
building process.
Dust in the indoor environment from the building process
Dust and waste from the building process are often found in large quantities inside shells and in hollow
areas such as shafts, spaces above suspended ceilings, spaces under raised floors, ventilation ducts,
etc. The dust is released gradually and injected into the indoor air when the building is placed into
service. The process is influenced by the pressure conditions in the rooms and can occur for an
extremely long time. One common problem is cement dust from the building process that sits as a thin
layer over surfaces in the rooms. Dust in the indoor air is a common cause of skin and mucous
membrane irritations in humans.
In order to reduce that content of dust in indoor air due to the building process, fixed procedures must
be established for tidying up and cleaning during the entire building process with respect to
recommendations given in Building Details 501.107 and the cleaning quality upon delivery of the
building must be documented and fulfil the requirements given in Building Details 501.108 and NS-ENINSTA-800 for the type of building concerned.

Volatile Organic Compounds

VOCs are emitted by a wide array of products numbering in the thousands. Examples include: paints
and lacquers, paint strippers, cleaning supplies, pesticides, building materials and furnishings, glues
and adhesives, Urea-formaldehyde foam insulation (UFFI), pressed wood products (hardwood plywood
wall panelling, particleboard, fibreboard) and furniture made with these pressed wood products.
No or low VOC paints are available from most standard mainstream paint manufacturers. There ecofriendly paints are made from organic plant sources and also powdered milk-based products. The
emissions of VOCs from paints and varnishes are regulated by the Directive 2004/42/CE, implemented
in the UK by the Volatile Organic Compounds in Paints, Varnishes and Vehicle Refinishing Products
Regulation 2005. Products containing high organic solvent content should also be avoided (EU VOC
Solvent Directive 1999/13/EC).
Wood products that contain phenol-formaldehyde (PF) generally emit formaldehyde at considerably
lower rates than those containing urea-formaldehyde (UF). Although formaldehyde is present in both
types of resins, pressed woods that contain PF would be preferable to those containing UF resin.
Exposure risk assessment of any possible release of chemicals from manufactured products and their
possible impact on health and the environment generally, is an important requirement of European
regulations. The possible impact of a building product on indoor air quality is included in the European
Construction Products Directive, 89/106/EEC. The amended Directive, 93/68/EEC provided the criteria
for CE Marking of products.
Products to be fitted in buildings should not contain any substances regulated by the Dangerous
Substances Directive 2004/42/CE, which could cause harm to people by inhalation or contact. Materials
containing heavy metals (e.g. antimony, barium, cadmium, lead and mercury) and other toxic elements
(e.g. arsenic, chromium and selenium) or regulated biocides (e.g. pentachlorophenol) should be
Materials emitting low levels of pollutants must be used in buildings to the greatest extent possible.
What is meant by low polluting materials is specified in NS-EN 15251:2007, supplement C.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 8 Indoor air quality


Various labelling schemes identify products that have been tested and shown to be low emitting and
these have been summarised in BRE Digest 464 .
Dangerous substances are defined in the Dangerous Substances Directive (67/548/EEC)

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 10 Thermal comfort

Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits



Hea 10 - Thermal Comfort

To ensure, with the use of design tools, that appropriate thermal comfort levels are achieved in
occupied areas.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
One credit
1. An analytical measurement and evaluation of the thermal comfort levels of the building has been
carried out using the PMV (predicted mean vote) and PPD (predicted percentage of dissatisfied)
indices in accordance with EN ISO 7730:2005 Ergonomics of the thermal environment analytical
determination and interpretation of thermal comfort using calculation of the PMV and PPD indices
and local thermal comfort criteria.
2. Local thermal comfort criteria have been used to determine the level of thermal comfort in the
building; in particular internal winter and summer temperature ranges will be in line with the
recommended comfort criteria within EN ISO 7730; 2005 with no areas falling within the levels
defined as representing local dissatisfaction.
3. Thermal comfort levels in occupied spaces meet the Category B requirements set out in Annex A of
EN ISO 7730.
Two credits
1. Thermal modelling has been carried out aimed at optimising thermal comfort.
2. The modelling is used to guide the following design decisions (that influence thermal comfort
a. Basic building form and orientation
b. Internal layout
c. Exploiting the effect of trees and building overshading on solar heat gain and shielding effects
on transmission losses
d. Balancing the maximisation of daylight for reduced lighting energy use against increased
cooling loads and thermal comfort levels
e. Checking for overheating risk.

Thermal comfort levels in occupied spaces meet the requirements local thermal comfort criteria; in
particular internal winter and summer temperature ranges will be in line with the recommended
comfort criteria.

4. The software used to carry out the simulation at the detailed design stage must provide full dynamic
thermal analysis. For smaller and more basic building designs an alternative less complex means of

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Hea 10 Thermal comfort


analysis may be appropriate (further guidance can be found in CIBSE AM11 Building energy and
environmental modelling ).
Note: those two credits are independent from the first one being achieved.
Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.

Extensions to
existing buildings

Where the existing building falls within the scope of the assessment, then the
criteria extend to all occupied spaces of the new and existing building. If only
the new extension is being assessed then the criteria apply to the occupied
areas of the new building.

Shell Only

Thermal modelling completed on the basis of a notional layout will be

acceptable. Alternatively, compliance with this BREEAM issue can be
demonstrated via one of the following means in shell only buildings/areas:

Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and

tenant/s (full value of available credits)
Option 2 A Green Building Guide for tenant fit outs (half the value of the
available credits)
Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration (full value of available credits)

Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be demonstrated the

available credits must be withheld (option 4).
Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description of
the above options.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 10 Thermal comfort

Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

the assessment of fit out-only projects.

Local or national
thermal comfort
Buildings with
office space
(industrial only)

Please refer to the country specific reference sheet to locate the appropriate
best practice thermal comfort guidance in the country of assessment.

Allocation of

Buildings with airconditioning


If the building being assessed contains office space that totals <500m then
this BREEAM issue does not need to be assessed as a standalone issue. The
criteria for this issue form a part of BREEAM issue Hea 14 Office Space. The
aim of Hea 14 is to recognise relevant Health & Wellbeing issues in buildings
with a small amount of office space, ensuring the issues are weighted relative
to the overall proportion of the building and users who utilise this type of
The maximum number of credits can only be awarded where a detailed
thermal analysis is carried out at early design stage in order to take the
thermal comfort issue into account within the design. This is the second option
set out above. Where the first option has been followed to check that
adequate thermal comfort levels have been designed for the building it is only
possible to award one credit.
For the second credit to be awarded, modelling is required in any case even
for new air-conditioned buildings which are likely to be designed to achieve
thermal comfort levels. This is to ensure that the building has been designed to
minimise the demands on the system before the cooling system is specified.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

One credit

A copy of the report confirming:

A thermal comfort analysis has been
undertaken in accordance with EN ISO
Thermal comfort criteria used to carry out
the assessment
A copy of the relevant specification clause
A thermal comfort assessment will be
The requirements for thermal comfort

Formal written confirmation from the design

team confirming:
No changes have occurred since
design stage thermal comfort
assessment was carried out, therefore
design stage evidence demonstrates
compliance at the post construction
Where changes have occurred, an updated
copy of the results from the modelling
demonstrating the internal temperatures in
compliance with the relevant standards.

A copy of the results from the modelling

demonstrating thermal comfort levels in
compliance with Annex A of EN ISO
Two credits

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Hea 10 Thermal comfort



A copy of the report confirming:

A thermal comfort modelling has been
Indicative examples of how the modelling
has been used in the design
The name of the thermal comfort
modelling software used

Formal written confirmation from the design

team confirming:
No changes have occurred since design
stage thermal comfort assessment was
carried out, therefore design stage
evidence demonstrates compliance at
the post construction stage.


Where changes have occurred, an updated

copy of the results from the modelling
demonstrating the internal temperatures in
compliance with the relevant standards.

A copy of the relevant specification clause

A thermal comfort modelling will be
undertaken and influence the design.
The requirements for thermal comfort
A copy of the results from the modelling
demonstrating thermal comfort levels in
compliance with Annex A of EN 15251:2007
Additional Information
Relevant definitions

Occupied space: For the purpose of this BREEAM issue an occupied space is a room or space within
the assessed building that is likely to be occupied for 30 minutes or more by a building user. The
definition excludes the following:
a. Atria/concourses
b. Entrance halls/reception areas
c. Ancillary space e.g. circulation areas, storerooms and plant rooms
Predicted Mean Vote: the PMV is an index that predicts the mean value of the votes of a large group
of persons on the 7-point thermal sensation scale based on the heat balance of the human body.
Thermal balance is obtained when the internal heat production in the body is equal to the loss of heat to
the environment.
Table 5.6 Seven-point thermal sensation scale
Slightly warm
Slightly cool
Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied: the PPD is an index that establishes a quantitative prediction of
the percentage of thermally dissatisfied people who feel too cool or too warm; for the purposes of EN
ISO 7730, thermally dissatisfied people are those who will vote hot, warm, cool or cold.
Thermal Dynamic Analysis: Thermal comfort analysis tools can be subdivided into a number of
methods of increasing complexity. The most complex of these and the one that provides greatest
confidence in results is the full dynamic model. This type of model enables annual heating/cooling
loads, overheating risks and control strategies to be assessed.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 11 Thermal zoning

Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits



Hea 11 - Thermal Zoning

To recognise and encourage the provision of user controls which allow independent adjustment of
heating/cooling systems within the building.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. The heating/cooling system is designed to allow occupant control of zoned areas within all occupied
spaces in the building.
2. The zoning allows separate occupant control (within the occupied space) of each perimeter area
(i.e. within 7m of each external wall) and the central zone (i.e. over 7m from the external walls).
Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

refurbishment projects.

Extensions to

Where the existing building falls within the scope of the assessment, then the
criteria extend to the occupied spaces of the existing building. If only the new
extension is being assessed then the criteria apply to the relevant spaces of the
new building.
Compliance with this BREEAM issue can be demonstrated via one of the
following means in shell only buildings/areas:

Shell Only

Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and

tenant/s (full value of available credits)
Option 2 A Green Building Guide for tenant fit outs (half the value of the
available credits)
Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration (full value of available credits)

Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be demonstrated the

available credits must be withheld (option 4).

Fit Out only

Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description of
the above options.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to fit
out-only projects.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 11 Thermal zoning

Buildings with
office space
<500m2 (Retail
& Industrial
Long lag


Where the building being assessed contains office space that totals <500m2
then this BREEAM issue does not need to be assessed as a standalone credit.
The requirements form a part of BREEAM issue Hea 14 Office Space. The aim
of Hea 14 is to recognise relevant Health & Wellbeing issues in buildings with a
small amount of office space, ensuring the issues are weighted relative to the
overall proportion of the building and users who utilise this type of space.
Where long-lag systems are specified, the criteria can be met where they are
designed to service the base load only and a responsive secondary heating
system and controls are provided, zoned in compliance with the above criteria.


The distance requirement is approximate; however, the assessor must use

sound judgement considering fully the aims of this issue, before accepting
solutions that do not strictly meet the above criteria.

Controls for wet

heating systems

Adequate TRVs (thermostatic radiator valves) placed in zones around the

building perimeter, and the provision of local occupant controls to internal areas,
such as fan coil units, would satisfy the criteria for this BREEAM issue.

No office space
(retail and
industrial only)

Where the assessed building contains no office space and only an operational
area, this BREEAM issue will be filtered from the list of applicable BREEAM
issues by the BREEAM assessors spreadsheet tool.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


A copy of the relevant clauses of

drawings confirming:
Scope of the heating/cooling system
The type of user controls for the above
The scope of the controls i.e. control

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
Installation of user controls in each
occupied space.*
*For large buildings it would not be expected
that the assessor check every individual
occupied space, but a random selection of
spaces that confirm compliance.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Long-lag systems: These low temperature systems use the thermal mass of the building to provide a
consistent supply of heat to the space during the occupied period. As the mass of the building is used
to regulate and supply the heat, the temperature in the space lags behind any change required by the
occupants via the systems controls. An example of a long-lag system is under-floor heating.
Separate Occupant Control: Heating/cooling controls for a particular area/zone of the building that
can be accessed and operated by the individual(s) occupying that area/zone. Such controls will be
located within, or within the vicinity of, the zone/area they control.
Zone: Area with one or more occupants that is regulated identically.
Occupied space: For the purpose of this BREEAM issue an occupied space is a room or space within
the assessed building that is likely to be occupied for 30 minutes or more by a building user. The
definition excludes areas where building users would not expect, or be expected, to control temperature
in the space, including the following:
a. Atria/association space
b. Entrance halls/reception areas

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Hea 11 Thermal zoning


c. Circulation areas
d. Storerooms

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Hea 12 Microbial contamination

Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Hea 12 - Microbial Contamination

To ensure the building services are designed to reduce the risk of legionella in operation.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. All water systems in the building are designed in compliance with the measures outlined in the
relevant national health and safety best practice guides
2. Where no humidification is specified or only steam humidification is provided.
Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
existing buildings

Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
If the extended and existing building share the same water systems, then
these systems must be assessed against the criteria regardless of whether the
existing building forms a part of the assessment or not. If the extension is
served by independent systems, only these need be assessed against the
Assessment Criteria. If it is the intention that building users of the extended
building will use water systems in the existing building, then it must be
confirmed that the existing systems comply with the criteria.
Compliance with this BREEAM issue can be demonstrated via one of the
following means in shell only buildings/areas:

Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and

tenant/s (full value of available credits)
Option 2 A Green Building Guide for tenant fit outs (half the value of the
available credits)
Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration (full value of available credits)

Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be demonstrated the

available credits must be withheld (option 4).

Fit Out Only

BRE Global Ltd

Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description of
the above options.
Any and all existing and new water systems in the fitted-out building/unit must
comply with the BREEAM criteria. In some instances responsibility for water
systems may lie with a landlord and not the tenant; in such cases confirmation
will be required from the landlord, or their representative, confirming that the
water system comply with ACoP.



National health
and safety best
practice guides

Hea 12 Microbial contamination


The BREEAM assessor is not required to confirm that the design is compliant
with the relevant standard; this is the responsibility of the design team. The
assessor is simply required to record, for the purposes of validation, whether
or not the design team confirms compliance.
National guidelines for prevention of legionellosis are issued by the Norwegian
Institute of Public Health,

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

A copy of the relevant specification clause(s)

All types of water system in the building
and on the assessed site.
The standards to which all water
systems in the building will be designed.

For all water systems in the building, a formal

letter of declaration from the design team,
main contractor or installer of the relevant
systems confirming:
The design and installed systems comply
with the relevant standard.
If relevant, any existing water systems
comply with the relevant standard.

Where applicable, a copy of Checklist A10.

Where design responsibility is to be passed
on to the contractor/installer, a copy of the
relevant specification clause(s) stating:
contractor/installer with regards to
minimising the risk of Legionnaires
disease from the specified water
Additional Information
Relevant definitions

Water systems: For the purpose of this issue, this refers to:
Cooling towers
Evaporative condenser
Domestic hot and cold water systems
Other plant and systems containing water which is likely to exceed 20C and which may release a
spray or aerosol during operation or when being maintained, for example:
o humidifiers and air washers
o spa baths and pools
o car/bus washes
o wet scrubbers
o Indoor fountains and water features.
Legionnaires disease: The HSE describes Legionnaires disease as a type of pneumonia caused by
the bacterium Legionella pneumophilia. People catch Legionnaires' disease by inhaling small droplets
of water suspended in the air, which contain the bacteria. See .

Humidification Units
Humidification options fall into two broad groups; the first group relies on a heated air stream
evaporating water vapour either from a pond or stream of water. This includes so-called trickle-down
systems. These are dependent on sterilisation technologies such as UV, ultrasonic etc, to ensure that
the water vapour is not contaminated. Whilst these systems are effective when working properly, any

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Hea 12 Microbial contamination


partial failure will allow untreated water into a warmed air stream. Where this occurs, the health-related
consequences are likely to be significant.
The second group relies on failsafe systems that minimise risk if the plant fails. The only option in this
group is steam humidification. This process sterilises the water vapour and ensures that untreated
water cannot enter the air stream when no steam is being produced.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 13 Acoustic performance

Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits



Hea 13 - Acoustic Performance

To ensure the acoustic performance of the building meets the appropriate standards for its purpose.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. Internal occupied areas satisfy at least noise class C in NS 8175.
2. Noise from technical installations satisfies at least class B in NS 8175.

Pre-completion acoustic testing is carried out by a suitably qualified acoustician to ensure that all
relevant spaces (as built) achieve the performance standards required, and any required remedial
works in spaces that do not meet the standards are completed prior to handover and occupation.

Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

refurbishment projects.

Extensions to
Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

assessments of extensions to existing buildings.
Where it is not possible to define the type of office space due to the speculative
nature of the development, it must be assumed that it will be open plan with an
occupancy rate of 1 person per 10m .
For assessments of buildings that are not fully fitted, compliance with this
BREEAM issue within shell-only areas may be demonstrated via one of the
following means:
Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and
tenant/s requiring compliance with the criteria (full value of available credits)
Option 2 A Green Building Guide for tenant fit outs demonstrating how to
achieve the standards and the benefits of doing so (half the value of the
available credits)
Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration to ensure compliance with the
criteria (full value of available credits)
Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be demonstrated within
shell-only areas, the credit must be withheld regardless of compliance in fitted
out areas (option 4).
Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using

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Hea 13 Acoustic performance


BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for detailed description of

the above options.

Fit Out Only

Fit out-only assessments of buildings with acoustically sensitive spaces must be

assessed against the sound insulation criteria for this BREEAM issue.

Buildings with
<500m2 (Retail

If the building being assessed contains office space that totals <500m2 then this
BREEAM issue does not need to be assessed as a standalone credit. The
requirements form a part of BREEAM issue Hea 14 Office Space. The aim of
Hea 14 is to recognise relevant Health & Wellbeing issues in buildings with a
small amount of office space, ensuring the issues are weighted relative to the
overall proportion of the building and users who utilise this type of space.
The Additional Information section outlines the criteria for carrying out
measurements and calculations to demonstrate compliance with this BREEAM
issue. The appointed acoustician must confirm that the acoustic performance
has been measured/calculated in accordance with these procedures. Where the
acoustician has felt it necessary to deviate from these procedures, they must
give justifiable reasons why they have done so.
Where there is a known source of noise within the operational area of the
building e.g. installed machinery/plant, such noises must be factored in to any
calculations or measurements of indoor ambient noise levels.
NS 8175. Acoustic conditions in buildings. Sound classification of various types
of buildings.


Factory noise


BRE Global Ltd


Hea 13 Acoustic performance


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


A copy of the design plan for each level of

the building with each room/area clearly

Copies of acoustic field test report/results

The required performance levels have
been achieved for each room/area of the
completed building.
work/actions required to meet the
performance standards.

A copy of the specification clause or

acousticians calculations confirming:
Indoor ambient noise levels in each
relevant room/area.
If relevant, sound insulation levels
between each acoustically sensitive
room and adjacent occupied areas.
complied, or are required to comply

Relevant requirements situation for the


How the requirements are to be


Requirements that will be passed

through to technical purchasing

The standards that the

calculations/measurements comply
with, or are required to comply with.

Evidence, such as a formal letter from the

acoustician or their test report confirming that
they meet BREEAMs definition of a suitably
qualified acoustician.
A letter from the design team or main
contractor confirming:
Any and all required remedial works have
been carried out in accordance with the
acousticians recommendations.

A copy of the specification clause or a

formal letter from the project team
acoustic testing by a suitably qualified
acoustician will be commissioned.
Where rooms/areas do not comply with
remedial works will be actioned and

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Suitably qualified acoustician: an individual achieving all the following items can be considered to be
suitably qualified for the purposes of a BREEAM assessment:

Holds a degree, graduate engineer/Masters degree, or equivalent qualification in acoustics/sound


Has a minimum of three years relevant experience (within the last five years). Such experience
must clearly demonstrate a practical understanding of factors affecting acoustics in relation to

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 13 Acoustic performance


construction and the built environment; including, acting in an advisory capacity to provide
recommendations for suitable acoustic performance levels and mitigation measures.
Where a suitably qualified acoustician is verifying the acoustic measurements/calculations carried out
by another acoustician who does not meet the SQE requirements, they must, as a minimum, have
read and reviewed the report and confirm in writing that they have found it to:
represent sound industry practice
be appropriate given the building assessed and scope of works proposed
avoid invalid, biased and exaggerated recommendations.
Additionally, written confirmation from the third party verifier that they comply with the definition of a
Suitably Qualified Acoustician is required.

Measurement/calculation procedures
The following procedures must be followed by the acoustician when measuring or calculating the levels
required to demonstrate compliance with this BREEAM issue (see also compliance note above on
measurement procedures):

NS 8175:2008 Noise conditions in buildings Noise classes for different types of buildings ,
supplement B: Guidelines for assessment of compliance

All requirements parameters must be measured with respect to the relevant standards for each

All deviations from the requirements levels must be commented and a plan must be presented for
addressing the deviations

If measured values are lower than the requirements levels in more that 20% of the measurements,
the scope of the measurements must be increased (with respect to the scope specified in NS 8175)

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 14 Office space

Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits



Hea 14 - Office Space

To recognise steps taken to provide a good working environment in smaller office areas within the
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
First credit
1. For retail developments, three of the following measures must be achieved for at least 80% of the
developments office space floor area:
a. View out: in accordance with the requirements of BREEAM issue Hea 2
b. Glare control: in accordance with the requirements of BREEAM issue Hea 3
c. Lighting controls & zones: in accordance with the requirements of BREEAM issue Hea 6
d. Potential for natural ventilation: in accordance with the requirements of BREEAM issue
Hea 7
e. Thermal zoning: in accordance with the requirements of BREEAM issue Hea 11
f. Acoustic Performance: in accordance with the requirements of BREEAM issue Hea 13.
2. For industrial developments, three of the following measures must be achieved for at least 80% of
the developments office space floor area:
a. View out: in accordance with the requirements for office space in BREEAM issue Hea 2
b. Glare control: in accordance with the requirements of BREEAM issue Hea 3
c. Lighting controls & zones: in accordance with the requirements of BREEAM issue Hea 6
d. Potential for natural ventilation: in accordance with the requirements of BREEAM issue
Hea 7
e. Indoor air quality: in accordance with the requirements of BREEAM issue Hea 8
f. Thermal comfort: in accordance with the requirements of BREEAM issue Hea 10
g. Thermal zoning: in accordance with the requirements of BREEAM issue Hea 11
h. Acoustic Performance: in accordance with the requirements of BREEAM issue Hea 13.
Second credit
1. For retail developments, four of the six measures listed above must be achieved for at least 80% of
the developments office space floor area.
2. For industrial developments, six of the eight measures listed above must be achieved for at least
80% of the developments office space floor area.

Exemplary level criteria

The following outlines the exemplary level criteria to achieve an innovation credit for this BREEAM

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 14 - 23


1. An exemplary credit can be awarded where all the measures detailed above have been achieved
for at least 80% of the developments office space floor area.

Compliance notes
New Build
existing buildings
Shell Only
Fit Out Only


No office space

80% requirements

For guidance please refer to the compliance notes in each BREEAM issue for
each individual Health & Wellbeing issue listed above.
For guidance please refer to the compliance notes in each BREEAM issue for
each individual Health & Wellbeing issue listed above.
For guidance please refer to the compliance notes in each BREEAM issue for
each individual Health & Wellbeing issue listed above.
For guidance please refer to the compliance notes in each BREEAM issue for
each individual Health & Wellbeing issue listed above.
For guidance please refer to the compliance notes in each BREEAM issue for
each individual Health & Wellbeing issue listed above.
If the building being assessed contains office space that totals >500m , then
this BREEAM issue does not need to be assessed. In such cases the relevant
Health & Wellbeing issues (listed above) must be assessed separately.
The aim of Hea 14 is to recognise relevant Health & Wellbeing issues in
buildings with a small amount of office space, ensuring the issues are weighted
relative to the overall proportion of the building and users who utilise this type
of space.
If the building does not contain any office areas this issue will not need to be
assessed and the BREEAM assessors spreadsheet tool will filter it from the
list of applicable issues.
The 80% rule is set to provide some flexibility in collectively assessing each of
the individual issues. In applying the 80% rule it must be the same 80% (or
greater) of floor area that complies with each issue; it is not acceptable to pick
and mix the 80% of office area that complies with each issue in order to justify
awarding a credit.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage
For each individual measure, the
described in the Schedule of
required section of the individual
issue relating to that measure

Post Construction Stage

must be

For each individual measure, the evidence

described in the Schedule of evidence
required section of the individual BREEAM
issue relating to that measure must be

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Refer to the definitions section of each relevant BREEAM issue.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 14 Office space

Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits



Hea 20 - Moisture protection


To reduce the risk of incorporating moisture and prevent moisture and mold problems through
appropriate design and construction measures.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
One credit:
1. Establish a control plan that describes how to secure the building from moisture damage in the
design and construction phases as described in Building Detail 474.511 "Evaluation of moisture
protection. Checks list", Building Detail 501.107 "Clean, dry and tidy building process" and
Building Detail 474.533 "Drying and preventive measures". Control plans shall include material
moisture content, storage of materials, protection against rain, control of moisture before
capping / closing.
2. Customized checklists for moisture protection must be prepared and used in the design and
construction phases. A template for such a check list is included in Building Detail
474.511'Evaluation of moisture protection. Control Points'
3. There must be adequate evidence to indicate critical values for moisture in relation to
microbiological growth, emission of harmful gases and other essential characteristics of the
product. Terms of use for the materials must be documented.
Two credits
First credit must be achieved
4. It must be documented that the drying of the building construction is carried out according to
methods recommended in Building Detail 474.533 "Drying and preventive measures"
5. It must be documented that there has been moisture measurements according to the methods
specified in NS 3420-T and Building Detail 474.531, "Measurement of moisture in buildings",
and that the moisture level meets the requirements in NS 3420-T.
Three credits
The two first credit must be achieved

6. Construction under cover, e.g. with a tent-based capping system.

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 14 - 23


Compliance notes
New Build
Extensions to
existing buildings
Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those
shell-only projects.

outlined above specific to

outlined above specific to
outlined above specific to
outlined above specific to

Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

fit out-only projects.


Not relevant


NS 3420-T Specification texts for building, construction and installations Part

T: Painting, papering and flooring
Building Detail 501.107 Clean, dry and tidy building process.
Building Detail 474.511 Evaluation of moisture protectoin control points
Building Detail 474.533 Drying and preventive measures
Building Detail 474.531 Measurement of moisture content in buildings

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

Project Manager, and / or construction

manager when the contractor is
selected, submit a copy of the plan for
quality assurance, or a copy of the

Construction Manager's plan for quality


Project Manager, and / or construction

manager when the contractor is
selected, presents checklists for dampproofing, or copy of the specification

A copy of the completed checklists used

during the construction phase

Project Team's verification that the

requirements for material evidence

Project and / or construction manager's list of

critical values for the materials selected.

Project Manager and / or design team

verification that the required procedure
for drying

A copy of the documentation on how the

drying of the building structures are made in
the construction phase

Project Manager and / or design team

verification that the requirements for
moisture measurement and protocol

A copy of the documentation which describes

how the moisture measurements have been
carried out and the results from the

BRE Global Ltd


Hea 14 Office space

Project Team's report on the

requirements for camping, and how this
can be done cost effectively.


The auditor's report and photographic

evidence. If the auditor has been engaged in
structural work phase, the project report and
photographic evidence to document

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Control plan
A control plan is described in the Building Regulations, and should contain the following:

A description of what is going to be designed and constructed and critical issues to be controlled
and how the control should be carried out.
The basis for the control, i.e. design and construction documents
Who are responsible for the control, both for design and construction

High relative humidity can cause fungal growth, bacterial contamination, bad odors and adverse
chemical reactions in building materials, as well as damages and shorter life times of structures and
components. Degassing from the materials will also increase with increasing moisture content. Moisture
is probably the single factor that contributes the most to poor indoor environments and can cause
serious health problems like allergies, asthma and other hypersensitivity. In addition, exposure to
moisture damage may cause general symptoms such as abnormal fatigue, headaches and
concentration problems.
Building materials must be kept sufficiently clean and dry both during storage, transport and assembly
at the construction site to prevent moisture problems. The materials must also be kept dry and clean
after they are installed and while the building is in use.
Materials must be able to withstand the moisture stresses they are likely to be exposed to. There must
be satisfactory material evidence that indicates critical values of moisture in relation to microbial growth,
emission of harmful gases and other essential characteristics of the product.
Structures (roofs, facades, etc.) must be designed and constructed so that they are resistant to
moisture in the construction and operating phases

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 1 Energy efficiency


6.0 Energy
Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits


Ene 1 - Energy Efficiency





To recognise and encourage buildings thatare designed to minimise their operational energy
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
Determination of the buildings energy performance in the computation of energy delivered to
the building
1. The number of points obtained is based upon the percentage improvement in the buildings
calculated delivered energy, E (kWh/m yr) in relation to the level required to achieve an energy
mark of C in the Norwegian energy labelling scheme - Eref.
2. Delivered energy to the building is calculated according to the method in NS 3031:2010

3. The percentage improvement is used to allocate the number of credits, as illustrated in the table

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 1 Energy efficiency


Table 6.1 Percentage improvement over the requirements of local Building Regulations
BREEAM Credits
New buildings
For buildings that are part new-build part refurbishment refer to Compliance Notes.

Calculate the percentage improvement of the actual Building Energy Performance Index (BEPI)
over the Current Standards Building Energy Performance Index (CSBEPI):
Current Standards Building Energy Performance Index (CSBEPI)

= 66 kWh/m

Actual Building Energy Performance Index (BEPI)

= 53 kWh/m

Improvement as percentage

100 improvement %

66 53
100 19.7 %

Therefore 19.7 % improvement = 7 Credits

Historic Buildings only

In addition to the above an additional 2 credits may be awarded (up to a maximum of 15 for options 1
and 2 and a maximum of 10 for option 3) for carrying out the following:
1. A specialist study has been undertaken by a heritage conservation specialist to investigate the
implications of improving building fabric performance whilst minimising the potential negative
impacts on both the historic character of the building and the condition of the building fabric.
2. The report makes recommendations for potential improvements to the building fabric and, as a
minimum, covers the following issues:
a. Each element of the following building elements (as a minimum) must be considered and
recommendations for improvements made:
i. Roof
ii. External/Sheltered walls
iii. Ground floor
iv. Upper floors

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 1 Energy efficiency


v. Windows and external doors

vi. Junctions between building elements such as between roof and walls.
vii. Junctions between different parts of the building such as between different ages or
methods of construction.
Where significant improvement cannot be made to an element then the report should state
the reason, setting out in detail the conservation and/or building performance issues that
have resulted in this recommendation.
b. The potential for improvements in ventilation, air tightness and moisture control within the
building, ensuring that these are considered in balance with that of the welfare of the
historic building fabric. In general, tighter building fabric can be balanced with controlled
ventilation improvements (passive and mechanical) and the benefits and disadvantages
must be set out together with the recommendations.
3. The study must have been carried out at or prior to concept design stage (equivalent to RIBA stage
C or earlier).
4. The building design has implemented and accounted for the studys recommended improvements
and, in particular, demonstrates:
The design strategy chosen is that which has the greatest impact in terms of potential
improvements in energy use, whilst minimising the detrimental impacts on the historic
building fabric, i.e. the best compromise between the two considerations.
That any improvements made to the thermal insulation of the building have been specified
in accordance with the recommendations of Thermal Insulation: avoiding risks.


BRE Global Ltd


Ene 1 Energy efficiency


Compliance Notes
New Build

Extensions to

New buildings should compare their Energy Rating to the New Build
benchmark scale.
Existing buildings that have undergone or are undergoing major refurbishment
should compare their percentage improvement to the refurbishment
benchmark scale. This separate scale aims to better recognise and encourage
the energy-efficient refurbishment of existing buildings which results in a
significant reduction in the energy demand for that building.
However, where the NCM defines a different reference building for
refurbishment projects and therefore already accounts for the difference
between new build and refurbishment projects, the new build scale should be
used to demonstrate compliance.
Where an existing building is being extended (and only the new extension is
being assessed) and that extension uses existing building services plant, the
energy modelling and % improvement must be based on the building fabric of
the new extension and any existing, common, building services plant and new
building services plant installed that will service the new extension.
The energy modelling does not have to consider the existing building fabric
where this will not form part of the scope of the BREEAM assessment. Nor
does it have to consider existing building services where they are not
supplying services (heating, cooling and/or ventilation) to the new extension
being BREEAM assessed.

Part new-build
extension part

For assessments of buildings that are a mixture of new build and existing
building refurbishment a weighted benchmark scale is used.

The weighted benchmark scale is determined using the area (m ) for new build
and area (m ) for refurbishment and the two benchmark scales. If there is a
higher proportion of new build to refurbishment then the weighted scale will be
biased towards the benchmark scale for new buildings and vice-versa if there
is a higher proportion of refurbished element. As the benchmarks are
influenced by the split in areas between the new build element and major
refurbished element of the assessed building, the benchmarks will change if
the new build/refurbishment area totals change.
To determine the weighted benchmark scale and number of credits achieved,
the assessor must enter the area (m ) for new build and area (m ) for
refurbishment in to the relevant box of the Ene 1 Energy efficiency calculator.

Shell Only

For the purposes of the BREEAM assessment it is permissible, when

conducting the energy modelling and calculating the % improvement, for the
design team to substitute the maximum design fit-out performance
specification (as defined in local building regulations when generating %
improvements for buildings with tenanted areas) for the performance
specifications confirmed within a Green Lease Agreement. This rule applies
only to those areas of the building that the scope of the Green Lease covers.
Tenanted areas not covered by the scope of the Green Lease must assume
the maximum design fit-out specification as defined under local building
The use of a Green Building Guide for tenants fit out (as defined in the Scope
section 2.2) cannot be used to substitute the maximum design fit out
specification, for the purpose of assessing BREEAM issue Ene 1 Energy
Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description of
BRE Global Ltd
the options available for assessing shell only buildings.


Ene 1 Energy efficiency


Suitably qualified
energy modelling
engineer and/or
accredited expert


If the Fit Out-only assessment is a refit of an existing building then the

refurbishment benchmark scale must be used to determine the number of
credits awarded.
If there is a NCM in place in the country of assessment, and the NCM requires
Accredited experts to undertake the energy performance calculations, then an
Accredited expert as per defined in the country NCM is required.
If the NCM does not require accredited experts, then a suitably qualified
energy modelling engineer as defined in the Additional Information section
must carry out the modelling.

energy Dynamic
Modelling (DSM)

BRE Global Ltd

Recognised DSM software are software approved according to the

specification in NS 3031.


Ene 1 Energy efficiency


Energy exported
to the grid

Any energy from an onsite LZC energy source that is exported to the grid may
be included in the calculations as if it were used within the building.

EPC certificates,

The Norwegian EPC requires that calculations are carried out for each unit.
For the purposes of determining the number of BREEAM credits, the energy
performance index is the total of the area-weighted average of the energy
performance index of each individual unit. Where the development contains
conditioned common and/or landlord spaces, the area of these spaces, unless
otherwise accounted for, should be divided and attributed amongst the
separate units. The proportion of common area attributed to each unit must be
equivalent to the ratio of each units area as a proportion of the total area of all

standards and

Norwegian energy labelling of buildings,

NS 3031 Calculation of energy performance of buildings. Method and data

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

A copy of the report produced by the

approved calculation tool for the assessed
building at the design stage illustrating:
Actual computed delivered energy for the
building (Edeliv) and applicable standard
for energy label C (Eref)
Name of the approved software used to
carry out the modelling for calculating the
energy performance.
Confirmation of the expertise and
experience of the individual carrying out
the modelling in compliance with the
requirements of the local Building

Third party documentation, as follows:

Print-out from calculation program that
confirms that the building has achieved the
planned energy standard with respect to
NS 3031.
As built drawings to demonstrate that the
specification used and modelled at the
design stage matches the specification of
the completed building.
*The final rating must account for any
construction; and the measured air leakage
rate, ductwork leakage and fan performances
(as required by Building Regulations).

Options 1 & 2

Where appropriate, a letter from the person
carrying out the modelling confirming:
Data used to model the Current Standards
Building is taken from NS 3031.
Historic buildings only

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 1 Energy efficiency


A copy of the
specialists report.




The evidence required at this stage of

assessment does not differ from that outlined
at the design stage of assessment.

A letter from the specialist confirming the

qualifications, experience and IHBC status.

Marked-up drawings or a specification

document demonstrating:
Implementation of the studys
Compliance with Thermal Insulation:
avoiding risks .

As built drawings and specification

Implementation of the studys
Compliance with Thermal Insulation:
avoiding risks.


Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence demonstrating:
Examples of the recommendations of the
study having been manifested in the
actual complete building (as highlighted
by the design team during the building

Where a formal letter from the design team

confirming the above will be implemented.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Suitably qualified energy modelling engineer: is a person with at least 3 years relevant experience
in energy modelling within the last 5 years and a recognised qualification such as a building services
engineer or building energy modelling engineer. Their expertise should be broad enough to cover all
required technical aspects guaranteeing that the data entered in the energy model is appropriate and
that the results reflect the actual performance of the building. It can be someone operating as sole
traders or employed by public or private enterprise bodies.
Heritage Concervation Specialist A person with at least 3 years of relevant experience with the
upgrading of existing buildings worthy of protection during the course of the past 5 years, and
recognised qualifications within the occupational areas of architecture/building physics/cultural
monument protection.
Building Energy Performance Index (BEPI) - The BEPI represents a generic measure of energy
performance, depending on the country of assessment it may be in CO 2 emissions, kWh, etc. Therefore
Current Standards Building Energy Performance Index (CSBEPI) will have to be expressed in the same
units as the BEPI.

Historic buildings - For the purpose of assessing this BREEAM issue, historic buildings are defined
a. Listed buildings
b. Existing buildings situated in conservation areas (where the existing building itself has
conservation status and contributes to the status of the conservation area)
c. Existing buildings which are of architectural and historical interest and which are referred to
as a material consideration in a local authoritys development plan
d. Existing buildings of architectural and historic interest within national parks, areas of
outstanding natural beauty, and world heritage sites.

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 2 Sub-metering of substantial Energy Uses

Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Ene 2 - Sub-metering of Substantial Energy Uses

To recognise and encourage the installation of energy sub-metering that facilitates the monitoring of inuse energy consumption.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. Separate accessible energy sub-meters, labelled with the end use of the consumed energy that is
being sub-metered, are provided for the following systems (where present):
a. Space Heating
b. Domestic Hot Water
c. Humidification
d. Cooling
e. Fans (major)
f. Lighting
g. Small Power (lighting and small power can be on the same sub-meter where supplies are
taken at each floor/department).
h. Other major energy-consuming items where appropriate (see Compliance Notes).
2. Where a BMS (Building Management System) has been installed, with individual monitoring and
outputs for the systems listed under point 1 above.

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 2 Sub metering of Substantial Energy Uses


Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
Where an existing building is being extended and it has existing building
services plant and systems that will be common to both the new extension and
existing building, the criteria for energy metering cover the entire building.
Where present core building services should be assessed in accordance with
the assessment criteria. In shell only areas/building, where final decisions
concerning the specification of particular building services and systems will be
made by a new owner/tenant, compliance with this BREEAM issue can be
demonstrated via one of the following means:

Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and

tenant/s Option 2 A Green Building Guide for tenant fit outs (template
released 9.2.12 by Norwegian Real Estate)
Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration

Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be demonstrated the

available credits must be withheld (option 4).
Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description of
the above options.
Fit Out Only

Where the assessment stakeholder is a tenant within a landlordowned/operated development with central plant provision, then the central
plant must be assessed against the criteria of this issue. This is in addition to
the provision of sub-metering of any other substantial uses within the tenants
space that are independent of other tenant units and common areas.

Lighting & small


Due to traditional distribution methods, it can be difficult to cost-effectively

separate lighting and small power. It is acceptable for lighting and small power
to be combined for metering purposes, provided that sub-metering is provided
for each floor plate or per tenant as applicable.
Other major energy-consuming items, depending on the building type, might
include, for example, plant used for swimming or hydrotherapy pools, kitchen
plant, cold storage plant, laboratory plant, sterile services equipment,
transportation systems (e.g. lifts & escalators) drama studios and theatres with
large lighting rigs.
Where the building uses a modular system and the rated input power of the
lead boiler is less than the figure in Error source not found, but greater than
10kW (see Additional Information), sub-metering of the lead boiler is still
required to comply with the criteria of this issue.
The energy meters must be located in an area of the building that allows for
easy access to facilitate regular monitoring and readings by the buildings staff
and facilities manager. Typically this will be the plant room, main distribution
room or control room (where BMS is installed).
In a building with a number of units, where the production of heat and/or
cooling is centralised for the building and tenants are connected to the central
production system, typically in a shopping centre, only the central production
system needs to be submetered along with any other energy-consuming uses
as listed in the assessment criteria.

Other major
energyconsuming items

Modular boiler


production of
space and water
heating and/or

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 2 Sub-metering of substantial Energy Uses


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


Specification document or technical drawings

Energy-consuming systems and their
rated outputs
Metering arrangements for each system,
type and location of meter specified.
If applicable, scope of BMS and its
energy-monitoring capability.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
Location and labelling/function of the
individual sub-meters or BMS.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
BMS: Building (energy) Management System is a central computer controlling, monitoring and
optimising building services and systems such as heating, air-conditioning, lighting and security.
Common areas: Developments that have several tenant units, particularly large retail developments,
may also share common facilities and access that is not owned or controlled by any one individual
tenant, but used by all. Common areas are typically managed and maintained by the developments
owner, i.e. landlord or their managing agent. Examples of common areas include an atrium, external
areas e.g. parking, stairwells and main entrance foyers/reception.
Table 6.2 Size of plant for which separate metering would be required
Plant Item

Rated input
power (kW)

Boiler installation comprising one or more boilers or CHP plant

feeding a common distribution circuit


Chiller installations comprising one or more chiller units

feeding a common distribution circuit


Electric humidifiers


Motor control centres providing power to fans and pumps


Final electrical distribution boards


BRE Global Ltd


Ene 3 Sub-metering of high energy load and tenancy areas

No. of credits





Issue Title

Ene 3 - Sub-metering of High Energy Load and

Tenancy Areas


Minimum Standards


To recognise and encourage the installation of energy sub-metering that facilitates the monitoring of inuse energy consumption by tenant or end user.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
General retail/office/industrial and secondary schools, sixth form and further and higher
education colleges only

1. Provision of accessible sub-meters covering the energy supply to each tenanted, or in the case of
single occupancy buildings, relevant function areas or departments within the building/unit.
2. The meters are labelled with the end energy consuming use.

Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
For speculative buildings, meters must be installed on the energy supply to
each separate tenanted unit or floor plate within the assessed development.

Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

Fit Out-Only assessments.

function areas /
offices projects

This list is not exclusive and where other areas/departments exist these should
also be metered:
Office areas (Metering by floor plate)

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 3 Sub-metering of high energy load and tenancy areas

function areas /
retail projects

This list is not exclusive and where other areas/departments exist these should
also be metered:
Sales area
Storage and warehouse
Cold storage
Tenant units

function areas /
Small Units

Large units

A development consisting of one or more larger units (i.e. >500m ), sufficient

sub metering to allow for monitoring of the relevant function areas/departments
within the unit must be specified, in addition to metering of the unit as a whole.


Refer to the Compliance Notes in BREEAM issue Ene 2 for a description.


Office areas
Operational area
Ancillary areas (e.g. canteen etc)

For a development consisting of a number of small units a single meter per

unit is sufficient to achieve this credit. Individual areas within each unit do not
need to be sub-metered. For the purpose of this BREEAM issue, a small unit is
defined as <500m . (Please note that other BREEAM issues may define small
using a different size band. This is the case only where necessary due to the
assessment criteria and the scope of the BREEAM issue.)

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


Marked-up drawings and site plan detailing:

Building areas by department/function
and/or tenancy
Location of meters.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
Location and function of the individual
sub-meters or BMS.

Specification document or technical

drawings confirming:
Metering arrangements for each
department/function and/or tenancy
Type of meter specified.
Additional Information
Relevant definitions
BMS: Refer to definitions in BREEAM issue Ene 2.
Energy supply: This includes any incoming energy types such as electricity, gas, oil, LPG, etc.

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 4 External Lighting

Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits



Ene 4 - External Lighting

To recognise and encourage the specification of energy-efficient light fittings for external areas of the
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance (where provided):
1. All external light fittings for the building, access ways and pathways have a luminous efficacy of at
least 50 lamp lumens/circuit Watt when the lamp has a colour rendering index (Ra) greater than or
equal to 60. OR 60 lamp Lumens / circuit Watt when the lamp has a colour rendering index (Ra)
less than 60.
2. All external light fittings to car parking areas, associated roads and floodlighting has a luminous
efficacy of at least 70 lamp lumens/circuit Watt when the lamp has a colour rendering index (Ra)
greater than or equal to 60. OR 80 lamp Lumens / circuit Watts when the lamp has a colour
rendering index (Ra) less than 60.
3. All external light fittings for signs and uplighting have a luminous efficacy of at least 60 lamp
lumens/circuit Watt when the lamp wattage is greater than or equal to 25W. OR 50 lamp
lumens/circuit Watt when the lamp wattage is less than 25W.
4. External light fittings are controlled through a time switch, or daylight sensor, to prevent operation
during daylight hours. Daylight sensor override on a manually switched lighting circuit is acceptable.

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 4 External Lighting


Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Single building
assessments on

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
Refer to the guidance below for single building assessments on large existing
Where the building being assessed forms part of larger development (or is an
extension to an existing building) containing common areas and other
buildings, the scope of the external lighting criteria apply only to external new
and existing lighting within the construction zone of the assessed building.

Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

shell-only assessments.

Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

fit out-only assessments.

No external
lighting specified

Where the building is designed to operate without external lighting, including

external lighting on the building, signs and at entrances, the credit can be

Low energy
innovative light

Any fitting that consumes less than 5W complies with the criteria provided
each individual fitting is a direct replacement for an alternative, individual
BREEAM-compliant fitting and provides an equivalent amount of light for the
necessary task. The assessor must ensure that several low watt fittings are not
being specified in place of one higher watt but overall more energy-efficient
fitting. This compliance note is to allow for the specification of innovative low
energy light sources, such as LEDs.
Decorative lighting and floodlighting must not be exempt from the assessment
criteria although temporary lighting such as theatrical, stage or local display
installations, where specified, may be excluded.

Decorative and

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


Marked-up site plan and building elevations

Location and purpose of all external
lighting fittings.

As design stage, but as built documentation.

Lighting specification or lighting designers

calculations confirming:
Lamp lumens/circuit watt for each type of
fitting as well as the colour rendering
index Ra (where appropriate)
External lighting control strategy..

Assessors building/site inspection
photographic evidence confirming:
External lighting controls.


Manufacturers literature confirming:

Technical spec for the installed external
light fittings.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 4 External Lighting


Colour rendering index (Ra): A measure, between 0 and 100, of the ability of a lamp to reproduce the
colour of objects in comparison to their aspect under a natural or reference source of light. An
incandescent source has a Ra of 100 and a low pressure sodium source a Ra of 0 (see below for
further information on colour rendering).
Construction zone: For the purpose of this issue the construction zone is defined as the site which is
being developed for the BREEAM-assessed building and its external site areas i.e. the scope of the
new works.
Daylight Sensors: A type of sensor that detects daylight and switches lighting on at dusk and off at
Luminous efficacy in lamp Lumens per circuit Watt: The ratio between the luminous flux produced
by a lamp (in Lumens) and the total power consumed by both the lamp and its associated control gear
(in Watts).
Time switch: A switch with an inbuilt clock which will allow lighting to be switched on and off at
programmed times.
Colour Rendering
At night time, the sensitivity of the eye is shifted towards the blue region of the visual spectrum. As a
result, lamps with poor colour rendering index, such as some sodium lamps that emit light between the
yellow and red region of the visual spectrum, require more luminous output to light an object with the
same level of brightness than a source with better colour rendering index. Sources with a poor colour
rendering index also make the differentiation of coloured objects more difficult for individuals.
The colour rendering index requirement means compliance with this issue using sources of light with a
poor colour rendering index is harder to achieve than those with an index greater than or equal to 60.
Other benefits of using sources with an index greater than 60 include an increased feeling of safety for
individuals, making recognition of spaces and other individuals easier. In areas where CCTV is used,
the colour rendering index of lighting sources is critical; an Ra value of at least 80 is recommended (but
not required by BREEAM).

