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Situation: Nursing theory and concepts are the basic foundation of nursing practice; hence a nurse

must have a good knowledge with these concepts:




Who is considered to have been the first nursing theorist?

a. Florence Nightingale
c. Adelaide Nutting
b. Virginia Henderson
d. Linda Richards
102. Which of the following is a borrowed theory that has been applied to nursing?
a. Orems model of self-care
c. Rogers theory of integrality
b. Ericksons theory of psychosocial
d. Roys adaptation model
103. Which of the following conceptual models views the person and the environment as energy
fields coextensive with the universe?
a. Kings model of personal, interpersonal, and social systems
b. Orems model of self-care
c. Roys adaptation model
d. Rogers life process interactive person-environment model
104. 104. How would you distinguish between theories and assumptions?
a. Assumptions are tested, and theories are not
b. Assumptions are assumed to be true, but theories are not
c. Theories organize reality, but assumptions are not real
d. Theories test hypotheses, but assumptions need no specific proof
105. 105. The development of nursing knowledge depends on:
a. Science and philosophy
c. Observation and verification
b. Logic and reasoning
d. Definitions and hypothesis
e. 106. The four concepts common to nursing that appear in each of the current conceptual models are:
a. Person, nursing, environment,
c. Person, environment, health,
b. Person, health, nursing, support
d. Person, environment,
psychology, nursing
e. 107. Florence Nightingale conceptualizes that nursing is:
The act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery
Assisting the individual, sick or well, in the performance of these activities contributing to health, preventing
illness and rehabilitating the sick or disabled
A humanistic science dedicated to compassion ate concern with maintaining and promoting health, preventing
illness and rehabilitating the sick or disabled
A unique profession in that it is concerned with all the variables affecting an individuals response to stressors
f. 108. Which of the following nursing theorists conceptualizes that all persons strive to achieve self-care?
g. a. Sister Callista Roy
i. c. Dorothy Johnson
h. b. Dorothea Orem
j. d. Jean Watson
k. 109. Which of the following nursing theorists Transcultural Nursing Model?
a. Imogene King
b. Myra Levine
c. Ida Jean Orlando
d. Madeleine Leininger
110. Which of the following moral theories is based on respect for other humans and belief that relationships
are based on mutual trust?
a. Eriksons theory
c. Freuds theory
b. Kohlbergs theory
d. Schulman and Meklers theory
111. Nurse Angela is about to make a diagnosis but very unsure because the S/S the client is experiencing
is not specific with her diagnosis of POWERLESSNESS R/T DIFFICULTY ACCEPTING LOSS OF
LOVED ONE. She then focus on gathering data to refute or prove her diagnosis but her plans and
interventions are already ongoing for the diagnosis. Which type of Diagnosis is this?
112. A. Actual
C. Possible
B. Probable
D. Risk
113. Which is an accurate statement about the role of nursing theory?
Practice theories assist nurses to reflect on the effectiveness of what they do.
Midlevel theories, describing the interrelationships among a broad range of concepts within nursing, have been
well tested through nursing research.
All schools of nursing are organized around one of the conceptual models.
Nursing theory guides the direction of research but not that of education or practice.
114. Nurse Angela diagnosed Mrs. Delgado, who have undergone a BKA. Her diagnosis is SELF
ESTEEM DISTURBANCE R/T CHANGE IN BODY IMAGE. Although the client has not yet seen her
lost leg, Angela already anticipated the diagnosis. This is what type of Diagnosis?

