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This year, InshAllah, we will start to rebuild our beloved Pakistan. Death of our
angels will not go waste. This is a debt which we owe to our children. Never again,
inshAllah, Never again will we expose our children to such ruthless animals. Time
to do the surgery to rid us of this cancer.
These are the wounded children of APS and now hear their future plans
MashAllah ! No enemy can defeat the nation who have sons like these MashAllah
! proud of you sons.. May you rise, shine and glorify the Ummah !

Where are the defenders of the defenders of Khawarij ?

Since -16th December, 2014- We have been trying to find videos "Ulema" of
Deoband (Fazal ur rehman, Samee ul haq, Tariq Jameel, Siraj ul haq, Mufti naeem,

etc) disowning the murderers of more than 160 children and even calling them as
Khawarij. No video found yet. Is it not strange?
We also asked friends to share any video where the murders of approx 100,000
Pakistanis are called Khawarij by these "Maulanas". Only Rafi Usmani Sb's video
came to light, rest of deoband, it seems, has a policy of 'no comments' regarding
the khawarij of TTP. When we asked this question we were told that we are
spreading sectarianism.
It has been more than two weeks. We are still waiting for any video to be shared
by the maulanas/ulemas of deoband or followers of deoband.
Where are the defenders of "Maulana" Tariq Jameel?
Where are the defenders of "Maulana" Fazal ur rehman
Where are the defenders of "Maulana" Samee ul haq
Where are the defenders of "Maulana" Siraj ul haq
Where are the defenders of "Maulana" Mufti naeem
Instead of blaming the patriots of spreading 'Sectarianism', ask your "Ulema" why
they are hands in glove with TTP Khawarij.

Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) had warned us that a time would come when fitnahs
would emerge from the Ulama and they would return back into them....
This Hadees shareef clearly defines the filthy role of Ulama e soo we have in the
society today. The entire fitnah of deen is NOT because of ordinary Muslims but
because of Ulama e soo. This is what Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh (RA) says about
Ulama e soo !
When we ask Ulama to speak the truth about Khawarij against all fears, they call
us Kafirs.... their followers call us Kafirs... What Islam do they follow ?? Innalillahe
inna Ilehe rajeeon..
All those Ulama who are afraid or refusing to call TTP as Khawarij are going to rise
with Khawarij on the day of Judgement, InshAllah !!!

Here we give you a surprise. Last chapter of Halqa e Yaraan read out in my own
voice. Understand the secret of Pakistan, it is the furqaan of the time. Your Ibadaat,
prayers, Hajj and zakaat will not be accepted if you do khayanat with this gift of
Syyedi Rasool Allah (sm).
Team, you got to see this. Shamelessness & Beyghairty at its peak!!
We always knew that Mufti Naeem and his gangs are part of the Khawarij. When
we asked them to explain their position, they did this press conference. Listen to
this and all you can say in disgust is Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !!
What they are saying is that Peshawar incident is bad and it is done by "Namaloom
afraad" and they are NOT going to take the name of TTP nor they are call them
Khawarij !! Astaghfurullah !!!
They accept that they are Ulama. They accept that they have higher duty in society
to speak the truth. They accept that Peshawar is a crime against humanity BUT
they are NOT willing to name TTP as the animals nor calling them as Khawarij !!
What else is munafiqat and Islam dushmani if this is not ?? they think the nation is
made up of total fools that we fall for their lies, deceptions and fabrications ???
Shame a million on Mufti Naeem and his gang...
Now you say that we speak against them... we should actually hang them through

military courts... these are the snakes in our ranks..

They MUST call TTP as the criminals and Khawarij and out of Islam. Why on
earth they cannot say this ??? Namaloom afraad, my foot !!

The whole nation is united on one point -- The TTP are Khawarij, dogs of hell !!
Pak army has demanded that Ulama must give fatwas to declare them as Khawarij
and out of Islam. We are doing the same.
Every Alim in the country MUST declare them as Khawarij. Every Ahl- Hadees,
every Ahl Sunnah, every Shia, every deobandi.. MUST do it.
Those who refuse to call TTP as Khawarij will be attacked by the patriots. It does
NOT matter to us if those Ulama are Shias, Ahl Hadees, Ahl Sunnah or deobandis.
Any one who refuse, will be attacked by us. Now is it clear to you all who are
crying that we are attacking all Deoband sect ??
Mufti Rafi Usmani has called TTP as Zaliman, rebels and demanded that army
must crush them. We respect and appreciate this.
We want Tariq Jameel, Mufti Naeem, Fazal, Samee to repeat these words of their
deobandi brother Mufti Rafi Usmani. Does this mean, we are against all deoband
?? only an insane, deaf, dumb, blind will draw this stupid conclusion.
We are in war. Every day, army is killing the Khawarij. while army kills them, we
will find the supporters of Khawarij and attack them. It does NOT matter to us
which sect or group they belong to. Death be to dogs of hell and their supporters.

Pl note: anyone supporting Khawarij, promoting their videos, abusing Pak army,
attacking Quaid, Baba Iqbal or using abusive language will be immediately
blocked without further warning. This page is NOT for Khawarij or their point of
view. We know what we stand for. If you have a different point of view, make
your own page and write there. You are NOT welcome here.
We do not collect fans on this page. We do a difficult duty to defend Pakistan and
support Pak army in this dirty war against Khawarij and Mushriks. If you do not
trust us, please unlike this page or stay silent. All negative posts will be blocked.
Jazak Allah.


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Jazak Allah.

Who is this snake ?

What is his sect ?

What is the definition of a Kharji in Hadees shareef ?

Why he is openly waging a war against Medina e Sani of SayyadiRasul Allah (sm),
with hands already dripping in blood of Pak army officers and men.
Why Ulama e deoband do not declare him a Kharji ??
We ask these simple question to Mufti Naeem, Fazal, Samee, TJ & Wafaq ul
Their followers, pl stay silent. I have asked your elders. Let them reply.
InshAllah, soon, urban terrorists from MQM will also start to hang to their filthy
ends.. The cleanup process which has begun will not spare any enemy of Pakistan Khawarij, BLA, MQM... all others will bite the dust now... The revenge of the
Patriots have begun.. alhamdolillah !
MashAllah, Milad un Nabi (sm) is the greatest moment of history, celebrated on
heavens and earth, forever and always..
It really hurts when we hear extreme views on the subject. This is NOT an issue of
Fatwas or argument or debate. When Imam Malik walked barefoot in Medina, he
did it in love of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). There is NO fatwa that Muslims should

walk barefoot in Medina. But Imam Malik, the greatest Imam of Hadees in
Medina, never wore shoes nor rode a horse in love and adab of Sayyadi (sm). No
body said to him that you are doing bidat or shirk.
Pl do not apply fatwas on the matters of love and adab of Sayaydi Rasul Allah
Listen to this lecture. It will clarify your confusions on the subject. In matters
displaying your love for Sayyadi, if the act itself it not haram, there is NO
restriction to it.
Milad un Nabi Mubarak to the Ummah !

This is our sect -- adab e Rasul (sm) and Ishq e Rasul(sm) ! InshAllah, this will be
the official mazhab of Pakistan in days to come.. . This is the only point, where this
Ummah can be united, rising above sectarian and religious divides.


What the hard line myopic Mullah mentality does not understand that love and
adab of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) is NOT a question of Law, Fiqh or Fatwa ! This
is a sublime, mystical, spiritual dimension of adab and love understood only by
those who are blessed with Sharah e Sadr and Baseerat to know the delicate

concept of Deen.
It is easy to put Fatwa of Shirk, Bidat and innovation on every act of love and adab
for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) but we invite them to see what Sayyadna AbuBakr
and Sayyadna Umer did when it comes to adab e Rasul (sm). This is NOT based on
Fatwa but on Taqwa and adab ! Why did Shaikhain Khulfa e Rashedeen did this ??
Think about it... ask Allah for hidaya and firasat and sharah sadr...

It is strange fitnah & waswasa of shaitan that he creates when someone tries to
remember Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).
Those raising objections are themselves are drowned in Haram, filth and scum
from head to toe in Riba, banking, paper currency, fractional reserve, bonds, share
gambling and all sorts of financial haram filth through this riba based economic

system which is WAR against Allah and His Rasul (sm). Saudi Muftis do not see
that their govt is the biggest broker of Riba based banking system. Same is for Iran
also. Turkey and Pakistan govt are no different.
We have muftis in Haram who give fatwas that Banking is Halal but Naat Shareef
is Haram !! Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !
Tabarni narrates on the authority of Ali, May Allah be pleased with him, that the
Prophet said:

Teach your children three qualities: Love of your Prophet; Love of his family and
the recitation of the Quran. Verily the learned of the Quran will be with the
Prophets and the pious in the shade of Allahs mercy on The Day when there will
be no shade but His.
This is up to us to find ways to teach our children love and adab. If Milad is done
with this niyat, then it is Hukm of Syyadi to do it.
Have any Sahaba ever done annual Tableeghi Ijtima ? Or Chilla of 40 days or for 3
days ?? Have any Sahaba ever given azaan for Tahahhud ?? Have ever Sahabas
involved themselves in such Dunya and wealth as we see the rulers and Ulama of
modern times ?? Is that not haram, not bidaa ??
Stay silent please. DO NOT object on expressions of love for Sayyadi Rasul Allah.
We live in times when Muslims DO NOT know their Rasul Allah (sm). We need
to teach our children his love and adab. This should be done every day of the
year... Every day should be a celebration that Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) came to
us.. Sayyadi Rasul Allah used to fast every Monday because it was his birthday !
This is mentioned in clear ahadees.
Developing the Love of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) is the purpose. You can have
many methods to develop it. The process is not important. The end result is. Do not
create fasad within Ummah because someone wants to feel happy on the arrival of
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).
You got to listen to this spiritual intel given two years ago about Pak army,
Afghanistan, India and Ghazwa e Hind.
The real test of Ishq and adab e Rasul is that who stands in the battle when the time
comes. Who has the courage to declare terrorists as Khawarij ! who has the
courage to stand for Ghazwa e Hind! Who has the courage to protect and defend
Pak Sarzameen in times of crisis.
Labbaik Ya Rasul Allah ! Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !

MashAllah, today, Pak army gave 21 artillery guns salute to Sayyadi Rasul Allah,
all over the country! This gesture of adab and love for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) is
the khair that Allah has chosen this army for Ghazwa e Hind and Jihad against
For centuries, in Khilafat e Usmania, there were great celebrations officially from
the Caliph on Milad un Nabi. The entire Ummah participated. This was NEVER an
issue of debate or argument. It was settled beyond argument within all the Ulama,
aulia and Fuqara from all maslaks of Ummah. Only when Khilafah was destroyed,
that this fitnah of challenging this ceremony of love and adab has become a norm.
Assalato Wassalam o Alaika Ya Sayyadi Murshidi Jaddi Ya Rasul Allah !

The Jews brought a woman to Prophet Isa (as) and wanted to stone her to death
because she had done adultery. Sayyadna Isa asked the crowed that they should
stone the woman if they have not committed the adultery themselves ! Upon
hearing this, the raging mad crowd just went silent and started to disperse...
It is total and shameless munafiqat to call others as doing shirk and Bida when you
yourself are soaking in Kufr, shirk and haram..
Today, we hear fatwas of Bidat & shirk from some people to those Muslims who
feel happy over milad celebrations. The shameful part is that those putting these
allegations of Bidat are themselves drenched in Kufr, shirk and Bidat but they have
the audacity to create fitnah.
Following are total haram, forbidden, Kufr which is being done by all those who
are champions of bida theory today..
Did sahabas used paper currency ? Banks ?
Did Sahabas formed political parties ? followed parliamentary democracy ?
Did Sahabas formed Kings and dynasties ?
Did Sahabas dealt in bonds, shares, interest based fractional reserve economic
models ?
Did sahabas divided the Ummah in nation states with visas, passports and travel
restrictions based on ethnicity and language ?
Didnt Rasul Allah (sm) categorically said to eject all Jews and Christians from
Arabia while the biggest Zionist bases are in Hejaz, Najd and Gulf ?? is that Halal
We have to be very frank here. This concept of Bida has originated from Saudi
arabia after the Wahabi movement got hold there which supported the British
through Lawrence of Arabia to destroy the Usmani Khilafat. Is it Halal and Farz to
join hands with Zionists to kill your own Muslim Turkish brothers to destroy the
Khilafat to form your own Kingship ?? Im sure its not bida ! right ??
The entire Ummah can NEVER be united on Kufr, Bidat and Shirk. Under
Ottomon Khilafat, Muslims from 3 Continents lived under the Khalifa and were
united -- from Armenia to Yugoslavia to Medina to Tunisia -- in celebrating the

Milad, with all the Aulia, Ulama of all Tareeq, Fiqh and Mazahib, joining in with
love and adab.
Those who are actually at war with Rasul Allah (sm) talk about Bida when
someone recites a Naaat shareef on Milad.. Inna lillahe..

Remember this law of Deen: NOT every new thing added become a Bida !! Let us
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) NEVER compiled Quran in a book form. It was
memorized or was written by various Sahabas on their own. In the times of
Khilafat e Rashida, when so many Huffaz were martyred in a battle, it was
suggested to compile and collect the Quran in a book. Sayyadna Abu Bakr was
reluctant as Rasul Allah (sm) had not done it. some Sahabas were extremely
careful not to start a Bida but then it was agreed that this new innovation is NOT
the bida Allah has forbidden. So Quran was collected, compiled, written and
spread as a book.
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) discouraged writing of Ahadees. Sahabas never did it.
Sayyadna Umer even prevented Hazrat Abu Huraira from narrating Ahadees. First
proper book of Ahadees Muta Imam Malik came 150 years after Sayaydi Rasul
Allah !! NO ONE Called it a bida for it was needed at that time as people had
begun to forget ahadees and their compilation has become a necessity.
Sahabas Never had documented codified law or Fiqh. It was NOT done during
times of Rasul Allah (sm) and Khulfa e Rashideen. But when the Islamic lands
expanded, there was a need for a codified law. For the first time, Imam Malik, then
Imam Shfii, then other Imams created Fiqh, 2 to 3 hundred years after Khilafat e
Rashida. NO sahabi, Tabii or Taba tabii was called Hanfi, Maliki, shafii or Hanbli
or Ahl Hadees, Salfi or Shia ! Are these terms Bida too ??
NO Sahaba ever trasnlated Quran. It was not done for the next 1000 years !! in

India, first persian translation was done by Shah Wali Ullah. People called it a bida
but Shah WaliUllah explained the wisdom that people have forgotton arabic and its
translaiton is needed as the objective is to teach the wisdom of Quran to the people.
NO ONE then objected and translations started all over the Ummah. That was
NOT a bad bida but a needed Ijtihad to spread the message.
There is direct Hukm of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) to teach your children love of
Rasul Allah and Ahl Beyt and teach them to read Quran. The Hukm has been given
directly and the methods have been left to the Ummah to decide.
In the beginning, Sahabas had seen Rasul Allah (sm), lived with him and knew him
closely. But after decades and centuries, when Islam spread to farthest corners of
the world, people did not know Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). There was NO media,
no TV, no books, no way to travel great distances for all the people to go to
Medina to visit Masjid e Nabwi, so some people drew from the original hukm &
organized proper Milad celebrations where love of Sayyadi Rasul Allah was
This is NOT a bida but the need of the time to make sure that Ummah know the
beautiful attributes of Sayyadi Rasul Allah. For centuries, this has been accepted as
the normal good practice to fulfil the hukm of Sayyadi Rasul Allah to teach your
children and people love and adab of Sayyadi and ahl beyt. This is NOT a bad
bida. This is NOT an innovation. Sahabas did not need this. We need this. Sahabas
did NOT need fiqh, books of Hadees & written translated Quran. we need these.
These do NOT become bida. These are the permissions within the boundaries of
Ijtihad and Ijmah of the Ummah.
There is NO deen without the love of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). Any means
adopted to develop love of Sayyadi is NOT bida but Fard in these times of fitnah !
May Allah bless us with the love of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and protect is from
shirk, kufr and bida.
Love of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) is a sublime strange mystical spiritual
dimension which can never be understood through fiqh or fatwa.
Is it possible that nearly 10 years after the wisal of Rasul Allah, in the time of
Khilafat e Rashida, Sayyadi himself visit someone in Syria and invite him to
medina ?? Yes, this is true story..
Sayyadi Rasul Allah visit Sayyadna Bilal Habshi in Syria and invite him to visit
him in Medina... Listen to this most emotional story of history... This is the love
we are talking about. Those who have never experienced it, can never understand

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Read this Hadees Shareef from Bokhari about Sayyadna Umer. When he saw
something new in deen added by a person, he liked it and used the word "Naimal
Bida", meaning a good Bida !!
NOT every thing added in deen is Bad bidat, which is Haram and we have

mentioned it in details two posts down.

There is a very brutal use of Bida Hadees by the extremists who ignore this Hadees
of Hazrat Umer which clearly differentiates between a good innovation and a bad
innovation. NOT all innovations are haram, as we have explained through this
Hadees of Bokhari.

It is only the bad bidat, which is always against Quran and Sunnah, which is
Haram. You cannot abuse this Hadees about bad bida.
The good Bida is NEVER against Quran and Sunnah and sometimes Quran is
silent about it and the Momin can use his good sence of Ijtihad to decide the
matter. This is strongly encouraged by Sayyadi Rasul Allah. Not everything may

be found in Quran and Sunnah by a people and then they have the permission to
decide the matter through Ijtihad. This is good bida !
RasoolAllah [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] stated: "The person who
introduced a good thing in Islam, shall obtain the reward for it and also the reward
for those who adopt it. As for the one who introduces a bad thing (Bid'ah Sayyi ah)
he will obtain the punishment for introducing it and also for those who adopt it,
will also be punished."
(Sahih Muslim in Kitaab-uz-Zakaat Tirmidhee chapter Eleleven).
This Hadith gives proof of the fact that it is permissible to introduce a good act in
Islam, also it gives permission to follow that deed with the intention of reward.

Now coming to those Muslims who celebrate Milad un Nabi, some extremely
important points must be raised.

This occasion was always associated with serious adab, love and veneration of
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) through ways and means which are allowed in deen.
It was NEVER meant to be a carnival, Mela, fun fair or a meena bazaar.
Unfortunately, we see lots of exaggeration and makroohat here also. If the adab,
love, seriousness and the dignity of the events is not maintained, then it actually
enters into the domain of beyadabi and gustakhi. This is also a fact that many do it
just to humiliate the opposing sect which is opposed to these celebrations. The
intention is not to generate love of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) but to score points.
Remember, the amaal depends upon Niyat alone ! Even a good amal done with bad
niyat becomes riyakari and munafiqat.
During Ottomon Khilafat, the event was marked by Gun salutes, dignified march
led by the Khalifa or Ulama or Governors. There were competitions and events of
Quran reading, Naat Shareef, feeding the hungry, taking care of the poor, needy
and the infirm, lighting on the streets and healthy military competitions. Life of
Sayyadi Rasul Allah was recited and shared with people for all to know and love
Sayyadi more and more. Halqas of Zikr were held and durud shareef was recited in
abundance at all levels. This is the spirit of the event which sometimes gets lost in
lack of knowledge or over reaction to the opposite sect.
Cutting the cake or dancing in mindless frolic and fun is actually beyadabi and
creates more divisions within the society.
To those Muslims, who wish to express their love for Sayyadi, we would urge to
do so with the dignity of a Momin, worthy of being in this Ummah. Those who
dont want to do it, we would ask them to be tolerant pl.
Jazak Allah to all of you.


Security and Threat analysis for Pak Sarzameen:

Difficult wars, collective failures, great future inshAllah !
For the first time in the last 10 years, we are seeing this determination,courage and
the clear thinking within the military leadership to finally do which should have
been done years ago. The new leadership has indeed risen to the challenge - both in
the GHQ and in the ISI - now pushing the weak, corrupt and afraid political
leadership to justify their paychecks.
We see a bright 2015 for Pakistan IA. The cancer that has spread in the very fiber
of the society and state is being surgically removed now. It is going to be bloody,
messy and even brutal but it has to be done. Then the long therapy and
rehabilitation process would begin. Pak army is leading the fight no doubt but it
has to see if the present political baggage can be dragged or will have to be
dumped as the going gets tough in the coming days. With the Indian threat looming
on the East, this present political lot is a huge risk factor army should do without.
For now army is pushing the political gamblers but will have to be careful to avoid
a backstab by these very treacherous and venomous gang of the corrupt who are
now in panic and seeing the rising power of the army as a direct threat to their
political and economic interests.
The threat levels would remain high in the country for the next few weeks. The
war has entered its decisive phase and the backlash from the desperate cut throats
is a real possibility. Many attacks have been prevented but some might get through
as well. Caution is always required. It is a cost that the nation has to pay for their
collective failure to rise and meet the threat earlier. Now it is too late and the cost
would be staggering as well. December 16th last year was a deeply painful
reminder of this collective failure of the society and its leadership.

This snake is the present Indian National Security Adviser, responsible for waging
the 5th Gen War against Pakistan. Here he is spilling the secrets of the Indian war
strategy against Pakistan.
He is proudly and happily explaining how Hindu Mushriks are using Deoband to
create Khawarij to destroy Pakistan !
Yes, this is the Mushrik-Deoband-Khawarij axis he is talking about confirming our
analysis that all Khawarij are deobandi !!
Now we want the leaders of Deoband in Pakistan to clear their position on this
statement of Ajit Doval ! JUI, Fazal, Samee, TJ & Mufti Naeem MUST clearly
explain the position of all factions of deoband.
Pak army is fighting Zarb e Azb against these Khawarij from deoband who are
funded and backed by Mushriks ! Any one who supports Khawarij or do not speak
against them will be treated as Kharji !! We will not show any mercy here.
Deoband Ulama MUST clear their position after this Doval speach..

All parties and politicians are having sessions in Parliament to approve Military
Courts. Only two kind of snakes are oposing and resisting the courts which are a
national demand, need of the time and a serious step towards winning this war.
Who are these two groups ??
1. Liberal Beyghirats -- the Asma Jahangir types..
2. The Deobandi leadership - Fazal, Siraj, Samee...
This is a clear and most visible proof that both these groups belong to a same class
of RAW stooges, working against Pakistan, supportive of Khawarij, refusing to
call them Khawarij and both groups are resisting the death penalty to the Khawarij
Do I need to say more on the filthy, dirty, sinister role of Deoband Mullahs and

their Liberal beygairat friends, both feed from the hands of Ajit Kumar Doval !!
More than the terrorists, it is the political parties,MNAs who are terrified at the
prospects of Military courts
National unity on forming military courts is under direct threat from Mr. Diesel.
That snake is spokesman of Khawarij desperate to help TTP. Nation is watching
both the liberal beyghairat bridage & the Khawarij supporting pro-Mushrik
Mullahs who are trying to block Military Courts! The scumbags in the parliament
have been forced by the army to form Military Courts BUT they are fuming in
humiliation, fear & desire for revenge.
After the Military Courts, there will be an undeclared mini-Martial Law in the
country where army will ruthlessly eliminate Khawarij gangs! Entire nation wants
Military courts, faster executions, fearless trials & ruthless war to destroy this
cancer. Resistance will be crushed!
In total panic that Pak Army is now eliminating their prized assets of TTP, Indians
have launched fierce border attacks on East to distract. It seems clear that now Pak
army will have to fight a two front war - in West against RAW backed TTP
Khawarij & in East against Indian Army.
Asma Jahangir & Mullah Fazal Diesel have same demands - abolish death penalty,
block Military Courts & hand over Pakistan to India! Rascals both! As the threat
rises from East also, Pak Army will have to decide seriously if the present lot of
scumbags in govt are worth dragging along! Army is moving fast & decisively. By
dragging their feet, this democracy has proven that it is the excess baggage nation
can do without!


The blood of our innocent children has saved this nation !

But now you can also see the faces of the most filthy animals we have in
parliament, politics, Mullahs and the liberal beyghairats who are actually crying
over Military courts and executions of the Khawarij.
Our simple message to the Khawarij and their protectors -- we will bury you all
inshAllah and will take a most ruthless revenge for our chidlren and other 100,000
Shuhada ! Promise. Pak army is the Sword of Rasul Allah (sm), which will NOW
cut your necks inshAllah !


More dogs hanged and sent to hell !

Now we see massive noise and resistance from Deobandi Mullahs who are fiercely
resisting the Military courts and these executions. Is there any doubt left on whose
sides these deobandi pro-Mushriks, Khawarij are ?? This was the moment when
they should have stood with the nation but shame a million upon them... Fazal says
he is not part of the "Sin" to make military courts ! His father had said that they are
not part of the "sin" of creating Pakistan ! Astaghfurullah !
InshAllah, Fazal, Samee, Mufti Naeem will rise with the Khawarij, Nehru, Gandhi
and Mushriks on the day of judgement for they are with them in dunya, so will be
with them in Akhira also !

Firm warning to all those who come here to defend Khawarij or make fun of the
mission we do here. We will block you instantly and all pro-Khawarij post makers
will be noted and their profiles handed over to cyber crime units of law
enforcement agencies. We will NOT show any mercy. Dont come to us later
apologizing that you have made a mistake.

Then they say why we take the name of Deobandis ! All Mullahs from deoband
have taken out their daggers against Military courts to protect their Khawarij dogs
of hell. CII is led by a JUI leader who is now going to give a fatwa that Mil Courts
aganst Khawarij are Haram. He remains silent when his Kharji brother Fazlullah
owns the killing of our children and promise to do more attacks !! Astaghfurullah !

Mufti Naeem, Fazal, Samee, Shirani, Tahor ashrafi and Tariq Jameel are all openly
supporting the Khawarij either by silence and NOT calling them Khawarij or by
attacking the Mil courts. This is the entire leadership of Deoband in Pakistan !!
Now you understand what that Mushrik Aji Kumar Doval said about Deoband !
We will be very harsh on them now for this treason with ummat e Rasul (sm) !

His father Mufti Mehmood had said about themselves that that Deobandis were not
part the "Sin" of creating Pakistan ! Now his rascal son says they are not part of the
"sin"of defending Pakistan !! Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !!
Why I should not wage a war against these Khawarij and Mushrik supporters ??


Let me make one point clear.

Deoband is NOT a sect within Muslims. It is only a school.
All those who call themselves as Deobandis are Muslims, Sunnis and Hanafis.
All those who call themselves as Barelvis are also Muslims, Sunnis and Hanafis.
So, if someone stop calling themselves as Deobanids, he will remain a Muslim, a
Sunni and a hanafi. Calling yourself Deobandis is NOT part of Islam, Imaan, Fiqh
or sect.
We dont care about the aqeeda of Deobandis or any other sect. Allah will deal with
them there. Our disagreement is on the Political and Military Policies of that
school which is Deoband.
Politically and Militarily, Deoband are defenders of Mushriks and Khawarij.They
opposed Pakistan, they still support Mushriks and they support Khawarij. Mushriks
use Deoband to attack Pakistan and kill our children.
So, what should all good "deobandis" do ?? They should do what Ashraf Ali
Thanvi did and Allama Shabbir ahmed Usmani did. Once both these top Deobandi
scholars knew that their Darul Uloom is now fully supporting the Mushriks against
Muslims, both of them resigned from deoband and supported Pakistan movement.
Today, I ask all pro-Pakistan "deobandis" to resign from Deoband, stop calling
yourself as deobandi and come on the side of Pakistan openly.
By resigning from deoband, you will remain a Muslim, Sunni and Hanafi. nothing
will change except that on the day of judgement, you will not stand in the company

of Fazal, samee, Naeem, Fazlullah, Hakeem ullah and Mangal Bagh and also
Gandhi, Nehru and other Mushriks -- because that's where all Deoband will stand
as they were with them in dunya, so they will be with them in akhira !
Chose your sides.. We are with Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm), Khulfa e Rashideen and
Pakistan in dunya and inshAllah in akhira also.

This is a decisive war to defend Ummat e Rasul (sm) from the fitnah of Khawarij and Mushriks !
We will NOT allow any Kharji supporter to attack us from the back and betray the millat !
Ulama e Deoban will either have to declare TTP as Khawarij or be ready to face the swords of

the soldiers of Rasul Allah (sm).
#CharlieHebdo is surely home grown French terror, a product of their ME policies OR a false
flag Mossad Op like ISIS, to nail Muslims in EU. Charlie Hebdo's attackers spoke
french (locals), escaped (did not came for martyrdom), had assault guns (military
grade) - my bet is Mossad/ISIS!
Israel has a history of attacking even allies when they begin to get difficult
.remember USS liberty?
Israel wants EU nations to get more involved in Syria. Bashar is still resisting. A
false flag on french soil can do the trick. Who is the beneficiary of this attack?
Surely NOT Muslims. Only Israel & "Israeli Secret Intel Service" (ISIS) benefits.
Even if the perpetrators turn out to be fanatics from ISIS, that is still a Mossad op.
All tracks covered.. typical Zionists.
So you think ISIS in Syria & Iraq is not backed by a proper foreign secret service
for their weapons, banks, internet & passage? Just two days ago, there was also a
suicide attack in Istanbul also. Now in Paris. Someone is really pushing for Syrian
For the last 7 years, NOT a single analysis of mine has been proven wrong. Those
who mocked, just disappear later shamelessly Now also mid/posts/763087533746060


Those who defend the Khawarij say that the slaughter of the Children in Peshawar
is done by blackwaters and CIA and not by TTP. What can we say to this insanity
?? The entire leadership of Deoband in Pakistan is involved either in defending the
Khawarij or staying silent.... execpt Mufti Usmani, who has shown real courage
Rest of them, inshAllah, will rise with the Khawarij on the day of judgment.
Alhamdolillah, we present our new book series "Yeh Ghazi" !!! The most
fascinating series on Muslim Mujahideen in 1400 years of Islamic history- those
who created history, created new civilizations, set highest levels of moral, ethical
and spiritual standards even in warfare, changed the destinies, led the world, fought
the mightiest armies and still remain unmatched in human history.
First booklet on Sayyadna Khalid Ibn Waleed (RA) ! These are the heroes you
should read your children about. Download it, print it and spread it... In this sacred
month, this is another humble gift to Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) from our team..
Shukar Alhamdolillah !
I am extremely hurt that some Shia Muslims are sending me hateful messages
against Sayyadna Khalid ibn Waleed. I will ask them firmly to stop this non-sence.
You can keep your hatred for "Saifullah" in your hearts but don't spread fitnah on
this page or twitter. Have some shame, for God sake! Astaghfurullah ! There is a
limit to being Gustakh and some of the Shias are really shameless in this..
General Ikramullah Khan, was a Shia General of Pak army and he has written the
most respectful and beautiful book on Sayyadna Khalid "The sword of Allah " !
Those Shias who hate Sayyadna Khalid should learn some adab from General

Sayyadna Khalid is the greatest sword of Islam blessed by Sayyadi Rasul Allah
(sm) himself and performed the greatest feats of military victories. This is another
downloadable link.
Jazak Allah

MashAllah, one beti sent me this comment after reading this book on Sayyadna
"It is inspiring to the core! It makes me proud of belonging to a nation whose

heroes have such contrasting qualities; proud yet humble, rich but ready to give all
assets on a single call, on high positions but feel no loss at getting fired. Something
else drives them baba! something exceptional, the same thing that drives you .. n I
know it I see every reflection of the book in you and that helps me in believing
its accomplishable. The book also makes one thing most certain.. one cannot bring
any real change without having a deep connection with Allah and Syedi
RasoolAllah (sm), without this, all efforts go in vain..."
This book is primarily directed towards towards our children and younger
generation. This will not only teach them the heroes but also the real force behind
them -- love and adab of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).
Take printouts, spread it, post its links.. we have no copy right on this one. Our
other books, Khilafat e Rashida, Iqbal e Pur Israr and Halq a e Yaran and Urdu
From Indus to Oxus are also treasures. try to have them all. InshAllah, you will
find great khair in them.

General Raheel and General Hidayat reciting Quran e Pak for our fallen children in
Peshawar. InshAllah, this blood will not go waste and will become the nightmare
of the Mushriks and the Khawarij !
May Allah give infinite barakah to the Sipah Salaar and Pak army, Ameen.


This is the love and respect which our Sipah Salaar has in the eyes of Shuhada of
Peshawar. An Old Baba, and elder of a shaheed child, kissing the forehead of Gen
Raheel. He is the only one this nation trusts now -- so visible from the love shown
by the families of shaheeds !
Always do dua for Pak army. They are the guardian angels Allah has sent for us...

These Mullahs are not insane. They are not ignorant either. They are extremely
shrewd, cunning and evil to the core. The whole world is putting pressure on
Pakistan to stop the death sentence and look what Siraj says ... ufff.
History has noted their names and faces. Now they will be remembered as those
who betrayed the Ummah, millat and the country in this war. Shame upon them in
dunya, shame upon them in akhira !

Another dog sent to hell, alhamdolillah ! Now real terror is sinking the hearts of
these animals. Their supporters in UN, EU, Khawarij, Liberals are trying to save
them but Pak army will nail every snake now and their supporters. DO NOT start
to ask questions or object on things not done yet. The process has begun. All
terrorists will hang now -- From BLA, MQM, LeJ & TTP !! InshAllah


Some threat analysis from the region to make you understand why fuel is getting
cheaper! These are complex power games these Zionists play. Muslims just dont
understand them...

This is pure economic terrorism against Russia. US slashing oil prices to $64 from
$113 in 3 months is directed to crash Russian economy. Western banks are not
lending to Russia. Foreign investors are withdrawing their dollars. Oil revenues
have crashed to half. This is huge!! There is a slow revolt being built against Putin,
through economic crunch, crashing rubles, civil unrest & triggering depression in
Russia. US plans to cut the oil prices even more, increasing catastrophic pressure
on Putin. OPEC is taking losses too but they have enough money.
After failing to defeat Russian will on Syria, the US & Saudis play their ultimate
Oil card against Putin. A revolt is being orchestrated. In the short term, world is
enjoying the lower oil prices but in the long term, defeat of Russia would be
catastrophic for global power balance. Putin will have to move fast. Ruble has
crashed 30% already within weeks. A trump card needed from Putin to checkmate
US, else its over.
Putin is a proud nationalist. He will not surrender. He can hit back hard to EU by
choking European gas supplies in winters, unnerving Europe. It is a gamble for
Putin now. He knows oil prices will go down further to almost $30. He will have to
attack through gas & use his reserves. The Syrian & Ukrainian crisis have now
spiraled into a full 4th Gen War war between Russia & US, where US is using soft
power to break Putin.

Now a little analysis on French murders. They are blaming "Muslims" ! Imagine
their munafiqat..
#CharlieHebdo Now when the suspects have been killed, how do we know they
were angry at the cartoons or Europes decimation of Iraq & Syria?
NEVER ever forget that Western nations have slaughtered a million Muslims in

ME in last 10 years alone on false premise. Whenever any country votes against
Israel, it starts to face catastrophic terrorism. Malaysia lost planes, Norway & now
There are genuine war crimes & genocide being done by western nations within
Muslim lands & then they say Muslims hate them!
US & EU are pouring in $ billions in Iraq, Syria, Pakistan & Libya to CREATE
cannibalistic gangs of ISIS, FSA, TTP & then blame us????

The war Pakistan is fighting today is radically different from the wars we fought in
the past. Not just militarily, but also ideologically. In the previous wars, we fought
against Hindus, Communists & even Jews in the Middle East. The religious high
ground was always with the army.
This is the first war where the enemy is also apparantly Muslim, using the same
Islamic narrative, using the same language & religious terms. Secondly, this war is
being fought within the cities, masjids, schools, bazaars & in every segment of the
society & the state, not on borders.
To fight this war, Pak Army needs not just total support from the entire society but
also a strong religious narrative to counter the enemy. In fighting the Kuffar
enemies, Pak Army never had the need to build a special religious narrative. It
came naturally as enemies were Kafirs.
Militarily, Pak Army as a professional Muslim fighting force had never faced the
serious crisis of facing an internal enemy using religion.
I had understood this crisis of the Pak Army way back in 2007 & went public on
media to counter & destroy the religious narrative of TTP.
The fact is that Pak Army took a long time under Musharraf & Kayani to
understand the religious axis of this 4th Gen War. We suffered a lot. Musharaf
tried to counter this religious narrative of the Khawarij through a secular
"enlightened moderation" ideology. He failed miserably.

Gen Kayani, never built a narrative and just tried to fight a reactive war through
military means only. We took even more casualties..
During Kayani & Mush era, I did face extreme frustration as I built & deployed a
strong religious narrative but army did not deploy it.
It is only under Raheel & Rizwan that we are seeing a strong & mature attempt at
countering the enemies on both religious & military axis. Khawarij propaganda is
reaching out to every segment of the society - students, armed forces, clergy. The
counter attack must also be fierce.
This is where every Pak Muslim can join this war & fight back ruthlessly. Destroy
the religious narrative of Khawarij & reclaim our faith!! Every Pakistani Muslim
should take part in this Jihad against Khawarij.
Dont expect ISPR to do it. We need to defend our army here. Last 7 years of our
efforts have comprehensively defeated the Khawarij narrative. Nations & army
knows their reality now. Time to Finish them.
This is real footage of French shooting. Decide if this event actually took place or
is just an Israeli drama ?? watch yourself and then know that everything you have
been told about it nothing but a cock and bull story. It was a false flag..

We had a sitting with a group of students on why we wrote our book Iqbal e Pur
Israr. It was a solid question answer session and we thought of sharing it with you.
Spread it and share the rizq that Allah give you.
Ufff, this is too much !! French reporter confirms that blood was put on the floor
later !! we say that there was NO blood during the shooting as it was a drama but
now... this next drama of putting blood on the scene to fool the people...

The innocent little boys and girls of the Lal masjid Madrassa !
This whole war of Khawarij has been fought under the fatwas of Mullahs who
have given the justification to these animals to kill, loot, rape and murder Muslims
at large in Pakistan. The ideological leaders of this fitnah are more lethal than the
suicide bombers as these fatwas constantly breed more dogs.. Mullah Aziz is one
such rabid dog of hell ! Fazal, samee, Shah Abdul Aziz, Mufti Naeem are others..
Munawwar Hasan is also not far behind and now Siraj also.


Military Courts cover all terrorist gangs -- religious and secular both, including
military wings of all political parties. That is why you see total panic in MQM and
needless noise by the Mullahs.
The following are the words, whereby a description of crimes rather than a
definition of terrorism alone has been provided, have to be tried in military courts
exclusively, being established by virtue of 21st amendment in the constitution,
which was passed recently by the parliament. A sunset clause has also been
provided therein, which causes the amendments to expire on January 7, 2017.
WHEREAS extraordinary situation and circumstances exist which demand
special measures for speedy trial of certain offences relative to terrorism, waging
of war or insurrection against Pakistan and prevention of acts threatening the
security of Pakistan by the terrorist groups using the name of religion or a sect and
also by the members of armed groups, wings and militias;
AND WHEREAS there exists grave and unprecedented threat to the integrity of
Pakistan and objectives set out in the Preamble to the Constitution by the framers
of the Constitution, from the terrorist groups by raising of arms and insurgency
using the name of religion or a sect, or from the foreign and locally funded antistate elements;
AND WHEREAS it is expedient that the said terrorists groups including any such
terrorists fighting while using the name of religion or a sect, captured or to be
captured in combat with the Armed Forces or otherwise are tried by the courts
established under the Acts mentioned hereinafter in section 2;
Journalists, so called "Danishwer", writers, Human rights activists -- are the most
targeted by the foreign secret services as these people are the opinion makers in the
society and lies and propaganda is done through them. Using Wine, women and
money, these are useful idiots for the enemies. KGB did it, CIA does it, RAW is
doing it.... That is why ISI has to keep a strong eye on Media houses as well. That
is why these Presstitutes make so much noice whenever Pak army is doing
something good for the country. Hear this...
There are many so called journalists and "Danishwer" around us these days who
fall in this category.... Geo, Hamid Mir, Najam Sethi, Imtiaz Alam, Asma Jahangir,
SAFMA..... lits is huge..

Now the war will be fought on the entire spectrum against the Khawarij and their
allies as well as all enemies of Pakistan. Allah has blessed us with Raheel and
Rizwan -- the two nightmares of the enemies and now we will spill the dirty blood
of the enemies.
From Social Media to the mountains of Afghanistan to the streets of Pakistan -Khawarij and the terrorist gangs of the political parties will be hunted and nailed. It
is going to be a bloody fight so be ready to take the losses as well. The govt,
judiciary and the political parties are still not cooperating and are trying to create
problems for the army.
In this war, anyone speaking against Pak army and defending the Khawarij at this
time will be taken as an enemy. We are reporting all such posts to the cyber crime
units of the law enforcement agencies.

If the military courts hang these Khawarij and their supporters, major violence in
Pakistan would stop. InshAllah soon. The process has begun. We support Mufti

Rafi Usmani for his brave stand. But these deobandis are Khawarij and their
supporters. No mercy for them.


There are still total idiots whose hearts & minds are sealed by Allah (swt). They
still Cannot understand that we clearly and sharply differentiate between Good
Deobandis and Bad deobandis, just as we do between Good Taliban and Bad
Taliban. By speaking against TTP does NOT mean that we are against Mullah
Omer ! We have explained this a million times still idiots do not understand. They
can unlike this page and never come back or we will block them.
When I see the pictures of our children killed in Peshawar, I am filled with rage
and fury against the Khawarij. Then those Mullahs who refuse to condemn the
TTP Khawarij are equally criminals and snakes like Mullah Lanat ullah in Kunar.
Who so ever refuse to call them Khawarij will be attacked by us. Every Muslim
has already called them Khawarij BUT these few Bad deobandis are still refusing
to say it. These are the top leaders of deoband. what should I call them if not call
them deobandis??? you tell ??

History is noting the names of those who betrayed Pakistan & Ummat e Rasul in
these very dangerous times. Our Security analysis of the week for you to know
why we are so harsh on those who support the Khawarij. Some of you from
Deoband are angry with me today but tomorrow you will weep when these
Khawarij will enter your homes too. You have been betrayed by your elders but
you do not know. Your jahalat will destroy you in dunya and akhira but then it
would be too late for you too. Your abuses dont bother me. But I will NOT let your
elders from deoband destroy Pakistan.
The most decisive, bloodiest and the widespread phase of the deployed 5th
Generation War against Pakistan has now begun. It is going to be messy and lots of
blood is going to be spilled from all sides involved in this 21st century conflict
which has already decimated large Muslim countries like Iraq, Syria, Libya,
Somalia, Mali, Yemen & Afghanistan. Pakistan is the only country where this war
is being won by the national army. All other countries just folded under this new
war doctrine deployed by the US and NATO. This is what makes this war so
dangerous, deadly and a high stake game.
US came to Afghanistan and entered into Iraq to dismember large Muslim
countries into smaller territories under an initial doctrine of 4th GenWar, which
had Balkanized Yugoslavia earlier in the 90's. If the US was not able to cleanly
break the countries on ethnic and linguistic lines, then the plan B, 5th GenWar, was
to burn them into a total chaos and anarchy, which we see today in Iraq, Yemen,
Syria and Libya primarily.
Till 2007, the game plan against Pakistan was also the 4th Gen War but the
resistance by the Pak army made the dismemberment impossible. Then Obama
introduced the Af-Pak which was to go in tandem with the 4thGenWar to raise it to
the next level - 5thGenWar - total demolition of the State of Pakistan and to burn it
into total anarchy and chaos as we have in Iraq especially. Iraq, does not have a
govt today. It only has an administration with NO armed forces worth their name.
Fruits of the "democracy" US brought there.
Same attempt was made for Pakistan also. Democracy led by Zardari, Iftikhar
Chaudrey, Kayani and Nawaz Shareef was meant to demolish the very state of

Indians saw this US plan as the greatest opportunity of the 21st century to achieve
their own grand strategic objectives of annihilation of the very state of Pakistan.
Both US and Indian interests converged and this began the most deadliest, brutal
and anarchic phase of war which have so far taken over 100,000 lives and
Since 2004 till date, Pakistan army was only fighting a reactive war, trying to
defend it, defend the country without any political, judicial or
Constitutional support. The initiative was with the enemy and their
tentacles had penetrated deep into the organs of the state, judiciary,
politics and media. Defeat was staring the Pakistani state into the eyes.
The appointment of General Raheel few months back and then the appointment of
General Rizwan in November proved to be the game changing events which have
begun to turn the tide finally in favor of Pakistan. December 16th massacre proved
to be the event which finally broke the proverbial camel's back and the COAS
leaped into action, backed by his trusted DG ISI, into an action plan which should
have been done by Musharraf and Kayani years ago.
Now we see a most determined counter attack by the army, already achieving the
results within days which most considered impossible to achieve just weeks ago.
The entire constitution has been changed to adjust the military's demand of military
courts, military courts have already been formed, executions have already begun
and terrorists are being hit deep inside Afghanistan. The enemies are in panic and
would try to expand the war to diffuse the momentum of Pak army. Politicians and
the judiciary as well as the media are equally venomous, humiliated and dangerous
as the terrorists themselves. They would stab the army at the first opportunity. We
are sure
of that. Already MQM is opening up the Karachi front and the Indians are building
up pressure on the East.
For the Pakistan army and the State itself, defeat is not an option. No
matter what the cost, this war must be won in shortest possible time. It will be
brutal and bloody fight, but so be it. Pak army will have to guard its back and
flanks from treacherous govt and politicians as well as hostile media and a cunning
enemy on the East. For how long army would tolerate this present unreliable
corrupt regime in this deadly and final phase of this war, needs to be seen but there
is NO doubt that Pak army is led by most competent proud and brave leaders at the

time when Pakistan needed it most. This is the only consolation in these very dark
Mufti Rafi Usmani is a brave Deobandi scholar. He is serving Deen as well. He has
thousand of followers and he did what any good alim will do in these times of
fitnah. He cleared the confusion on Khawarij, called them Zalimaan and asked
army to crush them. We respect him for this.
Now why cant other deobandis whose names and pics we have given in the
previous posts say the same words which Mufti Rafi has said ?? If they stay silent ,
then they are munafiqeen, liars and Ulama e Soo, NOT Ulama e Haqq !!! We will
attack them fiercely...
Tariq Jameel is part of Tableeghi Jamaat from where many TTP fighter goes to
join Khawarij. That is why it is critical for TJ to clearly say that TTP are Khawarij
as his words are listened to by the Tableeghi Jamaat. All members of Lej, SSP,
TTP and Ahrar find their recruits from Tableeghi Jamaat. Only a fool will deny
this fact. Now you know why we want TJ to say what Mufti Rafi has said ?? Ask
him to answer. You stay silent.

Tableeghi Jamaat has the shameless audacity to condemn the killings of those
french cartoonists who insulted SayyadiRasul Allah (sm) but they will NEVER
condemn the Peshawar killers or call them as Khawarij !! Some idiots here have
been barking that Tableeghi Jamaat does not speak on political matters but then
why are they defending the Gustakh e Rasul (sm) ???? Astaghfurullah !!!!
This is the real mentality of this MTJ and his Jamaat. Speak where Kuffar want
them to speak. Stay silent where Muslims are hurt !! Innalillahe...

I am recieving many such posts from deobandis every day. Most ofthem are only
abuses, fatwas of Kufr, allegaitons of being a Kafir, Qadiani or an Iranian agent or
a Mushrik etc etc. I have chosen one decent one to share with you and my reply, as
these are the general questions which every Deobandi follower is asking. Pl read

this post 3 times, slowly because I have these issues a million times still people
dont seem to get them. This is really strange and shows how people can get blind
in love for their madrassa, even if it means supporting the Kufr.
Read his mail first please. I have hidden his ID for his security.
Dear Zaid Sb,
I used to be a big fan of yours considering you are a true patriot but your recent
posts and analysis since last few days is very disturbing.
I belong to Deoband sect and I am ready to give my life away for my country.
Recently your posts have been clearly naming Deobandis as terrorists. I do accept
that a number of scumbags from our sect are bringing discredit to the sect but that
is clearly wrong to blame the whole sect. Not a single person in this world is
perfect everyone got flaws but you should identify the flaws. Naming all the
deobandis as terrorist will get you a lot of fans from others sects but you are also
hurting sentiments of millions of deobandis who want to live peacefully, their
children go to school, who just pray five times a day, who wants to live happily
with their children and who love Pakistan more than you.
We deobandis are against scumbags and terrorists like Abdul Aziz Ghazi, Fazl
Ullah etc and we can contribute whatever is needed against them. Your propaganda
is resulting in rise of hatred against deobandis. This hatred may result in worst case
scenario and massacre of the innocent deobandis all over Pakistan.
Consider it my request and don't relate people like Abdul Aziz to Deoband sect. . .
Name them Khawarjis and that is acceptable for us as we also them.
This is not the time to spread hatred as we need harmony.
I hope you understand and act according.
If any of my words offended you I apologize.