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 5 Low or zero carbon technologies

No. of credits





Issue Title

Ene 5 Energy supply with low greenhouse gas



Minimum Standards


To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging local energy generation from renewable sources
to supply a significant proportion of the energy demand.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
First credit
1. A feasibility study has been carried out by an energy specialist (see Compliance Notes) to establish
the most appropriate local (on-site or near-site) LZC energy source for the building/development.
This study covers as a minimum:
a. Energy generated from LZC energy source per year
b. Payback
c. Land use
d. Local planning criteria
e. Noise
f. Feasibility of exporting heat/electricity from the system
g. Life cycle cost/lifecycle impact of the potential specification in terms of carbon emissions
h. Any available grants
i. All technologies appropriate to the site and energy demand of the development.
j. Reasons for excluding other technologies.

2. A local LZC energy technology has been specified for the building/development in line with the
recommendations of the above feasibility study.

3. The feasibility study has been carried out at concept design or equivalent procurement stage.

4. The organisation that occupies the building has in place a contract with an energy supplier to
provide electricity for the assessed building/development from a 100% renewable energy source.
This supply must be delivered by an accredited external renewable source. The contract must be
valid for a minimum of 3 years from the date the assessed building becomes occupied.
Second credit
1. The first credit for a feasibility study must be achieved.
2. A local LZC energy technology has been installed in line with the recommendations of the above
feasibility study and this method of supply results in a 15% reduction in the buildings GHG
emissions. See compliance notes for how to calculate the percentage reduction.

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Ene 5 Low or zero carbon technologies


3. Figures used for calculations of the percentage carbon reduction provided by LZC technology are
based on the output from a recognised energy modelling software.

Third credit
1. The first credit for a feasibility study must be achieved.
2. A local LZC energy technology has been installed in line with the recommendations of the above
feasibility study and this method of supply results in a 35% reduction in the buildings GHG
3. Figures used for calculations of the percentage carbon reduction provided by LZC technology are
based on the output from a recognised energy modelling software.
Exemplary level criteria
The following outlines the exemplary level criteria to achieve an innovation credit for this BREEAM
One innovation credit can be awarded where evidence provided
1. A local LZC energy technology has been installed in line with the recommendations of the above
feasibility study and this method of supply results in a 50% reduction in the buildings GHG
2. Figures used for calculations of the percentage carbon production provided by LZC technology are
based on the output from a recognised energy modelling software.
Two innovation credit can be awarded where evidence provided
1. A local LZC energy technology has been installed in line with the recommendations of the above
feasibility study and this method of supply results in a 100% reduction in the buildings GHG
2. Figures used for calculations of the percentage carbon production provided by LZC technology are
based on the output from a recognised energy modelling software.

Buildings complying with the exemplary level criteria would therefore achieve four credits for this issue.
Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

shell-only assessments.

Fit Out Only

Existing installed LZC technologies can be used to assess compliance with

this BREEAM issue. In circumstances where the percentage total building
energy demand requirement is met by such existing systems, the credit(s) can
be awarded without the need for a feasibility study.

BRE Global Ltd


Feasibility study

GHG emissions

Ene 5 Low or zero carbon technologies


When undertaking a feasibility study at a later stage than outline proposals, an

additional element will need to be included in the report to highlight the local
LZC energy sources which have been discounted due to the constraints
placed on the project by the late consideration, and the reason for their
omission. If the feasibility study discounts all local LZC as unfeasible due to
the late stage in the project that the study was commissioned, then the credit
for the feasibility study must be withheld.
If the feasibility was commissioned at the outline proposals stage or earlier and
in the unlikely event the study concludes that the specification of any local LZC
technology is unfeasible, the first credit can still be awarded. Subsequent
credits for installing LZC technology that meets a percentage of building
energy demand will not be achievable.
Emissions of CO2 equivalents must be computed based upon energy delivered
to the building, as per NS 3031.
The reference level, Cref, must be computed as the emission of CO2
equivalents from the energy use for the building assessed where 40% or 60%
of the heating needs are covered with an energy supply other than directly
acting electricity or fossil fuels (low/zero carbon solution). The 40% figure are
to be used if the buildings heated floor area is less than or equal to 500 m ,
otherwise 60% is used, similar to the minimum requirements in the Technical
Regulations. The low/zero carbon solution (which is reported on in the
feasibility study) that gives the highest GHG emissions may be used as a
reference. As a minimum requirement, the following LCZ technologies must be
considered for the reference level calculation: Heat pump systems (air- and
water based), solar thermal systems, and bioenergy systems). The rest of the
energy supply should be based upon electricity from the grid, with a GHG
factor of 278 g/kWh delivered energy to the building (see additional information
for background on GHG-factors).
Computation of the actual GHG emission for total delivered energy to the
building with the selected low/zero carbon solution(s), Cdeliv, must be based
upon the methodology in NS 3031. The following GHG factors must be used
for different energy carriers and fuels:
Electricity from the grid: 278 g/kWh delivered energy to the building
Biofuel: 14 g/kWh delivered energy to the building
Natural gas: 211 g/kWh delivered energy to the building
Heating oil: 284 g/kWh delivered energy to the building
Please refer to the additional information at the end for background on the
choice of GHG-factors.
For local heating/district heating, the actual emission factor must be calculated
for the relevant local/district heating system based upon the actual quantity of
fuel / energy sources expended, and the associated degrees of efficiency for
the systems. Documentation must then be provided for such. If contractually
agreed upon plans exist for the redesign of the energy supply or replacement
of production equipment for local/district heating system during the course of
the first 20 years after the building has been constructed, the actual emission
factor may be computed based upon the data for such, provided that
satisfactory documentation is delivered. If satisfactory documentation is not
delivered for the actual emission factors, a factor of 231 g/kWh of delivered
energy must be used.
With the use of energy carriers other than those mentioned above, the actual
GHG emissions must be documented as per the method in NS-EN

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Ene 5 Low or zero carbon technologies


Percentage reduction in GHG emissions is calculated as:

Cref Cdeliv

List of
recognised LZC

100 % reduction

The following technologies will be deemed acceptable by BREEAM as LZC

technologies provided that the relevant percentage outputs are achieved:
Solar hot water
Small scale hydro power
Tidal power
Wave power
Wind turbines
Biomass single room heaters/stoves
Biomass boilers
Biomass community heating schemes
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) for use with the following fuels:
Sewerage gas and other biogases
High efficiency cogeneration technologies should meet minimum standards
defined in the EU CHP directive or according to national standards associated
with implementing this directive.
Community heating, including utilising waste heat from processes such as
large scale power generation where the majority of heating comes from waste
heat (see also Compliance Notes below).
Heat Pumps
Ground source heat pumps
Water source heat pumps
Geothermal heating systems
Air source heat pumps
For heat pumps to comply, the heat source (ground or water) must be from a
renewable source, for example soil, outside air, ground water, or a river.
Fuel cells using hydrogen generated from any of the above renewable
The list above is not a definitive list of technologies compliant with BREEAM,
but a list of those technologies that may be considered to comply. If the
assessor has a justified reason to doubt the low or zero carbon
credentials/feasibility of the above technologies, where specified for a

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Ene 5 Low or zero carbon technologies


development they are assessing, they can justifiably withhold the available
BREEAM credits.

LZC technology
not listed

Other systems may be acceptable as part of a LZC strategy under this issue
but are not inherently considered as LZC technologies. Acceptability will be
dependent on the nature of the system proposed. The BREEAM Assessor
must confirm acceptability with BRE if in doubt.

Waste heat from

a building

Waste heat from a process that takes place within the assessed building (or on
the assessed site), for the purpose of this BREEAM issue, can be considered
as Low carbon. This is on the condition that the generation of the heat from
the process is integral to the assessed building.


Waste heat from an incineration plant can only be considered as a low carbon
for the purpose of this BREEAM issue under the following circumstances:
1. The Local Authority or region in which the incineration plant is located is
demonstrably meeting its annual waste reuse/recycling targets and waste
management policies. Or
2. A near- or onsite facility connected to the building, via a private wire
arrangement, which demonstrably removes re-usable and recyclable
waste material prior to incineration.


Given the current uncertainty over their impact on biodiversity, global food
production and green house gas savings, plus the ease of inter-changeability
between fossil fuels, BREEAM does not recognise or reward building systems
fuelled by first generation biofuels manufactured from feedstocks e.g. biofuels
manufactured from sugars, seeds, grain, animal fats etc. BREEAM will
recognise systems using second generation biofuels (see relevant definitions)
or biofuels manufactured from biodegradable waste materials e.g. biogas, or
locally and sustainably sourced solid biofuels e.g. woodchip, wood pellets.

Community and
off-site schemes

Local does not have to mean on-site and community schemes (near site) can
be used as means of demonstrating compliance. As this BREEAM issue seeks
to encourage the installation of on-site and near-site LZC technologies,
accredited external renewables (accept where stated to achieve one credit)
cannot be used to demonstrate compliance with the criteria of this BREEAM
Any electricity from an onsite LZC energy source that is exported to the grid
may be included in the calculations as if it were used within the building.
The percentage can be made up from more than one of the above

Export to the
More than one
assessed part of
a larger

Where the building under assessment forms part of a larger development and
either a new or existing LZC installation is provided for the whole site, then the
amount of LZC energy generation counted for in this issue, and subsequent
GHG emissions saved, should be proportional to the buildings energy demand
compared to the total energy demand for the site (see also note below on
existing LZC technology).

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 5 Low or zero carbon technologies


LZC technology
available on site

For developments where there is an existing LZC energy source that can
supply a compliant percentage of energy to the assessed building, a feasibility
study will still have to be carried out to demonstrate that the existing
technology is the most appropriate for the assessed building/development. The
study should seek to identify any other options to supply a higher proportion of
the building's energy demand in addition to that supplied by the existing


For the purpose of assessing this BREEAM issue, energy and subsequent
GHG emissions from process-related activities can be excluded from the total
when calculating the percentage reduction in GHG emissions. For example
energy required for cold storage, catering facilities and laundry equipment can
be excluded. Display lighting energy demand, where specified, must not be

standards and

NS 3031 Calculation of energy performance of buildings. Method and data

NS-EN 15603 Energy performance of buildings

Overall energy use and definition of energy ratings
Proposal for CO2-factor for electricity and outline of a full ZEB-definition,
Memo dated 2011-05-03,

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

First Credit

A copy of the feasibility study report.

Letter from the energy specialist confirming:
Compliance with the definition of an
energy specialist
The timing of the feasibility report within
the plan of works.

Marked-up design plan or specification

Reduction in the buildings GHG emissions
as a result of the installed LZC technology
Manufacturers technical data and details or
calculations stating the carbon savings as a
result of the installed LZC technology.
Where an offsite supply is being used as a
documentation confirming:
Name and details of supplier
Details of the source of supply.

Assessors building/site inspection (or as

built drawings) and photographic evidence
Installation of LZC technology.

As design stage evidence.

A copy of the contract or other formal

documentation confirming the length of
contract to supply 100% renewable energy.
Second, Third & Exemplary Level Credit

Evidence (as outlined above) confirming

compliance with the first credit.

BRE Global Ltd

Evidence (as outlined above) confirming

compliance with the first credit.



A specification that confirms:

Reduction of the buildings GHG
emissions in consequence of the LZC
technology installed.
The manufacturers technical data and
details of calculations that establish that the
carbon savings are due to the installed LZC
If an energy supply is used outside the
parcel of land, documentation is required
from the supplier that confirms.
Name and information about the
Information about the supply source.
Documentation of GHG emissions from
the supply source.
A copy of the contract or other formal
documentation that confirms the length of
the contract for LZC delivery
A copy of the report produced by the
recognised energy modelling software
The name of the approved software
used to carry out the modelling
Confirmation of the expertise and
experience of the individual carrying out
the modelling
Total GHG emissions for the assessed

Ene 5 Low or zero carbon technologies


Assessors inspection report (or As-Built

drawings) and photographic evidence that
Installation of LZC technology

As for the design stage

Where there have been changes to the

proposed design or LZC technology
specification, a copy of the as built report
produced by the recognised energy
modelling software confirming the same
data as outlined at the design stage.

Calculations/outputs from the manufacturer,
supplier, engineer or recognised energy
modelling software confirming:
Total carbon savings as a result of the
installed LZC technology.
Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Energy use in BREEAM-NOR is used synonymously with delivered energy, as defined and calculated
with respect to NS3031:2007. The concept of purchased energy is often also used to designate
delivered energy. Delivered energy is the sum of energy, expressed per energy product, delivered
across the buildings system boundaries in order to cover the buildings total energy needs, including
system losses that are not recoverable. When delivered energy is computed, the energy supply system
and its degree of efficiency must be included in the assessment.
GHG-factor. When climate gas emissions from an energy supply system are to be assessed, the GHG
factor or CO2 equivalents of the energy carrier/fuel must be computed. The GHG factor designates the
total emissions of climate gases from production and supply of one unit of delivered energy to the
building, weighted together in relation to the influences of the climate gases on the greenhouse effect.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the dominant climate gas from the production of energy. The GHG factor is
specified in grams of CO2 equivalents per kWh of delivered energy to the building.. The GHG-factors
specified to be used in the calculation of Ene 5, are provided by the National research centre Zero

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 5 Low or zero carbon technologies


Emission Buildings (ZEB), The ZEB centre is developing GHG emission factors for
different energy carriers and fuels used to supply buildings, viewed in a life cycle perspective. The
technologies for production of energy are constantly evolving, and new knowledge on the associated
emission of greenhouse gases are being produced. Thus, the GHG-emissions from different energy
supply options may and will change over time. The GHG-factors specified in Ene 5 are identical to the
preliminary factors applied by the ZEB centre, and specified in the memo Proposal for CO2-factor for
electricity and outline of a full ZEB-definition, dated 2011-05-03. These GHG-factors may be subject to
change as more research is carried out and national/international regulations are implemented.

Accredited External Renewables: Please refer to the Compliance Notes in BREEAM issue Ene 1.
Energy Specialist: An individual who has acquired substantial expertise or a recognised qualification
for undertaking assessments, designs and installations of low or zero carbon solutions in the
commercial buildings sector; and is not professionally connected to a single low or zero carbon
technology or manufacturer.
First and second generation biofuels: first generation biofuels are biofuels made from sugar, starch,
vegetable oil, or animal fats using conventional technology. Second generation biofuels are biofuels
from lignocellulosic biomass feedstock using advanced technical processes. Common first generation
biofuels include vegetable oil, biodiesel and bioalchols.
Profitability calculation: The present value is used to assess the profitability of an investment.
Present and future revenues and expenses will be converted to the present value. A positive present
value means that the investment is profitable. It encompasses costs associated with planning, design,
acquisition, operation, maintenance and disposal, less any possible residual value. This is done in
accordance with the method given in the guidelines for TEK10, section14.7.
Life Cycle Costs: the total cost of a building or its parts throughout its life, including the costs of
planning, design, acquisition, operations, maintenance and disposal, less any residual value, in terms of
carbon emissions.
Life cycle impact: this is the requirement to look at the carbon balance of each technology over its
whole life. Encouraging people to not just the savings or emissions over its operational life but also the
savings or emissions over the whole life of the technology (from cradle to grave), therefore reflecting
the fact that different technologies have different life spans.

Recognised Energy Modelling Software: for the purposes of assessing this BREEAM issue, the
approved energy modelling software is the one that is compliant with requirements set in Ene 1. . It may
be software that has been approved with respect to criteria in NS 3031, or a recognised software
package for dynamic simulation (DSM) that has been approved by NGBC.

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Ene 6 Building fabric performance and avoidance of air infiltration

No. of credits





Issue Title


Minimum Standards

Ene 6 - Building fabric performance and avoidance

of air infiltration for the delivery/dispatch of goods



To recognise and encourage measures taken to minimise heat loss and air infiltration through the
building fabric in connection with the delivery/dispatch of goods.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
Higher Education building types only, in addition to general retail and industrial

Design measures
At least 5 of the following design measures have been specified/installed to minimise heat loss and air
infiltration through the building fabric from treated/conditioned spaces:
1. Installation of personnel door(s) between internal and external areas within proximity of any
adjacent openings for goods delivery access; AND a draught lobby between office areas (where
present) and the external building access.
2. Delivery loading/unloading areas and operational and/or storage areas are partitioned (see also
compliance note on relevancy of design measures).
3. Where present all goods/personnel access, vents in the roof and backdraught dampers on extract
fans are draught sealed.

4. Loading/unloading bay doors insulated to a U-value of.6 W/m K or better (concerns the door/gate
panel itself, not the included surrounding frames).
5. Plastic strip curtains are specified between internal delivery areas and other internal warehouse
storage or operational areas (where there is no other draught sealing or doors). The strip curtains
should have a partial overlap.
6. Either of the following are specified on the external goods doors/vehicle delivery bays:
a. Plastic strip curtains (with a partial overlap)
b. Air curtains (not door heaters) covering the entire width of the opening
c. Pneumatic dock seals mounted on all vehicle delivery bays.
7. Rapid rise loading/unloading bay doors with at least 1.0 m/sec closing speed or less than 5
seconds closing time between fully opened and fully closed are specified/installed.

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Ene 6 Building fabric performance and avoidance of air infiltration


As built performance measures

8. In addition to the above, a comprehensive thermographic inspection of the building fabric (once
construction is complete) has been or will be undertaken to confirm the following:
a. Continuity of insulation in accordance with the construction drawings
b. Avoidance of excessive thermal bridging
c. No air leakage paths through the fabric (except through intentional openings)
9. The inspection has been, or will be, carried out in accordance with an appropriate national
thermographic best practice standard.
10. Any defects identified via the inspection are rectified and the building re-inspected to confirm it
complies with the criteria of point 1.
11. Plus, where integral cold storage facilities are present, these have been tested and commissioned
in accordance with the cold storage criteria of BREEAM issue Man 1 (this does not necessarily
require BREEAM issue Man 1 to have been awarded).

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 6 Building fabric performance and avoidance of air infiltration


Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell-only assessments.

Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

fit out-only assessments.

Scope of the

This issue is applicable only for assessments of buildings that have a

warehouse storage/operational area and/or dedicated vehicle delivery
bays/access. Where this is not the case the issue will be filtered from the list of
applicable issues by the BREEAM assessors spreadsheet tool. Where the
issue is applicable, the as built performance measures i.e. the requirement for
a thermographic survey applies to the whole building, not just the
warehouse/delivery area (to ensure completeness of the measures).
The design team should demonstrate compliance with NS-EN 13187
Qualitative detection of thermal irregularities in building envelopes. Infrared

best practice
Where some
design measures
are not relevant

No heated or air
areas industrial
Synergy with

If some of the design measures are not relevant, e.g. partitioning between
delivery and storage areas may not be practical because of operational
reasons or the building/unit is too small; the assessor may omit them from the
assessment. In such instances the design team must provide the assessor
with an adequate statement of justification as to why this is the case. The
assessor must use their discretion in determining the validity of the case and
reference any justification and design team statement in the formal BREEAM
Where the scope of the building specification covers fitted-out elements and
the building is designed to be untreated then the requirement to comply with
the as built performance measures can be omitted. The design measures are
still applicable for future-proofing i.e. in the event that the building at some
point has heating and/or air conditioning plant installed.
It should be recognised that whilst there is only one credit available for this
BREEAM issue, the benefit of installing the above measures will also be
recognised in BREEAM issue Ene 1, Energy Efficiency. This BREEAM issue is
provided in addition to Ene 1 to recognise and encourage specific measures
taken to reduce air infiltration to and heat loss from the internal storage,
warehousing and delivery areas of the building.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


A copy of the relevant clauses of the

specification or proposed design plan
incorporated into the design.

Assessors building/site inspection and


BRE Global Ltd


Ene 6 Building fabric performance and avoidance of air infiltration


A copy of the specification clause(s)

A requirement to commission a
thermographic study
The standards/method to which the
survey will be carried out
A requirement to rectify any defects and
re-inspect to confirm performance.


A copy of the survey report or certificate

confirming either:
No consequential defects in construction
details or continuity of insulation. OR
All consequential defects remedied
following re-inspection.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Thermographic inspection: A method of producing images of a building using thermal radiation. The
images help to identify areas of the building fabric with a higher (or lower in the case of internal fabric)
than expected surface temperatures, thus indicating heat loss from, or air infiltration to, the building and
therefore highlighting construction defects.
Air curtain: A fan heater that directs a curtain of warm air downwards over an opening which prevents
the transfer of heat through the opening. Air curtains help to manage and minimise heat loss from the
building when it is necessary to open external doors or access a cold storage enclosure.
Air permeability: physical property used to measure air tightness of the building fabric
Pneumatic dock seals: Also referred to as inflatable shelters, are structures that surround the top and
sides of a vehicle loading dock forming a seal between the building and delivery vehicle and therefore
minimising heat loss from the building.
Treated: A term to describe an area of the building that is heated and/or mechanically cooled by plant
integral to the building.

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 7 Cold Storage

No. of credits





Issue Title


Minimum Standards


Ene 7 - Cold Storage

To recognise and encourage the installation of energy efficient cold storage systems, therefore
reducing operational CO2 emissions.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
First credit
1. The following components, where specified as part of the cold storage refrigeration plant/strategy,
are recognised as meeting published energy-efficiency criteria, e.g. the ECA Energy Technology
Product List or equivalent:
Air cooled condensing units
Automatic air purgers
Cellar cooling equipment
Commercial service cabinets (cold food storage)
Curtains, Blinds, Sliding Doors and Covers for Refrigerated Display Cabinets
Evaporative condensers
Forced air pre-coolers
Liquid pressure amplification
Refrigerated display cabinets
Refrigeration compressors
Refrigeration system controls
Second credit
2. Where the cold storage refrigeration plant complies with the following minimum criteria:
a. Variable speed drives, or piston compressors that regulate capacity by lifting an upstroke
valve, are fitted to the compressors, pumps and fans
b. Strip curtains are installed on the cold storage opening(s)
c. Low powered/heat lighting is fitted e.g. fibre optics, LEDs
d. Defrost on demand controls for evaporators are installed
e. The installed refrigeration plant has a computerised monitoring system with either
automated and/or programmable control to monitor the following operational variables:
Compressor suction temperature
Compressor discharge temperature
Compressor current draw
Secondary refrigeration temperature
Ambient temperature
Electricity consumption
Evaporator air on/liquid inlet
Evaporator air on/liquid outlet.

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 7 Cold Storage



The plant has been commissioned in compliance with the criteria for cold food storage
commissioning outlined in BREEAM Issue Man 1 Commissioning (this does not necessarily
require BREEAM Issue M1 to have been awarded).

Note: this credit is not dependent on the previous one.

Third credit
3. Where the plant is capable of EITHER of the following free cooling/heating strategies:
Thermal storage during periods of low load to provide additional cooling during periods of
peak cooling load OR
Heat recovery of the waste heat to meet in part or full space heating and/or hot water
criteria for the assessed building or other local demand e.g. air curtain above the cold
storage enclosure entrance.
Note: this credit is not dependent on the previous ones.

Compliance Notes
New Build

Extensions to
Shell Only
Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
The criteria apply to any new or existing refrigeration plant. If the existing
building contains refrigeration plant that will remain, then this plant must meet
the criteria in order to achieve the credit.
If the assessment comprises of a part new build-extension and part
refurbishment and there is existing cold storage plant in the existing building
that also serves the new extension, then the compliance note above for
refurbishment applies.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell-only assessments.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
fit out-only assessments.

Awarding the

Each of the three credits can be awarded independently of each other i.e. it is
not a requirement of the second credit that the first credit is achieved, likewise
for the third credit.

Heat recovery or
thermal storage

Where the specification of thermal storage or heat recovery is unfeasible

because there will be no low load periods and/or there is no demand for
recovered heat, then the third credit can be awarded provided all the criteria of
the second credit are met. The design team must justify why there are no
feasible opportunities for heat recovery, free cooling or thermal storage.

Local alternative
available for the
ECA Energy
Product List

Where the design team wishes to use a local alternative to the ECA Energy
Technology Product List, please refer to the country specific reference sheet to
check acceptability.

No Cold Storage

Where the assessed building contains no Cold Storage, this BREEAM issue
will be filtered from the list of applicable BREEAM issues by the BREEAM
assessors spreadsheet tool.

BRE Global Ltd

Alternatively, please demonstrate applicability as follows;

The minimum requirements as set out in Checklist A10 are covered by the
proposed document.
The eligibility criteria are equal to or more onerous than those in the ECA
Energy Technology Product List .


Ene 7 Cold Storage


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

A copy of the relevant clause of the


The evidence required at this stage is the

same as that outlined at the design stage.

A letter from the manufacturer/supplier or
copies of their technical literature confirming
the specific components meet published
energy-efficiency criteria.
A print out of the energy-efficient products list
(e.g. ETPL) confirming the specific products
meet the criteria.


Where applicable a copy of Checklist A10.

A copy of the relevant clause of the
specification confirming:
Cold storage plant and enclosure criteria.

The evidence required at this stage is the

same as that outlined at the design stage.



A letter from the manufacturer/supplier or

copies of their technical literature confirming
Evidence as outlined under BREEAM issue
Man 1 for the relevant requirement.

Evidence as outlined under BREEAM issue

Man 1 for the relevant requirement.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Defrost on demand controls for evaporators: A control system that automatically initiates a defrost
sequence when an appropriate amount control of ice has built up on the evaporator surface.
ECA Energy Technology Product List (ETPL): The EPTL list is part of the Governments Enhanced
Capital Allowance Scheme, a key part of the Governments programme to manage climate change. The
Scheme provides a tax incentive to encourage investment in low carbon energy-saving equipment that
meets published energy-efficiency criteria. The Energy Technology List (ETL) details the criteria for
each type of technology, and lists those products in each category that meet them:

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 8 Lifts


Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits


Ene 8 - Lifts

To recognise and encourage the specification of energy-efficient transportation systems.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
First credit
1. An analysis of transport demand and patterns for the building has been carried out by the design
team to determine the optimum number and size of lifts and counterbalancing ratio on the basis of
anticipated passenger demand.
2. The energy consumption for at least two types of lift or lift strategy fit for purpose has been
estimated and the system with the lowest energy consumption specified.
Second credit
3. The first credit is achieved.
4. Of the following energy-efficient features, the three that offer the greatest potential energy saving
are specified:
a. The lifts operate in a stand-by mode during off-peak and idle periods. For example the
power side of the lift controller and other auxiliary equipment such as lift car lighting and
ventilation fan switch off when the lift is not in motion.
b. Where lift motors use a drive controller capable of variable-speed, variable-voltage,
variable-frequency control of the drive motor.
c. The lift has a regenerative unit so that energy generated by the lift (due to running up
empty and down full) is returned back to the grid or used elsewhere on site.
d. The lift car uses energy-efficient lighting and display lighting (>60 Lumens/watt or fittings
that consume less than 5W e.g. LEDS).

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 8 Lifts


Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only
Fit Out Only
Building has no

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell-only assessments.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
fit out-only assessments.
Please note that this issue will not be assessed where a building contains no
lifts. In such instances the BREEAM assessors spreadsheet tool will filter this
issue from the list of applicable issues.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage
A copy of the relevant report or
documentation detailing the analysis
undertaken and findings/recommendations.

Post Construction Stage

The evidence required at this stage is the
same as that outlined at the design stage.

A copy of the lift specification.


A copy of the lift specification.

The evidence required at this stage is the

same as that outlined at the design stage.

manufacturer/supplier confirming that the lift
to be installed on the project meets the
relevant criteria for the number of credits
Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Counterbalancing ratio: Lifts use a counterweight to balance the weight of the car plus a proportion of
the maximum weight of the passengers; this reduces the size of the drive motor required for the lift.
Lowering the counterbalancing ratio means a smaller motor and controlling drive unit are required, thus
saving energy.
ISO Draft standard CD25745-1 Energy performance of lifts, escalators and moving walks Part 1
Energy and conformance
It has been estimated that between 5-15% of a buildings total energy consumption can be attributed to
the operation of lifts and 58% of the energy consumption of lifts is attributable to stand-by mode.
A Working Group of an International Standards Organisations Technical Committee is developing a
draft standard for the Energy performance of lifts, escalators and moving walkways. This standard draft
standard outlines proposed procedures to be used when making energy measurements of lifts,
escalator and moving walkways.

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 9 Escalators and travelling walkways

Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits



Ene 9 - Escalators and travelling walkways

To recognise and encourage the specification of energy-efficient transportation systems.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. Where each escalator and/or horizontal travelling walkway complies with EITHER of the following:
a. Is fitted with a load sensing device that synchronises motor output to passenger demand
through a variable speed drive. OR
b. Is fitted with a passenger sensing device for automated operation, so the escalator
operates in stand-by mode when there is no passenger demand.
Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
existing buildings

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

shell-only assessments.

Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

fit out-only assessments.

Building has no
escalators or

Please note that this issue will not be assessed where a building contains no
escalators or travelling walkways. In such instances the BREEAM assessors
spreadsheet tool will filter this issue from the list of applicable issues.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

A copy of
the specification and
No. and type of escalators specified
Escalator control strategy.

Escalator manufacturers/suppliers technical


BRE Global Ltd

Assessors building/site inspection

photographic evidence confirming:
Installation of compliant escalators.



Ene 9 - 23


Additional Information
Relevant definitions

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 9 Escalators and travelling walkways

Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Ene 11 - Energy Efficient Fume Cupboards

To ensure the energy-efficient design and operation of fume cupboards in laboratory areas.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

1. Recirculatory filtered fume cupboards (as oppose to ducted fume cupboards) are specified as the
preferred option for the majority of applications (see compliance notes where ducted fume
cupboards are specified/required).
2. The specification of fume cupboards has been carried out in accordance with all relevant guidelines
and recommendations contained in;
3. If ducted fume cupboards are specified, the fume cupboards have a face velocity of less than or
equal to 0.5 m/s (see compliance notes).
Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Fit Out Only
Filter exhaust air
with fresh air vs.
Outdoor exhaust
of air.

Front speed

BRE Global Ltd

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to the
assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria specific to fit-out only assessments.
Filtered fume hood with fresh air, are more energy efficient than the fume hood with
an outdoor exhaust. Performance specifications fora fume hoods used in high school,
tend to be lower than those required for universities, research institutes and industry,
and is easier to design with no external return.
In projects which require external returns, the point still to be awarded. For example,
where the laboratory must plan addressed separately from other areas. Normally, this
applies only in relation to research and some forms of higher education.
Where for safety reasons requires a face velocity of more than 0.5 m / s, this must be
justified. At the same time the lowest possible front speed is calculated / specified


Ene 9 - 23

Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Ene 12 - Swimming pool ventilation and heat loss

To reduce unnecessary energy consumption of heating and ventilation plant for pool areas.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. Where automatic or semi-automatic pool covers are fitted to ALL pools, including spa pools and
jacuzzi (if relevant) within the building.
2. The covers envelop the entire pool surface when fully extended.
3. Where the air temperature in the pool hall can be controlled so that it is 1C above the water
Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
existing buildings
Fit Out Only
Building has no

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
fit out-only assessments.
Please note that this issue will not be assessed where a building contains no
pools. In such instances the BREEAM assessors spreadsheet tool will filter
this issue from the list of applicable issues.

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 9 Escalators and travelling walkways


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage
Design drawing highlighting:
All pools within the building.
A copy of the specification confirming:
Requirement and type of pool covers to
be installed.
If available at the time of assessment,
manufacturers/suppliers details/technical

A copy of the M&E specification confirming:

Heating and ventilation control strategy
for the pool areas.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions

BRE Global Ltd

Post Construction Stage

Assessors building/site inspection and
photographic evidence confirming:
Installation of compliant covers on all
Heating and ventilation control strategy
for the pool areas.


Ene 9 - 23

Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Ene 19 - Energy Efficient Laboratories

To recognise and encourage building that are designed to minimise the GHG- emissions associated
with their operational energy consumption in laboratory areas.

Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
In buildings where space allocated to the laboratory accounts for more than 25% of the total area
(BRA), requirements and specifications fulfill the requirements for reduced energy needs, a health and
safety uncompromising way.
(English: In buildings elsewhere space allocated to the laboratory accounts for more than 25% of the
total area (BRA), the Requirements and specification must Reduce Total Energy Consumption, without
Anaya comprimise Wed health and safety. ")
The following shows the line:
1. Fume hoods shall meet the requirements according to EN 14175-2 (Specification of Laboratory
Fume Cupboard), in a way in which a reduction in air flow will do in an uncompromising manner in
relation to health and safety.
2. Specification, clauses, modeling and / or drawings document the choice of technology that reduces
energy use

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 9 Escalators and travelling walkways

Compliance Notes
New Build


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to newbuild projects


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to newbuild projects

Extensions to
existing building

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to newbuild projects

Limitation of space
for laboratory

Area to the laboratory shall not include offices, meeting rooms, storage or service
areas. Lecture is regarded as a laboratory, only if the energy needs for technical
equipment is at least 50% higher than typical office equipment.
Filtered fume hood with fresh air, are more energy efficient than the fume hood with
an outdoor exhaust. Performance specifications for fume hoods used in high school,
tend to be lower than those required for universities, research institutes and
industry, and is easier to design with no external return.

Filter exhaust air

with fresh air vs.
Outdoor exhaust of

front speed

Building without

In projects which require external returns, the point still to be awarded. For example,
where the laboratory must plan addressed separately from other areas. Normally,
this applies only in relation to research and some forms of higher education.
Where for safety reasons requires a face velocity of more than 0.5 m / s, this must be
justified. At the same time the lowest possible front speed is calculated / specified
The assessor will ensure that the course does not apply to buildings without the fume
hood, by removing the subject of the audit report .

Schedule of Evidence Required

1, 2

Design Stage
Specification, clauses, modeling and / or drawings
document the choice of technology that reduces
energy use

Post Construction Stage

Documentation similar to the design and
engineering phase.

Specification clauses and / or drawings and / or

modeling results demonstrating:
Compliant technologies / energy reduction

BRE Global Ltd

Written (formal) verification of the design

team or relevant contractor that fume hoods
are installed in accordance with the


Ene 9 - 23

Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits



Ene 20 - Energy Efficient IT Solutions

To recognise and encourage efficient specification, design and use of data centres and IT-intensive
operating areas.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
Higher Education Buildings only
Data centres
1. The data centre is designed in accordance with the Best practices for the EU Code of Conduct on
Data Centres principles with the data centre achieving at least the Expected minimum practice
level (as defined in the Code of Conduct).

2. Temperature set points are not less than 24 C, as measured at the inlet of the equipment in the
IT-intensive operating areas
3. The IT intensive operating area uses a natural ventilation and cooling strategy as standard, with
forced ventilation only to be used when the internal temperature exceeds 20 C and active cooling
only when the internal temperature exceeds 22 C.
4. There is a mechanism to achieve automatic power-down of equipment when not in use, including

Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Fit out only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
fit out only assessments.
BRE Global Ltd


Ene 9 Escalators and travelling walkways


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


A copy of the contract/specification clauses

That the data Centre will achieve
Expected minimum practice level (as
defined in the Code of Conduct on Data
Ventilation/cooling strategy.

Written confirmation or demonstration that

the Expected minimum practice has been
Copy of relevant section of commissioning
report confirming that design set points have
been achieved.

Manufacturers details or specification

confirming the power-down strategy used.

As built plans or specification clauses

demonstrating compliant ventilation settings
for IT-intensive areas and/or data centres.
Written confirmation or demonstration of the
installation of the power-down method.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Data centre: For the purpose of this BREEAM issue, the term data centres includes all buildings,
facilities and rooms which contain enterprise servers, server communication equipment, cooling
equipment and power equipment, and may provide some form of data service (e.g. large scale mission
critical facilities all the way down to small server rooms located in office buildings).

I.T-intensive areas: These include computer areas where more than 1 PC per 5 m is provided, e.g.
training suites, design studios, libraries I.T areas and other areas with a high density of computing
Examples of methods that can be used to lower energy and heat within IT suites are specification of low
power PCs, sharing of PCs between several users, or thin clients (a client computer or software which
uses a central server for processing information).

BRE Global Ltd


Ene 9 - 23

Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Ene 23 - Energy performance of building structure


To recognize and encourage the building designed and built to minimize the need for energy for heating
and cooling.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
First credit
Design Initiatives:

The building's net energy demand for heating and cooling shall be calculated according to NS 3031
and the criteria given for the low-energy and passive houses - Non-residential building in the NS
3701 Until this standard exists, the SINTEF Project Report 42 is used


The building is designed to reduce the extent of air leaks


Energy requirements calculated in paragraph 1 is less or equal to the requirement for heating and
cooling needs of low-energy buildings for the building category, as specified in NS 3701 / Project
Report 42

Performance Measures "as built"


It has been performed a air leakage testing combined with a thermographic survey of the building
construction to confirm the following:
a. Insulation continuity in accordance with construction drawings
b. Avoidance of unnecessary thermal bridges

No paths of air leakage through construction (except through the openings are made

d. Air leakage number 1.5 ACH measured at 50 Pa pressure difference.


Tightness Testing and Thermographic survey is conducted in accordance with the provisions of EN
13829 and EN 13187.


Any errors that were discovered during the inspection and density testing, has been repaired and
the building is inspected again to verify that it matches the criteria in section 4.

Second credit

Similar to the first credit, but the energy requirements of paragraph 3 shall be less or equal to the
respective requirement levels for the net heating and cooling needs for passive houses AND


The leakage figure of section 4 should be 0.6 ACH measured at 50 Pa pressure difference.
BRE Global Ltd


Ene 9 Escalators and travelling walkways


Compliance Notes
New Build

Extensions to
existing buildings

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
Net energy requirements to be satisfied as described in 1, 3 and 7 divided by
a factor of 0.85. In other respects the criteria for refurbishment are similar to
those described above.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

shell-only assessments.

Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

fit out-only assessments.

The extent of the

thermal survey

The thermal survey must ensure that all exterior walls to the treated areas
and all the walls separating treated from untreated areas, are tested.

standards and

NS 3031: Calculation of the energy performance of buildings - Methods and

SINTEF Report 42: Criteria for passive houses and low energy buildings
commercial buildings,
NS 3701: Criteria for passive and low energy houses - Commercial Buildings
NS-EN 13829: Thermal performance of buildings - Determination of air
permeability of buildings - Fan pressurization method
NS-EN 13187 Thermal performance of buildings - Qualitative detection of
thermal irregularities in building envelopes - Infrared method
If the building is designed to be not heated or air conditioned, one can omit
the requirement for compliance with performance measures' as-built ".
Design measures will still be applicable for future testing, ie, in the event that
at some point there will be installed heating and / or air conditioning in the
The criteria basically encompass the entire building. The exception is any
unheated areas in connection with the delivery of goods. If this is the case,
BREEAM Assessor-Spreadsheets tool filter area away from the list of
relevant areas. For those areas that are relevant performance measures' asbuilt", ie the requirement for density testing and thermographic survey of the
entire building.
One must be aware that even though there are only two available points for
this BREEAM-NOR area, the initiatives will also be recognized in the
BREEAM-NOR area Ene 1, Energy Efficiency. This BREEAM-NOR area is
thus in addition to Ene 1 to recognize and encourage specific actions to
reduce air infiltration and heat loss in the building.

No heated or air
conditioned areas
- industrial
The area's extent

Synergy with


and 7

Design Stage
A copy of the report which was made with
an approved calculation tool is assessed
based on the design stage, to illustrate:
Actual estimated net energy for heating
and cooling.
The name of the approved software that
was used to perform modeling for
determining energy performance.
Confirmation of the expertise and

BRE Global Ltd

Post Construction Stage

Documentation from a third party, as follows:
Printing from the calculation program,
confirming that the building has achieved
projected energy standard according to NS
3031 and NS 3701
'As-built "drawings that demonstrate that the
specification that was used and modeled at
the design stage, consistent with the
specification of the finished building.


Ene 9 - 23


experience of the person who performed

the modeling in accordance with the
requirements of the energy labeling
Where appropriate, a letter from the person
who did the modeling, which confirms:

4, 5,
6 and

The data was used to model the current

standard building is in accordance with the
rules of NS 3031 and NS 3701 / SINTEF
Report 42.
A copy of the specification clause(s)
A requirement to commission a
thermographic study and air leakage
The standards/method to which the
survey will be carried out
A requirement to rectify any defects and
re-inspect to confirm performance.

A copy of the survey report or certificate

confirming either:
No consequential defects in construction
details or continuity of air tightness layers
and insulation. OR
All consequential defects remedied following

Additional Information
Relevant definitions

Thermographic survey: A method for creating images of a building by means of heat radiation. The
images help identify areas in the building with a higher (or lower if it concerns the inner structure)
surface temperatures than expected, which indicates the heat loss from, or air infiltration to, the
building, which again highlights the failure of the building.

BRE Global Ltd


Tra 1 Provision of public transport

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

7.0 Transport
Issue Title





No. of credits

Minimum Standards


Tra 1 - Provision of Public Transport

To recognise and encourage developments in proximity to good public transport networks, thereby
helping to contribute to reducing transport-related emissions and traffic congestion.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

First credit;
1. The distance from the building entrance to the public transport node (i.e. bus stop, station etc.) is
less than 500m.
2. The transport node has a service at least once every 15 minutes at peak times (i.e. 7.00am-9.00am
and 3.00pm to 5.00pm) on working days to a local urban centre.
Second credit;
1. The distance from the building entrance to the public transport node (i.e. bus stop, station etc.) is
less than 500m.
2. The transport node has a service at least once every 30 minutes through the working day (i.e.
7.00am - 5.00pm) to a major transport node serving local and regional infrastructure systems.


1. There is a public transport service from a nearby public transport node, going to and/or from a local
urban centre

2. The table below, illustrating frequency of the public transport and proximity to the building being
assessed, is used to determine the number of credits achieved.

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Tra 1 Provision of public transport


Table 7.1 Frequency and distance to public transport requirements for retail developments.
The frequency applies to normal opening hours for retail (09.00 20.00 ) and higher education (08.0017.00). For primary and secondary school, frequency applies from 08.00 16.00.


Same as
or less
than 5

than 10


than 15

Less than
20 mins

than 25

Credits available





1. There is a public transport service from a nearby public transport node, going to and/or from a local
urban centre
2. The table below, illustrating frequency of the public transport and proximity to the building being
assessed, is used to determine the number of credits achieved.

Table 7.2 Frequency and distance to public transport requirements for industrial developments
Frequency/Number of Credits





BRE Global Ltd 2009


Tra 1 Provision of public transport

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

shell-only assessments.

Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

fit out-only assessments.

Operating hours

BREEAM seeks to define the buildings accessibility to the public transport

network for the period during which the majority of building users will travel to
and from the building. In most cases the normal operating hours of the building
can be used; however, some buildings will operate for 24 hours a day and on a
shift work basis. As a result, during what typically would be deemed unsociable
hours and therefore periods where a) there is little if any public transport
operating and b) the number of total building users travelling to the building
during this time is a minority; such periods are not required to be accounted for
in the assessment of this issue.
Where the assessed building operates on a 24-hour basis, or the operating
hours are unknown at the time of assessment, then refer to and use table 17 of
default operating hours, which can be found in the Additional Information
section of this issue.

Compliant public
transport node

Multiple services

Rural areas


BRE Global Ltd

A compliant node includes any bus stop, railway, tram or underground station,
measured from the building entrance via a safe pedestrian route (not as the
crow flies). The service stopping at each node must provide transport from, or
onward travel to, either a local urban centre, major transport node or a
community focal point e.g. doctors surgery, library, school or village centre.
Services that operate from more than one node within proximity of the building,
i.e. two separate bus stops served by the same bus, must be considered only
once - at the node in closest proximity to the building. Different services at the
same node, however, should be considered as separate entities.
Routes will be bi-directional; however for the purpose of assessing the issue,
consider only the direction with the highest frequency.
The criteria remain the same where the project assessed is located in a rural
location. This BREEAM issue aims at mitigating the CO2 emissions associated
with the transport of staff and visitors to and from that building. Developers are
therefore encouraged to consider this issue at a very early stage before the
site of the project is determined.
Where the location of the site is already determined, the developer may work
with the local authority to develop the public transport infrastructure in the area
or consider providing dedicated transport services
In the case of a large phased development where new transport facilities will
be provided, but at a later stage than the building being assessed, the
assessment can consider such facilities provided that:
A commitment to provide transport facilities has been made in the General
Contract Specification. And the shortest of the following periods Either
The transport facilities will be available for use by the time 25% of all
phases have been completed and are ready for occupation. Or
The transport facilities will be available for use within 25% of the total build
time for the phase in which the assessed building forms a part, measured
from the completion date of that phase.
The most appropriate rule for the development in question must be used,
ensuring that the time building users have to wait before having use of the
transport facilities is as short as possible. Where the transport facilities will not
be available for use within a period of five years from occupation of the
building, they cannot be considered for determining compliance with the
BREEAM requirements.

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009


More than one

Transport Node
More than one
Transport Node

Tra 1 Provision of public transport


Where a dedicated company bus service is provided for staff during, or before
or after, operating hours (as defined below), the building entrance can be
substituted for the drop-off/pick-up destination point of this service and
therefore public transport accessibility measured from that point. The
dedicated service may pick up and drop off staff within 500m of their homes, or
at a public transport node.
Where there is more than one transport node in the same proximity of the
building for example one node at 100m and another at 200m (i.e. both within
250m) then the average service frequency between these nodes may be
Where there is more than one transport node but they are in different
proximities of the building for example one node at 100m and another at 400m
(i.e. one within 250m and another within 500m) then each node should be
assessed separately and the credit awarded on the basis of the better
performing node.

Transport Nodes
served by more
than one service

Where a transport node is served by more than one service that goes to a
local urban centre, the frequency of time between one service and the next
can be used as the frequency for assessment. For example, where there are
three services, each with a 20 minute frequency but each follows on 10
minutes after the other, then the frequency used for assessment purposes
would be 10 minutes.

Measuring the
frequency of

The frequency is measured as the average frequency between one service

and the next, for at least 75% of the assessed developments opening hours
for a typical days operation. This is subject to there being at least one service
every 45 minutes during opening hours. This requirement is to ensure that
credits are not awarded in instances where there is a good average frequency
but a poor spread of service frequency throughout the day.

Average service

The typical day is that which represents the period when travel to and from the
building by staff and visitors will be at its highest. For most buildings this
should be taken as a mid-week day. In choosing a typical day the assessor
should check that the timetabled information for that day is, within reason,
representative of the public transport provision for the entire operating week
(excluding Sundays). Where the opening hours are not known and the default
hours (in the Additional Information section) are used, it must be assumed that
the retail development will be open six days a week.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

Scale map highlighting the location of the

building and all public transport nodes in
proximity of the building.

The evidence required at this stage is the

same as that outlined at the design stage.

Timetables for each service at each public

transport node considered.

