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Far Eastern University

Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation

Informed Consent Form for The Relationship Between the Demographic profile and Health seeking
behavior of the Elderly in barangay 185.
This Informed Consent Form has two parts:
Information Sheet (to share information about the study with you)
Certificate of Consent (for signatures if you choose to participate)
You will be given a copy of the full Informed Consent Form
Part I: Information Sheet

We are the group 4A of FEU-NRMF and are doing research on The Relationship between
the Demographic profile and Health seeking behavior of the Elderly in barangay 185.
We are going to give you information and invite you to be part of this research. You do
not have to decide today whether or not you will participate in the research. Before you
decide, you can talk to anyone you feel comfortable with about the research.
(This consent form may contain words that you do not understand. Please ask me to
stop as we go through the information and I will take time to explain. If you have
questions later, you can ask them of me or of another researcher.)

Purpose of the research

As a gap exists on the knowledge on the relationship between the demographic profile
and the health seeking behavior of the elderly persons on different countries and in this
study it is focused on the elderly. This study may be used in designing programs for the
prevention and management of health care delivery among the elderly which could
provide them to have improvement in their health seeking behavior and enable to have
optimum health in aging. It is hoped that the value of this study will highlight the need
to continue the search for new sources and evidence to which will help the elderly with
their ever changing needs.

Type of Research Intervention

This research will involve your participation wherein you will answer a questionnaire
that will take about less than half an hour.

Participant Selection
You are being invited to take part in this research because we feel that you as an elderly
can contribute much to our understanding and knowledge of the relationship between
the demographic profile and health seeking behavior of the elderly.

Voluntary Participation
Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. It is your choice whether to
participate or not. If you choose not to participate it is solely on your choice.
A. We are asking you to help us learn more about the elderly health seeking behavior
and demographic profile in your community. We are inviting you to take part in this
research project. If you accept, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire.
B. Fill out a survey which will be provided by our group and be also collected by us. OR
You may answer the questionnaire yourself, or it can be read to you and you can say
out loud the answer you want me to write down.
If you do not wish to answer any of the questions included in the survey, you may skip
them and move on to the next question. The information recorded is confidential, your
name is not being included on the forms and no one else except the researchers with
access to the information will have access to your survey.)
The research takes place over a day only in total. And the giving of questionnaires
including the answering will only take less than half an hour.
You do not have to answer any question or take part in the discussion/interview/survey
if you don't wish to do so, and that is also fine. You do not have to give us any reason
for not responding to any question, or for refusing to take part in the interview"
There is a risk that you may share some personal or confidential information by chance,
or that you may feel uncomfortable talking about some of the topics. However, we do
not wish for this to happen. You do not have to answer any question or take part in the
discussion/interview/survey if you feel the question(s) are too personal or if talking
about them makes you uncomfortable.
There will be no direct benefit to you, but your participation is likely to help us find out
more about the relationship of the demographic profile and health seeking behavior of

the elderly in your barangay and in turn will help us to make recommendations to help
the elderly community.
The research being done in the community may draw attention and if you participate
you may be asked questions by other people in the community. We will not be sharing
information about you to anyone outside of the research team. The information that we
collect from this research project will be kept private. And when the research have
ended it will be burned to maintain anonymity of those involved.
Right to Refuse or Withdraw
You do not have to take part in this research if you do not wish to do so, and choosing to
participate will not affect your job or job-related evaluations in any way. You may stop
participating in the answering of questionnaires at any time that you wish without any

Part II: Certificate of Consent

We are the fourth year nursing students of FEU-NRMF, group 1 of section B is
conducting research about the Relationship Between the Demographic Profile and
Health Seeking Behavior of the Elderly in Barangay 185. Our objective is to determine
whether there is relationship between the demographic profile and health seeking
behavior of the elderly in barangay 185.
Thank you for your cooperation.

I have read the foregoing information, or it has been read to me. I have had
the opportunity to ask questions about it and any questions I have been
asked have been answered to my satisfaction. I consent voluntarily to be a
participant in this study

Print Name of Participant__________________

Signature of Participant ___________________
Date ___________________________

If illiterate

I have witnessed the accurate reading of the consent form to the potential
participant, and the individual has had the opportunity to ask questions. I
confirm that the individual has given consent freely.

Print name of witness____________

Thumb print of participant

Signature of witness _____________

Date ________________________

Statement by the researcher/person taking consent

I have accurately read out the information sheet to the potential participant, and to the best of
my ability made sure that the participant understands that the following will be done:

1 A literate witness must sign (if possible, this person should be selected by the participant and should have no connection to the
research team). Participants who are illiterate should include their thumb print as well.

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