Majid Khan
My reply:
Majid Habibi,
Assalam alikum. Thank you for writing.
First let me clarify that I have made it clear a million times that I differentiate
between Good and Bad deobandis, just as we do between good and bad Taliban. I
have quoted Mufti Rafi Usmani and praised him, then how on earth anyone with
sane mind can accuse me of talking against all deobandis ? I am baffled
Second, Deoband is NOT a sect. It is just a madrassa. Every Deobandi is Sunni,
which is a sect. Every deobandi is also Hanafi, which is the Fiqh. Every Barelvis is
also Sunni and Hanafi. So, where is the sect?? your sect is the same as that of
Barelvis. Deoband is just the name of a school and is NOT a sect nor a Faiqh in
Islamic law. Why do you call Deoband as a sect ???
I have put up a simple demand to the leaders of JUI and top deobandi scholars.
Repeat what their fellow Deobandi Mufti Rafi has said. If they dont repeat those
words, then I will attack them as I attack Fazlullah, Mullah aziz and other
Khawarj what is so complicated in this ?? why are these top deobandi scholars
defending, protecting and helping the Khawarij ??
The same Deobandi Mullahs are calling me a Kafir for the last 7 years. They have
attacked my Imaan, faith, Izzat, rizq and life but you remained silent ?? Did anyone
from Deoband stood up and said that our scholars are doing Zulm and putting
bohtan on Zaid Hamid, who is only defending Pakistan and Islam?? Why were you
silent then?? Why were all deobandi silent then ??why is that NO Barelvis, Ahl
Hadees or even Shia called me a Kafir but only deobandis attack my faith ?? is it
because I attack Hindus, Khawarij and TTP ??
Is it a sin to differ with the political and military policies of deoband ?? since 1920,
Deoband is attacking Muslims and supporting Mushriks. Can anyone deny that ??
Now they are attacking Pakistan and their top leaders refuse to call TTP as
Khawarij ?? I will attack BAD deobandis and protect GOOD deobandis always.

Just calm down and think what will be your answer to Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) on
the day of judgement when you will be raised with all deobandis from Hussain
ahmed madni to Fazlur Rehman to Fazlullah to Mullah Aziz. If they were shias, I
would call them Shias but what should I call them if not deobandis ??
Jazak Allah
By Allah, we will ruthlessly kill these bloody Khawarij and all their allies and
protectors. The cowards fight our children and now we will fight them.... Listen to
this from the children who died fighting these Khawarij..
Like the Mimbai Drama, this Paris shooting is also fake ) After we busted it on
social media, now even the BBC is forced to accept it as fake ) OMG ))) This
was an Israeli false flag.. we told you on day one.. alhamdolillah, right again..

And when the whole drama was exposed, they had to kill the Police officer
investigating it or who orchestrated it as he knew too much !! Remember Police
officer Kurkure in Mumbai who was also killed by RAW during the drama of
Mumbai ?? same happened here as well. Fake videos, killed investigating officer....
the plot was thick but got busted )

Each one of us has to participate in this war but we are blessed to have a Sipah
Salaar who is leading this fight..
Build social media pressure, use your own contacts with the govt to get the policy
changed over arms licenses. Every teacher in every school must be well trained in
weapons and should carry his own personal gun. There should be gun clubs where
civil society members can go and train. Licence should be open to law abiding
citizens. NCC should be restarted. Compulsory military training for all university
graduates. We as a nation are in this war and cannot expect army to do everything
for us. Use your social media power and your links in the govt to get these
demands done. Go... this your duty. Train, arm and fight back...

#CharlieHebdoFalseFlag if the magazine is again insulting the Holy Prophet, then I

also have the freedom to say they deserved their fate!!
#CharlieHebdo Remember this -- Honor & respect of the Prophet is sacred to us &
we will NEVER forgive any provocation! NEVER! Dont mess here. When you do
blasphemy, you sign your own death warrants! If Muslims wont kill you, then
Jewish Mossad will to blame Muslims!
Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: 'freedom of speech is not absolute. It does
not permit a person to yell fire in a crowded movie theater'!
Dieudonn MBala a French comedian was convicted and fined in France for
describing Holocaust remembrance as memorial pornography!
French court banned a Jesus based clothing advert as a gratuitous and aggressive
act of intrusion on peoples innermost beliefs
Charlie Hebdo itself censored, apologised & fired longtime cartoonist Sin for a
caricature insulting the son Nicholas Sarkozy and his wife.
French Internal security enactments passed in 2003, it is an offense to insult the
national flag or anthem, with a penalty of 9,000 euro or Jail.
French Rap Star Facing Prison for Insulting the French State, insulting Napoleon
and Charles de Gaulle!
Muslim women are barred from education (No, not just by the Taliban) in France,
if they practice their religion by wearing a headscarf.
It is illegal in France to take the opinion of the Turkish side on the then civil war
involving Armenians. So before the West or France lecture us on their perverted
"freedom of expression", our advice is - Shut your Damn mouth!

Excellent move by Frontier govt. All teachers/staff to carry their licensed weapons!
Fed govt must open arms licenses.
We need proper Gun clubs in cities. I urge all rich Pakistanis or influential citizens
to come forward & open such facilities for citizens. Our women, especially lady
teachers must be fully trained to use their handguns as the first line of defense to
protect our children now. Compulsory Military training to all youth in their teens
and arms licences to all tax paying citizens and their immediate families. For the
last 7 years, I was demanding these moves but we were led by traitors. Now army
can push these initiatives as nation wakes up to war. A nation well armed, well
trained & led by Pak army is the strongest defense against any aggression,
especially this type of urban war. For the first time in history, the nation is afraid to
send their children to schools. We delayed the cure & now the cancer is haunting
4 men must hang for their catastrophic betrayal of the nation in the last 6 years of
democracy - Zardari, Iftikhar Chaudhry, Kayani & Nawaz.
Every organization, Housing scheme should also make local gun clubs & train
their residents/staff properly & then give licensed arms. Time has come that
instead of investing billions in luxury Malls, housing estates & Golf clubs, this
nation gets serious in survival skills.
Remember this - carrying a gun, even with a licence, becomes dangerous if you are
not properly trained in handling it in pressure situation. In Switzerland, Israel - it is
compulsory military service & all citizens carry their own weapons for personal
security. We need it urgent.

Nation MUST ask this question now: How did we get to this stage that now our
children are being butchered in schools? Someone is responsible.
Instead of emotional point scoring against political opponents, all aspects of this
deployed 5thGenWar must be dissected to know failures.
The fate of Libya, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan also did not wake us up. We
considered them as distant wars while the enemy was attacking us.
The fact is that the Nation is in panic today fearing another "Peshawar". It is a
catastrophic failure of govts - past/present in last 10yrs.
In the last 10 years, Pakistan presented itself as a soft state, allowing too much
space to the external hostile agencies & internal enemies. There is absolutely NO
doubt that from Mush to NS, all leaders, CJs, political parties & army chiefs failed
this nation. Only Raheel/Rizwan stand out.

The collective failures, betrayals & insanity of the last 10 years now come to haunt
us as a nation. We will recover but cost would be heavy.
Even today, we see this staggering failure of political leadership & judiciary. It is
only the army & ISI leadership which is leading now.
If the army had not kicked the political leadership, NO military courts would be
there, No executions would have taken place! We see it all.
Every Pakistani must realize now -- it does not matter which political or ethnic or
religious camp you belong to. YOUR children are at stake. The nation must
understand this - this is a dirty war within our own streets & schools. Enemy is
ruthless animal. We may take serious losses. This is one of the most difficult phase
of this war as the desperate enemy is becoming more ruthless. Stay strong & fight
back with courage.
We will block many enemy plans & thwart their attacks BUT few may go through
& cause us damage. This is war & both sides take casualties. Enemy is taking
heavy casualties. IA, It will suffer even more when executions begin even faster
after Military Courts & we hit them in Afgh.
Only yesterday, we hanged 7 terrorists in a day! The process will begin faster now.
2000 on the line, another 2000 waiting army courts.

Build your pressure on the govt and the policy makers. if your family members are
in govt or army or position of influence, force them to get the following policies
deployed. Play your role. Your voice, along with the voice of million others, can
shake the world.
Pakistan's national security adviser Sartaj Aziz confidently tell John Kerry that we
have destroyed the Haqqani network! yeah yeah ROFL

In the 80s, Reagan would tell Congress that Pakistan is not making a nuclear bomb
but saw helplessly as we kept building the weapon
I don't represent Pak govt or the army but I know, no matter what US demands or
govt promises, Pak will NEVER damage Afghan Pashtun resistance.
If Kerry thinks Pakistan is going to allow Indians to take over Afghanistan, then he
would be the biggest idiot
Kerry is insane. He also thinks Pakistan will allow Modi to get strength in Kashmir
& we will weaken the Kashmiri resistance on his orders
Pak may seem very close with US but the undercurrents have always been
extremely hostile. We have always kept our Nukes & China closer
Americans have always accused Pakistan of betraying them but their hands also
drip with our blood. US should know, NO mercy to India from us. In the present
security environment, we will hit India in all possible ways - in India, in Kashmir,
in Afghanistan & Kerry can climb a pole.
US should know that India wants to fight Pakistan to the last American. If US
wants to pimp for India, then we beat you both. Yes, we can!
Pakistan does not have to attack US We just have to pull out Haqqani from the
hat & let them loose on remains of US & Indian forces in Afgh.:-)
Mullah Fazlullah Kharji is in Afghanistan, right under the protection of Afghan
NDS & CIA/RAW combine. Then rascals expect mercy from us!
This is what Raheel ordered Kerry today to do. Now we will force the Americans
to dismantle this RAW/CIA monster!!
Now this also - If the US do not listen to Pakistan now, they are dead ducks in Afghanistan. We

will get what we want

Afghanistan is a Muslim land, our brothers and our families live there. We will
NEVER allow Monkey worshipers there.


We are giving last warning to all Mullahs of Pakistan who have not yet declared
TTP as Khawarij. Those who refuse to call them Khawarij will be fiercely attacked
and humiliated by us without mercy. We don't care about their sect or party. They
MUST declare TTP as enemies and Khawarij or we will treat these Mullahs worse
than Khawarij.
Tell the world the difference between these two types of dogs !

Dear Children, for God sake, improve your language skills. Hundreds of children
here, write in Roman Urdu or poor English, clearly showing the dangerous state of
language skills of our children. People who cannot write, read and speak good
language are actually considered Jahils and illiterate in the eyes of scholars. Even
if you are a doctor or an engineer, if you cannot speak, write and read serious Urdu
and English language, then I am afraid you are not educated. Most of our children
are like this... MA pass cannot write a decent letter or an application or a resume...
You must Learn Arabic, Turkish and Farsi also in addition to Urdu and one
western language, English in our case.
We strongly discourage Roman Urdu on this page. But in general also, do some

serious effort to improve your languages. Your Urdu and English at least must be
most profoundly mature and in depth. If you language skills are good, then your
learning process continues for the rest of your lives. Our children don't read today
and watch more TV because they feel uncomfortable in languages.
Do some effort please NOW. Declare a language emergency and seriously work on
it. We should not be a nation of "educated" Jahils....

Remember this -- we will NEVER forgive the animals who did this to our children
& we will NEVER allow any Mullah to defend these Khawarij ! Those Mullahs
who are still refusing to call these animals as Khawarij will be most humiliated by
us. we will take their names and show their faces and curse on them. They better
wake up and declare TTP as Khawarij. We will be extremely harsh on Khawarij
and their puppy dogs.
Now General Raheel is also managing the global diplomacy to protect Pakistan
against Indian and Khawarij threat. Our General presented hard evidence to US
and UK and forced them to come down hard on India and their vulture Ajit Kumar
doval for using Deoband to control TTP. These issues have now come under
discussion as Pakistan comes down hard on TTP and their backers. This is the real
strategy to fight this war. The govt remains shameless while the brave Sipah Salaar
also becomes the Defense Minister, Foreign Minister and the Sipah Salaar at the
same time...


Baba Bulley Shah doctrine now applied everywhere

The government is crushed, judiciary is bypassed, Americans have been told to

behave, Indians are being given shutup calls and Khawarij are being hanged..
welcome to the journey towards Dandey Wali Sarkaar...

We have mentioned this before as well that Deoband is NOT a sect but a school in
India, whose political and military policies have always been against Muslims and
pro-Mushrikeen. Every good Muslim should resign from using the name Deoband
now. It is enough that you are a Muslim, following Ahl Sunnah and Hanafi Fiqh.
Calling yourself Deobandi or even Barelvi is not required especially when
Deoband school in India and its students have openly become anti-Islam and proMushriks. Allama Shabbir ahmed Usmani and Ashraf Ali Thankvi sb resigned
from Deoband because of Pro-Mushrik policies of Deoband. You must also do
We are giving last few warnings to those Deobandi Mullahs who are refusing to
call TTP as Khawarij. Dont blame us later when we humiliate them to extreme
extent. No mercy for those who defend Khawarij.

InshAllah, one by one, all these dogs will hang !

Pak army Chief is in UK, demanding that Britain should stop the activities of BLA,
HuT and other terrorist gangs operating from UK soil. The fat toad would also be
discussed I am sure. Pak army is furious now. InshAllah, the judgement day of
these Khawarij and other enemies is close now... We waited for this time for years
and now it begins, alhamdolillah..

We would also warn the idiots who do not understand the seriousness of the war
which is being fought now. Every post made against Pakistan, armed forces or
which supports the Khawarij propaganda is being noted. We are doing that to and
would be reporting to the cyber crime units of law enforcement agencies. Khawarij
will do their propaganda anyway, so this warning is for those idiots who just want
to argue for the sake or argument or are too stupid to understand the crisis. Be
careful. DO NOT support the enemy or create doubts against Pak army. We will
not forgive. don't cry later...
One of the founding members of #CharlieHebdo has accused its slain editor, of
dragging the team to their deaths! Now the editors have again done the same
blunder - dragging their team to death. Just a matter of time now. Bloody idiots.
#CharlieHebdo must realize that 1.5 billion Muslims take the honor of their
Prophet as a matter of life & death. They will pay for this..
If Muslims wont execute the blasphemers, any enemy of Muslims surely would to
blame the Muslims. Net result would be same...
#CharlieHebdo Dont give us the bull crap about freedom of expression. This is
grave provocation only & we are provoked enough to retaliate. You have put the
lives of French citizens in danger globally by your extreme act of provocation. You
are truly mad people! Even the Pope is disgusted but now it is a point of no return.
I will advice the French to sue #CharlieHebdo for endangering their lives.
My paper on how good Christians always respected Muslims in history.


The worst creatures under the sky, dogs of the people of hell, these Khawarij are
the friends of Mushriks and Dajjal, we must kill them on sight -- this is the
message and Hukm Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has given us. All those who are
defending Khawarij with their sinister logic should know that InshAllah, they will
rise with these Khawarij on the day of judgement.

This is how they create Khawarij.... Understand their plots, their language, its
hidden meanings.... curse of Allah be upon them for their war against Ummat e
Rasul (sm) and Pak Sarzameen.


Dear Children, please don't waste your time. There is a tough duty coming and
none of you are prepared for it. Each one of you MUST have these two books and
read them over and over again. These are game changing gifts for the Ummah,
written for the generation of the 21st century who has to lead the Ummah now.
This is your textbook, your manual, your guide...
Call our office to get these books at 051 - 5598046,7
OR Call Shami at : 0332 361 4342
OR Email me directly at
we have done our duty. Now it is your naseeb.

Pl read this post slowly, 2 times at least. Pl dont ask questions which have been
answered a thousand times. read the posts and comments properly. your questions
have been answered already.
Those who are outside the country have 2 options to get these books.
1. Download from the links. We have given free links on this page as well. The
knowledge is free for you all. Download and take a print if you wish.
2. They can ask their family or friends in Pakistan to buy these books from us and
then make their own arrangement to send these books abroad. It will be too
expensive for us to use DHL courier etc and we have not tested the postal service.
These books are available from our office in Pindi. We can send all over Pakistan.
you have to read the post below for the procedures and details. call office or email
Jazak Allah.
This will give you goosebumps !! The stunning destiny of Pak Sarzmaeen. That is
why we say anyone harming Pakistan, attacking Pak army and fighting against Pak
army is the real true enemy of Rasul Allah (sm) --He will be a Mushrik, Kharji or a
Zionist BUT cannot be a Muslim....
May Allah's curse be upon Mushrikeen and Khawarij. May Allah''s rehmah be on
Pak Sarzameen and Pak army.


After 5 months, we decide to come on media today.

InshAllah, Sunday night, at 8 PM, watch me on SACH TV kicking the teeth of
Khawarij, democracy and Mushriks.. An extremely hard hitting attack on all
enemies and candid analysis of the present security and economic chaos. Host is
arsalan Khalid, program is "Goya" Allahu Akbar !!
program will be uploaded here later inshAllah for those who cannot see it on cable.

thousands of stars have to die for a new dawn to begin !!

Never thought this would be the interpretation of Baba Iqbal's couplet. Now a new
Dawn has begun. Our stars making it bright with the innocent blood, for the nation
to rise once again...

We will crush all snakes, munafiqeen, Khawarij and Mushriks who try to betray
the blood of our angels.. NEVER again inshAllah !
This one is a bombshell !! They could not air it all but we are trying to get the parts
that got censored. anyways, still, this is the harsh brutal attack on the enemies and
the way forwards for the patriots.
Spread it far and wide and be a soldier of Pak Sarzameen in this war.
Go to Zem site also and give shut up calls to filthy Khawarij and Mushriks who
come to bark there. This counter attack is also part of war. Just dont listen to the
program and sit back later. rise and fight back also and share.

This is the part SACH Tv could NOT air. They censored it. Here we present it to


There is khair in listening to this faqeer. For the last 7 years, we were giving azaan
and trying to wake up this nation that a 4th and 5th Generation war has been
imposed which will try to break this country through democracy, economic
terrorism, media anarchy and urban violent insurgency. Now Pak army has finally
started to respond properly through military courts, executions and going into
Afghanistan but this democracy would implode the state from within through
economic terrorism which you see very clearly now standing in long line for fuel,
without power and gas...
This democracy must be buried for all times to come ! Or be ready for Indian tanks
to roll into Pakistan soon. You take your choice -- you want this filthy democracy
when you go to war OR you want patriotic govt when Hindu Mushriks attack ??
Mushriks are ready now...We are not...

Meanwhile, the army crushes the Khawarij and the democracy crushes itself, we
will prepare for the Ghazwa e Hind which is upon us now... clashes have begun
and the Mushriks are waiting for the right time to attack.. we are ready and this
time, we will not take prisoners... just as we are not taking Khawarij prisoners

While we give our azaan and prepare for Ghazwa e Hind, we are calm and waiting
for the Dandey Wali Sarkaar to come... which is close now alhamdolillah ! Then

the Mushriks, Khawarij and their allies will curse the day they were born.. Wait,
we are also waiting with you. Soon, Allah will decide your fate at our hands..
InshAllah !
We Pakistanis need to learn adab e Rasul (sm) from these Chechen Muslims...
Their entire government is present there with people -- protesting the French
blasphemy with love and adab, without burning, destroying the property of the
state or Muslims...
In Pakistan, When Gustakh people try to pretend that they are "ashiq e Rasool, they
actually do more gustakhi by burning properties of Muslims, killing and wounding
Life, property, honor and faith of a Muslim is more scared than Kaaba. How can
any political party claim to love Rasul Allah (sm) and burn and kill innocent
people in the name of Rasul Allah (sm). Only Khawarij and Gustakh do this..
Our Salam to brave Chechens and Turks..
So, Mr. Tariq Jameel, you can do Gustakhi e Rasul (sm) and insult the faith of

billion Muslims and want to destroy the Gumbad e Khizra & Rauza Paak like
Khawarij do in Pakistan, Syria and Iraq but you cannot call TTP as Khawarij ??
What "Islam" do you preach ?? We had warned you that we will attack all those
Mullahs who will remain silent on Khawarij. You remain silent on TTP but are
dare to say that Rauza Pak of Sayyadi Rasul Allah should be destroyed ???
Astaghfurullah !

There are followers of Tariq Jameel who are completely missing the point of my
post. Typical of idiots we come across everyday.
My Point is simple -- why is TJ silent over Khawarij when he can make grave
provocative statements about Gumbad e Khizra ??? When he has the courage to
hurt the feelings of a billion Muslims then why is he afraid to hurt the feelings of
Khawarij ????
Understand the reason of the post. We want him to speak against Khawarij. He can
defend JJ against blasphemy, talk about destroying Gumbad e Khizra BUT is deaf,
dumb and blind agaist Kharji TTP. why ?? ask him and then let him reply. his
followers should stay silent. we will block all such idiots who defend him and he
stays silent.

We had warned you before as well. Anyone who claims to be a scholar, alim,
opinion maker -- if he supports Khawarij and Mushriks OR stay silent, then we
will humiliate him.... Tariq Jameel is a strong opinion maker. All Khawarij respect
him. He MUST speak or he is an enemy of Rasul Allah (sm) !! We dont give a
damn what you think of him. you can unlike this page a million times but anyone
who stays silent when Mushrikeen are killing Ummat e Rasul (sm) is an enemy of
the Ummah NOT a Alim e Haq. we will attack him and Allah will humiliate him..
By Allah, this will happen like this..

Tomorrow, when the silence of Tariq Jameel and Mullahs like him get your family
killed at the hands of Khawarij, then dont come to me crying that you were right,
he should have called TTP as Khawarij. All Khawarij listen to him and that is why
it is absolutely necessary to have his clear opinion on this matter. His silence is
criminal and will get your families and our children killed. NO Muslim scholar can
stay silent else he is a Zalim.
All my analysis have always been proven right alhamdolillah. I am telling you
now. Khawarij are alive because they get support from Mullahs like Tariq Jameel,
Mufti Naeem, Fazlu, Samee and Munawwar Hasan. They are the criminals and
have blood on their hands. you will suffer more if you don't believe me.
Unlike my page if you don't like my views. We started this Jihad alone and will
fight even if we are left alone. for the last 7 years, only a handful die hard patriots
have stood with us. We DO NOT collect fans. We dont want your vote. We dont
want your money. We live and die for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and to defend Pak
I will attack all those who support Khawarij or stay silent. This is a promise.

Now you will know the reason why Khawarij, Mushrikeen and Ulama e soo are
sent upon us as azaab and punishment. The followers of TJ are angry that I posted
a provocative video but they are happy that he is silent on the greatest fitnah of end
times -- the Khawarij, the army of Dajjal and Mushrikeen !! Innalillahe inna ilehe
rajeoon. Quran speaks of such people who have made their Alims as their gods and
follow them blindly, even if they drag them to hell...
These blind followers will NEVER question TJ that why is he silent or the greatest
enemies of Ummah and Pakistan. But they are angry that I have made a demand
from him...
you deserve Khawarij.. you deserve fear that you cannot send your children to
schools, you deserve Mushrikeen punihsing you for worshipping your petty gods..
What khidmat TJ or his jamaat has done to defend Pakistan against Khawarij,
Mushrikeen, BLA, MQM, jamhooriat.... CIA, Zionists, Riba banks.. ???? has he
damaged the enemies? has he defended Pakistan ? He has surely defended the
Khawarij alright... by his silence.. When has he prepared you for Ghazwa e Hind
?? When has he talked about fitnah e Khawarij ?? what Islam he teaches ?????
This is the time for Salahuddin and Jihad, NOT tableegh when Ummah is being
decimated by invading Crusaders, Mushrikeen, Khawarij and Zionists.... Imagine,

if army of Salahuddin had gone to Tableegh when Crusaders were attacking

Jerusalem ???
As Iqbal said "these idiots fell into Sajda, when time for Qiyam came" !!!
Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !!
I tried to avoid destroying TJ totally but his stupid followers are forcing me now to
expose his video properly. This is the full video from which the clip was taken.
Watch it with open heart and eyes and ears.
What TJ is saying is:
1. Gumbad e Khizrah is Haraam and should not be there.
2. King Abdul Aziz was a great King.
3. He captured Makka and Medina.
4. They destroyed all Muqamat in Jannat ul Baqee.
5. They wanted to destroy Gumbad e Khizra but Muslims all over the world got
very angry and worried and decided to talk to Saudis.
6. Allama Shabbir gave the argument that "this is not the time to destroy the
Gumbad e Khizra" based on a Hadees that people have newly become Muslims
and they may not understand and this might create problems, so after some time,
this job of destroying Gumbad e Khizra can be done, but should not be done
7. So, the King agreed and delayed the destruction of Gumbad e Khizra.... till the
time they become strong enough to do that..
Now, it is clear from the video that TJ is fully supportive of destroying the green

It is clear that he fully support King Aziz and calls him a pious king, despite the
fact that he destroyed Ottomon empire with the help of Lawrence of Arabia and
slaughtered thousands of Turks in Makka and Medina. TJ uses the word "Fatah
Kia" !! means won it through war.. war against whom ??? Muslims ??
This is an extremely provocative and dangerous speech of TJ. He can make such
speeches which can hurt the feelings of a billion Muslims but he cannot hurt the
feelings of Khawarij ?? Now you tell, did I quote him out of context or those who
are defending him are total idiots ??


We will discuss about destroying the Green donme and Rauza Pak later. Billion
Muslims and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) himself wants it as it is today and has been
for 1400 years but, as I said, shall give you evidence later.
Lets first talk about issues which are undisputed within the Ummah in the present
times and even with little knowledge can understand them. lets see what TJ and
Tableeghi jamaat has to say about the following:
1. Khawarij and their war against Pakistan.
2. Ghazwa e Hind.
3. Destruction of Muslim lands at the hands of Mushrikeen, Zionists, Afghanistan,
Syria and Iraq and need for Jihad.
4. Charlie Hebdo attacks.
5. Riba and Banking systems.. which is a war with Rasul Allah.
In these times of war, JIhad and fitnah, if any Muslim scholar does not have firm
and solid opinion on these 5 issues, then remember, he is a shaitan in the dress of a
Pl show me statements of Tableeghi Jamaat and TJ on these 5 issues.

All followers of pro-Khawarj Mullahs -- those who support them or those who stay
silent -- should unlike this page immediately. Else, we will block them.. You can
either be their fans or be on this page. NOT both..
The language, abuses, filth which the followers of TJ use, truly reflect the tarbiat of
TJ which he is doing to his followers, MashAllah !
In the times, the only Ibadat Allah will accept is defense of Pak Sarzameen in Jihad
against Khawarij and Ghazwa against Mushriks ! This is the Furqan... the ultimate
test, otherwise Khawarij have longer beards, their quran is better and their namza is
longer.. but they are dogs of hell...
If anyone is not part of this Jihad in these dangerous times, then he can do tableegh
for the rest of his life, they will have NO role in defending the honor of this
Ummah and Millat.
Those who disagree with this faqeer, just leave...

Societies are destroyed when Ulama become corrupt, not because when ordinary
people are Jahil. Khawarij have risen today because Ulama are too afraid or
partners in their crime. There is absolutely NO excuse for any alim to stay silent in
these times. This is the azaab on this Ummah -- the Ulama who remained silent in
times of Kufr, zulm and shirk..

For the last 29 years, I am associated with various militant groups in the region -due to my role in Jihad in Afghanistan & then professionally due to my role as a
Defense analyst. I know this for sure that all militant organizaitons send their
recruits for training in Tableeghi Jamaat and also find recruits from here. Militants
of all sectarian and TTP gangs spend at least 40 days in Chilla and then go to the
military camp for training. This is a massive underworld crime network run by the
Khawarj and sectarian gangs. That is why it is absolutely MUST that Tableeghi
Jamaat explain their position towards Khawarij. Their silence is delebrate. It is not
just about TJ. Entire Tableeghi Jamaat is involved in this business.
Their Islam is NO threat to Kufr, no threat to Khawarij, no threat to Mushriks, no
threat to Riba based banks, no threat to CIA/RAW or Mossad. The Mazhab of
Mullah, Jamadat, Nabatat suits Kufr very well... No Jihad, no Qital, no battles
against Khawarij... brilliant..

For an alim, it is haram to stay silent in times of great confusions and fitnahs when
Deen of Rasul Allah (sm) is threatened and exploited by the Khawarij. Imam
Malik had his arms taken out, Imam Hanbal was beaten till death... but these great
scholars NEVER stopped telling the truth in times of fitnah to save the Ummah
from confusion. Khawarij are using Quran and sunnah's false interpretation to
attack Ummat e Rasul (sm). They belong to the party of Tableeghi Jamaat, Fazal,
Samee and Mufti Naeem and what does these Mullahs do ?? They decide to stay

silent.... Deen can go to hell... !! Innalillahe Inna ilehe rajeoon.... Blood of Muslims
is on their hands.. History and the angels are noting this down carefully..
You can abuse me as much as you want but that will NOT change the fact that
these scholars betrayed the Ummah in these times..

There can only be two reasons why these scholars are silent over the war crimes of
Khawarij, despite the fact that Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has graded Khawarij as
worse than Mushriks, Kuffar and Munafiqeen, calling them dogs of hell !! Such
harsh words are not used for any other Kafirs... The reasons can be
1. Either these scholars are part of Khawarij.
2. Or they are afraid because many scholars have been killed once good Ulama
gave fatwas against them.
In either case, an alim who is part of Khawarij or who is afraid is not worth his
existence. Ulama e Haq are NEVER afraid, never compromise, never surrender..
When I ask them to call TTP as Khawarij, they call me a Kafir, Qadiani, Shia,
Barelvi, agent... using most filthy language which their teachers have taught them
. I am NOT bothered :-) . Either they will declare TTP as Khawarij or I will
wage a war against them.. No Mercy now...

That is why Allah takes his duty from Mujahideen of Pak army and not from proKharji Mullahs ! Pakistan was made by young students of Ali Garh, by Quaid, by
Baba Iqbal... All were chosen soldiers of Rasul Allah(sm) !
The Mullahs of Deoband remaind Badnaseeb, supporting the Mushriks, Kuffar and
Munafiqeen !! Astaghfurulah !
InshAllah, the real khidmat of deen is done by Pak army in defending this millat
against Khawarij and Mushriks ! The bisharat of over 100 ahadees is for Pak army
and NOT for these mullahs !
When we will be defeating the Khawarij & entering Delhi, these pro-Mushrik

Deobandi Mullahs would still be shouting -- Kafir Kafir

)) Idiots


To all followers of Deoband who call me a Kafir, Qadiani, mushrik ..

I am sure
you know the punishment for calling a Muslim a Kafir. I may be anyone, but the
fact is that I have not killed 100,000 Muslims. Pak army is NOT fighting against
my faith... The enemy is from your school.
I am in the media for the last 7 years. Have done 1500 programs, written many
books, have given hundreds of lectures... Read my books on Iqbal, Halqa e Yaran,
Khilafat e Rashida..
Have spent my life in Jihad against Soviets in Afghanistan when most of you were
in your pampers... The real Jihad with real Afghan Mujahideen..
Show me one line, one word which I have said.. which is against Quran and
Sunnah !
Show me one act which has harmed Pakistan?
Show me one financial or moral scandal ?
Now see my enemies : Mushriks, Khawarij, CIA, RAW, Mossad, BLA, MQM,
Geo, SAFMA, Politicians, corrupt judiciary... all enemies of Islam, Rasul Allah
(sm) and Pakistan are my enemies. what does that tell you ??
I fight for Khilafat e Rashida, Ghazwa e Hind, Jihad against Khawarij, United
states of Islam, against Riba and Banks for a gold based economic system..
Then you come and call me a Kafir. Fight to destroy the mission. Do what
Mushriks, Yahood o Hanood want to do and support the Khawarij and your Ulama
who are afraid to call them as Khawarij.

It does NOT matter to me what you think of me. But it will surely matter to you if
you try to destroy this mission which is defending the Ummah and Millat against
all enemies in war.
I will fight for the mission we have. We will defend Pakistan against Mushriks and
Khawarij. You take your sides. If you stand on the side of Mushriks or Khawarij, I
will fight you too. No mercy..
You can stay silent or join us. If I find you against us, we will crush you. Your
brothers have butchered this millat. We will now fight to the finish... By Allah, we
will fight the Khawarij. Call me whatever you want..
Allah, Rasul Allah (sm), Malaika, Aulia, Momineen are enough for us,
alhamdolillah !! Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind ! Labbaik Ya Rasul Allah !!


Many followers of deoband are now claiming that I am attacking Deoband because
for the last 7 years, Deoband Mullahs were trying to destroy me by calling me a
Kafir, Murtid, Qadiani & follower of some fake prophet... etc etc.. . They claim
that my war is totally personal and I am only taking revenge ! Uff, how insane they
can be )
This is true that according to Islamic sharia and Ahadees of Sayyadi Rasul Allah
(sm), the Mufti Naeem, Tahir Asharafi and entire Muftis of Jamia Binnoria have
become Kafir themselves for calling a Muslim a Kafir. Takfeer of a Muslim comes

back on you and you become Kafir yourself.... In an Islamic court, they would be
lashed for Bohtan and attacking the Imaan, honor, rizq and life of a Momin. They
are doing this Kufr for the last 7 years and entire Deoband stayed silent, enjoying
the game while their brothers did everything in their power to get me killed... Tahir
Ashraf even did a program on Geo with Hamid Mir, calling me a fake Nabi and
incited people to kill me.. Muftis of Binnori town wrote books, issued fatwas,
khutbas were given in masjids and cases were registered against me..
Why was Deoband doing this ?? Did I attack them ?? Did I calleed them Kafirs, ??
NO... It was because I had talked about Ghazwa e Hind, had declared TTP as
Khawarij, had declared war against Geo and also against Riba and Banks and had
revived Iqbal Baba and love for Pakistan... This was my sin... Deoband had been
given the duty by Mushriks to destroy me and stop this mission...
How did I respond to this grave Zulm by deoband ?? I stayed silent, carried on
with the mission, clarifiedmy own faith through many TV programs, press
releases, interviews, talks and social media so that people are not confused BUT
NEVER called them Kafirs, NEVER attacked them, NEVER registered any cases
against them... Just stayed silent and did my duty, expecting to be killed any day by
their ghundas.... we suffered extremely due to their most severe lies and
propaganda. My home broken down, my family sufefred, we lost projects and no
TV would give me air time, I could not do any program anywhere as their Ghundas
would come to disrupt the program.... !! It was like Mushrikeen of Makka
attacking the simple Muslims who had accepted Islam... NO body came to our
help. All deoband just watched and enjoyed...
It is only after December 16th massacre in Peshawar that I have demanded
deoband to speak against Khawarij or we will attack them. Now you tell, is this my
personal revenge or a demand for the sake of Pakistan and Ummah ???? Now Pak
army has drawn the sword and we are killing the Khawarij and their supporters.
Mufti Naeem, Tahir Asharafi, Fazlu, Samee, TJ are all part of this crime
syndicate... they either support Khawarij or stay silent... That is why I attack them,
NOT because they called me a Kafir... Know this well... dont be confused.
In a sharia court, Mufti Naeem and Tahir Ashrafi will be lashed for this bohtan and
their evidence will NEVER be accepted again in an Islamic state. That is why these
Mullahs are so afraid of Sharia and Islamic state and want to stop our mission at all
costs. By Allah, they will pay for their crimes...
That is why they have to kill me at all cost...

Alhamdolillah, we don't take personal revenge. But for Pakistan, we will NOT
forgive any Kharji...
Labbaik Ya Rasul Allah !! Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !!

In the heat of this sacred war, we don't have time for non-sense. Our warning to all
our enemies -- they will NOT find us merciful. We fight on the social media and
also on the battlefield and now we are not taking any prisoners. We are soldiers of
Rasul Allah (sm), standing sideby side with Pak army in defending this millat and
Ummah from the fitnah of Khawarij and their allies.
You MUST declare TTP as Khawarij OR we will come for you. For the last 90
years, Darul Uloom deoband is attacking Ummat e Rasul, supporting Mushriks,
attacking Quaid and Baba Iqbal and blocking Tehreek e Pakistan. Now they are
supporting Mushriks again by supporting Khawarij and Mushriks ! Anyone not
attacking Khawarij will be our enemy... Dont cry later..
MashAllah, thousands of new members have joined this page who are not aware of
our mission. Alhamdolillah, Mission Takmeel e Pakistan is the most romantic,
most emotional, most passionate duty launched in the 21st century to revive the
Ummah and the Millat. Only the most blessed with be part of it. Understand this
duty and join the mission. This is the most romantic way to live a life.. MashAllah
This mission is the furqan of the time -- you go against it, you are an enemy of the
Ummah. You support it, you will be on the right side of history. This mission
started 1400 years ago -- from khilafat e Rashida and will carry on till the next
Khilafat e Rahida, Ghazwa e Hind, Jihad against Khawarij, United states of
Islam... Khilafat ala minhaj un nubuwwat....
Members, read this post slowly, 3 times at least, ponder deep and DO NOT
comment foolishly. This is an extremely sensitive issue and hardly anyone from
the younger lot is qualified to speak here. Maintian adab and avoid Gustakhi.
This is the original speech Allama Shabbir ahmed Usmani did in front of Saudi
King abdul Aziz when they destroyed all the muqamaat of Sahabas and tried to
destroy the green dome of Rauza Pak. Allama Usmani makes it clear that Saudis
are making a mistake here due to their harshness and lack of wisdom in matters of

The argument of Wahabis was that:
1. No grave should be within a structure.
2. No grave should be within a Masjid.
But they faced a serious dilemna. Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm), Sayyadi AbuBakr and
Sayyadi Umer are all burried in a room, within the Masjid Shareef under direct
orders from Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and Shaikhain and Sahabas. For 1300 years,
no Muslims had any problems with that. So, when Saudis tried to destroy this,
naturally, there was anger in the Muslim world. Reply of Allama Usmani clarifies
many wrong and harsh interpretations of Wahabi Ulama here.
A Muslim can NEVER be a Mushrik. NEVER. Now read..


One more point. Allama Usmani WAS NOT a Deobandi.

Allama Shabbir ahmed Usmani had LEFT deoband & joined Quaid e Azam and he
was NOT a deobandi after that.
Quaid e Azam was in Congress for 16 years but when he left Congress and joined
Muslim league, no one called him a Congressi. Same for Allama Shabbir ahmed
Usmani. Deoband waged a war against him for supporting Quaid e Azam but today
they claim that he was one of them ) total lies...

Allama Shabbir was a pious man and he saw a dream of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm)
with Quaid e Azam and Rasul Allah (sm) ordered Allama Shabbir to support
Quaid. At this he immediately resigned from deoband. Pl know the history and
dont fall for the lies..

Now another important point that you must understand to destroy the Khawarij
narrative to justify their war against Pakistan.

Khawarij also say that they are waging a war against Pakistan because Pakistan is
an ally with US !! This is pack of horse crap.
Interestingly, if this was the real reason, then Afghan Taliban should be waging a
war against Pakistan but they are all still friendly with Pakistan ! Understand this
fact that Muslim states can make defense and political alliance with any country -Muslim or non Muslim. There is nothing wrong in this... even if the terms seem
insulting or humiliating.. Let us explain.
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) signed an agreement with Mushrikeen of Makka, treaty
of Hudaibia. Even handed over Muslim prisoners back to Mushrikeen after the
agreement. Rasul Allah(sm) signed the treaty of Medina with Jews..
Pakistan has defense pacts, cooperation, alliances with US, Russia, China, Turkey,
Saudi Arabia, Iran and almost all Muslim and many non-Muslim countries. Every
country protects its own interests in these treaties. Entering into these alliances do
not make Pakistan a Kafir state nor justify murder of its citizens by the Khawarij
nor is a reason for Jihad against Pakistan.
Last week, General Raheel was in US, then in UK and now going to China. Before
that he was in Saudi arabia too and in Kabul and in many other countries. Does that
make Pakistan a Kafir state ?? Rubbish to say the least...
Now read .... and destroy the Khawarij propaganda on social media.
Do you want to get the greatest secret of understanding the finest wisdom of Quran
?? What is your personal relationship with Sayyadi Rasul Allah ? Have you seen
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) in your dream or in awakening and given the guidance to
do the duty ??

Members, children, I would strongly urge you to read these few pages extracted
from various chapters of Halqa e Yaran ! Adab e Rasul (sm) and Ishq e Rasul (sm)
is a most delicate, sensitive, mystical concept and Quran says that if you make a
mistake here, all your amaal, good deeds will be lost !!! Most severe punishment
for Gustakh, astaghfurullah !
Please read them slowly and ponder deep. These secrets are NOT written nor
taught generally in lectures and Dars of Quran. Only when you are blessed with
Adab e Rasul (sm), that the finer secrets of Quran and Sunah starts to open up for
Only after this you will know why even some so called scholars become Gustakh
even when they try to show their love for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).
May Allah protect us from being beyadab !


Alhamdolillah, For the last 7 years, we are doing this sacred duty which has
changed the entire game in the region! By the fazal of Allah alone, the results have
been most astounding and stunning in the shortest possible time.... Literally tables
have been turned against the enemies of Pak Sarzameen and Ummah... Shukar !
From a total expected defeat in 2007, we are now marching towards victory...
crushing the Khawarij and preparing for Ghazwa e Hind and heading towards
Dandey Wali sarkaar...
But the question is "What is your contribution in this furqan of the time ?? Anyone
against this mission is a born loser !! Anyone who is neutral is at a loss...
You judge your contribution from two points:
1. How much time & effort you have given to it.
2. How much resources, wealth and assets you have put to it.
If you have not done either, then you are NOT part of this mission, even if you are
on this page.
This is most unfortunate that most of the Ulama of Deoband remained the most
fierce & staunch enemies of this duty as well. Almost all Ulama of Ahl Sunnah,
Ahl Hadees, Ahl Tashee -- stayed neutral and DID NOT support it either. Yes, this
mission did NOT receive any moral, financial or material support from any

religious or political party, alhamdolillah !! Allah is enough for us and we stood

This mission faced the most brutal resistance from the munafiqeen within us.
CIA/RAW/Mossad could not damage us BUT Deoband, Geo and powerful lobbies
within the country did their best to destroy us. Media has put a ban on us and
government tries to silence us.
Still, we are fighting.. alhamdolilah, and now we are turning the tables against the
enemies.... Allahu Akbar !!
On the day of judgement, Allah will ask you about this duty to defend Pak
Sarzameen and Ummat e Rasul (sm) for Ghazwa e Hind and Jihad against
Khawarij. Prepare your answers well for you will be asked why you resisted this
mission or stayed neutral at this time....
InshAllah, for us, Allah, Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm), Malaika and Momineen are
enough... Alhamdolillah, Allah is giving Barakah to this mission and He is Razi
from us and we are razi from Him...
Allah will ask you on the day of judgement BUT We will question you in dunya -why were you silent when Khawarij are butchering Ummat e Rasul (sm) ????
To all Ulama of Deoband -- you are either with Mushriks or with Rasul Allah (sm).
you cannot be with both....

Those who say that Pakistan should reduce its defense budget, should read this
incredible story from Israel. They follow the sunnah of our beloved SayyadiRasul
Allah (sm) while we have forgotten it.
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An extremely important video which destroys the entire political & military war of
Darul Uloom Deoband and Khawarij against Pakistan. Darul Uloom Deoband and
many of its top Ulama still calls Quaid e Azam as Kafir, had called Pakistan as
Kafiristan and had always supported the Mushriks against Pakistan. Their war
continues even today.... We have recorded interviews of TTP Khawarij in which
they are saying that in 1947 also, they were against Pakistan and Quaid e Azam
and today as well, and still consider Quaid as a Kafir. Astaghfurullah !!
Allama Shabbir ahmed Usmani hed left deoband and joined Quaid e Azam. He
also recited the Namaz e Jinaza of Quaid. After the Namaz a Jinaza, he made a
speech. He mentions his dream in which he saw Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and
Quaid e Azam, and Sayyadi is saying that Quaid e Azam is his mujahid !!! Allahu
Akbar !!
This old man was present there in the Jinaza and heard this speech himself. The
only man alive today perhaps to be witness of that speech.
This video also proves that Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) can select any Ummati for
his sacred duty even today and guide and bless him with his khas karam. This also
proves that Pakistan is a sacred trust given to us by Rasul Allah (sm) and is a secret
from the secrets of Allah (swt).
This video has been recorded by BrassTacks Team & we know this Buzurg

Those who think I am targeting deoband should read this

Since thousands of
people join the page every week and most of them do not follow our mission for
the last 7 years, hence are easily confused and think that we are spreading
sectarianism. Before you comment, read the posts in the last 7 days at least to
know the topic and threads.
My duty is to defend Pakistan against all enemies. We are above sect and ethnic
divisions. Alhamdolillah, we are Muslims and Pakistanis. NO 3rd identity is
accepted. But since the entire political and religious community in this country is
divided into sects or ethnic loyalties and cannot rise above their personal
prejudices, so they think I am sectarian too )
Barelvis and followers of Dr. TUQ are very angry with me because I did NOT
support him in Dharna and strongly criticized his stance on Jihad of Kashmir. I
disagree with his policies totally.
Shias were extremely angry with me when in Moharram I posted strong posts

challenging the Shia narrative of Karbala and pointed out the betrayl of Shias of
Kufa. In Pakistani media, there is a strong Shia lobby which has been working for
many years to destroy our mission seriously -- Nusrat Javed, Naseem Zehra, Azhar
Deobandis are angry with me because I attack their anti-Pak policies and because
of their support and silence over Khawarij.
Ahl Hadees groups are extremely angry with me because they consider me a
Barelvi or a Shia... !
PTI trolls are extremely angry with me because I attack their stupidity most
MQM, PPP, PML(N), ANP, Jamaat e Islami -- all want me dead also

Now what does that make me ?? Every religious and political party in this country
has either tried to destroy us to have stayed neutral when others were trying to
destroy us. All of them have done the same, irrespective of their sect or political
Fact is that our mission is Ghazwa e Hind, Jihad against Khawarij, Khilafat e
Rashida, United States of Islam and revivial of Baba Iqbal and Quaid's Pakistan
into Takmeel e Pakistan.
NO group, sect, party in Pakistan has this mission !! They all feel threatened from
this huge mission which is now moving forwards by Karam of Allah alone...
These days, I am attacking Deobandis because of the new phase of war after
December 16th. My war is against Khawarij NOT against Deoband. I will attack
Barelvis, Shias and ahl Hadees also if they remain silent but they are not silent on
Khawarij, so there is NO need for me to put pressure on them. Deoband is silent,
hence will be beaten. Thaat does NOT make me a Kafir )
If deoband wants that I should not attack them, then they should do tauba for their
crimes and say that TTP are Khawarij !! Otherwise, I will rip them apart inshAllah
Alhamdolillah, we stand alone in this mission. None of these parties or sects are
with us. Allah (swt) is enough and indeed He is the best of the Wakeel and best of

the helpers... Shukar Alf Marra !!

Now do you understand... ??? The party of Allah is always small !!


There is a major power breakdown in the country. Save your batteries. Make
arrangements for emergency lights. This seems serious. Trying to find the exact
nature of fault but it is all over the country. Khair inshAllah !
Listen to Luqman here. Saying that Zaid Hamid told us so...
Crisis of last night has been handled somewhat but this is an ongoing war. Balaach
Marri traitor accepts the responsibility for blowing up power lines which caused
this breakdown it seems.
Understand the bigger picture. For the last 7 years -- I have been trying to shake

and wake up this nation and its leaders into understanding the 4th and 5th
Generation War, Af-Pak, Cold Start and urban wars... Leaders, Ulama, think tanks,
media and even army was NOT aware of this huge conspiracy to break down
Pakistan in this unconventional wars. Now when the war has entered its last stages,
every one can see that Zaid Hamid had warned us in time.
Allah shows this faqeer what you cannot see. By rejecting it or arguing about it,
you only increase your own agony.... For God sake, listen to what this faqeer say,
even if you cannot understand or dont like. Else, you will suffer as this nation is
suffering today...

The year is 1980. Nine years after breaking East Pakistan through Bengali Mukti
Bahini, Indira Gandhi again got back into business of destroying Pakistan. This
time, they would use Darul Uloom Deoband to do this.. Indira Gandhi was invited
as the Chief Guest at 100 years of Deoband celebrations -- a perfect partnership
between Mushriks and Khawarij !
Thousands of Deoband went from Pakistan and attended this grand gathering in
India, led by Indira Gandhi !!! The new war against Pakistan was launched....

Indira was assassinated by Sikhs in 84, putting a break to this game plan. General
Zia had counter attacked through Sikhs and Kashmirirs. The game plan was
delayed for another 15 years, till 2004, when India was finally able to get a serious
foothold in Afghanistan. Then this old partnership between RAW and deoband was
revived again... Result ? TTP Khawarij..... Ask Ajit Kumar Doval. He proudly
owns it.
This is NOT sectarianism. This is hardcore War and Geo-politics of RAW using a
religious gang as assets to destroy Pakistan.
you want to know the reason why I want Tariq Jameel to openly declare TTP as
Khawarij ??
Last year, a gang of Khawarij tried to attack and hijack PNS Zulfiqar.
The attackers came from outside but had low level members from Navy as well.
Their aim was to hijack the ship and use its weapons to attack any Indian or
Western ship to trigger a war between Pakistan and India or western countries. It
was a dangerous plan.
All the officers and men involved in this sinister filthy plan were very active
members of Tableeghi Jamaat and used the cover of Tableegh to gain access into
the base. Now Tableeghi Jamaat has been banned from entering sensitive
installations of armed forces and bases.
This is the reason why we want Tableeghi Jamaat and TJ to openly express their
stance over TTP Khawarij and their war against Pakistan. Tableeghi Jamaat has
always been given great access into Pakistan's security apparatus. Even DG ISI

was once a Tableeghi, General Javed Nasir. But now the game has changed and
Tableeghi Jamaat must openly declare their loyalties or we will treat them as

Way back in 2011, even then it was found that Khawarij are heavily using the
cover of Tableeghi Jamaat to attack Pakistan. Then the presence was banned in
many sensitive areas. After the PNS Zulfiqar attack, this restriction has become
even more serious.
All those who go out with Tableegh should be very careful in what you do. your
partner next to you might be a TTP Kharjee and if your name/number is found in
his cell, then you would be in serious trouble. Hundreds of people have been
arrested because their names were in the phone list of arrested terrorists. Be very
careful in these times. Your blunder can destroy your families.
We will post a video soon where TTP are using Deobandi masjid to recruits
militants to fight against Pakistan.
This is how the whole recruitment cartel works for the Khawarij ! Deobandi
Masjids are used for this purpose.
First they gather innocent Muslims in the name of Tableegh or Tauheen e Risalat
or Hazrat Umer day etc... Then the real game begins...
TTP Khawarij come and take over the masjid, stand guard not allowing anyone to
leave and then the brain washing begins... In the end, volunteers are taken to fight
for the Taliban cause... turning ordinary children or young men into Khawarij
suicide bombers.
They use the name of Taliban -- ordinary people dont know if they are talking
about Mullah Umer or Mullah Fazlullah ! All these recruitment is done for Mullah
Fazlullah. You can see this whole filthy drama in this dark video here.