Where changes have occurred since the

design stage which could affect the
compliance, full details of the changes will
be required to demonstrate compliance.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Tra 1 Provision of public transport

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Local Urban Centre: This is any community focal point, as these will be served by public transport
networks, This includes local shops and/or community facilities such as doctors
surgery/dentist/library/school, a major transport node such as a railway/bus station/transport node, or
another type of significant non-leisure related meeting place.
Main building entrance: The main building entrance is the entrance to the assessed building
accessed by the majority of the buildings staff and visitors, not the site entrance (unless the site
entrance is also the building entrance e.g. building with a boundary on a public highway).
Major Transport Node: This is any node on a regional/national transport infrastructure system.
Table 7.3 Default hours of operation for a typical day
Building type




8.00am 5.00pm


7.00am - 5.00pm

Shopping centre

9.00am 8.00pm


8.00am 10.00pm

Bank/Service provider

9.00am 4.00pm

Convenience store

10.00am 10.00pm

DIY/retail park

8.00am - 8.00pm

High street store

9.00am 8.00pm

Car showroom

8.00am 7.00pm

24 hour use building

7:00am 8:00pm

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Issue Title


Minimum Standards





No. of credits

Tra 2 Proximity to amenities


Tra 2 - Proximity to amenities

To encourage and reward a building that is located in proximity to local amenities, thereby reducing the
need for extended travel or multiple trips.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. For developments in rural locations, the building is within 500m of the following amenities:
a. Grocery shop and/or food outlet
b. Postal facilities
2. For all other developments (inclusive pres-school/school), the building is also within 1000m of at
least two of the following:
a. Bank/Cash machine
b. Pre-school/school
c. Hairdresser
d. Doctors surgery/medical centre
e. Pharmacy
f. Dry cleaners
For higher education (university), the following:
Where the building is within 500m of at least five of the following facilities, or where at least five of the
following facilities are located within the campus where the building is developed:

Grocery store and / or food outlet

Cash Withdrawal
Child health

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Tra 2 Proximity to amenities

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell-only assessments.

Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

fit out-only assessments.

Food Outlet

This includes the following:

Grocery shop
Sandwich shop
On- or off-site cafeteria or staff canteen


One type of amenity may also exist within or a part of other types of amenities
e.g. grocery store in a petrol station, cash point or pharmacy in a supermarket
etc. It is not a requirement of the assessing this issue that each amenity is
stand alone.

Accessible local

The distance must be measured via safe pedestrian routes e.g. pavements
and safe crossing points or, where provided, dedicated pedestrian crossing
points. The distance should not be measured in a straight line, as the crow

Amenities within

Amenities within the building or on the site (provided within 500m of assessed
building) meet the assessment criteria.
For example, where there is no postal box within 500m of the building, the
building occupier can provide an alternative facility, such as a contract with the
postal office or alternative mail/courier service. Alternatively the building
occupier can provide a facility to collect the mail within the building on a daily
basis and arrange to have them delivered to the nearest postal facility. Daily
collection of the mail will need to be guaranteed for the facility to be deemed


The guidance provided in BREEAM issue Tra 1, concerning phased

developments, also applies to this issue.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage
Marked-up site plan or map highlighting:
Location of assessed building
Location and type of amenities
The route to the amenities
Plan/map scale

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Post Construction Stage

Assessors building/site inspection and
photographic evidence confirming:
The existence of the local amenities
The route and distance to the

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Where the amenities do not currently exist,

but are due to be developed, a letter from
the client/developer confirming:
The location and type of amenities to be
The timescale for development of the

Tra 2 Proximity to amenities


Evidence as outlined at the design stage of

As above where amenities developed, or
under development at the time of post
construction review/assessment.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Rural location: Rural areas are set equal to all other areas that are not encompassed by the definition
of a population cluster from Statistics Norway, = a set of houses must be
registered as a population cluster if at least 200 people live there and the distance between the houses
does not normally exceed 50 metres.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Tra 3 Alternative modes of transport

Issue Title





No. of credits

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Minimum Standards


Tra 3 - Alternative modes of transport

To recognise the provision of adequate facilities on site allowing building users to use alternative modes
of transport to go to and from the building.
Assessment Criteria
Two credits can be awarded where one of the following measures has been implemented to encourage
the use of alternatives to the private car for commuting:
Option 1
First credit - Compliant cycle storage spaces
1. Offices, Education and Industrial projects: the number of compliant cycle storage spaces provided
is as follows:
a. 10% of the number of building users up to 500 PLUS
b. 7% for the number of building users in the range of 501 1000 PLUS
c. 5% for the number of building users over 1000
This is subject to providing a minimum of 2 cycle storage spaces.

See complains notes for definition of users in the building

2. Retail developments: the number of compliant cycle storage spaces provided is as follows:
a. 10% of the number of full-time equivalent staff that will commute to the development PLUS
b. 5% of the total number of customer car parking spaces (excluding disabled spaces and
mother-and-baby spaces where provided). This is subject to providing a minimum of 10
cycle racks. Any development that provides at least 50 customer cycle storage spaces will
comply regardless of the number of parking spaces
The staff spaces must be provided in addition to customer spaces and whilst they do not need to be
separate from customer spaces, this is encouraged.
Second credit - Compliant facilities
1. The first credit has been achieved.
2. At least two of the following compliant facilities must be provided for the building users:
a. Compliant showers
b. Compliant changing facilities and lockers for clothes
c. Compliant drying space for wet clothes

For educational buildings only the option 1 above is available to 2. credits

Option 2
1. During the preparation of the brief (equivalent to stage B) the design team has consulted with the
local authority on the state of the local cycling network and how the development could contribute to
improving it.

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BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Tra 3 Alternative modes of transport


2. One proposition has been chosen in agreement with the local authority and implemented. This
proposition must be additional to what would have been done by the local authority without the
support from the project and must have a significant impact on the local cycling network.

Option 3
1. Negotiations with local bus companies have resulted in an increase of the local service provision in
the developments local area.

Option 4
1. For office and industrial developments, electric recharging stations have been provided for at least
3% of the total carparking capacity for the building.
2. For retail developments, electric recharging stations have been provided for at least the following
number of vehicles;
a. 3% of the carparking capacity up to 300 PLUS
b. 2% of the carparking capacity in the range of 301 1000 PLUS
c. 1% of the carparking capacity over 1000.
3. Electricity must be provided from a 100% renewable energy contract as per BREEAM issue Ene5
Option 5
1. A car sharing platform has been set up to facilitate and encourage building users to sign up to a
carsharing scheme.
2. Marketing material has been developed to help raise awareness of the system and will be
communicated to the tenants where applicable.
3. Priority spaces for car sharers are provided for at least 5% of the total carparking capacity for the
4. Priority spaces are located in the nearest available spaces in the nearest available parking area to
the main building entrance on site.
Exemplary level criteria
The following outlines the exemplary level criteria to achieve an innovation credit for this BREEAM
1. Two of the options above have been implemented.
Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only Offices

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
Refer to the compliance note below on existing compliant facilities.

If it is not possible to confirm the number of staff due to the speculative nature
of the building then a default occupancy rate of 1 person per 10m of net
lettable area should be used.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Tra 3 Alternative modes of transport

Shell Only Retail

Shell Only Industrial

Fit Out Only

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

If it is not possible to confirm the number of full time equivalent staff

commuting to the development due to the speculative nature of the building
then a default occupancy rate of 1 person per 10m of net lettable area should
be used. Alternatively, the number of full time equivalent staff in an existing
retail development of similar type and size can be used (the assessor needs to
justify/validate the number used in their certification report).
Where tenants will be installing cyclist facilities as part of their fit-out
specifications, these might be taken into account in order to demonstrate
compliance with the criteria, provided that a tenancy lease agreement between
the developer and the tenant/s confirm that all the BREEAM requirements will
be met.
If it is not possible to confirm the number of building users due to the
speculative nature of the building then a default occupancy rate of 1 person
per 10m of net lettable office area and 1 person per 20m of operational floor
space should be used. Operational floor space does not include warehouse
storage space. Alternatively, the number of staff in an existing industrial unit of
similar type/operation and size can be used (the assessor needs to
justify/validate the number used in their certification report).
Where tenants will be installing cyclist facilities as part of their fit-out
specifications, these might be taken into account in order to demonstrate
compliance with the criteria, provided that a tenancy lease agreement between
the developer and the tenant/s confirm that all the BREEAM requirements will
be met.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
fit out-only assessments.

Option 1 only
Building users


Where the term building users is referenced this refers to the staff, therefore
the number of staff that will work within the building must be used to determine
the number of compliant facilities that must be provided to achieve the credit.
Whilst staff numbers are the means by which compliance with the assessment
criteria is determined, the percentage requirements account for visitors that will
travel to and use or work within the building. As such the compliant cycle
facilities must be accessible to all these types of building users.
Where the term users of the building is used for the purpose of calculating
compatible bicycle parking, this refers to the typical number of employees and
the estimated or actual number of pupils / students likely to use the building
during a typical school / day of the current school.
The following are exceptions to this definition:
The first credit (cycle storage) for pre-school buildings, where building
users are defined as staff only.
The second credit (cycle changing facilities) for pre-schools, primary
schools and higher education, where building users are defined as staff
For reviews of higher education buildings, where the term staff is used, this
includes students, doctoral and post-doctoral.
Bachelor, diploma and Master Pupils / students are considered to be students
in order to evaluate this BREEAM-topic.

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BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Tra 3 Alternative modes of transport


The requirement for provision of cyclist facilities based on staff and

student/pupil numbers also accounts for other community users who will use
the building, it is therefore not necessary to estimate and include within the
calculation the number of predicted community users.

Compliant cycle
storage space

Vertical bike

Cycle storage facilities should be designed to ensure maximum health and

safety of building users and should therefore meet the following wherever
The space is covered overhead and protected from the rain
The covered area and the cycle racks are set in or fixed to a permanent
structure (building or hardstanding) and allow both the wheel and frame to
be locked securely (e.g. Sheffield type). OR racks are located in a locked
structure with CCTV surveillance and access from staff only. Fixtures to
lock bikes are not required in the second instance.
There must be sufficient space for all bikes to be stored without having to
move others or rely on integral stands.
Adequate lighting is provided in accordance with national best practice
lighting guide as defined in issue Hea 5.
The facilities are in a prominent site location that is viewable from
the building.
The majority of the cycle racks are within 100m of a building entrance
(ideally within 50m).
Where there is indoor parking for automobiles, such must also be offered
for bicycles as per the criteria given above. Arrangements must also be
made for rinsing road salt, etc., off bicycles.
Where any of those requirements are not deemed suitable in relation to the
health and safety of the users, they may be excluded provided that adequate
justification has been provided and approved by BRE.
Vertical racks, which allow direct access (without the need to get alongside the
locked bike) and permit one bike per vertical stack can comply with the criteria
(provided all other criteria are met).

Non compliant
cycle racks

These types of cycle storage devices do not comply with BREEAM:

Hooks and wall attachments
Single wheel (butterfly) bike rack holders (these racks provide less security
and can cause damage to bike wheels).

Public bicycle
sharing systems

Bicycle sharing systems are increasingly popular and diverse systems have
appeared over the past few years in major cities in Europe whereby a number
of bicycles are made available for shared use amongst people who do not own
a bicycle. The central concept of many of the systems is free or affordable
access to bicycles for city transport in order to reduce the use of automobiles
for short trips inside the city thereby diminishing traffic congestion, noise and
Up to 50% of the BREEAM cycle racks requirement may be provided by a
public bicycle sharing system where it complies with the following:
The program is implemented by the municipality or through a publicprivate partnership.
The system must be open to casual users who wish to use them for oneway rides to work, education or shopping centres.
Bicycles are available at unattended urban locations; and they operate in a
manner that could be seen as "bicycle transit"
Service terminals must be available throughout the city
The average distance between service terminals is 500 m maximum in

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Tra 3 Alternative modes of transport

City centre
Offices and
City centre
that form part of
a larger
development or

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

inner city areas.

A service terminal is available within 500m of the main building entrance.
The station terminals do not need to comply with the design requirements
listed above.

The number of compliant facilities is calculated based on the total number of

cycle racks required. For retail projects, public bicycle racks can also count
towards the number of customer cycle racks required.
In city centre locations the criteria for compliant cycle spaces can be reduced
by 50% where at least two of the available BREEAM credits for provision of
public transport (Tra 1) have been awarded.
Sites in city centre locations can reduce by 50% the criteria for compliant cycle
spaces where at least three of the available BREEAM credits for provision of
public transport (Tra 1) have been awarded.
For the assessment of individual buildings/units that form part of a larger
development or business district (eg retail parks, shopping centres), and do
not have the scope to provide their own dedicated cyclist facilities (i.e. no
external publicly accessible areas), awarding the credit does not require that
individual facilities are provided for each individual retail unit. The credit can be
awarded where:
The development has compliant centralised facilities, provided their
number caters for and can be accessed by all staff that work at the
At least 10 publicly accessible compliant cycle storage spaces are within
proximity of the main shop entrance i.e. 100m.
Those facilities should comply with all the BREEAM design requirements as
listed above in order for the credit to be awarded.

Rural locations

Sites in


50% of those may be provided by a public bicycle sharing system.

Sites can reduce by 50% the criteria for compliant cycle spaces where the
building is located in a rural location as defined under Tra2 AND the average
building user commuting distances are likely to be greater than 10 miles.
Sites in mountainous/hilly areas where the average slope is more than 8%
around the site and is likely to prohibit commuting by bicycle can reduce by
50% the criteria for compliant cycle spaces. Typical examples include buildings
in cities such as Lisbon or Istanbul which are located on one of the hills.
Buildings located in a plain but at the top of a hill do not comply with this
One shower must be provided for every 10 cycle storage spaces and both
male and female users catered for i.e. either separate showers within shared
gender-specific facilities or single shower cubicles and changing space for
mixed use. The showers can be available for others to use in addition to
In the case of a pre-school or primary school one shower must be provided for
every 10 staff (subject to a minimum of one shower). In secondary, sixth form
and further education buildings, one shower must be provided for every 10
cycle storage spaces. In the case of a higher education building, one shower
must be provided for every 10 staff cycle storage spaces. Both male and
female users catered for i.e. either separate showers within shared
facilities or single shower cubicles and changing space for mixed use.

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BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Tra 3 Alternative modes of transport


The showers can be available for others to use in addition to staff.

The compliant showers for this issue must be separated from showers used for
students as part of their school activities.
facilities &

drying space

number of

Changing facilities and locker criteria;

The assessor can use their judgement to determine whether the changing
area is appropriate given the number of cycle storage spaces/showers
provided. As guidance to aid the assessor, where a shower/changing
cubicle is provided there should be a minimum of one square metre of
changing space adjacent to the shower(s) with a bench seat and hooks for
hanging clothes. Where there is more than one shower provided there
should be a minimum of one square metre of changing space per shower,
subject to a minimum changing area of four square metres. Where there
are no showers specified, but there is a changing facility, there is a
minimum of one square metre of changing space for every 10 cycle
storage spaces, subject to a minimum of four square metres of changing
area with a bench seat and hooks for hanging clothes.
The number of lockers is at least equal to the number of cycle spaces
Lockers are either in or adjacent to compliant changing rooms. Where the
changing space is a cubicle the locker(s) must not be located within the
Each locker is at least 900mm high by 300mm wide by 450mm deep, or a
locker with dimensions that provide an equivalent volume of storage
Both male and female users are catered for i.e. either gender specific,
shared facilities or single changing cubicles in mixed use areas.
Toilet cubicles do not count as changing facilities.
The minimum universal design requirements for corresponding
rooms/facilities must be satisfied (See Dynamic Guide for Tek-10,
The drying space (for wet clothes) must be a specially designed and
designated space with adequate heating/ventilation. A plant room is not a
compliant drying space.
For assessments of new infill buildings on an existing site, where there are
existing compliant facilities, such facilities can be assessed against the criteria
of this issue. The number of existing compliant facilities must be large enough
to cater for the building users of the assessed building, in addition to the users
from any existing buildings.
Where more than the minimum number of compliant cycle spaces is provided,
it is not necessary to also provide more than the minimum number of
showers/lockers/changing facilities.

Option 2 only
Contribution to
the local cycling

Where the local infrastructure around the site doesnt cater adequately for
cyclists, building users will not be encouraged to cycle to the building.
Therefore, in order to increase the usage of the cycle racks, and promote
cycling in a cyclist-unfriendly environment, developers should consult with the
local authority to identify options to influence and contribute to the
development of suitable cyclist infrastructure in the area.
Examples of cyclist infrastructures include the development of cycle lanes in a
the surrounding area, the creation of a public cycle racks or bicycle pools, the
installation of a cyclist lift in hilly parts of the city etc.
Contributions will need to have a significant impact on the development of

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Tra 3 Alternative modes of transport

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

those infrastructures to be recognised under this BREEAM issue and this

should be justified accordingly in the assessment report.

Option 5 only
No parking on

The option 5 remains applicable where there is no carparking on site provided

that the first and second requirements are met.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

Option 1
First Credit

Site plan, design drawings and/or a copy of

the specification confirming:
The location of the building and its
The location of the cycle storage
The number of cycle spaces provided
The type, dimensions and layout of
cycle racks
The materials and construction
specified for the facility.
The lighting for the facility is in
accordance with the appropriate
Building occupancy or, where relevant,
net lettable/floor area.

Where the building is in a city centre

location, and the benchmarks reduced,
evidence as outlined under BREEAM credit
Tra 1 demonstrating the relevant number of
credits achieved.
Second credit
Evidence (as outlined above) confirming
compliance with the first credit.

Design drawings or a copy of the

specification confirming:
Number of showers
Changing room
Secure locker locations, dimensions
and numbers
Drying space

Option 2 & 3

BRE Global Ltd

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming the
installation of the compliant facilities.

Evidence (as outlined above) confirming

compliance with the first credit.
Assessors building/site inspection and
photographic evidence confirming the
installation of the compliant facilities.

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009


Tra 3 Alternative modes of transport

Minutes of discussions and negotiations

with the relevant stakeholders
A list of the stakeholders present
The process and scope of the
The stage in plan of works that
consultation occurred.
The different options to contribute to the
local network
A copy of the contract outlining:
How the developer will contribute to the
development of the local cycling
infrastructure OR
The number of bus services provided
before and after the development


Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming the
cycling infrastructure is in place.
Timetables for each service at each public
transport node considered.
Where changes have occurred since the
design stage which could affect the
compliance, full details of the changes will
be required to demonstrate compliance.

Option 4

A marked-up copy of the site

Location and number of electric
recharging stations


Name and details of supplier
Details of the source of supply.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming the
electric recharging stations are in place
Where changes have occurred since the
design stage which could affect the
compliance, full details of the changes will
be required to demonstrate compliance.

A copy of the contract or other formal

documentation confirming the length of
contract to supply 100% renewable energy
Option 5

A copy of the contract with a relevant

carsharing platform.

As design stage evidence

A copy of the relevant clause or

specification confirming:
Marketing material will be developed to
raise awareness of car sharing
Material will be communicated to all
A marked-up copy of the site plan
Location and number of priority spaces
for car sharers
Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Carsharing scheme: a carsharing scheme is aimed at providing the facility and incentives for people to
share lifts to go to work. The benefits of car sharing include reduced travel costs for staff and customers

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Tra 3 Alternative modes of transport

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

and reduced local congestion and pollution. Different types of carsharing scheme exist. Ready-to-use
web-platforms may be created or purchased for the benefit of the building users and/or close
neighbourhood where the building is located in a business park. However, in any case, a commitment
from the developer will be required under the form of management policies/procedures to run and
manage the scheme efficiently. This includes marketing and monitoring the system, providing
incentives to encourage people to join the system (such as financial incentives or specific parking
spaces in busy areas) or providing marketing material to help raise awareness of the system.
Net lettable area (NLA) also called usable floor area: In order to calculate this, the standardised
used floor area (UFA) for the building must be used.

Operational area (for industrial buildings): in order to compute this, the used floor area (UFA) excluding
the net office space leased out and storage areas must be used.
The used floor area (UFA) is the areas of measurable parts delineated by the inner side of the exterior
wall and to the middle of the wall against the adjacent tenancy or common area. When computing a
buildings used floor area, the measurements are taken from the inner side of the exterior wall.
Reference is made in general to NS 3940:2007 Area and volume calculations for buildings and Use
of area designations is the selling of residential dwellings. A guide based upon NS 3940:2007 - P648
this is the gross internal floor area excluding all internal structural and party walls (but not partitioning or
other non load-bearing walls within the tenancy area which are included in the area), ancillary areas for
services, ancillary areas to main function areas and circulation areas. Please refer to the relevant
country appendix sheet to find national equivalent where relevant.
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff: FTE is a unit of measure which is equal to one filled, full-time
Rural location: please see definition in Tra2.

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BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Issue Title





No. of credits

Tra 4 Pedestrian and cyclist safety


Minimum Standards


Tra 4 - Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety

To recognise and encourage the provision of safe and secure pedestrian and cycle access routes on
the development.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. Where external site areas form part of the assessed site and these areas contain vehicle access
roads, parking and/or pedestrian access to the building, adequate cycle lanes and pedestrian
pathways must be provided. If the building does not have any external areas and internal access is
directly from the public highway/footpath, then the credit(s) can be awarded on a default basis.
Cycle access criteria
2. The cycle lanes meet the following minimum width dimensions:
a. Where pedestrian and cycle routes are shared the minimum total width of the combined
path is 3.0m
b. Where the cycle lane is segregated from both the pedestrian route and carriageway the
minimum width of the cycle path is 2.0m
c. Where the cycle route forms a part of the carriageway, the minimum width of the lane is
3. Cycle lanes provide direct access to any cycle storage facilities provided on the site, without the
need to deviate from the cycle path and, if relevant, connect to offsite cycle paths where these run
adjacent to the developments boundary.
4. Delivery areas do not cross or share cyclist routes.
5. Lighting design of cycle paths on site are in compliance with national best practice road lighting

Pedestrian access criteria

6. The pedestrian paths meet the following minimum width dimensions:
a. Where pedestrian and cycle routes are shared the minimum total width of the combined
path is 3.0m
b. Where the pedestrian route is segregated from both the cycle lane and carriageway the
minimum width of the pedestrian path is 1.5m
7. Delivery areas are not accessed through parking areas and do not cross or share and other outside
amenity areas accessible to building users and general public.
8. Lighting design of pedestrian pathways on site is in compliance with national best practice road
lighting guide.

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Tra 4 Pedestrian and cyclist safety

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

9. Onsite footpaths connect to public footpaths off site, providing access to local transport nodes and
other offsite amenities (where present).
10. Where provided, drop-off areas are designed off the access road and provide direct access to
pedestrian pathways/areas, therefore avoiding the need for the pedestrian to cross vehicle access
11. Where dedicated pedestrian crossing of a vehicle access route is provided, the road is raised to the
pavement level (i.e. the pavement is not lowered to road level).
12. For larger developments with a high number of public users/visitors, pedestrian pathways must be
signposted to other local amenities off site, including public transport nodes.
Note: For office and industrial buildings, all criteria need to be met in order for the credit to be
Note: For retail buildings and education, one credit can be achieved where the cycle access criteria
are complied with, and a second credit where the pedestrian access criteria are complied with. The
credits can be awarded independently of each other i.e. one credit can still be awarded for
compliant pedestrian routes where cycle routes do not comply and vice versa.
Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
existing buildings

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

shell only assessments.

Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

fit out-only assessments.

National best
practice road
lighting guide

The level for lighting strength is the same or stricter than those that have
been established in the guidelines for roadway lighting in effect at any point
in time (see the Norwegian Public Roads Administration Technical planning
of road and street lighting - Handbook 264 or the equivalent national

Covered parking

Operational safety

Where appropriate lighting guides do no exist for a country, the design team
should demonstrate compliance with EN 12464-2.
Where the assessed building has no external areas but does have a covered
parking facility and cyclists and/or pedestrians access the assessed building
via this area, then the criteria apply and this area must be assessed against
Operational safety measures such as speed reduction are often recognised
as an efficient measure to reduce risks to cyclists and pedestrians. However,
these being dependent on the way they will be enforced, they cannot be
recognised under BREEAM and only safety design measures will be
assessed under this BREEAM issue.

Schedule of Evidence Required


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Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

1-4 &
6-7 &

A scaled proposed site plan, specification

and/or design details highlighting all
necessary features and dimensions.

Tra 4 Pedestrian and cyclist safety


Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming


A copy of the specification, site plan and/or

manufacturers technical details. confirming:
External lighting design strategy in
compliance with relevant standard.
Where applicable, confirmation that the
minimum requirements as set out in
Checklist A10 are met and that illuminance
levels are equal to or more onerous than
those set in EN 12464-2.

As built site plan and design details.

Assessors building/site inspection and
photographic evidence confirming compliant
The assessor is not expected to check
every detail but that the lighting strategy is
broadly compliant with the relevant
guidance, demonstrated by checking
compliance at their discretion with select
key issues.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Tra 5 Travel plan

Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009


Tra 5 - Travel Plan

To recognise the consideration given to accommodating a range of travel options for building users,
thereby encouraging the reduction of user reliance on forms of travel that have the highest
environmental impact.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. A travel plan has been developed as part of the feasibility and design stages which considers all
types of travel relevant to the building type and users.
2. The travel plan is structured to meet the needs of the particular site and takes into consideration the
findings of a site-specific transport survey and assessment that covers the following (as a
a. Where relevant, existing travel patterns and opinions of existing building or site users
towards cycling and walking so that constraints and opportunities can be identified
b. Travel patterns and transport impact of future building users
c. Current local environment for walkers and cyclists (accounting for visitors who may be
accompanied by young children)
d. Disabled access (accounting for varying levels of disability and visual impairment)
e. Public transport links serving the site
f. Current facilities for cyclists
3. The travel plan includes a package of measures that have been used to steer the design of the
development in order to meet the travel plan objectives and minimise car-based travel patterns.
This is demonstrated via specific examples such as:
a. Providing parking priority spaces for car sharers
b. Providing dedicated and convenient cycle storage and changing facilities
c. Lighting, landscaping and shelter to make pedestrian and public transport waiting areas
d. Negotiating improved bus services, i.e. altering bus routes or offering discounts
e. Restricting and/or charging for car parking
f. Criteria for lobby areas where information about public transport or car sharing can be
made available
g. Pedestrian and cycle friendly (for all types of user regardless of the level of mobility or
visual impairment) via the provision of cycle lanes, safe crossing points, direct routes,
appropriate tactile surfaces, well lit and signposted to other amenities, public transport
nodes and adjoining offsite pedestrian and cycle routes.
4. The travel plan includes measures tailored to minimise the impacts of operational-related transport
e.g. deliveries to and from the site.

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BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Tra 5 Travel plan


Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Extensions to
Shell Only

Fit Out Only

Where the occupier is not known a travel plan is still required, albeit that it may
only be an interim travel plan or one that broadly addresses all the above
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
fit out-only assessments.

Building users
Offices and

Where the term building users is referenced, this refers to staff (commuter
journeys and business travel), visitors and personnel who make
deliveries/collections to and from the development.

Building users

Where the term building users is referenced in this BREEAM issue it refers to
staff, customers and personnel who make deliveries/collections to and from
the development.

Existing Travel

The first credit can be awarded if the building being assessed is a

refurbishment or infill new build on an existing site that has an existing up-todate travel plan that is compliant with BREEAM and applicable to all building
users (in the existing and assessed buildings).

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

First credit
A copy of the Travel Plan.
A copy of the site-specific

The evidence required at this stage is the

same as that outlined at the design stage.

A marked-up copy of the site plan

measures, implemented in support the
travel plans findings.

Assessors building/site inspection

photographic evidence confirming:
The installation of measures
support the travel plan.


Where a detailed site plan is not available, a
formal letter from the client confirming that
measures will be implemented into the final
design in support the travel plans findings.

A section within the Travel Plan or written

confirmation that the plan will address
operational related transport impacts.

The evidence required at this stage is the

same as that outlined at the design stage.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Tra 5 Travel plan

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Travel Plan: A travel plan is a strategy for managing all travel and transport within an organisation,
principally to increase choice and reduce reliance on the car by seeking to improve access to a site or
development by sustainable modes of transport. A travel plan contains both physical and behavioural
measures to increase travel choices and reduce reliance on single-occupancy car travel.

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Issue Title





No. of credits

Tra 6 Maximum car parking capacity


Minimum Standards


Tra 6 - Maximum Car Parking Capacity

To encourage the use of alternative means of transport to the building other than the private car,
thereby helping to reduce transport related emissions and traffic congestion.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
First credit Office and Industry only
1. No more than one parking space is provided for every three building users.
Second credit Office and Industry only
1. No more than one parking space is provided for every four building users.
First credit - Higher Education buildings only
1. No more than one parking space is provided for every fifteen building users.
Second credit - Higher Education buildings only
1. No more than one parking space is provided for every twenty building users.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Tra 6 Maximum car parking capacity

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Extensions to
Shell Only Offices
Shell Only

Fit Out Only

If it is not possible to confirm the number of building users due to the

speculative nature of the building then a default occupancy rate of 1 person
per 10m of net lettable area of the building can be used.
If it is not possible to confirm the number of building users due to the
speculative nature of the building then a default occupancy rate of 1 person
per 10m of net lettable office area and 1 person per 20m of operational floor
space. Alternatively, the number of staff in an existing industrial unit of similar
type/operation and size can be used (the assessor needs to justify/validate the
number used in their certification report).
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
fit out-only assessments.

Building users

Where the term building users is referenced in this BREEAM issue it refers to
the staff who will work within the building.

number of
building users

If known actual building occupancy rate figures should be used. If this figure
cannot be confirmed use the default occupancy rate detailed above under the
Shell Only compliance note.
Where the number of building users is variable, provision of parking spaces
should be based on the maximum number of building users likely to be using
the building at any time.
Especially adapted parking included requirements for universal design,
motorcycle parking or other purposes and is reserved for this use through
design and clear markings / signs may be omitted from the assessment of car
parking capacity.

Disabled, mother
& baby &
Car share spaces

Car share spaces can be excluded from the assessment provided these
spaces are dedicated for this use with the appropriate signage and the future
building occupier confirms they have an enforceable car share policy. The
assessor must obtain a copy of the policy and related documentation. Where
there is no policy these spaces must be included within the calculation.

Local authority
car parking

As a general rule, where the local authority sets car parking requirements that
are different from the BREEAM criteria, the most onerous of the requirements
will need to be complied with:
Where the local authority requires a minimum car parking capacity that is
higher than the maximum limit set by BREEAM, the BREEAM criteria will
need to be met for the credit to be awarded.
Where the local authority requires a maximum car parking capacity that is
lower than the one set by BREEAM, then the local authority criteria should
be met for the credit to be awarded.
Where the building being assessed forms part of a wider site development and
parking is not designated to specific buildings, then this credit must be
assessed on the provision of parking spaces for the whole development,
accounting for all existing and new users and parking spaces.

Parking shared
with other

BRE Global Ltd

Where the numbers of users for the whole site cannot be confirmed, then the
parking spaces can be attributed to the assessed development on the basis of
the ratio of assessed building floor area to total building floor area of the whole
site. E.g. if the assessed building is 20% of the total building area for the site
then attribute 20% of the parking spaces to the building for the purpose of the

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Tra 6 Maximum car parking capacity


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

A site plan or copy of the specification

Number and type of parking spaces
provided for the building.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
Number and type of parking spaces
provided for the building.

Relevant documentation or correspondence

from the design team or client confirming
the number of building users.

Evidence as outlined at the design stage.

A physical check by the assessor of the
relevant number of building users (if

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Net lettable area (NLA): Refer to BREEAM issue Tra 3.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Tra 7 Travel information point

Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009


Tra 7 - Travel Information Point

To ensure the building has the capacity to provide users with up-to-date information on local public
transport routes and timetables.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. A real-time public transport information system, where building users can access up-to-date public
transport information and plan their journey, is provided.
2. The system must be in a publicly accessible area with adequate signage at its point of use and
throughout appropriate areas of the development indicating its purpose and location/existence.

Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only
Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell-only assessments.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
fit out-only assessments.

Building users

Where the term building users is referenced this refers to staff and customers.

Scope of
BREEAM issue

This BREEAM issue applies only to retail buildings >500m .

Location of

The information point does not necessarily have to be situated internally. If

sited externally however, it must be covered, in an area that is readily
accessible to building users and within close proximity of the main entrance or
pedestrian routes to and from local public transport nodes, parking areas and
the main building entrance.
The credit can be awarded where there is an existing maintained real-time
information point within 250m of the assessed developments main entrance
via a safe pedestrian route (not as the crow flies).
Where the assessed building has achieved all credits available under the
BREEAM issue Tra1, ie has very high levels of public transport in close
proximity, the travel information point does not need to provide real time
information. The second BREEAM requirement will however need to be met
for the credit to be achieved.

Existing travel
Buildings with
very high levels
of public

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Tra 7 Travel information point


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


Design plan and/or a copy of the relevant

specification clause(s) confirming:
Location and scope of the travel
information point/facility

Assessors building/site inspection and

compliant installation of the travel
information point(s).

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Real time passenger information system: An electronic system that provides up-to-date, i.e. real
time, information on local public transport service(s). Primarily how close the service is running to time
and when it is due at a node/interchange and, potentially, incidents that affect service operations,
platform changes etc.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Tra 8 Deliveries & Manoeuvring

Issue Title





No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Tra 8 Deliveries & Manoeuvring

To ensure that safety is maintained and disruption due to delivery vehicles minimised through wellplanned layout and access to the site.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. Parking and turning areas are designed for simple manoeuvring according to the type of delivery
vehicle likely to access the site, thus avoiding the need for repeated shunting.
2. There is a separate parking area for waiting goods vehicles, away from the manoeuvring area and
staff/visitor car parking.
3. Delivery areas are not accessed through parking areas and do not cross or share pedestrian and
cyclist routes and other outside amenity areas accessible to building users and general public.
4. There is a dedicated space for the storage of refuse skips and pallets away from the delivery
vehicle manoeuvring area and staff/visitor car parking.

BRE Global Ltd


Tra 7 Travel information point


Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

refurbishment projects.

Extensions to
Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

fit out-only assessments.


For the purpose of assessing this issue, smaller buildings/units (i.e. <200m )
and developments where heavy goods vehicles are unlikely to access the site,
the criteria for the manoeuvring area need be sized only to accommodate large
delivery vans (i.e. transit type or similar).

Where the building occupier is known then the design team must be able to
demonstrate that the layout of the manoeuvring area is suitable for the
specified types and number of delivery vehicles typically used by the occupier.
For speculative developments it must be demonstrated that the manoeuvring
area can accommodate a range of goods vehicle types.

Also, requirement 3 delivery areas are not be accessed through parking areas
can be relaxed for smaller sites if it can be confirmed that all deliveries to the
building will be made by small vans and not heavy goods vehicles.
Scope of issue

This BREEAM issue is not assessed where the development does not have a
significant vehicle delivery and manoeuvring area (ie a typical back-of-house
facility wouldnt comply). This is likely to be the case in most office
developments. In such cases this issue will be filtered from the list of relevant
issues by the assessors spreadsheet tool.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage
Proposed site plan clearly showing:
Manoeuvring area
Delivery vehicle waiting area
Designated area for skips/pallets

Post Construction Stage

Assessors building/site inspection
photographic evidence confirming
existence of a compliant delivery area.


correspondence from the design team
Likely vehicle delivery type that will
access the development.
Predicted frequency of deliveries

Additional Information
Relevant definitions

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Wat 1 Water consumption


8.0 Water
Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits


Wat 1 - Water Consumption

To minimise the consumption of potable water in sanitary applications by encouraging the use of low
water use fittings.
Assessment Criteria

BRE Global Ltd


Wat 1 Water consumption


Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to

Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
Where a project under assessment consists solely of an extension, and no
new sanitary facilities are to be provided, facilities provided in the existing
building should be assessed (this refers to the nearest accessible facilities for
each gender/function, where appropriate, i.e. those likely to be used by the
occupants and visitors in the extension building).
If a water supply is provided to tenanted areas of the building but sanitary
fittings will be specified/fitted by future tenants, compliance with this BREEAM
issue can be demonstrated via one of the following means in shell only

Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and

tenant/s (full value of available credits)
Option 2 A Green Building Guide is prepared for tenant fit outs (half the
value of the available credits)
Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration (full value of available credits)

Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be demonstrated for

the shell only areas of the building, the assessor must assume that only
industry-standard fittings will be installed (see additional guidance). For such
instances therefore, it is likely that none of the credits will be achieved. When
industry-standard fittings are not known, the following default values must be
Regular taps for wash hand basins (12 litres/minute)
High flow shower (14 litres/minute)
WC (6 litre cistern)
Cistern serving single urinal = 10 litres per use (flush).
Cistern serving two or more urinals = 7.5 litres per use (flush).
Urinals with manual flush on each stall or automatic pressure flushing
valves = 1.5 litres per use.

Fit Out only

No Fittings
Showers with a
range of flow

Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description of
the above options.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
fit out-only assessments.
Where no sanitary fittings are to be installed in the building being assessed
then the credit must be assessed on the basis of the nearest accessible
facilities likely to be used by the occupants of the assessed building.
Where a shower head delivers a range of flow rates, the average or typical
flow rate should be used.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Wat 1 Water consumption


A copy of the relevant section of the M&E

specification and/or manufacturers details
Technical specification of sanitary fittings
and controls to be installed


Assessors building/site inspection report and

photographs or purchase orders confirming:
The type and amount of fittings and
controls installed.
Manufacturers/installers details for installed
fittings/controls confirming:
Their technical specification
Where changes have occurred since design
stage assessment, an explanation of such
must be given.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Net lettable area (NLA) also called usable floor area: this is the gross internal floor area excluding
all internal structural and party walls (but not partitioning or other non load-bearing walls within the
tenancy area which are included in the area), ancillary areas for services, ancillary areas to main
function areas and circulation areas. Please refer to the relevant country appendix sheet to find national
equivalent where relevant.
Potable water: Drinking quality water that is taken from a connection to the main water supply to the
building, which may be from the public water supply or from a private supply such as from groundwater
via a borehole.
Rainwater recycling: The appropriate collection and storage of rain from hard outdoor surfaces for use
instead of potable water in WC flushing.
Effective flush volume: The volume of water needed to clear the toilet pan and transport any content
far enough to avoid blocking the drain.
Dual Flush Cisterns: Devices that have the facility to provide lower flush volume for liquids and higher
flush volume for solids and paper.
Calculating the effective flushing volume of dual flush toilets: For dual flush WCs the ratio full flush:
reduced flush is taken to be 1:3 for non-domestic buildings. The effective flush volume can therefore be
calculated as follows, using a 6/4 litre dual flush volume WC:
((6 Litre*1) + (4 Litre*3))/4
= 4.5 Litre effective flushing volume

Product Certification of Low Flush WCs

Product certification schemes provide specifiers and clients with greater assurance of manufacturers
claim regarding the performance of the actual flush volume of their products and therefore
the potential water savings of different products. At present BREEAM does not require that the flushing
volume of WCs (or any other water-consuming device) meet an approved standard to gain BREEAM
BRE Global currently operates a certification and listing scheme for low flush WCs and products
certified to this standard will be listed on Green Book Live is a free-to-view

BRE Global Ltd


Wat 1 Water consumption


online database designed to assist specifiers and end users in the identification of environmentally
beneficial products and services. If you would like to know more information about the Certification and
Listing of Low Flush WCs Scheme please contact BRE Global at

BRE Global Ltd 2009

Wat 2 Water meter


Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits



Wat 2 - Water Meter

To ensure water consumption can be monitored and managed and therefore encourage reductions in
water consumption.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

1. The specification of a water meter on the mains water supply to each building; this includes
instances where water is supplied via a borehole or other private source.

2. The water meter has a pulsed output to enable connection to a Building Management System
(BMS) for the monitoring of water consumption.

3. For retail developments with multiple units, separate pulsed meters are required to cover the water
supply to the following areas where present:
a. Letting area; on the water supply to each tenant unit
b. Common areas; e.g. covering the supply to toilet blocks
c. Service areas; covering the supply to outlets within storage, delivery, waste disposal areas

4. For industrial developments with multiple units, a pulsed water meter is specified on the supply to
each separate unit.

5. In addition, ancillary buildings separate from the main development, for example petrol stations on
sites such as supermarkets, are metered separately with a pulsed meter.
Exemplary level criteria
The following outlines the exemplary level criteria to achieve an innovation credit for this BREEAM
1. Where sub meters are fitted to allow the metering of individual water-consuming plant or building
areas, where demand in such areas will be equal to or greater than of 10% of the total
water demand of the building (see also compliance note).

2. Each sub meter has a pulsed output to enable connection to a Building Management System
(BMS) for the monitoring of water consumption.

BRE Global Ltd

Wat 2 Water meter



Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
If no new water supply is being installed because occupants of the extended
building will use the facilities in, and therefore water supply to the existing
building, then the issue should be assessed on the basis of whether a
compliant water meter is installed on the existing supply.
Where metering arrangements within tenanted units/areas will be the
responsibility of the future tenant, compliance with the relevant criteria for this
BREEAM issue can be demonstrated via one of the following means for such

Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and

tenant/s (full value of available credits)
Option 2 A Green Building Guide for tenant fit outs (half the value of the
available credits)
Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration (full value of available credits)

Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be demonstrated the

available credits must be withheld (option 4).
Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description of
the above options.
Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

Fit Out-only assessments.

No water supply
to the

If there is no water supply to the building during operation because there will
be no installed water-consuming fittings in the building, then the issue must be
assessed on the basis of the water supply to the nearest accessible building
with such facilities, likely to be used by the future occupants of the assessed

Tenanted areas
with low or no
retail buildings

For tenanted areas that can demonstrate that there will be no more than a
couple of WCs and associated wash hand basins present in that particular unit
and no other usage of water for the purposes of the retail activity, then no
water meter is required on the water supply to this unit. Typical retail units that
would not comply with this note are catering units, supermarkets, hairdresser,
launderette etc.
For a building consisting of a number of small units, each 200m , a water sub
meter must be fitted on the water supply to each unit. A pulsed output on each
sub meter is not required. A water meter with a pulsed output fitted to the main
supply to the building is still required.

consisting of
several small
Exemplary level

It is widely accepted that water usage can be decreased by how water is

consumed by building users. If there are only small water consuming units
used within the building such as singular toilets, small kitchen etc. It is unlikely
there will be an opportunity to reduce water consumption by increased water
management. And therefore there will be no benefit to installing a sub-meter;
in such instances the exemplary credit is not available. Compliance with the
criteria can also be demonstrated where the water metering/monitoring
equipment is integral to the water consuming plant, as opposed to a sub meter
on the water supply to the plant.
BRE Global Ltd 2009


Wat 2 Water meter


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


A copy of the specification clause confirming:

The specification and type of water

Assessors building/site inspection report and

photographs or as built drawings confirming:
The location of the water meter(s).

Design plan(s) showing:

Location of the water meter(s) in each
assessed building/unit.

Manufacturers details confirming:

The specification of a pulsed output on
the installed meter(s).
If connected to a BMS, the assessors site
inspection confirming live meter readings can
be used in lieu of manufacturers details
confirming specification of a pulsed output.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
The requirement for a pulsed output has been included to encourage the use of meters capable of
transmitting (by wire or wirelessly) a continuous or pulsed signal with water management information
such as total water consumed or flow rate to a Building Management System. This allows demand
patterns on water systems to be monitored and evaluated over time. A significant increase in demand
may indicate the presence of a leak or inappropriate or unexpected water consumption.

BRE Global Ltd


Wat 3 Major leak detection

Issue Title

Minimum Standards




No. of credits



Wat 3 - Major Leak Detection

To reduce the impact of major water leaks that may otherwise go undetected.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

1. A leak detection system capable of detecting major leaks on the water supply has been installed.
The system must cover all mains water supply within the building and its site.
2. The leak detection system is:
a. Audible when activated
b. Activated when the flow of water passes through the water meter/data logger at a flow rate
above a pre-set minimum for a pre-set period of time
c. Able to identify different flow and therefore leakage rates, e.g. continuous, high and/or low
level, over set time periods
d. Programmable to suit the owner/occupiers water consumption criteria
e. Where applicable, designed to avoid false alarms caused by normal operation of large
water-consuming plant such as chillers.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Wat 3 Major leak detection


Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only
Fit Out Only
Mains water
supply between
the building and
the site boundary
Ancillary or

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
If the water supply to the new extension is via the existing building then the
water supply to the existing building must be assessed against the criteria of
this issue.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
assessments of shell-only buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
Fit Out-only assessments.
Where the mains water supply between the building and the site boundary is
not under the clients authority, but is managed by the local water authority,
this can be excluded from the assessment. Where the site is owned and
managed by another body such as another landlord, compliance will still need
to be demonstrated.
The criteria apply to the water supply to all buildings falling within the scope of
the assessment.

Mains supply

It is not a requirement of this issue that the leak detection system shut off the
water supply when the alarm is triggered.

No water supply
to the

If there is no water supply to the building because there will be no installed

water-consuming fittings in the building, then the issue must be assessed on
the basis of the water supply to the nearest accessible building with such
facilities, likely to be used by the future occupants of the assessed building.

Leakage Rates

This issue does not specify what the high and low level leakage rates should
be; however, the equipment installed must have the flexibility to distinguish
between different flow rates to enable it to be programmed to suit the
owner/occupiers usage patterns.
Pre-set flow rates and time periods will vary depending on the building type
and usage.

Pre-set flow rates

System criteria

It is anticipated that this credit will usually be achieved by installing a system

which detects higher than normal flow rates at meters and/or sub-meters. It
does not require a system that would directly detect water leakage along part
or the whole length of the water supply system.

Water authority

Where there is a water authority meter at the site/building boundary, it may be

necessary to install a separate flow meter to detect leaks; however, if the water
authority agrees to some form of leak detection being installed on their meter,
this would also be acceptable.

Schedule of Evidence Required


BRE Global Ltd

Design Stage

Post Construction Stage



A copy of the specification clause confirming:

Scope and performance criteria of leak
detection system.
Manufacturers details confirming:
The technical specification the specified

Wat 3 Major leak detection


Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
The installation and operation of the leak
detection system.
The pre-set variables of the system for
triggering the alarm and the flexibility of
the building occupier to vary these*.
* This can be confirmed in a letter from the
contractor/installer to the assessor.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions

BRE Global Ltd 2009

Wat 4 Sanitary supply shut-off


Issue Title

Minimum Standards




No. of credits



Wat 4 - Sanitary Supply Shut Off

To reduce the risk of minor leaks in toilet facilities.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

1. Solenoid valves are installed on the water supply to each toilet area in the building and the flow of
water through that supply is controlled by a link to either:
Infra-red movement detectors within each toilet facility OR
Sensors or switches placed at or on entry doors to each facility.
Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
If the facilities are within the existing building then it is those existing facilities
that must be assessed against the criteria of this issue.
Where the installation of facilities within tenanted units/areas will be the
responsibility of the future tenant, compliance with this BREEAM issue can be
demonstrated via one of the following means for shell only buildings/areas:

Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and

tenant/s (full value of available credits)
Option 2 A Green Building Guide for tenant fit outs (half the value of the
available credits)
Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration (full value of available credits)

Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be demonstrated the

available credits must be withheld (option 4).

Fit Out Only

No toilet
facilities in the

BRE Global Ltd

Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description of
the above options.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
fit out-only assessments.
If no toilet areas exist in the building then the assessment criteria must be
assessed on the basis of the nearest accessible building with such facilities
likely to be used by the occupants of the assessed building.

Wat 4 Sanitary supply shut-off



Shut-off systems may control combined toilet areas, such as male and female
toilets within a core.

Single WCs

Proximity detection shut-off is not required for each individual sanitary

appliance to achieve the credit. The requirement is for the water supply to be
isolated for each toilet block on a floor when not being used by the occupants.
The criteria for this issue apply to facilities with a single WC (potentially within
smaller or low occupancy buildings). In these instances shut-off can be
provided via the same switch that controls the lighting (whether proximity
detection or a manual switch).

