Chapter 31

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Bronchitis Inflammation of the bronchial tree, which includes the right

and left bronchi, and bronchioles. When the mucus membrane

linings become irritated and inflamed, excessive mucus is
produced, causing congested airways. If it lasts more than 3
months a year, it is declared chonic bronchitus
Bronchiectasis Dilation of the bronchial airways, forming sacs that can remain
localized or spread throughout the lungs. They create
secretions that often become infected. Symptoms are
recurrent lower respiratory infections, and lots of smelly
sputum. Dyspnea can be present with minimal exertion, as can
wheezes, crackles, and a fever
Pneumonia Acute infection of the lungs that occur when an infectious
agent enters and multiplies in the lungs of a susceptible
person. Inflames the alveoli and creates less space for the
transfer of gases. Can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungus,
or several other causes. Symptoms include fever, shaking
chills, chest pain, productive cough. Sputum is rust colored, or
blood tinged.
Fungal Pneumonia Patients with AIDs are at risk for developing this
Viral Pneumonia Influenza viruses are the majority cause of this. Increases
chance of getting a secondary bacterial pneumonia
Tuberculosis Infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. Mainly affects the lungs, however can also affect
the kidneys, liver, brain, and bone.. The bacteria enter the
lungs, multiply and begin to explode in the lymph nodes, and
other parts of the body. Symptoms are a chronic productive
cough, blood tinged sputum, and drenching night sweats.
Pneumonia Vaccine Available to high risk patients, as well as the elderly. It is
effective about 80-90% of the time, and requires only one
injection, yet lasts for five years.
Atelectasis Can be a complication of pneumonia. It is collapsed alveoli,
and commonly occurs in postsurgical patients who do not
cough and deep breathe effectively.
Restrictive Disorders Problems that limit the ability of the patient to expand his
lungs, caused by a decrease in the compliance (elasticity) of
the lungs or chest wall
Pleuristy (Pleuritis) Caused when the pleurae of the lungs 'catch' on each other,
instead of sliding. This causes sharp pain on inspiritation,
which leads to irritation that causes an increase in the
formation of pleural fluid, which reduces friction and pain.
Symptoms are sharp pain, and a fever or chills will be present
if the cause is infectious. Because of the build up of fluid,
pleural effusion can occur. If infection is not treated,
empyema happens
Pleural Effusion Excess fluid collects in the pleural space, causing chest pain or
shortness of breathe. Normally, the pleural cavities hold 1-15
mL for each lung. More than 25 mL is considered abnormal,
and it is possible for serveral liters to build up
Empyema Collection of pus in the pleural space; basically a pleural
effusion that is infected. Usually a complication of pneunomia,
tuberculosis, or lung abcess. A chest tube may be required to
drain the fluid
Pulmonary Fibrosis Also known as interstital lung disease, is a group of disorders
that cause scarring and fibrosis of lung tissue.
COPD (Chronic A group of pulmonary disorders characterized by difficulty
Obstructive Pulmonary exhaling because airways are narrowed or blocked. With
Disease) COPD, patient has to some degree, both emphysema and
chronic bronchitis. Symptoms include cough, sputum
production, dyspnea. Air trapped in the lungs leads to classic
barrel shaped chest.
Emphysema Affects the alveolor membranes, causing destruction of the
alveolar walls and loss of elastic recoil. Because of the loss of
elastic recoil, air is trapped in the alveoli. Symptoms are
progressive shortness of breathe, accompanied by activity
Asthma Characterized by the inflammation of the mucosal lining of the
bronchial tree and spasm of the bronchial smooth muscles.
This causes narrowed airways and air trapping. Symptoms are
chest ightness, dyspnea, wheezing.
Status Asthmaticus Occurs if bronchospasm is not controlled and symptoms are
prolonged. It is a complication of asthma.
Cystic Fibrosis

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