This stunning event happened in 1932, when entire Muslim world reps gathered to
open up sacred graves of two Sahabas, under direct orders of those Sahabas
themselves !!!! yes, this is true and most unbelievable story which our younger
generations do not know.

This amazing story also tells you of a great spiritual secret which the Jahils and the
Khawarij do not know -- Sahabas, like Prophets, are not just alive but also
communicate to the present world to assign duties and pass orders !! They can
communicate to you and you can receive their orders.... There are blessed souls in
dunya today who communicate with Rasul Allah (sm) just as Sahabas did...
The King of Iraq was Faisal. He saw a dream but he ignored it... Then the Mufti e
Azam saw it and then they both saw it multiple times.... Sahabas were given them
an order... Now watch.. and recite Durud Shareef of our beloved Sayaydi Rasul
Allah (sm) !!!
There are 3 steps to becoming a Kharjee dog of hell ! Every Kharjee dog walks
these steps..
1. First you are a Gustakh of Rasul Allah (sm), disrespect Sayyadi (sm) and make
false claims about Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).
2. Then you become a Takfiri as a punishment from Allah (swt) and start to call
everyone as Kafir, under the arrogance that you are the only Muslims alive, rest are
all Kafirs.

3. Third step is that then you take up weapons and start to kill Muslims and
become a cursed dog of hell Kharji..
This is what Mullah Aziz of Masjid e Zarrar Lal masjid is.... He is such a Gustakh
that even his own kind of filthy Mullahs found it hard to digest... knowing that now
they all would be nailed for supporting this dog of hell...
Be very careful about adab of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). Gustakh ultimately
becomes a Kharjee...

Children, members, these are times of fitnah, of Dajjal, of Khawarij and divisions
within the Ummah on ethnic, political and sectarian lines. All Muslim sects and
schools think that they are the only one on the right path while the others are
destined for hell.
1. Ahl Hadees/Salafis consider Ahl Sunnah, Barelvis, Shias as Mushriks and
Gumrah. They are totally against any visible display of love for Sayadi Rasul Allah
(sm), destroy all signs and muqamat which are extremely significant in Muslim
history and have an imbalanced extremist harsh view on Shirk and Biddat.

2. Shias are extremely beyadab and Gustakh of Sahabas and Sayyada Aisha. Even
though Iranian leadership has tried to bring moderation into the extremist Shias but
still a huge majority follow the Iraq Najaf scholars who remain extremely hostile
towards Khulfa e Rashideen. Also, Shias do not follow any known Mystic and Sufi
3. Barelvis in Pakistan have lost the balance between display of adab /Ishq and
biddat & even though they remain respectful towards Sayyadi Rasul Allah,
Sahabas, Aulia and Sufia, there is a strong presence of deviant practices and beliefs
within Barelvis as well. The battles for Mazaar are also raging between Barelvis
and Shias, where both groups try to take over the Mazaar. Case of Hazrat Bari
Imam Mazaar in Islamabad is just one example.
4. Deobandis are in another hopeless situation, when their scholars are silent or
supporters of Khawarij and this group is waging a most bloody war against
Pakistan and Ummat e Rasul (sm). All Khawarij in Pakistan belong to deobandi
Our mission is the unite the Ummah on the Deem of Rasul Allah (sm) and Khulfa
e Rashideen, Defend Pakistan, prepare the Ummah for Ghazwa e Hind and Jihad
against Khawarij, create an Islamic economic model based on Gold and unite the
Ummah in United States of Islam. This mission is way ABOVE any sectarian
Those who are with us are Muslims only and then Pakistanis. We DO NOT
recognize any other identity. This is the Deen of Sayyadna Abubakr, Sayyadna
Umer, Sayyadna Usman and Sayyadna Ali !!
For the past few days, we are hitting the Deobandi Khawarij for the simple reason
that today entire Pak army and Pak nation are at war against them. Deobandi
Mullahs are defending the Khawarij or staying silent. That is why we are hitting
them and will hit them more.
The supporters of Khawarij, instead of accepting their mistake, try to counter
attack by calling us Shias, Barelvis, Qadianis... Kafir.. ! This is a lame, insane,
farcical argument by these Khawarij. Just a desperate attempt to divert the subject
and change the issue.
We DO NOT collect fans here. Every day we ban 100's of Gustakh beyadab

Kharjis or their supporters. Their most filthy language, their fatwas of Kufr and
their hatred for Pakistan army and Pakistan is so obvious that it makes us even
more stronger to hit them harder.
Either they will do tauba and revert back to Deen or they will be attacked by us and
crushed. We will NOT show mercy towards any Kharji or their supporter.

Just 3 minutes -- a core advice to thousands of new members and those volunteers
who wish to be part of this mission. A reminder to all old members too. You will
be shaken up and put to test. This is NOT an easy path..
Children, members, this is the original 1.30 hrs discussion which explains the
entire mission, duty, strategy, environment, politics and wars in and around

Pakistan. This program was done almost 3 years ago to answer all questions and
objections on who we are, what we do, why we do and where do we plan to go ??
Those serious in understanding our mission must watch this...
This mission is the greatest, most profound Azaan of the 21st century
alhamdolillah! . It is a deeply spiritual and ideological vision and ordinary petty
minds would always fail to understand its depths. Here we explain it for the youth
and the patriots.


Children, members, All warnings that we have been giving for the last 7 years can

now be seen even by the blind.. This is called the 5th Gen War.. the war which is
now raging in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen.. and now in Pak Sarzameen. From
Altaf Hussian to Mufti Naeem to Mullah Aziz to Fazlullah to Fazal ur Rehman to
Tariq Jameel to Hyberyar Marri to Brahmdagh Bugti to Iftikhar Chaudrey to
Zardari to Nawaz Shareef to Geo & SAFMA -- they are all part of this war to
destroy Pak Sarzameen ! They will NEVER succeed inshAllah but now the Pak
nation will pay a heavy price to defend its freedom.
This nation did not take the advice of this faqeer. Even the army took 7 years to
understand that this war cannot be fought through this democracy as this judiciary
and democracy is part of the problem, not the solutions. Now AltafHussain is
threatening a war in Karachi and Sindh while all the pro-Khawarij Mullahs have
decided to stay silent over the war crimes of Khawarij. Now, be prepared for a
bloody end phase of this war.. We will fight back and win inshAllah but now all
those who made fun of us and insulted our analysis will see the blood of their own
spilling as well.. It is too late now for tauba. Now Kaffara will be with blood..

To all new comers, Pl DO NOT post any question on the page unless you have
gone through at least 10 days of posts on this page. Scroll down and educate
yourself first. This is a serious battle station and we are fighting a war and have
zero tolerance towards non-sense or enemies.
Follow the rules. We are very harsh on this page and do not tolerate violations of
DO NOT insult Pak army, Pak ideology or our founding fathers. DO NOT defend
Khawarij or enemies of Pakistan. DO NOT use filthy abusive language. DO NOT
write in Roman Urdu. DO NOT insult or attack Sir Zaid.
You can ask decent questions but they must NOT be based on lies and propaganda
of the enemies. All enemy propaganda against Sir has been answered a million
times. do your own homework to find the answers. If you are blocked, we rarely
unblock anyone, so be VERY CAREFUL !!
The enemies, Khawarij and the idiots blame ISI and Pak army for working as allies
of US in Afghanistan. But what is the reality ?? Has ISI helped the Americans or
helped the Taliban ? Has ISI defended the US interests or the interests of Pakistan
? Listen to this US analyst. They are so frustrated that ISI has always defended
Pakistan and NOT the US interests. Now with Gen Rizwan as the new DG ISI,
inshAllah, you will see a even more ruthless ISI against the enemies of Pak


MQM, TTP and BLA are the 3 violent axis waging a war against Pak Sarzameen.
dead bodies, Bhatta and gang wars in Karachi or today's slaughter of Shia Muslims
in Sindh -- they are all part of the same 5th Gen War organized by MQM and the
Takfiri/Kharjee gangs of TTP, supported by the Deobandi clerics Tariq Jameel,
Fazal, Samee, Mufti Naeem and Ashrafi. The blood of the Muslims drip from the
hands of these Mullahs and Altaf the fat toad in London. We had warned you
before as well. Now the Kaffara will be in blood. Time for Tauba is long gone...

These interviews are recorded by Rangers in Karachi ! This is NOT fake nor a
drama ! This is a real target killer of MQM, caught by Rangers and he is spilling
all the beans of assassinations, gang wars, election rigging and all the organized
crimes of MQM and Altaf Hussian. Dozens of such killers are now in custody and
that is why you see the panic, threats and violence from the MQM these days.
Rangers is NOT picking up innocent people. Everyone picked up is an assassin.
We will post more interviews IA.


Today, I am very sad.

I am seeing a law of nature in motion. The law which applies to every society
which starts to give respect to killers, murderers, scumbags, haramkhor traitors.
When such snakes are respected and universities are named after them, then wait
for Azaab of Allah (swt) which comes in the form of fear, hunger, humiliation and
sudden death.
How low have we sunk? How gustakh we have become? How arrogant we are as a

nation? I can see now that why people of Sindh and Karachi are being so severely
punished. They chose Zardari and Altaf as their leaders and now death, humiliation
and hunger comes to them. It is bad all over the country, but Karachi and Sindh
would see the worst of it. Had warned you before, Karachi will now face the worst
of it. We asked for it, astaghfurullah !

Altaf Hussain wants army to come into the streets of Karachi, so that urban
terrorists of MQM can draw the army into streets and turn Karachi into a urban
battlefield like Syrian and Iraqis cities have become..
This is the modern nature of war -- fight in the mega cities to decimate the city and
the people ! They use ISIS, TTP, BLA, MQM, FSA type gangs -- various names,
similar objectives !

Pak army is operating all over the country and have stabilized the country a lot but
Karachi remains a serious threat. Only a Martial Law and most ruthless hunting of
MQM, PPP and other terror gangs would clean Karachi. If these corrupt rascals
remain in power, then bringing in army would mean a disastrous civil war.... That
is why army is reluctant.. But sooner or later, this will have to be done..
The enemies know this secret ! They know this Pakistan is on the verge of an
phenomenal rise towards glory alhamdolillah ! All enemies from MQM to
Khawarij to BLA to Political parties to judges likeiftikhar chaudrey have been
given the duty to stop this destiny..
They will all fail !!! They will all be humiliated ! They will all be destroyed
inshAllah !! This is the written destiny that Pakistan will lead the world, will unite
the Ummah, will defeat the Hindu Zionists and Khawarij ! This is our Mission
Takmeel e Pakistan !
The final battle for the glory of Pakistan will be bloody.. but we will pay the price..
It is worth it..

Many times we receive taunts from the idiots that why we waste our times on
Facebook. They call us Facebook jihadis trying to insult our work.
They do not understand the nature of our work - we lead and manage a coordinated
cyber, social media attack team to build counter narrative against the enemies to
defend Pakistan.
This is a vital information warfare axis of the modern warfare. ISI did not do it.
ISPR did not do it. GHQ did not do it. So we took it upon ourselves to fight this
war, defending the army, Pakistan, our ideology and developing the counter
narrative to destroy the enemy. We destroy their propaganda, expose the enemies,
support our own armed forces and give hope to the nation.
BrassTacks is the cyber and media warfare arm of Pakistan. Being a facebook
warrior is NOT a taunt in these times. This is a new non-lethal mode of warfare in
which BrassTacks is the cutting edge of national defense, alhamdolillah !
But now, this must be done at official levels by the government and the armed
forces. Building an organized potent counter narrative and deploying it in support

of ground operations is as necessary as having ammo in the guns.. So far,

BrassTacks is firing for the army and taking heavy return fire.
Now read what the British army is planning to do !! Now you will understand the
importance of our work.
The British army is creating a special force of Facebook warriors, skilled in
psychological operations and use of social media to engage in unconventional
warfare in the information age.
The 77th Brigade, to be based in Hermitage, near Newbury, in Berkshire, will be
about 1,500-strong and formed of units drawn from across the army. It will
formally come into being in April.
The brigade will be responsible for what is described as non-lethal warfare. Both
the Israeli and US army already engage heavily in psychological operations.
Against a background of 24-hour news, smartphones and social media, such as
Facebook and Twitter, the force will attempt to control the narrative.
The 77th will include regulars and reservists and recruitment will begin in the
spring. Soldiers with journalism skills and familiarity with social media are among
those being sought.
The move is partly a result of experience in counter-insurgency operations in
Afghanistan. It can also be seen as a response to events of the last year that include
Russias actions in Ukraine, in particular Crimea, and Islamic States (Isis)
takeover of large swaths of Syria and Iraq.
The Israel Defence Forces have pioneered state military engagement with social
media, with dedicated teams operating since Operation Cast Lead, its war in Gaza
in 2008-9. The IDF is active on 30 platforms including Twitter, Facebook,
Youtube and Instagram in six languages. It enables us to engage with an
audience we otherwise wouldnt reach, said an Israeli army spokesman.


The bloodshed we have upon is today is due to the silence of those who have the
power to stop it and those who do not condemn it. Hadees of Sayyadi Rasul Allah
(sm) is the hujjat upon us all. Those who deny the Hadees e Mubaraka are Kafir o
Zindeeq !
Khawarij belong to Deobandi maslak. It is the duty of the Deobandi Ulama to
speak against them and stop them from slaughtering the Ummah. If the slaughter

continues, then these men are responsible !! Know their faces and curse them if
they still remain silent... Because Allah curse such people too...

Khawarij are brothers of Dajjal !!! Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has clearly warned
the Ummah that last group of Khawarij will be with Dajjal !! Here we see the
ultimate proof of this Hadees Mubaraka. All Khawarij are soldiers of armies of

Dajjal -- from Pakistrtan to Iraq !! Armies of Dajjal and Khawarij are fighting
together, hand in hand, against the Ummah of Rasul Allah (sm) !!
That is why it is we demand that every Mullah MUST clearly define his camp -- Is
he with Dajjal & Khawarij or he is with Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). Anyone who
remains silent or supports the Dajjal will be treated as enemies of Ummah by us !!
We will crush them inshAllah !

From Peshawar to Baghdad to Damascus -- the Khawarij are the armies of Dajjal,
controlled by Dajjali forces ! you all remember the handler and instructor of
Khawarij in Peshawar killed by Pak forces after airport attack. Only a blind deaf
dumb and destined for hell person would still deny the links between Khawarij and

That is why we want all so called Ulama to openly speak up ! Are they with Dajjal
or they are with Ummat e Rasul (sm) ?? Silence is NOT accepted !! We know they
are with Dajjal and Khawarij, thats why they are silent at this dangerous times for
the Ummah. To hell with their fake namaz, their fraud beards, their qirat, their
Tableegh -- Khawarij does these things better but they are still dogs of hell !!!

Brief Threat Analysis for the week: our azaan to wake up a slumbering nation:

These are extremely sensitive times in the country. As the Pak army has launched
its most determined campaign to strike at every axis of violence in the country, the
enemies within the country and outside are also gearing up for final showdown.
From tribal areas to Baluchistan to Karachi the militant axis is equally wide as
the attacks on the economic, judicial, diplomatic and political fronts. MQM is
aggressively trying to draw army into the streets of Karachi for the final phase of
urban war. Syrian cities are a nightmarish reminder of the nature of modern urban
From Peshawar to Damascus to Tripoli to Sana in Yemen, the axis of violence is
widespread and devastating. Iraq has been dismembered with more than half of the
country under a brutal terrorist outfit ISIS, identical twins of TTP in Pakistan. The
Iraqi government has been reduced to an administration only sustained only by the
US presence and support. Sectarian and ethnic violence tears Iraq apart as well,
with Shia-Sunnis and Kurds fighting within each other for turf, political power and
Identical scenario is being repeated in Pakistan also. The only difference between
Pakistan and Iraq is Pakistan army, which is keeping Pakistan united, defended and
strong enough to stay as a nation state. Still, Pakistan army is forced to fight a high
intensity war within the boundaries of the country, trying to crush a foreign backed
religious insurgency in tribal areas and a secular separatist movement in
Baluchistan. Now another violent axis is being built in Karachi through MQM. The
government is not just corrupt, it is actually at war with its own army and the
Pak army will have to draw the red line themselves. For how long would they
continue to drag a treacherous political regime which is now nothing but excess
baggage dragging the state down into the abyss? The war imposed upon Pakistan is
designed to create and spread anarchy. Its tentacles are spread deep into the organs
of the state, into the political parties, into media and into the religious seminaries.
It is a total war imposed upon the country and only army cannot fight and win it
without the total support of all State organs, which remains absent at the moment.
Every week passed brings more challenges with little response from the
government. Pressure is piling up on the army as the enemies expand the theater
and increase the intensity of the deployed 5th Gen War.

There are many new members who are constantly asking us that why are we
adding the name of TJ in the list. We will ask those to scroll down 10 days of posts

and read what we have written. DO NOT post nonsense, else we will block you
We are fighting a dirty dangerous war. All Muslims MUST stand with Pakistan
clearly. Anyone who is silent, supporting the Khawarij or fighting against Pakistan
is an enemy and we will NOT show any mercy.
Worst of the Ulama are those stay silent when Khawarij are butchering the Ummat
e Rasul (sm). Our duty is NOT to make you happy. Our duty is to defend Pakistan.
This is a serious academic work from BrassTacks on the phenomenon of Khawarij
in the 1400 years of Muslim history. Khawarj have always emerged within the
Muslim societies as allies of external enemies, Crusaders and Mushriks !! Our
scholars have failed to explain this phenomenon properly in the light of modern
day geo-politics and wars in the greater Middle East.
Only serious students of modern political science, Muslim history and urban wars
should read this. Khawarij and idiots - stay away !


Isn't this funny ? Everyone in the country wants me to speak on all the issues of the
country and want my opinion. The say they want a clear and sharp point of view
from me. Whether it is drones, Imran Khan, Dr. TUQ or Taliban etc etc . If I stay
silent, they accuse me of being a cowards, taking sides, avoiding the issue etc etc
smile emoticon. Read posts here. Hundreds of posts are like "Zaid sb, what do you
think of this and that etc etc ..."
Now when I say make a demand from Mullahs of Deoband to give their views on
Khawarij, Ghazwa e Hind & TTP, the same people who bug me to speak, then tell
me to leave Tariq Jameel out of it. Force me not to ask for opinion of TJ or other

Mullahs. They tell me not to drag them in politics, into controversial matters. ).
One Tableeghi even told me that they dont want to do Ghazwa e Hind, as they
want to convert Hindus through Tableegh !! ufffff..
When I push them harder to speak up the truth, they reply with insane bohtans like
you are a Kafir, Qadiani, agent of enemies or even being an Iranian Shia smile
Pakistani millat should know now ! Iftikhar Chaudrey sold our justice. When the
whole world was praising him, I was the only one who had said that he will sell us
to the enemies. World was proven wrong, Allah proved this faqeer right !
Similarly, I am telling you now ! Mullahs of Deoband have sold us to the Mushriks
and Khawarij. Each one is involved including TJ. Some help the Khawarij openly,
some by not condemning them. You can be angry with me today but even you will
also suffer when Khawarij attack our children, when Hindu Mushriks enter
Pakistan, when chaos comes to our Pak Sarzameen ! When you insult, shoot and
reject the Moazzin, then this is your own badnaseebi, not mine.
I have attacked every enemy of Pak Sarzameen without mercy. Only an idiot
Kharji and munafiq will accuse us of targeting Deoband only. We will attack all
enemies of Pakistan -- religious or secular ! This is a promise !
Every beyghairat secular & beysharam Mullah has sold us to the Kuffar, Khawarij
and Mushriks !! Their propaganda is based on lies, jahalat, blindness and hate for
Pak Sarzameen.
Jamaat e Islami, JUI, Congressi deobandi Mufti Naeem, Tahir ashrafi, Tableeghi

Jamaat, Shah Mehmood, Iftikhar chaudrey, Asma Jahangir, Aktaf, Zardari, Nawaz,
Geo.... These are all beyghairat Ghaddars !!
Even the enemies accept that Pak army and ISI have again defeated the Americans
in Afghanistan and protected the Afghan Taliban. These beysharam Mullahs still
defend and protect the Khawarij and speak their language.
When we expose their crimes, they take out rallies over french blasphemy to give
the impression that they are ashiq e Rasul (sm) !! Paleed munafiq all of them....
they suport Khawarij and then pretend that they love Rasul Allah (sm) !!
Astaghfurulah !!


The Ummah is under attack from Mushriks, Khawarij and Zionists and major
Muslim lands have been decimated, millions killed and forced to migrate into
camps. Today Pakistan is under attack as well.
BrassTacks is the only Muslim Think Tank in the Ummah which forewarned the
Muslim leaders of this calamity. We are giving our azaan since 1999, even before
We are the only Think Tank who is fighting on the front line of defending the
country in this 5th Gen War -- protecting the armed forces, our ideology, exposing
the enemy plans, attacking the traitors and enemies alike ! We are in Media for the
last 7 years and alhamdolillah, have turned the tables against the enemies. Now our
policies are being accepted by the army and deployed against the Khawarij, while
we continue to guide the patriots and fight on the information warfare axis.
Who can be against our mission in this heat of the war ?? Know this clearly -- Only
a certified idiot or an open munafiq would be against us and our mission. It is like

attacking Pakistan army in fight between India and Pakistan. NO Muslim can do
Yet, you find many snakes attacking us, trying to block our mission, trying to
destroy us and the mission. Alhamdolillah, they have all failed so far, despite
spending billions to stop our mission, despite create most venomous propaganda,
court cases, economic blockades and physical attacks.
Almost the entire enemy team which is fighting against us is either from Deoband
or from Liberal secular Geo groups. Tahir Asharafi and Mufti Naeem are both part
of Khawarij and also Geo/SAFMA at the same time. They are all paid, funded,
supported by the RAW. Most filthy of the beyghairat Mullahs, deen farosh, Imaan
farosh, watan farosh ! Fazal, Samee are also the same. TJ stays silent while
Ummah is being decimated.. holding his tasbeeh telling people to do astaghfar
while Khawarij rape our sisters and kill our children... He is one of them too but
some of you still cant see that.
Khawarij and their suporters should see that times have changed now. The Ummah
and the Millat knows them and their crimes. Now Pak army has drawn its swords
and we are cutting the necks of the Khawarij and their supporters. Now we will
NOT allow them to serve their Mushrik and Dajjali masters to attack Ummat e
Rasul (sm). They can bark as much as they want, but they will remain the dogs of
hell and we will send them there inshAllah !!
BrassTacks is the fighting arm of Pakistan. We defend our nation, armed forces
and the ideology. We decide who is the patriot and who is an enemy, alhamdolillah
!! This is a duty given to us by Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and we
will do it with full force, inshAllah ! Khawarij and Mushriks can go to hell !!

Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has warned us of these times... These are times of fitnah,
dajjal and nifaq. Ulama would be the worst of the creatures, filth of the earth,
would start the fitnahs and destroy the ummah. Looking at Fazal, Samee, Mufti
Naeem, Mullah Aziz, Tahir Ashrafi, Tariq Jameel... you can see masjids are full of
these people but there is no hidayat... only fitnahs..
Entire fasad in the Ummah is due to these fraud, fasid mullahs... fitnahs emerge
from them and enter into them.. !! We see with our own eyes.. the truth of this
Hadees e Mubarak.
That is why Allah takes his duty from Quaid e Azam, Baba Iqbal and students of
Ali Garh university as they were NOT munafiqs, were sincere and did not create
fasad in the name of deen. A gunahgar Muslim is better than a munafiq mullah -remember this !

Now you would know why we were asking the Mullahs of Deoband to take sides
and tell us where they stand -- with Rasul Allah (sm) or with Khawarij ???
Now Khawarij are asking the same question from Pakistan and Ummat e Rasul
(sm). Today, they threw grenades at schools in Karachi and distributed this paper.
This clearly says that Khawarij would attack our children because they disagree
with the policies of the government. This clearly says that Khawarij are demanding
that we support Khawarij and fight against Pakistan, Ummat e Rasul (sm) and Pak
army !!
We had told you before as well - There is NO neutrality now. You are either with
Pakistan or with Khawarij dogs. Go and ask your Mullahs this question. If they are

with Khawarij, then report them to ISI, army and Police helpline. Every Muslim
must speak against Khawarij NOW.
We are with Pakistan, with Pak army and with Ummat e Rasul (sm). Dogs of hell
would be sent to hell inshAllah ! We are neither afraid nor going to back down
from our Jihad. Any Mullah who stay silent, will be nailed as kharji dog. This is a
promise !!
Tariq Jameel, are you listening ?? Fazal, Samee, Naeem, Tahir ashrafi -- you are
all kharji snakes if you remain silent at this threat from Khawarij dogs.
This is a real war. They plan to slaughter our children. We will NOT show them
any mercy.
We have always maintained that Congressi pro-Khawarij deobandis take funds
from Mushriks to fight against Pakistan. Here, Haroon Rasheed is exposing
another axis -- they also take funds from British Intelegence MI5 for fasad within
Pakistan !! That is why only deobandi madrassas are resisting the demands for
audit and registration. Now everyone has the courage to openly expose these
munafiqs. Listen to him. If you have a problem, go and fight with Haroon Rasheed
not me )


Today, the satanist Khawarij in Syria/Iraq burnt alive a Jordanian Muslim pilot
who was in their custody. Astaghfurullah !! The Khawarij in Pakistan slaughter the
children, play football with heads of shaheeds and their brothers in Iraq burn
Muslims alive.. !
Which Sharia allows this punishment even to a Kafir ?? Look at the Khawarij
standing behind. They are NOT volunteers but Israeli Jewish soldiars. Their levels
of training, their face masks, their weapons.. their media propaganda -- everything
is Jewish, and so are the Khawarij !

Recite Fatiha for this Shaheed Muslims killed at the hands of Khawarij. He died a
painful death. Jordan has promised to kill all Daish prisoners in retaliation. This is
what we must also do -- Kill all khawarij in jails.

While the western media is going insane trying to prove that ISIS & Khawarij are
"Muslims", this is what one of their own saw from inside. They are NOT
We have been saying all along that ISIS is "Israeli Secret Intel Service" and these
face covered gangs are Jewish mercenaries, Israeli army and black water Zionist

The same for TTP Khawarij here. The lower ranks and leaders are useful idiots
from the Deobandi maslak. Their actual handlers are Freemason Zionist Tattoo
terrorists -- the Israeli Mossad oficers. Same story everywhere. Khawarij, Mushriks
and Dajjal are true brothers.

Dear team,
Since last night, I am truly amused, observing the responses of various people,
friends and enemies alike.
Indian/Mushriks/Beyghairat are jubilant. Some friends are confused, using the
opportunity to add a few sentences of insults of their own, some are truly strong,
not moved by the news at all. Alhamdolillah, this is such a great sight to see that all
enemies of Pak Sarzameen hate us so much. they hate us but cannot ignore us and
our views
But it does tell me that our nation needs huge tarbiat. They can still be easily
fooled by the enemies in no time. This is dangerous sign. Now you know why we
put so much stress on tarbiat, not letting the waswasa and doubt come to you. Just
a news item, shook the Imaan of so many. This is how Dajjal works shakes your
faith because of lies and propaganda.
When somebody tells you the dog has ran away with your ear, then it is always
better to check if yours ears are present on your head or not, before you start
chasing the dog to get you ear back )
Every day we face millions of allegations, accusations, slander, bohtan. This is part
of this duty to face these kinds of attacks. We dont respond to each and every
redicilous allegation.
On your part also, you should not ask stupid and silly questions on every rumor

that you hear. We have a war to fight and we dont have time to respond to silly
distractions created by the enemies to prevent our attacks on them.
When you heard this story of army putting a ban on me, many of you are sending
me mails and smss asking about it. Why didnt you use common sense and plain
wisdom to find the truth ?
Capital TV is owned by Zardari and his gangs. It is ruled by Indian SAFMA
snakes. They are full of hatred, lies and venom for Pakistan, Pak army and this
faqeer. Last time also, they brought Imad Khalid on board and did a program with
Marvi sermed and as a result were blocked for 3 days by the army )
What does Quran says when a fasiq brings any news to you ?? you verify it. You
ask him for proof.
First you should ask Capital TV to show the original letter if they have it. What
they have shown is nothing, just few lines. No name of authority, no signing name,
no date, no office from where it has been issued. Why dont you ask Capital TV to
show the proof ???? If they dont show any real letter, then the case is closed right
here. They have to show the proof, NOT me
Then if they show any letter, then you should go to ISPR and let the army confirm
if they have written any letter or not. If the army says this is a fake letter, then also
Capital is nailed. If the army says the letter is true, then they have to explain why
they wrote it.
It is NOT my problem to explain a news report by a TV channel which deals with
ISPR issues. What Capital and SAFMA is doing is that they are trying to put army
in an embarrassing situation. If army says letter is fake, then SAFMA will bark that
that army has come to protect Zaid Hamid, who works for ISI bla bla bla.. same
old bull crap all over again.
If the army says letter is real, then again, SAFMA will bark that Zaid Hamid is an
enemy of the army and thus will try to create division between patriots who are
defending Pakistan.
Understand their sinister game. DO NOT be an idiot. DO NOT distract us from the
real duty of attacking Khawarij and enemies.
As far as we are concerned, we have always worked alone WITHOUT army

support. We have told this a million times, that we are an independent think tank
which has taken upon itself duties which army, ISI or GHQ was not doing because
of the new nature of warfare. We do our duty in media, social media and through
our paper and books. Our advice is listened by the patriots including the army.
Who can deny that it was our idea to form military courts, execute the TTP
terrorists and hit them in Afghanistan?? It was BrassTacks idea and now army has
adopted it. What does that say ???
Pak army is our baby. We will defend it at all cost, against all enemies as this is a
duty towards Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and Pak Sarzameen. We DO NOT expect
or accept any favors from army or anyone else. Pak army officers and men are
patriots and love us equally. Enemies know that very well. All patriots and soldiers
of Pakistan love and respect each other. Even if army put a ban on our visits to
garrisons, it would NOT make any difference to our duty, mission and
effectiveness. We have always worked independently and we will always defend
them against Khawarij.
So please. Stop being stupids and get back to bashing the Khawarij, Mushriks and
Zionists. We have a war to fight and win and protect our army from hostile snakes
like Capital TV and SAFMA. Isnt this interesting that Geo is silent on this issue
?? ) Now, it seems the time for Capital has also come
they started it. Dont blame us
Love and dua

The enemies always try to mock, insult and humiliate us by saying that we are a
"self styled" defense analyst, no body listens to us, army does not take us seriously
bla bla bla...
Alhamdolillah, we are the most respected professional battlefield think tank in the

country which has turned the tables in this 4th and 5th Gen wars which were
designed to dismember Pakistan. Pak army patriots highly respect our work and on
many occasions entire war strategies have been built on the policy papers that we
have written.
National Defense university is the most respected military university in the country
where all top policy making research is done by army. Read this letter from the DG
of the NDU and what dear General says about work of BrassTacks. alhamdolillah !
We are the game changers in this war !! Today, if Pak army is fighting this 4th Gen
War, it is because WE at BrassTacks told the army about it.
We never boast or show off but this time, we want to break the jaws of all the
snakes, idiots and munafiqs to silence them forever.
Now get back to duty. We have a war to fight !

Let us properly slap and smash the face of the enemies, geo, Capital, Safma and
the Mushriks !! They can burn in hell in dunya and akhira !
Alhamdolillah, Allah has given us Izzat. Their hasad cannot take it away. We
decide the fate and destiny of this millat in this war by the grace of Alllah (sm) and

Karam of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). Our duty is sacred, respected, protected.
Enemies can go to hell !!

Those idiots who say that we only sit on the FB should just shut up now!
Alhamdolillah, we are the guardian angels of our armed forces and the nation !!
This acknowledgment is from the Naval Chief !!
Read what he has to say... we do not tell you all that we do. So stop wasting time

and fight the war at hand. Every work we do, hurt the enemies, support the armed
forces and defend the millat.
Khawarij, Mushriks and Beyghairats can go to hell and burn in their rage ! We
march on...

This is the "khilafat" which the Lal masjid Khawarij want to bring in Pakistan !
The Jewish ISIS burn Muslims alive.... Look at the troops in the background...
They are fully trained Jewish army troops pretending as "Islamic Khilafah"
In Pakistan, the Deobandi Khawarij wants to bring them here. Remember this --

Afghan Taliban have declared war against Daish/ISIS. CIA and RAW tried to
create Daish in Afghanistan but Mullah Umer and his Mujahideen crushed them. In
Pakistan, we need to do the same -- crush these snakes before they get too
powerful to burn Muslims alive.
May Allah's curse be on Khawarij, their supporters and those wh stay silent against
their crimes...


Every day we receive hundreds of mails from volunteers and new fans. Very few
show the depth, vision and wisdom which this mail reflects, MashAllah. This is a
gift of Allah (swt) that you are able to see the intensity of the mission and its
importance and associate yourself with it before it is too late. We wanted to share
this advice with you from a volunteer. May Allah give barakah to those sons and
daughters of this millat who defend the deen and the millat in this war. We have
now entered the most dangeorus but also the most romantic phase of this war.
These are the times when Munafiqs are separated from the Mujahids, when friends
stand away from the enemies. Chose your sides well.

Hundreds of people ask us how they can join our mission. The answer is simple --Do what we are doing !!
Spread this azaan in any way you can -- on social media, within your friends,
family and in power corridors. Use your resources, times and money to defend
Pakistan in this war. This is OUR war, we all have to fight it together.
We DO NOT have jobs in our Think Tank. We are all volunteer team, spread
globally, except a handful permanent members who work in the office. Our finest
teams are pure volunteers who spend from their own pockets... We all do like this !
You can buy our books and distribute them to youth, libraries and opinion makers.
This is a source of Halal rizq for us also to keep the mission going.
Let us give you a warning -- It is NOT easy to stand with us to fight this war. Only
a handful can take the pressure. Try standing in our shoes for a day, fighting
against most dangerous and powerful enemies every day and you will know the
pressures. It needs nerves of steel and special Karam of Allah (swt) and Tarbiat.
You see on this page how easily people can be confused. Such people have NO

place in our ranks. We dont need fans. We need die hard fighters and patriots who
are willing to live with dignity and die with honor. It is difficult path... very

What will you say about the character, Imaan, izzat and ilm of someone who see
the Khawarij butchering the children but still decide to pretend that he is deaf,
dumb and blind and does not utter a word against this zulm ??
We call those people Tariq Jameel, Mufti Naeem, Fazal ur Rehman, Samee ul Haq,
Tahir Ashrafi...
Allah calls them supporters of Khawarij and munafiqeen !! The darkest and the
deepest corners of hell reserved for Munafiqeen, even lower than the dogs of hell !!

Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Sulaiman was a fine PAF Chief we had. He led the
campaign against the Khawarij and supported the army in JIhad against Khawarij.
A fine commander indeed, MashAllah !
He also respected the sacred mission of BrassTacks and our team in defending the
ideological and spiritual frontiers of Pakistan and supporting the armed forces in
these dangerous times. All great military Commanders of Pakistan love and respect
our work and appreciate the role by our team alhamdolillah !!

Those who are jealous of our duty and the respect we have can die in their own
rage... We dont give a Damn. This letter is just another of the dozens we have from
our very finest of the armed forces, alhamdolillah ! We are making them public for
the first time to destroy this enemy propaganda that Pak armed forces do not
respect us. Alhamdolilah, we are their guardian angels and they know it !!

When the war was raging in the Frontier province, the most die hard patriot was
the Governor in the province. Owais Ghani.
As Governor representing the Federal government, he fought back against the
Khawarij, led the entire operations in tibal areas, Rah e Rast and Rah e Nijaat in
Swat and South Waziristan and destroyed the main backbone of the enemies. This
is what Governor Owais Ghani said about BrassTacks and our mission in the heat
of the war when Pakistan needed an ideological and spiritual narrative in media
and BrassTacks was the only voice defending Pakistan !!

Admiral Asif Sandila is our previous Naval Chief, MashAllah ! He received our
Book from Indus to Oxus and this is what he had to say about the quality of the
book and our analysis in it. Alhamdolillah, every patriotic officer in the armed
forces respect our work, analysis and duty !!

And finally to give the most comprehensive shut up call to the enemies of all types,
we present the appreciation letter from our most respected and loved ISI's DG, dear
General Pasha ! He was one of the finest DG's we had. A brave patriot, who fought
back with great courage in extremely difficult times. He knew the importance of
our mission and truly respected us and the team BrassTacks for the mission we
were undertaking. We are honored to know this fine soldier of Pakistan! May
Allah bless him always.

The letters we have shown you are from the retired officers only. We cant show
you the serving officers
The purpose was to make one point very clear -- for years, BrassTacks has been
the backbone of Pakistan's defense in the information war, defending the ideology
and protecting the armed forces from hostile propaganda. All our top most policy
makers and military commanders and the ISI Chiefs, in the most difficult periods
of war love, respect and support our mission with utmost appreciation,
alhamdolillah !
Our work, mission and the duty have been the game changers and turned the tables
against the enemies. From a hopeless and disastrous crisis, we have emerged,
regrouped, counter attacked and now winning the war, alhamdolillah !
Pak armed forces are our baby. We have taken upon ourselves to defend our armed
forces, nation and the ideology in this 4th and 5th Generation war, advising,
guiding and supporting the armed forces to fight and win this war.
This is what we started to do in 2007 and still do in 2015 !! In 2015, Pak army is
implementing our policies now -- Military Courts, executions, hitting them in
Afghanistan !!

Every child knows that these are BrassTacks policies. The wise ones can take the
clue from here . The Idiots can remain in doubt. )
We are fighting a war and inshAllah, in the coming days, we will be more and
more ruthless against the enemies. May Allah give barakah and victory to Pak
armed forces, Millat e Pakistan and humiliate the Khawarij, Munafiqs and the
Mushriks !

We have always told you ISIS is a Mossad operation -- Arabic speaking Jews and
Salafi Khawarij pretending to be Muslims ! This video is yet another damning
evidence. The white CIA/Mossad man was not supposed to be in the picture of this
"Mujahid" but accidentally, he was captued. we have enhanced his image for you
to see clearly that the camera man is NOT a Mujahid but a CIA/Mossad Jewish
operator. Same is here in Pakistan also -- the local fighters are idiots from deoband.
Their handlers are Tattoo Jewish Zionists !
That is why we say -- anyone who refuse to call them as Khawarij would be
crushed, attacked and humiliated by us without mercy ! Tariq Jameel, Jamaat e
Islami, JUI leaders should hear this loud and clear.

Dajjal will actually be from within the Khawarij !! Khawarij would be his soldiers,
guards and fighters. Today, after hundreds of years, this fitnah has emerged again
!! The signs of end times are coming to be true. In Pakistan, these Dajjali Khawarij
are TTP supported by Deoband. In Syria, these Khawarij are ISIS backed by
In history, Sultan Sallahuddin Ayubi had to face the Khawarij from Islamili Shias !
Sayyadna Ali (RA) had to face Khawarij who were first claimed to be his Shias
and then became his enemies.
The point is that Khawarij is NOT a sect -- It is a mindset, a facist ideology whose
signs have been given in over 100 ahadees Mubaraka. Anyone following those
signs is a Khawarij, irrespective of his sect, maslak, region or language.
History is noting this that in Pakistan, Ulama e Deoband failed to speak up against

Khawarij, except Mufti Rafi Usmani. All other Deobandis deserve most severe
punishment -- TJ, Fazal, Samee, Mufti Naeem, Tahir Ashrafi... beyghairat
Let us share with you some secrets of our mission in the last 15 years . Now we
can speak about them safely . These are my tweets about it, hence this format.
From 2000 to 2007, BrassTacks served as special advisers/analysts with Military
Intelligence dte fighting the post 9/11 fallouts in country.
During that time, we also advised Interior Ministry, ISI Internal Security Wing,
Research Wing & the ISPR. All volunteer free assignments.
It was in 2007, when first Lt Gen of Pak army was martyred in Pindi by a suicide
bomber & Democracy was being brought that I came on Media! From 2007 to
2014 was the period of my public exposure, where we fought the battles of the
airwaves to reclaim Pakistan in this bloody 4GW.
2015 is our year InshAllah! Allah has gifted us with the finest Army Chief & the
DG ISI & now we start the most ruthless cleanup of filth.
There is NO restriction of BrassTacks or me to defend Pakistan, advice the armed
forces or destroy the enemies. Our real war has just begun!
BrassTacks produced an exclusive cutting edge Security Review for Pak Army for
14 months in 2010-2011 to explain 4GW.
Pak army's & ISI's entire war response strategy in this 4GW is now built on our
recommendations & analysis of the war

Entire axis of 4GW was explained which resulted in launching of Azm e Nau &
Urban Warfare response training in army.
In entire Muslim world, this was the most profound academic response to the
deployed 4GenWars. Result is that Pak is fighting back today !!
The hostile Media & the religious insurgents simply failed to see the depth &
intensity of our collaboration with armed forces & blundered.
Geo was tasked by the CIA & RAW to silence us. They were burnt badly & still
simmer painfully:)). TTP tried & is being burnt. Now Capital
Since 2010 onward so far, Jordanian Strategic Institute grades us as the most
influential opinion maker in Pak Media.
Geo, SAFMA & like of Capital tried to counter us through silly mocking & abuses
without countering the solid ideological narrative we built. Even now, the hostiles
are behaving like idiots. Trying to silence us through lies & propaganda without
substance. Will be crushed inshAllah
Now the Morons at Capital would know why army gives us so much respect
should have been wiser but now you will meet the fate of Geo!



Even MQM use Deobandi terrorists to burn 300 Muslims alive !! This is the most
outrageous crime of MQM, just as violent as TTP's slaughter of our children in
Peshawar. This page is from the Joint Interrogation report presented to court. The
terrorist is from MQM and is a Deobandi !! He says that himself -- noted by the
MQM must be crushed now. Mufti Naeem is the local partner of MQM and Altaf
Hussain in this crime, running his own crime gangs, hiring them to MQM for
crime and murder.
In Panic, MQM would resort to all sorts of brutal violence to stop the court
proceedings. Only army court can get us justice.

Only Deobandi Khawarij and their idiotic morons accuse me of spreading

sectarianism and speaking against their sect and "Jihad" .
MQM blame me of targeting the Urdu speakers.
Now lets come to facts:
I am an Urdu speaker. My all 4 grand parents, my parents migrated to Pakistan by
leaving behind their entire wealth and lands of generations. I was born in Karachi.
Karachi was my hometown till 1992. I am a pure Karachiite. I say that MQM
DOES NOT represent us. Altaf is a snake, fed by RAW & MI6. He must be
hanged for killing 100,000 Pakistanis in the last 25 years. MQM CANNOT
challenge my credentials.
I am the Mujahid of Afghan Jihad. We defeated the Soviets. We fought under
Islam and Sharia. We never covered our faces. We never killed women, children.
We NEVER tortured prisoners. We NEVER attacked Pakistan. We fought against
the Soviets and Communist Afghans and Indians. Now I say that TTP are Khawarij

and NOT Mujahideen. They CANNOT challenge my credentials.

MQM has a huge presence of Shia leadership. Entire Shia community of Karachi
supported MQM. On the other hand, Mufti Naeem is a hardcore Kharji Deobandi.
He also fully supports Altaf Hussian. I know that. Karachi is MY city too. We say
that openly that MQM is a terrorist organization and all its leaders must be crushed
-- Shias or Sunnis or just secular.
Many Ulama of all religious parties from all sects attend Iftar parties and dinners
of MQM and eat the Haram Bhatta money food. By not speaking against MQM
and eating from the table of MQM, all Ulama are guilty of haram rizq, haram amal
and supporting MQM.
Karachi will be the battleground now. Decades of Zulm and silence of the Ulama
and corruption of the governments cannot be cleaned in a day without bloodshed.
As MQM's hand is exposed in burning 300 Muslims alive, this will get even more
ugly. This is a punishment on this nation for its collective crimes. Each one is
responsible -- every political party, every sect, every Mullah ! Blame yourself..
We will defend Pakistan against all enemies, irrespective of their political
affiliation, sects, ethnicity. This is a promise.

Breaking News-- The killer of 300 people, who burnt them alive is a cousin of
Altaf Hussain!! Now they are busted for good ! MQM has been burning factories
all over Karachi but this time the blood of 300 innocents has come to haunt them,
just as the blood of children of Peshawar is haunting Khawarij now.
InshAllah, it is the end of MQM now. But the price would be paid in blood.... It is
going to be messy.


No, Indian rascals, we dont need to be paid to kick your teeth and backsides. We
do for free and loving it all the way ! )
Mushriks are really afriad and hurt by the Azaan of one faqeer.
Mushriks and their Khawarij puppys are investing into Entire TV programs,

billions of rupees, thousands of manhours trying to undo the damage we inflict

upon them through our duty alhamdolillah !
Enemies know, as long as this faqeer is doing his duty, their war against Pak
Sarzameen can never succeed. That is why you will see the Khawarij -- Mufti
Naeem, Tahir Ashrafi type snakes -- specially have been trying very hard to stop
their azaan. Only to please their SAFMA, Geo and Mushriks masters.
Alhamdolillah, our entire armed forces and ISI respect our work. we have shown
you the letters and will show you more gifts we regularly recieve from them.. BUT
we do this duty for FREE! Our Ajr is with Allah alone and we dont need to be paid
to fight Ghazwa e Hind !!
Labbaik Ya Rasul Allah ! Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !!
Mushriks and Khawarij can go to hell ! We love it when they burn in their rage !

The fact that we defend our forces, ideology and the millat and that we are highly
respected by the top military leadership and young officers alike is difficult for the
enemies to digest ! They always come up with lame justifications that he is backed
by GHQ, paid by ISI, launched by ISPR etc etc.... OR that army does not like him,
keep him away .... etc etc
While it would be our honor to work with our own armed forces, but the fact is that
we do this duty out of love and as our our own duty towards Sayyadi Rasul Allah
(sm) !

But, as a mark of respect for our duty, we do receive invitations from all tiers of
armed forces to visit their bases and are given gifts by various fighting forces. We
have already shared some letters with you which have shocked the enemies even
more )
Now we share some gifts from our armed forces.
Pak army Commandos, our very finest Eagles, invited us once to Cherat, their den
in the mountains near Peshawar. We spent the day with our eagles and were shown
all the facilities, we fired all the guns and spent the day with our officers and men
who were either returning from the operations or going to them. It was one of the
most memorable day indeed. We were gifted special souvenirs also by the offers
and men of the SSG. It hangs proudly in our office wall today.
Once we were invited for lunch by the SubMarine force of Pak Navy and again, on
behalf of the entire force, we were gifted their special Shield. It sits proudly in our
office today.
Dear brother and friend, General Tariq Khan would routinely invite us to Mangla
Garrison and we would train at the firing range and discuss National Security
issues. The dagger of the our strike Corp is also a treasured gift from 1 Copr as
mark of their love for us.
Alhamdolillah, the appreciation and respect for our duty is intense within the
armed forces. We are also their guardian angels and will NEVER abandon our
brothers and sons in this difficult war. Enemies know this fact and always try to
create perceptions that army does not respect our work or keep a distance from us.
We had never told anyone about our close respectable relationship with the armed
forces but now the time has come...
Let the enemies burn in their rage.. May Allah Keep Sabz Hilali Parcham high

Nepolean had said " Never interfere when the enemy is making a mistake" !
We allowed the enemy to assume that we are alone. They got over confident in
attacking us and then every snake was exposed, every traitor contributed his share
in attacking us on behalf of the Mushriks, Khawarij and Zionists. We were noting
their names silently waiting for the right time to give them the shock )
Ask Geo, SAFMA and Khawarij, now they get the beating and the pain they suffer
tell them it is from us
Alhamdolillah, we are the guardian angels of our armed forces. Enemy never knew
it before but now when Pak army has drawn its swords for a full and final
elimination of the enemies, we have also disclosed the depth and intensity of our

Pak army love and respect our mission and duty and we protect them against all
enemies in this 5th GenWar, alhamdolillah!
This is a duty we have taken upon ourselves not given to us by the army or the
govt. We do it for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and will continue to do with dignity
till our Shahadat and victory, inshAllah !!
Labbaik Ya Sayyadi Ya Rasul Allah (sm) !!

Alhamdolillah, we are honored to present another gift of love and adab for Sayyadi
Rasul Allah (sm) ! From our epic series Yeh Ghazi, the first booklet on the greatest
warrior of all times - Sayyadna Khalid Ibn e Waleed !

InshAllah, this would be an amazing gift to revive our glory and history. teach
your children about our Heroes.
Pl contact Shami at 0332 361 4342
or 051 5598046,7
or email me at
The book is priced at Rs: 300/= from the office. Courier/Postage charges may
Love and dua
We will upload the Soft Copy link for final edition tomorrow inshAllah ! There is
an older link available if you want to read but its different in design from the final
printed copy through content is the same. We are uploading the older version
Those outside the country, can download the soft copy. Those inside, can order
from office.