WCs in common
public areas

Programmable timed controllers linked to the shut-off device are an acceptable

means of compliance for facilities in this type of space, where constant public
use is to be expected during opening or visiting hours.


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

A copy of the specification clause confirming:

The specification of shut-off valves
The controls for the shut-off valves.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
The location and installation of proximity
detection controls.

A design plan showing:

The location of the toilet facilities.

As built drawings showing:
The specification of shut-off valves

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Solenoid valve: An electrically operated shut-off device that controls the flow of water in pipes.
Volume controller: An automatic control device to turn off the water supply once a maximum preset
volume is reached.
Programmed time controller: An automatic time switch device to switch the water supply on and/or off
at predetermined times.
Light fittings in toilets are often controlled by proximity detection by IR movement detectors or sensors
placed at entry doors (the latter can be less accurate as more than one person can enter or depart in
the opening of one door). The sensors used to control the lighting can also be linked to a solenoid valve
in the cold water supply. This will then act as a proximity detection system.
Small water leaks can result in significant losses over time, increasing costs as well as causing
damage. There is a significant risk of leaks going undetected, particularly as toilet accommodation is
often unoccupied for long periods. A proximity detection shut-off system prevents waste water from
minor leaks by shutting off the water supply when toilet accommodation is not occupied.
Valves in cisterns supplying urinals and WCs are especially prone to failure, leading to wastage of
water via the overflow. Whilst leakage from any valve is variable, a typical value for a leaking valve
toilet might be 4 litres/day.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Wat 6 Irrigation Systems

Issue Title

Minimum Standards




No. of credits



Wat 6 - Irrigation Systems

To reduce the consumption of potable water for ornamental planting and landscape irrigation.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

1. Where the irrigation method specified for internal or external planting and/or landscaping complies
with ANY ONE of the following:
a. Drip feed subsurface irrigation that incorporates soil moisture sensors. The irrigation control
should be zoned to permit variable irrigation to different planting assemblages.
b. Reclaimed water from a rainwater or greywater system.
c. External landscaping and planting that relies solely on precipitation, during all seasons of
the year.
d. The planting specified is restricted to species that thrive in the local climatic conditions.
e. Where no dedicated, mains-supplied irrigation systems (including pop-up sprinklers and
hoses) are specified, and planting will rely solely on manual watering by building occupier
or landlord.
2. Where a sub surface drip feed irrigation system is installed for external areas, a rainstat must also
be installed to prevent automatic irrigation of the planting and the landscape during periods of

Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

refurbishment projects.

Extensions to
Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above

specific to the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

fit out-only assessments.
This issue does not apply where there are no landscaped areas within the
construction zone of the assessed building. In such instances the BREEAM
assessors spreadsheet tool will filter the issue from the list of applicable

No landscaped

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

shell-only projects.

Schedule of Evidence Required

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Wat 6 Irrigation Systems



Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


Design team confirmation via assessment

meeting minutes, letter or email confirming
the irrigation strategy for the site AND

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
The implementation of the proposed
If relevant, the installation of the
specified system.

Proposed site plan, marked up to illustrate

the scope of the irrigation specified AND
One of the following:
A copy of the specification clause confirming:
Type of irrigation system and controls.
Manufacturers information detailing:
The technical details of the specified
Additional Information
Relevant definitions

Construction zone: For the purpose of this issue the construction zone is defined as the site which is
being developed for the BREEAM-assessed building and its external site areas i.e. the scope of the
new works.

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Wat 8 Sustainable on-site water treatment

Issue Title

Minimum Standards




No. of credits



Wat 7 - Vehicle Wash

To minimise the volume of potable water used by vehicle washing facilities.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

1. The vehicle washing system reclaims and recycles water that falls on, and drains off from, the
vehicle pad. The reclaim system must be fully automatic.

Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

refurbishment projects.

Extensions to
Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above

specific to the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
Where present, vehicle wash facilities should be assessed in accordance with
the assessment criteria. In shell only areas/building, where it is known that a
vehicle wash system will be installed but final decisions concerning the
specification will be made by a new owner/tenant, compliance with this
BREEAM issue can be demonstrated via one of the following means:

Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and

tenant/s (full value of available credits)
Option 2 A Green Building Guide for tenant fit outs (half the value of the
available credits)
Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration (full value of available credits)

Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be fully demonstrated

the available credits must be withheld (option 4).

Fit Out Only


BRE Global Ltd

Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description of
the above options.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
fit out-only assessments.
Where vehicle wash systems are specified, the assessor should ask the
design team to clarify that the installed system has been designed to minimise
any legionella risk (refer to BREEAM issue Hea12).


Wat 7 Vehicle wash


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

A copy of the specification clause confirming:

Type of vehicle wash system.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
The installation of the specified system.

Manufacturers information confirming:
The technical details of the specified

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Vehicle Wash: A commercial automatic, semi-automatic or manual system for washing vehicles. This
includes wheel and chassis wash, fixed gantry and screen wash systems using brushes, spray bars or
handheld jet hoses.

BRE Global Ltd 2009

Wat 8 Sustainable on-site water treatment


Issue Title




No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Wat 8 - Sustainable on-site water treatment

To encourage the treatment and re-use of waste water on-site to reduce the need for
environmentallydamaging centralised water treatment systems and enable the recycling of water and
nutrients in a shorter time and distance.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
First credit

1. A feasibility study has been carried out by an appropriate consultant to establish the most
appropriate sustainable on-site waste water treatment system. This study covers as a minimum:
a. Type of soil
b. Fall
c. Power supply
d. Odour nuisance
e. Tolerance to infiltration
f. Tolerance to load fluctuation (holidays and peak periods) where relevant
g. Installation cost
h. Maintenance
i. Required area
j. Effluent quality
k. Visual impact

2. A sustainable on-site treatment system has been specified for the building/development in line with
the recommendations of the above feasibility study.

3. The feasibility study has been carried out at concept design stage or equivalent procurement stage.
Second credit

1. The first credit has been achieved.

2. A sustainable on-site treatment system has been designed in line with the recommendations of the

above feasibility study and in accordance with EN 12566: 2000 small wastewater treatment
systems for up to 50 PT and is able to treat at least 30% of the building/developments wastewater
to tertiary standards.

3. Treated water must be infiltrated or reused on-site for WC/urinal flushing or irrigation purposes.
4. The system designer or installer will provide full maintenance and operation details to the
building/site occupiers, in particular with regard to the water quality level.

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Wat 8 Sustainable on-site water treatment


Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to

Shell Only

Fit Out Only

Feasibility study


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
If the assessment is of the new extension only, then the wastewater
associated with the use of the extended building may be used. If feasible
however, the total wastewater of the new extension and existing building can
be used. If the assessment is of the new build extension and existing building
i.e. whole building, then the total wastewater must be used for the purposes of
carrying out the calculation.
Assessment of this issue requires the design team to know the flush volumes
of WC facilities. If WC facilities are contained within tenanted areas of the
building and the sanitary fittings will be specified/installed by the future tenant,
then for the purpose of the assessment of this issue, industry-standard fittings
should be assumed in the tenant areas (see Additional Information section).
Alternatively, if the tenant is committed through a green lease agreement to
install sanitary fittings with performance standards better than industry
standard, then the assessment of this issue can be based on the performance
of those fittings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
Fit Out-only assessments.
When undertaking a feasibility study at a later stage than outline proposals, an
additional element will need to be included in the report to highlight the
systems which have been discounted due to the constraints placed on the
project by the late consideration, and the reason for their omission. If the
feasibility study discounts all on-site treatment systems as unfeasible due to
the late stage in the project that the study was commissioned, then the credit
for the feasibility study must be withheld.
If the feasibility was commissioned at the outline proposals stage or earlier and
in the unlikely event the study concludes that the specification of any on-site
water treatment system is unfeasible, the first credit can still be awarded.
Subsequent credits for installing a system that meets the requirement will not
be achievable.
For the purposes of assessing this BREEAM issue, wastewater includes both
greywater and blackwater.
Effluent water quality parameters should meet the local regulations
requirements for harvested rainwater to be used in non-potable uses such as
WC flushing or irrigation.

BRE Global Ltd 2009

Wat 8 Sustainable on-site water treatment


Sustainable onsite treatment



Systems with processes that proceed at natural rates should be preferred to

those who are usually considered mechanical, in order to limit the major
energy input to liquid transport, partial aeration and plant harvest when
applicable. Typical sustainable systems include:

Infiltration systems
Constructed wetlands, including vertical and horizontal flow reed beds
Biological sand filters
Anaerobic systems

Constructed wetland systems try to mimic natural reed beds, which have been
shown to be effective in treating contaminated water. Reed bed filtration
systems and other wetland-based processes have become popular in recent
years. They benefit from low cost and energy requirements, simple operation,
and a number of environmental plus points. Large systems encourage
biodiversity - extensive reed beds are among the most important habitats for a
variety of rare birds, invertebrates, flora, fish, amphibians, reptiles, and
mammals. From a human perspective, they can encourage local and
traditional trades, such as basket making.

Reuse of the
wastewater on

The list above is not a definitive list of systems compliant with BREEAM, but
includes those systems that may normally be considered to comply. If the
assessor has a justified reason to doubt the credentials/feasibility of the above
technologies, where specified for a development they are assessing, they can
justifiably withhold the available BREEAM credits. Similarly other technologies
may be developed which meet the aims of this credit and as such the assessor
should seek advice from BRE when such technologies are proposed
Wastewater treated through the sustainable on-site system may be reused for
the flushing WCs, for irrigation purposes or any other processes associated
with the activity of the building that require a frequent demand of water.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

First Credit

A copy of the feasibility study report.

Letter from the appropriate consultant
Compliance with the definition of an
appropriate consultant
The timing of the feasibility report within
the plan of works.

Marked-up design plan or specification

Proposed installation of waste water
treatment plant.

Second credit

BRE Global Ltd

Assessors building/site inspection (or as

built drawings) and photographic evidence
Installation of the waste water treatment

Wat 8 Sustainable on-site water treatment




Evidence (as outlined above) confirming

compliance with the first credit.

Evidence (as outlined above) confirming

compliance with the first credit.

Design team calculations and a copy of

specification confirming (where appropriate):
Predicted WC/urinal flushing demand
Estimated potential for waste water
collection from taps/showers.
Percentage of waste water from the
building/development to be treated with
the system
Design in accordance with EN 12566
End use of the treated water

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
The installation of the treatment system.

A letter from the design team confirming:

A maintenance and operation guide will
be produced and handed over to the
building occupier.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
Existence of the maintenance and
operation guide in the buildings O&M

Where changes have occurred since design

stage assessment, a revised copy of the
technical specification and sizing calculations
for the installed system.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Appropriate Consultant: a hydrological, mechanical, civil and/or public health engineer with a
minimum of 2 years experience in the design of wastewater treatment systems.
Blackwater: water polluted with food, animal, or human waste
Greywater: Waste water from taps, showers and laundries.
Industry-standard fittings
Where a type of appliance or fitting is not specified, assume the following default fittings:
Regular taps for wash hand basins (12 litres/minute)
High flow shower (14 litres/minute)
WC (6 litre cistern)
Cistern serving single urinal = 10 litres per use (flush).
Cistern serving two or more urinals = 7.5 litres per use (flush).
Urinals with manual flush on each stall or automatic pressure flushing valves = 1.5 litres per use.
Fall: difference in heights needed to make the system work.
Tertiary standards: where these are not defined in the country of assessment, the following default
values should be met:
Table 3 Guideline values for bacteriological monitoring
Guideline values
Intestinal enterococci



Total coliforms


Table 4 Guideline values for general system monitoring


Guideline values
BRE Global Ltd 2009


Wat 8 Sustainable on-site water treatment


Dissolved oxygen in
stored rainwater

10% saturation or >1 mg/L O2

(whichever is least)


Not objectionable for all uses


<10 NT U for all uses (<1 NT U if

UV disinfection is used)


59 for all uses

Residual chlorine

<0.5 mg/L for garden watering

<2 mg/L for all other uses

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Mat 3 Re-use of facade


9.0 Materials

No. of credits





Issue Title

Minimum Standards

Mat 1 - Materials Specification


To recognise and encourage the use of construction materials with a low environmental impact over the
full life cycle of the building.
Assessment Criteria
The course is divided into 5 independent performance areas, where the first 4 qualify for the specified
points, while the last performance area is a minimum requirement in order to classify and certify the
building. The following demonstrates compliance:
Performance areas work independently. Number of points can be achieved independently of the other
performance areas.
1. Climate gas calculations one to three credits
Climate gas calculations will be carried out for material usage in the building through life cycle based
climate gas calculation tools. It is possible to collect up to three credits by documenting a choice of
materials with low climate gas emissions where the raw material extraction, transport of raw materials
and production of the material is assessed. The lifespan of the material must also be taken into
consideration. The climate gas calculation must include all the new building elements in table 9-2.
Where an independently verified third-party Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) according to ISO
14025/EN-NS15804, covering the same part or the life cycle, is available for a product that forms part of
an assessed building element, this can replace the generic value of that element in the climate gas
calculation tool. This can be done in the post-construction stage where specific products are chosen.
See compliance notes for approved tools
One credit
The climate gas emissions from new materials in the building comprise 80% of the emissions in a new
reference building. (Ref definition)
Two credits
The climate gas emissions from new materials in the building comprise 60% of the emissions in a new
reference building. (Ref definition)
Three credits

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Mat 3 Re-use of facade


The climate gas emissions from new materials in the building comprise 50% of the emissions in a new
reference building. (Ref definition)


LCA one credit

1. Use of a nationally recognised LCA tool to evaluate at least two material options for the building
elements as listed in table 9-1.
2. The design team can demonstrate that the outcome has influenced design choices for some of the
selection of materials/building elements above as follows;

Table 9.1 Applicable elements to assessment stage

Offices, Education & Retail
Building Element
New build & Major
Fit Out

Industrial projects
New build & Major

Fit Out

External Walls










Upper Floor Slabs




Internal Walls



Floor Finishes /



Exterior hard deck




3. The nationally recognised LCA tool used has the following features as a minimum:
a. At least 3 environmental indicators including Global Warming Potential (indicators may be
weighted to provide an overall score)
b. It addresses the whole life of the building, including service life and disposal.
c. It is based on LCA principles as set out in the following International Standards:
ISO 14040 2006 Environmental Management -LCA- Principles & Framework
ISO 14044 2006 Environmental Management - LCA Requirements and guidelines
ISO 14025: 2006 Environmental labels and declarations Type III environmental declarations
Principles and procedures
ISO 14024 : 2000 Environmental labels and declarations Environmental labels type I
Principles and procedures
ISO 21930 2006 Building construction - Sustainability in building construction Environmental
declaration of building products
Please refer to the compliance notes table to find a list of compliant LCA tools
Note: These credits are not dependent upon other credits awarded.

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Mat 3 Re-use of facade


3. EPD environmental declarations one credit
EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations according to ISO 14025/EN-NS15804) have been procured
for at least 10 different building products used to a large extent. Increased demand for environmental
declarations will stimulate an increasing number of manufacturers to declare their products and thus will
lead to increased knowledge concerning the environmental properties of products both among the
manufacturers as well as the construction industry in general. An EPD does not say anything about the
products environmental performance. Credits for performance are given under point 4.
The building products must be included in the building elements in table 9-2 and each of the products
documented must comprise at least 25% of the building element area, volume or weight in order to be
included in the calculations. For example, the documented floor covering must comprise at least 25% of
the total floor covering in floor decks or documented indoor paint must comprise at least 25% of the
total area of surface treatment on interior walls in order to be included among the 10 that are required.
For external hard deck, 80% applies.
An EPD that covers an entire part of a building will count for the number of product groups in table 9-2
that are covered by the EPD. The requirement for 25% also applies here (80% for external hard deck).
For example, an EPD for a complete exterior wall element can count as several EPDs if the element is
used in at least 25% of the total exterior wall area.
Note: These credits are not dependent upon other credits awarded.

Table 9.2 Relevant product groups distributed by building elements in the

assessment phase
Building element

External walls


Floor slabs

Office, retailing and education

New build &
Fit Out

New build &


Fit Out

Product groups

Product groups

Product groups

Ext. surface
Vapour barrier
Internal cladding
Int. surface
Vapour barrier
Floor covering

Product groups

Industrial projects


Only int.
Surface treatment



Ext. surface
Vapour barrier
Interior covering
Int. surface

Vapour barrier

Only int.
Surface treatment



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Mat 3 Re-use of facade

Internal walls


Stairs and
Hard landscaping
and boundary


Surface treatment








Internal cladding

Internal cladding

Internal cladding

Internal cladding

Surface treatment

Surface treatment

Surface treatment

Surface treatment





Floor covering


Floor covering


Outdoor hard

Only floor



Only floor


4. Performance requirements for building products one to two credits

One credit
At least 10 products in the product table:
Satisfies the criteria to receive marks 1-6 (green or white) for all the environmental areas* in the ECO
product method and/or satisfies the EU flower/Swan label criteria for their product group.
4 of these 10 have to be products used for:
Supporting walls/supporting construction
Supporting decks
External cladding
Insulation in external walls
(marked with * in table 9-2)
Two credits
At least 15 products in the product table:
Satisfies the criteria to receive marks 1-6 (green or white) for all the environmental areas in the ECO
product method and/or satisfies the EU flower/Swan label criteria for their product group.
4 of these 10 have to be products used for:
Supporting walls/supporting construction
Supporting decks
External cladding
Insulation in external walls
(marked with * in the table 9-2)
The 10 products that must document the performance in order to collect credits under this point must
be included in the table above and the 25% requirement for scope, as described under point 3 EPD
environmental declarations, also applies here (80% for hard landscaping materials).

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Mat 3 Re-use of facade


*The evaluation of Indoor air quality (emissions) in ECOproduct is not relevant for all product groups,
and for these product groups a satisfactory mark is required only for the other three environmental
Note: These credits are not dependent upon other credits awarded.
5. Environmental toxins minimum requirements
The environmental toxin list A20, has been prepared in co-operation with the authorities in order to
avoid the use of building materials with environmental toxins. (ref Product Control Act , section 3a and
TEK10 9.2). Evidence must be presented to show that there are no materials with the specific
pollutants listed in the checklist A20 in the building. The absence of the specified materials with the
specified substance content on this list must be documented.
In accordance with section 3a of the Product Control Act, exceptions to this requirement may be
accepted where it can be shown that it is not possible to use alternative products without encountering
unreasonable cost or inconvenience. If no suitable alternatives exist, the NGBC will consider any
applications for possible exceptions where adequate justification can be provided.
It is a condition that this criterion be fulfilled in order to achieve all classes and thereby a BREEAM
certificate. Because the requirement does not go beyond the minimum requirements of the code of
regulations, no credits are given for satisfying the criterion. It is only included as an absolute minimum
The A20 checklist is introduced by NGBC to meet the Norwegian regulation and is not endorsed by
BRE Global.

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Mat 3 Re-use of facade


Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to new-build


For refurbishments, it is only the new materials that will be assessed. The 25% rule
under point 3 and 4 will be computed with respect to the newly purchased materials.
The emissions should be compared to a new reference building under p.1, counting all
materials in table 9-2.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to shell-only

Shell Only
Fit Out Only

Extensions to
existing buildings
Mixed use
Floor finishes in
operational areas
(fit out
assessments only)

For Fit-Out, it is only the new materials that will be assessed. Under point 3 and 4, the
documentation of 5 products instead of 10 will be able to give credits. The 25% rule
under point 3 and 4 will be computed with respect to the newly purchased materials.
Any applicable new-build elements, forming part of the new extension, must be
assessed as outlined above.
Where the assessment covers only some of the floors in the building, the roof must still
be assessed as it is protecting the assessed building below. Roof areas not protecting
parts of the assessed building/space can be omitted from the assessment.
The floor finishes in the operational areas of industrial buildings/units have special
requirements for, for example, the tolerance limits of the floor slabs as regards
chemicals, temperature and shocks, which all limit the alternatives that are available for
specification. Therefore, only consider floor finishes in non operational areas of the
building e.g. office areas when assessing this BREEAM issue for the 25% coverage.
Please refer to the Additional Information section for guidance on accessing this issue
for buildings with integral cold storage units, where the walls, floor and ceiling of that
unit form a part of the buildings fabric.

Where integral
insulated cold
storage units form
a part of the
building fabric
Concerning point 1 Climate gas calculations
climate gas tools

Existing approved climate gas tools is: from Statsbygg,

If the project planning group deems other climate gas tools that are not described here
to accord with the requirements that are described above when it concerns the
minimum satisfactory characteristics, such may be recognised under the precondition
that the tool is approved in advance by NGBC.

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Mat 3 Re-use of facade


Concerning point 2 LCA

OPTION 2 only

Compliant LCA

influence on the

Current compliant LCA tools are listed below

a. Envest2 from BRE
b. Green Globes LCA tool - ATHENA EcoCalculator for Assemblies
c. ATHENA Impact Estimator for Buildings
d. Eco-Quantum from IVAM
e. Equer from Ecole des Mines
If other LCA tools not identified here are deemed by the design team to comply
with the requirements set above with regard to minimum adequate features,
then these may be recognised subject to prior approval by NGBC.
Positive influence on the design can be demonstrated through a comparative
analysis of a typical local building with the building assessed. There are no
specific requirements on the contents that have to be covered, however these
need to be broad and detailed enough to allow the positive influence to be
For instance, where the typical external wall specification in Norway for a same
kind of buildingis an aluminium cladding, the design team should demonstrate
how the use of an LCA tool has allowed the specification of other materials
with a lower environmental impact over the life cycle of the building.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

1. Climate gas calculations

Print-out of climate gas calculations with
results from calculations of reference
building and planned building.

Post Construction Stage

Print-out from updated climate gas
calculations in line with final material types
selected. Assessors building/site
inspection and photographic evidence
Element in-situ (where possible)
As built drawings and, where relevant,
written design team confirmation of any
changes to materials specification.

2. LCA

Specification confirming:
Name of the embodied energy / LCA
tool used
A detailed description of how the tool
meets the compliance requirements

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
Element in-situ (where possible)

Copy of the embodied energy/LCA tool

output confirming:
Elements considered

As built drawings and, where relevant,

written design team confirmation of any
changes to materials specification.


Examples of how the embodied

energy/LCA tool used had a positive

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Mat 3 Re-use of facade


influence on the design.

3. EPD with respect to ISO 14025/EN-NS 15804


Construction drawings and/pr specification

that confirms:
Placement of the specified elements
and materials/products
Information about the specified

Assessors inspection report and

photographic evidence that confirms:
The element at the site (where such is


Copy of EPD for specified products.


A letter from the project planning group that

that documentation in the form of EPDs
or general environmental data will be
demanded with respect to the same
standard for all product groups listed in
the table
If the material /products have been ordered,
delivered or the supplier is known:

Copy of EPD for specified products.

As alternative a valied letter that
confirms that the development of EPDs
is underway with a planned end date
4. Performance requirements for building products
Construction drawings and/pr specification
that confirms:
Placement of the specified elements
and products
Information about the specified

Assessors inspection report and

photographic evidence that confirms:
The element at the site (where such is


A letter from the project planning group that

that the performance requirements in
this point are implemented in the

If the material /products have been ordered,
delivered or the supplier is known:
Documentation that the specified products
satisfy the criteria for the Swan/EU flower
or specified ECO product criteria.

BRE Global Ltd

License number on Swan/EU

flower label
Documentation that the criteria in
the point has been satisfied for
specified products (eg print from
the ECOproduct database)


Mat 3 Re-use of facade


5. Environmental toxins
A letter from the project planning group that
that regard for the Environmental
toxin list for building materials (in
appendix) has been implemented in the
description in this point

Environmental toxin list for building

materials is available completely filled in
and signed by the initiative-taker.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Life Cycle Analysis (Life Cycle Asessment-LCA): LCA is a method based on international standards
(ISO 14040, ISO 14044) to evaluate a system's environmental impact, taking into account the system's
entire lifecycle, from cradle to grave. It is taken into account all impacts associated with the production
and use of a system, from first to last awhile.
EPD: Environmental Product Declaration. A third-party verified environmental declaration that follows
the international standards ISO 21930 and/or ISO 14025, ref
Ref. also the SINTEF Byggforskserien on third party declarations: 470 103 Declarations of building
Swan label/EU flower: Environmental label type 1 is a voluntary, third-party verified, LCA and multiple
criteria-based level standard that follows the ISO 14024 :2000 standard, (
Environmental factors that are assessed in the products lifecycle are, among other things, climate gas
emissions, energy consumption, raw materials consumption and origin, indoor climate, substances
hazardous to human health and the environment, resource consumption, waste, water consumption,
emissions and functionality. Only products that fulfil the standard can receive the Swan label.
Life time: The building, considered as a whole, has an overall lifetime of 60 years. In the calculation
tools used for calculations of climate gas emissions, the different building products have to have
different lifetime, based on the materials expected real lifetime
ECO product: ECO product is a method for environmental assessment of building products with a
point of departure in an EPD. The method consists of a set of environmental parameters in the
environmental areas of:
- indoor climate
- substances hazardous to human health and the environment
- climate gas emissions
- resource consumption
The different areas are given marks and weighted together in an overall mark for each environmental
area. A product can be awarded the mark red (poor/unacceptable), white (average) or green (good)
within each of the four environmental areas. No summary mark is given for the product. The set of
criteria is freely available ( and may be used to assess all products that have an EPD
with supplemental information concerning their content of substances hazardous to human health and
the environment. It is also described in Byggforskserien nr 470.112 (SINTEF). Norsk Byggtjeneste
(Norwegian service-office run by the Norwegian building material industry) operates a database with
pre/evaluated products. This database is available through a subscription arrangement with Norsk
Reference Building: A similar building, constructed in accordance with current regulations, and with
conventional materials.. In emissions from a reference building is calculated
based on information of the building category and area.

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Mat 3 Re-use of facade


Guidance for the assessment of buildings where insulated cold storage units form an integral
part of the building fabric
Where the cold storage unit forms part of, or is integral to the external wall element:
As an external wall type the insulated units will be assessed in the Green Guide on the basis that it is a
normal temperature building without the extra insulation, so a standard thickness of insulation will be
considered. As such, the walls of the insulated unit should be treated as part of the external wall
element for the assessment of this BREEAM issue.
Where the cold storage unit forms part of, or is integral to a ceiling element:
As a roof element of the insulated unit, suspended ceilings are not included within the Green Guide.
Therefore, the roof of the insulated unit will be assessed as a standard construction from the deck
upwards, assuming a standard thickness of insulation. As such, the roof of the insulated unit should be
treated as part of the ceiling element for the assessment of this BREEAM issue.
Where the cold storage unit forms part of an internal wall element:
The insulated unit will be treated as meeting a very specific Functional Unit outside the scope of the
internal wall elements listed in the Green Guide. The wall to the insulated unit should therefore be
excluded from the assessment of the internal wall element.

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Mat 3 Re-use of facade

Issue Title

Minimum Standards




No. of credits



Mat 3 - Re-Use of Facade

To recognise and encourage the in-situ reuse of existing building faades.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. At least 50% of the total final building faade (by area) is reused.
2. At least 80% of the reused faade (by mass) comprises in-situ reused material.

Compliance Notes
New Build

New build schemes with retained faades provide a means of achieving the


Refurbishment projects are likely to achieve this credit without difficulty.

Extensions to
Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Fit Out only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

shell only assessments.
Issue not applicable for Fit Out only assessments

Curtain walling &


Where existing windows are being replaced they may be excluded from the
calculation of faade area; however, curtain walling counts as faade.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Mat 3 Re-use of facade



Drawings detailing:
The elevations of the existing and the
new-build faades.

Assessors building/site inspection

photographic evidence confirming:
The existence of the reused faade.

Calculations demonstrating:
The % of faade comprising in situ

As built drawings/calculations.

These calculations should be simply based

on the volume of each material and its
density, with totals compared for the new
and retained parts of the structure.


Written confirmation from the design team or

contractor of any changes to the specification
for the faade.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Faade: Any exposed building face, not just the front elevation. The definition excludes party walls.
In practice, reusing faades will often require extensive renovation and/or reinforcement, hence the
BREEAM requirement for at least 80% by mass of the reused faade to be in situ reused material.
Faades with new external cladding or internal lining therefore can gain this credit provided that this
criterion is met.

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Mat 4 Re-use of structure

Issue Title

Minimum Standards




No. of credits



Mat 4 - Re-Use of Structure

To recognise and encourage the reuse of existing structures that previously occupied the site.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

1. Where at least 80% by volume of an existing primary structure is reused without significant
strengthening or alteration works.

2. Where a project is part refurbishment and part new build, the reused structure comprises at least
50% by volume of the final building, i.e. any new build extension to a building being refurbished
should not be larger than the original building to qualify for this credit.

Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only
Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

the assessment of new build projects.
Refurbishment projects are likely to be the only buildings to achieve this credit.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell only assessments.
Issue not applicable for Fit out only assessments

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Mat 4 Re-use of structure


Drawings or design team calculations

The sections of the existing structure to
be reused.
Any parts of the structure to be
demolished and the total new structure.
Where appropriate, calculations
confirming any strengthening/alteration
are not deemed significant in terms of
the assessment criteria for the mass of
materials used.


As built drawings/calculations.
Written confirmation from the design team or
contractor of any changes to the structural

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Significant strengthening or alteration: Defined as where the mass of new material is equal to or
greater than 50% of the total mass of the reused structure.
Primary structure: Defined as structural floors, columns, beams, load bearing walls and foundations
i.e. where required for structural use by the new building.

BRE Global Ltd


Mat 6 Insulation

Issue Title




No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Mat 5 - Responsible Sourcing of Materials

To recognise and encourage the specification of responsibly sourced materials for key building
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
New Build and Major Refurbishment assessments
1. Up to 2 credits are available where evidence provided demonstrates that 80% of the applicable
materials (listed below) comprising each of the following building elements are responsibly sourced:

Structural Frame
Ground floor
Upper floors (including separating floors)
External walls
Internal walls

Applicable materials
Brick (including clay tiles and other ceramics)
Resin-based composites and materials, including GRP and polymeric render
Concrete (including in-situ and pre-cast concrete, blocks, tiles, mortars, cementious renders
Plastics and rubbers (including EPDM, TPO, PVC and VET roofing membranes including
polymeric renders)
Metals (steel, aluminium etc.)
Dressed or building stone including slate
Timber, timber composite and wood panels (including glulam, plywood, OSB, MDF, chipboard
and cement bonded particleboard)
Plasterboard and plaster
Insulation Materials
Bituminous materials, such as roofing membranes and asphalt
Other mineral-based materials, including fibre cement and calcium silicate
Products with recycled content
Note: Insulation materials, fixings, adhesives and additives are excluded from the assessment. For
any other materials that form a part of an applicable building element, but do not fit into the
applicable materials list or the exclusions list, please refer to BRE who will identify the relevant Key
Process and Supply Chain Process or Processes.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Mat 6 Insulation


2. Each applicable material is assigned to a responsible sourcing tier level based on the level and
scope of certification achieved by the material supplier(s)/manufacturer(s) (see Table 22
Responsible Sourcing Tier Levels and Criteria and Table 23 EMS Criteria Reference not found in
the additional guidance section).

3. Any non-certified timber used in the development comes from a legal source and is not included on
the CITES list (see definition for legally sourced timber).

Fit Out-only assessments

1. One credit is available where evidence provided demonstrates that 80% of the applicable materials
(listed below) comprising the following fit out elements are responsibly sourced:

External and internal doors
Any other significant use

Applicable materials
Brick (including clay tiles and other ceramics, mortar and plaster)
Resin-based composites and materials, including GRP and polymeric render
Concrete (including in-situ and pre-cast concrete, blocks, tiles, mortars, cementious renders
Plastics and rubbers (including EPDM, TPO, PVC and VET roofing membranes including
polymeric renders)
Metals (steel, aluminium etc.)
Dressed or building stone including slate
Timber, timber composite and wood panels (including glulam, plywood, OSB, MDF, chipboard
and cement bonded particleboard)
Plasterboard and plaster
Bituminous materials, such as roofing membranes and asphalt
Other mineral-based materials, including fibre cement and calcium silicate
Products with recycled content

2. Each applicable material is assigned to a responsible sourcing tier level based on the level and
scope of certification achieved by the material supplier(s)/manufacturer(s) (see Table 9.3: Tier
Levels and Compliance and Table 9.4 EMS criteria in the additional guidance section).

3. Any non-certified timber used in the development comes from a legal source and is not included on
the CITES list (see definition for legally sourced timber).

Exemplary level criteria

The following outlines the exemplary level criteria to achieve an innovation credit for this BREEAM
1. Where, in addition to the above criteria, 95% of the applicable materials, comprised within the
applicable building elements, have been responsibly sourced.

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Mat 6 Insulation


Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only
Fit Out-Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
In the case of a refurbishment assess the newly specified applicable and
reused materials (reused as defined below).
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell-only assessments.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
Fit Out-only assessments.

Building element
not present

Where an element is not present in a project (e.g. an assessment of a ground

floor of a building only and therefore no roof in the scope of the assessment),
the points for this/these element(s) will be redistributed by the calculator to
reward only the elements being assessed.

Reused in-situ

Materials reused in-situ can be excluded from the assessment. The aim of this
issue is to focus on the responsible sourcing of new specified materials.

Specified reused

Reused materials specified for the development e.g. recycled aggregates are
considered equivalent to materials covered by certification schemes that fall
within tier 1 of table9.3..

CITES list

CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species)

Appendices I and II of the CITES list illustrate species of timber that are
protected outright. Appendix III of the CITES list illustrates species that are
protected in at least one country. If a timber species used in the development
is on Appendix III it can be included as part of the assessment as long as the
timber is not obtained from the country(ies) seeking to protect this species (see
Additional Information for further details).
A Government licence e.g. UK Forestry Commission felling licence certificate,
does not comply as a third party timber certification scheme for this credit, but
can be used as evidence of legally sourced timber.

A Government
Pre or post
consumer waste

Where materials being assessed (including timber) are part of a pre- or postconsumer waste stream, the EMS sections of the credit can be applied for;
however, using an EMS scheme (ISO, EMAS etc.) for new timber does not
demonstrate timber certification and therefore does not qualify for any of these
BREEAM credits.

Checklist A5

Checklist A5 is contains information for the BREEAM assessor, including an

explanation of what is required for each of the responsible sourcing tiers.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Mat 6 Insulation

Design plan and/or specification confirming:

the location of elements and materials
Details of the materials specified.


As built drawings or as built specifications

confirming that the building has been
constructed in accordance with the design
stage drawings/specifications.
Copies of purchase orders or receipts or
certificate/letter of conformity for all applicable
materials, including those recycled or reused

A letter of intent from the design team
The product shall be sourced from
certification to the level required for the
particular tier claimed.

A copy of the CoC and/or BES6001 and/or

EMS (EMAS/ISO14001) certificate.

If the material has been ordered, supplied
or the supplier is known:

Purchase order from the supplier

including (as appropriate) Chain of
Custody (CoC) number and/or EPD
numbers and / or EMAS ISO 14001
certification number

A copy of other relevant certification


Written confirmation from the developer

confirming that:
All timber will come from a legal source
and one not on the CITES list*.
* Or in the case of Appendix III of the
CITES list, it has not been sourced from the
country seeking to protect this species as
listed in Appendix III.

Where any non-certified timber is used,

written confirmation from the supplier(s)
confirming that:
All timber comes from a legal source.
All timber species and sources used in
the development are not listed on any of
the CITES appendices for endangered or
threatened species (Appendix I, II, or III*).
* Or in the case of Appendix III of the
CITES list, it has not been sourced from the
country seeking to protect this species as
listed in Appendix III.

Additional Information
Calculation Procedure (by using the Mat 5 calculator (not necessary))
1. Choose from the list of options in the drop down box of the calculator the appropriate type of
assessment and press the select button.

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Mat 6 Insulation


2. Choose from the list of options in the drop down box the relevant BREEAM scheme and press the
select button (this selection ensures the appropriate generic specifications for the building types
are used).
3. For each element, select the number of different types of element you wish to enter in the relevant
drop down box and press the select button. If the element is not present select 0. Note: this will
adjust the points required benchmarks accordingly.
4. For each element, select the data type from the relevant drop down box. There are two or three
options depending on the element type, Generic specification, Volume or Percentage. Generic
specification is not available for all element types.
Generic Specification
a. Choose the specification from the relevant drop down box that matches the element
specification for the building. If more than one construction specification is present for an
element, select additional construction specifications from the list in element type 2, 3, 4 etc.
(see point 3 for adding additional types). If no specification matches, then the specification will
need to be assessed using one of the User Defined methods.
Based on the specification selected from the drop down list the material types and their
percentage will automatically be entered in the relevant cell of the material type and
percentage/volume of relevant materials present columns. The assessor can then enter the
percentage of each material that complies with either tier 1, 2, 3 or 4, as appropriate. At least
80% of the materials that make up an element type must comply with one or more of the tiers to
achieve any points for that element type.
User Defined - Volume
a. For all present elements, enter the names of the material types comprising each individual
element in the relevant cell of the column materials types.
b. Enter the volume of each individual material type in the relevant cell of the column titled
percentage/volume of relevant materials present.

Enter the total combined volume of the material types in the cell total volume of element

d. Enter the volume of each material that complies with either tier 1, 2, 3 or 4, as appropriate. At
least 80% of the total volume must comply with one or more of the tiers to achieve any points
for that element type.
User Defined - Percentage
a. For all present elements, enter the names of the material types comprising each individual
element in the relevant cell of the column materials types.
b. Enter the percentage of each individual material type (as a percentage of the whole element
type) in the relevant cell of the column titled percentage/volume of relevant materials present.

Enter the percentage of each material (as a percentage of the whole element type) that
complies with either tier 1, 2, 3 or 4, as appropriate. At least 80% of the materials that make up
an element type must comply with one or more of the tiers to achieve any points for that
element type.

a. A combination of generic and user defined data can be entered for any of the elements, simply
select the number of element types you wish to enter for an element (point 3) and follow the
above guidance.
3. Once all data has been entered correctly and in compliance with the criteria, the tool will calculate
the total number of points achieved and translate this into the number of credits awarded.

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Mat 6 Insulation


The following scale is used to award credits for new builds and major refurbishment projects:
a. 10 points
2 credits awarded
b. 5 points
1 credit awarded
The following scale is used to award credits for fit-out projects:
a. 10 points
1 credits awarded
Note: Where not all applicable elements are specified within the development, the number of points
required to credits available are re-allocated based on the number of elements that are specified.
Although only 80% of the materials in an element have to be assessed, it may be beneficial to
include even small percentages of materials that are in the higher tiers.

BRE Global Ltd


Mat 6 Insulation

Table 9.3 Responsible Sourcing Tier Levels and Criteria

Tier level
Issue assessed
Evidence /
available per measure
Legality &

Legality &
Legality &

Legality &



scheme/ EMS


Examples of compliant
ISO 14001 certified for the Key
Process and Supply Chain.
Wood: FSC, CSA, SFI with

Timber: MTCC, Verified**,

Other materials: Certified EMS
(e.g. ISO 1401/EMAS) for the
Key Process and/or Supply
Recycled Materials with
certified EMS for the Key


Certified EMS for key process


Where any timber is used, it must be legally sourced. Where evidence cannot be provided to
demonstrate legal sourcing for any element, no points can be awarded for the Responsible Sourcing
Where new in situ concrete (not existing concrete) is used, certification of the manufacture of the
cement as the primary process, extraction of the aggregate and limestone used to make the cement
as well as supply chain processes to be provided.
Tier level 4 may give credit if some part of the production face is certified, even if the whole
production face is not certified.
** Verified is the name of a scheme produced by SmartWood.

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Mat 6 Insulation


Table 9.4 EMS Criteria

Brick (including clay tiles and other
materials (including GRP and
polymeric render but excluding
timber based composites)
In situ Concrete (including ready
mix and cemetitious mortars and
concrete products (including blocks,
cladding, precast flooring, concrete
or cementitious roof tiles)

Key Process
Product Manufacture

Supply chain processes

Clay Extraction

Composite product manufacture

Glass fibre production (or other

principle matrix material)
Polymer production

Ready mixed concrete plant

Cement production
Cement production

Plastics and rubbers (including

polymeric renders, EPDM, TPO,
PVC and VET roofing membranes)

Plastic/rubber product manufacture

Metals (steel, aluminium etc)

Metal Product manufacture - e.g.

cladding production, steel section

Dressed or building stone (including

Plasterboard and plaster

Stone product manufacture

Virgin timber

Timber from certified sources

Cement Bonded Particle Board

Due to the significant cement

content, in addition to requiring
timber certification, the key supply
chain process must also be
considered to obtain the relevant
tier: Timber from certified sources

Wood panel and wood based

composite products such as
Oriented Strand Board, plywood,
HPL, chipboard/particle, glulam,
Bituminous materials, such as
roofing membranes and asphalt

Wood products, including those

with recycled content, can only use
the Timber Certification route

Other mineral-based materials,

including fibre cement and calcium

Product manufacture

Products with 100% recycled

Products with lower % of recycled

Product manufacture

Any other product

Key processes is likely to be

product manufacture

Excluded products:
adhesives, additives

BRE Global Ltd

Concrete product manufacture

Glass production



Product manufacture

Product manufacture





Sand extraction
Soda Ash production or extraction
Main polymer production

Metal production:
Steel: Electric arc furnace or Basic
oxygen furnace process,
Aluminium, ingot production,
Stone extraction
Gypsum extraction
Synthetic gypsum (from flue gas
(recycled content)
Timber from certified sources
Cement production
Timber from certified sources

Bitumen production
Cement production
lime production
other mineral extraction
Recycled input by default



Supply chain process/processes for

any virgin material in the relevant
product type above.
Recycled input by default
1 or 2 main inputs with significant
production or extraction impacts
should be identified


Mat 6 Insulation


Timber and Environmental Management Schemes (EMS)

Where an Environmental management scheme is used to assess products made from recycled timber,
100% of the timber content must be recycled or sourced from one of the recognised timber certification
schemes in Table 21 Responsible Souring Tier Levels and Criteria. A timber product with 50% recycled
timber and 50% legally sourced timber will not comply with the criteria and will not be awarded any
Using an EMS for new timber does not demonstrate timber certification and therefore does not qualify
for points.
Calculation procedure: Post Construction/Post Fit Out stage
1. Check that the As Built construction matches that proposed at design stage (see Schedule of
Evidence). Where there are any differences in the specification, obtain the relevant volumes and/ or
percentages of materials for each element that differs.
2. Obtain the relevant confirmation of tier certification for post construction stage (see Schedule of
Evidence) for all materials, from all sources/suppliers.
3. Confirm and/or re-assign a tier level to each material based on the level of certification provided
(see Table 21 Responsible Sourcing Tier Levels and Criteria and Information Required to
Demonstrate Compliance).

Chain of Custody
This is a process used to maintain and document the chronological history of the evidence/path for
products from forests to consumers. Wood must be tracked from the certified forest to the finished
product. All the steps, from transporting wood from the forest to a sawmill, until it reaches the customer,
must maintain adequate inventory control systems that allow for separation and identification of the
certified product. Chain-of-custody certification ensures that a facility has procedures in place to track
wood from certified forests and avoid confusing it with non-certified wood. Chain-of-custody is
established and audited according to relevant forest certification systems rules.
Third party certification process
Auditable third party
issuing body
(e.g. Soil
Association, BM
Trada, CTB,



standards setting

A certificate
issued with
CoC number

Timber certification process

CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora (extract
taken from the CITES website)
CITES works by subjecting international trade in specimens of selected species to certain controls. All
import, export, re-export and introduction from the sea of species covered by the Convention has to be
authorized through a licensing system. Each Party to the Convention must designate one or more
Management Authorities in charge of administering that licensing system and one or more Scientific
Authorities to advise them on the effects of trade on the status of the species.
The species covered by CITES are listed in , according to the degree of
protection they need.

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Mat 6 Insulation


1. Appendix I includes species threatened with extinction. Trade in specimens of these species is
permitted only in exceptional circumstances.
2. Appendix II includes species not necessarily threatened with extinction, but in which trade must be
controlled in order to avoid utilization incompatible with their survival.
3. Appendix III contains species that are protected in at least one country, which has asked other
CITES Parties for assistance in controlling the trade.
Calculation of Timber Volumes
a. Most of the information on areas, lengths and volumes of timber will be available from the
component manufacturers or estimator, who should provide a detailed breakdown of quantities of
b. In order to calculate the volume of wood in timber frame windows, the total length of frame must be
obtained. This can then be converted to a volume by multiplying the length of frame on fixed
windows by 0.00653 and the length of frame on opening windows by 0.01089.

In order to calculate the volume of timber in composite timber doors such as a flush door, calculate
the total area of all doors summed over the whole building and multiply this by 0.02187 (this factor
gives the total volume of timber in the doors and frames).

Relevant Definitions
Composite material: can be defined as an engineered material made from two or more constituent
materials with significantly different physical or chemical properties and which remain separate and
distinct on a macroscopic level within the finished structure. Resin based composites such as GRP and
polymeric render and timber composites such as Chipboard/Particleboard, MDF, OSB, plywood,
hardboard, laminated veneered lumber, glulam and cement bonded particleboard are all required to be
assessed for responsible sourcing.
Frame: The frame is any of the main structural elements that are not included in the roof, external walls
and floors. For example, timber or metal studwork within a plasterboard partition would be included
within the internal walls, and timber joists would be included within the floor construction.
Where a concrete or steel frame is used, this would be treated as the Frame as it would not be integral
to the internal walls for example.
Key Processes: the final major aspects of processing that are carried out. There may be a single
process or multiple processes requiring assessment, depending on the end product. The criteria for
each of the assessed materials are detailed in Table 22 EMS Criteria.
Legally Sourced Timber: legal timber and wood derived products are those which originate from a
forest where the following criteria are met:
1. The forest owner/manager holds legal use rights to the forest.
2. There is compliance by both the forest management organisation and any contractors with local
and national legal criteria including those relevant to:
a. Forest management
b. Environment
c. Labour and welfare
d. Health & safety
e. Other parties tenure and use rights
3. All relevant royalties and taxes are paid.
4. There is compliance with the criteria of CITES.
Relevant documentation demonstrating the above must be provided or made available on request
subject to the availability of such materials in the country concerned. Certification from any of the timber
certification schemes identified in tiers 1, 2 and 4 for this credit demonstrate legally sourced timber.

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Mat 6 Insulation


Pre-consumer waste stream: Waste material generated during manufacturing processes. Excluded is
reutilisation of materials such as rework, regrind or scrap generated in a process and capable of being
reclaimed within the same process that generated it.
Post-consumer waste stream: Waste material generated by households or by commercial, industrial
and institutional facilities in their role as end-users of the product, which can no longer be used for its
intended purpose. This includes returns of material from the distribution chain.
Responsible Sourcing: Demonstrated through auditable third party certification schemes.
Reused materials: Materials that can be extracted from the waste stream and used again without
further processing, or with only minor processing, that does not alter the nature of the material (e.g.
cleaning, cutting, fixing to other materials).
Recycled Material: Materials diverted from the pre-consumer and/or post-consumer waste streams
that require significant processing before they can be used again. For further information please see
Calculating and declaring recycled content in construction products, Rules of Thumb Guide (WRAP,

Supply Chain EMS: covers all of the major aspects of processing and extraction involved in the supply
chain for the end product. Note that recycled materials are not required to demonstrate a Supply Chain
EMS. If EMS certification is provided for the Key Processes for recycled materials, this is assumed by
Small Company: A company is defined as small if it satisfies at least two of the following criteria:
a. A turnover of not more than 10 million;
b. 50 employees or fewer.
This is based on the definition stated in the European Directive 2003/361/CE.
Tier levels a graded scale to reflect the rigour of the certification scheme used to demonstrate
responsible sourcing, forming the basis for awarding points (all as detailed in Table 21 Responsible
Sourcing Tier Levels and Criteria).