115. A. Actual
B. Probable

C. Possible
D. Risk

118. The purpose of theory in science is to:
a. Build a rationale for programs of
c. Help scientists interpret phenomena.
d. Distinguish science from art.
b. Explain why scientists do what they
119. Rhina, who has Menieres disease, said that her environment is moving. Which of the following is a valid
120. 1. Rhina is giving an objective data
3. The source of the data is primary
2. Rhina is giving a subjective data
4. The source of the data is secondary
121. A. 1,3
C. 2.4
B. 2,3
D. 1,4
122. A characteristic of the nursing process that is essential to promote client satisfaction and progress. The
care should also be relevant with the clients needs.
A. Organized and Systematic
C. Efficient
B. Humanistic
D. Effective
Which characteristic of nursing process addresses the INDIVIDUALIZED care a client must
125. A. Organized and Systematic
C. Efficient
B. Humanistic
D. Effective
Which characteristic of nursing process is responsible for proper utilization of human resources,
time and cost resources?
127. A. Organized and Systematic
C. Efficient
B. Humanistic
D. Effective
They are the first one to suggest a 4 step nursing process which are : APIE , or assessment,
planning, implementation and evaluation.
129. 1. Yura
3. Roy
2. Walsh
4. Knowles
130. A. 1,2
C. 3,4
B. 1,3
D. 2,3
Nurse Angela knew that Stephen Lee Mu Chin, has just undergone an operation with an incision
near the diaphragm. She knew that this will contribute to some complications later on. She then should
develop what type of nursing diagnosis?
132. A. Actual
C. Possible
B. Probable
D. Risk
She is the first one to coin the term NURSING PROCESS She introduced 3 steps of nursing
process which are Observation, Ministration and Validation.


134. A. Nightingale
C. Rogers
B. Johnson
D. Hall
136. Situation: Concepts of Health and Illness
137. The following are concepts of health:
1. Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity
2. Health is the ability to maintain balance
3. Health is the ability to maintain the internal environment
4. Health is integration of all parts and subparts of an individual
a. 123
b. 134
d. 1234
138. The theorist who advocates that health is the ability to maintain dynamic equilibrium is:
Claude Bernard
Hans Selye
Walter Cannon
Martha Rogers
The Health-Illness Continuum Theory describes which of the following:
1. The effect of environment to well-being and illness.
2. High level wellness is achieved if a person is able to function
3. Precursor of illness may be hereditary, environmental, and behavioural factors.
4. The relationship between agent, host and environment.





140. A. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 1, 3, 4
C. 1, 2, 3
D. 2, 3, 4
141. Which of the following statements is not true of high level wellness?
It is applicable only to healthy individuals
It is the ability to perform activities of daily living
It connotes maximizing ones potential abilities
It is the ability to perform self-care
142. Mrs. De Guzman had been diagnosed to have hypertension since 15 years ago. Since then, she had
maintained low sodium diet, to control her blood pressure. This practice is viewed as :
Her superstitious belief
Her personal belief
Her cultural belief
Her health belief
146. The Role performance model of health views that:
Health is the absence of signs and symptoms of disease
Health is successful adaptation
Health is the ability to perform ones work or job
Health is realization of ones potential
147. Mr. Salvador practices excessive alcohol intake. This is considered as which type of precursor to illness?
Behavioural factor
Hereditary factor
Environmental factor
Genetic factor
148. A person who may or may not be affected by disease is:
149. Health promotion activities are directed to achieve the following:
Increasing level of wellness.
Improving quality of life.
Relying on health care personnel to maintain health.
Promoting healthful lifestyle.
150. A. 1, 2, 4
B. 2, 3, 4
C. 1, 2, 3
D. 1, 3, 4
151. Which of the following behaviours is not expected when a client assumes the sick role?
152. a. The client seeks for sick leave.
153. b. The client consults a physician because of headache and perceived fever.
154. c. The client takes medication as prescribed by the physician.
155. d. The client ignores his dizziness, with the hope that it will relieved spontaneously.
156. Defining health is difficult. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as:
a.The absence of disease
b.A personal concept of health
c.Reaching full potential
d.A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or
157. The health belief model addresses the relationship between a persons belief and behaviours, thus:
a. A person who smokes does not practice the model.
b. A person who does not take necessary medications does not practice the model.
c. It provides a way of understanding and predicting how clients will behave in relation to their health
and how they will comply with health care therapies.
d. This model provides a basis for caring for clients of all ages.
158. Internal and external variables can influence how a person thinks and acts. Internal variables include:
Temperature, blood pressure, and respirations.
Anxiety, fever, respirations, blood pressure, and temperature.
Developmental stage, intellectual background, perception of functioning, and emotional and spiritual factors.
Bladder, heart, liver and gallbladder functioning.
159. Health promotion activities can include:
Exercise and good nutrition.
Unsafe sex.
Smoking and drinking excessive alcohol.
Exposure to air pollutants.
160. Person, environment, health and nursing constitute the metaparadigm for nursing because they do which of
the following?
a. Provide a framework for implementing the nursing process.
b. Can be utilized in any setting when caring for a client.
c. Can be utilized to determine applicability of a research study.
d. Focus on the needs of a group of clients.
162. When the nurse is using assessment skills, the primary source of information is:
The client
Other health practitioners
The medical record
Data collected
163. The primary focus of nursing, no matter what level of care is provided for the client, is:
To give all clients tender loving care.