Tweets on Karachi situation:

While MQM barked their heart out today in press conference & Altaf the toad

threatens the Media, ISI & Rangers arrest another killer of MQM!
MQM can threaten, murder, scream as much as they want ! Net around them is
now being closed.. Raheel & Rizwan will NOT take any more terror!
MQM idiots cannot see the response plan. There was a reason why Gen Raheel
appointed DG Rangers as the DG ISI MQM & that toad is cooked. The MQM
killer arrested today ran a gang of assassins in the city. ISI/Rangers are picking up
the gang leaders who are spilling it all
General Raheel's visit to UK also had MQM terror on the agenda. The process of
intel gathering have begun seriously. Toad will be deep fried. My hunch is that
British govt would kill him instead of handing him to ISI. Dirty role of MI6 cant be
exposed by London. Toad knows it now
Why army did not clean up MQM terror earlier ? Because we did not have R&R.
Kayani was too reluctant, too afraid to confront political chaos. Both R& R are
firm in confronting collapse of political order & ruthlessly believe that only State
can have monopoly of violence in country. Raheel was waiting for Rizwan to take
charge as DG ISI.
Rizwan had hardly settled when Peshawar happened & focus went on TTP. Now
they focus Karachi too. Pak media has shamelessly surrendered to the terror of
MQM. Channels are terror struck to name Altaf/MQM but only refer as "political
The panic in MQM is palpable. They have been shaken up by the level of outrage
over their insane butchery of 300 people. Caught red handed! ne of the reason
channels dont invite me is that they are afraid I will rip MQM and TTP apart
Channels are too cowards to confront them!
The crisis is too cancerous. The fact is that PPP & TTP also wreck terror in
Karachi in addition to MQM. Uzair Baloch to AH to PPP to TTP..

This is a bombshell about Mufti Naeem of Binnoria town. Remember I told you
that Mufti Naeem is a die hard Kharjee who works with MQM? Many people were
in disbelief. Now hear this from Afaq Ahmed. Mufti Naeem was involved in
burning people alive !!! Kharji will remain a Kharji.... This need full investigation.
Ummat is NOT a reliable paper but here they are just quoting the press conference
of Afaq Ahmed. This conference is also video recorded. I have parts of it but trying
to get full version. shall post here IA. Allah is now exposing the Khawarij and their
MQM masters. The whole game is exposed now.
Told you RAW is the master and handler of both Khawarij and MQM. Here is the

Mufti Naeem should be arrested and investigated by the JIT also. We had always
told you that he is a tout of MQM as well as TTP Khawarij. Some people doubted
us but now more and more evidence is coming forth.
My confirmed reports are that Mufti Naeem is directly connected to RAW and that
is why supports Altaf the mass murderer despite being a Deobandi. When it comes
to MQM, Mufti Naeem is best friends with Haider Abbas Rizvi. This was the
reason he was barking so much against us -- RAW, TTP and MQM had given him
the duty to stop our mission. Now they will pay for their crimes.. InshAllah !

If you want to support the mission, buy our books !

We do not take donations. Every other political and religious party does. We are

not funded by anyone. Every media house, think tank and organization is. We
accept this cost to remain Free and Independent. That is why we speak the truth
and rest are afraid !
Our books are not just a solid mean to spread our azaan and do tarbiat of our
Children, it is also a source of Halal Rizq for us. We distribute thousands of books
free as well but producing high quality books is extremely expensive. Some close
friends do sponsor the printing sometimes.
At present, we have following books with us:
1. From Indus to Oxus (Urdu or English versions). Rs: 3000/=
2. Halqa e Yaran. Rs: 1500/=
3. Iqbal e Pur Israr. Rs: 1000/=
4.Khilafat e Rashida. Rs: 1000/=
5. Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (RA). Rs: 300/=
If you buy the whole set, you will get a discount of 1300/= and the whole set
would be Rs: 5500/= only. We can dispatch anywhere in Pakistan. Postage cost
will be upon us also.
OR you can buy individual books as per your choice.
Pl email me at
Or Call Shami at : 0332 - 361 4342.
Those outside the country can download the books for free and take prints. Jazak


Mufti Naeem is a Kharji terror supporting anti-Pakistan snake. And he is best

friends with Altaf the snake as well ! This strange nexus is arranged by RAW -handlers of both MQM & TTP !! Mufti Naeem is involved in burning hundreds of
people alive, in crimes, murders, bhatta of MQM. This snake has been barking
against Mission Takmeel e Pakistan for the last 7 years. Now you know why.... He
is the one who gave fatwas against us, filed cases against us, tried to accuse me of
murder even... He is also the right hand man of Geo beyghairat. This is ONE huge
team of snakes -- RAW, Geo, MQM, Mufti Naeem...All filthy enemies of Rasul
Allah (sm) and Pak Sarzameen !

He is the greatest warrior of all times! The only General in human history to defeat
Persian & Roman Empires within a span of 6 years.. He was the Sword of Allah -Khalid Ibn e Waleed !!!
This is the latest link of the updated version of our new book. You can download
for free from here. Those who want the hard copy, pl scroll down and read the post
where we have given details.
Alhamdolillah, today, we completed the second book of the Yeh Ghazi series -Sultan Sallahuddin Ayubi !!! The text is edited and now the book has gone to the
design phase. InshAllah, within the next 7 days, we shall upload this classic and
romantic epic for the Ummah to benefit.
Read these books. You will fall in love with the real heroes of humanity ! Our
children do not know our real heroes. This is your introduction to our great legacy,
history and heritage. Join this jihad. Help us spread these books.
Google drive link is :
Barak Allah feek !

It will be a tough day for all political parties on Friday. General Raheel is calling
the APC with PM and all other parties. like the previous APC against Khawarij,
this time also, General will sit in the conference with proof of the crimes of all
parties and NO ONE will be able to lie there. The panic in all political parties is
visible. Altaf the toad has started to beg for Muaffi now )) The Danda will now
fall on Karachi terrorists. It has begun. May Allah give barakah to Raheel and
Rizwan ! Nation stand with our Commanders !!

Today I was invited to Iran embassy National day dinner in Serena Islamabad.
Hundreds of people from entire society, military, politics, media and diplomatic
community were there.
Funny part is that even hardcore Deobandi Mullah Sherani, who is the head of
council of Islamic ideology and biggest supporter of Khawarij, was also present
with a huge team of his followers. When it comes of dinner of Serena, Takfeer of
Shias can wait ) lol.

We were quire a sensation there alhamdolilllah. General Hamid Gul came to meet
us with great affection. Ijaz ul Haq met with love. Pak armed forces officers were
present and we had a great time with them. Sharing pics of foreign Military
attaches of various friendly nations. Indian was also there but we ignored him .
Our work had reached most of the people there and we received great respect, love
and affection for the duty we are doing alhamdlillah ! The pro-Khawarij Mullahs
were there too and were thunder struck to see the respect we received,
alhamdolillah )


Tweets: InshAllah, end of TTP Khawarij is close.

Yesterday, a fierce firefight broke out in Jalalabad between AfghanTaliban (TTA)
& Pakistani Taliban TTP allied themselves with Daish! AfghanTaliban TTA have
declared war on Daish. TTP did the catastrophic blunder of giving their allegiance
to Daish. This suits Pakistan!
This latest fight between TTA and TTP clearly suggests two critical points 1. TTA are NOT supporting TTP.
2. TTA are NOT Takfiri Khawarij.
CIA/RAW are now trying to expand the footprint of Daish. All previous terror
groups funded by CIA/RAW/Mossad are being asked to change names.
We had always maintained that there is NOT separate Daish in Pakistan &
Afghanistan. There are only TTP Khawarij who are changing names now. Within
Afghanistan now, Afghan Taliban are hunting all those Afghans who are now

being planted by CIA to emerge as Daish. TTA is furious

Today, DG ISPR gave a detailed briefing on Peshawar massacre of our children.

Today, DG ISPR gave a detailed briefing on Peshawar massacre of our children.

The entire gang was exposed, handlers were named and this was also disclosed that
the killers stayed in the house of an Imam of Masjid before beginning their
slaughter of our children !! It was a Deobandi masjid and an Deobandi Iman who
was a Kharji, protected the Khawarij and then supported the massacre of our
children ! We have been saying over and over again -- This is the Duty of Deoband
Ulama to condemn the killers and Khawarij within their ranks. Otherwise, we will
rip them apart, humiliate the, insult them and expose their filth which they hide in
their hearts !
But we hear nothing from Tariq Jameel, Samee, Fazal, Sheerani, Mufti naeem.
What we do hear is that Mufti naeem was also involved in burning 300 people
alive in Karachi ! Ya Allah ! What a curse this fitnah of Khawarij is.....
The other day, MQM leader Haider Abbas Rizvi proudly shouted that he is a
hardcore Shia who does matam with Zanjeers with his whole family !! It clearly
mean that he is NOT a secular man but claims to represent the "Hussainiat" and
Shias. But his hands are also dripping with blood but we hear NO Shia scholar
condemning the murders, crimes and bhatta of MQM which Haider Rizvi
represents. Here, we would demand from Shia scholars and community also to
expel and disown those Shias who are leading the mass murders of MQM.
But just as Deobandis do not condemn the Khawarij, Shia Ulama remain silent on
the crimes of their brothers in MQM !! This is the reason why Allah has inflicted
azaab upon us.
InshAllah, now with MQM, this fitnah of Khawarij would also be nailed. But the
Ulama have failed to rise and this is such a shame.... Astaghfurullah !!


Those who are stuck in their sectarian, ethnic and political loyalties, should now
understand the real threat -- Pakistan is now surrounded from all sides by enemies
of all kinds - from within and from outside. If you do not wake up NOW, you will
be decimated, humiliated, insulted and killed irrespective of your sect, ethnicity
and political affiliation.
When I speak against Khawarij, Deobandis attack me in return.
When I speak in support of Gen Zia and Mullah Umer, Shias start to attack me.
When I speak against the wrong policies of Saudi Arabia, Salafis and Deobandis
start to call me Iranian agent.
Remember this clearly -- Our sect is Ishq e Rasul (sm) and adab e Rasul (sm) and
our duty is to defend Pak Sarzameen against all Khawarij, Mushriks, Zionists,
sectarian, ethnic, regional terrorists. We will NOT show any mercy towards any
group, party or sect which divides, attacks and destroys Pak Sarezameen or attack
Pakistan army and ISI.
If you want to be part of this mission, you will have to follow OUR SECT -- Ishq e
Rasul (sm) !!! Ishq of Pakistan !! Ghazwa e Hind !! Khilafat e Rashida !!

Otherwise, you are just another loser. It does not matter which party or sect you
belong to. Just another loser....

And one more point.

Nearly 75 % members of this page, More than quarter of a million, are between 18
to 35 years of age ! Which means that they are too young to understand the full
depth of complex issues we discuss here.
For these students and young professionals, we would say trust this Faqeer, even if
you do not understand what we have written. Dont start to become Gustakh or start
contradicting or rejecting what we have said. We will NOT write to please you
NOR we can reply to each and every one.
If you do not trust us, join someone else's page BUT here, we have very strict
rules. Maintain adab even if you don't understand. In time, you will see we were
not wrong and you had limited knowledge. You should come here to learn, NOT to
give us lectures. OK ??
Dear Children,
If you have not read our 4 Books, then you do NOT know about us and our
mission. Every week, hundreds of new members join this page. They do not know
us. First educate yourself.

From Indus to Oxus -- My memoirs of Afghan War.
Halqa e Yaran -- the spiritual dimension of this Mission.
Iqbal e Pur Israr -- the Ideological vision and goal.
Khilafat e Rashida - the political model we want to bring.
These 4 Books are compulsory Text books. You can download them from net or
buy them from Office. Visit our website and spend some serious time here. Halqa,
Iqbal and Khilafat e Rashida are also available in Video series of the same name.
Watch our series The Debate with Zaid Hamid ! 113 programs covering the entire
spectrum of mission.
If you serious to be part of this mission, then educate yourself.

Another slaughter in Peshawar today ! Another attack by Khawarij. Still deep

shameful silence by Deobandi Mullahs! These are the cursed faces of the Khawarij
gone to hell !!
Tariq Jameel, what will you say to Allah (swt) on the day of judgement ?? While
the Ummah was being butchered by Khawarij from your sect, while you had the
power to stop this massacre, you decided to remain silent !!!! Shame... Shame...
Pakistan is bleeding... Ummah is bleeding... From Peshawar to Demascus....
Khawarij wreck havoc in the Ummah!
The govt stopped the hangings! Now we must hang the government !!! Instead of
hanging the terrorists, the focus of the government is on Senate elections, banning
the loudspeakers, stopping durud shareef before azaan and banning books of
Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani... Astaghfurullah !!!

Tariq Jameel, Imam Hussian (RA) wrote this for people like you !! Read it well,
for tomorrow you will have to answer to Allah and His Prophet on your silence !!!
You have the capacity to stop this slaughter. The Khawarj listen to you. Stop being
a beyghairat.


Met General Raheel at the funeral in the Joint Staff Head Quarters ground in
Chaklala Garrison today. He gave an affectionate hug and thanked me for coming,
while I offered my condolences and told him that now there is great responsibility
on his shoulders and InshAllah, he will be the Sadaqa e Jaria for his great mother.
It was a brief but warm and emotional meeting. MashAllah, a dignified son of a
great mother.

Today, in Chaklala Garrison, we were received passionately by all officers -- from

Lieutenants to Generals! Our message has surely reached!
There was serious acknowledgement of our mission that fighting the war of the
media & narrative is equally critical to defeat TTP on ground. Almost everyone
asked that why I am not coming on the media these days? There was general
realization that Pak media has catastrophically failed.
Meeting hundreds of serving & retired officers today, gave me a very genuine
pulse on what army is thinking. Our work is highly respected! Alhamdolillah !!

Here is a tight slap on the face of Capital TV and SAFMA !

Just last week, SAFMA snakes did propaganda that army has restricted our access
into armed forces. Still, there were some idiots who believed this rubbish from
Capital TV.
Watch this pic and count the number of meters I am standing away from the army
chief ) . I am where the red dot it
This is Chaklala garrison, hundreds of serving and retired officers are present with
entire Pak army leadership standing next to us and then meeting us before and after
the jinaza. Details I have posted already in previous posts.
We are guardian angels of Pak army, alhamdolillah ! NO ONE can separate us
from our boys in uniform. We fight this war together and are always burning the
Khawarij and enemies together ! alhamdolillah !!


It is time that we roll some heads in the Pakistan cricket board, politicians,
gamblers, bookies and the match fixers ! When elections can be fixed, then surely
matches are small events. These rascals only play with the emotions of the nation
and our children. Don't feel sad at what happened today. It was fixed !!
When we have Indian snakes like Najam sethi destroying Pakistan's cricket, then
you can expect such corruption. InshAllah, we will fix these traitors and gamblers
with our fate and destiny ! Stay strong... we have a war to fight !
Children, members I had to share this video with you. This can save lives, your
families and friends. Watch it and share it. This is the most common blunder our
chidlren do these days while driving or on motorbike !
When you are on cell phone or texting, you are blind on the road !!!!! NEVER DO
THIS !! Now watch and recite astaghfar a million times... We all drive every day
and blunders happen when you are over confident !!


Nawaz Shareef is in Karachi today and so is General Raheel ! PM will meet him
on in Corp Head Quarter on MQM issue. Rangers & ISI will brief him on Baldia
factory arson which burnt 300 people alive. MQM's fate hangs now!
Despite suffering a personal loss of his mother just two days back, General Raheel
is in Karachi and would co-chair the meeting with PM! Political govt does not
exist anymore except on paper as a formality. PM has surrendered to the army.
Now ISI will brief him on MQM terror!
Army's strategy is simple - make the political govt do the dirty work & own it too.
NS has been forced at gunpoint to own all what he hate . InshAllah khair will

come from this..

In Karachi today, it was a day of mourning for MQM & PPP. Gen Raheel cut
down the authority of the Sindh govt & army took charge!
No police or government posting or promotion can be done without army's
approval! Military Operation to expand to all over Sindh. Factory fire to be reinvestigated! Now the panic in political parties is palpable. Army has promised to
hunt all terrorists from all political, religious and ethnic parties!
Nawaz was invited into Corp HQ. He was then surrounded by COAS, DG ISI,
Corp Commander, DG Rangers, DG Mil Ops! Poor NS had no chance . He just
surrendered to all demands of the army.
May Allah give barakah and Khair to Gen Raheel and Gen Rizwan and all Pak
army. InshAllah, now we will take revenge from the Khawarij, Mushriks, Altaf the
toad and all the snakes like him !

Tauba ) what chance did Nawaz Shareef had ?? Totally bulldozed !! DG ISI,
Corp Commander & General Raheel and even a pic of General on the wall on 4th
side -- poor NS could only smile in the face of total defeat Army made sure he
gets the point and he surely did ) lol.
Since morning, NOT a single word from MQM and PPP too. Their grandmother
has also expired (Nani mar gayee hai) ))

Gen Raheel & Gen Rizwan are in Kabul today - achieving an incredible feat of
military diplomacy - creating an Afghan alliance against TTP!
Just 2 months back, it would be impossible to even think that TTA, ANA & CIA
would all surrender to Pak demands & would hunt RAW's TTP! What Pakistan's
entire democracy could not achieve in the last 10 years - two Pak army Generals
achieved in just 2 months! This is stunning. TTP is now being hit inside Afgh. CIA
is forced to dismantle their own monster, despite resistance from Afghan NDS &
RAW, is being done now.
Politicians have proven beyond doubt that they are incompetent rascals deserving
the dustbins of history. 6 years of democracy is pure evil! To all Pakistanis who are
short of patience & confused in thinking, I would say - Decade of deep rooted
cancer cant be removed in 8 weeks! For the first time in a decade, GenRaheel is the
first govt officer who has taken the initiative to remove this cancer of violence!
Musharraf initiated the chaos. Zardari, Iftikhar Chaudhry, Kayani precipitated it.
Nawaz froze in fear. Gen Raheel took charge after Nov 7th.
Gen Raheel was handicapped before Nov 7th. That is when Gen Rizwan, new DG
ISI took charge. Dec 16th was the pearl harbor, just 8 weeks ago! Every political,
judicial & military leader before R&R has failed this nation. Previous response had
been reactive, slow, self destructive!
For years, I fought the info war, galvanizing the nation into a counter attack BUT
waiting for the right army chief to come. He is here now! From a pure strategic
perspective, the moves of R&R are effective, swift, lethal & hitting at the center of
gravity of the enemy! I approve!
Pak army is still seriously handicapped as they have to drag the stinking dead body
of democracy along with cults of political rascals. The attacks we see these days

from TTP are the last death pangs of a fanatical religious insurgency which is now
being cut down decisively. TTP would violently react.
MQM & BLA would also be desperate to shake off the pressure BUT army & ISI
are now relentless & ruthless!! So stop asking why army is not able to stop
terrorism. This nation will have to pay with its blood for the collective failure of a
decade!! If you have supported these political parties, have supported former CJ &
NOT stood up against TTP, then you have NO right to complain!
Behave on this page.I will NOT take nonsense & silly remarks. We are fighting a
real war, risking ourselves & don't have patience for idiots.

Dont be impatient and don't ask stupid questions. Trust General Raheel & General
Rizwan. If you don't trust them, then leave Pakistan because then there is no one
else to be trusted in politics, media or mullahs.
We will explain to you what needs to be explained. If we are not explaining, then
stay silent and watch the events unfold and do what you can to spread our message
and azaan.
This is serious and bloody phase of war. We will not take any non-sense from any
Kharji, Mushrik or an idiot.


In 2001, US army had released maps of Balkanized Iraq, Syria & ME. But decades
earlier, David Gurian gave this plan!
One has to be a moron to believe that ISIS is an Islamic entity, while violating
every norm of Islamic faith & helping create Greater Israel.
Just imagine, a "terrorist Islamic State" has been created in Iraq & Syria. It still has
electricity, cell phones, internet & servers in EU. The "Islamic" State is able to
make highly choreographed complex videos, is able to import Orange Jumpsuits of
all sizes from Iraq to Libya.
The "Islamic" state is constantly getting infinite supply of latest weapons/ammo,

while it is supposed to be at war with all its neighbors!

Entire military power of US/NATO/Israel/Jordan/Iraq/Kurdistan/Turkey is
supposed to be enemy of ISIS. Still it survives?
Dont be naive!! ISIS is Israeli army & Khawarij joining hands for greater Israel.
Khawarij and Dajjal Nexus !!
ISIS is the nature of modern 21st century warfare! Covert agencies create nonState violent actors, exploiting the religious, ethnic lines. The religious narrative
which is being peddled by the ISIS is that their "Islamic" State will also capture
Istanbul! Clear threat to Turkey.
The Greater Israel also has the entire northern Saudi Arabia, up till the boundaries
of the city of Medina! Now the Saudi dynasty in trouble. So called Islamic State
destroying only those States which are supposed to be part of Greater Israel
Understand this!
While ISIS is degrading & Balkanizing Syria & Iraq, Israel is already preparing to
absorb millions of European/US Jews into Israel!
The Christian world has been decimated by the Jews - through their total control of
US Federal Reserve, Bank of England & entire Media!! Now both US & EU are on
the verge of a financial meltdown! Fiscal cliff in US & collapse of Euro zone are
needed to push Jews into Israel! There are millions of Jews who believe that the
State of Israel is a blasphemy to Jewish faith! Such good Jews will also be killed
by Zionists.
Back in 30's, Pakistan's founding father MA Jinnah, could see the dangers posed
by the Israel plan & called it "a dagger in Muslim heart". Even before the creation
of Pakistan, M A Jinnah, fought hard & fierce against British & US leaders,
threatening them of revolt on Israel plan. History & events have proved today that
Israel is indeed a dagger in the Muslim heart! Jinnah's vision vindicated.

The blood is on Britain! Britain wrote the letter to Lord Rothschild after the
Balfour Declaration, asking him to inform the Intl Jewry that Palestine is theirs
now. It was that letter to Rothschild 90 years ago, which sowed the seeds of the
bloodshed we see in the ME today. From World wars to ISIS today! If Hitler killed
the Jews in Europe, what right did Britain had to hand over Muslim land of
Palestine to Jews as compensation? War Crime!
Britain is the most evil empire - more evil than US & Israel. The devil incarnation always sow the seeds of violence for generations. Today, Pakistan & India are on
the verge of a nuclear holocaust over Kashmir - a dispute created by Britain. ME is
burning due to Israel!!
If there was a fair & independent trial court, all rulers of Britain in the last 300
years should be dug up from their graves & hanged!! After all, digging up graves
of criminals, hanging their dead bodies & dismembering it is the English tradition!
Oliver Cromwell told me


In Hadees Shareef, there is mention of a "pious" man, who remained busy in

praying and Ibadaat of Allah (swt) BUT NEVER stopped his people from the
Zulm, despite having the power to stop the Zulm. Allah destroyed those people,
starting from the Alim who was so "pious" !!
When I read these Hadees shareef, it reminds me of Tariq Jameel ! He will bring
azaab on this nation and his people because of his criminal silence despite having
the power to stop this bloodshed by Khawarij.

Many idiots say that I have become personal with TJ. This is stupid argument. The
fact is that all other Deobandi mullahs who have influence over Khawarij are all
exposed fully in front of the nation. Fazal, Samee, Mufti Naeem, Tahir Ashrafi,
Munawwar hasan, Siraj are exposed and humiliated. But TJ is still respected by
many people and all Khawarij follow him with great respect.
If TJ declare TTP as Khawarij, it will stop huge bloodshed in the country. But he
decides to remain silent.... supporting the Khawarij in their war against Ummat e
Rasul (sm). All his ibadat can go to hell if he is afraid to speak the truth ! No
respect for someone who stays silent now despite having the power to speak up !

Innalillahe Inna Ilehe rajeoon ! Have the Muftis of Deoband totally gone insane ??
Are they even Muslims ???? Now they have started to worship Hindu gods as
Muslim prophets ??? astaghfurulah !! what is the curse on them that they always
stand with Mushriks ????

Every Muslim leader, Muslim scholar, Muslim General, Muslim thinker is calling
TTP & ISIS as Khawarij, dogs of hell !!
Only the Khawarij, Mushriks, Zionists are not calling them as Khawarij !!
This is the furqan, benchmark, reference now for Islam & Kufr in this war!
Pak army is the army of Mujahideen, army of Rasul Allah (sm) which is fighting
the Khawarij, dogs of hell and is ready for Ghazwa e Hind !!
Only the Muslims will declare TTP/Daish as Khawarij.
Enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) will call them as Mujahideen or would stay silent
over their crimes.. Now you know why, execpt Mufti Rafi Usmani, all Mullahs of
deoband are supporting the Khawarij or are silent over their war.
"They think our religion has come from Makka and Medina. NO our religion has

begun from here, in India" !!!!

This is the Kufr that his Mushrik like Mullah of Deoband is barking ! Indeed he is
telling the truth -- his religion has begun in Hindu India, while the religion of
Ummat e Rasul (sm) began in Makka and Medina !
There is a reason why Allama Iqbal had said that both Qadianis & Darul Uloom
Deobandi are equal enemies of Islam...
When we see the Khawarij today, we know how true was Baba Iqbal.

Now I want to address Shia Muslims directly. It is critical that they understand me
Enemies are trying to ignite a sectarian war in the country. Next 30 days are
extremely sensitive as enemies will try to block the March 23rd Parade and the
visit of Chinese President. In entire Muslim world, this is the strategy of the Dajjal
and Khawarij -- ignite sectarian wars.
In Pakistan, Shias are part of Muslim community. I do NOT see any Shia killings. I
only see Muslims being killed. But what I am seeing is that Shia community is
reacting very foolishly after an attack by the Khawarij and are playing right into
the trap set by the enemies.
Just to give one example :
When the attack happened in Imambargah on Islamabad express way, few Shia
youth came out on the main Islamabad-Pindi highway and blocked the entire main
artery for 8 hours, blocking hundreds of thousands of vehicles, creating serious
crisis for Millions of Muslims. The roadblock was only hurting the Pakistani
Muslims, NOT the Khawarij. This is pure insanity ! DO NOT do this stupidity.
People were cursing the Shia community for blocking the road and this sectarian
hatred was rising.

Shia Muslims must understand this -- The whole country is feeling the pain of this
war, not just Shias. Over 100,000 Muslims have died at the hands of Khawarij, 95
% are Sunni Muslims. Pak army and Sunni majority Muslims are leading the fight
against the Khawarij and are giving great sacrifices. There is NO need to create
more crisis in the country after every attack by the Khawarij.
There will be more attack. There will be casualties. Stand firm, united with
courage and discipline. DO NOT act like idiots. DO NOT burn the properties of
fellow Muslims. DO NOT block roads to cripple the entire city. This is what
enemy wants. Let the army deal with the enemies and let us strengthen the hands
of our forces.
All Shia Muslims should convey this to their elders and stop their brothers from
being anarchic. If anyone of you burns the property, cars, homes of fellow
Muslims just because some Khawarij had attacked a masjid, then you are not a
victim but zalim yourself. Then we will be harsh on you too. Show the manners
and character of a Momin, not a Kharji.
Jazak Allah
King Salman seems a humble person. He is doing Tawaf without any protocol and
security. This is encouraging to see a humble king . Last time such a King came to
power was in early 70's when King Faisal was there before he was martyred.
Within a very corrupt Saudi dynasty, we have some good men too. It is Allah's will
to decide who He chooses for His duty. If Saudis don't wake up now, this might be
their last king from Saud family. He is a powerful man. He should play his role to
stop the desth and destruction within the Middle East, much of it is created due to
hatred between Saudis and Iranians on sectarian lines.

For Muslims, Makkah and Medina are sacred, not the governments that rule in the
Muslim countries these days. If Saudis make a blunder, we will criticize them. If
they do a good gesture, that will be appreciated. Same for all other governments.

When violence began in ME, every rascal said this is a movement for democracy.
In reality, this was Jewish 5th GenWar!
Israel is the only country in the world which does not have defined borders. It
expands every year into Muslim lands!
Zionists are shameless in exposing their war plans. World is stupid not to believe!
Still, world thinks ISIS is Islam
Once Muslim lands are decimated & Israel expands into Jordan & Syria, then ISIS
would be disposed off as useful idiot
ISIS is the sinister nexus of Zionists with Khawarij ! The Neo-Con fanatics of
Judaism, Christianity finding allies within heretics of Islam. Zionist Jews are
heretics of Judaism. Evangelicals are heretics of Christianity. Khawarij are heretics
of Islam -- NONE represent humanity!

InshAllah, this week, we will present this gift of love and adab to Sayadi Rasul
Allah (sm) for Ummat e Rasul (sm) !

InshAllah, this will be an amazing journey into the untold history of our epic
heroes who rose in times of darkness and despair to defend the Honor of Millat e
Rasul (sm). The times of these great heroes are being repeated today as well -same enemies, same threats, same kharjis, same crusaders, same wars within
Muslim lands -- Now we only wait for another Salahuddin !
PDF will be uploaded this week as gift for the millat IA.
Hard copies will be printed when we find a sponsor for the project. The project is
open. If anyone wants to join in this khair, welcome.
InshAllah, this will bring great khair for our children and generations.


This nation will have to pay the price of sleeping when the enemy was gathering to
attack. The whole nation is responsible - leaders, Ulama, media, intellectuals -who did not listen to the azaan when we started to warn this nation 7 years ago.
Now there will be a price in blood... Next 30 days are going to be dangerous and

Jewish plan is sinister & satanic -- use Khawarij to destroy 1400 years history,
heritage, culture, heroes, forts, masjids and Mausoleums of Muslims in Middle
East ! Jews believe that new generation would die, new generation would not
remember, so the Muslims will be disconnected from their entire history!
Hundreds of masjids, some dating back to 1000 years, have been destroyed...
Graves of Prophets have been dug out, Sahabas have been dragged out of their
resting places, entire museums have been robbed and sold in Israel, scholars are
being killed, books are being burnt! Now they want to destroy the Muqamaat of
Hazrat Khalid, Hazrat Bilal, Salahuddin Ayubi and Sultan Nuruddin Zangi !! Ya
Allah Karam...
Still, there are many snakes and idiots here who say that ISIS & Daish are
mujahideen. By Allah, we will NOT forgive any kharji... anywhere... Our swords
will deal with these dogs of hell...

InshAllah, will be uploading this emotional and passionate gift later tonight ! A
amazing soul stirring fascinating journey into history and unique introduction of
two of the greatest warrior in human history -- noble, courageous, dignified,
merciful and awe inspiring for centuries in both East and West !
This book is available for free downloads. We have given our azaan, done our
duty. Now if anyone of you want to sponsor the printing, its your choice. For us,
this is a sacred duty of Ummat e Rasul (sm) in these very dark times. May Allah

and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) accept this gift of love and adab !
Alhamdolillah, here it is. Fasten your seat belts ) This is one high intensity, high
adrenaline, rush of blood journey into history -- you will be present in the Crusades
-- alongside the great Sultans, marching on to liberate Jerusalem from the
Crusading Knights !!!
Allahu Akbar ! Let the charge begin !!!

Google Drive Link

Tweets: ISIS Khawarij are armies of Dajjal !!

Remember, I told you ISIS is a war against Islamic heritage, history, literature &
culture. They are burning it now.
Britain & US are regularly supplying ISIS with weapons, ammo, food & Mil
logistics. It is a huge supply operation.
There is overwhelming evidence from cross section of corroborating witnesses that a massive air
bridge to ISIS exist.

Iraqi army has shot down two British planes carrying weapons to ISIS. Now
London has been asked to explain their role.

Rasul Allah (sm) had warned us that Khawarij would be armies of Dajjal ! We see
that in Pakistan and in Syria/Iraq as well. The Khawarij in Pakistan are allies of
Hindu Mushriks and originate from Darul Uloom Deoband. This is a fact NOT an
Every Muslim MUST declare TTP as Khawarij. If he does not, then may Allah rise
such a person with Khawarij and Mushriks on the day of judgement !! Ameen.
Almost a year ago, we told you that ISIS is a Mossad creation !!
Now a US General also confirms that it has been created to counter Hizbullah in

Lebanon and to decimate Muslim lands...

All those who gave bayt to that fake Baghdadi, deserve to be hanged, starting from
Mullah Aziz and his witch wife Umme Hassan who was inviting these dogs of hell,
Jewish snakes into Pakistan !

Absolutely stunning MashAllah !!
Thousands of football fans reciting durud shareef in one voice ! This is the love for
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) which unites this Ummah ! This is the love which the
Khawarij/MUshriks/Jews are trying to hide and destroy !
Can anyone tell me which place is this and when was this event ??
Both epic books on Hazrat Khalid and on Sultan Salahudin are now here in a single

link !
Sultan Salahuddin Book has gone for printing also, alhamdolillah !
Today, have completed the text for our third book in Yeh Ghazi series - most
romantic tale of Sultan Fateh, the conqueror of Constantinople !! Alhamdolilah !!
InshAllah, within a week, this booklet will be presented for the Ummah.
May Allah accept these humble gifts from our team who is working literally 24/7
to defend the Ummah in these dangerous times.


Proposed tittle of our new book on great blessed Sultan Muhemmed Fateh, the
Conqueror of Constantinople ! MashAllah, another amazing epic taking you back
into the most romantic era of dignity and honor ! Alhamdolillah, the book is now
ready, being edited and designed at the moment and shall be uploaded for the
Ummah by next week iA.
This project is now open for sponsorship also. If anyone wants to participate, barak
Allah feek, welcome. We are doing our duty as ordained by Allah (swt).

Sultan Salahuddin and Nuruddin Zangi book has gone to print, alhamdolillah !

Do you know why Sultan Fateh converted the grand church of AyaSofia into a
Masjid ?? Nowadays a new fitnah has emerged which claims that Constantinople
has not yet been captured by Muslims and Sultan Fateh is not the blessed Sultan
according to the Hadees ! Ufffff, this is nothing but pure evil or pure insanity. For
500 years, Azaans are echoing in Constantinople and then they have the audacity
to say that Muslims have not yet captured the city ! Here, we destroy that rubbish
argument as it seems to have confused many young minds. This text is an extract
from our new book on Sultan Fateh !

Our direct warning to Khawarij and their supporters on their filthy allegations
against Pak army and its leadership ! Pak army is the sword of Rasul Allah (sm)
against this fitnah and now the necks of these Khawarij will be struck down !!

Gen Rizwan has just returned from US, meeting CIA and FBI counterparts. He

exposed RAW/NDS nexus with TTP terror !

Americans have no choice now. They have been caught betraying Pakistan by
allowing RAW to wage its proxy war of terror. Now US would listen! Pakistan is
now going to invite Afghan Taliban to Islamabad. A clear message to the US that
we will bury you in the graveyard of empires now. US is desperate now. NO US
troops can stay in Afgh if Pakistan does not agree. But Pakistan's condition is harsh
- Eject TTP/RAW NOW from Afgh.
It was a multi billion dollars terror empire which the RAW had created in Afgh
with the help of NDS & Deoband. Now it is being dismantled. The Deoband clergy
of India & Pakistan are the worst butchers of Muslims. In 1947, they supported
Hindu Zionists. Now they are TTP killers.
Over a 100,000 Pakistanis butchered by RAW/NDS & deobandi Terrorists of TTP,
all under watchful eyes of CIA. It is revenge time for Pakistan.
Remember I told you India would deploy TTP to attack March 23rd Parade? Now
ISI has caught a gang which was preparing
Let me make it very clear!any attack on March 23rd parade when Chinese Pres
would be the Chief Guest would mean Pak & China war with India!
India is playing with fire here.Indian nexus with TTP terror is now fully exposed &
documented & handed to world powers. India will burn too.
3 minutes of my talk with LUBP website on links of deoband with Mushriks and
what Baba Iqbal said about them ) This is the history their elders try to hide )))
Brutal truth !!
What is the strategy of Gen Raheel and Gen Riz ?? Why are they taking so much
time or are they really ??? Many of your questions will be answered here !!


This project is now open for sponsorship. if anyone of you wishes to get this
printed, welcome and jazak Allah. this will be your contribution to the mission.
Otherwise, Allah will find ways for us to get His duty done anyways inshAllah.
We shall be uploading the FREE pdf within couple of days inshAllah ! But
printing cost we cannot afford.
Project cost is 1,30,000/=. If you wish to sponsor the printing, pl contact office at
051 5598046,7 . Shami will give you details.
OR you can email me or sms Shami at : 0332 361 4342
Jazak Allah
Allahu Akbar !! Alhamdolillah, we bring this gift of love and adab for Sayyadi
Rasul Allah (sm) ! Emotional, romantic and stunning epic of a Jannati Sultan who
fulfilled a Bisharat of Rasul Allah (sm) 900 years later !! This is one story which
will shake your soul to the core and we bring it to you as a gift to the Ummah !
The book is ready to go to print inshAllah but for now, you can download and
begin one of the most romantic journey of your life -- The Conquest of
Constantinople !!!
Google Drive Link


This is the 3rd book from us in Yeh Ghazi series. Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed,
Sultan Salahuddin and now Sultan Fateh !! Sultan Fateh is yet another epic
romantic journey into history which our present generations have almost forgotten.
This too will give you goosebumps
Learn Urdu if you cannot read. In time, someone will translate them in other
languages too but for now, we are under extreme sense of duty to take out more
books on other Mujahideen of Islamic history. This is our gift to Sayyadii Rasul
Allah (sm) for the Ummah !

We would like volunteers who can translate these books into various languages. If
you are capable, qualified and have the required language skills and want to do
your contribution as a volunteer without any financial or material desires, then this
is an opportunity for you to contribute in the duty. You can translate one page or
two and send us to judge the quality of the work. If you work is approved, then we
can ask you to do it.
Just translating is not enough. You must reflect the passion, emotions and love as
well in the writings.

We prefer English, Persian, Arabic, Turkish translators for now.

There will be NO payments for the duty. Our volunteer team works with a sense of
duty and spends from its own time and resources.

It was an Israeli game plan all along -- from removal of Saddam to balkanizaiton of
Iraq/Syria to creation of ISIS !
India attempting the same Israeli game plan in Pakistan also - through "ISIS" of
their own -- TTP & BLA ! Epic fail !
For the first time in 2000 years, Zionist Jews have attained such power over
humanity. Now they are playing gods...
Real profit is NOT in selling weapons but in the Debt that these wars create,
sending humanity into perpetual slavery
Behind every war, there is a Jewish banker, whose profit lies in perpetuating wars,
expanding Israel & creating debts
As Israel expands, Palestine shrinks! The cursed Jews, given the Muslim lands by
the British in debt to Jewish banks
At a time when the sun never used to set on the British empire, the empire itself
was in debt to the Bank of England's Jewish owners! In case you don't know, the

Federal Reserve & Bank of England are private Jewish banks, NOT owned by US
or British govt! smile emoticon Yes, its true! When wise men within US spoke of
this mega crime, they were called idiots, conspiracy theorist by the real Morons!
Many US Presidents tried to resists the power of the Jewish Bankers - Most were
assassinated. Lincoln, Kennedy..
Some were blackmailed into submission like this guy! He knew he has destroyed
his nation & handed it to the vampires!
This is how the entire loan, debt creation, loan repayment, default process occurs!
Fiat non-existent currency loaned
That's why Kennedy was killed... He tried to start real currency, bypassing the
Jewish Federal Reserve! Paid the price..
Behind every government, democracy, dictatorship, capitalism, communism,
socialism, fascism - there is a Jew Banker!
It is difficult to remain sane once you know the scale & monstrosity of the crime
by the Jewish bankers! Entire world is enslaved now.. NO other religion has any
response to this Jewish mega scam & crimes against humanity except Muslims!
Quran declares war on Banks, Usury!! Prophet Isa (Jesus) also attacked &
overturned the tables of the Jew bankers in Jerusalem. Then they plotted to
assassinate him. Its Bible! In the end, it would only be Muslims making a stand
against these Bankers. Christian faith & society is annihilated by Jewish Banksters!
For 2000 years, Christians mistreated & humiliated the Jews for "murdering"
Prophet Isa (Jesus). Now the Jews have taken very harsh revenge! Europe is
dominantly Christian but the naive people do not realize that the Jews have chewed
them alive!! NO Jew has forgiven Christians!! There is NO Christianity left in
Europe now. Every act these Christians do is against the teachings of Prophet
Isa(Jesus). Every act literally. Are these Christian faith values ?? Adultery, Usury,
Alcohol, broken families, lust for wealth & high life, murders, rapes, divorces...
It is true that even Muslims do not practice their faith these days but the Quran
remains intact -- Code & the Constitution remains pure! Humanity has no chance
now except to revert back to the only existing divine code of religious law left to
man else its annihilation by Debt.

Even Christian arch bishops fear that Christian faith would die away in a
generation - the ultimate revenge by Jews!

Was watching the Senate elections on media and only wanted to vomit in disgust...
! These rascals only hold on this drama of democracy because it helps to keep
these pimps into power, allowing them to make windfall profits in no time... Each
one of them deserve to be hanged !! May Allah's curse be upon them, these
political parties and all those who support this democracy! May they burn in hell
for ever...
While these political rascals and snakes in media is celebrating the filthy called
democracy, somewhere else a soldier is dying to save this sacred land which is
now ruled by hyenas, wolves and snakes...
By Allah, we will take revenge from these political rascals and their pimps... Our
soldiers and the nation deserve love and respect NOT these rascals..
Urdu is a spiritual language. It was started by Hazrat Nizam uddin Aulia about 800
years ago and the language had the blessings of all the Aulia of Hind. For
centuries, it was the language of the Muslims and carried with it the barakah of
Hazrat Nizam uddin.
Now scientific research has been done on Urdu and it is found that this amazing
language prevents madness, mental diseases and dementia ! Allahu Akbar !!

MashAllah, Rabia Nazir has done a fascinating appraisal of Iqbal e Pur Israr
published as a letter to the editor in National Herald tribune. You can visit the
website and read it and dont forget to share. Alhamdolillah, azaan is reaching far
and wide and touching the hearts and the souls of the Millat !

These are your textbooks ! Ask your schools and collages to get them for you and
teach them.. Study them in your circles of friends and gift them to your friends on
their birthdays and weddings! This is the most sincere spiritual ideological and

knowledge based gift you have posses or give away to those whom you love !
Halqa will take you on a spiritual journey.
Iqbal will ignite the passion and Ishq in you.
Khilafat e Rashida will show you your duty.
Yeh Ghazi series will ignite the passion of our great heroes and would teach our
generation who they actually are...


Guess who they are ?? Yes, These are ISIS Khawarj having a friendly chat with
their real brothers Israeli Jews on Syria-Israel border !!!
ISIS has only killed and waged war against Muslims NOT against Jews. Similarly,
TTP Khawarj have only waged wars against Muslims and Never against Mushriks
or Americans !
That is why they are called dogs of hell !!!

CM of Baluchistan has gone rabid it seems! Blames govt oil and gas companies for
all the insurgencies & terrorism!
Zardari & NS should be hanged side by side for passing the 18th amendment
which turned Pakistan from a Federation into Confederation. After 18th
amendment, snakes like Qaim Ali Shah, Raisani, Dr. Malik operate without any
constitutional checks but demand more rights! Pakistan strong Federal Structure
MUST be restored back, most brutal accountability of the rascals who played with
the Federation like kids. This democracy has indeed been the best revenge against
the State & people of Pakistan. It is time for accountability of this Demon-cracy! I
have personally no doubt that a most brutal slaughter of traitors is required by the
patriots otherwise these snakes will sink the state!
As the State sinks due to political corruption & treason, the armed powerful groups
start to occupy space ie: Syria, Iraq, Libya! Now it is up to the army in Pakistan.
They are the strongest armed group. If they do NOT eliminate the political treason
NOW then we are toast!!

This democracy has drowned the country into a pool of blood. Unless we hang all
those snakes responsible for this mess, we will continue to bleed... ! Latest senate
elections have proved that each one of the MP's is for sale... these rascals have no
shame, have no faith, have no dignity....
These Senate elections have proved that unless we hang these rascals, we will be
burying more of our children... they sell us to the swines and then party on our

This power is the reason why Khawarij attack Pakistan army !! Khawarij and their
Darul Uloom deoband snakes in India are puppy dogs of Mushriks and Jews !!
Pakistan tested its long range ballistic missile Shaheen!!. It can hit Israel with
precision . Alhamdolillah !
On the East, we can take out the deepest tail of India, where they hold their
Command & Control base. Now in target !
These tests are not just done to validate parameters. They are done to send signals
to the enemies also that don't mess with us you fools !!
Pakistan is now the only Muslim nation to offer nuclear umbrella to the entire
Muslim world in the greater Middle East. Natural leader !!
Shaheen is primarily for the threats from Israel. For India, we have Ghaznavi,
Ghauri & Abdali -- just the names send shivers to Hindus:-)
For those who dont know, Ghaznavi, Ghauri & Abdali were Muslim Generals who
attacked & decimated the myth of Hindu power in the last 1000yrs
Indians also named their missile Prithvi, their own General, but the idiots forgot
that Prithvi was smashed, chained, executed by Ghauri
For a 1000 years, one after another, Muslim dynasties came & ruled over India
with Hindus only serving in docile servitude & submission.. !
Muslims were replaced by the British NOT by the Hindus ever. Hindus have
NEVER won a open major battle against Muslims in a 1000 years...
East Pak was a betrayal from within not a defeat in battle against Hindus, still
Indira Gandhi claimed it as revenge for 1000 years of slavery. This is the darkest
chapter of Hindu history - to be ruled by a handful of Muslims for a 1000 years
This sense of shame drives them mad.

IA, my new book on the Mujahideen of Ghazwa e Hind, covering Muhemmed Bin
Qasim, Sultans Ghaznavi, Ghauri & Abdali is due next week in pdf. Islam came
1400 years ago, created the greatest of civilizations of knowledge known to
humanity. What have Hindus got to show in last 1000 years years? Babar writes in
Tuzk e Babri after capturing India "people are dark, naked, filthy, devoid of any culture"!
Nothing has changed since

Our last night's tweets and threats to India were so intense that today Geo group
mentioned them as their
headline news where a "defense analyst" threatens India )) . They could never
name me but want to warn their masters in Delhi to know what we said
Alhamdolillah ! Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !! Labbaik Ya Sayyadi Ya Rasul Allah !!

Very soon, the time will come again - history will be repeated. Ghaznavi, Ghauri,
Abdali and Babar will decimate the myth of Prithvi.... ! They will start the war, we
will finish it for these rascals.. InshAllah.
Their Khawarij brothers are being decimated. soon Mushriks will weep also...


Remember, we always told you that MQM is another TTP, urban terrorists who are
planning to break the country with Indian, Israeli and British help. These are just
one stock pile of weapons found in their head office 90. Dozens of such stock piles
are loaded all over the city.
Not just the weapons,killers, assasins and murderers also arrested from 90. Altaf
was heard live on media saying that "why did these wanted people had to be at 90.
They should have stayed somewhere else. now the whole organization is in
trouble. Look at me, I am sitting in London" !!
After burning 300 people alive and running the most brutal terror campaign in the
city, MQM is now seriously under pressure. Their target killer Saulat Mirza is also
going to be executed in Jail inshAllah.
May Allah give infinite barakah to R & R. Those who said that army does not act
against MQM should now drown themselves in local gutter.... ! We told you to
wait and let R&R do their work. Now the end game for terrorists and Khawarij has
begun, alhamdolillah !


If you want to support the mission, buy our books !

We do not take donations. Every other political and religious party does. We are
not funded by anyone. Every media house, think tank and organization is. We
accept this cost to remain Free and Independent. That is why we speak the truth
and rest are afraid !
Our books are not just a solid mean to spread our azaan and do tarbiat of our
Children, it is also a source of Halal Rizq for us. We distribute thousands of books
free as well but producing high quality books is extremely expensive. Some close
friends do sponsor the printing sometimes.
At present, we have following books with us:
1. From Indus to Oxus (Urdu or English versions). Rs: 3000/=
2. Halqa e Yaran. Rs: 1500/=
3. Iqbal e Pur Israr. Rs: 1000/=
4.Khilafat e Rashida. Rs: 1000/=
5. Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (RA). Rs: 300/=
If you buy the whole set, you will get a discount of 1300/= and the whole set
would be Rs: 5500/= only. We can dispatch anywhere in Pakistan. Postage cost
will be upon us also.
OR you can buy individual books as per your choice.
Pl email me at
Or Call Shami at : 0332 - 361 4342.
Those outside the country can download the books for free and take prints. Jazak

Within 2 weeks IA, Sultan Salahuddin and Sultan Fateh would also be added the

When you do dua, ask Allah to give strength and barakah to Pak army, especially
to these two Generals. In just 12 weeks, since December 16th, these two brave sons
of Pak Sarzameen have turned the tables against the enemies -- from Afghanistan
to streets of Karachi ! Most comprehensive counter attack has begun, shattering the
Khawarij, RAW, CIA, afghan Intel, BLA and MQM war against Pak Sarzameen.
Anyone speaking against Pak army will be treated mercilessly by us. DO NOT
post anything against Pak army and its leadership. They are our defenders
appointed by Allah (swt) and we fully support and respect our soldiers.
If you cannot join the battle, then stay silent. Enemies will be crushed now IA. just

Congrats! The idiots who wept & one did not vote when Mil courts were formed to
save the country from terror becomes Chair/Deputy of Senate!
JUI gets seat of deputy chairman of Senate. This party patronizes TTP terror, runs
all the madrassas producing suicide bombers, hates army! Mr. Chair of the Senate
hates army too, cries when army exerts itself to protect the nation from terror gangs
run by his own deputy chair.
This insanity can only happen in Pakistan, where "democracy" is an organized
crime run by syndicated mafia & urban insurgency - all in one!
Pak army, you will fail your duty towards Pakistan if you don't deal with this
"democracy" as ruthlessly as you are doing with TTP & MQM.
Altaf the toad says MQM is being pushed against the wall! Yeah, right, we can see
that lol

Allahu Akbar !! Now we have our own drone and own laser guided missile !!
May Allah give barakah to Pak armed forces to be the wrath of Allah for the
Khawarij and the Mushriks !!
Altaf is now directly threatening the Army Chief & the Rangers. The idiot does not
realize that he is cooked big time
The only thing being discussed in power corridors is to whether to nail him in UK
jails or bring him here & hang him after military trial. Now Pak army holds
enough leverage on British govt to get Altaf the toad nailed in UK. Gen Raheel had
rubbed MI6's nose in dirt on his visit. Altaf is not realizing because he remains
drunk most of the time:) His top aides are bargaining with army to become
aprovars & informers
I had written here weeks ago that Raheel is NO Kayani & Rizwan is NO Zaheer.
The drunk fat toad in Edgware refused to believe & now weeps
Rangers do not have to prove a thousand murders to nail Altaf. Just One case of
Baldia town fire is enough to roast him alive. He is cooked. In the last 70 hours in
Karachi, since the raid on 90, NOT a single case of political assassination in the

city! The Mafia is hit hard!!