BRE Global Ltd 2009

Mat 7 Designing for robustness


Issue Title




No. of credits


Minimum Standards


Mat 7 - Designing for Robustness

To recognise and encourage adequate protection and robustness of exposed parts of the building and
landscape, therefore minimising the frequency of use of replacement materials.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

It has identified the parts of the building that is exposed to moisture damage and specified suitable
durability and protection measures to prevent damage caused by moisture. This must include, but
are not necessarily limited to:
a. protect structural components from rain and other moisture-both in the construction and
operation phase
b. use of materials that resist high moisture content in the structural parts that are difficult
to protect
c. conduct life considerations for vulnerable structural components


Internal and external areas of the building where vehicular, trolley and pedestrian movement occur
have been identified.


Suitable durability and protection measures or design features have been specified to prevent
damage to the vulnerable parts of these building areas from such traffic. This must include, but is
not necessarily limited to:
a. Protection from the effects of high pedestrian traffic in main entrances, public areas and
thoroughfares (corridors, lifts, stairs, doors etc).
b. Protection against any internal vehicular/trolley movement within 1m of the internal building
fabric in storage, delivery, corridor and kitchen areas.
c. Protection against, or prevention from, any potential vehicular collision where vehicular
parking and manoeuvring occurs within 1m of the external building faade for all car
parking areas and within 2m for all delivery areas.

BRE Global Ltd

Mat 7 Designing for robustness



Compliance Notes
New Build

Extensions to
Shell Only
Fit Out Only
measures- and

Vehicle Impact

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

the assessment of new build projects.
Where the assessment is of a refurbished building on an existing site then the
criteria apply to the areas that form a part of the works or hard landscape for
that building.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell only assessments.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
fit out only assessments.
Suitable durability and protection measures to vulnerable parts of the building
can include:
Eaves of weather resistant materials
Do not wet the exposed materials in facades and other surfaces exposed to
driving rain, drips and other vrbelastning
Protection of structural components from moisture during the construction
Bollards/barriers/raised kerbs to delivery and vehicle drop-off areas
Robust external wall construction, up to 2m high
Protection rails to walls of corridors
Kick plates/impact protection (from trolleys etc) on doors
Hard-wearing and easily washable floor finishes in heavily used circulation
areas (i.e. main entrance, corridors, public areas etc)
Any vehicle impact protection measures specified must be positioned at an
adequate distance from the building to protect the fabric from impact from any
vehicle with a measurable overhang of the body from the wheel track, in
particular for any goods delivery areas.
In vehicle movement areas only; where the specification of external robust wall
construction is specified to comply with the credit, additional protection must
be provided to ensure against potential damage to the robust faade from
vehicle movement, i.e. specifying bollards or protection rails.

Public / Common

Sales areas

Consideration should be given to robust materials specification in

public/common areas (especially public waiting areas and toilet areas) to
provide protection against potential malicious or physical abuse in as far as it
is possible
In any sales areas, where customer goods trolleys will be used, protection
must be provided to vulnerable parts of the building (such as glass curtain
walling etc.) within 1m of trolley movement.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

Design drawings marked up to illustrate:

Vulnerable areas/parts of the

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
Vulnerable areas of the building

BRE Global Ltd 2009

Mat 7 Designing for robustness


Design drawings and/or specification

The durability and protection
measures specified.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions

BRE Global Ltd


The durability measures in-situ and

protection measures.

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Wst 1 Construction Site Waste Management


10.0 Waste
Issue Title





No. of credits

Minimum Standards


Wst 1 - Construction Site Waste Management

To promote resource efficiency via the effective and appropriate management of construction site
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
First credit
1. Where a Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) see definition in the Additional Information
section - has been developed and implemented in accordance with Checklist A15a.
2. In addition to the above, sites with existing buildings that will be refurbished or demolished, where
demolition forms a part of the principal contractors works contract, must comply with the following:
a. Completed a pre-demolition/pre-refurbishment audit of the existing building to determine if,
in the case of demolition, refurbishment is feasible and, if not, to maximise the recovery of
material from demolition or refurbishment for subsequent high-grade/value applications.
The audit must be referenced in the SWMP and cover:
i. Identification of the key refurbishment/demolition materials.
ii. Potential applications and any related issues for the reuse and recycling of the key
refurbishment and demolition materials.
iii. Identification of hazardous wastes and the preparation of environmental description
according TEK 10, 9-7 of the existing building (is it to be demolished / renovated.
Refer to and disposal information page "Waste management in the
construction business"
Second credit
1. The first credit has been achieved.
2. Targets are set to reduce waste generated on site to not less than 60 wightpercent. These should
be reported and justified as part of the SWMP implementation and on completion.
3. At least three key waste groups have waste reduction potential at Design stage (Checklist A15b).
These should be reviewed throughout the construction process as part of implementing SWMP,
and results reported in the SWMP on completion.

Third credit

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Wst 1 Construction Site Waste Management

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

1. At least three key waste groups or the minimum required by local regulations plus one, whichever is
the most onerous, are identified for diversion from landfill at pre-construction stage SWMP and
Checklist A15b has been completed accordingly.
2. Waste is sorted accordingly, either on site or offsite through a licensed external contractor where
separation on the construction site is not feasible.
3. This should be quantified and reviewed during the construction phase and reported in the SWMP
upon collection.
4. In addition, where there is already a national mandatory requirement to recover all waste, or where
the national C&D waste recovery rate is more than 85 %,
a. The first and second credits have been achieved.
b. All waste arising on site are identified for diversion from landfill at pre-construction stage.
Exemplary level criteria
The following outlines the exemplary level criteria to achieve an innovation credit for this BREEAM
1. All three credits have been achieved.
2. All key waste groups are identified for diversion from landfill at pre-construction stage SWMP.
3. At least five key waste groups have waste reduction potential at Design stage (Checklist A15b).
These should be reviewed throughout the construction process as part of implementing SWMP,
and results reported in the SWMP on completion.
4. At least five key waste groups or the minimum required by local regulations plus three, whichever is
the most onerous, are identified for diversion from landfill at pre-construction stage SWMP and
Checklist A15b has been completed accordingly.
5. More than 90% of waste from construction phase is recycled and / or reused
Buildings complying with the exemplary level criteria would therefore achieve four credits for this issue.

BRE Global Ltd

Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

BREEAM Europe Commercialnew-build
Wst 1 Construction Site Waste Management 263
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
Extensions to

If the building is part refurbishment part new-build extension then the whole
building must be used to determine compliance with this issue. For
assessments of extensions to existing buildings, where only the extension is
being assessed, it is the extension only that must comply.

Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

shell-only assessments.

Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

fit-out-only assessments.

efficiency targets

The objective of the second credit is to encourage developers and contractors

to minimise the amount of waste arising on site through the definition and
regular review of target benchmarks. BRE Global will not advice on the targets
as these must be set according to best practice and will depend on the type of
waste and the opportunities for reuse on site. Review of the amount of waste
arising on previous projects and national best practice guidelines should be
used wherever possible.
The BREEAM-NOR assessor shall demonstrate in the assessment report how
those targets have been set.

Key waste

Please refer to for further

information and indicative benchmarks by project type used in the UK.
The following is the best Norwegian reference: Avfallhpndtering p
Targets for waste minimisation during the construction process can also be set
using the Construction Excellences Environmental performance indicator
benchmarks (see
A pre-demolition/pre-refurbishment audit should be carried out using an
appropriate methodology.
Norges Miljvernforbund / GRIP-senter have developed a guidance to
environmental demolition, that might be used, in the absence of other relevant
For the purposes of the second credit, waste groups with a reduction potential
should be defined in accordance with the key waste groups defined in the
European Waste Catalogue (please see Checklist A15b for the exact list).
For the purposes of the third credit however, different types of waste may be
grouped together in order to be recovered, e.g. concrete and bricks may be
crushed together to produce recycled aggregates where this is supported by
national/regional waste management regulation/policy/practice. Therefore,
waste groups identified for diversion from landfill might be different to those
listed in the European Waste Catalogue. In order for the credit to be awarded,
distinct end recovery products should be identified.

Segregation of
hazardous waste

Hazardous waste should be segregated on at source, to avoid contaminating

non-hazardous waste streams. This is standard practice across Europe and
therefore no credit will be awarded for segregating hazardous waste.

Limited site
space for
segregation and

Where space on site is too limited to allow waste materials to be segregated, a

waste contractor may be used to separate and process recyclable materials off
site. Similarly, manufacturers take-back schemes could also be used. Where
this is the case, sufficient documentary evidence must be produced which
demonstrates that segregation of materials is carried out to the agreed levels
and that materials are reused/recycled as appropriate.
Any waste management operation that diverts a Construction & Demolition
waste material from the waste stream and which results in productive use, will
be considered as acceptable for the purposes of the third credit. Acceptable
routes are as follows;
Reused on site (in-situ or for new applications)
Reused on other sites
Salvaged/reclaimed for reuse
BRE Global Ltd 2009
Returned to the supplier via a take-back scheme
Recovered from site by a licensed external contractor and recycled.

Diversion from


Wst 1 Construction Site Waste Management

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

A copy of the compliant Site Waste

appropriate benchmarks, commitments
and procedures.

A copy of the SWMP summary datasheets or

equivalent monitoring records/report and
completed final copy of Checklist A15a if
different from design stage confirming:
The total waste arising for the
Comparison of the total waste arising
against the benchmark

First credit

Where relevant, a copy of the predemolition/pre-refurbishment audit.

A copy of the specification clause that:
Requires the principal contractor to
produce a SWMP in line with the
Contains the detailed criteria with
respect to procedures to be included
in the SWMP
Where relevant, requires the principal
contractor to carry out a predemolition/pre-refurbishment audit.

Where relevant, a copy of the predemolition/pre-refurbishment audit.

A letter from the client or their
representative containing:
Confirmation that the specification will
contain a clause on site waste
management criteria.
An outline of the detailed criteria that
will be included in that specification
AND in all cases
A copy of the completed Checklist A15a
Second credit
2, 3

Evidence (as outlined above) confirming

compliance with the second credit.
A copy of the specification clause or site
Detail of the key waste groups
Targets for waste minimisation
An outline of the procedures to
minimise waste

Evidence (as outlined above) confirming

compliance with the second credit.
A copy of the SWMP summary datasheets or
The total waste arising for the
development and for the defined key
waste groups,
Comparison of the total waste arising
against the benchmark

A letter from the client or their
representative containing:
Detailed requirements with respect to
waste minimisation target(s) and

BRE Global Ltd

Completed final copy of Checklist A15b if

different from design stage

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009


Wst 1 Construction Site Waste Management





AND in all cases

A copy of the completed Checklist A15b
Third credit and exemplary level requirement

A copy of the specification or procedure

Detail of the key waste groups
Reuse/recycling procedures
Where relevant, letter from the licensed
external contractor confirming:

Segregation of materials is carried

out to the correct standards and that
materials are reused/recycled as

Monitoring records/report confirming:

Quantities of waste by groupings
Amount and proportion of waste arising
that was reused, recycled and landfilled
reused/recycled materials.
In addition, where there is already a national
mandatory requirement to recover all waste,
or where the national C&D waste recovery
rate is more than 80%:
Evidence (as outlined above) confirming
compliance with the first and second credits.

A letter from the client or their

representative containing:
Confirmation that the specification will
contain a clause on sorting
construction waste.
Detailed requirements with respect to
recycling benchmarks and target(s)
Reuse/recycling procedures
specification subject and indicates

solution for the recovery of more

than 90%.

Evidence (as outlined above)

confirming compliance with the first
and second credits.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
European Waste Catalogue: list of wastes that has been produced by the EU to standardise the
description of waste across Europe and to enable waste to be recorded, monitored and controlled more
Significant Majority: Defined as meeting at least the percentages required within the issue compliance
section of this manual.
Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP): SWMP aims to promote resource efficiency and to prevent
illegal waste activities. Resource efficiency includes minimising waste at source and ensuring that
clients, designers and principal contractors assess the use, reuse and recycling of materials and
products on and off the site. BREEAM does not require targets to be met but is encouraging the
process of setting, monitoring and reporting against targets.
The implementation of a Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) can help manage the site construction
waste produced. A SWMP consists of a combination of commitments to:

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Wst 1 Construction Site Waste Management

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

a. design out waste

b. reduce waste generated on site
c . develop and implement procedures to sort and reuse/recycle construction waste on and off site
(as applicable).
A Site Waste Management Plan should typically include the following features;
Identify who is responsible for producing the SWMP and ensuring that it is followed. They should
have sufficient authority to ensure that others comply with the SWMP.
Identify the types and estimated quantities of waste that will be produced at all stages of the work
Identify waste management options including reference to the waste hierarchy (reduce, re-use,
recycle), on- and off-site options, paying particular attention to arrangements for identifying and
managing any hazardous wastes produced.
Identify waste management sites and contractors for all wastes that require them. Ensure that the
contracts are in place, emphasising compliance with any legal responsibilities that may exist.
Set targets and procedures for monitoring progress.
Confirmation is required that the sites construction waste is being monitored.
Measure how much waste and what types of waste are produced. These figures should be
recorded on an established system such as SmartWaste
Data obtained from measuring and monitoring site construction waste can then be used to check
performance against targets and benchmarks, analyse the effectiveness of any solutions implemented
and strive for continual improvement.
SMARTWaste Plan ( is a free web-based tool for preparing, implementing and
reviewing a SWMP. This tool includes an integrated waste measurement tool which is aligned to
defined waste groups. SMARTWaste Plan will manage all aspects of creating SWMPs and measuring
waste generated on projects. Templates are available to meet the BREEAM credits and can also be
downloaded. The tool includes online waste measurement, industry waste benchmarks. A carbon
calculator and economic assessment of waste will also be added.
UK construction waste benchmarks
The following benchmarks used have been derived from BRE's SMARTWaste system and through a
DEFRA-funded project for predicting construction waste and are updated annually. The benchmarks
are based on real-life data and have been subject to a number of statistical and logical tests. The
benchmarks used apply to actual volume, and standard conversion factors have been used for
tonnages from the Environment Agency.
For more information on these benchmarks and to break them down by project type, please go to

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Issue Title


Minimum Standards





No. of credits

Wst 2 Recycled aggregates


Wst 2 - Recycled Aggregates

To recognise and encourage the use of recycled and secondary aggregates in construction, thereby
reducing the demand for virgin material.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. Where the amount of recycled and secondary aggregate specified is over 25% (by weight or
volume) of the total high-grade aggregate uses for the building. Such aggregates can be EITHER:
a. Obtained on site OR
b. Obtained from waste processing site(s) within a 30km radius of the site or from a higher
distance but transported by rail or water to the construction site; the source will be
principally from construction, demolition and excavation waste (CD&E) this includes road
planings OR
c. Secondary aggregates obtained from a non-construction post-consumer or post-industrial
by-product source (see Compliance Notes).

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Wst 2 Recycled aggregates

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only

Fit Out Only


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
The credit available for this issue can be awarded automatically where no new
aggregate is being used. Potentially the case in most refurbishments.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell-only assessments. Where the shell and fit-out phases of the building are
awarded to two different contractors, only the contractor of the shell and core
phase should be assessed.
Issue not applicable for Fit-Out-only assessments
Recognised non-construction post-consumer or post-industrial by-products
China clay waste
Slate overburden
Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA)
Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS)
Air-cooled blast furnace slag
Steel slag
Furnace bottom ash (FBA)
Incinerator bottom ash
Foundry sands
Recycled glass
Recycled plastic
Spent oil shale
Colliery spoil
Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Residues
By-products should not be in conflict with the EU's Framework Directive on
Waste, Article 5, 1d

Schedule of Evidence Required


BRE Global Ltd

Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

A copy of the relevant specification or

contract clause confirming:
Recycled and secondary aggregate use
criteria for the project.
A letter from the design team or main
contractor confirming:
The source of recycled/secondary
The amount and quality required can be
obtained from this source.

Wst 2 Recycled aggregates


demonstrating the weight/volume of:
Total high grade aggregate used.
aggregates used.
Third party documentation as follows:
Delivery notes for all recycled and secondary
aggregates confirming:
Source of recycled/secondary aggregate.
A letter or email from the aggregate/
concrete supplier confirming that:
The aggregate supplied and used was
from a recycled/secondary source
Source of recycled/secondary aggregate.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
High Grade aggregate uses are considered to be:
Structural frame;
Floor slabs including ground floor slabs;
Bitumen or hydraulically bound base, binder, and surface courses for paved areas and roads.
Asphalt-based or similar road surfaces
Granular fill and capping
Pipe bedding
Sub bases/building foundations
Gravel landscaping. and are separate
link for building and construction waste. In addition, the National Action Plan for Construction and
demolition waste which provides several examples of how recycled and reclaimed aggregates can be
used. Crushed masonry used as fillers in regular outdoor struc, is not considered to be high quality.
This practice is common at construction sites because of the costs associated with disposal. If the
national building regulations restrict the use of recycled aggregates in concrete, this applies to typical
use of the bound aggregates as described above. If this also applies to the unfettered use, please
contact NGBC for further guidance.
Pre-consumer waste stream: Waste material generated during manufacturing processes. Excluded is
reutilisation of materials such as rework, regrind or scrap generated in a process and capable of being
reclaimed within the same process that generated it.
Post-consumer waste stream: Waste material generated by households or by commercial, industrial
and institutional facilities in their role as end-users of the product, which can no longer be used for its
intended purpose. This includes returns of material from the distribution chain.

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Wst 2 Recycled aggregates

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Recycled aggregates: are those derived from reprocessing materials previously used in construction,
e.g. crushed concrete or masonry from construction and demolition waste material.
Secondary aggregates: By-products of industrial processes that can be processed to produce
secondary aggregates. Secondary Aggregates are sub-divided into manufactured and natural,
depending on their source.

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BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

No. of credits

Wst 3 Recyclable waste storage





Issue Title


Minimum Standards


Wst 3 - Recyclable Waste Storage

To recognise the provision of dedicated storage facilities for a buildings operational-related recyclable
waste streams, so that such waste is diverted from landfill or incineration.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. A dedicated storage space to cater for recyclable materials generated by the building during
occupation, compliant with the following:
a. Clearly labelled for recycling
b. Placed within accessible reach of the building (see Compliance Notes)
c. In a location with good vehicular access to facilitate collections.
2. The size of the space allocated must be adequate to store the likely volume of recyclable materials
generated by the buildings occupants/operation. Whilst a fixed area cannot always be given, the
following must be complied with as a minimum:
a. At least 2m per 1000m of net floor area for buildings <5000m
b. A minimum of 10m for buildings 5000 m
c. An additional 2m per 1000m of net floor area where catering is provided (with an
additional minimum of 10m for buildings 5000m ).
d. The area set aside must be used to sort and store at least 6 different types of recyclable
materials in accordance with local requirements for the collection methods for waste:
a. Paper
b. Cardboard
c. Plastic (including plastic)
d. Other packaging materials (not listed above)
e. Glass
f. Metal
g. Batteries
h. Wood
i. Fluorescent
j. Plant Oils
k. Mineral oils, food waste
l. Electronic and electrical waste
m. Textiles
n. Printers and Toners
o. Other recyclable waste that can be treated.
Education can obtain a second credit if:
It is a policy to recycling / recovery and a procedure that is used or will be in use when the building is
completed. As a minimum, this cover:

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Wst 3 Recyclable waste storage

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

a. Cover point d. above

b. Where there is composting facilities, the policy covering the collection of compost unless the
compost can be used on site.

a. The space provided should allow a hardstanding area that is adequate to enable the
occupier to recycle materials from the operational area(s) effectively PLUS
b. At least 2m per 1000m of net office floor area for buildings <5000m ; a minimum of 10m
for buildings 5000m
c. The dedicated space must cater for the separation and storage of the following types of
recyclable materials (where generated by the end user) in accordance with the local waste
collection scheme requirements:
Electronic and electrical waste
Other process related recyclable waste.

a. The space is sized according to the number and area of retail units that it will serve and the
predicted volumes of waste that will arise from those areas.
b. The dedicated space must cater for the separation and storage of a minimum of 6 different
types of recyclable materials in accordance with the local waste collection scheme
requirements, these may include:
Plastics (including packaging film)
Other packaging materials (not covered above)
Glass (segregated into brown, green and clear glass)
Fluorescent lamps
Vegetable oils
Mineral oils
Electronic and electrical waste
Food waste
Other process related recyclable waste.
Note: For assessments of building/units for service providers please refer to the Compliance

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BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Wst 3 Recyclable waste storage


Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only
Fit Out Only

Accessible reach
of the building

Inside storage

buildings with an
unknown end

buildings separate storage
areas for office
and operational
consisting of
small units
Shopping centres
& retail parks

for service

Recycling Bins
Internal storage

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
Where there are facilities within the existing building, these can be used to
assess compliance. The scope of these facilities must be adequate to cater for
the total volume of predicted waste from the new and existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell-only assessments.
Where the assessment stakeholder is a site-based tenant, who occupies a
unit/floor within a larger development and uses central or common storage
facilities (provided for by a landlord), then such facilities can be used to assess
Typically accessible reach is defined in BREEAM as within 20m of a building
entrance. In some circumstances, depending on the size of the building, site
restrictions or tenancy arrangements, it may not be possible to meet a 20m
requirement. If it is the opinion of the assessor that it is not feasible to meet
this 20m requirement then they can use their judgement to determine if the
facility is in an easily accessible location for building occupants and vehicle
collection and to state their reasons in the assessment report.
Storage areas for recyclable waste may be located inside the building where
there are site restrictions as long as all the BREEAM requirements are met,
and in particular the area remains in a location with good vehicular access.
This supposes that if collections were to be done at night, access to the
building will still be granted.
Where the end occupier is not known, the space provided for recyclable waste
arising from the operational area cannot be assessed. Therefore, the BREEAM
International assessor should check that a hardstanding area for at least one
standard 8 cubic yard skip (for units with an operational area of <1000m ) and
two standard 8 cubic yard skips (for units with an operational area 1000m )
has been provided as a minimum in addition to the space required for the
office space.
The space for storage of recyclable materials from the office and operational
areas does not necessarily have to be a combined space. This is of particular
importance for larger buildings where a combined storage area may result in
that area not meeting the requirement for accessibility from either the office or
operational building areas.

For a building/unit consisting of a number of small units, each 200m floor

area, shared facilities that meet the above criteria for the building as a whole
are sufficient to achieve this credit, subject to a minimum of 2m for operational
waste per unit.
For shopping centres and retail parks there must be adequate space to cater
for each tenant and their potential recyclable waste volumes. Tenants that
occupy a large proportion of the centre, i.e. Flagship tenants, must have their
own dedicated compliant facilities. For smaller non-flagship tenant units,
compliant central or common facilities on site or dedicated spaces for
individual units will meet the assessment criteria for this BREEAM issue.
For service providers, e.g. banks or post offices, the types of recyclable waste
streams are likely to be limited, in the main, to paper and packaging. The
scope of recyclable materials catered for and size of the space criteria should
therefore match the scope of recyclable materials and volume. As a general
rule there must be at least 2m per 1000m of net floor area or at least 10m for
buildings with net floor area greater than 5,000m .
Individual recycling bins located at convenient locations throughout the
building are necessary to maximise recycling rates. On their own, however,
these are not sufficient to obtain this credit.
BRE Global Ltd 2009
Where the facilities are situated internally, vehicular gate heights/widths and
manoeuvring and loading space must be sized correctly to ensure ease of
access for vehicles collecting recyclable materials.


Wst 3 Recyclable waste storage

General waste

Local waste

Policy of

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

The area for recyclable waste storage must be provided in addition to the
facilities commonly provided for dealing with general waste and other waste
management facilities, e.g. compactors and balers, but do not necessarily
need to be in separate locations.
The types of recyclable materials listed in the BREEAM criteria should be
separated wherever possible. However, the local waste collection scheme may
set different segregation requirements in line with the waste management
company procedures that may conflict with the BREEAM criteria. In that
instance, the BREEAM International assessor must provide evidence
demonstrating that the separation and storage of waste is in compliance with
the local waste collection scheme and that all other BREEAM requirements
have been met.
The documentation has to be given by responsible manger, constructer and/or
authorized person.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


Marked-up building/site plan and/or copy of

the specification confirming:
The location of the dedicated recyclable
storage area
Storage area for general waste
The area (m ) of the storage space(s)
Description of the labelling.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
The location, size and capacity of the
storage provision
Labelling of the dedicated facilities.

Where applicable, information from the local

waste collection scheme confirming the types
of recyclable materials to be separated and
Pre-Schools, schools & sixth form only
A copy of the schools recycling policy and
documentation outlining
the recycling

Pre-Schools, schools & sixth form only

Assessors building/site inspection and
photographic evidence confirming:
Recycling procedures are operational in
accordance with the policy.

A written commitment from the school, or
relevant authorising body, to develop and
implement a recycling policy and appropriate
operational procedures.

BRE Global Ltd

A written commitment from the school to

develop and implement a recycling policy
and appropriate operational procedures.

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Wst 3 Recyclable waste storage


Additional Information
Relevant Definitions
Flagship or anchor tenant: The largest and primary tenant within a retail development, typically
department store-type retailers.
The following footprint dimensions can act as a guide when determining size and accessibility criteria
for the recyclable storage space:

Compactor dimensions: about the size of one car parking bay; 4.8 x 2.4m
Skip: The footprint of an 8 and 12 cubic yard skip measures 3.4m x 1.8m, therefore allow a
minimum of 2.0m width and 4.0m length or 8m area for the storage and access of such containers
Wheeled bins: 360 litre = 0.86m x 0.62 / 660L= 1.2m x 0.7m / 1100L = 1.28m x 0.98m
Roll-on-roll-off containers: allow a minimum of 6.1m x 2.4m.
Vehicle access: The following are dimensions for lorry types that are typically used to collect
waste. Therefore gate height/widths should not be smaller than these measurements:
o Dustcart: medium capacity; length = 7.4m Height = 4m width 3.1m
o Skip lorry: length = 7m Height = 3.35m width 3.1m

Consideration must also be given to any other types of vehicle requiring access to this area, e.g. lorries
for roll on/off containers.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Wst 4 Compactor / Baler

No. of credits

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009





Issue Title

Minimum Standards


Wst 4 - Compactor / Baler

To recognise and encourage the provision of facilities which enable efficient and hygienic waste sorting
and storage.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance (education - Higher Education buildings only):
1. A static waste compactor or baler is installed and situated in a service area or dedicated waste
management space.
2. At least one water outlet and necessary water drainage facilities are provided for each waste
sorting and/or storing facility.
3. The recyclable waste storage criteria of BREEAM issue WST 3 have been met.

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Wst 4 Compactor / Baler


Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
existing buildings

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Shell Only

For speculative developments where the end user is not known, the actual
installation of a compacter or baler is not required, but a dedicated space for
such an installation must be provided and evident on the site plan. This space
must meet the following criteria:
a. Provide a suitable concrete standing for installation
b. A three phase power supply
c. Accessible for vehicle collections, but separate from other vehicle
manoeuvring areas
d. Provide at least one water outlet

Fit Out only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

fit-out-only assessments.

Shared Facilities

For a building consisting of a number of small units, each 200m floor area,
shared facilities that meet the above criteria for the building as a whole are
sufficient to achieve this credit.

Limited space or
vehicle access

For developments that have limited space for static installations, the credit can
be assessed on the basis of the provision of adequate space for a smaller
portable compactor or baler.
Typical dimensions for a static compactor are those of a car parking bay, ie.
4.8 x 2.4m.

Static waste
compactor or
Scope of Wst 4

This BREEAM issue is applicable only where the assessed development has a
dedicated waste management area/facility or is >500m . Where it is not
applicable the assessors spreadsheet tool will filter this BREEAM issue from
the list of applicable issues.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


Marked-up design plan and/or a copy of the

specification confirming:
Provision of waste compactor/baler
Location and size of space for waste
Water outlet

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
The installation of the compactor/baler
(or space for installation for speculative
Installation of a water outlet

Manufacturer/supplier literature confirming

The type of compactor/baler specified.

As defined in the schedule of evidence for

BREEAM issue WST 3.

As defined in the schedule of evidence for

BREEAM issue WST 3.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Wst 4 Compactor / Baler

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Waste compactor or baler: A machine that is designed to compress waste streams in order to
improve storage and transport efficiency.
The requirement to achieve the credit for storage of recyclable materials is set in order to encourage
the minimisation of the assessed developments waste streams by encouraging a more integrated
approach to the issue of waste management, recycling and disposal. The provision of adequate
recycling and waste management facilities helps to ensure that this objective can be achieved.
Compacting dry waste can significantly reduce the volume of waste sent to landfill. Furthermore,
whether for recycling or landfill, compacting waste at source will reduce the number of trips required for
the collection and delivery of the waste and therefore result in reduced fuel consumption and vehicle
emissions. Reduced vehicle movements will also provided social and health & wellbeing benefits to the
surrounding community and economic benefits to the building occupier.

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

No. of credits

Wst 5 Composting





Issue Title


Minimum Standards


Wst 5 - Composting

To encourage the provision of facilities that help facilitate the reduction in volume of compostable
organic waste going directly to landfill during the buildings operation.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance (education - Higher Education buildings only):
Option 1

1. A vessel is installed on site for composting suitable food waste resulting from the buildings daily
operation and use.

2. There is adequate space for storing segregated food waste and composted organic material.
3. At least one water outlet is provided for cleaning in and around the facility.
4. Location of land for composting and ventilation related to this should be planned and designed so
that it does not cause nuisance to the general use of the building.
Option 2
1. There is a dedicated segregated space for storing compostable food waste prior to collection and
delivery to an alternative composting facility.
2. At least one water outlet is provided for cleaning in and around the facility.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Wst 5 Composting

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only
Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell-only assessments.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
fit-out-only assessments.

Fit Out
assessments of
tenanted units
Storage Capacity

Where the tenant is a food retailer who occupies a unit within a larger retail
development with centralised waste management facilities, then such facilities
can and should be used to assess compliance with the assessment criteria.
No criteria are defined for the type of vessel or storage capacity required as
this will be determined by the end user and predicted volumes of organic
compostable waste. The assessor should be satisfied that, within reason, the
installation is adequate for the size of development, bearing in mind the likely
quantity of organic waste that will be produced by the development.

Scope of Wst 5

This BREEAM issue is applicable only where the assessed development has a
food preparation and/or servery/dining area. Where it is not applicable the
assessors spreadsheet tool will filter this BREEAM issue from the list of
applicable issues.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

Marked-up design plan and/or a copy of the

specification confirming (as appropriate):
Specification of composting vessel
Location and size of space for vessel
and storage of waste/compost
Water outlet.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
The installation of the vessel
The provision of adequate storage
Installation of a water outlet

Option 1

Option 2

If appropriate, a letter from the occupier or

service provider confirming:
Location of the off-site facility where
compostable material will be delivered.
The procedure and frequency for
collecting the compostable material.

If appropriate, a letter from the occupier or

service provider confirming:
Location of the off-site facility where
compostable material will be delivered.
The procedure and frequency for
collecting the compostable material.

Marked-up design plan and/or a copy of the

specification confirming (as appropriate):
Location and size of space for storing
compostable waste
Water outlet.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
The provision of adequate storage
Installation of a water outlet

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Wst 5 Composting


Additional Information
Relevant definitions

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Wst 6 Floor finishes

No. of credits






Issue Title

Minimum Standards


Wst 6 - Floor Finishes

To encourage the specification and fitting of floor finishes selected by the building occupant and
therefore avoid unnecessary waste of materials.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. For tenanted areas (where the future occupant is not known), prior to full fit-out works, carpets and
other floor finishes have been installed in a show area only.
2. In a building developed for a specific occupant, that occupant has selected (or agreed to) the
specified floor finishes.

Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell-only assessments.

Fit Out Only

Issue not applicable for Fit Out-only assessments.

Show area

A show area could be either a floor plate or an individual office. However, to

award this credit it must be less than 25% of the net lettable floor area.

Schedule of Evidence Required


BRE Global Ltd

Design Stage

Post Construction Stage



Marked-up design plans and a copy of the

specification confirming:
The type and coverage (m ) of any
specified floor finishes.

Wst 6 Floor finishes


Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
Coverage of floor finishes in line with the
specification, or where known, future
occupants wishes.

Where the future occupant is known, a letter

from the client or design team confirming:
That the type and coverage of carpets
and other floor finishes have been
specified (or agreed to) by the future
Additional Information
Relevant definitions

BRE Global Ltd 2009


LE1 Reuse of Land

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

11.0 Land Use and Ecology

Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits


LE 1 - Reuse of Land

To encourage the reuse of land that has been previously developed, and discourage the use of
previously undeveloped land for building.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. At least 75% of the proposed developments footprint is on an area of land which has previously
been developed for use by industrial, commercial or domestic purposes in the last 50 years.

Compliance Notes
New Build

Extensions to
Shell Only
Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.
In the case of refurbishment, the credit can be awarded by default where no
new building work or infrastructure is being constructed as part of the
Where a refurbishment includes new buildings, hard landscaping, or
infrastructure, 75% of the total proposed development footprint (refurbished
plus new build and/or hard landscaping and/or infrastructure) must comply with
the requirement.
New buildings developed within the boundary of existing sites do not
automatically comply with the criteria. The land on which at least 75% of the
new building will be sited must meet the definition of previously developed.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell-only assessments.
Issue not applicable for Fit Out-only assessments.

Temporary works

Undeveloped areas of the site to be used for temporary works (e.g. temporary
offices/parking, material/machinery storage) must be considered as
development on undeveloped land and therefore included in the calculations
unless they have been defined as land of low ecological value (Ecological
Value and Protection issue, LE3).

Developed more
than 50 years ago

Where a site has been previously developed (more than 50 years ago) but is
now considered undeveloped, the credit may only be awarded on this basis if
the site is deemed to be contaminated as defined in BREEAM issue LE2.

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BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

LE1 Reuse of Land


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

Existing site plan, report or site photographs

Type and duration of previous land use.
Area (m ) of previous land use.
Where applicable, date the photograph
was taken.

Assessors building/site inspection or as built

drawings confirming:
The footprint or orientation of the
developed area has not altered from that
confirmed in the design stage evidence.
Where alteration has occurred the % must
be re-calculated using as built plans.

Proposed site plan showing;

Location and footprint (m ) of proposed
development and temporary works.
Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Proposed Development: Is defined as the area of any building, hard landscaping, car park and access
roads that fall within the boundary of the proposed site.
Previously Developed Land: For the purposes of this issue, BREEAM defines previously developed
land as that which is or was occupied by a permanent structure, including the curtilage of the developed
land and any associated fixed surface infrastructure.
The definition includes:
a. Defence buildings
The definition excludes:
b. Land that is or has been occupied by agricultural or forestry buildings.
c. Land that has been developed for minerals extraction or waste disposal by landfill purposes
where provision for restoration has been made through development control procedures.
d. Land in built-up areas such as parks, recreation grounds and allotments which, although may
feature paths, pavilions and other buildings, have not been previously developed.
e. Land that was previously developed but where the remains of the permanent structure or fixed
surface structure have blended into the landscape in the process of time (to the extent that it
can reasonably be considered as part of the natural surroundings).

BRE Global Ltd 2009


LE2 Contaminated land

Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009


LE 2 - Contaminated Land

To encourage positive action to use contaminated land that otherwise would not have been remediated
and developed.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

1. There is a risk of contamination on the site as identified using Checklist A16a and the more onerous
of the following have been adopted

Nationally recognised strategies for reclamation have been followed;


A robust site investigation, risk assessment and appraisal has been carried out by a competent
Contaminated Land Specialist covering the requirements of Checklist A16b as a minimum.

2. If the above assessments, risk assessments and evaluations concluded that the site is significantly
contaminated, confirming the developer or contractor that the repairs of the site will be conducted
according to the above specialist recommended action plan, as described by the specialist and at
any time relevant regulations / guidelines . Refer to TEK10 9-3. In addition, the use of standard
ISO 10381-5 for evaluating the condition of the contaminated masses. It is referred to this standard
in pollution regulation kap.2. It is emphasized that the planned excavation and construction issues
are local pollution control authority pursuant to Chapter 2 in Regulations relating to pollution
control [Pollution regulations] and their supervisors.

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

LE2 Contaminated land


Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.

Extensions to
existing buildings

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

shell-only assessments.
Issue not applicable for Fit out-only assessments.

Fit Out Only


Large sites split

into smaller plots

Health and Safetyrelated


Checklist A16

Site investigation
and remediation

The credit can only be awarded where remediation has taken place to
enable current development of the site for the assessed building, or part of a
larger phased development that includes the assessed building (see below).
The credit is not achievable for instances where historical remediation and
development of the site has occurred outside the scope of the current
development proposals.
Where a large site has been decontaminated and is then packaged up into
smaller plots of land for individual buildings (possibly as part of a phased
development strategy), the credit can be awarded regardless of the plot
location of the assessed building. This is on the condition that the whole site
could not have been developed without remediation work taking place.
Contaminated land that has been decontaminated solely for health and
safety reasons (rather than for the specific purpose of re-development) does
not comply.
Where the only decontamination required is for the removal of asbestos
within an existing building fabric, this cannot be classified as contaminated
land. However, where asbestos is found to be present in the ground this will
be classed as contamination for the purposes of assessing this issue.
Strategies or systems for the identification, registration and reclamation of
contaminated land set out in regulation and or nationally recognised code of
This checklist provides an indication of the likelihood of there being
significant contamination problems on a site for the purposes of a BREEAM
assessment only and sets out the scope of any site investigation and
remedial strategy. It does not seek to evaluate types, levels or risks of
contamination present on the site.
Where no guidance is available in the country of assessment on how to carry
out a site investigation and develop a remediation strategy, Checklist A16
sets out the appropriate scope of such a study and report for the purposes of
the BREEAM-NOR assessment only.
Further guidance is available from TEK10 9-3 and the "Regulations
relating to pollution control", kap.2. In addition, the use of standard ISO
10381-5 for evaluating the condition of the contaminated masses. It is
referred to this standard in pollution regulation kap.2. For other instructions,
Further advice and technical publications are available for download online and

Schedule of Evidence Required

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LE2 Contaminated land


BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Design Stage
A completed copy of Checklist A16.
Where applicable, a copy of the specialists
land contamination report confirming:
The degree, type and sources of site
The options for remediating the site.

Existing site plan(s) showing:

Location of areas contaminated and to
be remediated in relation to any
proposed development.
A letter from the main contractor or
remediation contractor confirming:
The remediation strategy for the site.
Summary details of the implementation
If a contractor has not yet been appointed, a
letter from the client, or their representative
That the appointed contractor will
undertake necessary remediation works
to mitigate the risks identified in the
specialist report.

Post Construction Stage

The evidence required at the post
construction stage is the same as for a design
stage assessment.

A copy of the verification report (or relevant

sections of the report) confirming:
Description of remedial works undertaken.
Description of relevant pollution linkages
* This may not be applicable where the
contaminant is a non-native invasive plant

Additional Information
The aim of this BREEAM-NOR issue is encourage clients/developers to seek out those sites that would
otherwise not be considered for development. By doing this BREEAM is actively encouraging
clients/developers to choose alternative sites to greenfield sites and reduce the pressure on virgin land..
Relevant definitions
Brownfield sites: land or premises that have previously been used or developed. They may also be
vacant, or derelict. However, brownfield sites can not be assumed to be contaminated as this will
depend on previous use.
Contaminant: Is defined as any solid, liquid or gaseous material in, or on the ground to be covered by
the building (or in its immediate vicinity), which is classed as a hazard to health and/or the environment
and therefore presents an unacceptable risk. 0il refineries, railways, steel works, landfill sites, petrol
stations, gas works and industrial/engineering works including accidental industrial spills may have all
been sources of contamination in the past. Contamination can also come from historical activities dating
back hundreds of years, such as spoil heaps from mining activities, and from naturally occurring
substances. The definition also includes land significantly infested by certain non-native invasive plant
species (see below).
Contaminated land: is land that has been polluted with harmful substances to the point where it now
poses a serious risk to human health and the environment.
Contaminated land specialist: an individual achieving all the following items:
1. Holds a degree or equivalent qualification in chemistry, environmental impact assessment or a
related subject. Other related subjects that are deemed to be appropriate are:

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

LE2 Contaminated land


2. Has a minimum of three years relevant experience (within the last five years) in site investigation,
risk assessment and appraisal. Such experience must clearly demonstrate a practical knowledge of
site investigation methodologies and understanding of remediation techniques as well as national
and European legislation on the subject; including, acting in an advisory capacity to provide
recommendations for remediation. Examples of relevant experience are: environmental impact
Greenfield land: land that has never been built on or used for industrial purposes. Such land may not
be assumed to be non-contaminated as ground air or water conditions and agricultural practices can
lead to hazardous pollution in certain circumstances.
Significant contamination: For the purposes of this issue, significant contamination is contamination
compliant with the above and that, without remediation, development of the site is not possible.
Remediation: Activity undertaken to prevent, minimise, remedy or mitigate the risk caused by
contaminated land to human health or the environment.
Non-native invasive plant species: Are non-indigenous species that adversely affect the habitats they
invade economically, environmentally or ecologically. In connection with BREEAM-NOR, this includes
all species on the Species Data Bank Black and Norwegian species outside their natural range which
exhibits the same negative powers (comments such as maple and Norwegian spruce on the west
coast). More information about the control and removal, and how this fits with the legislative framework
related to such species, may be obtained from and,
Pollution Linkages: A relevant pollutant linkage is one that has been identified during the risk
assessment stage as representing unacceptable risks to human health or the environment.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


LE4 Mitigating ecological impact

No. of credits

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009





Issue Title

LE 3 - Ecological Value of Site and Protection of

Ecological Features

Minimum Standards


To encourage development on land that already has limited value to wildlife and to protect existing
ecological features from substantial damage during site preparation and completion of construction
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

1. Land within the construction zone is defined as land of low ecological value using either:
a) BREEAM checklist A4 OR
b) A suitably qualified ecologist who has identified the land as being of low ecological value within
an ecological assessment report, based on a site survey.

2. All existing features of ecological value surrounding the construction zone and site boundary area
are adequately protected from damage during clearance, site preparation and construction activities
as listed below:
Trees of over 100 mm trunk diameter, and/or of significant ecological value, are protected by
barriers. Barriers must prohibit construction works in the area between itself and the tree trunk.
Minimum distance between tree trunk and barriers must be either the distance of branch spread
or half tree height, whichever is the greater.
In all cases trees must be protected from direct impact and from severance or asphyxiation of
the roots.
Hedges and natural areas requiring protection must either have barriers erected and be
protected, or, when remote from site works or storage areas, be protected with a prohibition of
construction activity in their vicinity.
Watercourses and wetland areas are to be protected by cut-off ditches and site drainage to
prevent run-off to natural watercourses (as this may cause pollution, silting or erosion).

3. In all cases, the contractor is required to construct ecological protection prior to any preliminary site
construction or preparation works (e.g. clearing of the site or erection of temporary site facilities).

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

LE3 Ecological value of site and protection of ecological features


Compliance Notes
New Build

Extensions to
Shell Only
Fit Out Only
No features of
ecological value
Use of a suitably

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.
A refurbishment of a building (with no new construction), must protect any
existing ecological features of value. Protection includes clear exclusion
procedures for construction traffic/personnel and material storage, as well as
physical barriers.
Where a refurbishment includes new building work or infrastructure, the land
on which the new build area and its associated infrastructure (e.g. roads,
pavements, car parks etc) will be situated, must comply with the criteria.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell-only assessments.
Issue not applicable for Fit out-only assessments.
Where the construction zone is defined as land of low ecological value and
where the surrounding site contains no features of ecological value, this credit
can be awarded.
Where a suitably qualified ecologist is employed and has, using their
professional judgement, defined the site as land of low ecological value, this
assessment/judgement overrides any assessment determined using checklist
The suitably qualified ecologist must base their findings on data collected from
a site visit conducted at appropriate time(s) of the year, when different plant
and animal species are evident. The content of the Ecology Report is to be
representative of the existing sites ecology prior to the commencement of
initial site preparation works (i.e. before RIBA stage K, construction to practical
completion). Where the ecologist has made no on-site visit, the credit cannot
be awarded. See additional guidance for definition of a suitably qualified

Features of little
or no ecological

Removal of
features of
ecological value
Site clearance
prior to purchase
of the site

If a suitably qualified ecologist has confirmed that a feature has little or no

ecological value, or where a tree is deemed to create a significant danger to
the public or occupants by a statutory body or qualified arboriculturalist, then
that feature may be exempt from the protection of ecological features
requirement of this issue.
If features of ecological value have been removed as part of site clearance
then the development cannot achieve this credit, even if they are to be
replaced as part of a new landscaping strategy.
For sites that have been cleared more than five years ago, the ecological value
of the site would be its present ecological value, on the basis that in the
intervening five years, ecological features would have started to re-establish
themselves and therefore act as an indicator of the sites ecological value. For
sites that have been cleared less than five years before assessment, a suitably
qualified ecologist should make an estimation of the sites ecological value
immediately prior to clearance on the basis of available desktop information
(including aerial photography) and the landscape type/area surrounding the
site. Where it is not possible for the ecologists to determine that the site was of
low ecological value prior to the site clearance then the credit must be

Schedule of Evidence Required

BRE Global Ltd 2009


LE4 Mitigating ecological impact

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


A completed copy of checklist A4 signed

and dated by the client, their representative
or a design team member e.g. architect.

The evidence required at the post

construction stage is the same as for a design
stage assessment.

One of the following:
A plan and/or site photographs of the
existing site highlighting any ecological
features OR
A copy of the ecologists report containing:
Confirmation that the land within the
construction zone is of low ecological
A description of any ecological features
within the site or on the site boundary.
Date(s) of site survey(s).
A completed, signed copy of sections A and
B of checklist A6 Guidance for relating
ecology reports to BREEAM to confirm the
ecologists professional status


A copy of the ecologists report containing

the information in sections A and B from the
A copy of the relevant section of the
contract specification confirming:
Requirement to protect all identified
features of ecological value.
Scope of protection measures required.
Protection measures implemented prior
to commencement of site activities.

Assessor site inspection report OR ecologists

report confirming:
The boundary of the site and the
construction zone has not been altered.
Where applicable, all existing ecological
features still remain.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Construction zone: For the purpose of this BREEAM issue the construction zone is defined as any
land on the site which is being developed (and therefore disturbed) for buildings, hard standing,
landscaping, site access, plus a 3m boundary in either direction around these areas. It also includes
any areas used for temporary site storage and buildings.
If it is not known exactly where buildings, hard standing, site access and temporary storage will be
located it must be assumed that the construction zone is the entire site.
Suitably qualified ecologist (SQE): An individual achieving all the following items can be considered
to be suitably qualified for the purposes of a BREEAM assessment:

1. Holds a degree or equivalent qualification in ecology or a related qualification. Other related

qualifications will have a significant ecology component but may come from a wide range of areas
including but not limited to:

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

LE3 Ecological value of site and protection of ecological features


Biologists, botanists, entomologists etc

Nature conservationists
Landscape engineers/architects
Environmental engineers/scientists

2. Is a practising ecologist, with a minimum of three years relevant experience (within the last five
years). Such experience must clearly demonstrate a practical understanding of factors affecting
ecology in relation to construction and the built environment; including, acting in an advisory
capacity to provide recommendations for ecological protection, enhancement and mitigation
measures. The relevant experience must relate to the country that the assessment is being carried
out in.
Where a suitably qualified ecologist is verifying an Ecology Report produced by another ecologist who
does not meet the SQE criteria, they must, as a minimum, have read and reviewed the report and
confirm in writing that they have found it to:
a. represent sound industry practice
b. report and recommend correctly, truthfully and objectively
c. be appropriate given the local site conditions and scope of works proposed
d. avoid invalid, biased and exaggerated statements.
Additionally, written confirmation from the third party verifier that they comply with the definition of a
Suitably Qualified Ecologist is required.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


LE4 Mitigating ecological impact

Issue Title

Minimum Standards





No. of credits

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009


LE 4 - Mitigating Ecological Impact

To minimise the impact of a building development on existing site ecology.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
First credit

A suitably qualified ecologist (SQE) has been appointed to report on enhancing and protecting the
ecology of the site.
f. The SQE provides an Ecology Report with appropriate recommendations for protection and
enhancement of the sites ecology.
g. The report is based on a site visit/survey by the SQE prior to the commencement of initial site
preparation works.