To give clients exactly what the doctor prescribes.

To be able to use complete devices and equipment
To assist the client to eventually becomes self-reliant.
164. Nursing skills that would be used to assist the client in becoming an active participant in decision making are:
Caring skill
Comforting skill
Counseling skill
Assessment skill
165. Primary prevention aimed at health promotion includes:
a. Rehabilitation and prevention of complications.
b. Screening techniques and treating of early stages of disease.
c. Health education programs, immunization, and physical and nutritional fitness activities.
d. Care for a diabetic client using insulin.
168. Situation: Following the Standard Precaution is necessary to prevent cross
contamination of infections in the Hospital
170. In caring for a client on contact precautions for a draining infected foot ulcer, which action should the
nurse perform?
a. Wear a mask during dressing changes.
b. Provide disposable meal trays and silverware.
c. Follow standard precautions in all interactions with the client.
d. Use surgical aseptic technique for all direct contact with the client.
171. When caring for a single client during one shift, it is appropriate for the nurse to reuse only which of the
following personal protective equipment?
a. Goggles
c. Surgical mask
b. Gown
d. Clean gloves
172. While applying sterile gloves (open method), the cuff of the first glove rolls under itself about inches.
What is the best action for the nurse to take?
a. Remove the glove and start over with a new pair.
b. Wait until the second glove is in place and then unroll the cuff with the other sterile hand.
c. Ask a colleague to assist by unrolling the cuff.
d. Leave the cuff rolled under.
173. The nurse evaluates the chart of a 65 y.o. client with no apparent risk factors and concludes that which
immunizations are current? Select all that apply.
1. Last tetanus booster was at age 50
2. Receives a flu shot every year
3. Has not received the hepatitis B vaccine
4. Has not received the hepatitis A vaccine
5. Has not received the herpes zoster vaccine
1, 3, 5
1, 2, 4, 5
2, 3, 4
All of the above
174. After teaching a client and family strategies to prevent infection prevention, which statement by the client
would indicate effective learning has occurred?
a. We will use antimicrobial soap and hot water to wash our hands at least 3 times per day.
b. We must wash or peel all raw fruits and vegetables before eating.
c. A wound or sore is not infected unless we see it draining pus.
d. We should not share toothbrushes but it is OK to share towels and washcloths.
175. The nurse determines that a field remains sterile if which of the following conditions exist?
a. Tips of wet forceps are held upward when held in ungloved hands.
b. The field was set up 1 hour before the procedure.
c. Sterile items are 2 inches from the edge of the field.
d. The nurse reaches over the field rather than around the edges.
176. Which of the following situations may cause droplet transmission of microorganism?
a. Facing a client who is coughing and sneezing within a distance of 3 feet
b. Eating contaminated shellfish
c. Puncture from intravenous needle removed from a client with Hepatitis B
d. Exposure to flood water
177. Which of the following is the most effective practice by caregivers and family, when caring for a client with
low resistance to infection due to cancer
a. Allow two visitors only, at a time
b. Wash hands frequently
c. Wear masks in the clients room at all times
d. Meticulous cleaning of the clients room
178. The primary reason why the faucet is considered as contaminated is:
a. It is located in unsterile area
c. It is frequently used
b. Many people are using it
d. It is opened by dirty hands

179. The nurse enters the room of the client on airborne precautions due to tuberculosis. Which of the
following are appropriate actions by the nurse?
1. She wears the mask, covering the nose and mouth
2. She washes her hands before and after removing gloves, after suctioning the clients secretions
3. She removes gloves and mask before leaving the clients room
4. She discards contaminated suction catheter tip in a trash can found in the clients room
a. 12
b. 13
c. 123
d. 1234


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