Indeed there are PPP's Liyari gangs, ANP's crime mafias, TTP's Sindh chapters but
the most hardcore crime syndicate belonged to MQM.
Baldia factory fire which burnt 300 people alive, murder of KESC MD, weapons &
killers at 90 -- Altaf is a dead toad.

Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has given us a strategy to deal with the Khawarij.
Pakistan's national security policy must be built on the guidance given in the
ahadees Mubaraka. The law is Qisas, strategy is total annihilation of dogs of hell
without mercy....

The attacks by TTP Khawarij on Christian Churches is an act of war against
Pakistan. But the reaction of the crowd was equally insane. Christian community
are part of Pakistan & they MUST understand that Pakistan is under attack NOT

just Christians. You CANNOT burn Pakistan.

Christians reacted exactly as TTP wanted them to. They captured two "suspects",
lynched them, burnt & killed them, destroyed public property. You CANNOT
lynch, burn, kill people! Reaction of Christians was as evil as the attack by TTP.
Arrests must be made here. This is NOT ok!
Remember, when a Christian couple was lynched & burnt by a "Muslim" crowd in
Punjab? All Pakistanis demanded their ruthless punishment. Communities in
Pakistan MUST understand. We are at WAR!! Enemy is attacking while Pak Army
is fighting hard. You Cannot play into enemy hand. This is an urban 5thGenWar. It
is fought in the streets & cities. Nation will have to take losses with dignity. We
are all in it together!!
I am amazed & shocked at this national media & its leaders. They are partying,
dance, frolic & music as if we are in a carnival not war!


Brief Threat Analysis:

The final battle for the heart & soul of Pakistan has now begun in full fury. Karachi
was the last frontier and now it has been ignited as well. There is NO turning back
for the army now. They have to clean up the country or face a fate similar to Iraq
or Syria.
But the army is still not realizing that two of its most critical flanks are exposed in
this war Media and the government. The media is acting as the fifth column of
the enemies, giving space and voice to the very violently hostile enemies and
traitors within. The political parties have also ganged up too against the army,
fearing their own demise under this relentless campaign. Even the PM is silent in
armys defense.
No army can hope to fight and win a war in the face of an extremely hostile media
waging deceptively sinister information warfare. Also, no army can win a war if its
own very government is hostile to the national army and is afraid of giving more
space, power and leverage to the armed forces. Government is dragging its feet on

executions. Military courts have still not become functional. Government is NOT
taking the load off armys shoulders by confronting the hostile media or the armed
political wings of the parties. Corruption, cowardice, indecision and bad
governance continue to wage economic terrorism in the country another axis
which the army is ignoring at the moment.
Media, government and the economy are the loose ends for the army in this war.
The deployed 5th Gen War is a total war of annihilation, attacking from each and
every axis of politics, economy, military, media and religion. It cannot be fought
through conventional means and especially not through this democracy. If the
army wants a termination strategy to this war, it will have to find a way to
terminate this farce which is being pushed as democracy in the country.
Otherwise, it is going to be a hard, long and bloody slog for the army with no end
of this war in sight. For now, the battles rages and though army gains major
ground, it still remains far from a decisive win in this 5th GenWar.
Three months ago, our children were slaughtered by Khawarij from the Congressi
deobandi pro-Mushrik animals. We have neither forgotten our children, nor
forgiven the killers. The killers and their supporters -- Mullah Fazlullah or Mullah
Aziz or Mullah diesal or Mullah Naeem -- they will all pay for this crime...
Mullah Tariq Jameel still decides to stay silent... he has not spoken a word in the
last 3 months against Khawarij... now you tell me, on whose side he is and what
should we do with him ??
If the government does not arrest the mobsters who lynched, burnt innocent men
right in Lahore, then the Punjab govt need to be lynched too. The State must
maintain an iron clad monopoly over use of violence. No appeasement to any
political party, religious group is acceptable.
Any community or party, which resorts to mob violence, arson, plunder of public
property must be nailed ruthlessly by govt, else army must! What happened in
Lahore & elsewhere proves beyond doubt that this country needs a true Islamic
justice system, NOT decomposed Anglo-Saxon law. State must provide justice
which is FREE, immediate, ruthless, impartial & at doorsteps, else mob rule would
takeover. NO justice, NO peace!
The real cancer is the Judicial system. This cancer is decaying the society. The
anger of the people is a revolt against the judiciary. Lower judiciary, the first level
of justice for common man, is the most corrupt institution in Pakistan & the
govt/Judges know it very well.
First Taliban revolt in Pakistan in Swat in 1992 was against this English judicial
system. Pak army has also revolted & formed Mil courts. I see absolutely NO
effort within the Judiciary to make an effort to reform its decadent, stinking
institution formed by Brits in 1860! There is NO doubt that the present judiciary is
THE root CAUSE which is sinking the State, its ideology & the nation. NO
Justice, NO Nation!
The fact that army created Military Courts is an open NO confidence vote against
the Anglo-Saxon Judiciary run by Mr. CJ. Its time they know. Martial Law is a
reaction against failed politics. Military Court is a slap on the face of Anglo-Saxon
laws. This judiciary asked for it. Mr. CJ must revamp his judiciary on war footings.
The failure of his institution is causing rebellions, mob rule & anarchy in the
country. Pakistan was destroyed by a CJ, Iftikhar Chaudhry! Military Courts is a
reaction to his war against Pak army & Pak. He is the real snake...
Criminal negligence, treason & corruption combined created the lethal chaotic
environment in Pakistan. Zardari, Iftikhar Chaudhry, Kayani did it. Thousands died
& dying because of the most disastrous 5 years rule from 2007 to 2012 - It is a

miracle that Pak survived AZ, IC, PK era...

Nawaz continued from where Zardari/Iftikhar/Kayani left. Equally treacherous. It
was Allah's mercy that He sent Raheel else we were cooked!
I have firm conviction that Govt, judiciary have NO right to claim their authority.
If army is doing their work, then it should rule too.
2015 is the decisive year for Pakistan. If the army does not intervene decisively,
then be prepared for mob rule, anarchy, lynching & Iraq. It is time our dear
General plan for the future generations & do not leave this poor nation in the hands
of Bilawal, Hamza, TTP, MQM, Fazlu.
Pakistan ha reached a stage now that it needs a most ruthless & brutal corrective
surgery or it should prepare for a anarchic bloodbath! What happened in Lahore &
in Baldia factory & in Chiniot & in Sialkot & in Peshawar gives me shivers & tears
of blood. This just cant go on!


Rangers filed a terrorism case against Altaf Hussian ! This is huge development...
MashAllah !
All those who said that army will never take action against MQM & Altaf should
now jump in the Indus..
We told you, Raheel is NO Kayani, Rizwan is NO Zaheer...
This is just the beginning... many more snakes will be nailed now.. Media,
Politicians, Social Media snakes who bark against army and Pakistan through fake
ID's... we are noting their names and guarantee that their time will come soon as
well IA !!
Cleaning up of Pak Sarzameen from filth, dogs, snakes, toads has begun..
alhamdolillah !


Allahu Akbar !! Another amazing journey begins...

Alhamdolillah, our fourth gift in Yeh Ghazi series is now almost ready and open
for sponsorship. If anyone of you wish to join the khair in getting this book printed,
pl email me.

Project cost is Rs: 165,000/=.

InshAllah, we will upload the pdf copy within the next 2 days. It will be our gift to
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) for the sake of this Ummat e Marhoom !
Labbaik Ya Sayyadi Ya Rasul Allah !
Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !!

The Don & his Mafia is now being unraveled rapidly! More and more from the
killers are coming forth. Toad is done
My sources are confirming that after arrest of Ayan Ali in money laundering, the
PPP lords are funneling billions in cash through boats to Gulf. The crackdown
against MQM has rattled PPP, Zardari, Rehman Malik & Tappi. They have stashed
billions in cash & now in panic. They are next..
COAS & DG ISI are in no mood of showing mercy to the criminals, terrorists &
extortionists in Karachi - Even if they are in London or Dubai

Just heard lawyer of MQM. He was desperate to prove that there is no provision in
law to re-open the case after death warrants. What rubbish! In every justice system
of worth, a case can be re-opened anytime, even after the execution of the convict,
if fresh evidence comes to light. There are hundreds of cases globally, where even
convicted & executed prisoners have also been given posthumous pardon on fresh
evidence. Pakistan's supreme law is Quran & Sunnah, as per constitution. if there
are flaws in applied Anglo-Saxon laws, they must be corrected.
Saulat Mirza is still alive. He is willing to give fresh evidence on the hundreds of
murders. His statement MUST be taken. Justice demands it. Saulat Never accused
MQM before because he was sure his party will never abandon him. But when
faced with total betrayal, he will spill beans! It is NOT about one murder case done
by Saulat. Hundreds of other murder cases will also be solved if fresh evidence is
taken from Saulat. MQM is desperate to get Saulat hanged. He must be hanged
indeed BUT AFTER he takes the names of other killers of 100's of people in
Karachi. Govt should also offer leniency for all target killers of MQM & PPP who
would come forth to give evidence against their handlers in MQM/PPP.
More than these target killers, their handlers must be hanged. If we have to use any
of these killers to nail Altaf or Zardari, then we must. Another axis, Uzair Baloch
is giving damning evidence against Zardari, Zulfiqar Mirza and Owais Tappi! He
is another "Saulat"
MQM can go to UN or ICJ, they are cooked!! Their are mass murderers & killers
& now Pak nation will not have their blackmailing. Enough!


InshAllah, tonight at 8 PM, watch DIN News. I shall be there to give azaan.. Entire
spectrum of threat analysis and response strategy to be discussed IA.
After a long time, blasted the MQM, PPP, PML(N) live

This is all that you need to know for now


Alhamdolillah, another gift to Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) !

Two new books on Sultan Salahuddin/Sultan Zangi and Sultan Fateh are now
available in hard copy too !!
Their pdf is already uploaded for free downloads. Google them pl.
Now, 3 amazing books on Muslim Warrior Heroes are ready !! Every Muslim,
every school, every soldier MUST have them..
Call office at 051 5598046,7 on how to order them.
Or email me.
Cost of 3 books is Rs: 1200/==
Alhamdolillah, these are true gifts for the Ummah !
Jazak Allahto all of you who patronized, sponsored and gave their effort and time
to make this happen. Your ajr remains with Allah alone..

In Tirah valley today, a new history of courage has been written by Pak army
tigers. Last strongholds of TTP Khawarij are being cleared...
This nation will always remain indebted to our soldiers who sacrificed their today
for our tomorrow. We have taken casualties in brutal fight. The shameless political
leaders, media remain indifferent to the fact that few brave men are fighting their
last battles to defend this land. The battle is still raging in the most inhospitable,
rugged mountains. TTP is being routed, decimated but not without a staggering
Those rascals who say that army fights for money, I will pay them 100 times more
if they spend an hour with troops facing certain deaths! We are proud to have this
army, these men in Khakis, these brave sons of the Ummah, who live, fight & die
for faith, honor & the nation..
There were reports of Mullah Fazlullah trapped in Tirah. The fanatical resistance
by the TTP Khawarij prove that the swine was present there. The ridges of Tirah
valley are the last strongholds of Khawairj in the country, which were attacked
today by Pak Army. Final battle is bloody. Just received... Major Gulfam from
Punjab Regiment martyred...! Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon..! Lived with dignity,
died with honor!
Rasul Allah (sm) has blessed the army which fights & destroys the Khawarij! Its
martyrs are the finest in the Ummah! Bless you Pak army! RAW thought that they
can hurt Pak through TTP Khawarij. But this war has turned every soldier of Pak
army into a ruthless fighting tiger! Pak army has now seen real war & real ruthless
enemies. Have given blood & sweat & is now a well oiled fighting machine. Ready
for India now.
Pak army is the only army in the world which is fighting & winning this
asymmetric, decentralized irregular 5thGenWar! Khawarij being nailed.
Recite Fatiha for Major Gulfam... MashAllah a shaheed of Ghazwa e Hind !!

Pakistan day Mubarak !
Do you know what really happened this day in 1940 ?? The conference of Muslim
league under the leadership of Quaid e Azam started their 3 day conference on
March 22nd. On March 23rd, the Pakistan resolution was presented. On March
24th it was accepted in the concluding session. Our elders chose the middle date
March 23, the day this resolution was presented, as the date to celebrate this one of
the greatest day in the history of Muslims in the 20th century. This was NOT a
ordinary resolution -- this was a destiny carved in stone, written with blood for all
times to come.
What really happened in those 3 days is another romantic tale which most of our
young generation do not know ! Here we bring to you a rare document written by
an eye witness of these great romantic days...
Treat yourself with this romantic history...
7 years ago, we revived the journey which was stopped in 1948 ! The caravan
marched again... Azaan was given... nation was revived... the march to Takmeel e
Pakistan began...
In March 2010, another Pakistan resolution was passed in Lahore -- by volunteers,

team of patriots who gathered again to hold the flag high... Those were so romantic
days when we were isolated, surrounded, hunted and attacked but we fought on....


ISPR has not officially confirmed it but many army sources are privately informing
me that this is true ! The pic seems real.
InshAllah, this news will be correct. Our men fought hard in Tirah valley and gave
great sacrifices to have this dirty head under our boots, alhamdolillah !!
It is always romantic to be at Wagah border
23rd !!

) We were there last year, March

Alhamdolillah, most decisive win in psychological war over Mushriks and

Khawarij !! Today, billions of dollars of Indian investment in demoralizing our
nation has been drowned in the Indus !! Allahu Akbar !! This nation has risen
again, to lead the charge to glory...
The mission that we started 7 years ago, to give hope to this lost and confused
nation is now bearing its fruits, alhamdolillah !!!!
Now Modi wants to negotiate! Yes, these are our negotiating teams you rascal and
they are coming to accept your surrender !!
Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !! Labbaik Ya Sayyadi Ya Rasul Allah !!

Allahu Akbar ! Our gift on Pakistan Day to the nation

The pdf links of our new book on Mujahideen of Ghazwa e Hind !
The project is now open for sponsorship. If anyone of you wish to get these books
printed, welcome. We have done our duty and presented it to the nation.
Make good use of this khair..
Google Drive Link
Scribd Link

Dear member, you can join BrassTacks mailing list also by clicking on the tab
"sign up" above. join now.
1. You can also follow me on Instagram. Have just made an account here.
2. Twitter is my active battlefield.
3. Also, visit our website for all updates, books, links, papers and analysis.
There are dozens of fake FB pages, Twitter accounts and blogs in my name. Some
are real pages also run by our team. But the above mentioned pages are the only
ones I manage myself and are official...
Educate yourself and fight the information war. You can be lethal weapon of
Pakistan on social media also. Do, what we do here

Have recieved the fully designed dummy copy of the book on Mujahideen of
Ghazwa e Hind !
If anyone of you wish to sponsor the project, you are welcome to do so at this
stage. BrassTacks team has done its duty, uploaded the full book free of cost for
the Ummah to benefit. Now we have to get this printed also for distribution within
armed forces, students, universities and patriots.
The total project cost is around 180K. You can sponsor partly also. This will be
your contribution to this war that we fight.

email me for the details.

Jazak Allah Kaseer.

Coming to Yemen, this is a catastrophic fratricide between SaudiArabia & Irani
proxies - having the same devastating effect as Iran-Iraq war! Pakistan did NOT
take part in Iran-Iraq war -- which was a Shia-Sunni war ! Pakistan played the role
of a moderator, trying to stop the war. The entire Middle East is at war with each
other. All Muslim countries are helping the enemies to destroy the other Muslim
country in 5GWar.
Saudi Arabia & Iran have already fought a proxy war in Syria, destroying a
Muslim land, allowing Israelis to takeover the country thru ISIS. Both Iran &
Saudi Arabia are at fault, fighting with each other within other countries,
protecting their own homeland but destroying others. Just imagine, who is the net
beneficiary of SA & Iran wage their wars within other Muslim lands ? This is ideal
for Israel, US, Daish only.
In Yemen, Iranian backed Houthis are at fault. They have attacked the Capital &
destabilized country, Just as FSA has done crime in Syria! Saudis are trying to
overthrow a pro-Iran regime in Syria. Iranians are trying to overthrow a pro-Saudi
regime in Yemen. Both criminals!

Pakistan MUST maintain neutrality in the conflict, call OIC emergency session,
Turkey, Pakistan should get together to force Iran/SA to stop. I will advice all
Shias to stop igniting sectarian narrative against Saudis in Pakistan. The retaliation
from pro-Saudis would wreck havoc.
Iran supported US to destroy Taliban in Afg & Saddam in Iraq. Now Shias are
begging Mullah Omer for protection!
The example of Iraq & Afghanistan should make Tehran understand that the chaos
they create in overthrowing regimes is filled by Khawarij! Saudis should also
understand their stupidity. They destroyed Iraq & Syria & now are surrounded by
hostile Daish & very angry Shias! uffff
The fires that Iran & Saudi Arabia has burnt in other Muslim lands will come home
to haunt them too. Israel is waiting to attack both! How stupid the leaders of the
Ummah can be. How myopic, shortsighted, deaf, dumb and blind ! Israel is
laughing on the floor rolling! uff
Both Iran & Saudi Arabia must fear the divine justice. Their mutual sectarian wars
have killed millions of Muslims since 1979. Enough! Stop!


InshAllah, at 8 pm tonight, on DIN News, we are coming live in an exclusive one

on one program on Yemen crisis. InshAllah khair for Pak Sarzameen and Ummat e
Rasul (sm).

IA, program will be uploaded here for those who do not get DIN news on cable.
Our game changing analysis on Middle East and Yemen crises. It is time that
Pakistan takes charge of the destiny of the Ummah,

I had made this post in 2012. repeating it again today. Watch it AFTER you have
heard the DIN news program done last night. You will understand what role
Pakistan played in the past to unite the Ummah and this is what we must do today.

I am angry at those Pakistanis who are trapped in Yemen today. War was building

for weeks. why they were stupid to stay there by choice??? Every country was
pulling out their citizens for the last many weeks. Only Pakistani embassy, FO and
nationals were sleeping as war built up. Now the whole country is in a crisis,
concerned. Media adding to the panic.
Army & ISI desperately trying to manage a rescue operation. Media is blaming the
govt that no rescue has been done so far. But media must also nail those stupid
Pakistanis who opted to stay in war zone.
Houthis are angry with Pakistanis as media reports falsely claim that Pakistan is
part of the attacking coalition. Pakistan must involve Iran! At a time when Pakistan
is desperate to pacify Houthi Shias, Nawaz Shareef announces full support to Saudi
Arabia! He is a brain dead moron. Now thousands of Pakistani lives are at risk.
The madness of war in charged sectarian environment does not follow any
morality or law. I can assure you, army is not making any statement but they are
operating on war footing in an impossible crisis created by the mad govt.
Remember the fuel crisis? Warnings were given months before, but the idiots in
PML(N) kept sleeping. They repeated this chaos in Yemen too. If any Pakistani
dies in Yemen due to this criminal negligence of NS government, this should be
the last nail in the coffin of these idiots. Saudi attack on Yemen did not come out
of the blue. Nawaz was told about this when he visited SA last month. He stayed
silent #braindead
You cannot blame Pak army for not doing the duty of Foreign Minister. Army is
already doing way beyond the call of duty. Who is FM anyways?? Pakistani
Foreign office has collapsed. It does NOT exist. For the last 2 years, Nawaz has
NOT appointed a Foreign Minister!! ufff.. madness

For the last 35 years, the sectarian wars between Wahabi Saudis & Shia Iran have
decimated the Ummah! Unforgivable
In Pakistan there are strong lobbies within political parties, Media & the Mullahs
which act as proxies of both Iran & Saudis & fight within. Shias in Pakistan
heavily tilt towards Iran. Wahabis/Deobandis are willing to kill for Saudis. There
are hardly any sane voices of reason.
Both Saudi & Iranian lobbies in Pakistan are extremists, radicals & devoid of
concerns for the Ummah.Sect matters to them NOT Islam or Muslims. Yes, I am
being harsh.The blood of 4 million Muslims, destruction of all large Muslim
countries is enough reason to be harsh on both SA/Iran.
Since the Iran/Iraq sectarian war between Arabs & Persians, the only beneficiary
has been Israelis, Zionists & the Bankers NOT Muslims/Ummah. Pakistan needs a
strong ruthless Pan-Islamic ideological leader who can deploy the military prowess
of the country to knock sense into Ummah.


Renowned scholar and patriot Saqib Mustaphai sb visited our office yesterday and
we exchanged views, books and ideas to serve Ummat e Rasul in a more dignified
manner. Alhamdolillah, more and more sincere Pakistanis are responding to the
Azaan and we all share the same love and adab for this beloved Pak Sarzameen.

Let me clarify one issue here. People ask me how can they meet me if they wish to.
But my question is before you make a meeting request, ask yourself -- why you
want to meet ?? Is it a real genuine issue which would benefit the Ummah or just a
desire to meet "sir" ?
These days we are extremely busy in fighting the wars against all enemies -especially after December 16th. We are also writing books and the Yeh Ghazi
series is being produced at breakneck pace. Our azaan is going out through social
media and occasional TV programs and whatever need to be said has been said.

We expect our members to read our books, follow our programs and inshAllah,
they will not have any questions.
Students, people come and ask the same old questions which we have answered a
million times.... !! Just because they have not seen our programs or don't want to
read the books or don't want to check the FB or twitter. It is humanly impossible
that we answer each one individually in office. So, we have stopped meetings
unless it is an emergency.
Sometimes, people exploit this also. They call us, request for a meeting calling it
an urgent, emergency issue. When we invite them, they start with " why are you
not on TV these days?, what is the difference between Afghan Taliban and TTP?
.... aur sunain kia ho raha hai aaj kal.... !! ufff... you can imagine
Every week, we receive hundreds of requests of meetings from all over the
country. Almost all of them are declined. We have cut down our meetings
drastically. It is NOT arrogance, it is NOT security issue. It is pure and plain time
We are only meeting people who can influence other people or a group of students
or armed forces officers or foreign think tanks or diplomats or Media. Individual
meetings with those who just want to meet are being discouraged.
There was time when we were travelling all over the country for lectures, talks and
meetings. Now this is a different time. We have drawn the sword and necks of the
enemies are being cut. Now we will NOT explain or give excuses. We fight them
in battle now.
If you want to meet or message me, follow the adab and protocol of writing please.
Introduce yourself in full, give your details and mention the reason why you want
to meet. people constantly ask me for time without even telling their own name or
reason. Dont do this.
I cannot pick up every call or reply to every message. Have patience and respect
the duty we are doing. we never asked you for help when we were alone,
surrounded and hunted by the enemies. Now Allah has brought us here and we
hunt the enemies. Let us do this duty now..
Jazak Allah


I have NOT found a single politician, media anchor or analyst who has grasped this
complex scenario. All in darkness!
For Iran, Turkey & Saudi Arabia - and their die hard blind followers on media calm down for God sake! None of you understand it right. First criteria of having
clear vision is neutrality & concern for the Ummah, NOT biased sectarian or
nationalistic view. All fail this test. Without any doubt, I have found most harsh &
dangerous position taken by Wahabi Saudis & Shia Iranis. Turks are willing to
Learn & change.
It is a complex sectarian & ethnic triangle which is locked into confrontation Wahabi Arabs, Hanafi Turks, Shia Persians! Its OUR loss! This is a fact of history
that Pakistan is the only country having most brotherly, cordial & close relations
with all Arabs, Turks & Iranis. Being the largest & the most strongest Muslim
nation, with closest terms with all 3 combatants, it is Pakistan's natural duty to be
big bro.
What options does Pakistan have? Fight Iran for Saudis? Fight Iran for Turks?
Fight Saudis for Iran? Fight Iran for Turks? OR pull back all 3?? These are
dangerous times for the Ummah! Israel has NOT lost a single soldier & 3 million
Muslims have been slaughtered in sectarian wars.. Saudis & Turks are fighting to
stop Shia expansion. Iranis blame Turks for creating another Ottoman empire &
blame Saudis for killing Shias. This infighting within Arabs,Turks & Iranis could

spill into Makkah & Medina. Pakistan must send a Brigade each in holy cities to
The holy cities belongs to the entire Ummah, NOT Saudis. Haramain are under
under administrative control of Saudis. They don't own Haramain. In the past,
when tensions were high in the ME, during Arab-Persian sectarian war, there was
massive bloodshed in Makkah as Iranis clashed.

Alhamdolillah, today met ambassador of Bosnia Nedim Makarevic. An amazing

young man from the heart of Europe's only Muslim country, MashAllah.
Recently, Nedim had the courage to break the diplomatic protocol and he sang an
emotional song for the fallen children of Army Public school Peshawar. Shall post
the link here soon. You must watch it and share it.
Pakistan helped Bosnia when they were subjected to the brutal 4th Gen War
between 1992-95, where all western powers ganged up to crush the newly
emerging state of Bosnia. Our anti-Tank rockets helped destroy the Serb Tanks
which were threatening the new Muslim state.
The bond of love between Pakistan and Bosnia is strong.. MashAllah ! You can
feel the passion and the energy when you meet a Bosnian.. I felt it again today..
Bosnian Ambassador Nedim deserves our love and respect for his emotional and
passionate expression of love for our fallen children of Peshawar...
This is unprecedented by any ambassador....
Pakistan loves you Bosnia ! Brothers forever...

We Pakistani Muslims must reach out to the Ummah. Connect to Muslims from
other nations and share the beauty of Pakistan, share their culture, history and
heritage. Bring the Ummah closer. Learn Turkish, Arabic and Farsi. dont remain
locked within your geography. You are one Ummah -- own it.
This is the page of Bosnian ambassador. like it and share it.
His Twitter
With english sub-titles - Our program on Yemen crisis.
This is a war between two Yemeni sides -- one is backed by Saudi Arabia, other is
backed by Iran. It is a civil war within Yemen but on the larger axis, this is a
Wahabi-Shia war between Saudi Arabia and Iran. This war is going on for the last

35 years between these two countries....

Spread this to English speaking circles..

Yes, it is a civil war within Yemen & Houthis are Shias & so are Zaidis, but on a
larger regional level, this is a Saudi-Iran sectarian war. No country should have
interfered into Yemen militarily. Civil wars can be dealt through talks or
peacekeeping forces. NOT more wars!
Pakistan surely has NO business to join the Yemen civil war where SA & Iran are
acting as proxy handlers. It is fratricide, dirty & a trap! Let me make it clear -There is NO harm in Pak army going to SA. It has happened many times before
also. Harm is in joining the Yemen war.
Israel is threatening to attack Iran in case nuke deal goes through. In that case,
Pakistan must also offer total security to Iran also!! Iran is dealing with India &
disregards Pakistan's concerns, even though India is as worse as Israel. Saudi
Arabia is doing the same to Pakistan.
Both Saudi Arabia & Iran have protected their national interests without any regard
for the Ummah. This is where Pakistan stands dignified. All Arabs have formed
diplomatic ties with Israel. Pakistan has still maintained the honorable stand of
NOT recognizing cruel Jewish state. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt & Turkey have
become parties in the ME conflict. Pakistan is against Israel only. NOT against any
Muslim nation! #proud


There is NO one sane in Pakistani media or politics now. Saudi lobby led by the
PM himself is desperate to protect their business investments in Saudia. The strong
Shia lobby in Pak media & politics is fully on the side of Iran, abusing accusing
and provoking the Saudi lobby, creating more friction and venom within both..
Both lobbies need a strong beating at the hands of army and patriots. Pakistan must
rise above sectarian and biased prejudices and act as elder brother of the Ummah !!

Haters can remain in denial but the fact cannot be denied or changed. Sayyadi
Rasul Allah (sm) gave all the Bisharat about Pakistan army -- the army of Ghazwa
e Hind, the army which fights the Khawarij, The army of the East, the army of
Khurasan, the army of Hind and Sindh, the non-arab army which will be more
powerful than arabs and will defend the deen, the army whose fragrance came to
Rasul Allah (sm) !!!!
InshAllah, our book on Ghazwa e Hind is coming in 10 days.... !!

Every army fighting in ME is relying on religious narrative - Christian/Jewish

Zionists waiting for Messiah, Shias & Sunnis for Mehdi..
You cannot define this latest Crusade in simple narrative - It has deep religious
roots but oil, gas, pipelines & land also tag along!
The tragedy is that a bloody Shia-Sunni sectarian war is raging on expected
"Mehdi" but no one knows his whereabouts or time of arrival. And when the
Mehdi will come eventually, still Shias & Sunnis will fight yet again, as both
expect him to be from their sect. He wont be
In this frenzied, fanatic mindset of extreme positions, both Shias & Sunni
hardliners fail to see that the status of Mehdi is above sect!
What is the sect of the Prophet of Islam Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm)???? What is the
sect of first 4 righteous Caliphs?? Shia or Sunni??
Shias will fight against Iman Mehdi. Yes, they will. Because he will NOT be a
typical Shia of today. Same crisis will be faced by Sunnis too.
As far as Khawarij are concerned, they are neither Shias NOT Sunnis. ISIS, TTP
are NOT Sunnis. But these Khawarij benefit in this sect war. Khawarij & Jews are
both enemies of Shias & Sunnis. But both sects are exhausting their energies in
fighting each other.This is real tragedy.
Iqbal is the only Muslim thinker, visionary who have properly understood the
complex soul of the phenomenon of Mehdi. Everyone else is confused. Iqbal's
understanding of "Mehdi" is stunning, dynamic, full of action, struggle & clarity of
vision. It is NOT confused, vague or foggy. You can imagine the confusion within
Shia doctrine of Mehdi that once Shias kept horses ready outside a cave for 300
years, waiting for him. Even now, the war frenzy in Syria & Yemen has again
ignited the euphoria in Shias that the promised Mehdi is about to emerge, creating
"The one who is inspired first by God to lead the revival of the Ummah in darkest
of times against heaviest of odds,will be the Mehdi" Iqbal
According to Iqbal, instead of waiting for the promised Mehdi, one should rise and
become the "Mehdi" of the time to revive the dead Ummah. Like the promised day
of judgement, it will come indeed, but for a man, his day of judgement is his death
for which he must act NOW.

Iqbal has drawn his concept of "Mehdi" from the Hadees of the Prophet, where the
first rightly guided caliphs have also been called "Mehdis"

Read this Hadees Mubarak of Sayyadi Rasul Allah !! The term Mehdi is used in
plural -- for all Khulfa e Rashideen ! Every Khalifa e Rashid is a "Mehdi" of his
time... !
Rasul Allah (sm) has informed us.
The last Mehdi will come when Khilafat ala Minhaj un Nubuwwat will be reestablished in the end times but only Allah knows his secret. Both Shias and

Sunnis are confused and divided on the concept of Mehdi... but fight to kill each
other... Astaghfurullah !!
Iqbal drew his concept of Mehdi from this Hadees Mubarak ! The revivalist,
rightly guided Mujaddid of the time who would lead the Ummah in times of crisis
would be the "Mehdi" of that time... the rightly guided leader !! Thats all it is...


This one pic says it all -- Pak army is fighting the Khawarij, defending the millat.
On the other hand, judiciary is defending the Khawarij and attacking the Pak
army... !
Pak army has formed its own military courts but the civil courts are attacking the
army. Lal masjid Khawarij are the worst terrorists. They killed dozens of Pak army
commandos and then use their clout to file cases against Pak army also.
Astaghfurullah !!

3 years ago, I filed critical petitions on Media's war against Pak & BLA's war
against Pak but that snake Iftikhar Chaudhry refused to listen. Pakistan was
burning in the deployed 4th GenWars & I filed petitions in Supreme Court but
Iftikhar Chaudhry sided with the enemies. #Rascal
The betrayal & treason of the former Chief Justice is most mortal crime for the
state. He had the oath to protect Pakistan. Must be hanged. If Musharraf, former
COAS & President can be put on trial, then surely a traitor Chief Justice deserves
equal if not more severe punishment. I wish army takes up the case of treason of
Iftikhar Chaudhry in a military court and drag & humiliate him as he did to Pak
army during war.
Army & ISI must also pursue their case against Geo. If PEMRA does not shut
down Geo, as demanded by the ISI/Army, then NS govt must also go. How can a
private channel continue to operate in the country when Pak army/ISI have
declared it a traitor & national security threat??
The treason of Geo & Iftikhar Chaudhry is as severe as the violence by TTP, BLA
or the MQM. If I had faith in SC, I would file a case but no. The divine justice
would ultimately catch up with Iftikhar Chaudhry & Geo snakes but in this world
also, they deserve most severe humiliation.

Those waiting for Imam Mehdi should watch this clip. The army of Khurasan is
the army of the East, army of Ghazwa e Hind, army of non-arabs -- promised by
Sayyadi Rasul Allah !! You CANNOT ignore the ahadees of Ghazwa e Hind and
then assume that you are part of army of Mehdi... ! All those Muslims who are
ignoring the Ghazwa e Hind are doing a catastrophic blunder.

InshAllah, at 8 pm Saturday night, Watch Sach TV for my exclusive analysis on

Yemen crisis, Karachi ops and future of Pakistani politics.
We shall post the program here for those who cannot see it live.

Z A Bhutto has been a curse on Pakistan. Sinister player on East Pakistan, his sons
ran terrorist org Al-Zulfiqar, son-in-law Zardari destroyed Pakistan! PPP can utter
any political rhetoric but the fact cannot be denied - His family has destroyed,
robbed, attacked Pakistan like enemies..
Why no mention is done of Al-Zulfiqar, the dreaded terrorist org made in his
name, by his sons to destroy Pakistan on behalf of RAW/KGB?

Z A Bhutto was just another Altaf Hussain but with a touch of class. A proud,
arrogant feudal, alcoholic, cruel, killer hanged for murder!
Both Shahnawaz & Murtaza Bhutto killed thousands of Pakistanis, hijacked PIA
planes, planted bombs, destroyed rail tracks...died like rats..

I was appalled at the shameless hypocrisy of anchors & politicians praising Bhutto
today. NO ONE had the courage to mention his & sons crimes. In Bhutto's era,
every street shop sold wine, Casinos were built, Federal Security Force, FSF,
Bhutto's private militia terrorized people..
Bhutto was rightly hanged for his murder of Ahmad Raza Qasuri's father. It was
NOT a judicial murder but a legitimate execution under law. Along with Bhutto, 6
other directors of his dreaded Federal Security Force were also hanged for their
involvement in campaign of murders. Ahmad Raza Qasuri still carries the gunshot
wounds in his body, surviving multiple attempts from from Bhutto. Kasuri's father
was killed..
Bhutto was a brutal dictator, corrupt to the core, evil genius, ruthlessly revengeful,
totally secular - a kind which is born to be hanged. There are people who still
worship Bhutto but at least now you know their god. I strongly object to using the
term Shaheed for this murderer. I have seen the era of Bhutto. I have seen the
crimes of FSF, Casinos, Alcohol, terrorism by Al-Zulfiqar. Ignorant can continue
to defend.
Finally, we can bury Bhutto forever. NO Bhutto or Zardari will come to power
now, IA. Pakistan will take its revenge from these rascals now. Every leader has
done some good projects during their rule but you judge them on overall
performance, corruption. Bhutto was evil genius. Think about it. Why NO financial
corruption allegations against Ayub or Zia but staggering corruption by Bhutto,
BB, NS, Zardari??
Every ruler makes mistakes. If the mistake is done in good faith of the nation, it is

forgivable. BUT corruption means criminal mindset..

The crises in Yemen is no different from the wars in Syria, Iraq, and Libya. While
the Muslims fight amongst each other, only then Jews celebrate.... posts/ syedzaidzamanhamid/805036892884457

This is only my segment from the program.
Pakistan need to create and lead a Muslim peacekeeping force for all troubled Muslim lands -from Afghanistan to Yemen to Syria to Palestine..
Pl note that the following page is FAKE !! It is NOT mine. Even though it has
more members than my official page. The reason is that it used to be our real page
years ago but was hacked & hijacked. FB has refused to shut it down despite our
numerous complaints.
The real page will always be linked to our websites:
This is the sure way to confirm. Also, the quality of the posts, the language used
would tell you the fake pages. It is your duty to know and spread the word. Jazak

Watching the nauseating performance of the parliament today in the face of a

staggering crisis, it is clear that time has come to wrap it. This is a historic
opportunity for great leadership to rise & grab the glory in the face of mortal
threats to the Ummah but these rascals...
The issue is far bigger & complex than Yemen alone. It is the entire Muslim world
in the greater Middle East.The war is for its heart & soul. 100 years ago too, there
was a catastrophic leadership vacuum in the Muslim world, being carved into
nations on maps drawn on tissue papers. Ottoman empire was dismembered,
Caliph deposed, Ummah carved into nations by Churchill sitting on a dining table
drawing maps on tissues.
WW1 "liberated" Palestine for Jews. WW2, created Israel. Now this new 21st
century WW3 raging within Muslim lands to expand Israel into ME. In the
beginning of the 20th century, Muslim political, military power was decimated
totally, allowing Israel to be created, expanded. Now the beginning of the 21st
century is witnessing another catastrophic & violent reshaping, dismemberment of
ME drawn after WW1/WW2. If Muslims lose this war, then the entire Islamic
civilization would be at stake for generations. Israel will expand into Jordan, Syria,
Such are the stakes we are dealing here with.There is NO nation, leader, parliament
within Muslim lands today mature enough to understand it. In this most complex,
mortal threat, Pakistan MUST rise, lead & gather the dispersed Muslim nation in
its final existential war! Only we can.
The crisis is staggering, leadership is shamelessly corrupt, dead. The ultimate
responsibility will fall upon the Military to take charge! The parliament today has
sealed its fate. It is hopeless to expect any wisdom or courage form it. These are
rascals, parasites, snakes....
Pak Army MUST invite COAS from SA, Turkey, Iran, Indonesia, Egypt &
immediately form & lead a Multi-Muslim-nation peacekeeping force for ME. Wars
within Muslim lands MUST be dealt by Muslim forces. US MUST leave the
region. Muslim Peacekeepers MUST enter Afgh, Iraq, Syria, Yemen..

MPKF (Muslim Peace Keeping Force) is the future else its total decimation of the
entire greater Middle East & all Muslim civilization. Pak Army, the way you
rubbed the noses of these rascals in the parliament to change the constitution for
Mil courts, do the same for MPKF.
We have two official websites. This is one and the other is:
These websites contain all official FB, Twitter, blogs... and also updated with all
latest and old programs, books and papers. You can enter your email in the mailing
list and receive our broadcasts in email also.
Inform others..


This is the power of our azaan, alhamdolillah !! Every word we say, becomes
national policy... !
Do you read the words "Islamic Peace keeping force" ?? Every MNA is now
repeating our words. Newspapers are running the headlines... !! Those who say that
we do not do anything practical but waste time on FB, should leave this page
We know our duty and Allah gives barakah in it... alhamdolillah !

Let us give you a fascinating surprise, MashAllah !

For a very long time, we have been secretly working on this amazing project Rendering of Iqbal's passion into English !!!!
Our dear elder brother and friend Owais Ghani sb shares our Ishq and passion of
Iqbal and have amazingly rendered Iqbal's fascinating works into equally
mesmerizing English poetry, giving our the real essence and soul of Iqbal's
This is an incredible work, NEVER done like this before. This will open up Iqbal
to the world which so far has remained hidden.. Alhamdolillah !
InshAllah, soon, we shall upload the pdf.
This project is now open for Sponsorship. If anyone of you wish to take up the
printing cost, you are welcome now. Total project cost is Rs: 180K. Alhamdolillah,
we have burnt our blood to bring it to you and now it is up to you to join the khair.
Only the most blessed will be selected by Allah (swt).

It is next to impossible to translate Iqbal. You can only try to express his passion
and that can only be done by some who has Ishq with Iqbal's vision. Our dear
Owais Ghani sb is one such soul, who has shed his sweat and blood to create this
Team BrassTacks has designed it and now we are working to complete it and
present it as a gift to the Ummat e Rasul (sm).
It is your duty now to spread this far and wide and introduce Iqbal to the English
speaking world...

If you want to support the mission, buy our books !

We do not take donations. Every other political and religious party does. We are
not funded by anyone. Every media house, think tank and organization is. We
accept this cost to remain Free and Independent. That is why we speak the truth
and rest are afraid !
Our books are not just a solid mean to spread our azaan and do tarbiat of our
Children, it is also a source of Halal Rizq for us. We distribute thousands of books
free as well but producing high quality books is extremely expensive. Some close
friends do sponsor the printing sometimes.
At present, we have following books with us:
1. From Indus to Oxus (Urdu or English versions). Rs: 3000/=
2. Halqa e Yaran. Rs: 1500/=
3. Iqbal e Pur Israr. Rs: 1000/=
4.Khilafat e Rashida. Rs: 1000/=
5. Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (RA). Rs: 300/=
6. Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi & Noor uddin Zangi Rs: 500/=
7. Sultan Muhammad Fateh. Rs: 400/=
Pl email me at

Or Call Shami at : 0332 - 361 4342.

Those outside the country can download the books for free and take prints. Jazak


Dear children, members, one of the most amazing dimension of Islam is its
spiritual aspect -- the one which deals with the soul, Rooh, Anfus -- the nonphysical part of human life. Medical science CANNOT explain Rooh or Anfus or
life after death.. Quran does !
But many Muslims are also confused about the life after death and its true
potential. Quran says categorically -- DO NOT call them dead, those who are
shaheeds. you may consider them dead but they are alive in reality and even get

Hafiz Ibn Qayyam is one of the most authentic Alim who is respected even by
Salafis. In Medina university, they do PhDs on Hafiz Qayyam.
Salafi Muslims deny any relationship or role of Muslims or any duty after death.
This book of Hafiz Ib Qayyam is so strong that Saudis scholars have just recently
started to deny its authenticity, saying that Hafiz Ibn Qayyam has not written it.
This is obviously not correct. This book actually seriously embarrass the Saudi
scholars that now they have gone into denial about it.
For 500 years, this is the most authentic book on the spiritual dimension of Islam
and on life after death.. All Muslims scholars have heavily relied upon it for
understanding the spiritual dimension of Islam.
We would recommend you to read it. It will remove many confusions about
visiting graves, connection of Rasul Allah (sm) with Ummah, role and duties of
Muslims after death and the spiritual dimension of Islam and Quran.
Also, read our book Halqa e Yaran ! The spiritual dimension of our faith is the
most astounding aspect of it. don't be ignorant about it.

Well, since LUMS invited the cut throats of BLA, now the TTP also expect a
similar invitation. Justice demands it
These liberal beyghairat brigade are pushing their luck beyond sanity now. They
are underestimating the Military's rage against enemies now. Army & ISI has made
it clear -- All terrorists, their backers, sponsors, allies, mouthpieces, rascals,
snakes, SAFMA, Geo will be nailed!
Have you ever heard of London Comrade group? A gangs of killer Marxists who
now hold "respectable" posts in Pakistan.
London Comrade group is still waging its war against Pakistan. Their involvement
in Baluchistan is heavy -- from insurgency to Media war! Najam Sethi is a member
of London Comrade group with two sons of Justice SA Rehman. Geo's Imran
Aslam is close associate of these killers..
Najam Sethi was arrested by the MI/ISI in 70's for waging a war in Balochistan
against Pak army. He remained in jail & faced treason trial. Under a peace deal
with Baloch separatists, General Zia showed mercy & released Najam Sethi also.
This snake got back to his treacherous way.
This LUMS seminar & subsequent ISI bashing by these rascals has crossed the red
line, just as Geo did after the Hamid Mir drama.


InshAllah, tonight at 10 Pm, on ARY news, I am coming again with Dr. Danish to
discuss the future of Pak politics and the recent threats from the UAE govt on
Pakistan's refusal to join the Yemen war.

InshAllah, Also, at 8 Pm on Sach TV, watch the repeat of our program on Yemen
crisis, Karachi ops and future of Pak politics.
This is my part only. For full program, pl visit Zem website.


My dear brother and friend Owais Ghani sahib has done a tremendous khidmat
here when he rendered these amazing poems of Baba Iqbal into English ! The
passion and emotions of Iqbal have been captured in a fascinating way, though it is
impossible to translate Iqbal. BrassTacks have taken up this project and inshAllah,
this week, we shall be uploading the full book for global circulation. Its print
editions will also be produced through your sponsorship inshAllah !
For all Muslims, especially in the English speaking world, this is a true gem of a

gift which shares with you the magic of Iqbal ! MashAllah !

He has shocked the enemies, surprised the allies & given hope to the distressed
nation in darkest of times! God bless
Today General Raheel was in Quetta, giving a harsh message to BLA & their
Indian back from the brink. For the first time, we are winning. But the
fact remains - this war is being fought by army alone.This CANNOT go on like
this. There is NO judicial, economic, political support. Economy is collapsing,
corruption is bleeding the State. Judiciary is still hostile, incapable to rise from the
pits, political parties corrupt! The gains by the army through sheer sweat & blood
have brought temporary peace but for a total stability, we need a strong patriotic
Turkey's PM has sacrificed his office & called for Presidential system. We need a
similar radical change in political order to rescue Pakistan! Turkey's PM has
sacrificed his office & called for Presidential system. We need a similar radical
change in political order to rescue Pak!
Pakistani nation has taken enough humiliation, insult, plunder at the hands of these
rascals who violate every sacred tenant of Constitution. Pakistani nation has taken
enough humiliation, insult, plunder at the hands of these rascals who violate every
sacred tenant of Constitution.
Constitution is a man made paper, can be changed anytime as the history
progresses.Britain does not have one. Turkey wants to change theirs. But only a

bold, sincere, patriotic clean leadership which have the trust of the nation can dare
to punish the traitors & create new Order!
The entire present political leadership has become too controversial, corrupt &
decadent to be trusted with the future of the country. Enough
Pak army has started to cleanup the criminal political leadership also. MQM is
being exposed & nailed. Next is PPP & PML(N). Then... Guess


Alhamdolillah, we do a difficult and dangerous duty and those with vision and
wisdom can feel its seriousness and intensity. Few days ago, I received this letter
and wanted to share it with you all.
Alhamdolillah, this is a sign that Allah (swt) accepts the humble efforts of this
small and daring band of patriots whose Ishq & juoon is this Pak Sarzameen. When
Allah and His Rasul (sm) are on your side, then you are the most strongest group,
even if you stand alone in this dunya against biggest of enemies, alhamdolillah !!

We dont need fans. We need die hard soldiers who are willing to risk all they have
in this dunya for the sake of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).


By stopping the executions of the cut throat terrorists convicted through military
courts, Supreme Court has gravely provoked the GHQ now!
Parliament had changed the constitution under an extreme emergency that the
country is facing an existential war & civ judiciary had failed. The judgement of
the SC would greatly magnify the crisis in these times of dangerous wars. Military
courts is a Military strategy of war by army! It is like SC stopping the army from
fighting, saying that judges will review the war plans! This Asma Jahangir will
always remain a snake!
Now if the democracy is derailed, politicians can comfortably blame those who are
stopping the army from defending this nation in this war! Iftikhar Chaudhry the
rascal sided with the enemy, did NOT hang a single terrorist & waged a war
against Pakistan. Military Court should hang him first. I am very sure that GHQ
would do what must be done to save the country & win this war against Khawarij.
All resistance will be crushed now!
Supreme Court must seriously ponder over its role in defending the country in this
bloody war. Have they delivered or failed in their duty? Iftikhar Chaudhry, Hamid
Mir, Asma Jahangir, Tahir Ashrafi, Altaf Hussian, Najam Sethi - these are the most
cursed creatures in Pakistan

smile emoticon
These enemies are seriously miscalculating the rage within the Pak nation. Their
accountability will begin very soon IA. Ask Altaf the toad!
Pak Army must also pick a few Generals from their own ranks & put them on trial
for treason against the State. Kayani MUST face a trial. Yes. If Kayani is put on
trial, then no one in the country would dare to speak when politicians, judges &
likes of Hamid Mir are also hanged!

Alhamdolillah, BrassTacks team present an epic gift of love and adab to Sayyadi
Rasul Allah (sm) -- English rendering of Baba Iqbal's magical message done into
english poetry by our dear Owais Ghani sb - a true patriot and die hard Iqbal
disciple, MashAllah !
April 21st is the day of passing away of Baba Iqbal but he lives like a "Zinda
Rood", a living stream of gushing water spreading his khair, noor and barakah for
all times to come...
Download the book from this Google link. It is free and a gift for the Ummah !
Labor of love and sweat, it has taken our hearts blood to produce it and now we
spread this khair.
InshAllah, hard copies are going for print, sponsored by the blessed ones from
within you. May Allah give infinite barakah to all of you who shared this blessing
and rizq.
Spread this to all English speaking Muslims, universities, libraries and sites.. This
is the magic of Iqbal done with great passion and love.

Google drive link.

