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Table of Contents
What Exactly Is Astrology?...................................................................... 4
Characteristics Associated With The 12 Sun Signs.............................. 6
Other Important Astrological Concepts.................................................. 8
Recommended Resources:.................................................................... 11


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What Exactly Is Astrology?

There are a lot of misconceptions about what astrology is. Many people think of
it as a way to forecast the future. In a sense, this is accurate. However, it may
be less useful for fortune telling and more for helping to guide you to the right
It gives you insight into who you are, your challenges, and strengths, which then
affect your current and future realities.
In addition, a horoscope reading is based on someone's interpretation. Just like
a doctor or scientist interprets data, their conclusions can be off.
An astrologist's data is what's happening with the stars and planetary
movements. It has more to do with metaphysics than science.
At the same time, it is using hard data. It does not rely completely on intuition.
A good way to think of it is as a Calendar of energies flowing around you.
This also means that the quality of the astrologer (or interpreter) makes a
difference in what you take away from it.
Traditional horoscopes that you see in the newspaper are based on where the
sun was at the time of your birth. There are twelve main signs:

Aries March 21 to April 19

Taurus April 20 to May 20

Gemini May 21 to June 20

Cancer June 21 to July 22

Leo July 23 to August 22

Virgo August 23 to September 22

Libra September 23 to October 22

Scorpio October 23 to November 21

Sagittarius November 22 to December 21


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Capricorn December 22 to January 19

Aquarius Jan 20 Feb 19

Pisces February 20 to March 20

If your birth date is right on the beginning or end of a sign, then you should also
consider the sign you're close too.
The interpretation of your sun sign is just the beginning. It gives you a general
idea of your basic characteristics and personality. You can find-out much more
based on your exact birth date, location, and by looking at other influences.
A free website to get a more detailed reading is available at:

Free Astrology Reading

Your full astrological readings give you ideas about how to improve your love
life, gain wealth, and have better relationships for a happier life.


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Characteristics Associated With The 12 Sun Signs.

You are likely already familiar with the twelve sun signs, which give you an idea
of your basic nature or personality. The reason this part of the astrological
reading has taken off is that it's likely the easiest to learn about and discuss.
When you take everything into consideration, it can get complicated.
Let's take a look at what each sun sign indicates:

Aquarius independent, intellectual, unique, likes equality

Pisces creative, dreamer, compassionate, ups-and-downs

Aries Enthusiastic, driven, adventurous, straight to the point, impulsive,


Taurus Cautious, cool, patient, determined, pragmatic

Gemini Outspoken, talkative, explorer, complex

Cancer Intuitive, nurturing, shifting feelings, family-oriented

Leo Confident, proud, leader, radiant

Virgo Responsible, caring, sensitive, detailed-oriented

Libra Diplomatic, wavering, agreeable

Scorpio Passionate, intense, tough, emotional

Sagittarius Optimistic, curious, learner, expressive, moving

Capricorn Ambitious, self-reliant, creative, resilient, wants to accomplish

By knowing how each sign influences you, it gives understanding in how you
can work better with others and what pitfalls you should watch-out for.
When you read the interpretations others give you, it's important to realize that it
is only an interpretation. It gives you a good idea. You can use it to come to
your own conclusions.


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For a complete guide on how to create your own horoscopes even if you're a
complete beginner, check-out the following resource:

The Art of Astrology

The advantage of learning to do it yourself is that you don't have to rely on

others. You can double-check to find-out if they're correct and know what
they're doing.


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Other Important Astrological Concepts

If you want to get a full reading, then you need to understand the other
influences on you and what surrounds you.
The elements that you look at include:

The Planets. Each of the planets (as well as the Sun and Moon) gives
you insight into different areas:

The Sun Personality

The Moon Nurturing energy

Mercury Your perception

Venus Creativity

Mars Basic instincts/human nature

Jupiter Growth/adventure

Saturn Achievement

Uranus Freedom

Neptune Imagination

Pluto Self-realization

Each planet is related to each sign. It is said to Rule or have influence over
each sign.
The sun rules Leo. The moon rules Cancer. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.
Venus rules Taurus and Libra. Mars rules Aries. Jupiter rules Sagittarius.
Saturn rules Capricorn. Uranus rules Aquarius. Neptune rules Pisces. Pluto
rules Scorpio.
This has changed over time to consider Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Before all
of the planets were discovered, the planets were assigned differently. Most
astrologers use the new assignments.

The Four Elements. These are the four building blocks of what's around
us. They give you insight into your purpose and of who you are. They

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Earth Body/senses/grounded

Air Mind/logical

Water Emotions/sensitive

Fire Driven By Inner Energy/impulsive

Each sign has elements associated with it.

Earth is associated with Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. Air is associated with
Aquarius, Libra, Gemini. Water is associated with Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio.
Fire is associated with Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo.

The Twelve Houses. These tell you about different areas of your life.

First House Outer appearance/surroundings

Second House Wealth

Third House Community/early aptitude

Fourth House Family

Fifth House Self-expression

Sixth House Life balance

Seventh House Relationships

Eight House Death and rebirth

Ninth House Learning

Tenth House Mastery/status

Eleventh House Friends/acquaintances/colleagues

Twelfth House The unseen

Age of Aquarius. We are thought to be currently in the Aquarius age.

Each age last over 2,150 years. The ages go backwards. So, the next
age will be Capricorn. Each age takes on the attributes of each sign that
is influencing it. Astrologers differ if we are actually in the age of Aquarius.

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However, it gives a general idea of where we are and you can use your
own judgment as to where we are. It also gives you a new way to think
about where we are in history.
As you can see, there are a lot of influencing factors. In addition, to information
gathered by your specific birth date, you are also influenced on a daily basis by
changing planetary movements.
As you do your astrological readings yourself or get them done by others, you
can look at how all of these factors influence each other.
This can then give you insight into business, love, and everything that is
happening around you. It answers how you can work and live with others for
A great guide that discusses just how to use it for business success has been
created called, Vocational Astrology over at:

Vocational Astrology

It is a good idea to look at specific areas you want advice on at a time. This
helps to simplify astrology and help you get more from it.
All in all, astrology opens-up a world of wisdom you otherwise would have lived
without. Your future becomes clear because you know what steps you should
take next for success.


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Recommended Resources:
Free Astrology Reading Free astrology reading.
How to Become an Astrologer In 7 Days Course that shows you how to
become a professional astrologer.
The Art of Astrology: How to Make and Read Horoscopes Guide on
creating horoscopes.
Vocational Astrology Use astrology to advance in business.


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