The general recommendations of the Ecology Report for enhancement and protection of site
ecology have been, or will be, implemented.

Second/third/fourth/fifth credit

The first credit is achieved.


The recommendations of the Ecology Report for enhancement and protection of site ecology have
been implemented, and the suitably qualified ecologist confirms that this will result in a change in
ecological value of the site (x) according to Table 25 below:

Table 11.1 Credits awarded depending on the change in ecological value of site
Number of credits
Change in Ecological value
of site (x)


-9 x < 0




The increase in plant species has been calculated using Ecology calculator 2, using actual
species numbers.

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

LE4 Mitigating ecological impact


Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
existing buildings

Shell Only
Fit Out Only
Timing of
Ecologist Report


Guidance for
ecologists and
Native species

Number of plant
Assessment of a
development on a
larger site

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings. Refer also to the note
below on infill developments.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell-only assessments.
Issue not applicable for Fit out-only assessments.
It is recommended that the suitably qualified ecologist is appointed to carry out
site surveys of existing site ecology, on which their report is based, or to
provide verification where the report is prepared by others, at the feasibility
stage in order to facilitate and maximise potential ecological enhancement.
General recommendations for enhancing and protecting the ecological value
of the site are to include, and go beyond, compliance requirements for all
current EU and national legislation relating to protected species and habitats.
These general recommendations may include ecological recommendations
as detailed in the definitions.
Please refer to Checklist A6 Relating ecology reports to BREEAM, section D
for assistance in assessing and interpreting the requirements of this issue.
Only native floral/plant species and those with a known attraction or benefit to
local fauna can be considered for the purpose of increasing the number of
species on site, as well as general enhancement.
BREEAM measures ecological value using the number of plant species.
Where the assessment is of a single building that forms part of a larger site
development and the landscaping and ecological features form a common part
of the whole site, for the purposes of assessing this issue the area of the entire
site must be considered.

Site clearance
prior to purchase
of the site

Refer to the compliance note in LE3 on this issue.

developments on
existing occupied
No ecological
survey completed
or construction
works have
Green Roofs

Where a development is an infill (or new building) on an existing occupied site,

then the construction zone for the new building would be the area of site
assessed for the purposes of this issue.
Where it is not possible to determine actual number of species per vegetation
plot type, either because an on-site ecological survey has not been conducted,
or, because construction works have already commenced, the first credit only
can be achieved.
The contribution of species from a Green roof can only be incorporated where
a suitably qualified ecologist has been appointed.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

BRE Global Ltd 2009


LE4 Mitigating ecological impact

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

First Credit

A copy of the ecologists report containing:

Details and scope of the site survey.
Information as outlined in checklist A6
Relating ecology reports to BREEAM.

The evidence required at the post

construction stage is the same as for a
design stage assessment.

A copy of the ecologists report containing a
completed, signed copy of checklist A6.

implementation of the ecologist enhancement

Assessor site inspection report and

photographic evidence confirming that the
ecologists recommendations have been

One of the following:
A copy of the relevant section of the
specification requiring the main contractor to
implement the SQEs recommendations for
protection and enhancement

developments, where the whole site has not
enhancements have not been added, or
where features are being added at a later
date in an appropriate planting season:

A letter from the client or design team
member confirming:
That the specification will require the main
contractor to implement the ecologists

A copy of the contract/specification or a

letter from the main contractor
confirming when the planting will be

This must be within 18 months from

completion of the development.

Second/Third/Fourth and Fifth Credits


Evidence as outlined above,

compliance with the first credit.


Evidence (as outlined above) confirming

compliance with the first credit.

A copy of the SQEs report containing the

information outlined in checklist A6 Relating
ecology reports to BREEAM.
A copy of the SQEs report containing a
completed, signed copy of checklist A6.
A completed copy of Ecology Calculator 2
confirming the change in ecological value of
the site.

Additional Information
Relevant Definitions
Construction zone: As defined for issue LE3 Ecological Value of site AND Protection of ecological

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

LE4 Mitigating ecological impact


Suitably qualified ecologist (SQE): As defined for issue LE3 Ecological Value of site AND
Protection of ecological features
Ecological recommendations are defined as measures adopted to enhance the ecology of the site,
which may include:
The planting of native species or those with a known attraction or benefit to local wildlife
The adoption of horticultural good practice (e.g. no, or low, use of residual pesticides)
The installation of bird, bat and/or insect boxes at appropriate locations on the site
Development of a full Biodiversity Management Plan including avoiding clearance/works at key
times of the year (e.g. breeding seasons)
The proper integration, design and maintenance of SUDs and Green Roofs, community orchards
Only native floral species or those with a known attraction or benefit to local wildlife can be considered
for the purpose of enhancing the ecological value of the site.
Calculating the change and increase in ecological value
BREEAM calculates the change in ecological value by comparing the diversity (number and area) of
plant species on the site pre and post construction. The ecological value of the site is expressed as an
area-weighted average of plant species for the sites landscape type. This enables BREEAM to use this
as an indicator of the proposed developments impact on the sites existing ecological value.
A simple example of the calculation is outlined below.
1. Calculate the ecological value of a previously developed existing site:

A 2065m existing site consists of the following types of land:


a. 1865 m hard landscaping = 0 species

b. 200m urban mosaic - infertile grassland = 17.6 species
The ecological value of the existing site is calculated as follows, for each plot type;
Number of species on plot type x plot type area as % of total area.
Therefore, for our example site:

a. Hard landscaping: {(0 species x (1865m /2065m )} = 0 species

b. urban mosaic-infertile grassland: {(17.6 species x (200m /2065m )} = 1.70 species
c. Ecological value of the existing site = 0 + 1.70 = 1.70 species
2. Calculate the ecological value of the proposed site:

The 2065m post-construction site consists of the following types of land:


a. 1375m of building = 0 species.

b. 550m of hard landscaping = 0 species
c. 140 m has remained as urban mosaic-infertile grassland = 17.6 species
The ecological value of the proposed site is as follows:

Building: {(0 species x (1375m /2065m )} = 0 species

Hard landscaping: {(0 species x (550m /2065m )} = 0 species
Urban mosaic-infertile grassland: {(17.6 species x (140m /2065m )} = 1.19 species
Ecological value of the proposed site = 0 + 0 + 1.19 = 1.19 species

The ecological impact is the difference between the two ecological values:
Change in ecological value: 1.19 1.70 = - 0.51 species

BRE Global Ltd 2009


LE4 Mitigating ecological impact

Issue Title





No. of credits

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Minimum Standards


LE 6 - Long Term Impact on Biodiversity

To minimise the long term impact of the development on the sites, and surrounding areas, biodiversity.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
One credit can be awarded where there is a commitment to achieve the mandatory criteria and at least
two of the additional criteria (listed below).
Two credits can be awarded where there is a commitment to achieve the mandatory criteria and at least
four of the additional criteria (listed below).
Mandatory Criteria

1. A suitably qualified ecologist (SQE) has been appointed prior to commencement of activities on

2. The suitably qualified ecologist confirms that all relevant EU and national legislation relating to
protection and enhancement of ecology has been complied with during the design and construction

3. A landscape and habitat management plan, appropriate to the site, is produced covering at least
the first five years after project completion. This is to be handed over to the building occupants and
Management of any protected features on site
Management of any new, existing or enhanced habitats
A reference to the current or future site level or local Biodiversity Action Plan.
Additional Criteria

1. The contractor nominates a Biodiversity Champion with the authority to influence site activities and
ensure that detrimental impacts on site biodiversity are minimised in line with the recommendations
of a suitably qualified ecologist.

2. The contractor trains the site workforce on how to protect site ecology during the project. Specific
training should be carried out for the entire site workforce to ensure they are aware of how to avoid
damaging site ecology. Training should be based on the findings and recommendations for
protection of ecological features highlighted within a report prepared by a suitably qualified

3. The contractor records actions taken to protect biodiversity and monitor their effectiveness
throughout key stages of construction. The requirement commits the contractor to make such
records available where publicly requested.

BRE Global Ltd


LE4 Mitigating ecological impact


4. Where a new ecologically valuable habitat, appropriate to the local area, is created. This includes
habitat that supports nationally, regionally or locally important biodiversity, and/or which is
nationally, regionally or locally important itself; including any habitat listed in the Local Biodiversity
Action Plan (LBAP), those protected within statutory sites, or those within non-statutory sites
identified in local plans.

5. Where flora and/or fauna habitats exist on site, the contractor programmes site works to minimise
disturbance to wildlife. For example, site preparation, ground works, and landscaping have been, or
will be, scheduled at an appropriate time of year to minimise disturbance to wildlife. Timing of works
may have a significant impact on, for example, breeding birds, flowering plants, seed germination,
amphibians etc. Actions such as phased clearance of vegetation may help to mitigate ecological
impacts. This additional requirement will be achieved where a clear plan has been produced
detailing how activities will be timed to avoid any impact on site biodiversity in line with the
recommendations of a suitably qualified ecologist.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


LE4 Mitigating ecological impact

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Compliance Notes
New Build

Extensions to
Shell Only
Fit Out Only
Refurbishment of
listed buildings

The site and

Sites of no
ecological value

Not all additional

items are

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of refurbished buildings (unless the building is listed see
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
shell-only assessments.
Issue not applicable for Fit out-only assessments.
The refurbishment of a listed building may be exempt from the assessment
criteria if they conflict with the need to maintain the buildings listed features, or
are counter to the conservation criteria. Confirmation is required from a
suitably qualified ecologist that all possible criteria/enhancements have been
achieved before the credit can be awarded (i.e. if no suitably qualified ecologist
has been appointed then this credit cannot be awarded).
A Biodiversity Champion does not have to be an ecologist or ecological expert
but must have sufficient authority and time on site to influence activities and
ensure that they have minimal detrimental impact on biodiversity.
Local biodiversity expertise should be sought at, or before, the design stage to
help identify species of local biodiversity importance on site. It is likely that
their recommendations will draw on the Local Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAP)
where one exists.
The steps taken in the above criteria will depend on the nature of the site, e.g.
urban sites, and the surrounding areas. It is likely that either all, or none, of the
optional items will apply. Where the optional items and the mandatory item 3,
the management plan, are deemed, in writing, by the appointed suitably
qualified ecologist not to be applicable, all credits can be awarded. Mandatory
items 1 and 2 must be met in all instances.
This is likely to be the case in the majority of assessments in central town/city
areas which have a high proportion of surrounding and existing development
and no existing external landscaped areas within the boundary of the
assessed site.
Where a site is deemed to have no ecological value, it is still necessary to
employ a suitably qualified ecologist to achieve this credit. The ecologist must
confirm that all the mandatory items (1), (2) and (3) have been achieved and
provide guidance on how to achieve optional item (4). Note that in such cases,
mandatory item (1) and additional requirement (4) is likely to be applicable in
relation to any ecological enhancements (e.g. green roofs, bird boxes, etc.)
adopted in order to enhance the site ecology.
Where the SQE confirms that not all additional items are applicable to the
development, for example it is a city centre refurbishment on a confined site
with no external areas, then the credits can be awarded accordingly:
e items
1 item

No. of
Two credits

2 items

Two credits

3 items

One credit
Two credits

4 items

One credit

BRE Global Ltd

Two credits

Meet mandatory reqs. plus applicable
Meet mandatory reqs. plus all applicable
Meet mandatory reqs. plus 2 applicable
Meet mandatory reqs. plus all applicable
Meet mandatory reqs. plus 3 applicable
Meet mandatory reqs. plus all applicable


LE4 Mitigating ecological impact


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

The SQE report or letter confirming:

That they were appointed prior to
commencement of activities on site.
All relevant EU and national legislation
will be complied with.

A letter from the SQE confirming:

That all relevant EU and national
legislation relating to protection and
enhancement of ecology has been
complied with.

Mandatory Criteria

A completed, signed copy of checklist A6
Relating ecology reports to BREEAM
A copy of ecology report containing the
information outlined in checklist A6.

A copy of the site management plan.

A copy of the sites landscape and habitat

management plan.

A copy of the specification requiring the
development of plan and outlining the scope
of its content.
Where the timing of assessment does not
permit either of the above, a letter from the
client confirming:
management plan
The scope of the management plan
Additional Criteria
A letter from the contractor confirming:
The appointment of the biodiversity
champion and their job title.
Their on site role and responsibilities.

A copy of the relevant sections of the site log

book, highlighting:
Details of any action/events taken by the
biodiversity champion.
If no actions required/taken, this should be
confirmed in the log book.

Where not yet appointed, a copy of the

appointment of a biodiversity champion.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


LE4 Mitigating ecological impact

Training schedule or letter of confirmation

from the contractor committing to provide
relevant training.

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

A record of training undertaken by the site

workforce confirming:
Who delivered & developed the training
The scope of the training delivered.

Where not yet appointed, a copy of the
specification clause requiring the training of
the sites workforce.

A letter from the contractor confirming:

Monitoring and reporting criteria for the
The records will be publicly available if
and when requested.

A copy of the relevant sections of the site log

book, highlighting:
Records of monitoring and actions taken
to protect biodiversity.
Records and outcome of any requests to
view such information.

Where not yet appointed, a copy of the
specification clause outlining the contractors
monitoring and reporting criteria.

A copy of the proposed site plan highlighting

the new ecologically valuable habitat.

Assessors (or SQEs) site inspection report

and photographic evidence confirming the
existence of the proposed habitat.

A SQEs report or letter confirming that the

habitat supports the relevant biodiversity
action plan(s)

The SQEs report or letter confirming:

Wildlife on site that needs to be
accounted for in programming works.
Actions required with respect to
programming site works to minimise

A letter from the SQE, or a copy of their

report confirming:
Site works executed in a manner that
minimised disturbance to wildlife in
accordance with their recommendations.

A copy of the contractors main programme

of works.
A copy of the relevant section of the main
contract confirming:
The programme of site works will
minimise disturbance to wildlife in

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Biodiversity Champion
A biodiversity Champion is a designated person who holds the responsibility to provide leadership and
inspiration and empower those with resources to halt the loss of biodiversity and maximise its gain in
relation to the assessed buildings locality. The champion should use their position to ensure that
biodiversity matters are not overlooked and are addressed appropriately. As part of their role the

BRE Global Ltd


LE4 Mitigating ecological impact


Champion should ensure that biodiversity is on meeting agendas and that there is proper discussion of
issues where a decision is likely to have an impact on biodiversity.
Suitably qualified ecologist (SQE): As defined for Issue LE3 Ecological Value of site AND
Protection of ecological features
Biodiversity: Is defined as the variety of life on earth. It includes all species, animal,
plants, fungi, algae, bacteria and the habitats that they depend upon.
Biodiversity Action Plan: A plan which sets specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time
bound conservation targets for species and habitats.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


LE6 & 7


No. of credits





Issue Title

Minimum Standards


LE 7 - Consultation with Students and Staff

To encourage the design team to include pupils and staff in the design of the school grounds.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
Pre-Schools, Schools and Sixth Form Colleges only

1. The design team have identified staff and pupil criteria for the school grounds, and consulted and
gathered their ideas for the school grounds design.

2. The consultation included holding a number of workshops for separate groups of pupils and staff (or
other comparable method) in order to determine:
a. How the grounds could best be designed to facilitate learning
b. How the grounds could best be designed to provide a range of social spaces appropriate to
pupils and other users needs.

3. At least four workshops were held: two workshops with staff (including both teaching staff and
ground maintenance supervisors), and two with pupils from different age groups. The findings of the
workshops must influence the design and therefore must have been held before key and final
design decisions were made.

4. The design team have kept pupils and staff informed of how their ideas are being taken into
account in the design of the school grounds.

Compliance Notes
New Build

Extensions to

For new schools where there are no identifiable staff or pupils, consultation
with relevant people/groups from the local catchment area and similar schools
in the area must be carried out in place of the above.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Fit Out Only

Issue not applicable for Fit out-only assessments.

Further & Higher


This BREEAM issue is not assessed for these building types.

BRE Global Ltd

Only the staff and not pupils/children need to be consulted and informed for
pre-school developments.


LE6 Long term impact on biodiversity


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


A copy of the design teams consultation

schedule with pupils and staff confirming:
The workshop schedules & framework.
Number and dates of workshops
A list of actual/proposed attendees for
each workshop.
Format and reporting method for
keeping pupils and staff informed.

A copy of the minutes and actions from

consultation workshops.

Where, at the stage of interim assessment,

the workshops have been held:
Proposed site plan highlighting any
design solutions based on consultation.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
Any facilities designed and constructed
within the school grounds, based on the
results from the consultation process.
Records such as circulars, newsletters,
presentations confirming:
That the staff and pupils were kept
informed of how their ideas were taken
into account in the design.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Small Working Groups
It is often appropriate for the design team to suggest that the school set up a small working group,
which includes both staff and pupils. Members of the group would not only take part in consultation, but
would play a key role in the ongoing use, management and development of the school grounds,
encouraging feelings of ownership.
Design Options
Design options may include allocating areas for pupils to design and plant themselves, perhaps taking a
long-term view so that pupils might gain from planning new initiatives and from the anticipation of
potential changes in successive years

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Pol 1 Refrigerant GWP Building services

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

12.0 Pollution

Issue Title





No. of credits

Minimum Standards


Pol 1 - Refrigerant GWP Building Services

To reduce the contribution to climate change from refrigerants with a high global warming potential.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. The building has no refrigerants OR
2. The refrigerants used within the building services have an ODP of zero and a GWP less than 5.

BRE Global Ltd

Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

BREEAM Europe Commercialnew
2009 build projects.
Pol 1 Refrigerant GWP Building services 307
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
Extensions to
If the extended and existing building share the same building services, then
these services must be assessed against the criteria regardless of whether the
existing building forms a part of the assessment or not. If the extension is
served by independent services, only these need be assessed against the
Assessment Criteria.
Shell Only

If the building is designed to be fully naturally ventilated, and therefore no

refrigerant using building services will be specified for the fit out, then this
credit can be awarded. If the building is not designed to be naturally ventilated
and the refrigerant type cannot be confirmed, because its specification is the
responsibility of a future tenant as part of their fit out works, then compliance
with this BREEAM issue can only be demonstrated via one of the following
means in shell only buildings/areas:

Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and

tenant/s (full value of available credits)
Option 2 A Green Building Guide for tenant fit outs (half the value of the
available credits)
Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration (full value of available credits)

Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be demonstrated the

available credits must be withheld (option 4).
Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description of
the above options.
Fit Out Only

The criteria apply to both new systems specified as part of a fit out and the
refrigerants used in any existing systems that will remain post fit out.
Any existing systems that use refrigerants with an ozone depleting potential or
a global warming potential of more than 5 must have been converted to use a
refrigerant with a zero ODP and GWP less than 5. Where this is not possible
such systems will need to be replaced to meet the assessment criteria.

Industrial units
without offices &
with untreated
operational areas

This issue will be filtered from the scope of assessment for industrial units
designed without offices and where the operational area will be untreated, i.e.
not designed to be air conditioned.

Solid refrigerant

The credit can be awarded by default where a solid refrigerant is used.

charge less than

The credit can be awarded where the total refrigerant charge used in the
building services is less than 5kg (e.g. heat pumps etc).

Multiple split

In the case of multiple split units, through-the-wall or other packaged units, the
credit can be awarded where the total collective refrigerant charge is less than
5kg. If the total collective refrigerant charge in such systems is greater than
5kg, then the refrigerant(s) must comply with the BREEAM criteria.

Office server and

comms rooms

Refrigerants used in services for typical office server and comms rooms
cannot be excluded from the assessment.
Where air conditioning equipment is provided, the equipment may not be able
to achieve this credit as smaller systems often require refrigerants with a GWP
> 5. In this instance the credit cannot be awarded by default as there are
alternatives for designers to consider. These alternatives include revisiting the
design and the room conditions specification to see if the cooling equipment is
necessary. In addition, whilst a manufacturer or supplier may specify a narrow
temperature band for server equipment, acceptable limits detailed in ASHRAE
guidance may allow a greater temperature range without adverse effect and
thus the cooling equipment may not be necessary.

GWP data not


Where GWP data for the specified refrigerant is not available, the credit cannot
be awarded on a default basis.

Cold stores

Refrigerants specified in plant used for integral cold storage purposes should
not be assessed under this issue. There is a separate BREEAM issue for such

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Pol 1 Refrigerant GWP Building services

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


A copy of the specification clause confirming

development OR
Type(s) of refrigerant to be used.

Assessors building/site inspection and as

built drawings confirming:
Presence or absence of any refrigeration

Manufacturers information confirming:
ODP and GWP of each refrigerant.

A letter from the design team/developer

The refrigerant type specified remained
Where a change has occurred, written
confirmation from the design team confirming:
Type of refrigerant(s) used.
Manufacturers information confirming:
ODP and GWP of each refrigerant.

Additional Information
Global Warming Potential: GWP is defined as the potential for global warming that a chemical has
relative to 1 unit of carbon dioxide, the primary greenhouse gas. In determining the GWP of the blowing
agent, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) methodology using a 100-year
Integrated Time Horizon (or ITH) should be applied.
Ozone Depleting Potential: ODP is the ratio of the relative amount of degradation to the ozone layer
caused by a particular substance relative to the calculated depletion for the reference gas CFC 11
(ODP = 1.0). The ODP of the refrigerants is not assessed under this issue and there is no link between
GWP and ODP.
Refrigerant: there are three main make-ups of refrigerants:
Hydrogenated Fluorocarbon Refrigerants (HFCs) are made up of hydrogen, fluorine, and carbon.
Because they do not use a chlorine atom (which is used in most refrigerants) they are known to be
one of the least damaging to our ozone.
Hydrogenated Chlorofluorocarbon Refrigerants (HCFCs) are made up of hydrogen, chlorine,
fluorine, and carbon. These refrigerants contain minimal amounts of chlorine; they are not as
detrimental to the environment as some other refrigerants.
Chlorofluorocarbon Refrigerants (CFCs) contain chlorine, fluorine and carbon. These refrigerants
carry high amounts of chlorine so they are known for being the most hazardous to the ozone layer.
Table of refrigerants and their Global Warming Potentials: the table below includes available
substances which are capable of acting as refrigerants. Many are not currently used as such and some
have been phased out and withdrawn from the market.

BRE Global Ltd

Pol 1 Refrigerant GWP Building services

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009


Table 12.1 Refrigerant GWP

Refrigerant type


Refrigerant type


R11 (CFC-11) *
4000 R32 (HCFC-32) *
R12 (CFC-12) *
8500 R407C (HFC-407)
R113 (CFC-113) *
5000 R152a (HFC-152a)
R114 (CFC-114) *
9300 R404A (HFC blend)
R115 (CFC-115)*
9300 R410A (HFC blend)
R125 (HFC-125)
3200 R413A (HFC blend)
R417A (HFC blend)
5600 R500 (CFC/HFC) *
R502 (HCFC/CFC) *
R507 (HFC azeotrope)
R22 (HCFC-22) *
1700 R290 (HC290 propane)
R123 (HCFC-123) *
R600 (HC600 butane)
1300 R600a (HC600a isobutane)
R124 (HCFC-124) *
R141b (HCFC-141b) *
R1270 (HC1270 propene)
R142b (HCFC-142b) *
2000 R143a (HFC-143a)
N/A Indicates that there is insufficient data available to give a GWP value.

Global warming potential (GWP) values are based on best available data at the time of writing and
are based on a 100-year time horizon. Other published data may be based on different time

All CFC/HCFC refrigerants (marked *) have an ODP > 0 and as such are illegal for new
installations. Existing equipment may continue to use them at present. The use of CFCs and
HCFCs as refrigerants has been addressed under the Montreal protocols. Phase out programmes
have been agreed resulting in these substances no longer being used as refrigerants in all new
build and most existing situations. The industrys favoured replacements are currently HFCs which
are often potent global warming contributors.

Hydrocarbons and ammonia-based refrigerants have low or zero GWP and are therefore preferred
long-term options. These are now widely available and are valid alternatives to HFCs in all
buildings, provided health and safety issues are fully addressed.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Pol 2 Preventing refrigerant leaks

Issue Title





No. of credits

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Minimum Standards


Pol 2 - Preventing Refrigerant Leaks

To reduce the emissions of refrigerants to the atmosphere arising from leakages in cooling plant.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

1. The building has no refrigerants OR

Refrigerant leak detection

2. Systems using refrigerants are contained in a moderately air tight enclosure (or a mechanically
ventilated plant room), and a refrigerant leak detection system is installed covering high-risk parts of
the plant. OR

3. An automatic permanent refrigerant leak detection system is specified, which is NOT based on the
principle of detecting or measuring the concentration of refrigerant in air.
Refrigerant recovery system

4. The automatic shutdown and pump down of refrigerant occurs on the detection of high
concentrations of refrigerant in the plant room/enclosure. For the majority of cases only systems in
mechanically ventilated/moderately air tight plant rooms (or enclosures) comply.

5. Automatic pump-down to either a separate storage tank or into the heat exchanger is acceptable
but only where automatic isolation valves are fitted to contain the refrigerant once fully pumped

6. The alarm threshold that triggers automatic pump down is set to a maximum of 2000ppm (0.2%),
but lower levels can be set. The credit cannot be awarded for manual systems.
Note: For retail and office buildings, compliance with the refrigerant leak detection requirements will
allow the first credit to be awarded. Compliance with the refrigerant recovery system requirements
will give the second credit. The first credit must be achieved in order to award the second credit.
Note: For industrial buildings, the credit can be awarded where both a refrigerant leak detection
AND a refrigerant recovery system are specified in compliance with the above requirements.

BRE Global Ltd

Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

BREEAM Europe Commercialnew
2009 build projects.
Pol 2 Preventing refrigerant leaks 311
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
Extensions to
Where an existing building is being extended and it has existing building
services plant and systems that will be common to both the new extension and
existing building, the existing plant must be assessed against the criteria of this
issue. If the extension is served by independent services, only these need be
assessed against the Assessment Criteria.
Shell Only
If the building is designed to be fully naturally ventilated, and therefore no
refrigerant using building services will be specified for the fit out, then this
credit can be awarded. If the building is not designed to be naturally ventilated
and the refrigerant leak detection/recovery cannot be confirmed, because its
specification is the responsibility of a future tenant as part of their fit out works,
then compliance with this BREEAM issue can only be demonstrated via one of
the following means in shell only buildings/areas:

Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and

tenant/s (full value of available credits)
Option 2 A Green Building Guide for tenant fit outs (half the value of the
available credits)
Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration (full value of available credits)

Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be demonstrated the

available credits must be withheld (option 4).
Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description of
the above options.
Fit Out Only

The criteria apply to any existing cooling plant and new plant specified as part
of the fit out.

Industrial units
without offices
and untreated
operational areas

This issue will be filtered from the scope of assessment for industrial units
designed without offices and an untreated operational area, i.e. not designed
to be air conditioned.

Type of

This issue is applied in instances where any type of refrigerant is present, i.e.
even if the ozone depleting potential (ODP) of the refrigerant is zero and the
global warming potential (GWP) is less than 5.

Solid refrigerant

The credit can be awarded by default where a solid refrigerant is used.

CO2 as a

When CO2 is used as a refrigerant, the refrigerant recovery system credit can
be awarded by default. Ref:
EN 378-1:2008 + A1: 2010 (Refrigerating systems and heat pumps Safety and environmental requirements - Part 1: Basic requirements,
definitions, classification and evaluation criteria) and NS-EN 3782:2008 + A1: 2009 (Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety
and environmental requirements - Part 2: Design, construction ,
testing, marking and documentation).
Events can also be NS-EN 378-3:2008 (Refrigerating systems and
heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Part 3:
Location and Privacy Statement)
Where ammonia is used as a refrigerant, the credit can be provided if the
engineering team confirms that the system / installation requirements
according to:
EN 378-1:2008 + A1: 2010 (Refrigeration system and heat pumps Safety and environmental requirements - Part 1: Basic requirements,
definitions, classification and evaluation criteria)
NS-EN 378-2:2008 + A1: 2009 (Refrigerating systems and heat
pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Part 2: Design,
construction, testing, marking and documentation)
The credit can be awarded by default where the total refrigerant charge used
in the building is less than 5kg.

Ammonia as a

Total refrigerant
charge less than
5 kg
Multiple split

For installations of small multiple hermetic systems only, where the refrigerant
charge in each unit is less than 5kg but the total refrigerant charge in the
building is greater than 5kg, the credit can be awarded by default.
is on
Ltd 2009
the basis that the risk of a large refrigerant leak is minimised and individual
leaks from each system will be small i.e. <5kg.


Pol 2 Preventing refrigerant leaks

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

A copy of the specification clause or design

plan confirming:

Assessors building/site inspection

photographic evidence confirming:
Absence of refrigeration plant.


A copy of the specification clause or letter

from the M&E engineer confirming:
Type of leak detection system(s).
Scope of the system(s)
Where relevant, containment strategy for
such equipment.


A copy of the specification clause or letter

from the M&E engineer confirming:
Type, scope and operation of automatic
refrigerant recovery equipment
Details of the plant room enclosure
where the refrigeration plant is installed
Alarm threshold for triggering automatic
pump down.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
Installation of leak detection system(s)
Installation of automatic refrigerant
recovery equipment
Pre-set threshold level for automatic
pump down.


Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Moderately airtight enclosure: this can be defined as an enclosure that does not produce a draught or
significant fresh air ingress that would dilute any leaked refrigerant gas (dilution may prevent detection).
Refrigerant Leak Detection: a permanently installed multi-point sensing system; this may be aspirated
or have multiple sensor heads linked to a central alarm unit or BMS. Various sensor types are available
including infra-red, semi-conductor or electro-chemical. Please see below for further guidance on the
coverage of refrigerant leak detection systems.
Refrigerant Recovery: The process of removing refrigerant from a system and storing it in an airtight
Leak detection systems/devices
Handheld detectors (which include semi-conductor and corona discharge types) do not comply with
BREEAM criteria.
Corona discharge detectors are not suitable where flammable refrigerants are used, or in potentially
explosive atmospheres.
Indicator dyes: these consist of fluorescent or coloured dyes added to the refrigerant to show
leakage sites. The use of the dye should be approved by the compressor manufacturer. Some
compressor manufacturers do not approve the use of indicator dyes, in which case either an
alternative type of equipment should be used, or an alternative type of leak detection specified.
Halide torch detectors: this type of detection is only appropriate for chlorine-based substances such
as CFCs and HCFCs, and should not be used in areas where naked flames are prohibited.
Compounds which do not contain chlorine, e.g. HFCs, cannot be detected by this method. When
awarding this credit in instances where these detectors are in use, the assessor should confirm that
the refrigerant is chlorine based.
Electronic leak detectors: these must be designed to detect a certain type of, or multiple types of,
refrigerant, i.e. CFC, HFC, HCFC, etc.
Standing hold test: systems based on monitoring pressure drops within the pipe work are not
necessarily compliant with the BREEAM criteria. There are natural fluctuations to the pressure of

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Pol 2 Preventing refrigerant leaks


the refrigerant due to changes in volume and temperature of the system, and to the ambient
temperature of the surroundings. Low pressure and high pressure switches, which are standard
equipment on refrigerant plant, are therefore not sufficient to award the credit. Other methods exist,
such as pressurising the system with a high pressure, dry nitrogen gas for a period of time and then
identify whether or not the pressure drops during this time. However, this requires systems to be
shut down for a period of time (usually overnight or longer).
Systems NOT based on the principle of detecting or measuring the concentration of refrigerant in
air: Such systems (for example based on sensing the presence of refrigerant vapour in liquidcarrying pipes or based on detecting whether a system is low on charge) are now commercially

Refrigerant pump down

The specification of automatic refrigerant pump down can further limit potential losses and damage to
the environment and have subsequent economic benefits to the building owner. Regulations on ozone
depleting substances (Chapter 3 and 4) provides guidance on sales, use and disposal of CFCs and
HCFCs media in Norway in the refrigerant and cooling oil.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Pol 3 Refrigerant GWP Cold storage

Issue Title





No. of credits

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Minimum Standards


Pol 3 - Refrigerant GWP Cold Storage

To reduce the contribution to climate change from refrigerants with a high global warming potential.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. All refrigerant types used in cold storage systems have a zero Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP)
and a global warming potential (GWP) of less than 5.
2. The requirement applies to refrigerants used in systems integral to the building, including where
a. Cold storage enclosures.
b. Cold store services including: Chilled water pipework, refrigerant pipework and ductwork
c. Fixed cold or chilled storage cabinets
d. Fixed cold drink coolers.

BRE Global Ltd

Pol 3 Refrigerant GWP Cold storage

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009


Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Shell Only

It is assumed that systems integral to the building will not be installed as part
of the shell and core works, as cold storage facilities are unlikely to be installed
in a speculative development. Where this is not the case the credit cannot be
awarded where the refrigerant GWP of the cold storage that has or will be
installed is not confirmed.

Fit Out Only

The criteria apply to new and replaced storage systems specified as part of a
fit out and the refrigerants used in any existing systems that will remain post fit

equipment &
small plug-in

Any existing system that use refrigerants with an ozone depleting potential or a
global warming potential of more than 5 must have been converted to use a
refrigerant with a zero ODP and GWP less than 5. Where this is not possible,
such systems will need to be replaced to meet the assessment criteria.
The scope of this BREEAM issue excludes domestic-scale refrigeration
equipment and small plug-in chillers and therefore plant not integral to the

GWP data not


Where GWP data is not available, the credit cannot be awarded by default.

No cold food

For developments where the tenant or end use function is known and cold
food storage is not required, then this issue does not need to be assessed.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

A marked-up design plan highlighting the

cold food storage areas/plant in the building.

A letter from the design team/developer

The refrigerant type specified remained

A copy of the specification clause confirming

Type(s) of refrigerant to be used.
Manufacturers information confirming:
ODP and GWP of each refrigerant.

confirmation from
the design team
Type of refrigerant(s) used.
Manufacturers information confirming:
ODP and GWP of each refrigerant.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Pol 3 Refrigerant GWP Cold storage

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Please refer to BREEAM issue Pol 1.

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BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

No. of credits

Pol 4 NOx emissions from heating source





Issue Title


Minimum Standards


Pol 4 - NOx emissions from heating source

To encourage the supply of heat from a system that minimises NO x emissions, and therefore reduces
pollution of the local environment.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

1. Where manufacturers details demonstrate that the plant installed to meet the buildings space
heating demand has dry NOx emission levels at 0% excess O2 as follows:
Offices, education and retail only
Table 12.2 Dry NOx emissions level depending on nominal heat input offices & retail
Nominal heat input < 70kW

Dry NOx level


Boiler class (EN


Nominal heat input > 70kW

Dry NOx level

Boiler class (EN


Industrial only
Table 12.3 Dry NOx emissions level depending on nominal heat input - industrial
Nominal heat input < 70kW
1 (office and
associated areas)
1 (operational

Nominal heat input > 70kW

Dry NOx level


Boiler class (EN


Dry NOx level


Boiler class (EN






The emissions should be estimated under normal operating conditions (not standby).

Exemplary level criteria

The following outlines the exemplary level criteria to achieve an innovation credit for this BREEAM

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Pol 4 NOx emissions from heating source

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

1. An exemplary credit can be awarded where manufacturers details demonstrate that the plant
installed to meet the buildings space heating demand has zero dry NO x emission levels at 0%
excess O2.

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BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Pol 4 NOx emissions from heating source


Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.
If the heating demand for the refurbished building is being met by an existing
system, then the NOx emission level for the existing system must be assessed
against the criteria of this issue.

Extensions to
existing buildings

The rule above for refurbishment projects also applies to new build extensions
to existing buildings.

Shell Only

Where the specification and installation of heating systems within tenanted

units/areas will be the responsibility of the future tenant, compliance with this
BREEAM issue can only be demonstrated via one of the following means in
shell only buildings/areas:

Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and

tenant/s (full value of available credits)
Option 2 A Green Building Guide for tenant fit outs (half the value of the
available credits)
Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration (full value of available credits)

Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be demonstrated the

available credits must be withheld (option 4).

Fit Out Only

designed to be
buildings with no
office space
buildings with an
operational area
Highly insulated

NOx data
provided in
different units
Grid electricity

Low NOx grid


Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description of
the above options.
The criteria apply to any existing or new heating plant specified as part of the
fit out. For fit outs of tenant units/floors where heating is provided and
managed centrally by a third party, i.e. landlord; the central system must be
assessed against the criteria for this issue. If the NOx emission level for this
system cannot be confirmed the credits must be withheld.
Where the building is designed to be ultimately unheated and no boilers are
installed (as it might be the case in some Mediterranean locations), then the
issue is not applicable and will be automatically filtered out by the spreadsheet.
Where the assessed building is designed without an office area or where the
office area is designed to be unheated, the first credit does not apply. This
issue will be automatically filtered from the assessment by the assessors
spreadsheet tool.
Where the operational area of the assessed building is designed to be
unheated, the second credit does not apply. This issue will be automatically
filtered from the assessment by the assessors BREEAM spreadsheet tool.
Where the heating load for a highly insulated/exemplar environmental building
is less than or equal to 7% of the heat load for a Building Regulationscompliant building of the same size and type, 1 credit can be awarded
regardless of the primary fuel used. Figures used for calculations of the
percentage of total heat demand must be based on the output from an
appropriate energy modelling software.
Where data is provided in different units, or at a level of excess oxygen greater
than zero, the manufacturer/supplier should be asked to convert this to comply
with the BREEAM criteria. Alternatively, the assessor may correct these using
the correction factors provided in the Additional Information section.
Where some of the buildings space heating is fuelled by electricity from the
National Grid, please refer to Checklist A9 to find the average NOx emissions
of grid electricity in the country of assessment.
Where the project assessed is located in a country where the NOx emissions
level of the national grid electricity is less than the levels required by BREEAM,
then the credits can be awarded accordingly.
In particular, where the NOx emissions level is already less than
Global Ltd 2009
all three credits can be awarded by default. However, the additional innovation
credit will not be available.


Pol 4 NOx emissions from heating source

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Electricity from a
renewable source

Where electricity used by the heating system is sourced from a zero emission
renewable source such as PVs, wind etc, there are no resulting emissions.
This source of heating can therefore be counted as having zero NOx

Heat pumps

Heat pumps powered by grid electricity indirectly produce emission rates

higher than those required by BREEAM and may therefore be unable to
achieve any credits under Pol 4. However, the energy saved by using certain
types of heat pumps is recognised in BREEAM issue Ene 1 and the reduced
emissions are recognised under BREEAM issue Ene 5. Refer to the additional
guidance section for guidance on calculating NO x emission levels for heat
District heating systems that incinerate waste or biomass usually have NO x
emission rates higher than the levels set to achieve any BREEAM credits.
However, district heating systems combined with a cogeneration plant may
have lower NOx emissions. Evidence will need to be provided as per the
schedule of evidence to demonstrate compliance with the BREEAM

District heating

Heat recovery

Where the local authority requires district heating to be used for the project,
one point can be awarded by default where the project has achieved at least 8
points under Ene 1.
Heat recovery can be considered as having zero NO x emissions for the
purpose of this issue.

Combined Heat &


Refer to the additional guidance section for guidance on calculating NO x

emission levels from CHP.


Whilst Biomass systems are recognised as low carbon systems, they can
produce a significant amount of NOX and so may not achieve this credit;
however they can score highly in the Energy section of BREEAM. Biomass
systems are also recognised as reducing the impact of fossil fuel depletion by
employing a renewable combustion fuel source.

More than one

heating system

Refer to the additional guidance section for guidance on calculating NO x

emission levels where heat is provided by more than one system.

Green Tariff

Commitments to use a Green tariff to supply electricity to heat the building or

power heat pumps are not recognised in this issue due to the uncertainty that
this electricity will be zero emission.

Point of use

Where specified, point of use heaters must be included in the assessment

regardless of whether or not they are integral to the building structure.

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Pol 4 NOx emissions from heating source


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

A copy of the specification clause confirming:

Type of heating system(s) installed.
For each system specified, a letter, email or
Dry NOx emissions rate in mg/kWh.
If more than one system is providing heat,
design team calculations confirming:
The average NOx emission rate.

Post Construction Stage

Assessors building/site inspection
photographic evidence confirming:
Heating system(s) installed.


A letter from the design team or main
contractor confirming:
No changes to the specification.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Appropriate energy modelling software: Refer to BREEAM issue Ene 1 for a definition.
NOx emissions: are pollutant gases produced by the combustion of fossil fuels. NO x reacts with heat
and sunlight to produce ozone that can cause serious respiratory problems. It also reacts with water to
produce acid rain which has a detrimental effect on ecosystems.
Dry NOx Levels: the NOx emissions (mg/kWh) resulting from the combustion of a
fuel at 0% excess oxygen levels.
Calculating NOx emission levels from fossil energy fired boilers:
For fossil fuel boilers, the NOx-emission rate for heat production can either be directly obtained from
manufacturers data or calculated from measurements. It is only possible to measure NOx-emissions
in mg/m combustion air. Please find conversion rates below.
Calculating NOx emission levels from Combined Heat & Power (CHP) systems
Where CHP systems are present or specified, only the heat-related emissions are considered for the
assessment of this issue. For a combined heat and power production unit, it is not possible to clearly
charge NOx emissions to either heat or electricity, as both are produced at the same time with a
certain NOx emission. Therefore it is necessary to use a reference NO x-emission for the produced
electricity in the country of assessment, subtract it from the total NO x -emission produced by the plant
and then allocate the remaining NOx emissions to the heat output. The following formula should be
used to determine this:

mHeat = NOx emissions per unit of heat generated in mg/kWhheat
M = total NOx emissions generated by plant in mg
W el = total quantity of electricity produced in kWhel
mel,ref = country-specific electricity reference NO x-emissions in mg/kWhel please refer to
Checklist A9 to find the relevant information
W Heat = total quantity of electricity produced in kWhHeat

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Pol 4 NOx emissions from heating source

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

The above methodology determines the net NOx emissions from CHP-generated electricity compared
with central generation of electricity and allocates this amount to the heat production. Where mHeat is
calculated to be negative, it should be assumed to be zero.
Calculation example:
The manufacturer states that the CHP systems emits 50 tonnes of NOx emissions per year and
produces 55,000 MWh of heat and 50,000 MWh of electricity. The project is located in Denmark. The
specific heat-related NOx emissions of the plant are as follows;
M = 50 tonnes
W el = 50,000 MWhel
mel,ref = 570 mg/kWh (taken from Checklist A9)
W Heat = 55,000 MW hHeat
mHeat = (50*10 mg 50*10 kWhel * 570 mg/kWhel )/(55*10 kWhHeat) = 390.9 mg/kWh (No credits are
If the same project was assessed in Czech Republic, the specific heat-related NOx emissions of the
plant would now be:
W el,ref = 1315 mg/kWh (taken from Checklist A9)

mHeat = (50*10 mg 50*10 kWhel * 1315 mg/kWhel )/(55*10 kWhHeat) = -286.4 mg/kWh (Three
credits are awarded).

Calculating NOx emission levels for heat pump systems

Heat pumps use electrical energy to produce heating energy. Therefore the reference emission of
electricity should be multiplied by the used electricity and allocated to the heat output.

mHeat = NOx-emissions per unit of heat generated in mg/kWhheat
W el = total quantity of electricity produced in kWhel
mel,ref = country-specific electricity reference NO x-emissions in mg/kWhel please refer to
Checklist A9 to find the relevant information
W Heat = total quantity of electricity produced in kWhHeat
The equation can easily be transformed using the Energy Efficiency Ratio EER or the Coefficient of
Performance COP that can usually be found in manufacturers data:

Calculation example:
A heat pump has an EER of 3.8. It is located in Spain with a reference emission of 1205 mg/kWh:
mHeat = 1205/3.8 = 317 mg/kWh (no credits are awarded).
The same heat pump located in Austria with a reference emission of 140:

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BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Pol 4 NOx emissions from heating source


mHeat = 140/3.8 = 36.8 mg/kWh (3 credits can be awarded).

Calculating the average NOx emission level where heat is provided by more than one system
Where heat is provided by more than one system, an average NOx emission rate should be used based
on the ratio of power outputs from each source, i.e. multiply the emissions of each boiler by the
percentage of heat demand it supplies and total these values. This is likely to be the case where a CHP
system has been sized on the base power demand rather than the heat demand and therefore a
secondary heating system is required. The following formula can be used:
Average NOx Emission Rate = (N1 x (H1/HT)) + (N2 x (H2/HT)) + (Nn x (Hn/HT))
N1 = NOx emissions rate for source 1
N2 = NOx emissions rate for source 2
Nn = NOx emissions rate for source n
HT = Total heat output from all sources
H1 = Heat output from source 1
H2 = Heat output from source 2
Hn = Heat output from source n
Where different boiler sizes have been specified, the assessment criteria levels should be averaged
using the same formula. For instance, for one credit, Nn should be replaced by 100 mg/kWh for boilers
with a nominal heat input < 70 kW, and 120 mg/kWh for boilers with a nominal heat input > 70 kW, The
average NOx emission rate criteria should then be compared to the actual average NOx emission rate
specified in the building to award the credits.
Conversion factors
Manufacturers should be asked to supply dry NO x emissions data in mg/kWh. Where this is not
possible the assessor may use the following conversion factors to convert figures in ppm, mg/MJ,
mg/m or wet NOx. It should be noted that these conversion factors assume worst case efficiencies and
are likely to give conservative answers. This could have the effect of lowering the number of credits

Figures in mg/m should be multiplied by 0.857 in order to gain emissions in mg/kWh. A conversion
may also be necessary for data not calculated at 0% excess oxygen (see below).
Figures in parts per million (ppm) should be multiplied by 1.76 in order to obtain mg/kWh. A
conversion may also be necessary for data not calculated at 0% excess oxygen. (see below)
Figures in mg/MJ should be divided by 3.6 in order to show emissions in mg/kWh (1 kWh = 3.6 MJ).
A conversion may also be necessary for data not calculated at 0% excess oxygen (below).
This Issues criteria are based on dry NOx values almost all manufacturers will quote emissions in
dry NOx. However if wet NOX figures are supplied, these should be converted to dry NOx. This can
be done by multiplying the wet NOX figure by 1.75.

Excess Oxygen Correction: If a NOx emission rate is quoted by the manufacturer in mg/m or ppm,
then it should be established at what % excess oxygen this emission was measured. The greater the
amount of excess oxygen in the flue gases at the time of measurement, the more diluted the NO x. It is
therefore important to convert any emission rate back to 0% excess oxygen. For the purpose of
BREEAM, the following conversion factors can be used for the most frequently used rates supplied by
% Excess O2
Conversion factor

Conversion (c)
x 1.17
x 1.40
x 3.54

c = 20.9/(20.9 x)

Where x = % excess O2 (NOT excess air) and 20.9 is the percentage of O2 in the air.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Pol 5 Flood risk

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

No. of credits





Issue Title

Minimum Standards


Pol 5 - Flood Risk

To encourage development in low flood risk areas or to take measures to reduce the impact of flooding
on buildings in areas with a medium or high risk of flooding.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
Two credits
1. If the assessed development is located in an area of safety class 2 (flood risk <1:200 years).
( Norwegian regulation, TEK 10 , 7-2)
This is confirmed by a flood map developed by the NorwegianWater Resources and Energy Directorat
2. , or where no flood maps are available, by a flood risk assessment of the site conducted by the
relevant local authority. Confirmation must be based on historical AND geological data (e.g
altitude) and take all sources of flooding into consideration.