Alhamdolillah, we have received the first trial print of the epic book by Owais
Ghani sb. Few minor corrections and inshAllah, next week we will go into full
We have done our duty. Some of you have joined hands to get this masterpiece
printed. All of you can help by spreading the message of Baba Iqbal !! Read
yourself, make others read it. For Urdu speaking Muslims, our book Iqbal e Pur
Israr is enough inshAllah! For English speaking, we are working on this project.
After this book, there will be more poems of Baba Iqbal to be rendered into

May Allah give barakah to Owais Ghani sb for undertaking this project so
Here is the scribd link also..

And then they say that Muslim and Islam is a violent religion !! Over 100 million
have been killed by Christians/Jews
After decimating Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Mali, Nigeria,
Sudan & Egypt, Now US eyes Yemen!
The cannibalistic Jewish Israeli soldiers cannot be called humans, no different
from their allies in ISIS Khawarij!
This Iran-Saudi war is creating the environment for two monsters to enter Yemen Khawarij & the US Zionists! Same in Iraq, Syria, Libya! Why did US enter
Somalia earlier?? Why Yemen now?? The game is control of Red sea lines of
communications of Suez, Aqaba & Babul Mandab! The narrow Gulf of Aqaba has
ports of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel & Egypt, while Gulf of Suez & Babul Mandab
is global lifeline! Got it now?

Control of SLOCS (Sea lines of communications) is a global strategic objective of

all powers exerting their influence
Whoever controls the port of Aden & Hudaida controls the Babul Mandab & red
sea traffic through Suez & Gulf of Aqaba. Stakes are staggering! After US
withdrew from Somalia, the country is a pirates haven, a menace for global sea
traffic. Now ISIS is getting foothold in Yemen too! So who are the parties within
Yemen fighting for Aden port?? Pro-Saudi faction, pro-Iran faction/Houthis, AlQaeda/ISIS, US, Iran, Saudia!
Yemen is going to be a bigger, bloodier mess than Iraq if Saudis and Iranis dont
back off NOW. Their mutual war would invite US invasion!
Iran is sending a Naval flotilla for Aden, a move seen by Saudis as an act of war!
The hastily passed UNSC resolution was designed to stop it. Pakistan MUST bring
Turkey, Iran, SA, Egypt to a table & hammer out a power sharing formula for
Yemen & then lead a MPKF for enforcement! Pakistan MUST also keep the Indian
factor in mind. Modi is waiting for Pakistan army to get engaged in ME & then he
will make his move! Only viable, practical, pragmatic solution is a Muslim Peace
Keeping Force from many OIC nations to prevent a US invasion of Yemen &
Pakistan Navy to ensure arms embargo on Houthis but that would bring PN in
direct confrontation with Iranian Navy which is heading for Yemen. Pakistan
MUST take the initiative NOW. Either total hands off Yemen or an aggressive
peace maker role & then leading a MPKF to enforce deal.

21st April -- the day Iqbal Baba completed his worldly duty.
We started this journey alone on the footsteps of Baba Iqbal - picking up his
unfinished mission towards its Takmeel ! Our duty is to give azaan despite
resistance, threats and attacks from those who represent Kufr & evil. This is a
dangerous journey and only the most daring few will have the blessing of walking
along us. After 7 years, we still march on, alhamdolillah ! Our duty continues...


I will be honest! If you cannot read, write, speak good Urdu, you have NO right to
call yourself truly educated. Stop deceiving yourself. Focus of education system
MUST be on developing excellent language skills, teaching morality based human
values & imparting skills to all !! Our education system have produced graduates

who cannot write a letter, cannot make a speech, cannot read Urdu ! Their English
is same too ! All private top elite schools of Pakistan are guilty of treason,
destroying our entire generations of youth for not teaching them Urdu !!
QuaideAzam has categorically said that Pakistan's language would be Urdu. Our
entire heritage, literature, history, humor & religion is Urdu. There is NO treason
greater than destroying the language of a nation,depriving it of its history, identity
& ideology! This is unforgivable. When Mustapha Kamal wanted to destroy the
soul of Turkey, he attacked the language first. Changed it to Roman! Same being
done with Urdu too.
Writing Urdu in Roman script MUST be a crime punishable by jail! This is
destroying the heritage, ideology just as burning the libraries!! Pakistan's schools,
advertising companies, multinationals & govt are all involved in this crime of
decimating the 3rd largest Muslim language.
This is the curse of having businessmen/feudals as rulers - their focus is only on
money & NOT on preserving the heritage/history/language. All government
correspondence, court workings, daily official business, laws & court proceedings,
MUST be in Urdu!This is NOT rocket science.
There is NO harm in learning english/other languages for science & international
communication but only a slave will ignore his own language.

All those making insulting remarks, stupid comments, using abusive language or
taunting will be immediately blocked.
Read the post properly, follow the conversation of the last 15 days and then make
decent mature comment. New comers especially should learn the adab of the page.
This is NOT an ordinary page. You cannot write or speak anything you want. Be
careful please.


This is so disgusting!! Shia parties & Deobandis Khawarj from Mufti Naeem
gangs have fully supported MQM killers, Bhatta khors and snakes !! Both Shias
and Deobandis hate each other but when it comes to MQM, they both stand
together to defend that traitor !!!
Mufti Naeem is a Deobandi tout of MQM and now Shia parties have also
supported this enemy of Pakistan. This is a catastrophic betrayl of Ummat e Rasul
(sm)and Pakistan.

Altaf the snake will meet his painful end but now we will hold these Shia and
Deobandis responsible also for the bloodbath in Karachi and Pakistan. This is
unforgivable crime and treason...

When Allah punishes and curse a nation or a group of people, He takes away their
wisdom, vision and intellect. They start to follow killers, murderers, rascals &
snakes and call them their leaders.. willing to kill, rob, loot and plunder for them.. !
Just like gangs of MQM do for that rascal Altaf, the enemy of Rasul Allah (sm) !
And PPP gangs do for Zardari or JUI gangs do for Fazlu... or PML (N) do for
Nawaz... ! On the day of Judgement, all these followers will rise with their leaders
whom they follow in Dunya !! Imagine, anyone rising with Altaf or Zardari or
Fazlu or Nawaz !! Astaghfurullah !!!
This curse is on this nation collectively. Its wisdom and vision has been taken
When I posted the post about learning Urdu language, dozens of stupid comments
came that why then I am writing in English!! They were blinded, deaf, dumb and
too stupid to see that I was talking to those Pakistanis who CANNOT read. write
Urdu & I was encouraging them to learn Urdu. How on earth would they
understand if I post it in Urdu ????????? 90% of my lectures, talks and are in Urdu.
All my books are in Urdu. But on social media, we have half a million followers
from all over the world, with almost quarter of a million who DO NOT understand
Urdu. But still, you have these stupid comments as to why I am writing in
When so called national leaders and educated elite of the country becomes do
dumb, then Allah annihilates them, destroys them and impose upon them the
snakes like Zardari and Altaf... which are upon us as curse. Now you know the
reason why our leaders are so cursed. It is our collective punishment for being
deaf, dumb and blind...

Ask Allah for wisdom, vision, intellect and a pure heart that you are able to see the
difference between Halal and Haram, wisdom of things as they are, not as they are
made to appear !!
Pakistani Millat congratulates our brothers in Turkey on the historic day to
celebrate the 100 years of victory at the battle of Gallipoli!
1915,it was a mad dream of the British, French & the Australian-NZ troops to
capture Istanbul ! Attack began via Navy
Turkish Naval Commander had a vision a night before, commanding him to lay
mines in the Dardanelles! Ambush for Ships
Once the Naval attack collapsed, the allies began landing at the Gallipoli peninsula
- trying to fight to Istanbul!
Turkish Defenses were heroic! Half a million Western troops resisted by 400,000 Turkish forces
- it was bloody war..

After months of bloody war, Western forces were hopelessly trapped on the
Gallipoli Peninsula, died like rats of disease, wounds & hunger..
Gallipoli was the most humiliating defeat for the allied western forces in the WW1.
Their entire course of the WW1 changed after this battle. It was to avenge this
catastrophic defeat that Western nations accused Turkey of Armenian Genocide in
1915.An exaggerated malafide allegation. Even the Pope accused Turkey of
genocide of Armenian Christians. Why don't they speak the truth that the shame of
Gallipoli still hurts!
Gallipoli campaign was the most humiliating defeat of Churchill & British empire
in WW1. This deep wound still bleeds.

The bond of love between Pak & Turkey was forged in WW1 & still remains rock
solid. Iki Devlet, Bir Millet!! Two countries One Nation! I would urge all
Pakistanis to hit back harshly whenever West tries to attack Turkey on the
preposterous allegations of Armenian genocide!


Allahu Akbar ! We have received our epic romantic emotional passionate history
of all the Mujahideen of Ghazwa e Hind !! From Muhememd Bin Qasim to
Ghaznavi to Ghauri to Abdali to Pak army -- this blessed chain continues... !!
Soft copies are already uploaded for those who are outside the country. Now you
can have the hardcopies also from our office.
email me or call shami : 0332 - 3614342
Jazak Allah to all of you who sponsored this project and contributed in the
information warfare axis of this Jihad. InshAllah, hundreds of copies will be sent
out to armed forces, students, patriots and scholars of this Ummah all over the


InshAllah, on Monday, the book will go for final printng, alhamdolillah. we have
done some changes to the original design, layout and text and you can download
the new version from here again. InshAllah, the hard copies will be available
within 3 weeks.
May Allah accept !!!
Google drive Link
Scribd Link
a group of students visited us for knowing the definition and qualities of ideal
leadership ! The talk is in English and would be on great interest to our youth who
are searching for leader in these times dark times.. Instead of following false gods,
we should take guidance from the real heroes and leaders that we had and then set
the criteria !


So finally Mr. Imam e Kaaba calls TTP and ISIS as Khawarij ! That is good
development but there is a serious moral crisis here.
1. All those who support Khawarij are the best friends of Imam e Kaaba.
2. All those who are enemies of Khawarij are enemies of Imam e Kaaba. (Bashar
ul Asad, Houthis, Sufis, Shias, Zaidis, Barelvis, Ahl Sunnah wal Jamaat).
3. Imam Kaaba says we should attack Houthis who incidentally are fighting the
Khawarij in Yemen. Saudi attacks on Houthis have strengthened the Khawarij in
Yemen. Daish and Jews have also threatened Saudi arabia but we see no military
campaign against jews or Daish.
So, what is going on Mr. Imam e Kaaba? Pl explain to us in simple terms???? We
Pakistanis are confused... !!

Now you want us to join the war against Shias but not against Khawarij in Yemen
?? If you had called Pakistan to fight the Khawarij in Yemen, by Allah, we would
have all gone to fight these dogs of hell. But why ignite a sectarian war when
Khawarij and Jews are decimating the Ummah ?? pl explain??
Talal Bugti dies! Funny, all his life he fought against army but in the end, went to
CMH begging army to save him.
Akbar Bugti and his sons & grand sons leading the BLA are the biggest traitors of
Baloch people, enemies of Pakistan & Muslims. Rascals!!
The biggest enemies of Baloch today are the Hyberyar Marri & Brahmdagh Bugti,
leading the BRA Vs BLA infighting & killing their own rascals. Today, the BLA
insurgency can kill a few innocent laborers or blow up a gas line but their dream of
separation is fully dead & buried !!
Talal dies a lonely humiliated death. Jamil, Brahmadh & hyberyar will also die like
rats IA. Their dream is already dead ! Love you Pak Army. We will NOT show
any mercy towards any enemy of Pakistan now. Our daggers are drawn, the war
has entered the final phase. Its payback time!!
Col Ralph Peters, the CIA snake who had crafted the term of "blood borders" to
reshape the Muslim lands on ethnic lines is defeated in Pak!

I have checked with two travel agents today. They say that Saudis has stopped

Umra visas for Pakistanis. Can anyone else confirm this from their own sources
please ? Is this Umra blockade due to any administrative issue or a punishment to
Pakistan for not sending forces to Yemen ? If the Umra visas are being given in
other countries, then this is definitely a punishment. Lets find the real reason.
Those members of the page who are into travel agency business should be able to
clarify further.


The nation which does not take advice from Baba Iqbal is doomed to be humiliated
& destroyed. Pakistan is a gift from Allah (swt) and that is why is kept together
and strong but the people are suffering because of their own deeds. This
democracy is Haram but the nation and its rulers worship this false god !! Result is
that you will be ruled by rascals like Zardari, Altaf and Nawaz and your scholars
will be snakes like Fazlu, Naeem, Samee who are followers of Khawarij ideology
!! This is a curse upon this millat untill it does tauba and revert to Quran and
Sunnah !!!

Presence of Hamid Mir & Marvi Sirmed has again proven that Geo & SAFMA are
behind this sinister war against Pak & Army.
The snakes of SAFMA & Geo have not learnt their lesson. Pak army & ISI must
push their demand that PEMRA cancels Geo's license for treason. Traitors &
Terrorists of all colors and shapes must be crushed. TTP, BLA, Urban gangs of
Karachi through force. Geo, SAFMA through courts!
Hamid Mir the rascal is the most hated snake in Pak media, still remains
shameless. He is an Indian pile of filth always attacking Pakistan. Asma Jahangir,
Hamid Mir, Marvi Sirmed, Najam Sethi, Imtiaz Alam must be arrested for treason,
betraying Pakistan & serving Indian RAW game.
I want all these snakes to live long lives, burning each day of their lives in jail,
watching Pakistan flourish & beat the hell out of India. To Geo & SAFMA - DO
NOT expect any mercy from patriots now. Rest assured, we will NOT harm you on
streets. See you in Military Courts!!!


This is the latest link of our book on Mujahideen of Ghazwa e Hind ! Hundreds of
these books have already been sent as gifts to those who matter and shape
Pakistan's destiny, alhamdolillah !
Delete previous versions that you had. Use this latest one !!
Scribd Link
Google Drive link

Altaf openly seeks help from RAW to destroy Pakistan !!
I am glad that Altaf the RAW toad have gone insanely ballistic against the army.
TTP had more followers than MQM. They were crushed too!!
Mr. Nawaz Shareef, why are you silent over this direct declaration of war against
Pakistan by a rat from London?? Are you deaf, dumb & mute? If Pakistani PM
cannot ask the British govt to control their citizen from waging a rebellion in
Pakistan, then Mr. NS should also stay in UK.
All those channels which aired this filth from Altaf MUST also be held
accountable and shut down. Enemy agent MUST NOT be given platforms.
Pakistan has lost 100,000 dead or wounded in this deployed 5thGenWar. We can
sacrifice few thousand more to recover our beloved Sarzameen. NOT every MQM

voter is a traitor. But Altaf & Rabta Committee & their Mafias surely are. This
cancer needs radical surgery. Pak Army, DO IT!
ISPR had to respond because political rascals were laughing over the declaration of
war by MQM. They all want army to fail & feel threatened. Pak Army has still not
touched the politicians, Media & the corrupt judiciary. Without taking out the
snakes in these depts, this war is lost. We demand that all British interests in
Pakistan should be seized as compensation for war being waged against Pak by a
British citizen! Pak Army, do what must be done. Nation stands with you. Rascals
of all shades, colors, political/religious groups & media must be crushed!!
After threats from Altaf last night, Police officers have been shot dead in Karachi
in ambush. This is RAW coming to aid of MQM! MQM, TTP & BLA, Geo,
SAFMA, Asma Jahangir, are the proxies of RAW in waging this urban
decentralized asymmetric 5th GenWar against Pak.
Hindu Zionists must remember that Pakistan was created for a divine reason! This
mission is called Ghazwa e Hind!!


From extortion to target assassinations to attacks on schools to burning of factories

to attacking armed forces, Police and political rivals, sectarian wars and calling
RAW for help -- this is MQM !!
Haider abbas rizvi has been asked not to leave the city as he is wanted in school
attack case. Rach leader of MQM is a killer, rascal and a traitor!

Despite open rebellion by MQM, Mr. Nawaz Shareef is still silent !! There is no
doubt that this democracy is the worst curse on this millat !
Pak army is now relentless and serious. InshAllah, soon Pakistan will be cleared of
all filth -- from TTP to BLA to MQM to ANP to Geo to Zardari to NS to corrupt
judges !!

Alhamdolillah, have just recorded an explosive program on National Security

issues, Karachi Ops, 5th Generation War, treason by media, Iftikhar Chaudhery
and rulers in betraying army.
Watch Din News at 8pm tonight. Fasten your seat belts, this one is brutally harsh
attack on the enemies of Pakistan and a fierce defence of Pak Army.
Our fierce attacks on all enemies !


I could not hold my tears back when I read this letter of Captain Khalid. It shakes
your soul, fills your eyes and send shivers down your spine -- only if you have a
living heart and a soul that is alive !
If you cannot read it, ask some elder to read it out for you.
Capt Khalid was going on a mission which was extremely dangerous. He had
volunteered for the mission and the reasons he gives in this letter. Those who curse
the army for consuming the budget, should die of shame after reading this letter. I
don't know if Khalid is alive or not but I am told he was martyred in this operation.
But this is the story of thousands of "Khalids" in Pak army, each one of them
reflects the same passion and courage and dignity. He had a son who was just a
toddler, he wanted to sleep with his head in mothers lap for he had not slept for
days, but he had made a promise with Pakistan that he will defend this Pak
Sarzameen against Hindu Mushriks and all other enemies and had to do for this
I have no further words... just tears...


Recite Fatiha for our tiger -- today, in 1799, Tipu fell in the battle fighting like a
tiger against the British, trying to India free of slavery ! Only after he fall that the
British officers could scream in disbelief "Now India is ours" !!! "
A day in the the life of tiger is better than 100 years of a jackal" Tipu lived by this
motto of dignified heroes and when his time came, died a death of honor !

A true military genius, inventor of modern Rocket science !!!


So finally, even Imam e Kaaba has declared TTP as Khawarij ! But in Pakistan, the
Congressi Deobandis still refuse to declare TTP as Khawarij. So we make another
request to these Deobandi Mullahs.
If you don't declare TTP as Khawarij, then we will declare YOU as Khawarij &
enemies of Rasul Allah (sm). You MUST repeat the words of Mufti Usmani and

Imam e Kaaba or you are a liar !

When we ask these Mullahs to speak against Khawarij, their reply is usually very
insane, even funny like:
1. We are not into politics.
2. You are a qadiani.
3. You are a shia.
4. Tell us your sect first.
5. you are spreading sectarianism...
The fact is that I may be anyone but I am definitely NOT waging a war against
Ummat e Rasul (sm), Pakistan and Pak army. I am definitely NOT speaking
anything against Quran and Sunnah and I am definitely Defending the Ummah
against Mushriks, Khawarij and Zionists. So, lets cut the non-sence and come to
the point.
What do you think about the TTP and why don't you call them Khawarij ???? Just
answer this or shut up !!!

To all new comers. Pl follow the rules of the page, else you will be blocked
immediately. DO NOT support enemies of Pakistan, DO NOT attack the mission
we are leading. This is NOT a sectarian, ethnic page. Make decent posts and
questions or leave or get blocked. We do not run a democracy here.

Many of our members have gone and met TariqJameel and asked him this question

directly as to why he does not speak against the Khawarij, butchers of our children
? His reply has always been that "I am not into politics, I preach Islam" !!!
Innalillahe innailehe rajeoon ! My question to TJ is which Islam do you preach ???
Is this the Islam of Quran and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) to stay silent and turn your
face away when you have the power to stop the butchery of Ummat e Rasul ???
Islam is politics. Islam is Jihad. Islam is economic. There is NO partial pick and
chose Islam which Mr. TJ claim to preach. Wallah, there is NO tailor made Islam.
He does NOT preach Islam if he stays silent.
Mr. TJ, you know very well that TTP Khawarij listen to you. TTP uses the
Tableeghi Jamaat to hide, spread their message and attack Pakistan. Your one
statement against TTP will save thousands of your followers from joining the
Khawarij. But you stay silent and do not stop the killers because "you are not in
politics" !! Ya Allah !!!!
What will you say to Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) when you will be
asked that you saw millions of Muslims being slaughtered, Muslim lands being
attacked and decimated, Islamic values, honor of Rasul Allah being attacked and
children being butchered BUT still you say this is politics and I will stay silent !!!
What is point of converting one man to Islam when a million more Muslims are
being butchered right in front of your eyes ??
Mr. TJ, You have blind followers. You can see that on this page. They dont want
to listen to anything against you even if it is truth. You are a leader of millions of
people. Your silence is shedding Muslim blood for God sake!
By Allah, if you stay silent, I will pray that Allah humiliates you, exposes you and
punish you as he does to those who stay silent when the honor of Rasul Allah (sm)
and Ummat e Rasul (sm) is being torn apart by the Khawarij. Sayyadi Rasul Allah
(sm) will NOT be happy with you for this crime. You will know on the day of
judgement, if not in dunya soon.
Mr. TJ, Be advised, we have done our duty.
Oh Allah be witness that we have conveyed the message. Now this TJ is in your
hands... He chose to remain silent when the Ummat of Rasul Allah (sm) is being


It is the silence of the "scholars", rulers and the "good" people which brings azaab,
NOT the crimes of the sinners !!
If you stay silent on Zulm, when you have the power of at least condemning it then
you are a Zalim as well. !! This is OUR Deen, mentioned in Quran and Sunnah !!!
If you want to create your own Islam, then do what these so called scholars are
doing -- they are on the side of Khawarij and support them directly or by staying
If you support them and abuse me, then may you also suffer at the hands of
Khawarij because of the silence of your Mullahs !

Islam does NOT teach you to turn your face away and save yourself when the
Ummat of Rasul Allah (sm) is being butchered and you have the power to stop it

Nearly 10K new members join this page every week! They are new and do not
know about our duty but start to comment emotionally, without knowledge and
Know this well -- this is NOT an ordinary FB page. WE DO NOT COLLECT
FANS here.
We do a difficult duty of defending Pakistan against all enemies, irrespective of
their political and religious beliefs, sects, region or affiliations.
Everyday, we are risking our lives, facing courts cases, being attacked in media
and physically for the duty we do against all enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) and
Pakistan. We are the strongest voice which is defending Pak army and have
defeated the Khawarij, BLA, MQM, GEO, SAFMA, RAW, CIA, govt and all
enemies of Pakistan, alhamdolillah!
NO ONE in this country is fighting so many dangerous enemies at the same time...
Allah has NOT brought us here because of your help. Allah is enough for us. If
you do not have the wisdom to understand that we are the strongest defence line
for Pakistan on social media and media, then you are too stupid to be on this page.
Leave or we will block you. We are fighting a war and do not have time for
stupids. Allah does not need you.
We are against Khawarij !!! Every Muslims is. All those who are Muslims will
support our Jihad against these dogs of hell. We are asking all Ulama to speak
against Khawarij else they are part Khawarij. Many good scholars have spoken
against Khawarij and many are silent. We are asking them to speak. what is wrong

in what we have said ??

Once again, we advice the so called Mullah from all sects -- DO NOT support
Khawarij. DO NOT stay silent against Khawarij. Else, we will deal with you !!

Let me give you an example which will make you think.

India attacks Pakistan and a fierce battle begins.. Pakistan army is desperately
fighting back as the Indian pressure is intense and the enemy is attacking from
across the entire length from Sindh to Kashmir. Pak army gives heroic sacrifices
but we take heavy casualties in defending this beloved Pak Sarzameen.
General Raheel make a national broadcast and declare that Ghazwa e Hind has
begun !! Then General asks Muftis and Ulama of Pakistan to rise and give call for
JIhad against Mushriks in Ghazwa e Hind!!
In response to the call of General Raheel, many Ulama rise and declare that JIhad
against Mushriks is Farz and every Muslim must join this Ghazwa e Hind.
Another group of Ulama declare that Pak army is a Kafir army and no body should
support the army in war against Indian Mushriks.
Third group of Ulama decide to stay silent and comment "we are not in politics, we
just do tableegh" !!
Now my question is : What should Sharia, Quran, Sunnah and Pakistan's law say
about the category 2 and 3 Mullahs ??
To be honest, I would ask General Raheel to hang such Mullahs who refuse to
support Pak army in time of Ghazwa e Hind !! That is Islamic law.
For your information, Jihad against Khawarij is as sacred, important and Islamic as
the Ghazwa e Hind. In fact, war against Khawarij is the begining of Ghazwa e
Hind and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has blessed the army which fights Khawarij

and Hindu Mushriks !!

Now,I have not taken any names. You decide what your scholars are doing when
Pak army is desperate for help in Jihad against Khawarij and some Mullahs say
that "they are not in politics" !!!
So, what do you say now ???


Ghazwa e Hind is our destiny! Qasim, Ghaznavi, Ghauri and Abdali will join Pak
army to destroy the myth of Mushrik India.
Anyone who is against Pak army today or is silent and not defending Pak army in
this Jihad against Khawarij, is a munafiq, kafir and Kharji. Ghazwa e Hind will
also eliminate such rascals within while we destroy the Mushriks, inshAllah !
Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind! May Allah bless you Pak army ! This is your destiny,
MashAllah !!


Pak army must also declare war against Political and Economic Terrorists in this
Demon-cracy ! If Pak army does not hand us a clean and honest leadership on the
model of Khilafat e Rashida, then it will fail in its duty to defend Pakistan from all
terrorists !!
A harsh and passionate azaan !!
Our program today.. on ARY !!!

This is how the foreign secret services hire and recruit handlers for the terror
groups. This is a real ad in the British papers. British Intel is advertising for snakes
like Tahir Ashrafi, Mufti Naeem, Fazlur Rehman, Mullah Fazlullah, Baghdadi -who can act as handlers of terror groups run by MI5.
All these Mullahs who are fighting a war against Pakistan, you can be sure that
they are on the payrol of foreign powers. Ajeet Kumar Doval has openly accepted
this that deoband is their asset in waging a war against Pakistan. Yes, that Hindu
Indian Zionist has used the word -- deoband !! This is a fact NOT a biased
sectarian statement.

The supporters of Khawarij always accuse me of spreading sectarianism when I

say that all Khawarij are from Deoband sect.
Lets see the facts on ground. Khawarij are the dogs of hell !! NO Muslim can deny
this as Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has clearly mentioned this.
This is also a fact that all Khawarij in Pakistan who are waging a war against
Pakistan and helping the Hindu Mushriks are from Deoband sect. TTP, LeJ, Jaish
ul Ahrar, Lal masjid...
This is also a fact that all the supporters of Khawarij, who protect them, defend
them and refuse to call them Khawarij are also from deoband sect: Fazal ur
Rehman, Samee ul Haq, Tahir Ashrafi, Mufti Naeem, Mullah Aziz...
This is also a fact that within Deoband, there is a Good deoband group also which
declares these TTP as Khawarij -- Mufti Taqi Usmani who have called them
Zaliman, out of Islam and Baghi.
This is also a fact that all other Muslim sects -- Ahl Hadees, Barelvi and Shias
declare TTP as Khawarij and demand that TTP must be crushed with full force.
This is also a fact that Indian RAW and National Security Adviser Ajit Kumar
Doval has clearly said that RAW is controlling TTP through Darul Uloom
This is also a fact that Pakistan army has asked all Ulama to declare TTP as
Khawarij and out of Islam. Every sect has done it. major Deobandi groups and
parties refuse to do it and still support the Khawarij.
This is also a fact that I have spoken harshly against all enemies of Islam and
Pakistan or against those political leaders whose actions or policies have harmed
Pakistan, irrespective of their religious, political or ethnic affiliations. I have
spoken against MQM, BLA, Zardari, ANP, NS, Geo, Shias, Deobandis, Qadinai,
Iran, Saudi arabia and even against former army Chiefs Musharraf and Kayani.

This is also a fact that for the last 7 years, only the Deoband Mullahs have waged a
fierce war against me calling me a Kafir, Qadiani, Shia, CIA, ISI agent.. attacking
my Izzat, Imaan, life , honor and family. Why because I talk about Ghazwa e Hind
against Mushriks and RAW has given the duty to deoband to stop this concept.
This is also a fact that in the last 7 years of my duty, NOT a single word I have
spoken is against Islam, Quran or sunnah. This is also a fact that only the known,
worst, declared enemies of Pakistan and Islam and against me.
Now you tell me, am I spreading sectarianism or defending Pakistan against the
fitnah of Khawarij??
Who will be against me and the mission I lead ?? Friends of Pakistan or enemies of
Pakistan ??
We will do our duty at all costs. Enemies and Mushriks and their Khawarij can go
to hell !!!

These 5 minutes will give you the ultimate solution to the crisis of Pakistan !!
InshAllah, this will be implemented.
If you cannot give your time, effort, money and resources to join this mission, then
you have NO right to ask who will do it, when will it happen, how will it happen.
You cannot advice also. Stay silent and watch how this Mission Takmeel e

Pakistan progresses and how enemies are humiliated by a die hard band of Patriots,
inshllah !!


A nation which remains asleep even after the slaughter of hundreds of its children
in Pesh at the hands of Khawarij would face more butchery. The slaughter of
Ismaili community in Karachi at the hands of RAW backed Khawarij is another
bloody reminder that we are under attack in 5GW.
How can you weep over a nation, judiciary & leadership which wants to commit
collective suicide, want to succumb to the bloodthirsty killers. Country NEEDS a
WAR Emergency, full Martial Law to deal with the enemies! The whole country is
a battlefield, enemy is within our homes. The mentally retarded Political rascals,
insane media and the myopic judiciary CANNOT understand that these modern
21st century wars are 5GW.
The govt, judiciary, media should have realized this after Peshawar massacre. But
SC has stopped the Military Courts, PML(N) protects LeJ / TTP. This attack is by
RAW backed TTP/LeJ, whose head is Mufti Naeem in Karachi. Entire Lej/SSP is
protected by PML(N) govt. Its army's call now!
5GW CANNOT be fought through Rangers & Police. YOU NEED Martial Law to
deal with terrorists & their protectors in politics, judiciary, media. There is NO
Daish/ISIS in Pakistan. MQM was involved in throwing grenades at schools to
blame TTP. It is TTP which is changing names to ISIS. RAW runs multiple terror
groups in Karachi. MQM, ANP, Uzair Baluch & Mufti Naeem are all handlers of

assassins for RAW. Entire MQM, ANP, PPP.

Only the most filthiest rascals, traitors, killers, Mafia lords & assassins rise in this
stinking system of democracy
After the statement by the GHQ, Pakistan's Foreign Office also officially
acknowledges that RAW is waging this covert war against Pakistan! But how is
RAW operating within Pakistan ?? Through its proxies -- MQM, ANP, TTP, BLA,
LeJ, Liyari gangs, Zardari, Altaf, Fazalur Rehman!
"Pakistan and Kalabagh Dam cannot co-exist" Asfandyar Wali, the snake.
Sabotaging Kalabagh Dam or China Economic Corridor, ANP leads the way!
I would strongly urge Imran Khan to rename Peshawar airport to "Sardar Abdul
Rab Nishtar airport! Bacha Khan was a snake, traitor, Hindu agent. How can we
name our airport in the name of the man who hated Pakistan so much that he
refused to be buried here & lived to destroy this land??
Altaf Hussain seeks RAW's help to destroy Pak. Asfandyar Wali as well. Zardari
has already sold his soul to the devil. Fazal is anti-Pak too.
Pak army, you have delayed the cleanup far too long! You should know that the
RAW agents you are trying to fight sit in the parliament!
In North Korea, a senior minister was shot for sleeping in the official functions. In
Pakistan, traitors rule country
So, Mr. Nawaz Shareef, you are not interested in nailing the RAW agents within your

parliament. Lets get rid of you!
Alhamdolillah, this one is yet another azaan of a mujahid to protect and defend this
Pak Sarzameen. A complete dynamite alhamdolillah.
The night of Mairaj Mubarak ! An amazing night, fascinating journey and such a
blessed Magnanimous Traveller, MashAllah !

Tonight is also the night when Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi recaptured Jerusalem
from Crusaders and the blessed Sultan Fateh was born !!
Today, we share with you an amazing journey of adab e Rasul (sm) and Ishq e
Rasul (sm)! This was recorded 4 years ago but since nearly a quarter of a million
new members have joined since, this amazing emotional spiritual message is being
This will ignite your souls with passion you have never experienced before ! But
only if you are alive..


You can support the mission and spread the azaan by buying our books. These are
most passionately written epics to revive our nation onto a journey of glory and
self respect. Gift them to your friends and families.
1.From Indus to Oxus English 2500/- Rs
2. From Indud to Oxus Urdu. 3,000/Rs
3.Khilafat e Rashida. 1,000/Rs
4.Halqa e Yaaran. 1,500/Rs
5.Iqbal Purisrar. 1,000/Rs
6.Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed(RA) 300/Rs
7. Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi & Noor uddin Zangi 500/Rs
8.Sultan Muhammad Fateh. 400/Rs
9.Mujahideen e Ghazwa hindh 600/Rs.
10. Complete book set price 8,000/- Rs
Almost all books are available in soft copies also uploaded on net. Just google
them with their names.
For hard copies, call office at 051 5598046,7
or email me at

Barak Allah feek.

Its 5 months now since our children were butchered in cold blood by RAW backed
Takfiri Khawarij from Deoband !!
Pak army MUST force all Khateebs & Imams to declare TTP as Khawarij, else that
Imam or Khateeb should be killed as sympathizer of enemies !
In every Khutbah of Juma, the Imams MUST declare these rascal Takfiris as
Khawarij, send curse upon them & support Pak army operations openly !!
The Mullahs of Deoband, JUI, JI MUST explain that why are they the only sect
defending the Khawarij & refuse to call them as enemies??
If terrorists have no sect, then why only ONE particular sect is defending them???
All Ahl e Sunnah, Ahl e Hadees & Shias declare them as Khawarij.
The fact is that all TTP terrorists in Pakistan are from Deoband sect & the Mullahs
of Deoband continue to defend the war of these rascals.
Any Mufti or Alim, who does not declare TTP as enemies, MUST be arrested, put
on trial and killed ruthlessly to remove this cancer ! Yes !

The Deoband Mullahs of Pakistan MUST prove their loyalty to Pakistan by

declaring TTP as Khawarij. RAW claims to use Deobandi terrorists!!
Anyone from any sect, any party, any group -- who does NOT call TTP as enemies
& Khawarij MUST be killed like rats.
Every religious party & group has declared TTP as Khawarij, RAW agents. Only
JUI, Jamaat rascals are protecting TTP.
If you are a follower of Deoband & offended by my demands, then go to your
scholars and ask them to prove their loyalty to Pak as demanded!
You CANNOT support TTP Khawarij. YOU CANNOT stay silent in this war to
pretend neutrality. YOU MUST support Pak army & attack TTP openly.
This is a simple litmus test to know who is the traitor supporting Khawarij !! Every
person of opinion MUST declare them as enemies else...!

BrassTacks is working on a new URDU journal special edition on the fitnah of

Khawarij in the Muslim lands, their history, their strategies, their tools, their allies,
their weaknesses and the way to crush this force of Dajjal !! Ground breaking work
in these times of war to defend Ummat e Rasul (sm) from this fitnah !
InshAllah, will be uploaded here next week.


Interesting !! When I went to Iran openly to attend conferences, meet Think Tanks
and their leadership to discuss Pak Iran relations, the Khawarij in Pakistan called
me Irani agent, Shia, Jew etc etc... ) .
I wonder what would these Khawarij say now when Mullah Umer himself perhaps
and his team goes to Iran secretly and meet the same "Kafir Shias" and reach secret
agreements on future of Afghanistan ???
The Khawarij in Pakistan are the dogs of hell !! AfghanTaliban are NOT Khawarij
and are Sunni Pashtuns from Afghanistan who claim to be the legitimate rulers of

Afghanistan and displaced by the US occupation forces. Afghan Pashtun Taliban

are NOT enemies of Pakistan nor they are enemies of Shias or Iran.
The Taliban in Pakistan are Khawarij, dogs of hell and have NOTHING to do with
Afghan Taliban.

Geo-Politics and games of Intelligence are most complex, most fascinating, most
deadly ! Not for the idiots or the cowards.
Now try to understand the puzzle! Afghan army chief visits Pak. ISI-NDS sign
MoU. Mullah Umer opens office in Qatar, visits Iran!
It is time that Pakistan should also recognize Afghan Taliban as a legitimate party
in war, allow them an office in Islamabad as Qatar did. Afghan Taliban are now
talking to every country in the region openly as the legitimate rulers of Afgh, who
were displaced through US invasion. Legally and morally, Mullah Umer still
claims to be the ruler of the Emirate of Afghanistan. He has defeated US. He
deserves recognition!
There is total panic in India now. Pak Army & ISI are displacing, ejecting India
from Afgh. This is a non-negotiable issue. India cannot stay. While the US leave,
Indians are trying to take charge of critical Afghan infrastructure & services like
Air Traffic control. Wont happen
The shifting sands of geopolitics! Afghan Taliban, perhaps Mullah Umer himself,
visited Iran recently! Interesting
While Geo group is celebrating fall of BOL, one must remember that Geo group
has also been declared a national security threat by ISI/Army! Axact group could
be a corporate fraud only. But the fraud by Zardari, Nawaz Shareef, Altaf are
million times more dangerous & treacherous.
Let's not forget another huge Money Laundering scandal, larger than Ayan's,
which is pointing towards PML(N) leaders.
Mr. Nawaz Shareef! You are a direct accused now in smuggling Gold & Cash
through Taufeeq Butt! You cannot pretend innocence now!

Army Chief has made it crystal clear -- this war can only be fought through
radically unconventional means !!
In this deadly war where over a 100,000 people have died so far, this judiciary has
collapsed totally, in fact sided with the terrorists !!
It does not take a genius to figure out that the SC & the army are heading towards a

collision path! Army WILL go ahead with MilitaryCourts.

GenRaheel has made it clear that army alone cannot fight this 21st century
asymmetric war with the present set of 1860 laws under judiciary!
This is a bitter truth that snakes like IftikharChaudrey have destroyed the respect,
dignity of the SC. Nation trust army NOT the SC !!
Supreme Court is treading on extremely dangerous grounds here! Country is in a
5GW & SC does not know it it seems.
Army wants political leadership to take responsibility for military ops in urban
centers. This is 5GW. Army WILL do it at any cost IA !!
Both politicians & the SC will do a catastrophic blunder by misjudging the intent,
resolve, rage & urgency within the Pak army at this stage
I would advice the politicians & the SC to read the loaded, mature, serious &
patriotic statement of the COAS. He means serious business now
Other day, I took a National Security Petition in the SC. The judge saw me & made
this insulting statement "we don't want to see his face" !
Iftikhar Chaudrey had shown similar bias & prejudice against all my petitions
which had serious implications for National Security. Shame !
Baluchistan was burning on the allegation that army had killed Akbar Bugti.I took
the petition to Iftikhar chaudrey but he mocked & rejected
I had only demanded that Bugti's death should be investigated. After 3 years, the
petition is still in SC, not a single hearing so far !!
Multiple times, I have taken petitions against media treason to the SC. Iftikhar
Chaudrey always refused to hear & rejected !! Same now..
How can you expect such judges to do justice when they hold such venom against
the petitioner ?? Pakistan suffers today because of them !!
Baluchistan is burning because SC refused to find out the truth in the death of
Akbar Bugti! BLA still exploits the lies to attack Pakistan.

Iftikhar Chaudrey need to hang for his staggering betrayal and treason of Pakistan
in times of war ! That snake has blood on his hands..

A lal masjid follower & Mufti Naeem's disciple assassinates Sabeen Mahmud &
Geo/SAFMA blame ISI in a joint attack on Pak.
ISI must arrest Hamid Mir, Hina Jilani and other SAFMA snakes who blame ISI
shamelessly in a joint attack on army & Pakistan. Sabeen Mahmud.
It is also time to arrest Mullah Aziz & Mufti Naeem, two hardcore snakes
producing Kharji terrorists right in the middle of Islamabad & Karachi.


Just to make you understand the 5th Generation war !

The entire Middle East is being decimated by Israel through a gang of Khawarij
called ISIS (Daish) or TTP in Pakistan. The Arab and Iranian leaders are busy
fighting among each other, allowing space and opportunity to Jews and Khawarij
to decimate Muslim lands. While Arabs treat Shias as a mortal threat, it is actually
Khawarij which prepare to annihilate both Shias and Sunni arabs. This these so
called leaders do not understand. It is pure short sighted, blind opportunism from
both sides while Israel celebrates on millions of Muslim dead bodies, humiliating
our faith, civilization, history and culture !
Same game is being played in Pakistan also, through TTP, Geo, Judiciary and govt

while only Pak army is defending the country from becoming what you see here of
other Muslim lands..
Those who worship the god of democracy in this country, should be buried with
Khawarij !!


Drawn by the sister of a fallen child, this heart wrenching pic bleeds our hearts. It
is a reminder that we have to avenge these children, make sure that our future
generations are safe and we hand over a safe, prosperous and Islamic Pakistan to
our future generations.
We have neither forgotton these children, not forgiven the animals who have done
this atrocity. Each one of the snake who participated in this murder will be nailed...
including Iftikhar chaudrey, Kayani, SAFMA, Geo, Zardari, parliament, political

parties and allies of Khawarij in religious gangs... Each one will pay !! InshAllah !

Alhamdolillah, this amazing gift is now available in hard copy !

Iqbal baba's epic poems in english rendering by Owais Ghani sb and published by
BrassTacks through the contribution of patriots.
Soft copy has already been uploaded. you can google it.
Hard copies are a treasure to have, precious to be given as gifts and read.
Pl call our office at to buy the book.
Shami. 051 5598046,7

Cell: 0332 - 361 4342

our office team will give you details on how to get it.
Jazak Allah khair to all of you.


Yaume Takbeer Mubarak !! a day of celebration for the Ummah !! A day of

mourning for the Kuffar and Mushrikeen !
Pakistan was created for Ghazwa e Hind ! Pak became rock solid with these
weapons for Ghazwa e Hind ! This day, hearts of the enemies trembled, of brothers
celebrated with joy!
The duty has just begun.... Prepare yourself... tough times ahead and the final
phase of the Ghazwa is close now...


Dear members, I am travelling these days and have limited time and even more
limited internet access to update FB page. all khair alhamdolillah
Just on a special journey

Now, I am being bombarded with demands to tell where we are travelling

I knew this would happen

We are in Haramain, presenting the case files of Pakistan to Allah (swt) and
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) ! The destiny of the Ummah is being decided in the
spiritual plane and this is the time to seek Allah's karam, maghfirah and Rehmah.
Dua is presented in Makkah but they are approved in Medina, through the
intercession of Darbar e Nabwi, the supreme GHQ of the spiritual world !
Our dear Baba Saleh is not well. We had to go and visit him also. He is one of the
staff officers of Rasul Allah (sm) who has spent his entire life in Masjid e Nabwi
shareef doing khidmat of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and is one of our our elder
baba friend in Haram e Nabwi. He is a Baluch from Jacobabad MashAllah !
These are critical times not just for the Ummah, but for Pak Saezameen also. We
have given our azaan in Pakistan. Now we are here in the Supreme GHQ for the
approval and barakah ! InshAllah Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) will give His sacred
approval !
love and dua to you all. We will be busy here and limited net access. here we are

present for a duty. let us focus on that.


Dear children, members, we are here on a critical duty. Have extremely limited
time & there is NO way we can socialize or accept dinner invitations. We are being
bombarded with requests but we will have to decline with love. Pl try to
understand. Ummat e Rasul (sm) is in pain. Pak Sarzameen is in pain. We are here
to present the files in the Supreme GHQ. We need privacy to do this duty.
InshAllah, will meet all of you in Pak Sarzameen. Here, pl leave us alone with
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). Jazak Allah to all of you.

Tonight is 15th Shaban, Shab e Bara'at in Medina ! Destinies will be decided, fates
will be written... We are in Medina... this is our moment to seek Allah's maghfirah
and Rasul Allah's karam.
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has informed us that fate cannot be changed except
through the power of Dua !! Tonight we will do dua for the believers. We will ask
for khair for those live and die for the sake of Rasul Allah, in defense of Pak
Sarzameen. We will do dua for Pak army, the mujahideen of Ghazwa e Hind and
Jihad against Khawari. We will ask for Khilafat e Rashida nizam in Pakistan. We
will seek for Takeel e Pakistan, for victory in Ghazwa e Hind, for victory against
Khawarij, enemies of Rasul Allah !!
And we will do Bud-Dua for the Kuffar, Khawarij and the Munafiqeen. Yes, we
will do massive bud-dua on all enemies of Pakistan, all enemies of Ummat e Rasul
(sm). These rascal political leaders, munafiq media anchors, ghaddar judges,
khawarij Mullahs and their allies -- they will all be cursed tonight in Masjid e
Nabwi as enemies of Rasul Allah (sm). we will seek their intense punishment in
Dunya and Akhira inshAllah. All the snakes who have harmed Pakistan will be in
serious trouble tonight. We will present their files in Darbar e Nabwi inshAllah !
InshAllah, great khair is coming.. stay strong ! Our time has begun !!


Warning to Americans, Indians and Pakistan Political Leadership to wake up
before its too late.


You will shed tears of blood after reading this most soul shaking and gut
wrenching of slaughter of Pakistani Muslims at the hands of Indian Army and their
Mukti Bahini gangs in 1971. Over a million Pakistanis were slaughtered, raped,
burnt and hacked in this most secretive and gruesome slaughter. Since the history
was written by the Indian Army which won the war in East Pakistan, all these
slaughters were attributed to Pak Army later. Read the true history which was
never told to the world. This book Blood and Tears is now NOT available in the
world. We had a copy and we have scanned and uploaded it on many sites.
After the elections in 1970, the traitors of Sheikh Mujeeb ur Rehman, who were
earlier caught in the famous Agartala conspiracy, staged a rebellion against
Pakistan and launched their bloody war against civilians and pro-Pakistani Bengali
Muslims. It was after this slaughter that Pak Army moved against these traitors and
enemies and fought them for 9 months before the Indians attacked from all sides
with the help of the Soviets.Muslims of Bangladesh are not told of this bloody
history of their founding fathers who were traitors to the millat and Ummat-eRasul (sm). Read this and shed tears of blood.
Indian army led Mukti Bahini burning the eyes of Pakistani Muslims before
slaughtering them in mass executing ceremonies. This macabre game of death has
been massively documented by Qutub Uddin Aziz in his famous book Blood and
Tears. Read this history and cry your heart out. The enemies blamed these
slaughters on pak army. In reality, they were being done by Indian Army led Mukti
Bahini. Read on and cry on and promise to take


We have warned you already, Modi is preparing to impose war on Pakistan!

For all those who've lost their loved ones because of these dogs of hell, let us share
with you that every single day our men in khaki are taking the revenge of our
fallen Shuhadda.
This video is only a glimpse of how every single bullet shot by our jawans

ruthlessly pierces through the flesh and bones of kharjis. To all the mother's of our
shuhadda, remain contented that the blood of our children is paying back. Remain
steadfast and back your sons and brothers in Pak army.


Asif Ali Zardari, your direct attack on our sipah salar only shows that you are
serving foreign masters and perusing their agendas! You are dead wrong if you
think you can get away with attacking Pak Army and our chief! This nation will
bleed you million times before they allow you to attack our defenders! Your evil
plans will never come to life and you will never be able to dent the resolve of our
armed forces! All enemies and traitors within like you are being exposed now! All
enemies of Pakistan will be dealt with!


We welcome this Ramadan Kareem, with humbleness and our love for Syyedi
RasulAllah sm. Our mission remains the same and that is Takmeel e Pakistan
inshaAllah! Those who stand the test of times and hold their ground rise victorious
and triumphant over the evil around. All enemies of Pak Sar zameen would fall and
be dealt with by Pak Army.
RAW, TTP, BLA, and all those snakes who think they can harm our Medina e Sani

should think million times before even taking a single step against this Pak
sarzameen. You will find each Pakistani standing in your way with unshakable
resolve to die for the honour of this land, you can cut us into pieces but we wont let
you harm an inch of this Medina e Sani Pakistan!

Every soldier of Pak Army is the soldier of Syeddi Rasul Allah(sm), serving Him
(sm) with their blood ! Alhamdolillah, Pak Army is the deployed spiritual force by
RasulAllah (sm) for the protection of Madina e Sani, the Last fortress of Islam !
Pak Army, we'll back you by all means ! we'll fight with you on every battlefront!
Keep the flag high ! Love you and buhat Dua.


If you want to support the mission, buy our books !

We do not take donations. Every other political and religious party does. We are
not funded by anyone. Every media house, think tank and organization is. We
accept this cost to remain Free and Independent. That is why we speak the truth
and rest are afraid !
Our books are not just a solid mean to spread our azaan and do tarbiat of our

Children, it is also a source of Halal Rizq for us. We distribute thousands of books
free as well but producing high quality books is extremely expensive. Some close
friends do sponsor the printing sometimes.
At present, we have following books with us:
01. From Indus to Oxus Urdu. 3,000/Rs
02. From Indus to Oxus English 2500/ Rs
03. Khilafat e Rashida. 1,000/Rs
04. Halqa e Yaaran. 1,500/Rs
05. Iqbal Purisrar. 1,000/Rs
06. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed(RA) 300/Rs
07. Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi & Noor uddin Zangi 500/Rs
08. Sultan Muhammad Fateh. 400/Rs
09. Mujahideen e Ghazwa hindh 600/Rs.

Whole set would be Rs: 8000/= only. We can dispatch anywhere in Pakistan.
Postage cost will be upon us also.
OR you can buy individual books as per your choice.
Pl email me at
Or SMS at : 0332 - 361 4342.
Those outside the country can download the books for free and take prints. Jazak

This is our Ramazan gift to the Millat ! Entire deen is adab e Rasul (sm) and Ishq e
Rasul (sm). These few minutes will change the way you understood these amazing

spiritual concepts. Our azan at Jamia Rizvia few years ago, still passionate, still
soul shaking Alhamdolillah ! Many have seen this before, Many have not. We
recommend you all to watch it again... May Allah bring khair and barakah for you
in this Ramazan...