One credit

1. Where the assessed development is situated in a flood zone that is defined as having a
medium or high annual probability of flooding (Klasse F1 i TEK 10,7-2).. Please refer to the
appropriate compliance note for a definition of risk.

2. This is confirmed by a flood map developed by the relevant national water authority, or where
no flood maps are available, by a flood risk assessment of the site conducted by the relevant
local authority. Confirmation must be based on historical AND geological data (e.g altitude) and
take all sources of flooding into consideration.

3. The development is appropriately flood resilient and resistant from all sources of flooding to the
satisfaction of the local authority and statutory body.

4. The ground level of the building, and access to it and the site, are designed (or zoned) so they
are at least 600mm above the design flood level of the flood zone in which the assessed
development is located (see note 6 & 7).
Additional credit for attenuation measures

1. Where on-site attenuation measures are specified to ensure that:

a. The peak rate of run-off from the site to the watercourses (natural or municipal) is no greater for
the developed site than it was for the pre-development site for all events up to the 100-year
return period.
b. The additional predicted volume of rainwater discharge caused by the new development, for a
1 in 100 year event is entirely reduced using infiltration AND / OR is made available for use in

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Pol 5 Flood risk


the building as a replacement for potable water use in non-potable applications such as WC

2. Those measures must be designed using dynamic wave methods and in accordance with EN
752:2008 and EN 12056-3:2000.

3. The capacity of the attenuation measures must include an allowance for climate change.
4. Any residual additional rainwater volume that cannot be prevented from being discharged (reasons
must be provided with supporting evidence), the peak discharge rate from the site should be
reduced to:
a. The pre-development sites estimated mean annual flood flow rate (Qbar); or
b. A minimum flow rate (litres per second), based on good practice guidelines to prevent easy
blockage, by ensuring the outlet throttle is not too small;

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Pol 5 Flood risk

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.
Refurbishment projects, where no new building or hard landscaping areas are
developed, are likely to achieve the credit for attenuation of surface water runoff. In such instances, as a minimum, a Flood Risk Assessment must have
been carried out and any identified opportunities to reduce surface water runoff as a result of the refurbishment works must be implemented.

Extensions to

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

shell-only assessments.

Fit Out Only

This issue is not assessed in Fit Out-only assessments.

Definition of risk

Definitions of flood zones and risk is defined in the PBL (Norwgian regulations)
and its regulations, as well as the guidelines issued by NVE.
For planning and development in hazardous areas, see the guidelines:
In Norway, the following definitions:
Security Class F1: 1/ 20 years
Security Class F2: 1/ 200 years,

Flood maps

Safety class F3: : <1 in 1000 years

Where flood maps or equivalent are available in the area of assessment, the
BREEAM International assessor should get confirmation that the definition of
risk is at least as onerous as the default definition above, and that flood maps
have been developed based on historical AND geological data (e.g altitude)
and take all sources of flooding into consideration, including whether the land
is on a functional floodplain. Where this is not the case, the relevant local
authority should further confirm the flood risk at the location taking that
additional information into account in order for the credits to be awarded.

Sources of

The following sources (where applicable) should be considered when defining

the risk of flooding at any location:
Fluvial (rivers)
Tidal (including sea level rise risk)
Surface water: sheet run-off from adjacent land (urban or rural)
Groundwater: most common in low-lying areas underlain by permeable
rock (aquifers)
Sewers: combined, foul or surface water sewers.

Functional flood

The BREEAM credit for locating in a flood zone of high annual probability
cannot be awarded where the building is located in the functional flood plain ie
a zone that comprises land where water has to flow or be stored in times of
flood. If the building assessed is or has been defined as water-compatible
development, please refer to the BREEAM office for guidance on assessing
this BREEAM issue.

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Pol 5 Flood risk


Pre-existing flood

In an area protected by existing flood defences (designed to withstand a

certain magnitude of flooding) the appropriate number of credits can be
awarded where the defences reduce the risk to low and the following
conditions are met:

Discharge to the
sea or estuaries

is discharged
site towhere
the flood
sea, the
is not
in the
an area
by abeen,
have tocovered
be, or have
to minimise
of floodingwildlife
the credit
be awarded
purely for thethen
of thecan
the need
additional attenuation measures.

More stringent

The the
is located
a previously
land (as defined
local authority
(or on
body) requires
a greater

s from an
statutory body

600mm threshold


by the criteria
issue LE1
of land)
and the
than in
a more
flooding frequency than that recommended in EN 752: 2008, then the
criteria must be met in order to achieve the credit.
levels set in BREEAM). If firm confirmation is not provided then the credit
of thebecredits
can be awarded where the assessed development has
3. The relevant
confirms that, asofathe
of such
the recommendation
on the the
a flood event
the flooding
great. to low risk.
A statutory bodys local/regional office may be able to provide more
information on existing defences in the area in which the assessed
development is located.
It is accepted that, for buildings located in a high flood zone, areas of the car
park and site access may be allowed to flood and therefore fall below the
600mm threshold. In such cases the credit is still achievable provided safe
access to the site and the ground floor of the building can be maintained (i.e.
they are 600mm above the design flood level) to ensure the building/site does
not become an island in the event of a flood.
Where the development has been permitted and the ground levels of the
topography/infrastructure immediately adjacent to the site fall below the
600mm threshold, the credit can still be awarded, provided there are no other
practical solutions for access to the site above this level and the assessed
building, and access to it, meets the assessment criteria. As much of the
external site area as possible (or as required by an appropriate statutory body)
should be designed at or above the threshold.
There are many defences, owned by third parties, which due to their location
act as a flood defence by default e.g. motorway, railway embankments, walls
etc. It can be assumed that embankments will remain in place for the lifetime
of the development, unless the assessor or project team have reason to
believe otherwise. For walls, assurance must be sought that the wall is likely to
remain for the design life of the building.

Effectiveness of
the water run-off

To ensure effective operation of the water run-off attenuation measures, the

facilities must discharge half their volume within 24-48 hours (unless advised
otherwise by a statutory body) of the storm event in readiness for any
subsequent storm inflow.

Calculating peak
rate of run-off

The assessor is not required to perform any calculation as this should be

provided by the design team to demonstrate that they have sized the
attenuation facilities to store the relevant volume of storm water necessary to
achieve the credit.

rainwater volume

Where rainwater is being discharged to a public sewer or adopted surface

water sewer, and there is a specific minimum requirement defined by the
Sewerage Undertaker that conflicts with the BREEAM requirement, then the
BREEAM requirement can be discounted a long as supporting evidence has
been provided to justify it.


Local figures for rainfall should be used wherever possible. Please refer to the
relevant country appendix sheet to find country specific sources of information.
Where local rainfall figures are not available, rainfall data for major cities in
each country can be found from the World Meteorological Office
BRE Global Ltd 2009 Data for the closest city from the location of
assessment should be used.


Pol 5 Flood risk

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

A copy of a flood map or a letter from the

relevant local authority confirming:
Flood zone or annual probability of
flooding in the site location.
Sources of flooding considered

As design stage, no further evidence is


First & Second Credit


Where appropriate, correspondence from the

appropriate statutory body confirming:
Reduced annual probability of flooding
due to existing flood defences.
Site plans/sections confirming:
The design flood level for the site
The design ground level(s) for all
developed areas of the site.
Safe access and escape routes

As built site plans/sections.

Additional Credit for attenuation measures


Confirmation of the appointment of an

appropriately qualified engineer or consultant
to carry out the calculations and provide
design criteria for all relevant elements.
Copy of the consultants or engineers report
confirming the following:
Type and storage volume (l) of the water
run-off attenuation measures
Total area of hard surfaces (m )
Peak flow rate (l/s) for the design storm
Use of dynamic wave methods
Design in compliance with EN 752:2008
and EN 12056-3:2000.
Additional allowance for climate change
designed in to the system

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
Installation of water run-off attenuation
No changes to the evidence provided at
the interim design assessment stage.
A letter from the design team or main
contractor confirming:
No changes to the specification.
Where changes have occurred, copies of asbuilt designs and calculations must be

Copies of any drawings, site plans and

specification text necessary to support the
claims made.
Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Appropriate Consultant: a hydrological consultant or engineer with a minimum of 2 years experience
in surface water run-off calculations and design of flood prevention measures. Where complex flooding
calculations and prevention measures are required, this must be a specialist hydrological engineer.
Catchment: the area contributing surface water flow to a point on a drainage or water course. It can be
divided into sub-catchments.

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Pol 5 Flood risk


Design flood level: the maximum estimated water level during the design storm event. The design
flood level for a site can be determined through either known historical data or modelled for the specific
Design flood event: an historic or notional flood event of a given annual flood probability, against
which the suitability of a proposed development is assessed and mitigation measures, if any, are
Design storm event: historic or notional weather conditions of a given annual probability, against
which the suitability of a proposed development is assessed and mitigation measures, if any, are
Flood defences: Flood defences do not completely remove the risk of flooding, but they do reduce it.
Building in areas where flood defences are present (and appropriately designed to withstand a certain
magnitude of flooding) is therefore preferable to those built in medium/high risk areas without defences.
However, for the purpose of this issue, it is still preferable to build in areas of low risk than encourage
development of new flood defences in areas with a higher risk of flooding purely for the sake of new
development. Localised flood defence schemes may simply create a problem further downstream
Flood event: A flooding incident characterised by its peak level or flow, or by its level or flow
Flood probability: The estimated probability of a flood of given magnitude occurring or being
exceeded in any specified time period. For example, a 100-year flood has a 1% chance of occurring in
any given year.
Flood risk: the combination of the flood probability and the magnitude of the potential consequences of
the flood event.
Flood risk assessment: a study to assess the risk of a site flooding, and to assess the impact that any
changes or development on the site will have on flood risk on the site and elsewhere. A Flood Risk
Assessment should be prepared according to good practice guidance as outlined in Development and
Flood Risk: A practice guide companion to PPS 25, available from
Flood storage: The temporary storage of excess run-off or river flow in ponds, basins, reservoirs or on
the flood plain during a flood event.
Flood zone: please refer to the relevant country reference sheet to find the definition of flood zones in
the country of assessment where these are defined.
Greenfield: a site which has either never been built on, or one which has remained undisturbed for five
years or more.
Greenfield run-off rate: the rate of run-off that would occur from the site in its undeveloped and
therefore undisturbed state.
Hard surfaces: these include roofs, car parks, access roads, pavements, delivery/service yards and
external hard landscaping. Footpaths less than 1.5m wide which have free drainage to soft landscaped
areas on both sides may be excluded.
Infiltration: the passage of water into a permeable surface, such as soil, permeable paving, soakaways
and so on.
Natural watercourses: any natural channel that conveys surface water.
Peak run-off rate (referred to as Qp [m/sec]): this is the highest rate of flow from a defined catchment
area assuming that rainfall is uniformly distributed over the drainage area, considering the entire
drainage area as a single unit and estimation of flow at the most downstream point only.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Pol 5 Flood risk

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Pre-development: the state of the site under assessment immediately prior to purchase of the site by
the client/developer (or, where the client has owned/occupied the site for a number of years, its current
Relevant local authority/national water authority: refers to the body responsible for setting the flood
risk such as the local water authority or local sewage utility company. Please refer to the relevant
country reference sheet for further guidance.
Run-off: this is usually rainwater, but can also be groundwater or overspill from sewers and other
Run-off rate: the rate of discharge of water from a surface.
Run-off attenuation measures: this covers the range of construction and equipment which can be
employed to attenuate run-off from hard surfaces and roofs. Measures include: underground storage,
oversized pipes, holding ponds, swales, reed beds, permeable paving, green roofs, local or centralised
soakaways etc.
Peak flow rate: the peak rate of discharge of water from hard surfaces. For the purpose of calculating
the peak flow rate volume, a 60 min duration of the design storm event should be used (unless a
different duration is required by a statutory body).
Sewerage undertaker: this is a water company with statutory responsibility for sewerage and
sewerage disposal and also surface water from roofs and yards of premises.
Shoreline Management Plan: SMPs provide a large-scale assessment of the risks associated with
coastal processes and present a policy framework to reduce these risks to people and the developed,
historic and natural environment in a sustainable manner.
SUDS - sustainable drainage systems or sustainable (urban) drainage systems: a sequence of
management practices and control structures designed to drain surface water in a more sustainable
fashion than some conventional techniques. SUDS devices include:
Holding ponds
Reed beds
Permeable paving - in areas where local geological and hydrological conditions allow this to
function, e.g. block paved surface on permeable sub-base over gravel bed to store the water and
allow it to seep into the soil. For less permeable soils, the gravel layer might be deeper and the
water taken to a soakaway although this is not an option in some areas.
Local or centralised soakaways either as full systems or as overflow or holding systems, in areas
where local geological and hydrological conditions allow them to function.
Run-off from roofs collected as a part of a rainwater harvesting system.
Run-off from roofs directed to a local soakaway or other holding facility such as tanks, ponds,
swales etc.
Green roofs.
Surface Water Run-off: water flow over the ground surface to a drainage system. This occurs if the
ground is impermeable, is saturated or if the rainfall is particularly intense.

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

No. of credits

Pol 6 Minimising watercourse pollution





Issue Title


Minimum Standards


Pol 6 - Minimising Watercourse Pollution

To reduce the potential for silt, heavy metals, chemicals or oil pollution to natural watercourses from
surface water run-off from buildings and hard surfaces.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:

Where run-off drains are in areas with a relatively low risk source of watercourse pollution,
specification of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs) or source control systems such as
permeable surfaces or infiltration trenches

3. Where there is a high risk of contamination or spillage of substances such as petrol and oil,
specification of oil/petrol separators (or equivalent system) in surface water drainage systems (see
Compliance Notes for a list of areas).
4. Confirmation from the appropriate statutory body that they are content with the proposals.
5. A comprehensive and up-to-date drainage plan of the site will be made available for the
building/site occupiers.
In addition, where the building has chemical/liquid gas storage areas the following must also be
6. Shut-off valves fitted to the site drainage system to prevent the escape of chemicals to natural
watercourses (in the event of a spillage or bunding failure).

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Pol 6 Minimising watercourse pollution

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only
Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
Please refer to the compliance note below regarding infill building on an
existing site.

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

shell only assessments.
The criteria apply to any existing or new facilities that fall within the scope of
the fit out works.

Areas that are a

source of

For the purpose of assessing this issue an area that presents a risk of
watercourse pollution includes vehicle manoeuvring areas, car parks, waste
disposal facilities, delivery and storage facilities or plant areas.

Areas where oil

separators are

The following site areas (where present) require oil separators in surface water
drainage systems:
Car parks larger than 800m or with 50 or more parking spaces
Smaller car parks discharging to a sensitive environment
Areas where goods vehicles are parked or manoeuvred
Vehicle maintenance areas
Industrial sites where oil is stored or used
Refuelling facilities

SUDS and oil


In some instances, where the risk of contamination is infrequent and potential

spills will be small, oil interceptors may not be required if appropriately
designed Sustainable Urban Drainage systems are specified.

Infill building on
existing site

Where the assessment is of an individual building on an existing site, i.e. infill

development, the requirements apply to areas within the construction zone that
present a risk of pollution, as well as any areas external to the construction
zone that are affected by the new works i.e. drainage onto or from the
proposed development.

Suitable level of

In all cases the assessor should determine the operational use of the site in
order to determine if the proposed surface water run-off strategy is suitable.

Rainwater run-off

This issue is not intended to cover the treatment of rainwater run-off except
where there is a risk of significant pollution arising.
Where it can be demonstrated that there will be no drainage or wash down
facilities that may lead water from inside the underground or covered area
to natural watercourses, then such areas comply with the assessment criteria
by default.

covered areas

Roof plant

No areas at risk
from pollution

Roof top plant space must be considered where there is a risk from
substances such as petrol or oil. Refrigerants are not assessed under this
issue, as the only risk of pollution is to air and not the watercourse.
Where it can be demonstrated that there are no external areas that present a
pollution risk, e.g. parking, delivery, manoeuvring or servicing facilities
(including individual parking spaces), external waste storage space or other
hard standing areas AND there is no plant supported on the roof, then this
credit can be awarded by default.

paving system

Where it can be demonstrated that a permeable paving system designed to

retain silts and degrade oils has been used, then this will meet the assessment
criteria of this issue for car parks and access roads.

Drainage plan

A comprehensive and up-to-date drainage plan of the site, which accurately

identifies all drains, must be produced and handed over to the new occupier. If
there is no in-house expertise to do this, a reputable drainage company should
be used.
Where workshop areas are specified, they should be assessed against the
above criteria. This is due to circumstances where there may be some form of
vehicle servicing as part of a car showroom or other type of retail space.

BRE Global Ltd

Workshop areas
in retail buildings

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Pol 6 Minimising watercourse pollution


BRE Global Ltd 2009


Pol 6 Minimising watercourse pollution

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage
Marked-up proposed site plan highlighting:
Low and high risk areas of the site.

Post Construction Stage

Assessors building/site inspection and
photographic evidence confirming:
Installation of pollution control system(s).

A copy of the specification or design plan

Type of pollution control systems

A letter from the appropriate statutory body

confirming that they are content with the

A letter from the design team or main

contractor confirming:
No changes to the evidence provided at
the interim design stage assessment.

A letter from the design team confirming:

A copy of the drainage plan will be
produced and handed over to the
building occupier.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
Existence of the drainage plan in the
buildings O&M manual/file.

A copy of the specification or site plan

Installation of shut-off valves and system

Assessors building/site inspection

photographic evidence confirming:
Installation of shut-off valves.


Additional Information
Relevant definitions

Appropriate statutory body: This refers to the body responsible for giving permissions and setting the
conditions for the discharge of roof- and surface water to watercourse.
Low risk areas: Low risk areas can be defined as areas where the risk of contamination or spillage of
substances such as petrol and oil is reduced. For the purpose of this credit, roofs and small car parks
may be considered as low risk areas.
Soakaways: A sub-surface structure designed to promote the infiltration of surface water in to the
ground. As a general point, soakaways may be shallow and broad as in a blanket under permeable
paving, or deeper structures. Deeper, point source soakaways should be avoided for road and car-park
drainage, but shallow structures providing infiltration in an extensive way (infiltration trenches and
permeable paving) do not need oil separators. See Pollution Prevention Guideline (PPG) 3 Use and
design of oil separators in surface water drainage systems, Environment Agency/SEPA/Environment &
Heritage Service, 2006 for further guidance.
Norwegian guide: NORVAR-rapport: Veileder for oljeutskilleranlegg
Types of Oil Separator

Class 1 Separators: These are designed to achieve a concentration of less than 5mg/l oil under
standard test conditions. They should be used when the separator is required to remove very small
oil droplets, such as those arising from car park run-off.

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Pol 6 Minimising watercourse pollution


Class 2 Separators: These are designed to achieve a concentration of less than 100mg/l oil under
standard test conditions. They are suitable for dealing with discharges where a lower quality
requirement applies and/or for trapping large spillages.
Both classes can be produced as full retention or by pass separators:

Full retention separators treat the flow that can be delivered by the drainage system, which is
normally equivalent to the flow generated by a rainfall intensity of 50mm/hr.

Bypass separators fully treat all flows generated by rainfall rates of up to 5mm/hr. Flows above
this rate are allowed to bypass the separator. These separators are used when it is an acceptable
risk not to provide full treatment for high flows.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Pol 7 Reduction of Night Time Light Pollution

No. of credits

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009





Issue Title

Minimum Standards


Pol 7 - Reduction of Night Time Light Pollution

To ensure that external lighting is concentrated in the appropriate areas and that upward lighting is
minimised, reducing unnecessary light pollution, energy consumption and nuisance to neighbouring
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. The external lighting strategy has been designed in compliance with the limits set for light technical
parameters in section 2.7 of CIE 150-2003 and table 2 of CIE 126-1997.
2. Illuminated advertisements, where specified, must meet the following criteria:
a. The uniformity of illuminance must comply with the following:
Table 12.4 Recommendations for the uniformity of illuminance
Type of illumination
Illuminated Area
Uniformity of illuminance

Over 1.5m




Up to 1.5m


Above and between the light sources


b. The maximum luminance (CD/m2) must comply with the following (please refer to the
Additional Information section for a definition of the different zones).
Table 12.5 Recommendations for Maximum Luminance (CD/m2)
Illuminated Area (m )
Zone E1
Zone E2
Zone E3

Zone E4

Up to 10.00





Over 10.00





3. All external lighting (except for safety and security lighting as well as illuminated advertisements)
can be automatically switched off between 2300hrs and 0700hrs. This can be achieved by
providing a timer for all external lighting set to the appropriate hours. Illuminated advertisements
must comply with the criteria under point 2 above except in Zone E1 the maximum luminance value
shall be zero post-curfew.
4. If safety or security lighting is provided and will be used between 2300hrs and 0700hrs, this part of
the lighting system complies with the lower levels of lighting recommended during these hours in
CIE 150-2003 and CIE 126-1997, for example by using an automatic switch to reduce the lighting
levels at 2300 or earlier.

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Pol 7 Reduction of Night Time Light Pollution


Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.


For refurbishment projects, in addition to any new external lighting specified,

any existing lighting that will remain post development must be assessed
against the criteria of this issue.

Extensions to

If the scope of the assessment covers the new extension only, then it is only
new lighting specified as part of that extended works that must be assessed
against the criteria for this issue. If the new and existing building is being
assessed as one, then the rule for refurbishments (above) applies to the
existing building.

Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

shell-only assessments.

Fit Out Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

fit out-only assessments.

building on
existing site

Where the assessment is of an individual building on an existing site then only

those areas affected by the works i.e. within the construction zone, must be

No external

If there is no external lighting on or around the assessed development the

credit can be awarded by default.

Safety lights

Flush stud lights used for safety purposes in vehicle manoeuvring areas may
be excluded from the assessment.

signage lighting

The CIE guidance recommends the setting of a curfew. This will normally
include floodlighting, signage and all lighting that is not required for safety or
security. Illuminated advertisements may be excluded from this requirement,
but will need to comply with different levels of maximum luminance depending
on the surrounding and background environment as per requirement 4.
Where essential lighting is provided between 2300 and 0700, i.e. for 24-hour
operating buildings, the system is able to automatically switch to the lower
levels of lighting recommended in the CIE 150-2003 and CIE 126-1997 for
lighting during these hours (or provide these lower levels at all times). The
more restrictive values, applying after the curfew hour, are predicated on the
maintenance of amenity and environmental integrity being the dominant
considerations. The need for the proposed lighting and its use during curfew
hours should be considered in the first instance.
Where a different curfew time applies for other reasons (e.g. noise control),
consideration should be given to the co-ordination of the curfews, i.e. allowing
sufficient time of operation for the lighting after the conclusion of the activity to
facilitate crowd dispersal, particularly where large numbers of spectators are
Any light fittings in the areas outlined above that are specified to comply with
specific security criteria/standards, and where those criteria and the BREEAM
assessment criteria are not complementary, can be excluded from the
assessment of this issue. In these circumstances the assessor must obtain
evidence confirming that such criteria are applicable to the assessed
When considering the zone in which the advertising sign is, or is intended to
be, sited, the contrast with the surrounding or background should be taken into
account (e.g. the surrounding could be unlit when viewed from the road or a
residential window) and the zone adjusted accordingly. Where an illuminated
sign lies on the boundary of two zones or can be observed from another zone,
the illumination level used should be that applicable to the most rigorous zone.

Essential lighting
between 2300
and 0700

Different curfew

Specific security


BRE Global Ltd 2009


Pol 7 Reduction of Night Time Light Pollution

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage


A marked-up copy of the site plan showing:

Areas of the building and site that will be
externally lit
Any nearby properties.

Assessors building/site inspection and

photographic evidence confirming:
Cut-off luminaires, if provided, have been
angled to limit spill light to potentially
obtrusive directions.
External lighting controls

A copy of the specification clause requiring,

or external lighting design confirming:
compliance with CIE Guidance
Controls for all external lighting.
Design of any illuminated advertisements
In the case of the external lighting design,
the M&E engineer or lighting designer must
provided indicative examples of where and
how the strategy complies with the
assessment criteria.

A letter from the design team or main

contractor confirming:
Installation of systems in accordance
with compliant design.
No changes to the evidence provided at
the interim design stage assessment.

Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Advertisements: any word, letter, model, sign, placard, board, notice, awning, blind, device or
representation, in the nature of, and employed wholly or partly for the purposes of advertisement or
announcement. This also includes any hoarding or similar structure used, or designed or adapted for
use for the display of advertisements.
Construction zone: For the purpose of this credit the construction zone is defined as the site which is
being developed for the BREEAM assessed building and its external site areas i.e. the scope of the
new works.
Compliance checking of the design should be carried out against the Commission Internationale
Dclairage guidance. This gives four sets of recommendations;
1. Limits to the average upward light ratio of the luminaires, to restrict sky glow.
2. Limiting illuminance at the windows of nearby properties for which light trespass might be an issue.
3. Limiting the intensity of each light source in potentially obtrusive directions beyond the site
4. Limiting the average luminance of the building, if it is floodlit.
In each case the limiting values depend on the location of the site of the building (for example rural,
urban or city centre). A calculation of illuminance (b) or intensity (c) is not required if all luminaires are
cut-off types and angled so that light in potentially obtrusive directions is blocked.
Illuminated advertisements: an advertisement which is designed or adapted to be illuminated by
artificial lighting, directly or by reflection, and which is so illuminated.
Illuminance uniformity: ratio of the maximum luminance to the minimum luminance,
Lighting zones: the contrast with the surrounding or background and therefore the lighting
environment of the building change the perception of luminance. The maximum luminance of the

BRE Global Ltd

BREEAM Europe Commercial 2009

Pol 7 Reduction of Night Time Light Pollution


advertisement needs therefore to be adapted depending on the lighting environment. Four lighting
zones can be defined as follows;
Table 12.6 Environmental lighting zone
Lighting Environment








Low district brightness

National parks or protected
Industrial or residential rural

Medium district brightness

Industrial or residential suburbs

High district brightness

Town centres and commercial

Intrinsically dark

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Pol 8 Noise attenuation

No. of credits






Issue Title

Minimum Standards


Pol 8 - Noise Attenuation

To reduce the likelihood of noise from the new development affecting nearby noise-sensitive buildings.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
1. There are, or will be, existing noise-sensitive areas or buildings within 800m radius of the assessed
Where there are or will be no noise-sensitive areas or buildings in the locality of the assessed
development, the credit can be awarded by default.
2. A noise impact assessment in compliance with ISO 1996 has been carried out and the following
noise levels measured/determined:

h. Existing background noise levels at the nearest or most exposed noise-sensitive


development to the proposed development; or at a location where background conditions

can be argued to be similar.
The rating noise level resulting from the proposed noise-source. This can be based upon
reference to similar installations or sites, or determined by calculation.

The noise impact assessment must be carried out by a suitably qualified acoustic consultant
holding a recognised acoustic qualification and membership of an appropriate professional body
(see relevant definitions in the additional guidance section).

3. Where the specific noise level of the noise source(s) from the site/building is +5dB during the day
(0700hrs to 2200hrs) and +3dB at night (2200hrs to 0700hrs) compared to the background noise
level, the credit can be awarded.
Education only: If the specific noise level from the noise source (s) from the site / building is equal
to or less than the background noise level, the point is awarded

4. Where the rating level of the noise source(s) from the site/building is greater than the background
noise level, measures have been installed to attenuate the noise at its source to a level where it will
comply with requirement 3.

BRE Global Ltd


Pol 8 Noise attenuation


Compliance Notes
New Build
Extensions to
Shell Only

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new build projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.
Where the specification and installation of building services systems within the
building/tenanted areas will be the responsibility of the future tenant, the
acoustician will need to make an assumption for the worst case noise rating
level. This can be based upon reference to servicing strategy/installations and
sites similar to that of the assessed building or on a maximum design fit out
Alternatively, compliance with this BREEAM issue can be demonstrated via
one of the following means:

Option 1 Use of a tenancy lease agreement between the developer and

tenant/s (full value of available credits)
Option 2 A Green Building Guide for tenant fit outs (half the value of the
available credits)
Option 3 Developer/Tenant collaboration (full value of available credits)

Where compliance with the assessment criteria cannot be demonstrated the

available credits must be withheld (option 4).
Refer to the Scope section 2.2 Types of project that can be assessed using
BREEAM (Shell and Core / Speculative Assessments) for further description of
the above options.
Fit Out Only

Part of a larger
building is
defined as noise
Scope of the
noise impact
Standard not
appropriate / not
buildings with an
operational area
and no office

The criteria for fit out assessment are the same as those outlined above,
subject to the following:
1. If the fit out includes the replacement of building servicing plant or changes
to site layout/access that are likely to result in the creation of a specific
noise that will raise the ambient noise level, then an assessment must be
carried out.
2. The credit can be awarded where it can be demonstrated that the creation
of a specific noise is unlikely to raise the ambient noise above the existing
background level. This may be the case where the BREEAM-assessed
unit forms part of a larger development and as a result, specific
attenuation measures specified for the building/unit would have little or no
effect on the overall ambient noise level.
3. If the fit out results in no new specific noise source then the credit can be
If the development forms part of a larger mixed-use development, where noise
sensitive buildings exist or will be developed, then the noise assessment must
be carried out to ensure noise from the assessed building will not create a
future problem.
If the assessed building is itself defined as a noise sensitive building then a
noise impact assessment must be carried out regardless of the assessed
buildings locality to other noise sensitive areas or buildings.
For the purposes of BREEAM the noise impact assessment relates only to
building services plant; additional process-related noise does not have to be
considered. Stand-by generating plant should also not be included.
Where a suitably qualified acoustician confirms that ISO 1996 is not an
appropriate standard of assessment for the proposed building/site, their
assessment of the likelihood of complaint from noise impact can be accepted
for the purpose of assessing this issue.
Where the industrial unit has no office space and an untreated operational
area, this issue will be filtered from the list of applicable credits.
BRE Global Ltd 2009


Pol 8 Noise attenuation


Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage

Post Construction Stage

Site plan highlighting:

All existing and proposed noise-sensitive
buildings local to, and within, the site
Proposed sources of noise from the new
Distance (m) from these buildings to the
assessed development.

Assessors building/site inspection report and

photographic evidence confirming:
All noise-sensitive buildings local to, and
within, the site boundary
Proposed noise sources within the
Distances (m) from these buildings to the
assessed development.

A copy of the acousticians report.

A copy of the acousticians report with

measurements based on installed and
operating plant.


professional status.



A copy of the specification clause requiring:
A noise assessment in compliance with
ISO 1996 by a suitably qualified

A formal letter from the client or design team

confirming that they will appoint an
acoustician to carry out a noise assessment
in compliance with ISO 1996.
Acousticians report with recommendations
for noise attenuation measures.
A marked-up design plan highlighting the
specification of the acousticians attenuation

Assessors building/site inspection report and

photographic evidence confirming:
The existence of the specified noise
attenuation measures.
A formal letter from the acoustician
confirming that all specified attenuation
measures have been installed to the required

A formal letter from the client or design team

confirming that:
If relevant, attenuation measures
recommended by an appointed suitably
qualified acoustician will be installed.
Additional Information
Relevant definitions
Suitably qualified acoustician: Refer to BREEAM issue Hea 13 for the relevant definition.
Ambient noise: totally encompassing sound in a given situation and given time usually composed of
sounds from sources near and far.
Background noise level: the A-weighted sound pressure level of the residual noise at the assessment
position that is exceeded for 90% of a given time interval.

BRE Global Ltd


Pol 8 Noise attenuation


Noise sensitive area: landscapes or buildings where the occupiers are likely to be sensitive to noise
created by the new plant installed in the assessed building, including:
Residential areas
Hospitals, health centres, care homes, doctors surgeries etc.
Schools, colleges and other teaching establishments.
Places of worship
Wildlife areas, historic landscapes, parks and gardens.
Located in an area of Outstanding natural beauty or near a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).
Any other development that can be considered noise sensitive.
Rating noise level: the specific noise level plus any adjustments for characteristics features of the
noise (typically 5dB).
Residual noise: the ambient noise remaining at a given position in a given situation when the specific
noise source is suppressed to a degree such that it does not contribute to the ambient noise.
Specific noise level: the equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level at the assessment
position produced by the specific noise source over a given reference time interval.
Specific noise source: the noise source under investigation for assessing the likelihood of complaints .

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Inn 1 Innovation


13.0 Innovation

Issue ID

Issue Title

Inn 1


No. of credits


To provide additional recognition for a procurement strategy, design feature, management process or
technological development that innovates in the field of sustainability, above and beyond the level that
is currently recognised and rewarded within standard BREEAM issues.
Assessment Criteria
The following demonstrates compliance:
Up to 10 credits are available by meeting Exemplary Performance for existing BREEAM issues
1. Exemplary performance is demonstrated by meeting Exemplary Performance criteria for existing
BREEAM Issues. Please refer to the table below for a list of BREEAM issues with defined
exemplary performance criteria (this is also found in section 3.0 of the manual, Scoring and
Weighting). For the specific Assessment Criteria please refer to the section of the technical
guidance containing the relevant BREEAM issue.
Table 13.1 BREEAM issues with exemplary level criteria
Man 3 - Construction Site Impacts
Hea 1 - Daylighting
Hea 9 - Volatile Organic Compounds
Hea 14 - Office Space (BREEAM Retail & Industrial Schemes only)
Ene 5 - Low or Zero Carbon Technologies
Tra 3 - Alternative modes of transport
Wat 2 - Water Meter
Mat 5 - Responsible Sourcing of Materials
Wst 1 - Construction Site Waste Management
Pol 4 - NOx emissions of heating source

BRE Global Ltd


Inn 1 Innovation


Compliance Notes
New Build

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

new-build projects.


There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

refurbishment projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
the assessment of extensions to existing buildings.

Extensions to
existing buildings
Shell Only
Fit Out only
Credit limit for

There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to

shell only projects.
There are no additional or different criteria to those outlined above specific to
fit-out only projects.
A maximum of ten credits may be sought in the Innovation section.

Schedule of Evidence Required


Design Stage
As defined within existing BREEAM Issues

Post Construction Stage

As defined within existing BREEAM Issues

Additional Information
Relevant definitions

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A2


14.0 Technical Checklists

14.1 Technical Checklist A2: Man 2 Constructors Environmental and Social Code of Conduct
1 Safe and adequate access
This section is intended to demonstrate that the constructor operates the site in a manner that guarantees a safe and appropriate access to, around and on the site.
The following items demonstrate compliance with this section:


Appropriate and safe access to the site is provided. This must include
as a minimum:
Provision of parking on or near site OR a public transport node with
an average frequency under 30minutes within 500m OR a
dedicated transport service to a major public transport node
provided by the contractor.
Good lighting AND Adequate barriers AND uniform surfaces ie no
trip hazards outside the site boundary
All accesses to be clean and mud free
Hoarding or scaffolding to be well lit at night AND scaffold netting is
in place and well maintained
Appropriate and safe access on site is provided. This must include as
a minimum:
Footpaths marked with ramps and signs
Wallwaus are wide enough for wheelchairs (1,2 1,4 m)
Accessibility of all areas by visually or hearing impaired visitors
All site hazards advertised at the site entrance
Site entrances and exits are clearly marked for visitors and delivery
drivers to see.
Site reception is clearly signposted OR all visitors are escorted to the

BRE Global Ltd

Evidence/reference required
See copy of parking plan & check
transport / dedicated service

View on site.

View on site.
View on site.

View on site and check that list of

hazards is complete

View on site
Check on arrival for the signs OR
see a copy of the induction



Technical Checklist A2



The post box has been placed on the pavement to avoid the postman
from entering the site.
Where there are minority communities speaking a different language in
the area or working onsite, notices are printed in the common local

All road signs / names can be seen OR when a road sign / name is
obstructed a replacement has been erected

Where a site with severe congestion has a delivery point remote from a
site, deliveries can then be made in smaller vehicles at times to cause
the least inconvenience.

View on site
Check the area and the staffs
register for a minority culture
community. Where this is present
on- or off-site, check for signs in
the communities language.
View on site
View procedures on site.

2 Good Neighbour
This section is intended to demonstrate that the constructor operates the site in a manner that is considerate to the surrounding neighbours. The following items
demonstrate compliance with this section:

Introductory letters have been / will be sent to all neighbours AND
there is a commitment to write and thank neighbours at the end of the
contract for their forbearance AND provide feedback form

Evidence/reference required
See copies of letters with list of
A copy of this commitment should
be provided or a copy of a standard
letter that is always sent at the end
of a project.
A copy of the feedback form must
be provided along a procedure to
monitor the results and implement
changes for future work.


BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A2


Site hours and noisy work restrictions are appropriate to the area, in
particular when the site is located near:
Industrial Units
Major public Transport Nodes
City centres
Shopping facilities

Copy of statement of intent, policy,

agreement etc to be provided

The site boundary is clearly and safely marked and appropriate to the
The colour of the hoarding has been considered in terms of the
surrounding environment.
Pedestrians have a suitable, safe and protected passage around
the site boundary
There are well lit warning signs for the benefit of the pedestrian and
road user
The sites surroundings are seen by the public as tidy and clean

There is a complaints book available AND evidence that complaints

are being dealt with immediately
Local people are appropriately informed by the use of a notice board:
Of the site progress
Of the company contact details (telephone number / web site /
email address)
Light is shielded from the neighbours

Ask site manager if any thought

was given to the hoarding and the
location of the site.
Is the hoarding clearly /safely
marked, clean, neat and well
Ensure that there are no complaints
about the site being untidy or that if
there were this was quickly rectified
and not repeated.
Inspect the complaints book and
check responses for timeliness

Site personnel are discouraged from using local facilities in their site
clothes. Examples of how this might be achieved include :
A canteen
Staggered breaks for different gangs.
Provision of showers / wash rooms.
Provision of lockers.
A request to leave PPE on site.

BRE Global Ltd

View on site
Copy of the temporary works
indicating light shielding or the site
manager must demonstrate how the
light shielding works or is not
View on site.
Check procedures with the Site


Technical Checklist A2

There is a volume restriction on radio use or there is a radio ban


Check if restriction / ban is in place

and how this is enforced

3 Environmentally Aware
This section is intended to demonstrate that the constructor has considered the impact of the site on the environment and has implemented measures to mitigate
this impact. The following items demonstrate compliance with this section:

There are restrictions on the effects of light pollution and all lights are
directional and non-polluting. If there is a site specific environmental
policy which sets restrictions on lighting, this point can be awarded.
Energy saving measures are implemented on site. Examples of this
Low energy lighting
Switching off equipment when not in use
Installing thermostats
Installing timers
Choosing energy efficient equipment
If there is a site specific environmental policy which defines energy
saving measures, this point can be awarded.
An impact minimisation strategy review is in place for the site. The
review should consider the impact of the site in environmental terms
and how any adverse effects are being minimised.
Water saving measures are implemented on site and monitored. If
there is a site specific environmental policy which indicates how water
saving measures are managed and monitored on site, this point can be
Alternative energy sources have been considered.

Fuel oil spillage equipment is available.

Sumps are provided in cases of heavy water run off. If there is a site
specific environmental policy which indicates how heavy water run off
will be minimised and dealt with on site, this point can be awarded.

View on site.


View on site.

View impact minimisation

View procedures on site.

View on site.
View on site. Ensure the spillage
equipment is located where
spillages may occur to ensure a
rapid response time.
View on site.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A2


Materials and equipment are tidily stacked and protected / covered

where necessary AND there is adequate space for new materials to be
stored in secured covered areas to avoid damage, theft and to protect
from weather.

View on site. Ensure that where

the space has been provided, it is
being used correctly

4 Safe and considerate working environment

This section is intended to demonstrate that the constructor is operating the site in a clean and safe manner in order to ensure the wellbeing of its workers and to
minimise the risk to their health and safety. The following items demonstrate compliance with this section:

Adequate facilities are provided on-site for workers and visitors. These
must include as a minimum:
Separate male, female and disabled toilets
Working usable showers AND suitable changing areas e
Lockers in the drying room
Dedicated smoking area
Site facilities are well maintained and clean. This must cover as a
Areas around the canteen, offices and skips
Site welfare facilities
Dedicated smoking area
Private or visually-impacting areas are screened. These must include
as a minimum:
Areas around the canteen, offices and skips where necessary.
Dedicated smoking area
Clean PPE is available for use by visitors

Health and Safety procedures are in place for the following issues:
Appropriate training of all staff including non native operatives to
understand H&S best practices and information displayed on site
Operatives exposure to the sun
Operatives identification; all operatives to be provided with a photo
ID clip card

BRE Global Ltd

View on site

View on site.

View on site.

Check company policy and

procedure and if it is being
implemented on site
Check company policy and
procedures and how these are
Check first aid book in particular
for minor accidents.
Check the first aiders list and their




Reporting of all incidents (minor and serious) and near misses

Ensuring that an appropriate number of first aiders and first aid
equipment are available for the site.

There is posted material indicating nearest police Station and Hospital

(with Accident & Emergency facilities) in the following areas as a
Site reception
Site canteen
Main site office
An inspection has been carried out by a Health and Safety inspector or
Emergency escape routes well identified and clear emergency
evacuation procedure AND drills carried out.

Technical Checklist A2


qualifications (must be less than 3

years old). Check that each first
aiders have a box with basic
equipment and that they have
access to more equipment if
necessary and that they know
where to find it.
Spot check managers, operatives,
reception staff to check they know
this information or at least where
they would find it. Check induction
View on site.
View on site. Written proof of fire
drill procedure.

Signed by:

BREEAM Assessor ____________________

Site representative ____________________

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A3


14.2 Technical Checklist A3: Man 3 Construction Site Impacts

a. Monitor, report and set targets for CO2 production of energy use arising from site activities
Compliance requirement



Monthly measurements of energy use will be/has been

recorded and displayed on site.
Appropriate target levels* of energy consumption will
be/were set and displayed (targets could be annual,
monthly, or project targets). These should be based on
the actual consumption figures from previous projects
and should be appropriate to each construction stage.
As a minimum, monitoring will/did include checking the
meters and displaying some form of graphical analysis
in the site office to show consumption over the project
duration and how actual consumption compares to the
targets set.
The design/site management team will/did nominate an
individual who will be responsible for the monitoring
and collection of data.
* Notes:
Targets for energy consumption during the construction process should be set using Constructing
Excellence Environmental KPI benchmarks. These documents do not specify targets but facilitate
projects in setting appropriate targets. or
BREEAM does not require targets to be met but is encouraging the process of setting, monitoring
and reporting against targets.
b. Monitor and report CO2 or energy arising from commercial transport to and from the site
Compliance requirement
A site monitoring system will be/was in place to monitor
and record deliveries*. This system will/did record:
The number of deliveries
The mode of transport
The km/miles travelled for all deliveries
The design/site management team will/did nominate an
individual responsible for the monitoring and collection
of data.

BRE Global Ltd




Technical Checklist A3


Where the delivery is specifically for the site, a figure of total distance travelled should be used, i.e.
a round trip (from the point of origin, to the site and back to the point of origin).
Where the delivery to the site is part of a multiple delivery route, the recorded figure for distance
travelled should be the distance travelled to the site (from the previous delivery), plus the distance
to the next delivery or return.
This information can then be used to estimate a total figure for kg of CO 2 for the project. BREEAM
does not require this information to be converted to CO 2 but the information must be made
available to the senior project and site management staff/suppliers to establish benchmarks and aid
future decision-making towards improving site and transport efficiency. If the project team wishes to
convert this information into CO2 emissions there are tables provided at the end of this checklist
which can be used to do this.
c. Monitor, report and set targets for water consumption arising from site activities
Compliance requirement



Monthly measurements of water consumption will

be/were recorded and displayed on site.
Appropriate target* levels of water consumption will
be/were set and displayed (targets could be annual,
monthly or project targets). These should be based on
the actual consumption figures from previous projects
and should be appropriate to each construction stage.
As a minimum, monitoring will/did include checking the
meters and displaying some form of graphical analysis
in the site office to show consumption over the project
duration and how actual consumption compares to
targets set.
The design/site management team will/did nominate an
individual responsible for the monitoring and collection
of data.
Targets for water consumption during the construction process should be set using Constructing
Excellence Environmental KPI benchmarks. These documents do not specify targets but facilitate
projects in setting appropriate targets. or
BREEAM does not require targets to be met but is encouraging the process of setting, monitoring
and reporting targets.
d. Adopt best practice policies in respect of air (dust) pollution arising from site activities
Compliance requirement



The site will/did adopt best practice procedures in

relation to minimising air/dust pollution. This should
dust sheets
regular proposals to damp down the site in dry
covers to skips etc.
This information will be/was disseminated to site

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Technical Checklist A3


Further information can be obtained from BRE/EA publications Control of Dust from Construction
and Demolition Activities and Pollution Control Guide Parts 1-5 provide good practice guidelines on
construction related pollution.
e. Adopt best practice policies in respect of water (ground and surface) pollution occurring on
the site
Compliance requirement



The site will/did adopt best practice procedures in

relation to minimising impact, as outlined in the
following documents. Where these do not exist,
compliance should be demonstrated in accordance
PPG 1 - General guide to the prevention of pollution.
Environment Agency
PPG 5 - Works in, near or liable to affect watercourses.
Environment Agency
PPG 6 - Working at demolition and construction sites.
Environment Agency
This information will be/was disseminated to site
f. A main contractor with an environmental materials policy
Compliance requirement



The main contractor operates an environmental

materials policy, used for sourcing of construction
materials to be utilised on site. The policy should
cover/promote the following:
Use of local materials (where possible)
Use of responsibly sourced materials
Re use of materials
Use of materials with a high recycled content
Waste minimisation and recycling
Use of non-toxic materials & refrigerants with a low
global warming potential
Use of materials with a low embodied impact
Use of durable materials
Post construction: indicative examples have been
provided to demonstrate the policy in action.
g. A main contractor that operates an Environmental Management System*
Compliance requirement
The main contractor operates an Environmental
Management System covering their main operations.
The EMS must be third party certified, to
ISO14001/EMAS or equivalent standard (e.g national
EMS for small and medium enterprises).

BRE Global Ltd




Technical Checklist A3


h. 80% of site timber is reclaimed, re-used or responsibly sourced

Compliance requirement



80% of timber used during construction, including

formwork, site hoardings and other temporary site
timber used for the purpose of facilitating construction,
will be/was procured from sustainably managed
sources, independently certified by one of the top two
levels as set out in the Responsible Sourcing of
Materials Issues (BREEAM issue Mat 5) in the
Materials section of this document.
Additionally 100% of all site timber will be/was legally
Re-used timber from off site can be counted as equivalent but re-usable formwork only complies if it
meets the above criteria.
This credit can be awarded where all the timber used is reclaimed timber.
Existing building fit out assessment only items

Adopt best practice policies in respect of air (dust) pollution arising from site activities
Compliance requirement
The site will/did adopt best practice procedures in
relation to minimising air/dust pollution. This should
dust sheets
regular proposals to damp down the site in dry
covers to skips etc.