Prepare yourself spiritually and physically for the times ahead. You are the future
of Pakistan. Always remember the words of our Quaid: 'Do your duty and have
faith in God. There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan!' InshaAllah!

Dear all, during this month of ramazan also, remember our soldiers who're fasting
while fighting for the millat, under the scorching sun and shedding blood, when the
entire media and politicians are leaving no stone unturned to affront them !
Embrace them, own them, greet and give dua when you see them. These are the
true sons of the nation. MashaAllah!


Zaid Hamid sahib is being illegally detained in Saudi Arabia, but he is well and in
good spirits.
News regarding his punishment or lashes is being spread by the enemies to bring
down the nation's morale. This news is not true.
We stand by him with complete trust in Allah (swt) and believe that he is under the
protection of RasulAllah sm.
Remember him in your dua in this precious month of Ramadan and be part of the
team to send his message across the Ummah. InshaAllah he will be back with us
On behalf of BTCore Team

We always knew such times will come upon us when we will be tested to our
limits and also those who claim to be with us. Successful are those only who
remained steadfast, patient and waited for Amr e Rabbi.

MashAllah, thousands of new members have joined this page who are not aware of
our mission. Alhamdolillah, Mission Takmeel e Pakistan is the most romantic,
most emotional, most passionate duty launched in the 21st century to revive the
Ummah and the Millat. Only the most blessed will be the part of it. Understand this
duty and join the mission. This is the most romantic way to live a life.. MashAllah
This mission is the furqan of the time -- you go against it, you are an enemy of the
Ummah. You support it, you will be on the right side of the history. This mission
started 1400 years ago -- from khilafat e Rashida and will carry on till the next

Khilafat e Rahida, Ghazwa e Hind, Jihad against Khawarij, United states of


*************************************** to Pakistan Army.

Dedicated to Pakistan Army.
"Ghazwa e Badr" the first decisive battle between Haq O Batil, which announced
in the universe that Allah's army will win, no matter how less in number. Today
once again anyone with eyes can see that "Ghazwa e Hind" prophesied by Syedi
Rasul Allah (sm) is drawing near.
Pakistan Army will be the blessed army to whom this Basharat was given. Once
again one of our soldier will be equal to ten of mushrikeen. Once again angels will
descend to help us and fight along with us. Our Army just has to embrace this
Basharat and realize that it is them who Syyedi Rasul Allah (sm) gave it to.


Salam all volunteers.

I am Haris Zahoor, a close friend and mission brother of Zaid for the past 7 years
and have seen thick and Thin.
I would like to update you officially on the Brasstacks status on the issue of his
illegal detention.
Zaid was detained on false accusations of Emad Khalid who is backed by GEO TV
and different mullah and government groups.
But Alhamdulillah, Allah has been kind and he has been kept in good health and

place and NO harm has come to him. Not even a scratch !

Contrary to Media disinformation, no punishment or case has been registered. In
fact Saudis have found nothing against him and is in the process of release.
Needless to say, this has also been made possible with the help of forces and
agencies Alhamdulillah and blessings of Allah (swt).
I must emphasise the following:
1) Backdoor diplomacy has been working in our favour and we assure you that
forces and agencies are directly in contact with family and Zaid.
This is the reason we have kept quiet till now.
ANY PROTEST or AGGRAVATION from our end can make the difference of
releasing him within weeks or Decades !!!
Saudi processes are very very slow and takes months to execute. We MUST be
patient till such time that we loose all hope with our Agencies or Army. This is
NOT the case and Zaid is being looked after at the highest level I assure you.
Anybody who tells you otherwise is a LIAR and is working against BT Team !
Please understand that any such activity at this time can not only hurt ZAID's
release but can get you ARRESTED and harm may come to you individually.
In his 8 years, Zaid has NEVER endorsed such actions and have emphasised to
stay calm and change hearts.
Powers that can help are already working at the highest level and there is Nothing
more that is required. No pressure is required BUT ONLY DUA CAN
Please, this is a request from BT team to stay away from such activity and God
Forbid if required, we will be the first one to give a call for it.
Bahut Dua aur Khair
BT Team
P.S you can reach me at:
: @haris6007

WhatsApp : 03008440757

Jashn e Azadi mubarak to all Pakistanis.
After many years of blood and tears Allah has blessed us to witness a 14th August
when the whole nation is hopeful, united and determined to build Pakistan into the
land our forefathers wished it to be, 'a bulwark of Islam' an exemplary Islamic state
representing the glorious Muslim history. May Allah bless us all to be a soldier of
Rasul Allah (SM) and may Allah keep Pakistan shinning for ever, Amin.
InshAllah Khair

We would like to take you back in the past. A few years ago in 2009 -10 when
'Wakeup Pakistan', 'Iqbal ka Pakistan', 'Pakistan aik Ishq aik junoon' were
televised, majority of our youth were magnetically drawn into the magnificent
mission of Rasul Allah (SM) and dream of Iqbal. If you watch these programs you
will be able to see how Allah had risen the nation from slumber and as iqbal said
'hazir o maujood se bayzaar karay', had happened, and our youth started to identify
themselves with the glorious past of Muslim Ummah and realised that they are the
torch bearers of the greatest civilisation in the universe. A phenomenal awakening
was witnessed in our nation and specially our youth who hold the future of this
country in their hands now.
This revolution, the revolution of 'Khudi', needs patience, and struggle with ones

nafs, and constant polishing of ones character with the help of Murshid e Kamil.
Our youth seemed to be in a bit of a hurry and made the same mistake as our elders
after Quaid did, they started looking for answers in the current system and status
quo, started doing tawaf of Democracy, forgot what Iqbal's dream was for Pakistan
by emotionally and morally backing the 2013 elections. Their intentions were
sincere, but the path they chose could not possibly lead to the dream of Iqbal.
There are no short cuts to 'Takmeel e Pakistan' and there is not other way than the
one shown by Iqbal in the light of the Sunnat e Nabawi.
Now that the youth of Pakistan has itself experimented with this filthy system of
democracy and has seen its reality we would like to remind you and call you back
to the 'Real Revolution', Iqbal's revolution, which starts from within a Mard e
Momin,Mard e Azad and spreads all around like sun shine.
Watch this series again and revive the revolution. You have completed the journey
of 'laa', you now know what you should not do, democracy or any other ism is not
the answer to the equation of Pakistan as Quaid said. Now embark on the journey
of 'Illal Allah', i.e; except the system of justice and rule given by Allah and his
And only then
Liya jae ga tujh se kaam dunya ki imamat ka.
Khair InshaAllah.

Hear these glad tidings about our beloved Pakistan. Be patient, and have faith.

Prepare yourself for the azmaish approaching us as a nation and be ready to make
great sacrifices. Pray to Allah SWT to gift us a leader who has the attributes of our
great ancestors, the Khulafa e Rashideen, Umer bin Abdul Aziz RA, and
Salahuddin Ayyubi. And try hard to become worthy of being granted such a leader.
IA Khair
Mrs. ZH

Here is a gift for you all which you can share with all your friends and family.
Download the televised soft revolution 'Iqbal ka Pakistan' in mp3 format and share
to spread the message. You can even hear it while driving
The amazing 'Asrar e Khudi' and 'Ramooz e Baykhudi' explained for our youth by
Honorable Mr. Zaid Hamid. A program worth listening to again and again to
understand what Baba Iqbal RA has to say to you, 'the youth and future of
Pakistan' about your self and your mission.
Download and listen. May Allah guide us to Rasul Allah SAW, amin.
Mrs. ZH

Dedicated to the brave sons of Pakistan. We love you Pakistan Armed Forces and
we stand with you today and always.
Pakistan Painndabad.
Salute to the Guardians of this Nation from all of us mothers, sisters and daughters.
We pray for your Imaan and Salamti day and night, and we feel safe in our homes

because you all are fighting and sacrificing yourself to keep us safe.
May Allah give barakah to you all and may each one of you be enough for a
thousand of our enemies, amin. We all salute you.
Mrs. ZH
Pakistan is a peace loving country, but its also the Last fort of Islam. Pakistanis are
peace loving people but we also know how to defend our geography and honour.
We stand with our Armed Forces and each one of us will fight along with them till
the last drop of our blood. So we have the largest army in the world, 180 million.
The enemy should think hard before they mess with us. We wont take prisoners
this time!
Happy Defence Day

Democracy, a political system which was devised 3000 years ago by Greeks. The
west has indoctrinated our minds through its media so much in favour of this
system that we literally consider it a sin not to believe in it. Lets hear what one of
them has to say about this system and whether it has actually ever worked.

Now see how the best of Khulafa transfers responsibility to his successor in the
system of Khilafat. Please focus on the message and do not comment and waste

time on how great a sin it is to translate these golden examples into a visual
medium. Carefully read each and every word spoken in the subtitles and notice the
drastic difference between all other systems/isms which we in the world today, and
Khilafat (vicegerency of Allah SWT).
What should be the objectives of an education system of a free Islamic state
according to Allama Iqbal which would create leaders not slaves, lets find out.


If you want to support the mission, buy our books !

We do not take donations. Every other political and religious party does. We are
not funded by anyone. Every media house, think tank and organization is. We
accept this cost to remain Free and Independent. That is why we speak the truth
and rest are afraid !
Our books are not just a solid mean to spread our azaan and do tarbiat of our
Children, it is also a source of Halal Rizq for us. We distribute thousands of books
free as well but producing high quality books is extremely expensive. Some close
friends do sponsor the printing sometimes.
At present, we have following books with us:
01. From Indus to Oxus Urdu. 3,000/Rs
02. From Indus to Oxus English 2500/ Rs
03. Khilafat e Rashida. 1,000/Rs
04. Halqa e Yaaran. 1,500/Rs

05. Iqbal Purisrar. 1,000/Rs

06. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed(RA) 300/Rs
07. Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi & Noor uddin Zangi 500/Rs
08. Sultan Muhammad Fateh. 400/Rs
09. Mujahideen e Ghazwa hindh 600/Rs.
Whole set would be Rs: 8000/= only. We can dispatch anywhere in Pakistan.
Postage cost will be upon us also.
OR you can buy individual books as per your choice.
Pl email me at
Or SMS at : 0332 - 361 4342.
Those outside the country can download the books for free and take prints. Jazak

All those who are in search of a way, a guidance, to develop their self, watch this
episode and carry on watching till the end of this series. Allama Iqbal has left a
detailed map for us and specially our youth to the fascinating path of self discovery
leading us to the ultimate destiny of
" " .
Lets Watch...

A beautiful chapter from the book 'Halqa e Yaran' read by Honourable Zaid Hamid

Reconstruction of religious though in Islam, one of Allama Iqbal's most famous
works, is considered by many as his most profound contribution to the world of
Philosophy. In this sitting with students Honourable Zaid Hamid explains why
Allama Iqbal felt the need to write this book, which audience he intended to
address through it, and tell us the gist of his message and philosophy.

Listen to this shocking lecture by a former KGB officer on Subversion how the
media, education and propaganda is used to destroy a religion, society and people.
This is the integral part of 4thGW being deployed against Pakistan today. This
Soviet KGB spy exposes all the strategies and tactics of subversion of a society.
How democracy is exploited to create a dictatorship of a cult. You cannot break
this cycle unless you revert back to our own model Quran and Sunnah!

Our enemies must have realised by now that they made the biggest mistake of their
lives by messing with this nation. Hundred and eighty million tigers eager for the
glorious death of Shahadat, you can't beat such a nation. Each one of us swears we
will gouge out the eyes of anyone who looks at our sacred land with bad intentions.
So you better come prepared !!!
From 180 million Pakistanis

A very important program from the series of "The Debate with Zaid Hamid",
IMF's Economic Terrorism. A must watch.

The message of our great Quaid e Azam RA, for the youth of Pakistan. A soul
shaking message, you won't be able to hold back your tears and will have goose
bumps on hearing his roaring voice, confidence in each one us and his certainty
about the fate of this country.
This is what he wants you to build Pakistan into...


A soul resurrecting short story on a shepherd who's a true Ashiq e Rasul (SAW).
Makes you cry every time you watch it :,)

MashaAllah, a beautiful chapter about our beloved, most precious 'Mohsin' Quaid
e Azam RA, from a book worth reading. The glad tidings about our sacred land
Pakistan are over whelming mashaAllah, and they never stop coming specially at
the darkest of times when we feel all hope is lost. Read this and do shukar that we
were born here and are a part of such a blessed and glorious destiny.

A chapter from a beautiful book 'Wafa ka Kaaba', a book worth reading. It
introduces Pakistan and unveils its astonishing secrets which amaze one, and make
you proud and thankful to Allah tala for being born here
What is Freedom? Which kind of freedom is desirable and worth dying for and
which kind of freedom turns you into an animal. Clear your concept of freedom by
listening to this episode of 'Iqbal ka Pakistan'.
May Allah accept ! :_(

What kind of people will be chosen by Allah to fulfil the destiny written for
Pakistan? Are we amongst those blessed ones? And yes no doubt Gen Raheel
Sharif is one of those blessed people chosen by Allah to protect this nation, and
mind you, he DID NOT come through democracy, but only by Allah's Karam, he
was gifted to us.

May Allah make our youth weary of this farce called democracy, Amin.

*************************************** dream of Allama Iqbal, blessed by Allah's approval, Mohammad Ali Jinnah,
chosen and carved into Quaid e Azam to lead this nation into achieving that dream
of a land made upon the basis of ' La Ilaha IlALlah', and now this generation has
the task to complete that dream by 'Reporting on duty to Rasul Allah (SAW)'.
What a beautiful dream. What a beautiful country. What a beautiful Nation.
Dear Pakistani Patriots,
Honourable Zaid Hamid sb is Alhamdolillah absolutely fine, protected, and in
good health. Please do not believe in any propaganda about his well being. He will
be amongst us soon enough. Protest and dharna is neither required nor our way. So
just calm down, have faith and wait for him.
Mrs Zaid Hamid
Its actually very pleasing to see how our enemy is making fake accounts with the
names of our heroes and tweeting false news. It seems like their second biggest
agenda after 'Akhand Bharat' is to bring down ZH
All the patriots who have twitter accounts please use #LongLiveZaidHamid on
twitter to counter their propaganda so that our neighbour can know this nation
stands with Zaid Hamid.
Mrs Zaid Hamid


This is the age of media, and no doubt its the most powerful weapon with which
the masses and their thinking patterns are controlled and manipulated. But, in our
country it can be different if we would only follow the first law in our constitution
which is that Quran and Sunnah will be our guiding light. Read these ayaat from
Quran e kareem and see the golden principles given to guide our media and
journalists. They must abide by these rules at all times so that they don't cause
damage and unrest in our society. They need to be alot more careful.


Allahu Akbar !!! Alhamdolillah Kaseera !!

Sir Zaid Hamid is back in Pakistan with dignity and in good health. Released
without charge and honourably sent back home last night. He is resting and his cell
phones are off and he needs some privacy with his family, so please let him rest for
now. He will not make any media and public statement for now. he is NOT taking
any visitors for now.
But the tiger is back on duty and on his battle station alhamdolillah !!
Pakistan can celebrate now !!! Say salat of shukar, do sadaqa and recite salat o
salam on Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). This is a great victory for the Ummah and a
greater humiliation for the enemies of Pakistan.
Pakistan Zindabaad !!!


Dear Members, whatever happened in Saudi Arabia is a fascinating tale of

courage, betrayals, loyalties and passion. The best and the worst of the people
came out in the most critical of times. The enemies attacked us from all sides,
many friends betrayed us, many unknown ones came to fight alongside us and we
were equally defended by the patriots with fierce passion. Leading this fierce
defense was one soul who shares my life, my soul, my home and the mission - my
comrade in arms - my soul mate, my adviser, my friend and my beloved wife -Tayyaba !!
This post is my tribute to my soul mate who refused to give up the fight despite
being totally alone, isolated and trapped in Saudi Arabia for 4 months while I was
in the prison. Her visa had expired within a month and she faced deportation or
arrest but refused to leave me alone. She led the rescue, dealt with Saudi officials,
coordinated with Pak embassy, visited me in prison and kept my soul and spirit
alive, consolidated the family back home and led the the mission while I was
isolated. Her presence in Medina was my lifeline in this difficult time. Her passion
and courage has earned the respect of all those who dealt with her in these times.
For me, she is the real guardian angel who achieved the impossible while many
had given up hope of an early rescue. She achieved what the enemies thought
could not be done. Single handidly she defeated the enemies and arranged for my
release and return so secretly that even my own family and children did not know
of my arrival. This is a stunning tale of passion and courage worthy of a
spectacular action thriller. May be told later but not now.
All those who love me and the mission, must respect Tayyaba and be indebted to
her for the incredible sacrifice and courage she has shown against extreme pressure
and impossible odds. Pakistan owes this respect to this incredible lady who is the
rock solid force behind me and the mission. Anyone not respecting this noble lady
will not be respect by me either. This must be known to all.
This incident has changed radically all the rules of the game and the mission. Our
mission will continue with ruthless force but we will be more secretive and private
in operations. Public dealings will be restricted and visits will only be through
strict appointments. All my phone numbers have been changed and will not be
made public now. This is the next higher deadly level of mission and we will not
take any nonsense now. Soon the enemies will taste the blade of our swords
inshaAllah ! Every enemy and friend has been identified in this crisis and now it is
time for retribution. We will not show any mercy after this attack by the enemies
and the betrayals within our ranks. They started it. We will finish it now,

InshaAllah !


By the grace of Allah (swt), My rescue from Saudi Arabia is a spectacular tale of
how one single woman -- my beloved wife - defeated the entire RAW's plan to get
me eliminated ! This is the most epic humiliation and insult of entire Hindu Zionist
Brigade and their cow worshiping rascals! One courageous Muslim woman against
entire Hindu Zionist Brigade !!!!
Now the Hindu Zionists are crying in pain, pulling their hair and biting their tails !!
Allahu Akbar !!


My dearest members,
Aassalam alaikum wa rehmatullah !
Alhamdolillah kaseera that I am talking to you today after the epic battle we had to
fight in the last 4 months. It was tough indeed. Barak Allah to all of you who
stayed strong in this test, remembered us in dua and contributed to the battle in any
way you could. Your ajr remains with Allah alone.
This incident radically alters the rules of the battle we fight. It showed us our weak
links which the enemy exploited to trap us while we were on our sacred journey.
There was lots of disinformation, lies, propaganda against us in our absence and
even some of the the team members cracked under pressure. The rescue was an
extremely sensitive operation and the enemies were desperate to know the steps we
were taking. So, we had to maintain complete secrecy to deceive the enemies and
in the end, alhamdolillah, Allah gave us a stunning victory and humiliated the
Now when I am back, we are in a process of radically changing the way

BrassTacks operate. Our office has been relocated, numbers changed, tasks
outsourced and decentralized, team dispersed for remote operations and total
secrecy of our travel and movement plans. The threat we have has NOT
diminished and the wounded enemy is dangerous while we plan counter attack.
Our response will be lethal and ruthless and also secret on many occasions
All meetings with me will be through strict appointments only. If you are part of
this mission,then you must trust this Faqeer also. anyone complaining, cribbing,
creating problems and throwing fits is NOT part of this duty. Understand that we
will NOT tell you everything nor share with you our travel plans. My cell phone
would not be public and we will talk through social media only for now. Everyone
MUST follow this protocol.
Please dont ask for meetings now. I am not meeting anyone for now. email me or
send message to Shami. NO visits please.
NO ONE has the right or allowed to speak on our behalf. Only I or my wife would
make official statements through our social media.
In this next level of battle, we have NO margin for mistakes, blunders or stupidity.
This war is damn serious and we face cunning and sinister enemies.
Jazak Allah to all of you for your sabr, dua and love. Now back to your battle
stations and hit them hard. We will be more ruthless now inshAllah. You will see
very soon.
love and dua


Dearest members,

This crisis has clearly shown us 3 types of people.

1. Those who stood with us unconditionally and had the faith that this Faqeer will
return to the battlefield. They fought back, supported with everything they could
and never betrayed the Man or the Mission.
2. Second type went into the doubt, assumed that I will never return, stayed silent
or tried to spread the confusion, even trying to move on without permission. They
were not there when we needed them, they never contributed in effort or cash or
kind nor followed the leader or they went totally inactive.
3. The open enemies, who did everything in their power to destroy the mission and
the man. These were traitors within our ranks and the enemies outside who joined
hand to plot this sinister game.
I am reading the comments on the page. You see all these types of people
commenting here. Some creating doubts, some staying strong, some open enemies.
The true believers will NEVER doubt the mission or the strategy this Faqeer make
now. We will NOT react to the demands of the idiots or the enemies. We have
NOT told you anything yet because we are re-organizing ourselves after this fierce
battle. Those who are true followers would NOT walk ahead of the leader. Those
who want to walk ahead in haste, don't deserve to be respected.
Sabr and Tawakkul is what you must do now and wait for the new strategy to be
deployed. We are back on our battlefield and regrouping for a powerful relaunch
after this absence. So, dont rush and dont push us. Sabr and stay silent and do the
duty which you already have -- spread the message on social media as we did
before. I will come on the electronic media when we have achieved what we are
doing now. For now, media has to wait.
All the rumors you heard about me are nothing but pack of lies, spread by
Munafiqeen or the enemies. I was never lashed, never convicted, never killed !!
My return is their worst nightmare. Now they want to know our next moves while
we plan our counter attack.
You can be sure, it is going to be fierce and merciless. Just wait.


Everyday we receive hundreds of requests from people all over the world that they
want to work with us in our Mission. We always tell them to think a hundred times
before making this request, for you will be shaken and tested violently on this
journey. Those who have been following our mission for years know this fact for
sure. We live a dangerous life and it is NOT easy to stand with us in practical
battlefield. This is a life we chose for ourselves, alhamdolillah!

Thousands of new members have joined us in past many months when I was in
Saudi Arabia. New members must spend some time on our website, FB and
Twitter to know the depth, intensity and scope of our mission - Takmeel e
Pakistan. We started this daring mission in 2007 and since then it has become a
phenomenon, defending the Millat, destroying the Mushriks and reviving the honor
and glory of the Ummat e Rasul (sm).
This clip was recorded in 2011, where we had warned of the extreme tests and
trials and the challenges which will be faced by us. Whatever happened in Saudi
Arabia is just a walk in the park in this sacred journey and we take it in our stride.
We knew this would happen and we are not bothered. Lets march on... We have
got a mission to achieve and these are the necessary costs every ideologue and
romantic visionary has to pay..
This is our entire mission -- so magnificent, so glorious, so huge that it seems
impossible to the weak hearted and terrifies the enemies. It started 1400 years ago
and continues through the history and will forge ahead in present times. There is a
reason why the enemies in East and West want to destroy this Faqeer and the
mission he leads... Allahu Akbar !


An advice to all Pakistanis based in Saudi Arabia, Gulf and Middle East.
These days, the governments of these countries are extremely sensitive to material

being posted on social media. The wars in the Middle East have increased the
threat level in all these countries and their governments are closely following the
social media for any hostile or negative remarks. Please do NOT post any
comment, post, pic or link which may be considered hostile to these governments.
You can get into trouble. I have seen many youngsters in Jail who were arrested
for making remarks on the social media. So, be careful please.
Just follow the social media but DO NOT get involved in discussion or posts if you
are living in the Middle East in these times. May Allah protect you all from all
Indian regime of Hindu Zionists wanted me extradited to India because of the
attacks we do on them through media and social media. I will share the whole story
later, IA.

If you stand with our mission, this is the time to prove it !!

We need resources to keep our fight going. We DO NOT ask for donations but sell
our books for revenue which keeps the mission going. Before I left for Saudi
Arabia, we had completed an amazing project in English on Iqbal Baba's poetry.
English rendering of his selected works. An amazing effort by Owais Ahmad
Ghani sb, former Governor Baluchistan and Khyber.
Price of the book is Rs: 800/= including postage anywhere in Pakistan.

We DO NOT send outside Pakistan. Ask your family in Pakistan to buy it and send
you themselves.
The book is available with BrassTacks and you must have it in your personal
library. All details are on the Jpeg attached.
Shall be posting details of our entire book collection for sale as well. Jazak Allah.

Entire BrassTacks classic books -- must have for all patriots and soldiers of this
mission. Entire set or individual books, you can order as you please. This is your
direct contribution to this mission!
You can email me at
for more details.
Jazak Allah


Your duty is to spread the message and support the mission which is truly hurting
the Mushriks, Khawarij, Mulhids and Zionists ! We have most sinister, cunning
and powerful enemies -- from terrorists governments to militant gangs to hostile
media! We live a dangerous but romantic life in this mission. If you cannot stand
with us in this battle, then you have no right to complain also or make demands.
Even Our team was tested to the limits in this latest test and now we know who
stand with us and who cracked under pressure.
InshAllah, We will do this duty at all cost, against all enemies despite extreme
threats but now only the select and the blessed few would stand with us. There is

no second chance in this battle! We had told you this before.

Important notice:
This page is the only official FB page for BrassTacks. There are hundreds of pages
which are sharing content from our official page but we are not responsible for the
other content on their pages.
Our twitter account is :
Our website is : and
Please make note of this. Zaid Hamid or BrassTacks is NOT responsible for the
content on other pages.
Jazak Allah


While I was in Saudi Arabia, many blatantly false rumors were spread about me by
the enemies deliberately and sometimes by the naive friends. What happened in
Saudi Arabia will be told later but for now, let me clear some filth which was being
1. I NEVER made any speech in Saudi Arabia or did anything on Umra which
provoked Saudis. I was there on Umra and was arrested from Medina, near Rauza

e Rasool and NOT arrested from Makkah. Saudis Never knew me before nor they
had any problems with me when I arrived for Umra with my wife.
2. During 4 months of my detention, I was NEVER convicted, Never Lashed,
Never killed.
3. Yes, a team of RAW had arrived in Saudi Arabia to demand by extradition to
India immediately after my arrest. My arrest was also a trap set by RAW when
they knew of my Umra plans.
More details on what happened, who was involved and how I came out will follow
later. For now, this is the truth which was buried under the barrage of lies,
disinformation and deception.
My release is a spectacular defeat of RAW. This amazing story will be told
inshAllah !!


It was RAW against one Muslim woman!! RAW plotted and planned, and against
them Allah plotted and planned and indeed Allah is the best of the planners !!!
Very soon, we will tell the entire story which is an amazing victory of Patriots
against Hindu Zionists! The enemies still do not believe that I am back
Let them remain in doubt and spread confusions. Those who trust us, need no
further explanations.

I personally and also the entire Pakistan owe special gratitude to my wife who
stood like a rock and destroyed the entire game plan of traitors and enemies. She is
not just my wife but also the most trusted adviser, comrade in arms and a guardian
angel in this dangerous mission, MashAllah !
InshAllah, Very soon, we will start to name all the players involved in this sinister
game. For now, we are reorganizing ourselves for future battles. You can be sure
of that... !!

Saudi govt arrested me because they were told by agents of RAW that I am an
Iranian spy
The allegation was serious and Saudis had to do their own investigations to know
the truth. My picture with Iranian President Ahmedinejad and my two official
visits to Iran were given to Saudis as evidence that I am an Iranian agent. Also, my
TV program on DIN News in which I had strongly opposed sending Pakistani
troops to Yemen were exploited as evidence that I work for Iranian govt. This was
the trap set for me.
So, when I reached Saudi Arabia, the RAW agents were already present there to
set the trap. They informed the Saudis and then the Saudis launched a massive
investigation to know my credentials and within weeks knew that all the
allegations were false. The demands by Indian government that I should be handed
over to India also alarmed the Saudis that something is wrong here. If I was an
Iranian agent, why India is so interested that I should be handed over to India???
My wife played a key role in negotiating with the Saudis and giving them evidence
that we are Pakistani patriots and NOT Iranian agents. Our resistance to sending
Pak troops to Yemen was based on our love for Pakistan and Ummah and not
because we served Iranian interests.

The statements by Pakistani Ministers of PML(N) govt against me created some

more confusions in the minds of Saudis and that also delayed my release. I was
NOT helped by PML(N) govt at all.
But once Saudis were satisfied that I was not an Iranian spy, it was only a matter of
time that would be released with dignity and respect. Ramazan, Eid holidays and
then Hajj vacations delayed the release but finally after Hajj we were sent back
with dignity on exit stamp NOT deported. If I was an Iranian spy, Saudis would
NEVER release me within weeks nor let me go with dignity but would have
hanged me or deported me otherwise. Spies in Saudi Arabia are NOT released at
all !!! NO trial was held, NO conviction was given!!! It was just detention for
My wife stayed in Medina throughout even when her visa was expired and Saudi
govt did not deport her either. By the way, my wife Tayyaba is NOT Khanum
Tayyaba Bokhari, a Shia scholar who comes on TV. This is again a deliberate lie
being spread to prove that we are Iranian agents
Who are the snakes, traitors and enemies involved in this sinister conspiracy, we
will tell you soon IA. For now, this should be enough for you. Wait for more on
this action thriller which is an epic defeat of Hindu Zionists, Alhamdolillah !
Now you know how lies are spread and why you MUST verify all news before
trusting the propaganda of the enemies. Those not trusting our statement can
remain in doubt. we don't care !!

My arrest was a test case for Pak media also and there is NO doubt that almost the
entire Pak media, except rare exceptions, is bloody liars which spread lies, false
propaganda, deceptions and deceit, acting as instruments of Kufr and Zulm !! They
spread rumors without verifying, create panic in the country and serve the interests
of the enemies. Asad Kharal even spread the news that I have been killed and the
next day, he was shamelessly announcing my return to Pakistan, without offering
any apology, astaghfurullah !!
What will these liars say on the day of judgement in front of Allah (swt) ???? One
shivers at their fate which awaits them in hell fire !!
In all laws of the land and according to Quran and Sunnah, such media deserve to
be banned, punished and prosecuted.
PML(N) govt remained silent, even happy that I have been arrested. Media was
spreading lies, even jubilant and happy. Indians wanted my extradition and Saudis
were angry and confused. It is nothing less than a miracle that I have come out

safely in such short time by the grace of Allah (swt).

You would note that entire enemy brigade is silent now, shameless yet humiliated
and defeated, alhamdolillah! They never expected that I would return, yet Allah
brought me home. Now there will be accountability!! a severe one inshAllah! I
promise you that.


Before leaving for Saudi Arabia, our Think Tank BrassTacks had done a most
comprehensive analysis on every conceivable threat being faced by Pakistan today.
From 5th Gen wars to Phenomenon of Khawarij to the Afghan crisis, our policy

papers have now become a bench mark for strategic planners of Pakistan. While I
was in detention in Saudi Arabia, I had extremely limited access to Pakistani
Media but now I am extremely pleased to see that our Sipah Salaar is doing exactly
what we had recommended in our last national security policy analysis. Our voice
has reached where it matters most. Those who do not matter, wont get our advice.
I am following the media since I came back and am extremely dejected that our
political parties and the government remain as retarded as I left them, without any
idea of the threats being faced by the country or building in the region. Countries
are being decimated around Pakistan in the ME but in Pakistan everyone is only
interested and going insane on NA122 fraud elections, astaghfurullah!!
This system, this democracy, this media and this political circus is self destructive,
suicidal and unsustainable. I have spoken enough on the cancer which haunts this
nation. Now I dont need to. This system will commit suicide very soon inshAllah.
We will appear on Media when there is a need. Else, our social media platforms
are powerful enough for us to raise our voice. For now there is only dog fights on
media and we don't wish to join that chaos. Our new working strategy would be
more lethal, more secretive and more focused towards national security managers.
Our ideological and Islamic work would remain active for the nation at large.
Those who wish to join our mission should do so on the social media. Spread the
message. Buy our books to support the cause, be a soldier to defend the ideological
and geographic boundaries of Pak Sarzameen and break the teeth of Hindu Zionists
and their Khawarij puppies. I have reduced public meetings for now. There is no
need for it.
Those who participated in the conspiracy of my arrest will be taken to task very
soon, InshAllah! They plotted against Pakistan and Allah destroyed their plot. Now
humiliation awaits them and a painful revenge. This is a promise.

Every Pakistani MUST watch this brief video. A spiritual Sheikh gives spiritual
intelligence on role of Pak army and future of Pakistan in the coming days.. This is
our mission. Only the most unfortunate snakes would resist this destiny which is
foretold by Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and the Aulia of all ages. Ghazwa e Hind,
Takmeel e Pakistan, Khilafat e Rashida and United States of Islam is the romantic
mission for which we fight.
Anyone oposing us in this mission is the unfortunate agent of Mushriks, Khawarij
and the Dajjali forces. This is written... Now their accountability is very very
close.... Listen carefully...
Geo, SAFMA, Tahir Ashrafi, TTP Khawarij, Liberal Seculars, Mufti Naeem,
Hamid Mir, Najam Sethi, Asma Jahangir.... these are the badnaseebs who are the
traitors of this Ummah. Know this well!!!


My arrest has become a benchmark for you to know who is the Kafir, Munafiq,
Kharji and enemy of Rasul Allah (sm) and who is the Momin, Mujahid, Ashiq
eRasul (sm) and lover of Medina e Sani Pakistan.
Only the most fasiq, kafir, muulhids and known enemies of Pakistan were
celebrating my arrest. Geo, SAFMA, Khawarij, Mushriks... These badnaseebs
should wait for their most severe punishment in Dunya and Akhira.
Every Mujahid who stands up to Kufr, Taghoot and Firoun of the time has to face
such tests which we faced in Saudi Arabia. Our history is full of thousands of such
events when our forefathers went to jail for standing up to Zulm and Kufr. When
we embarked on this journey, we knew of these risks and we accept them with
dignity and happiness, alhamdolillah.
We are grateful to Allah (swt) for selecting us to be one of the furqan of the time,
alhamdolillah! Only the worst enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) are against us. Only the
true believers are chosen to stand by us in this sacred mission of Takmeel e
Pakistan. Shukar Alhamdolillah !!

Let the enemies burn in their rage and cry at their defeat! We march on with the
sacred duty of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).

To hundreds of thousands of new members who want to know about our spiritual
mission, this is our reply. The mission of Takmeel e Pakistan is being driven by
adab e Rasul (sm) and Ishq e Rasul (sm) and this is the ideology we stand and fight
for. This is way above any sectarian or ethnic divide and we invite all Muslims to
join this mission of adab e Rasul (sm). This is what Pakistan stands for !! This is
what we live and die for !

Many Muslim countries have already been decimated. Many more are on the target
list of Zionists, Khawarij and Mushriks. There is absolutely NO doubt that Muslim
Ummah will make its most determined stand in Pakistan. This is the sacred land
which has been blessed to become the base for Khilafat e Rashida, Ghazwa e Hind
and Uniting the Ummah under one sacred banner.
This amazing destiny will NOT come through democracy or political parties. All
this system of filth will be removed by Allah (swt) very soon. Remain focused on
the sacred mission and be patient. Allah has His own plans and He will use only
the finest for this amazing destiny. Many have been tested and have failed the test.
Allah will find more people to do His duty -- those who are sincere, wise and
Sabireen !!

Mothers will not produce a son like Sayyadna Umer again !!! Khalifa e Rashid has
set such high standards of leadership that have become the beacon and the
benchmarks for all humanity for all times..
This is the model we aspire for... Democracy CANNOT produce leaders like
Sayyadna Umer (RA).


Quran says with every hardship comes ease ! Alhamdolillah, while the enemy
plotted to destroy us and our mission, Allah turned the tables against them and
humiliated and exposed them all. In my own field of Security Threat analysis, I
gained invaluable insight into the dangerous world of Khawarij, which will help
Pakistani nation to identify and eliminate the threat of this fitnah. Our izzat, respect
and stature increased during this trial while the dark faces of the Mushriks and
Khawarik were fully exposed. Very soon, we will name each and every snake
involved in this conspiracy. Then there will be no tauba, no mercy !! Just wait and
watch the game unfold....


Only an insane man with no self respect, dignity or vision would say that
democracy is the destiny of Pakistan and would reject the Khilafat e Rashida
model of benevolent dictatorship based on Shoora and Shariat !! You wanted
democracy and Allah gave you worst of the creatures like Zardari, Altaf, Nawaz
and Fazlu as leaders!! They are a curse on this Ummah and you asked for them....
This nation has NO right to complain from Allah (swt) for the humiliation we face
as a nation today !!
Oh, people, repent, do astaghfar and reject this system of Kufr and Zulm....
Pakistan was NOT made for these snakes to rule...

When we talk about Khilafat e Rashida model of governance, we receive extreme

resistance from some "Muslims" for whom their sect is more important that Islam
itself. This is the tragedy of the Ummah -- we are Sunnis, Shias first, Muslims
later. We are happy to live under KUFR but NOT with other Muslims we differ
Read this book on Khilafat e Rashida model of governance. We have also done 17
TV programs on this subject which are on our website. Watch them too. If you
want a life of izzat and dignity, follw whats written in this book. Else, there is only
humiliation awaits those wish to live under Kufr of democracy...
Democracy has NO future in Pakistan. It is time you accept this destiny...


My coming out from the jail is a miracle which is still haunting the enemies and
they remain in denial. The fact that I have not made any media appearance since
my return also continue to confuse them
This also shows the power of media to spread lies. Even at the Qatar airport, when
a group of Pakistani saw me in front of them, one of them said that he has
confirmed news that I have been
sharing with you a twitter conversation I had yesterday. It is amusing to see how
panicked and confused they have become since the news of my arrival has become
their nightmare. Enjoy.. )

When I was in Jail, enemies celebrated their "victory", assuming that they have
finally gotten rid of their nightmare ! But the losers did not know that for true
believers and Momineen, every calamity and trial by fire is a blessing from Allah
(swt) to purify them and to strengthen them for more difficult and profound duties
ahead. This is how Allah tests, strengthens and rewards His own friends and
servants. Alhamdolillah !!

There is no doubt that these 4 months were difficult but there is also no doubt that
this time was the most spiritually charged and enlightening period of my life also.
The rewards from Allah (swt) far exceed the pain and the agony of this test.
Shukar Alhamdolillah, alf alf Marra ....

I was arrested by Saudis. Indians wanted me extradited. Pak government wanted

me to stay in jail forever. The odds were that I would stay in jail for decades... But
then Allah had His own plans...!
Now the enemies should realize that their every attack has become a blessing for
us and for our mission and we have emerged more stronger, more loved, more

popular than before... !! Alhamdolillah !

In the darkest of times in dungeons and cells, locked in isolation, it was the story of
Yusuf (as) which kept my spirits alive !! Allah's mercy is NEVER far from His
Now let the enemies cry....


Thousands want to join the mission we so passionately live for. If you want to be
part of this sacred journey, educate yourself with the ideology, spirituality and the
vision we stand and fight for. These two books are a compulsory read for all
Iqbal e Pur Israr and Halqa e Yaran ! If you have not read them, you dont know
about us and our mission.
Order them from our office: 0332 3614 342
Every Pakistani must also watch 45 episodes of this amazing spiritual series which
I did with Ali Azmat. Spend few days to watch it all. This will change your life
forever, InshAllah ! Most of you have not seen it. This is, as Ali called it " a
revolution which was televised" !!


Our duty is to give azaan of truth-- no matter what is the risk or what cost we have
to pay !! It is NOT easy to stand with us or march with us and for most part, this is

a journey we have to tread alone... facing the allegations, court cases, death threats,
attacks on our faith, honor and families and even jail terms.. Very few selected
souls will remain with us in the end...
But when you have a sacred duty to defend the Ummah -- these are the natural
obstacles which every Moazzin has to face ! We are humbled that Allah (swt)
chose us to do this sacred duty, Shukar, Shukar, Shukar...
I have done some very important tweets today. Follow them to know the real deal
behind their attempts to get me assassinated.

Visit my website and read the archives, watch old videos, watch motivational clips,
read policy papers and magazines, watch presentations and educate yourself with
the knowledge you will NOT find anywhere. You can register yourself for our
mailing list also. spread the word and ask your contact to visit the site also. To be
part of this duty, you must arm yourself with knowledge.
We made our first TV appearance in 2007! This brief emotional video will tell you
why we had to come on the media ! This is our mission -- to destroy the hostile
propaganda of the enemies and revive the spiritual and ideological vision of this
millat !!

When Allah wills, azaan of one Faqeer can destroy the powerful kingdoms of Kufr
and Taghoot !! All enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) and Pak Sarzameen plotted and
planned to silence this azaan but Allah is the best of the protectors, best of the
guardian, best of the planners !!


"Hussainiat" is NOT about being Shia or Sunni or about celebrating the events of

Karbala. Hussainiat is a life style - a code of honor - a life of dignity and a death of
honor !
If you dont follow this code of honor, then you are NOT a Hussaini, even if you
call yourself Shia, Sunni or Syed.... ! Imam Hussain will disown you on the day of
judgement if you live and die with Kufr and Taghoot in this Dunya ! Know this
well !!


It is NOT easy to live like Hussain, nor everyone will be blessed to die like him !
There are many today who claim to be Hussainis but stand with the Yazeed in
dunya and akhira ! The path of Hussain is difficult and demand extreme sacrifice that is why he was almost alone in Karbala that day -- left, abandoned and betrayed
by his allies who invited him and then betrayed...
We ahl beyt know this all too well !! In times of crisis, only a handful would stand
with us...!!


You all know about my beloved soul mate, my wife Tayyaba who lead the rescue
to take me out of the Saudi Jail. Here, for the first time, I share a narration by her.
She has written her own story.What she went through when I was in Jail and how
she spent her time in Medina Munawwara. I am sure it will make a fascinating read
for most of you, inshAllah !.
If my duty is dangerous and difficult, her journey alongside me is no less difficult.
There is a reason why Allah chose her to share my life, soul and the
mission...alhamdolillah !
Now read...
Assalamoalykum everyone,
Started creating jewellery again last night, after a long break. Was in Madina
Munawwara for many months as my husband was held by Saudi Authorities for

questioning when we went fo Umrah.

It was an unforgettable experience for the both of us and our entire family and it
carved us into even sharper swords of Rasul Allah (SAW) alhamdolillah, and
brought the family even closer. It was an immense blessing in disguise which
enriched us with Rasul Allah's generous 'Nazr e Karam', and 'Allah's miraculous
support' and I believe, it bound us four (Allah SWT, Rasul Allah (SAW), me, &
my husband honorable Zaid Hamid) into an unbreakable, invincible team.
Spending so many months so close to Rasul Allah (SAW), spending day and night
at the Masjid e Nabavi surrounded by all the blessed Ahl e Bayt and the essence of
the Haq, Syyedi Rasul Allah is an experience which is now a whole separate and
most exclusive chapter of my life. Although me and my husband live and breathe
to serve Syyedi (SAW) and His Ummah and His Pakistan, but there we were
nothing but tears and dua at His Darbar.
I was in a hotel next to Masjid e Nabavi while my husband was behind concrete
walls miles away from me, but now when we share our memories of this battle and
Ibadat which we were put through, we realise we were making same duas, had the
same routine of Ibadat, same roller coaster ride of emotions and traumas, faith and
heart breaks. There was not a moment that Allah Janu aur Syyedi Rasul Allah
(SAW) left us alone. Throughout this blessed test I felt they were both holding
each of my hand, taking care of my husband like a mother cares for his infant
helpless child.
I swear we have never felt so much love, care and Karam of Seyydi Rasul Allah
SAW, like we did during this whole time, and, we have never felt so many forces
deployed by Allah Tala to guard, help and rescue us, and more than that, make us
pass this test with flying colours.
I would like to thank everyone who prayed for us and most of all I would like to
thank our enemies who bought hell to get us even closer to Allah and Syyedi
SAW, who raised our stature even higher in the eyes of Patriots and truth lovers,
forged us husband and wife into 'Saifullah', and sifted out our friends from foes.
Now I have two homes, one Pakistan, and the other is Masjid e Nabavi, where
Syyedi (SAW) kept me safe in his 'Kamli' for so many months. We love you Allah
janu and Syyedi (SAW) and we promise we will never abandon your mission till
'Itmam e Noor' InshaAllah.
Long Live our baby "Pakistan"

Mrs. Tayyaba Zaid


Anyone who comes close to us in this mission will also be violently shaken up,
tested and put through tests to know the mettle he or she is made of. Only the most
strongest, purified and the solid material would be left in the end... ! Those who
follow us from the beginning know this fact very well !
Many started the journey, fascinated by the man or the mission but as the going got
tougher and tougher, they started to change directions... !
Where do you stand???? If you have not sacrificed for this passion, then you have
not been tested nor you have passed the test... !


Forces of Nature are also the "armies" of Allah (swt), Quran calls them "Junood us
Samawaat wal Ard" !! When Allah (swt) wants to warn or punish a nation, he can
deploy His "forces" from nature also. Many nations before us are destroyed
through Floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes and even through small
birds like Ababeels !! All those sins for which Allah has destroyed the earlier
people, exist in our society also. There is NO DOUBT that this nation and its
leaders are asking for azaab of Allah (swt) through their shameless Khayanat,
Shirk, Gustakhi and arrogance to deny and defy Sharia and Justice which Allah has
ordered us to implement. When Zulm crosses its limits, then Allah deploys His
forces -- first to warn and then to punish !!
Read what happened to people of Nooh, Aad, Samood, Loot and Moosa (alaihe
salat o salam on all). There were all destroyed by forces of Nature for their
arrogance !!
A Momina wife, who is your soul mate, your comrade in arms and your adviser is
the most beautiful gift which Allah gives to a Momin. The foundation stone of an
Islamic society is based on pure and spiritual relationship between a husband and
In my journey of Ishq e Rasul (sm) and Takmeel e Pakistan, Allah has blessed me
with such a soulmate. My best friend, my wife, Alhamdolillah, alf alf marra !!
Every day, we face dangers together, we fight together and face the toughest of
trials together but the journey becomes easier because we are together....
For the first time, I am sharing with you the most fascinating journey that we have
together in the line of our duty -- defending the millat in this sacred war to protect
the honor of the Ummah and the millat !!
Respect your spouses, love them, treasure them and be thankful to Allah for this
sacred gift. The best among you are those who are kind to your wives.. !! Never
forget this...


Know these faces well. These are called the Khawarij Mullahs who are against
Pakistan, friends of Hindu Mushriks and are called Congressi Mullahs who have
always opposed Pakistan and Quaid e Azam. These Mullahs were responsible for
slaughter of Millions of Muslims in 1947 and even today are attacking Pakistan
through the Khawarj of TTP. According to reports, this Mullah is also responsible
for burning hundreds of people alive in Baldia factory fire and was running the
Bhatta mafia for the MQM in Karachi.
These are the curse on this millat who are the enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) and

Pakistan. You will NEVER hear him condemning the TTP Khawarij Nor will he
ever speak against Mushrik Hindus. Because, he is a pro-Mushrik Mullah and
would be with Gandhi and Modi on the day of Judgement, as he is with them in
dunya today.. !!


Tahir Mehmmod Ashrafi -- Know this snake as well !! He calls himself Hafiz of
Quran, has created his own Ulama Council, Nawaz govt has placed him on the
council of Islamic Ideology -- and he is the biggest RAW asset and a Kharji
helldog in this Pak Sarzameen ! He was given the duty by the RAW to spread the
lies, disinformation and deception immediately after my arrest. He did his duty to
Mushriks with great loyalty. These are the snakes and traitors within the Ummat e
Rasul (sm) who use the cover of deen to spread the mission of Khawarij and
Mushriks !
We all know the Hadees Mubarak whose meaning is that "it is enough for a man to
be a liar if he spreads what he hears without varifyng it" ! According to Sharia, this
snake is not just a liar, he also deserves 80 lashes as well for his bohtan and lies...


I had decided not to come on media since I came back from Saudi Arabia. Because
I saw the nation totally lost in silly games like NA22, local bodies elections and
now the divorce of IK. The whole Ummah is burning but the leaders, media and
the political parties are playing shameless games, while the people follow the
merry-go-round circus willingly. This is insanity. 16 people were killed yesterday
in this madness called local bodies elections !! Indeed, this nation deserves Zardari,
Nawaz, Altaf, Iftikhar chaudrey and Fazlu.
Wait for Allah's judgement now... !
Whatever I had to say, I have said loud and clear. Whatever need to be said, will be
said on these social media platforms. When we feel that this nation wants to hear
the truth, then we will come on the electronic media also. Otherwise, we don't have
to. We offer no apologies, nor give any explanations, nor give any quarter to the
enemies. Enemies will soon face our wrath. We are not sitting idle. Guarantee you
75% of our work for National Security was always behind the scenes and remained

secret. It is being done with full intensity but you do not need to know. You will
only see the result, not the process or the strategy or the operational details. Media
is only 25% of our main work and for now, we will restrict our media appearance
while working behind the scenes, while exposing the enemies on social media.
If you trust us and are sincere to the mission, then DO NOT ask me to come on
media. I will come when we feel the need for it. Not because someone else wants
me to. We are NOT part of this Kufr called democracy, Riba & beyghairat media


Alhamdolillah, we are the only voice on national media which has taken on,
attacked and destroyed the entire narrative of all the enemies of Pakistan and
Islam. The Khawarij, liberal secular beyghairats, Geo gangsters, SAFMA snakes,
BLA, MQM, PPP, PML(N), JUI, ANP, RAW, CIA and even the corrupt Judiciary
have been brutally attacked and humiliated by us, alhamdolillah.
We defended and revived the ideology of Pakistan, revived Baba Iqbal's passion
and unfinished mission of Baba Quaid, gave the romance of Takmeel e Pakistan
and Khilafat e Rashida, gave you the duty of Ghazwa e Hind, set the mission of
United States of Islam, defended Pak army and ISI against hostile propaganda and
presented the noble interpretation of Quran through adab e Rasul (sm) and Ishq e
Rasul (sm) !!
As Iqbal Baba has said " the new dawn which shakes the entire cosmos, is born
through the azaan of a Banda e Momin !!
Since 2007, the idiots, Khawarij and the Liberal beyghairats have been making fun
of our mission. They have been working very hard to destroy the mission by
attacking the man and the ideology he brings. Entire forces of Kufr have joined
hands -- from Geo to TTP to RAW to Political parties -- BUT still this mission
continues to grow and become strong, alhamdolillah ! These deaf, dumb and the
blind cannot see that Allah is the protector of this Faqeer and the mission he leads.