This information will be/was disseminated to site

Further information can be obtained from BRE/EA publications Control of Dust from Construction
and Demolition Activities and Pollution Control Guide Parts 1-5 provide good practice guidelines on
construction related pollution.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A3


Appointment of a fit out contractor who has an environmental materials policy

Compliance requirement
The fit out contractor operates an environmental
materials policy, used for sourcing of construction
materials to be utilised on site. The policy should
cover/promote the following:
Use of local materials (where possible)
Use of responsibly sourced materials
Re use of materials
Use of materials with a high recycled content
Waste minimisation and recycling
Use of non-toxic materials & refrigerants with a
high global warming potential
Use of materials with a low embodied impact
Use of durable materials



Post construction: indicative examples have been

provided to demonstrate the policy in action.
Appointment of a fit contractor who operates an Environmental Management System
Compliance requirement
The fit out contractor operates an Environmental
Management System covering their main operations.
The EMS must be third party certified, to
ISO14001/EMAS or equivalent standard.

BRE Global Ltd




Technical Checklist A3


Assessor Information
Monitoring Site Transport CO2
The following tables are taken from the DEFRA Guidelines for Company Reporting on Greenhouse
Gas Emissions and COPERT II emission factors, and can be used to convert the information gathered
from monitoring deliveries into total kg CO2.
Table 14.1 Standard road transport fuel conversion factors
Fuel used

Total units

Diesel (inc. Low
Natural Gas
Liquid Petroleum


kg CO2 per









Total kg CO2

Source: National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory for 2003 developed by Netcen (2005). UK
Greenhouse Gas Inventory for 2003 developed by Netcen (2005), Digest of UK Energy Statistics DTI
2004 and carbon factors for fuels from UKPIA (2004)
Table 14.2 Standard road transport fuel conversion factors
Size of car and
distance units

Total units


kg CO2 per

Small petrol car

max. 1.4 litre
Medium petrol
car max. 1.4-2.1
litre engine









Large petrol car

above 2.1 litres





Average petrol





Total kg CO2

Source: NAEI (Netcen, 2005) based on data from DfT combined with factors from TRL as functions of
average speed of vehicle derived from test data under real world testing cycles

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A3


Table 14.3 Standard Road Transport Fuel Conversion Factors

Size of car and
distance units

Total units


kg CO2 per

Small Diesel car

2.0 litres engine
and under





Large Diesel car

over 2.0 litres 2.1 litre engine









Average Diesel

Total kg CO2

Source: NAEI (Netcen, 2005) based on data from DfT combined with factors from TRL as functions of
average speed of vehicle derived from test data under real world testing cycles.
Table 14.4 Freight road mileage conversion factors
Total kg
Source: Guidelines for Company Reporting on Greenhouse Gas Emissions, DEFRA. Continuing Survey
of Road Goods Transport 2001.
Type of

BRE Global Ltd

Total km

Litre Fuel
per km



Technical Checklist A4


14.3 Technical Checklist A4: LE3 Land of Low Ecological Value

Section 1: Ecological features of the site

Instruction: criteria 1.1-1.5 can be used to determine the presence of existing ecological features
across the total site. However, if YES is recorded against any question in Section 1 for the construction
zone, then it cannot be defined as land of low ecological value and the credit cannot be awarded. If the
construction zone records a NO against all the questions in Section 1 then proceed to Section 2.


Does the site contain any trees or hedges above 1m high or with a
trunk diameter greater than 100mm?




Are there any ponds, streams or rivers on, or running through the




Is there any marsh or other wetland present on the site?




Are there any meadows or species-rich grassland present on the





Is there any heath land such as heather present on site?



Section 2: Type of land to be used for the new building

Instruction: in addition to answering NO to all the questions in Section 1, if YES is recorded against
one or more of the questions in Section 2 then the construction zone can be defined as land of low
ecological value. This credit can then be awarded, as long as all features of ecological value (as
defined in Section 1) in the surrounding site and boundary area are adequately protected from damage.


Does the construction zone consist of land which is entirely within

the footprint of existing building(s) or building(s) demolished within
the past 2 years?




Does the construction zone consist of land which is entirely covered

by other construction such as hard surfaces, car parking or such
constructions which have been demolished within the past two




Does the construction zone consist of land which is contaminated by

industrial or other waste to the extent that it would need
decontamination to facilitate development?




Does the construction zone consist of land which is a mixture of

either existing building(s), hard surfaces and/or contaminated land?




Does 80% of the land within the construction zone comply with
statements 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3 and the remaining 20% of the footprint of
the construction zone extend into land which has been either:
a. Used for single-crop arable farming for at least 5 years, OR
b. Consists of regularly cut lawns and sports fields



BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A5


14.5 Technical Checklist A5: Mat 5 Responsible Sourcing of Materials

Table 2 Checklist of criteria for Tiers 1-4


Examples of compliant schemes

Checklist of documentation required

Third party certification scheme with

CoC and rigorous stakeholder
consultation (at both standard setting
and during implementation)

SFI with CoC
Reused materials, Schemes
compliant with BES6001:2008
(or similar) Excellent* and Very
Good* Performance Ratings
(Note; the EMS required to
achieve these ratings must be
independently certified)

One of the following indicating that the material will comply with the
relevant certification scheme.
o Letter of intent from supplier
o Purchase order from the supplier including CoC number (if
the material has been ordered) or BES6001:2008 Certificate
o Chain of Custody (CoC) or BES6001 certificate (if material
has already been supplied)

Scheme must have developed

standards which meet the criteria
outlined in Table 39 below.

Post Construction
A copy of the CoC certificate and/or BES6001:2008
certificate for all appropriate materials/elements.
Delivery notes for all appropriate materials/elements.
Third party certification scheme with
CoC and stakeholder consultation.

Scheme must have developed

standards which meet the criteria
outlined in Table 39 below.

BRE Global Ltd

Schemes compliant with

BES6001:2008 (or similar)
Good* and Pass* Performance
Ratings (Note; the EMS
required to achieve these
ratings must be independently

As above.




Examples of compliant schemes

Checklist of documentation required

Certification Scheme for timber

ISO 14001
Evidence of BS8555 (for


Environmental Management System at

extraction & process stages - see
Table 38 below for description of

Technical Checklist A5


One of the following indicating that the material will comply with the
relevant certification scheme.
o Letter of intent from supplier
o Purchase order from the supplier including CoC number (if
the material has been ordered)
o Chain of Custody (CoC) certificate (if timber has already
been supplied)
Non timber materials
One of the following indicating that the material will comply with the
relevant EMS standards (see issue for further information).

EMS (or equivalent) certificate from the manufacturers at the

process and extraction stages
Signed letter from the manufacturers at the process and
extraction stages confirming EMS (or equivalent) certification
Letter of intent from the developer to use a manufacturer at
the process and extraction stages, who has an EMS (or
equivalent), if supplier is not yet appointed.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A5




Examples of compliant schemes

Checklist of documentation required

Post Construction

Delivery notes for all appropriate elements

CoC certificate for all appropriate elements
Non timber materials
One of the following indicating that the material will comply with the
relevant EMS standards (see issue for further information).

EMS certificate (or equivalent) from the manufacturers at the

process and extraction stages
Signed letter from the manufacturers at the process and
extraction stages confirming EMS (or equivalent) certification

In addition:

Environmental Management System at

process stages for other materials see Table 38 below for description of

ISO 14001

One of the following indicating that the material will comply with the
relevant EMS standards (see issue for further information).

BRE Global Ltd

Delivery notes for all appropriate elements

EMS (or equivalent) certificate from the manufacturers at the

process stage
Signed letter from the manufacturers at the process stage
confirming EMS (or equivalent) certification details
Letter of intent from the developer to use a manufacturer at
the process stage, who has an EMS (or equivalent), if
supplier is not yet appointed.




Technical Checklist A5

Examples of compliant schemes


Checklist of documentation required

Post Construction

One of the following indicating that the material will comply with the
relevant EMS standards (see issue for further information).

EMS certificate (or equivalent) from the manufacturers at the

process stage
Signed letter from the manufacturers at the process stage
confirming EMS (or equivalent) certification details.

* Performance ratings for schemes compliant with BES6001:2008 (or similar) can only be used to demonstrate compliance with the criteria of this issue where
certification covers the key process and supply chain processes for the material being assessed.
** Verified is the name of a scheme
To view a list of products approved to BES6001:2008 (including copies of their certificates) visit:
Where ANY non certified timber is used (even if only a small quantity) the following must also be provided in ALL cases:

Written confirmation from the timber supplier(s) (or at the design stage of assessment, the developer where a supplier is not yet appointed) confirming that
all timber species and sources used in the development are not listed on any of the CITES appendices for endangered and threatened species (see issue
for further information).

Written confirmation from the timber supplier(s) (or at the design stage of assessment the developer where a supplier is not yet appointed) confirming that
all timber is to be legally sourced (see issue for further information).

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A5


Table 3 Diagram of how the required EMS relates to the process and extraction phases
Stage of


Aggregate (sand,
limestone etc.)

Cement or alternative




Other materials (plastic etc)

Raw materials - other

Pre-cast concrete

Concrete / blocks



1 point
Points available
1.5 points
As this issue is looking at responsible sourcing, currently the manufacture stage is not considered.

BRE Global Ltd


Technical Checklist A5


This list is included for information, you are not expected to evaluate whether a scheme complies with
this criteria. All new schemes claiming to meet the criteria listed below will be evaluated by BRE, and
will be included in the list of compliant schemes where appropriate.
Table 4 Features of a top tier (1) comparable certification scheme: Standard setting
When setting standards for a materials certification scheme the following should be addressed in order
to be considered comparable to Tier 1/2 of this issue.

The scheme must include a third party chain of custody certification scheme covering all stages
of the product throughout the supply chain

The scheme must verify that all local and national legislative criteria are met.

The process for policy and standards development is transparent, clear and accessible.

The scheme is independent and standards are developed in a way which balances the interests
of all stakeholders. This should be done through a rigorous consultation process which makes
best use of the stakeholder knowledge, methodically and comprehensively considering all
feedback and after such consideration, aims to implement all feasible stakeholder suggestions

The scheme is inclusive, striving to involve all interested people and groups in the development
of the schemes policies and standards.

Monitoring and assessment must be integral to the scheme and conducted appropriate to the
scale and intensity of the industry/ materials assessed by the scheme. This requirement is likely
to be fulfilled by the incorporation of an EMS such as ISO14001 for SMEs.

The scheme should contain principles by which the scheme should be governed. These should
be specific to industry/materials but should also be composed of the fundamental issues related
to the environment. These issues should focus on specific practices associated with sourcing
virgin and other materials.

The scheme should assess that initiatives are in place to ensure continuous performance and
environmental improvement.

The scheme should provide for small to medium sized business as well as larger businesses.
SMEs grouping together to achieve group certification should be an option. This could, for
example, take place on a regional or other relevant basis.

The scheme should include a mechanism to revise the standard within a defined, suitable time
frame to ensure that the current knowledge or upcoming robust scientific or other professional
evidence can be incorporated (in good time) into the standard as an update. It should ensure
that all updates are well adapted to the local/regional and/or global conditions.

The scheme should also aim to consider social and economic aspects widening the scope to
sustainability under the umbrella of a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This is in line with
the future aims of BREEAM and could be assessed within this issue in the future.

NOTE: The scheme may be generic for the materials industries or specific for individual materials

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A5


Differences between Tier 1&2

Tiers 1 and 2 follow the standard setting process outline above, however there are differences in the
rigour of the two schemes which is why they fall into two different categories. These are outlined below:

1. The top tier category schemes comprehensively address a consultation process with local
community. This is done at source via a management company, as the focus is on sustainable
project management at source.
2. The top tier category must have no reservations/uncertainty/pending charge or indictment
identified by any professional bodies in the relevant materials sectors.

BRE Global Ltd


Technical Checklist A7


14.6 Technical Checklist A6: Guidance for relating ecologists

report to BREEAM
Before completing this form please read the following:

1. This guidance document is to be used for BREEAM Europe 2009 assessments, where an ecologist
has been appointed and produced an ecology report as part of a proposed development.
2. As an ecologist may have been appointed to carry out ecological site surveys and produced an
ecology report without being aware that a BREEAM assessment has been, or is to be conducted,
the purpose of this document is to help assist assessors relate the contents of such a report to the
land use and ecology criteria of BREEAM.
3. The assessor is to request that the appointed ecologist complete all sections of this guidance and
return it to the BREEAM assessor along with all relevant documentation required to demonstrate
compliance with the BREEAM criteria.
4. The assessor is to use this completed document in conjunction with the latest version of the
relevant BREEAM technical guidance manual and information provided by the developer / client to
carry out the assessment of the land use and ecology BREEAM issues.

There are 6 sections (sections A - F) in this document.

Section A requires contact details for the ecologist and developer / client.

Section B1 determines whether the appointed ecologist is suitably qualified (under BREEAM); and
if not, section B2 determines whether the report has been verified by an ecologist who is suitably

Section C determines whether the findings of the report have been based on data collected from
site surveys conducted at appropriate times of the year to determine whether different species are

If no is recorded for either Section B or C then the contents of the ecology report cannot be
used to determine compliance with the BREEAM criteria.

Section D provides the BREEAM assessor with the necessary information to complete the
assessment of the ecology related BREEAM issues.

Section E provides details of the documentation / information required by BREEAM as evidence of


Section F requires the signature of the appointed ecologist who has completed this document.

Please note: it is only the appointed qualified and licensed BREEAM assessor who can award or
withhold a credit for all BREEAM assessments.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A7

Section A: Contact Details

Ecologists Details
Company name:

Company address:

Contact name:

Contact telephone number:

Ecology report reference:

Developer / Client Details

Company name:

Company address:

Contact name:

Contact telephone number:

BRE Global Ltd



Technical Checklist A7


Section B1: Ecologists Qualifications

1. Do you hold a degree (or equivalent qualification) in ecology or related subject?



If yes, please provide details.


2. Are you a practising ecologist with a minimum of 3 years relevant experience within the last 5
years? Relevant experience must clearly demonstrate a practical understanding of factors affecting
ecology in relation to construction and the built environment and will include acting in an advisory
capacity to provide recommendations for ecological protection, enhancement and mitigation
measures, e.g. ecological impact assessments.


If yes, please provide details.

If no has been answered for any question in Section B1 then the BREEAM requirement for a
suitably qualified ecologist has not been met. The ecology report CANNOT be used to
assess the BREEAM Ecology issues unless it is verified by an individual who is suitably
qualified (see section B2 below).

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A7


Section B2: Report Verification

Details on verifying an ecology report for a BREEAM assessment:
1. The individual verifying the report must provide written confirmation that they comply with the
definition of a suitably qualified ecologist (as detailed in Section B1 above).

2. The verifier of the report must confirm in writing they have read and reviewed the report and found it

represent sound industry practice

report and recommend correctly, truthfully, and objectively

be appropriate given the local site conditions and scope of works proposed

avoid invalid, biased, and exaggerated statements.

Written confirmation from the third party verifier on all the points detailed under 1 and 2 above (for
section B2) must be included in an appendix to this guidance (see section E).
If the appointed ecologist does not meet the criteria of a suitably qualified ecologist and the
report has not been verified by an individual who does meet these criteria, then the report
CANNOT be used as evidence of compliance with the ecology related BREEAM.

BRE Global Ltd


Technical Checklist A7


Section C: Site Survey

1. Have the findings of the ecology report been based on data collected from a site survey(s)? The
site visit(s) and survey(s) must be conducted at appropriate times of the year when it is possible to
determine the presence, or evidence of the presence, of different plant and animal species.



If yes, please provide details to justify this (e.g. date(s) and scope of site survey(s))

If no has been answered to question 1 of Section C then the ecology report CANNOT be
used to determine compliance with the criteria of the relevant BREEAM ecology issues.

Note to suitably qualified ecologist and BREEAM assessor: the contents of the ecology report must
be representative of the sites existing ecology prior to the commencement of initial site preparation

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A7


Section D: Site Survey Details

LE3 Ecological value of land and protection of ecological features

1. Is the land within the construction zone' deemed by the suitably qualified ecologist to be of low
ecological value?

The construction zone is defined as any land on the site which is being developed (and therefore
disturbed) for buildings, hard standing, landscaping, site access, plus a 3m boundary in either
direction around these areas. It also includes any areas used for temporary site storage and



If yes, please provide a brief statement explaining how it has been deemed to be of low ecological

2. Are there any features / areas of ecological value that fall within the site, but outside the
construction zone?

If you have deemed this area to be of low ecological value then there will be no features of
ecological value to protect. However, if there is a feature(s) or area(s) of low ecological value you
wish to advise be retained and enhanced, e.g. a species-poor hedgerow to a species-rich
hedgerow, then full details of the protection and enhancement advice should be entered under LE4
Impact on site ecology.




BRE Global Ltd


Technical Checklist A7


If yes, please provide a brief statement outlining the advice / recommendations given for protecting all
existing features and areas of ecological value:

LE4 Impact on site ecology

3. Are you able to provide the following information for before and after construction:

habitat types

An estimate of the number of floral species present per habitat type (based on appropriate
census techniques and confirmed planting regimes)?



a. If yes a brief description of the landscapes and habitats surrounding the development site

b. The total site area (in m ). This will be the same before and after development.


BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A7



Please fill in the table below with site details before development :

Habitat Type*

No. of plant species

per habitat type

Area of type (m2)

d. Please fill in the table below with site details after development :
Habitat Type*

Area of type (m2)

No. of plant species

per habitat type

* Habitat types will include natural areas, e.g. various grasslands and woodlands; as well as areas of the
built environment, e.g. buildings, hard landscaping. The area of each habitat type when added together
must always equal the total area of the development site.

Note to assessor (and ecologist where requested to carry our calculations); the information contained in
tables c. and d. above can be used to calculate both LE4 Impact on site ecology.

4. Has the client / developer required you to provide advice and make recommendations for
enhancing site ecology?
Note: these are to include, and go beyond, compliance criteria for all current EU and UK legislation
relating to protected species and habitats.


If yes, please provide a brief statement outlining the advice / recommendations given on enhancing
and protecting the ecological value of the site:

BRE Global Ltd


Technical Checklist A7



5. Has the client / developer requested you to carry out the calculation for LE4 Impact on site ecology
(where relevant)?

The calculations must be carried out in line with the methodology provided in the current version of
the relevant BREEAM schemes technical guidance manual.



If yes, please provide all stages of calculations and state what the total change in ecological value

a. Calculation of ecological value before development:

b. Calculation of ecological value after development:

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A7



Change in ecological value (c = b a):

LE6 Long term impact on biodiversity

6. Were you appointed prior to commencement of development work activities on site?


Dont know


7. Has the client / developer given you the responsibility to confirm whether all current EU and UK
legislation relating to protection and enhancement of ecology has been (or will be) complied with
during the design and construction process?


If yes, please provide details on all current EU and UK legislation that relates to the site:

BRE Global Ltd


Technical Checklist A7



8. Has the developer / client appointed you to produce an appropriate landscape/site ecology
management plan covering at least the first 5 years after project completion?



a. If yes, and the management plan has already been produced does it include the following:

management of any protected features on site

management of any new, existing, or enhanced habitats

a reference to the current or future site level Biodiversity Action Plan?



b. If yes, but the management plan is still to be produced (due to it being too early in the
design/construction phase), have you provided the following information to the developer /

scope of management plan

key responsibilities, and with whom these responsibilities lie, e.g. owner, landlord,



If you have answered yes to either question 8a or 8b please provide a brief explanation outlining
the details

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A7



9. Has the client / developer required you, as part of your responsibilities, to provide recommendations
and advice to minimise detrimental impacts on site biodiversity?




If yes, or not applicable, please briefly explain your reasoning:


10. Do your responsibilities to the client / developer include providing advice and recommendations for
the protection of ecological features?



If yes, or not applicable, please briefly explain your reasoning:


BRE Global Ltd


Technical Checklist A7



11. Do your responsibilities to the client / developer include providing advice on the creation of a new
ecologically valuable habitat, which is appropriate to the local area and is either nationally,
regionally, or locally important, or supports nationally, regionally, or locally important biodiversity?




If yes, or not applicable, please briefly explain your reasoning:


12. Do your responsibilities to the client / developer include providing advice and recommendations on
when site works are to be avoided so as to minimise the disturbance to wildlife?




If yes, or not applicable, please briefly explain your reasoning


BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A7



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Technical Checklist A7


Section E: Schedule of Evidence

Copies of the following documentation are required to support the above statements and act as
evidence of compliance with the BREEAM ecology criteria:

The suitably qualified ecologists site/project specific report

Written confirmation from the verifier of the ecology report (where necessary)

Any supplementary documentation e.g. maps, plans, drawings, letters / emails of correspondence,

Please include these details along with the appropriate reference to each document in the table below:



Section F: Statement of Verification

I confirm the information provided on this document is truthful and accurate at the time of completion.

Name of ecologist:

Signature of ecologist::


BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A7


14.7 Technical Checklist A9: NOx emissions grid electricity


Average NOx emissions (mg/kWh) grid electricity

Czech Republic

Same as Switzerland
No data available yet. Please refer to the Luxembourg
reference sheet for further guidance.
Same as France

Russian Federation

Common Reporting Format for the provision of inventory information by Annex I Parties to the
UNFCCC 2007, available at
Eurostat - Energy yearly statistics 2007, available at

BRE Global Ltd


Technical Checklist A15


14.9 Technical Checklist A15: Site Waste Management Plan

Checklist A15a - SWMP procedures for monitoring site waste and target setting to
promote resource efficiency

how criteria will be met


SWMP implementation of design phase

decision(s) taken to minimise on-site waste
Identification of individual responsible for
planning and preparing the SWMP and
ensuring that it is followed. This must either be
the client or the principal contractor, according
to the stage of the project.
Identification of the waste groups (according to
Checklist A15b) and estimated quantities of
waste expected at every stages of the work
Identification of waste management options, for
each waste group, including reference to the
waste hierarchy (reduce, re-use, recycle), on
and off-site options. Highlight arrangements to
identify and manage any hazardous waste.
Identify and record waste management sites,
transactions and contractors for all wastes that
require them. Ensure that the contracts are in
place and that wastes are handled efficiently, in
compliance with legal requirements such as the
Duty of Care.
Set targets and procedures for monitoring
Provide suitable site induction, information and
training both for in-house and sub-contracted
staff, guaranteeing that everyone knows the
requirements of the SWMP and what it is
expected of them.
Confirmation that the site construction waste is
being monitored.
Measure and record the amount of waste per
type produced on a weekly basis. Where
possible, use of an established system such as
Continuously update the SWMP during the
construction phase (according to best practice).
After the project completion, revise the SWMP,
noting all deviations from initial targets,
including resource and estimate cost changes.
.2a Man

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A15


Note: where national/regional waste management regulation/policy/practice specify key waste groups

Checklist A15b Construction waste groups


Key Group















Electrical and





Asphalt and
Tiles and

Pipes, kerb stones, paving

slabs, concrete rubble, precast
and in situ
Glass fibre, mineral wool,
foamed plastic
Paint pots, pallets, cardboard,
cable drums, wrapping bands,
polythene sheets
Softwood, hardwood, boards
products such as plywood,
chipboard, medium density
fibreboard (MDF)
Electrical & electronic TVs,
fridges, air-conditioning units,
lamps equipment
Office waste, canteen waste,
Hydraulic oil, engine oil,
lubricating oil
Bitumen, coal tars, asphalt













BRE GlobalMixed/

Ceramic tiles, clay roof tiles,

ceramic, sanitaryware
material, glass
Radiators, cables, wires, bars,
Plasterboard, render, plaster,
cement, fibre cement sheets,
Pipes, cladding, frames, nonpackaging sheet
Tables, chairs, desks, sofas
Soils, clays, sand; gravel,
natural stone
thinners, timber treatments
Defined in the Hazardous
Waste List (HWL)
of the
European Waste Catalogue
Carpets, vinyl flooring

Roof tiles, reclaimed bricks,

Efforts should be made to
categorise waste into the
above categories wherever

to be
(as per

As specified in the SMWP

to be
(2 credit)

Materials to
be diverted
from landfill
(3 credit)


Technical Checklist A15


to be grouped together for the purposes of being recovered (e.g concrete and bricks), please highlight
this into your report, and check that the adequate number of waste groups as defined by the issue
requirements have been identified for diversion from landfill with distinct end recovery products.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A15


14.10 Technical Checklist A16: Contaminated land

NOTE: This checklist provides an indication of the likelihood of there being significant contamination
problems on a site for the purposes of a BREEAM assessment only and sets out the scope of any site
investigation and remedial strategy. It does not seek to evaluate types, levels or risks of
contamination present on the site.

Checklist A16a: Likelihood of significant contamination on site

Instruction: criteria 1-5 can be used to determine the likelihood of significant contamination to be
present in or on the ground across the total site for the purposes of a rapid evaluation against the
BREEAM LUE2 credit requirements in BREEAM Europe.
1. If the construction zone records a YES against any of the questions then nationally
recognised strategies for investigation of contamination should be followed, or where such
strategies do not exist, a robust site investigation, risk assessment and appraisal should be
carried out by a competent Contaminated Land Specialist covering the requirements of
Checklist A16b as a minimum..
2. If NO is recorded against all questions for the construction zone, then the site may be
defined as not significantly contaminated without further review and in such a case the
credit cannot be awarded. This checklist is a simple review and in such instances the
option remains for a site investigation, risk assessment and appraisal to be carried out as
defined in Checklist A16b where the client wishes to do so

Is the site registered by the local authority or any other appropriate

national land body as contaminated?



Does the site have any previous uses that fall in the table 40 below?
Where this cannot be answered because of a lack of information
available, the worst case scenario should be assumed.



Is the site within 250m of landfill?



Is the site known or suspected to be contaminated (e.g. have

studies already been undertaken on the site)?



Does the local authority possess any information on the site that
may give suspicions of contamination? Where this cannot be
answered because of a lack of information available, the worst case
scenario should be assumed.



Checklist A16b: Scope of site investigation, risk assessment and appraisal report
Section 1: Desk top study
Instruction: Historical research and review of available information from sources such as archives,
plans and records from regulatory authorities to discover the past and current activities at a site
and in the surrounding area to determine the potential for the presence of contamination. If the
initial desktop study investigation gives cause to believe there maybe a problem with contamination
BRE Global Ltd


Technical Checklist A15


then further more detailed investigations will be required (section 2 & 3). If not, then the site will not
be considered contaminated for the purposes of this BREEAM issue, and the credit cannot be
awarded. The study must be carried out by a Contaminated Land Specialist as defined in the
Technical Guidance Document and should cover the following as a minimum:

Purpose and aim of study




Site location and layout plans




Appraisal of site history






Assessment of environmental setting, covering:

Geology, hydrogeology, hydrology
Industrial activity
Location of controlled waters (canals, estuaries, lakes, ponds,
rivers, springs, aquifers)
Pollution incidents, landfill sites within 250m etc.


Assessment of current/proposed site use and surrounding land uses




Review of any previous site contamination studies (desk-based or

intrusive) or remediation works






Preliminary (qualitative) assessment of risks:

Appraisal of potential contaminant sources, pathways and
Conceptual site model
Identification of significant pollution linkages


Recommendations for intrusive contamination investigation if




Section 2: Site investigation report

Instruction: The report must investigate each aspect highlighted by the desk study, this
comprises exploratory holes constructed using the most appropriate method for the site to
investigate the local subsurface strata. The report must cover the following as a minimum:


Site investigation methodology

Methods of investigation (see BS 10175: 2001 for further info)
Plan showing exploration locations
Justification of exploration locations
Sampling and analytical strategies


Results and findings of investigation:

Ground conditions (soil and groundwater)
Discussion of soil/groundwater/surface water contamination


Risk assessment:
As a minimum, based on contaminant pathway receptor model
Takes account of severity of consequences and likelihood of







BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A15


Where applicable, recommendations for remediation based on:

Proposed site use
Risk assessment findings
Technical and financial appraisal.




Section 3: Options for remediation

Instruction: If remediation is deemed necessary following the site investigation, then a site specific
remediation methodology must be produced. Consultation with the regulatory authorities may be
required to ensure satisfactory design and implementation of the remediation programme. The
report must cover the following as a minimum:
Detailed outline of the works to be carried out
Type, form and scale of contamination to be remediated
3.1 Remediation methodology
Site plans/drawings
Phasing of works and approximate timescales



Consents, agreements and licences (discharge consents, waste

management licence etc)
Site management procedures to protect site neighbours,
environment and amenity during works:
Health and Safety procedures
Dust, noise and odour controls
Control of surface run-off
Details of how the works will be validated to ensure the remediation
objectives have been met;
Sampling strategy
Use of on-site observations, visual/olfactory evidence
Chemical analysis
Proposed clean-up standards (i.e. contaminant concentrations)

BRE Global Ltd








Technical Checklist A15


Table 40 List of Site Uses

Chemicals are extensively used in industrial, domestic and agricultural applications. They may be
introduced to the land during their manufacture, use or disposal and may be deposited from the
atmosphere, accidental spills, migration, leaks and legal or illegal disposal. There are also natural
sources of contamination, whereby concentrations of certain substances in the soil are elevated and
may pose a threat to people or the environment. There is a risk of significant contamination where land
has been used for activities including but not limited to:.

Agricultural uses
Chemical works
Energy Industry - Power stations
Engineering and manufacturing processes
Extractive Industry & Mineral processing
Food processing industry
Gas works
Glass making and ceramics
Hospitals & Cemeteries
Manufacturing of asbestos
Metal processing
Oil refineries
Paper, pulp and printing industries
Petrol stations
Premises for dry cleaning
Production of metal
Production of non-metals and their products
Railway Land
Road Vehicle maintenance
Rubber industry
Sewerage treatment
Textile industry
Timber and timber products industry
Use as a scrap metal store
Waste Disposal
Waste management facility
Wood preserving yards
Works non-specified
Demolition of buildings for any of the above uses
Waste management

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A15


14.12 Technical Checklist A20: Miljgiftslisten

Checklist A 20

The use and maximum content of some of the listed chemicals
are regulated by the Norwegian Climate and Pollution Agencys
document: REACH, enclosure XVII

Building materials

Vinyl flooring

Wallpaper (vinyl-/wet room

wallpaper and fibreglass
XPS (extruded polystyrene),
EPS (expanded polystyrene)
Cellular rubber insulation
Polycarbonate sheet
Windows/ exterior doors

Chemical products
Fillers, sealants and foam
Paint, stains and varnishes

BRE Global Ltd

Arsenic, Lead, Brominated flame retardants (HBCD, TBBPA),

Phthalates DEHP, BBP and DBP, Chromium, Octyl/Nonylphenol
Phthalates DEHP, BBP, DBP, Bisphenol A, Lead, Brominated
flame retardants (HBCD, TBBPA), medium-chained chlorinated
paraffins (short-chain paraffins are prohibited)
Brominated flame retardants (HBCD, TBBPA), Phthalates
DEHP , BBP and DBP, Lead, Arsen og medium-chained
chlorinated paraffins
Brominated flame retardants (HBCD, TBBPA) (flame retardants
penta-, okta- og deka-BDE is prohibited)
All polykarbonat contains Bisphenol A
Bisphenol A, Brominated flame retardants (HBCD, TBBPA),
Phthalates DEHP , BBP and DBP, chlorinated paraffins,
PFOS/PFOA, Octyl-/Nonylphenol
Bisphenol A, , BBP and DBP, chlorinated paraffins ,
Krom, Octyl-/Nonylphenol
Bisphenol A, Phthalates DEHP , BBP og DBP, chlorinated
paraffins, Chromium, Octyl-/Nonylphenol , siloksan (D5)
Bisphenol A, Lead, Phthalates DEHP , BBP and DBP,
cadmium, chlorinated paraffins, Chromium, Octyl-/Nonylphenol
og siloksan (D5)

(pr okt-11, can easily be





DOCUMENTATION (to be filled in for each

(When using products labelled with the Swan or
the EU flower, no other documentation is
necessary to confirm that requirements are met)


Technical Checklist A16


Information regarding checklist A20

The list is based on Klifs list of the most environmentally hazardous chemicals, the worst chemicals,
and their list of what chemical products and building materials they can be found in. Klif has gathered
this information on their website
The basis for BREEAM-NORs requirements on documenting the absence of the worst chemicals lies
in the law of product control 3a The substitution duty, and TEK 10 9-2. Also, most products
containing the worst chemicals are categorised as hazardous waste. The disposal of hazardous
waste when replacing products means increased costs for the building owner.
Checklist A20 contains the most health- and environmentally hazardous chemicals based on Klifs
assessment. There are more health- and environmentally hazardous chemicals in building materials.
Visit for further information. However, the minimum requirement of the content of
these health- and environmental hazardous chemicals in BREEAM-NOR, is only related to Checklist
How to use the checklist.
For each building material given in the left column, the project must document the absence of the
corresponding chemicals in the building material. If the project does not use the building material in
the left column, the project manager must confirm this in writing. When several products are used
within each product group, ex. different types of paint or glue, all products used in the project must be
checked out and documented.
The project can write a deviation statement if one finds it necessary, due to technicalities, to use a
product which contains one of the worst chemicals. The deviation statement must be approved by
auditor to be valid as an exception from BREEAM-NORs minimum requirements.
For building materials, approved documentation is one of the following:
EPD (Environmental Product Decalaration) stating the chemical content
Sintef Byggforsk Teknisk Godkjenning (TG) of 1.1.10, as a guarantee that the product does
not contain the listed chemicals.
Eco labelled the Swan or the EU-flower, for a listing of the labelled products see
A letter from the legally responsible at the producer in question stating that the given product
does not contain one of the chemicals from the A20 checklist.
For chemical products one can also check against the Safety Data Sheet (EHS data sheet) for the
product. Safety Data Sheets are statutory for chemical products. The unwanted chemicals may occur
under alternative conditions. Therefore; see the following alternative names for the different chemicals:

Bisfenol A:

Brommerte flammehemmere:

4, 4-isopropylidendifenol
4, 4-(1-metyletyliden)bisfenol
Octylphenol ethoxylate
Nonylphenol ethoxylate
Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), a-(nonylphenyl)-whydroxyFenol, 4-nonyl-, forgrenet

Tetrabrombisfenol A (TBBPA)
Heksabromsyklododekan (HBCDD)
Blyoksid (blymnje)
Blysulfomolybdatkromat (C.I.Pigment Red
Blysulfokromatgul (C.I.Pigment Yellow 34)


BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A16

Blysulfokromatgul (C.I.Pigment Yellow 34)
Blysulfomolybdatkromat (C.I.Pigment Red
Arsin (arsenhydrid)
Diarsenpentoksid (arsenpentoksid)
Diarsentrioksid (arsentrioksid, arsenikk)

BRE Global Ltd


Chlorinated paraffins
Mellomkjedete klorparafiner
Klorerte alkaner, C14-17
Medium chained chlorinated paraffins





16.0 References
Information listed by BREEAM issue.

Man 1

NS-EN 12599:2000 Ventilasjon i bygninger - Prvingsprosedyrer og mlemetoder for overtakelse av

installerte ventilasjons- og luftkondisjoneringsanlegg

NS-EN 14336:2004 Varmesystemer i bygninger. Installasjon og ferdigstillelse av vannbaserte


CEN EN 50491 General requirements for Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) and Building
Automation and Control Systems (BACS)

Model Building Specification for Design, Installation, and Commissioning of Insulated Envelopes and
Insulated Floors for Temperature Controlled and Ambient Environments, International Association for Cold
Storage construction (June 2003)

Good Practice Guide 347: Installation and commissioning of refrigeration systems, Carbon Trust, 2003.

Cold Store Code of Practice Part 1 Enclosure Construction, The Institute of Refrigeration, 1996.

EN 14175-2:2003 Fume cupboards - Part 2: Safety and performance criteria, 2003.

EN 14175-2:2003 Fume cupboards - Part 2: Safety and performance criteria, 2003.

EN 12469 Biotechnology Performance criteria for microbiological safety cabinets. 2000.

Man 3

COPERT II Computer programme to Calculate Emissions from Road Transport - Methodology and Emissions
Factors, Technical report No 6.

Control of Dust from Construction and Demolition Activities. V Kukadia, S Upton, D Hall BRE Press, 2003.

Controlling particles, vapour and noise pollution from construction sites - set of five Pollution Control Guides.
V Kukadia, S Upton, C Grimwood, BRE Press, 2003.














DTI Construction Industry KPI Pack includes Methods of Measurement, Handbook, KPI Wall Chart,

Man 12

ISO 15686-5 Service Life Planning Life Cycle Costing.

Hea 1

EN12464 Light and lighting Lighting of work places Part 1: Indoor work places

Information Paper IP 23/93 Measuring daylight, BRE, 1993.

Hea 5

EN 12464-1 Light and lighting - Lighting of workspaces, 2002

EN 12464-2 Lighting of work places - Part 2: Outdoor work places, 2007

Hea 8

EN 13779:2007 Ventilation for non-residential buildings Performance requirements for ventilation and
room-conditioning systems.

BRE Global Ltd 2009


Technical Checklist A16


EN 15251:2007 Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance
of buildings addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics.

Hea 9

NS-EN 13986:2002 Wood-based panels for use in construction Characteristics, evaluation of conformity
and marking.

NS-EN 14080:2005 Timber structures Glued laminated timber Criteria.

NS-EN 14342:2005 Wood flooring Characteristics, evaluation of conformity and marking.

NS-EN 14041:2004 Resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings. Essential characteristics.

NS-EN 13964:2004 Suspended ceilings. Criteria and test methods.

NS-EN 13999-1:2007 Adhesives Short term method for measuring the emission properties of low-solvent
or solvent-free adhesives after application Part 1: General procedures.

NS-EN 233:1999. Wallcoverings in roll form Specification for finished wallpapers, wall vinyls and plastics

NS-EN 234: Specification for wallcoverings for subsequent decoration.

NS-EN 259-1:2001 Wallcoverings in roll form Heavy duty wallcoverings Part 1: Specifications.

NS-EN 266:1992 Specification for Textile wallcoverings.

NS-EN 717-1:2004 Wood-based panels Determination of formaldehyde release. Formaldehyde emission by

the chamber method.

NS-EN 13999-2:2007. Part 2: Determination of volatile organic compounds.

NS-EN 13999-2:2007. Part 3: Determination of volatile aldehydes.

NS-EN 13999-2:2007. Part 4: Determination of volatile diisocyanates.

NS-EN 12149:1997 Wallcoverings in roll form Determination of migration of heavy metals and certain other
elements, of vinyl chloride monomer and of formaldehyde release.

NS-EN 13300:2001 Paints and varnishes water-borne coating materials and coating systems for interior
walls and ceilings Classification.

Directive 2004/42/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on the limitation of
emission of volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic solvents in certain paints and varnishes
and vehicle refinishing products and amending Directive 1999/13/EC. Official Journal of the European Union
L.143/87, 30.4.2004.

EN ISO 11890-2:2006 Paints and varnishes. Determination of volatile organic compound (VOC) content.
Gas-chromatographic method.

BRE Digest 464 VOC Emissions from Building Products - Part 1: "Sources, testing and emission data",
Chuck Yu, Derrick Crump, CRC Ltd, 2002

BRE Digest 464 VOC Emissions from Building Products - Part 2: "Control, evaluation and labelling schemes",
Chuck Yu, Derrick Crump, CRC Ltd, 2002.

Hea 10

NS-EN 15251:2007 Energy performance of buildings Criteria for the indoor environment including thermal,
indoor air quality, light and noise.

ISO EN 7730: 2005 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Analytical determination and interpretation of
thermal comfort using calculation of the PMV and PPD indices and local thermal comfort criteria

BREs Environmental Design Guide for Naturally Ventilated and Daylit Offices. Report 345.

CIBSE Applications Manual AM11 Building energy and environmental modelling, CIBSE, 1998.

Hea 13

BRE Global Ltd




NS-EN ISO 717-1 Acoustics Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements. Part 1.
Airborne sound insulation, 1997.

NS-EN ISO 717-2 Acoustics - Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements. Part 2. Impact
sound insulation, 1997.

NS-EN ISO 140-7 Acoustics Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements. Part 7.
Field measurements of impact sound insulation of floors, 1998.

NS-EN ISO 140-4:1998 Acoustics Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements.
Part 4. Field measurements of airborne sound insulation between rooms

Ene 1

Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)

Thermal Insulation: Avoiding Risks, C. Stirling, BRE Press, 2002.

U-Values in Europe

Ventilation for Non-Residential Buildings Performance Requirements for Ventilation and RoomConditioning Systems.

Ventilation for Buildings Air Handling Units Mechanical Performance.

Ene 6

NS-EN13187 Thermal performance of buildings, Qualitative detection of thermal irregularities in building

envelopes. Infrared method.

Ene 7

Guidelines on Energy Efficiency of Lift & Escalator Installations, EMSD, 2007.

Ene 8

Energy consumption and efficiency potentials of lifts, Jrg Nipkow, Max Schalcher, Swiss agency for
efficient energy use S.A.F.E.

ISO DIS25745-1 Energy performance of lifts, escalators and moving walks Part 1 Energy and conformance

Ene 9

Guidelines on Energy Efficiency of Lift & Escalator Installations, EMSD, 2007.


OECD (1994). Creating rural indicators for shaping territorial policy. Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development.

Tra 4

NS-EN 12464-2 Lighting of work places - Part 2: Outdoor work places, 2007

European Transport Safety Council (ETSC)

Safety of pedestrians and cyclists in urban areas, ETSC, 1999

Tra 5 & 6

A travel plan resource pack for employers, DfT, 2000.

A good practice guide to green travel plans BCO, 2004.

The Essential Guide to Travel Planning, DfT, 2008.

Transport Energy Best Practice, A Guide on Travel Plans for Developers, DfT, 2005.

Wat 1 & 2

CEN EN 997: WC pans and WC suites with integral trap, 2003.

Wat 5

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Technical Checklist A16

NS-EN 752:2008 Drain and sewer systems outside buildings

NS-EN 12056:2000 Gravity drainage systems inside buildings

NS-EN 12566:2000 Small wastewater treatment plants <50PT

BRE Digest 365 Soakaway Design

BRE Good Building Guide No 42 Reed Beds


Mat 1/2/6

The Green Guide to Specification:


Green Globes

Equer from Ecole des Mines

Eco-Quantum from IVAM

ATHENA Impact Estimator for Buildings -


EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) (


International Standards for Organisation (ISO)

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES)

EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan (

SGS timber tracking programme (

TFT Tropical Forest Trust (

FERN - European NGO campaigning for forests (

ProForest (


Greenpeace Ancient Forest Campaign (

Forests Forever Campaign (

TFT - Tropical Forest Trust publication Good Wood, Good Business (

Good Wood Guide, Friends of the Earth/ Flora and Fauna International, 2002- (

Wood for Good (

Certification of Forest Products, BRE, 1999.

Saving the Wood, Building for a Future (Autumn 2001)

Wst 1

For information and further advice on Site Waste Management Plans and to freely download BREs new
SMARTWaste Plan tool visit:

Revised European Waste Framework Directive, June 17, 2008

European Environment Agency

European Demolition Association

European Waste Catalogue for definition of hazardous waste:

Wst 2

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AggRegain website (managed by WRAP) has many case studies, guidance and specifications for using
recycled and secondary aggregates:

MINRES website has technical information and case studies relating to the use of recycled and secondary
aggregates in a number of high value applications e.g. bricks, concrete etc., and can also help users to locate
sources of secondary aggregates:

Wst 3

Metric handbook Planning and design data, Adler, Architectural Press, 2nd Ed., 1999.


CLEA Overview Documents (These and other documents relating to CLEA are available from the
Environment Agencys website:

CLR 7: Assessment of risks to human health from land contamination; an overview of the development
of Soil Guideline Values and related research.

CLR 8: Potential contaminants for the assessment of land.

CLR 9: Contaminants in soil: collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans.

CLR 10: The Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment (CLEA) model: technical basis and algorithms.

Further advice and technical publications are available for download from the Environment Agencys website:, including;

Remedial methods for contaminated groundwater.

Verification of treatment performance How sure can you be?

Issues for the selection of remedial strategies, good practice guidance.

Process-based remediation of land contamination.

BS 10175: 2001, Investigation of potentially contaminated sites code of practice


Earthwatch Europe:

European Environment Agency

European Bioforum

Pol 1

Guidance note 01 New CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs and halons, Professional and practical guidance on
substances that deplete the ozone layer, CIBSE, 2000.

Code of practice for the minimisation of refrigerant emissions from refrigerating systems, Institute of
Refrigeration, Institute of Refrigeration, 1995.

Thermal Guidelines for Data Processing Environments, ASHRAE, 2004.

EC F-gas Regulation 842/2006:

EN 378-1:2000, Specification for refrigerating systems and heat pumps. Safety and environmental
requirements. Part 1 - Basic requirements, definitions, classification and selection criteria

Pol 2

Code of practice for the minimisation of refrigerant emissions from refrigerating systems, Institute of
Refrigeration, 1995.

Guidance Note 01 New CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs and halons, Professional and practical guidance on
substances that deplete the ozone layer, CIBSE, 2000.

EC F-gas Regulation 842/2006:

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Technical Checklist A16


EC F-gas Regulation 842/2006:

EC Regulation 2037/2000

NS-EN 378-1-4, Specification for refrigerating systems and heat pumps. Safety and environmental
requirements, 2000.

Pol 4

NS-EN 297:1994. A1:1995, A2:1996, A3:1996, A5:1998 and A6:2003 Gas-fired central heating boilers, page
42, table 14, section 3.6.2

NS-EN 676:2003. A2:2008 Automatic forced draught burners for gaseous fuels

Pol 5

EU Floods Directive 2007/60/EC on the assessment and management of flood risks,

NS-EN 12056-3, Gravity drainage systems inside buildings Part 3: Roof drainage, layout and calculation.

NS-EN 752: 2008, Drain and sewer systems outside buildings

C623 Standards for the repair of buildings following flooding, CIRIA, 2005.

C523 Sustainable urban drainage systems best practice manual for England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland, CIRIA, 2001.

C697 The SUDS Manual, CIRIA, 2007.

Flood estimation handbook, Centre for ecology and hydrology, National Environmental Research Council,

Flood estimation for small catchments, Marshall DCW and Bayliss AC. IOH Report No.124. Institute of
hydrology, Wallingford, 1994.

BRE Good Repair Guide 11 Repairing Flood Damage, Part 1-4, BRE Press, 1997.

BRE Digest 365 Soakaway design, BRE, 1991.

BRESOAK Soakaway design software (2007)

Pol 6

NS-EN 858-2:2003 Separator systems for light liquids (e.g. oil and petrol)

NS-EN 1825-2:2002 Grease separators

NS-EN 1253-5:2003 Gullies for buildings. Gullies with light liquids closure.

NS-EN 12056-3, Gravity drainage systems inside buildings Part 3: Roof drainage, layout and calculation.

NS-EN 752-4: 1997, Drain and sewer systems outside buildings Part 4: Hydraulic design and
environmental considerations

BRE Digest 365 Soakaway design, BRE, 1991.

BRESOAK Soakaway design software (2007)

Figures for rainfall are available from

Pol 7

Guide on the Limitation of the effects of obtrusive light from outdoor lighting installation, Commission
Internationale Dclairage (CIE), Publication 150, 2003.

Guidelines for minimising sky glow, Commission Internationale Dclairage (CIE), Publication 126, 1997.

BRE Global Ltd




EN 12464-2:2007 Light and lighting Lighting of work places part 2: Outdoor work places

Pol 8

ISO 1996-1:2003 Acoustics -- Description, measurement and assessment of environmental noise -- Part 1:
Basic quantities and assessment procedures

ISO 1996-2:2007 Acoustics Description, measurement and assessment of environmental noise Part 2:
Determination of environmental noise levels

ISO 1996-3:1987 Acoustics -- Description and measurement of environmental noise -- Part 3: Application to
noise limits

European Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise

European Directive 2000/14/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the noise
emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors.

EU Code of Conduct on Data Centres:

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