After every attack on us by these snakes, we come out stronger and more lethal
alhamdolillah !!
Even now, these snakes are trying hard to block our voice or stop the mission. You
can see them on our page as well. They come to spread confusion, lies and
disinformation. They try to create doubts. Only the weak and the confused fall pray
to these allegations and waswasa. The strong ones, remain steadfast !
We started this mission alone and even today battle every day literally alone -without the help of any worldly power or political authority. How did I come out
of Saudi Jail ?? Did anyone of you played a role ?? NO ! Then who did ??? Think
about this... ! You will understand the barakah and the blessing on this sacred
mission that we lead... ! the blind would remain blind always..
We DO NOT collect fans on this page ! We need die hard fighters who are willing
to sacrifice everything for the sake of Rasul Allah (sm). We have this group
alhamdolillah and you can see how the enemies fear and tremble from the duty we
do. If our azaan or the strategy was useless, why would the Kufr from East and
West would try to silence us ?? why would many government get together to arrest
us and keep us in jail ?? why the worst enemies of Rasul Allah and Pakistan wage
a war against us ??
We know what we are doing. If you don't agree with us, stay silent or join the page
of Amir Liaqat Hussain... ! This page is for the Ba-adab and the serious patriots !
We will block all the idiots, enemies and the confused without mercy. Yes, we will
! We dont believe in "uncontrolled stupid freedom of expression" ! if you cannot
comment with wisdom and adab, there is no place for you here.
We are in a war with bloody and lethal consequences. Have NO margin for
mistakes or confusion. also Have no time for stupids, idiots and the enemies...
Jazak Allah

This is the Urdu text of the post below in English -- explaining our mission,

strategy and the duty. You can spread it far and wide.
We promise NEVER to give up this battle for the heart and soul of Pakistan ! The
enemies will curse the day there were born. They have attacked us from all sides,
with sinister conspiracies. InshAllah, soon enough, they will pay for their crimes.
No mercy at all for these enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) and Pak millat.


Alhamdolillah, Our Think Tank BrassTacks is the only Defense analysis

organization in the Muslim world which has identified the 4th and 5th Generation
warfare and developed responses for this 21st century wars. Alhamdolillah, these
counter measures are now fully understood in the armed forces of Pakistan and
being deployed to defend Pakistan against all enemies in this unconventional
decentralized asymmetric war. This is serious Military strategy work and can never
be made public.
But we are also fighting on the platforms of Information Warfare and Psy-Ops to
defend Pakistan and Pak armed forces from hostile narrative of the Kuffar,
Mushriks and Khawarij.
You can join this war by defending Pakistan on social media and by spreading our
message. You can also contribute by supporting our mission by buying and
sponsoring our books and printing projects. You can also contribute by sharing

with us news, confidential reports and information which can be useful for
Pakistan. Use my email for this purpose.
We started this battle alone. We have told you how you can join. Otherwise, we
will continue to fight even if the entire world stands against us. This is a sacred
duty of Rasul Allah (sm). We will NEVER betray our Sayyadi (sm) !!


This is your chance to contribute in the Mission. Another of our serious academic
project comes to fruit.
This new book project is now open for sponsorship. Anyone wishing to sponsor

the printing the book is welcome to email me at

The project cost is Rs: 200,000 /=
This is a brilliant framework to create an Islamic Welfare State in Pakistan, based
on the guiding models of Quran and Sunnah and Khilafat e Rashida. The modern
interpretation of an Islamic State, its moral, legal, social, economic and political
structures and their implementation in Pakistan today.
Written by a dear friend and elder brother Owais Ghani sb, former Governor of
Baluchistan and NWFP. OG sb, as he is affectionately called, is a die hard patriot
who has served at the highest levels in two provinces at the height of BLA and
TTP insurgency. His role has been decisive in Pakistan's turning the tide against
these RAW backed insurgencies. So, he is not just a die hard patriot, he knows the
weaknesses of the system as well and knows how to fix them. He is also a disciple
of Baba Iqbal, a rare gift indeed. Just before going to Saudi Arabia, we had
published his English book "Where Hunting Eagles Soar", a brilliant and uniquely
passionate rendition of Baba Iqbal's classic into English.
This book is all about "what a Technocratic government would do when it comes
into power and how we can change this filthy corrupt parliamentary democracy
towards a political model which is closer to Khilafat e Rashida". All examples and
inspirations have been drawn from Baba Iqbal, Quaid and Khilafat e Rashida
model of governance. Indeed a unique gift for those who love Pakistan and have
the power to change the destiny.
BrassTacks is publishing it and now we offer you a chance to contribute in its
printing through sponsorship. InshAllah, for those who always ask " how can we
create an Islamic state in Pakistan and what must be done to change this system?,
this book is a rare and unique thought provoking practical guideline indeed.
InshAllah, great khair will come through it.


General Raheel is in Masjid e Nabwi today ! Alhamdolillah, he reported to and

presented his salam to Supreme Commander of Pakistan army and the Ummah -Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) !!
This Pak Sarzameen is Medina e Sani, created under the direct spiritual command
of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). Quaid e Azam was a soldier of Sayyadi (sm) and Pak
armed forces are the divinely blessed Muslim army which will fight the Ghazwa e
Hind under the direct spiritual command of Rasul Allah (sm) !! NEVER doubt this
InshAllah, you will see this very soon. Kuffar, Mushriks and Khawarij know this
secret of Pakistan but the naive Muslims are in doubt. This is our written destiny.
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) is our spiritual Supreme Commander and Pakistan is
under "Saya e Khudae Zuljalal" !!

This is the secret of the secrets!!
A soldier cannot go to battle unarmed. A momin cannot conquer the cosmos
without his KHUDI ! If you want to bring any real positive change in the world,
first know YOURSELF and the powers hidden within your Qalb. Baba Iqbal's
incredible gift to this Ummah is revived for our children of today who wish to
change the world. Without arming yourself with this spiritual force, you will
remain unarmed in the battlefield of life !!!


You will remember that before 2013 elections, I fiercely resisted this filthy
democracy and warned that these elections will only bring more anarchy in the
country& that no one will accept the results of these rigged elections. I wanted a
strong Technocratic Government under the supervision of army to cleanup the
system first from these corrupt Haramkhor siasat baaz. Allah proved us right !
But a huge segment of educated Pakistan wanted to give "one more chance to
Imran Khan" !! Wanted to test this filthy democracy again.. knowing well that the
system is controlled by the corrupt Mafias of political parties, Media and even
elements of Judiciary. We had warned that IK would also fail. Allah proved us
right !!
We had warned that politics of Dharnas and invasion of Islamabad by IK and Dr.

TUQ will also NOT bring any change... ! Their followers mocked, insulted our
analysis but in the end what was the result ??.... Allah proved us right !!
We have always told you that we DO NOT collect fans on this page. We DO NOT
care how many people are with us. We would rather March and fight alone than
being surrounded by people who do not share our vision, mission and duty. Only
those tigers who share our vision would march with us....
We are saying again - Everyone has been tested now. Country has been auctioned
to the IMF and Jewish Bankers by this filthy Mafia of politicians. The solution is
only a Technocratic Caretaker Govt for a ruthless accountability and cleanup
before we go for a massive system change to make sure that these corrupt Mafia
are broken for all times to come.
We did NOT create Pakistan to be ruled by Zardari, Nawaz, Altaf, Fazlu and
Asfandyar Wali... !! It is time we reclaim our beloved Pak Sarzameen and rebuild
it on the vision, mission and ideals of Baba Iqbal and Quaid !!!
In your daily Namaz, when you do dua for Pakistan and Pak army, also do "Bud
Dua" for all these snakes who have betrayed and sold our beloved Pakistan. Use
your dua as your weapon. When Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) are on
your side, your Dua is the most powerful weapon you have. It is time you deploy it
with force. Let these corrupt face the wrath of Allah (swt) !! It is time we curse
them and hand them over to Allah (swt) for a severe punishment. Ask Allah to give
us a Sallahuddin Ayubi who can unite and defend this Millat and the Ummah
against the fitnahs of Khawarij, Mushriks and the Sehoonis.
Deploy your Duas now. InshAllah, khair is coming and a painful azaab awaits
these idiots !!!

Strange people we are !! We worship the god of democracy and then expect that
Allah will give us Izzat.
We worship the god of Riba and Banks and then expect that Allah will give us
Barakah in our Rizq.
We worship the god of Anglo-saxon laws and then expect that Allah will give is
peace and justice in the land.
We worship the god of political parties and expect that army will save us from total
destruction and death...
We follow the Khawarij and haramkhor Mullahs and insult the Hukm of Quran and
sunnah and rightly guided believers and then also expect that Allah will give is
izzat in dunya and akhira..
We follow the god of fasiq media and expect our society to rise with dignity and
respect to heights of glory...
Strange people we are indeed...
Alhamdolillah, now from this website you can buy BrassTacks books on Cash On
Delivery basis !! The service is for all Pakistan.
For outside Pakistan, delivery charges vary depending upon the weight and the
You can either order these books from BrassTacks office directly by emailing us at
You can buy on COD basis from this website.
When you buy these books, you also support the Mission.
Jazak Allah !!


Children, Members.. this is your moment to fight back !

Govt has shown its intentions that it is trying to attack Baba Iqbal because he is the
most dangerous man for the system of Kufr and Dajjal ! Cancellation of Iqbal day
is just the beginning..
We will resist and respond by reviving Baba Iqbal so aggressively that all liberal
beyghairats are humiliated..
Share, spread and promote ideology of Baba Iqbal for the next 3 days very
aggressively. Change your DP's to Baba Iqbal. Arrange gatherings where you show
our programs on Baba Iqbal. Set the social media ablaze and defeat the
This is our response. The more they try to block the spiritual and revolutionary
message of Iqbal, the more we will revive it inshAllah !!
Humiliate the enemies.. ! Your laptop is your battle station. Fight back NOW ..


May Allah bless infinite khair and fazal on Baba Iqbal! He lived to serve Sayaydi
Rasul Allah (sm) and to defend and revive Ummat e Rasul (sm) ! The greatest gift
give to this Ummah in the 20th century is Baba Iqbal -- who was a man of his age,
a man ahead of his age and a man at war with his age !!
Iqbal Baba knew of his role and duty... ! He called himself a "Zinda rood", a
flowing stream of khair, which will never dry up!!
We have done nearly 75 exclusive programs on Baba Iqbal.

1. Iqbal e Pur Israr. 16 programs.

2. Iqbal Ka Pakistan 45 programs.
3. Halqa e Yaran 20 programs.
4. And many other individual programs and lectures.
you will find all of them on net. This is your rizq which you must have and share !
This is the century of Iqbal ! Be part of this amazing spiritual journey !!
If you want any role or duty for Pakistan, you MUST be the ideal Mujahid and a
Momin which Baba Iqbal has defined. Else, you will NOT have any role from
Allah (swt).There are NO shortcuts here. You cannot expect that Allah will give
you a duty if you disrespect and insult the greatest gift He gave us. Know this well
Our Iqbal day gift to you . A classic radio interview which I gave on Baba Iqbal
and his romantic ideology... ! Enough to ignite the passion once again in the hearts
which search the truth.. InshAllah !


Read my tweets of today.
General Raheel has given a strong warning to the Political rascals and warned them
to mend their way to fight and win this 5th Generation War. The fact is that only
army is fighting to defend the country. Political parties are only robbing and
looting the nation. Nation stands with the army NOT with the political terrorists !
General Raheel is our hero, NOT Zardari, Nawaz or Fazlu or Altaf the toad... !!


The rascal butcher of Gujarat, Hindu Zionist Narendar Modi is facing Epic insult
and humiliation in UK .
Entire world now knows that these Zionists are a curse for the humanity.
Years before Modi had come to power, we had warned of this cancer. Now, when
these Zionists are ripping the world apart, even the blind and the deaf can see the
dangers they pose to the world.
InshAllah, this snake Modi will destroy India himself. This is Allah's scheme
Kuffar cannot understand...

Check my tweets.
It is the history of Nawaz Shareef to buy the Generals, divided the army and stage
coup within army.. He will be trying this time also..


We stand with army and General Raheel, NOT with Zardari, Nawaz, Altaf, Fazlu
or Asfandyar... !!
The political rascals are fiercely attacking the army using their attack bull terriers
to weaken, insult and harm Pak armed forces. Now when army is going after the

Political terrorism and economic corruption of these politicians, they have all
ganged up to attack army. We will fight back on social media to defend our
beloved COAS and the armed forces. MayAllah destroy the enemies of Pakistan !

Check my tweets !
It is time Pakistan Army start serious accountability and elimination of Political,
Economic and Media Terrorists as well. The political elite robs the country of
around $30 bn per year !!! This is a staggering loss, even worse than attacks by
TTP. Pak army has arrested Dr. Asim and he has named all the killers, corrupt and
the Dons in the Political Mafias which are Pakistan's Political parties. Nation
Demands that all political and Media terrorists are also put on trial and eliminated
as we are doing with TTP and BLA !!


InshAllah, this week, BrassTacks will be sending this book for printing and a soft
copy will be uploaded on net. In a few weeks, we will have the hard copy as well,
IA. Jazak Allah to all those who contributed in effort, kind and cash to make this
project possible. InshAllah, great khair will come for Pak Sarzameen through this
seriously important project.

The political government is hell bent on committing suicide through sheer

corruption, incompetence and treachery. It is clear that these political rascals are
their own enemies and dont need anyone from the outside to "pull their legs"
May Allah give more barakah in their stupidity ) .
How can a Techno government start to re-engineer Pakistan, this book is the
serious outline and framework. Sooner or later, Allah will make it happen. If you
cannot contribute to defend Pakistan or have not sacrificed for it, you have no right
to ask naive questions like "who will do it, when will it happen, who will remove
this government, etc etc... ! Just stay silent and wait for the players to make it
happen, Allah willing..
We dont wait for someone else to bring the change. We create our own destiny and
our own strategy and alhamdolilah, we are sure of our destiny.. !


The nation MUST demand a most fierce accountability of Political, Economic and
Media Terrorists, just as we are doing to the TTP Khawarij. Those rascals who rob
almost $30 billion per year in loot and corruption are worse terrorists than TTP.
General Raheel, Pak army MUST eliminate all enemies -- hostile militants, traitor
Media, fasadi Mullahs, khayeen politicians...
We stand with Pak army...


You decide !
Nation stand with Raheel Shareef

with these corrupt Siyasatbaaz !

Their agendas are known, clear and obvious.
If there is any hope of security, peace, accountability and rebuilding Pakistan, it is
from the great steps taken by the army and our Sipah Salaar. InshAllah, soon, you
will see more and more corrupt, traitors and snakes are crushed under the boots of
the patriots, InshAllah !


When I was arrested and jailed in Saudi Arabia, Pakistanis all over the world raised
their voices in concern and protest. In Greece, the Pakistani community published
news in their local Urdu papers and even met the Saudi authorities asking them to
release me. Here is one article which was published in Greek Urdu paper and was
read by Pakistanis in Greece.
On my arrest, only the venomous snakes and enemies of Pakistan were happy.
Those who love Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and Pakistan were truly
sad and concerned. It was the power of their dua that Allah humiliated the enemies
and munafiqeen, alhamdlillah ! Soon inshAllah, I shall name and give pictures of
more snakes and traitors who had betrayed Pakistan and were part of this plot with
Hindu Mushriks of RAW. This time, these snakes will pay heavily.. the process
has already begun..


In the present times of fitnah, the greatest threat we Muslims face is from Khawarij
-- the dogs of hell who pose as Sunni Muslims ! Mushriks, Zionists and Crusaders
are open and known enemies. These Khawarij are most dangerous as they pose as
Muslims, live within our cities and wage a war from within, helping the external
enemies to implode us from within ! It is the sacred duty of all Muslims to
denounce, attack and expose these Khawarij, even if they are within our families.
In Pakistan, these Khawarij have been waging a brutal war against Muslims and
Medna e Sani and now trying to expand their dirty war with the help of Mushriks
and Zionists.
Mullah Abdul Aziz of Lal masjid is one such Kharji. He has pledged support to
Khawarij of Israeli Secret Intel Service (ISIS). Mufti Naeem of Karachi, Tahir
Ashrafi, the sharabi Mullah are other exis of this fitnah.
All over the Muslim world, the real ahl sunnah wal Jamaat Muslims reject and
condemn these Khawarij and must raise their voices to expose this brutal hijacking
of our faith !
never forget who killed our children in Peshawar !! Those Judges, political leaders
and journalists who support these Khawarij are as worse as these murderous
Khawarij !!

Two Patriotic Pakistanis who defended Pakistan in East Pakistan in 1971 war have
been hanged criminally by the RAW backed Haseena Wajid Regime. The war of
1971 still continues...
When BD can hang those who fought to keep Pakistan united, let us hang those
traitors too whose fathers and they themselves fight to break Pakistan and were
openly given medals by the BD government for being RAW agents !!
Hamid Mir and Asma Jahangir were given special medals by the BD government
for their role of their fathers in breaking Pakistan and now both these traitors
follow their father's tracks. Hamid Mir actually demanded that all those who sided
with Pakistan should be hanged and then BD government hanged these two
Every Pakistani MUST curse the traitors and snakes who broke Pakistan. Recite
Fatiha for these two shaheeds who were Pakistanis and died as Muslim Shaheeds at
the hands of Mushriks and Munafiqeen !
What happened in East Pakistan ?? Did Pak army waged a war against Bengali
Muslims ??
Hear the reality from a former KGB agent who was part of this war against
Pakistan. The slaughter and murders in East Pakistan were done by Mukti Bahini
under direct support from Soviet KGB and Indian RAW !! The Bengali Muslims
were hijacked and were made hostages by armed gangs of Mukti.. Just 9 minutes..
it will change the entire perception you have so far..

This is a question answer session you must watch ! A clip from our emotional
lecture tour Wake Up Pakistan !! Thousands of you have not seen it. those who
have must watch it again. all these questions that you have in your heart are
answered. This will tell you how you can join this battle !
We are talking to you... Listen carefully !! we told you this years ago. where did

you lost the way ??


Recite Fatiha for Jameel ud Din aali sb !!

Every Pakistani in every generation has been passionately touched by his love for
Pakistan ! We all grew up singing his poetry for love of Pakistan. Such breed of
poets is rare and almost non-existent now.
If Allah has given you the power of words and music, be like him and create more
emotional patriotic songs to galvanize the nation. Nowadays, focus is more on
music noise and graphics not on beautiful and simple emotional poetry. This is
where this older generation excelled -- fascinating and mesmerizing power of

passion !
May Allah bless his soul. He did his duty well !


If Pakistan is your Ishq & Junoon, then you have lived Hayat e Tayyaba, Allah
gives you Rizq e Kareem and you have Husn e Khatima !! Our sister had all all
these gifts in her !
Recite Fatiha! Too many good people have gone too fast. You must rise to fill their

Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !!

We had to see this day also.. ! President Mamnoon declaring an open war against
Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) by asking Ulama to find ways to make
Riba Halal !!!!
Tomorrow, they will ask Ulama to give fatwas to make pig meat, Alcohol and
adultery Halal as well !
Let me assure you, they will find many "Ulama" who would be more than willing
to give such fatwas.. Astaghfurullah !! Already many fatwas are available to make
"Halal Islamic Banks" !!
Now tell me, why Allah should not send azaab on these leaders and their followers


We have NOT forgotten nor we have forgiven ! We remember our martyrs and
also our enemies ! US and NATO have killed our boys when our brave sons were
defending this Medina e Sani. InshAllah, a similar fate awaits US/NATO in
Afghanistan as it was suffered by the Soviets ! We will take revenge !


I am extremely hurt and dejected at the insane statements of Imran. He is full of

praise for Gandhi, Ghaffar Khan and Abul Kalam azaad. Gandhi was an extremist
Hindu who wanted akhand bharat. Ghaffar Khan and Abul Kalam azaad were
traitors to the Ummah, enemies of Muslims and Ghaddar e Millat.
Mir Jaffar and Mir Sadeq were NOT great leaders, despite being Prime Ministers
of Bengal and Mysore. History knows them as traitors !! Thats what Ghaffar Khan
and Abul Kalam azad were. Quaid e Azam called abul Kalam azaad as a "show
boy" of Hindu Congress ! Ghaffar khan refused to be buried in Pakistan because
the rascal was a a paid agent of Communists. This is NOT great leadership. This is
style of a Ghaddar !
Creation of Pakistan is the greatest victory of Muslims of the world. Even in this
weak and broken state, Pakistan remains the greatest gift that Allah has given us.
Saying that it should not have been made just because Zardari like snakes rule over
it today is a total betrayal of our history, facts and divine will and wisdom. Even
today, Pakistan is the guardian and protector of Ummah. The presence of Pakistan
is a declaration of defeat of the enemies and a huge victory and hope for the
Today, Hindu Zionists are proving that our founding fathers were GREAT men

with vision who could see that Muslims would be decimated in united India.
Today, RSS. Bajrang Dal and BJP like terrorists organizations are promising to
eliminate all Muslims from India. This fact should have opened the eyes of all
those idiots who say that Pakistan should not have been made.
Muslims of India today face certain destruction.. ! It does not mater if you become
more Hindu than the Hindus like Amir Khan, Shahrukh Khan or shabana azmi.
You will be humiliated and killed just because your forefathers were Muslims.. !
You can see this in India today. This is what Quaid e Azam and Baba Iqbal saw 90
years ago, which unfortunately, even today, Imran cannot see.
very sad indeed !!
Remember this always. Ghaffar Khan, Abul Kalam azaad and Mullah Madni of
Darul Uloom deoband are traitors of Pakistan movement. They are NOT our
heroes. They are petty people, who supported Hindu Mushriks when Ummah was
going through its greatest test and millions of Muslims had sacrificed their lives,
honor and homes for this beloved Pakistan. Traitor are NEVER great men. Imran,
you are wrong here dear, very wrong !

To all PTI followers who have begun abusing me because I have pointed out a
blunder by IK.
On this page, we DO NOT collect fans. I did not invite you here. You came here
yourself. Follow the rules of this page or leave or you will be blocked. This page is
NOT a platform for a political party or media house where you can start arguing.
Sorry, you are here to hear what I have to say. hear it with adab or leave. Many of
you start personal attacks. I have NOT done personal attacks on IK or discussed his
personal life of marriage. His political views are being discussed. stay decent or
you will find us harsh.
I have heard his speech myself and know he said and what impression it gave.
Leaders are supposed to speak clearly, NOT create confusions, especially if he is
talking about Pakistan's creation, ideology and on the judgement of our founding

fathers. He is praising traitors like Mir Jaffar and Mir Sadeq. This is NOT
acceptable. Ghaffar Khan and Abul Kalam azaad are snakes...NOT great men.
Read this post 3 times, slowly..

The real great leader was our beloved Quaid e Azam. He considered these 3 rascals
as petty and sick leaders. Gandhi had a shameful private life, exploiting every lady
around him. He threatened Quaid with a "fight to the knife" if Quaid insisted on
Pakistan. So much for "peace loving nature" of Gandhi.
Abul Kalam azaad was hated by Quaid. Just read the letters quaid have written to
Abul Kalam azaad.
Khan Ghaffar Khan was a "Gandhi" of Frontier, as he was called. he was half

Hindu in mentality and beliefs, half Communist. He tried to kill Quaid on many
occasions, tried to block Pakistan. It was because of his venom that refrendom had
to be held in NWFP if they want to join Pakistan or India. He almost handed over
frontier to Hindus. when he died he refused to be burried in Pakistan as he hated
Pakistan so much. Afghanistan was under Soviet Russia at that time. he preferred
the "freedom" under Soviets rather than Pakistan.
Then IK calls them great leaders. Now you decide. If Quaid was right or IK ??
there is NO compromise on this.
Hitler, Stalin, Firoun, Bush, Blair, Missoulini, netenyaho are/were huge leaders of
their nations but they were NOT great leaders. They were killers, butchers and
snakes. Definition of greatness should not be confused.


To all those who object to our style of duty:

Remember this always:
We are NOT going to show any mercy towards anyone who has harmed, attacked
or opposed Pakistan or our founding fathers ! There is NO compromise on this
patriotic policy. We are NOT running a democracy here nor allow "free speech"
based on anti-Pakistan comments.
Almost 10K people join this page every week and they are new to our ideology. I
will advice them to read our FB posts in the last 5 years to know what we stand for.
DO NOT comment in ignorance or we will block you immediately. we have NOT
invited you here. if you come, follow the posts with adab.
our page, our rules..
Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Abul Kalam azaad, Hussain ahmed madni, sheikh Mujeeb ur
Rehman, Hamid Mir, Asma Jahangir, Najam sethi, Altaf Hussian, asif zardari,
fazlur rehman or anyone else.. who has ever betrayed Pakistan or insulted Pakistan
or opposed Pakistan will be humiliated, attacked and insulted by us. We will NOT
show any respect to such rascals..

I do NOT belong to any political or religious sectarian party. My loyalty is towards

Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) alone. My duty is to defend the Ummah and Pakistan.
Only the worst enemies and the most stupids oppose our duty which is going on for
the last 7 years alhamdolillah ! Allah has NEVER proven me wrong.
To all my haters, I ask them to bring ONE video where I have contradicted myself
or taken a U turn or tried to explain that 'my words are taken out of context and I
did not mean this" !! you can show such videos of every politician, Mullah and
analyst but not mine alhamdolillah. I have done over 1500 TV programs. find one
contradiction. what does it show?? think over it.
Show one word that I have ever spoken which is against Quran and Sunnah or
against Pakistan? then why do you hate me or reject the message I bring ?? Look
around who is my enemy ?? why do you want to stand in the group of Hindu
zionists, Khawarij, Sood Khors, Geo, munafiq Mullahs and enemies of Pakistan?
Yes, we are harsh. because we fight a dangerous and bloody war alone to defend
Pakistan. for us FB is not a social club but our battle station to defend Pakistan in
this 5th Generation war. We face risks, cases, jails and deaths in this duty. those
who do not share the risks with us, have NO right to advice us. Most of you are
children with limited knowledge but just having emotions. Our duty is to to tell
you the truth and you should listen seriously. we will not offer any apologies nor
give any quarter to the enemies. we will not argue with stupids or idiots. we dont
have time for this.
sorry if it hurts but please don't teach us democracy or manners or ikhlaq.
alhamdolillah, we know our duty and have come here without your help but with
Allah's help alone. He is enough for us alhamdolillah.

Our last post repeated here in Urdu as well.

Read it carefully and try to understand the wisdom. If you are not with us in
defending Pakistan in this war, then decide on whose side you stand ?

Check my tweets of Nov 29th. What options do we have to remove this system of
terrorism, corruption and shamelessness. !!
In 2012, months before the elections, I had warned each and every crisis we face
today ! I had warned that these elections would divide the nation. I had warned that
we will face terrible terror and economic collapse under this democracy.
It hurts to say that "I told you so !! "
Why have we become a nation of dead, dumb and blind ?? why are we worshiping
the false god of democracy?? why are we asking for a most severe azaab of Allah
Watch and shed tears of blood !! I had tried to warn...


For many years, enemies, Indians, Khawarij and liberal beyghairats in pak media
have been trying to prove that BrassTacks is a "self styled" Think Tank which is
not taken seriously by our national policy makers in the armed forces. Many
question our credentials to speak on serious military matters. They try to console

themselves that army does not take us seriously

But to the horror of all enemies, the fact is exactly the opposite. For the last 15
years, BrassTacks, as a totally independent private org, is doing serious National
Security Research into various war doctrines, warning and educating the armed
forces ahead of time and developing response strategies. Alhamdolillah, Pakistan
army's entire response strategy against 4th GenWar, Khawarij, Af-Pak and Cold
Start was galvanized when we raised the alarm many years ago. We not just
developed the response strategies but also deployed them to counter the hostile
This fact is well respected, appreciated and acknowledged by the finest institutes
and offices of our armed forces, alhamdolillah. Haters can burn in their rage but
the fact remains that even the worst enemies know that BrassTacks is their biggest
threat and their entire investment of billions of dollars into their 4th and 5th Gen
wars have been destroyed by a small band of patriots in BT who fought back and
supported our armed forces when the entire nation was stunned, confused and in
This is the reason, when I was arrested in Saudi Arabia because of a RAW plot, no
less then Indian foreign Minister Sushma demanded from the Saudi govt that I
should be handed over to India ! India's number one enemy is BrassTacks,
Alhamdolillah, a fact which honors us !!! That is every Indian Zionist puppy in
Pakistan is after our blood -- from Geo to Safma to Khawarij of TTP.
For most of you, we are presenting some tokens of appreciation for the BT team
received from our beloved armed forces. These are all retired officers, so there is
no harm or breach of confidentiality in sharing them now.
All those who say that we are only FB mujahids and not doing anything
"practical", should stay silent from now on please
Our duty continues alhamdolillah. Rascals can continue to remain in denial

December 16th is coming... the day of infamy when Khawarij took away so many
of our flowers. DAWN News has done great work here, collecting stories of each
and every child who died that day. Share this with humans all over the world. Let
the world see that how Hindu Mushriks and Khawarij Mullahs have joined hands
to wage a war against our children.
I dare you to control your tears... ! I could not..


It is time to bury the false god of democracy !

All those who worship democracy should be ready to be ruled by Bilawal, Hamza

and Maryam... after their fathers have raped and robbed this sacred land !
read my tweets. You will be stunned at the robbery that has been done by these
political terrorists !


They say "what does not kill you, only makes you stronger" !
My four months in maximum security, Guantanamo style prisons of Saudi Arabia
was an incredible learning, maturing & spiritually uplifting experience. Locked
away in tiny jail cells, under solitary confinement, thousands of miles away from
home, family and friends, without any phone call or meeting and not knowing your
fate in a charge which carried certain death sentence by beheading. I spent my time
in various maximum security jails in Medina, Jeddah, Bureda, Riyadh and then
Jeddah again before I flew back to Pakistan.

The feeling was exactly what Yunus (as) must have felt in the stomach of that
whale which had swallowed him ! In the darkness of the fish stomach, which
power on earth could save Hazrat Yunus ? It was his Tawakkul on Allah (swt) and
Sabr that finally brought him out, from a situation which was deathly hopeless.
Jail terms, especially the one I had, are always similar experiences and this is
exactly what Allah (swt) taught me -- Tawakkul and Sabr ! You need strongest
faith on Allah (swt) that He will never abandon you, will never leave you alone
and will never waste you after the enemies had plotted to have me assassinated. I
saw literal miracles and divine interventions at places which were equally hopeless
as being in the stomach of the whale. Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm)
never left this faqeer alone at any moment, alhamdolillah.
The experience taught me one more critical lesson as well. Never forgive the
traitors of the Ummah ! I was betrayed by those people who were known enemies
but I had forgiven them or ignored them the first time. They took our mercy for
them as our weakness and plotted even more sinister games to have me killed. This
time, there will be NO mercy for traitors, Munafiqs and Ghaddars.
Alhamdolillah, I have come out stronger, more determined and more in Jalal to
destroy the enemies of Pakistan and Ummah. The enemies thought that they can
destroy our will, shatter our nerves and break us emotionally but they all failed.
The enemy is within our ranks as well and around us too. They will continue to
plot to damage Pakistan and the sacred mission we lead. Their only solution is
sword and now our blades will deal with them!
Pak army is eliminating the militant threat. InshAllah, soon, you will see Pak army
eliminating the political and economic terrorists as well. These same people were
behind the plot to have me killed in Saudi Arabia. They plotted with Indian RAW
but Allah is the best of the planners. Now we are back to be their worst nightmare !
If I am not coming on media then it is because I am doing more important duties.
There is nothing left to say now. But there is lot left to be done. Our presence on
social media is enough for the time being. You will know what needs to be told.
Let us close the ring around the traitors. We have drawn our swords !

Follow my important Tweets on US shooting which is being blamed on Pakistani
couple. Also important issues raised on Syrian War and the role of NATO/West in
supporting the Khawarij of Daish !!

On a lighter note, let me introduce you to a very cute friend.

He is Maximus
Greeting me on the first day when I came back from Saudi Arabia. He is a

ferocious looking giant Labrador who missed me as much as other family

members. Now his uncontrollably wagging tail was telling me how excited he was
). The feeling was mutual

The problem with my haters is that social media allows them to spread lies,
disinformation and confusion without any fear of accountability
They make fake ID's and remain nameless and faceless and continue to ask silly
questions to confuse the rest of the members. When they are proven wrong or their
lies are exposed, they simply melt away and come again with more lies and more
silly allegations or questions. You see this all the time on this page also.
Their lies confuse those whose hearts are impure, whose Imaan is weak and who
trust every liar without verifying the news.
Let me give you examples.
They lied that I am convicted for 8 years...
They lied that I have received 1000 lashes...
They lied that I have been killed in Jail.
They lied that I was arrested because I made any speech in Saudia.
They lie that Saudis have released me under a deal and now I cannot come on
They lied before that I am an Iranian spy.
They lied that I am a Qadiani or follow some false prophet.

They lied that my wife is Khanam Tayyaba Bokhari, the famous shia scholar..
Allah says in Quran that when any Fasiq (geo, SAFMA, Khawarij, liberal
Bayghairats etc) bring any news to you, you must verify it before you believe it...
In Hadees Shareef it is clearly written that it is enough for a man to be a liar if he
spreads everything he hears without verifying it.
Allah has sent His curse on liars, Lanat ulah alal Kazibeen !!
So, be very careful in trusting these liars. Be careful in spreading lies. When you
hear a news, ask the person telling you that to bring evidence. DO NOT come
rushing to me and demand explanation for every lie you hear. Dont prove that you
are an idiot

I DO NOT have time to give explanation every time an Indian agent or Kharji hell
dog spread lies... ! I will simply block such idiots.. It is your duty to do some of
your own research and find the answer. I have replied to all allegations, have
answered all questions. Find yourself now.
If anybody has a problem with our strategy, opinion, view or mission, please leave
this page. We are in the final stages of our mission and now will not explain the
ABC of our duty to anyone now. If you were not with us in tough times, you will
not be with us in good times too.
We do not have to prove anything to anyone now. Our credentials are rock solid,
well established and highly respected for those who have been blessed with vision
by Allah (swt). Those whose hearts are sealed, still remain deaf, dumb and blind.
We cannot give them Hidaya nor we feel sorry for them.
Jazak Allah to those who love Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and Pak Sarzameen !


San Bernadino shooting in US is being blamed on Pakistani couple and pressure is

being brought up against Pakistan. Here we bust the myth of this false flag
Both Tashfeen and her husband were handcuffed, sitting in their car when Police
killed them...! They were already under arrest and were NOT shooting anyone.
Witnesses say that the shooters were wearing masks !So, no one knows who did
the shooting but it is blamed on a Pakistani couple, which was brought there by
Police, sitting handcuffed in car and then killed... in a fake "police Muqabla" !
How can anyone fight back with automatic guns, bombs, grenades and pistols if he
is handcuffed behind his back????
Check the ID card shown by CNN. It is clearly a fake photoshoped job. The
comparison with a real NADRA card is clear. Nadra does not use the font shown
on Tashfeen card. Also check how the date is written..
If they want to attack Iraq, they create lies of WMD's.
If they want to attack Pakistan, they have to create such lies that Pakistanis are
involved in exporting terror. Argue with the Pakistan haters with logic and the info
we have given you. Fight back on social media to defend Pakistan. CIA did a poor
job here and we have caught them red handed... !

More details on US shooting: You can be sure that this is a false flag to blame
Muslims and Pakistanis.
Eyewitness Sally Abdelmageed told CNN:
"[it was] three men, dressed in all black, military attire with vests on holding
assault rifles... I couldnt see a face, he had a black hat on and uh, from my view all
I could see was a black hat and long sleeve shirt black cargo pants with zippers
on the sides, big puffy pockets, he had a huge assault rifle and extra ammo I just
saw three dressed exactly the same. their skin tone looked white. They looked
like they were athletic build. They appeared to be tall."

Yet four hours later, the police shot: two Pakistanis, one a 90 pound woman with a
young baby, California residents in a rented black SUV with Utah plates, the
military style assault rifles purchased by an unknown person.
Farook attended the same holiday party last year. Since then, his coworkers threw a
baby shower for him that included a registry.
His brother, who lived nearby, was in the Navy and earned two medals for his
service in "The Global War on Terrorism." His brother said the couple wasn't
At the party this time, Farook was sitting at a table chatting with a co-worker
before "disappearing" -- with his coat still on his chair. They now say there was no
When shot in the SUV, his tiny wife, an alleged ISIS follower, was wearing fitted
shorts above her knees and no head covering.
They are portrayed as Bonnie and Clyde with a young baby. They had a fully
stocked fridge with cooked food in Tupperware and pictures of their baby all over
the house.
Arranged flowers on tables and freshly watered house plants. Baby was left with
her grandmother for Tashfeen to make a doctor appointment.
That's why, at this point, it doesn't make sense.
A young mom left her baby to go kill the same people who hosted her baby
shower. She allegedly made a FB post pledging allegiance to ISIS on an alias page,
then removed it -- at 11 am.
The shooting started at 11 am.
The shooters left before police arrived. Police and media then said they were
searching for 3 white males.
Then police shot these two, who fit no stated description, around 3 pm, after
receiving a tip. The story changed from 3 male shooters to a married couple.
The ammo, pipe bombs, etc., were found in their townhouse's garage. The garage
was in a building separate from their home. It was not connected in any way. A

few minor items in the house. And a manhole in their closet ceiling.
And no one who knew them, including their many siblings and mother who lived
with them and Navy brother who lived close by, saw anything strange.
Neighbor said they were happy. Smiled at her. Farook would leave the garage door
open as he worked on his car. Last saw them hanging out on their patio on Sunday
with their daughter, enjoying their family.
Journalists entered their house today to rummage through their belongings. An
unprecedented event. Any more evidence for or against this deceased couple, now


Both CNN and FOX News are propaganda and Psy-ops platforms to spread
disinformation, lies and confusions. They play with minds of the viewers to
support their narrative which is to justify their wars within the Muslim world. You
have to be very alert and informed to know the games they play with your minds..
Here we give two examples..which are seriously sinister...
CNN wanted to prove that chaos in Libya is a threat to Israel. So, to make their
point, they changed the map and showed Tripoli of Lebanon as the Tripoli of Libya
and showed to the world that rebels have entered Tripoli, Israel is in danger and
thus Israel has a right to attack Libya or support overthrow of Qaddafi.. !! ufff...
In second map, they had to show that turmoil in Egypt would disturb the Middle
East and it will help Iran. So, to fool their viewers, who are mostly dumb
Americans, Fox News shifted the geography of Africa and Middle East and moved
Egypt next door to Iran.... !! The dumb idiots in american population always take
these lies as truth from bible... !

This is what is all about -- the disinfromation and psy-ops platforms to wage
propaganda wars to create grounds for more wars...
The Tashfeen case is just another false flag bull crap of lies being spread to create
the perception that Pakistanis are terrorists and Pakistan is a rogue state. Your duty
is to fight back with informed opinion and logic based on evidence.
Now go and fight back these liars..

Our message to all members, translated in Urdu. We posted this in English 3 days

ago. Pl scroll down for English version.

Many members are saying that I have changed after coming back from Saudi
Arabia. They are absolutely right !! I have changed..
We have become more sharp, more determined, more passionate, more
courageous, more aggressive and more ruthless in defending Ummat e Rasul (sm)
and Pak Sarzameen. We DO NOT intend to show any mercy nor give any
concession to the Mushriks, Khawarij, liberal beyghairats and enemies of Pak
So, do not expect the same old ZH who went into the jail. The one who has come
out is fiercely determined to complete the mission and be ruthless about it too.. !
Enemies will taste the blades of Pak army soon, IA.


Read my tweets about history of ethnic cleansing of Muslims done by Christians,
Jews and Hindus. DO NOT be apologetic about defending your faith. Our history
is benevolent. Their history is violent, terrorist and brutal. arm yourself with
knowledge and fight back idiots like Modi, Donald trump and Natanyaho.
I told you years ago that ISIS is Jewish Israeli secret service gangs pretending to be
Muslim Jihadis. Here, see for yourself.. Israeli army fighting alongside Daish..


So,I have finally decided to tell the full story..

InshAlah, Saturday and Sunday Night, with Dr. Danish on ARY News, at 10 PM,
watch our first exclusive, explosive interview on what happened in Saudi Arabia,
who were the players and what really happened.. the untold story !!
On Sunday, the intense discussion on Pakistan's internal political and security
dynamics and also in the region and in Middle East ! Full spectrum analysis ..
Let the enemies, Khawarij and liberal beyghairats burn in their rage. Let our Sabz
Hilai flutter high, mighty and proud !! Allahu Akbar !!

Our shaheed children of the army public school are in the blessed company of
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) ! MashAllah !! Alf Salat o Salam ala Rasul Allah (sm).
Watch an exclusive interview with Dr. Danish on program 'Sawal Ye Hai', tonight
at 10pm Inshallah.
InshAllah, we promise a ruthless revenge to the Mushriks, Khawarij and their bull
terriers !


Change in plans.
ARY would be airing my second program with Dr. Danish next week inshAllah. It
will not be aired today. Reasons are purely technical and no enemy plot or hostile
intent is involved

Read my tweets on Gas wars and battles for control of energy corridors in the
region. Nawaz govt has just signed TAPI. what does that mean for Pakistan and the
risks involved.
for the last 7 years, I have been warning this nation of the Yugoslavia doctrine, 4th
Gen War, 5th Gen War, Af-Pak, Cold start and the threats of this failed democracy.
Still, I say the same.. and now even the blind can see...

Thousands of new members have joined in last few weeks alone, who are not fully

aware of our message and the mission. We recommend you this site, which has
links to other related sites, which have all our videos made in the last few years.
These emotional, powerful and ideological videos bring to you the message and the
romance called Mission Takmeel e Pakistan.
Watch them slowly and let them sink into your souls...
When was the last time you sent any gift to Sayyadi Rasul Allah ??
These 5 minutes could change your life, Allah willing !
We will be making posts rapidly now as events move fast within the country and
around us. Prepare yourself fast. Great tests are coming..
If you spiritual bond is not strong with Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm), you will not be
deployed as a soldier of Rasul Allah (sm) ! Allah only blesses those who are Baadab. Know the adab of Rasul Allah (sm)... send gifts to Sayyadi.. your maal and
your amaal !
Entire ISIS/Daish social media is being run by the British govt !! Hackers expose
the dirty nexus between so called "Islamic state" and British Intelligence ! We
knew this all along. Slowly, even the deaf, dumb and the blind can see now... Same
is true for TTP. They are created and backed by CIA/RAW.
December 16th reminds us that we are under siege, in a war where our children
and future generations are at stake. Pakistan need Dandey Wali Sarkaar NOT
democracy to fight and win it !
Watch this.. InshAllah coming soon - Dandey Wali Sarkaar !


The nation still bleeds tears of blood on our fallen children. BUT the real question
is that Who killed our Children????

If we DO NOT face this harsh question, we will cry again and again...
Every Muslim, every human, declares these murderers, killers as Khawarij, Takfiri
and Zalim BUT there are few so called scholars who protect these Khawarij ! who
are they ??
Ahl Hadees, Ahl Sunnah wal Jamaat, Shias even Imam Kaaba calls TTP as
Khawarij but one group of Mullahs protect them.
Mufti Taqi Usmani is a Deobandi scholar. He is the only good deobandi scholar
who has openly called these snakes as Khawarij, fasadi, rebels and demanded that
army MUST crush them. We appreciate this strong stance from an scholar of
But Fazlur rehman, Samee ul Haq and Tariq Jameel still refuse to condemn the
killers... !! why are these so called scholars supporting the killers of our children??
even after one year, they are silent.... or supportive of this brutal act not
condemning the TTP khawarij.
The Takfiri ideology of Lal masjid, the Khawarij of TTP all belong to a sect. It is
the responsibility of the scholars of that sect to declare their sect brothers as killers.
If they dont, we will wage a war against them too...
We have promised our children of Peshawar that we will NEVER forgive their
killers.. even if they are so called scholars of a sect !
It is the duty of good Deoband to stand and attack the Khawarij and defend
Pakistan. Those who refuse, are part of Khawarij !! Know this well !!
This is NOT about a sect. This is about defending Pakistan and our future
generations from the fitnah of Khawarij and Mushriks !
Those who say that we are spreading sectarianism by naming Deoband as agents of
RAW, should hear this from Indian National Security Advisor, ajit Kumar doval !
He is shamelessly accepting that RAW is waging a 4thGen War against Pakistan,
using Darul Uloom deoband to control TTP Khawarij to cut the heads of Pak army
officers and men !
Now only a deaf, dumb and blind insane idiot would deny this fact !
That is wy we say that scholars of Deoband MUST stand up and reject the
Khawarij of TTP, else they will be supporting the Mushriks and Khawarij against
Ummat e Rasul (sm).
There is NOTHING sectarian in this post. This is pure military strategy of 4th
GenWar enemy is using against Pakistan.


follow my tweets of 17 December for for 360 degree analysis of Saudi announced
military coalition, Middle East wars and the chaos in the Muslim world today. This
is the truth. what media or the sectarian mullahs tell you is baloony !!

This is our analysis on Saudi announced 34 country alliance. It is Urdu translation

of our tweets. Read Tweets for english version.

No military alliance can succeed within the Muslim world until it is lead by
Pakistan. We need a Muslim alliance, NOT a sectarian one !

Who created Daish? what does serious western analysts say about Daish ? what is
the real motive of war in the region ?? why Muslim world is being decimated ? My

Why the wars are raging in ME ?? who created Daish ?? what are the strategies of
our enemies to hijack our faith, land, people and resources? Urdu translation of our

There are many who say that they want to be part of our mission, work closely
with us... ! Think a hundred times before you make this request,,, ! If you want to
join this mission, you should expect to be at war with the entire Taghoot, Kufr and
Munafiqeen ! You will be violently shaken & tested to the extreme...! If you love
your life, stay away from us...
This is a shocking proof of the sick and retarded mentality of Khawarij ! Daish
wants to destroy Rauza e Rasul (sm) when they reach Medina ! Astaghfurullah !!
This live interview of a Saudi TV with a Daish Kharji gives you a scary insight

into the dark mentality of these dogs of hell ! This is the ideology of TTP, AlQaeda, Boko Haram as well ! They are the worst enemies of Rasul Allah (sm).
Thats why they are called "dogs of hell" in ahadees mubaraka. Truly shocking...


ARY has just confirmed that today, Sunday, at 10 pm, they are airing part 2 of my
interview with Danish. InshAllah great khair ! It was recorded last week and being
aired today..
InshAllah, now I will come regularly on other channels as well, if there is a need to

come. have started giving interviews. Khair inshAllah !

Even though in Pakistan, every Kharji is from deoband school, you MUST remain
honest and truthful to say that NOT ALL deoband support Khawarij of TTP. There
are some huge scholars from Deoband who have openly condemned Khawarij. We
respect their stance.
You should also know that Khawarij is NOT a sect BUT a mindset. There were
Khawarij present in the times of Hazrat Usman (RA) and Sayyadna Ali (RA) and
also in times of Salahuddin Ayubi. They were not deobandis
Both Deobandis and Barelvis are Sunnis, Hanafis.... ! They both read the same
books of Fiqh !! so where is the difference ?
All those scholars, politicians, media persons who support Khawarij, irrespective
of their sect or party are the enemies of Pakistan.
This is NOT a sectarian issue. This is pure military strategy and defense of
Pakistan. Zardari is a Shia. Nawaz Shareef is a Sunni. Both are enemies of
Pakistan. This does NOT mean all Shias and all Sunnis are enemies of Pakistan.

DO NOT be a fool and DO NOT start a sectarian debate when we identify the
supporters and patrons of Khawarij in Pakistan.
We will block all Shias, ahl Hadees and Barelvis who want to start a sectarian war
on this page in their hatred for all deobandis. Remain focused on Khawarij,
irrespective of their political party, sect or school.
If TTP were Shias or Barelvis, we would be ruthlessly attacking Shia and Barelvi
scholars too. But TTP are from Deoband school.
When Khawarij slaughtered our children in Peshawar, they killed children of
Muslims... from all sects... ! So all Muslims must be united against Takfiri
Khawarij, irrespective of sect, party or ethnicity.
Read this post 10 times before you start making any comments.
ARY sunday night ! our 360 degrees harsh and candid analysis on exposed flanks
of the 5th Gen Wars, political and economic terrorism, constitutional failure,
Indian threats, Afghan chaos and Western invasion of the Muslim lands in allience
with Khawarij from within !
Our duty is to give azaan without fear. It is Allah's izn to make it happen !
InshAllah Khair..

Post strong comments on ZEM website also. Hindu Zionists and their Khawarij
puppies come here in numbers. Decently but firmly, break their backs with
patriotic posts. This is the war you all can fight ! DO NOT the enemies rest on
social media. Humiliate them..

The only way to human excellence is adab e Rasul (sm). Adab is way beyond fiqh
or tafseer. adab is an attitude of life, a spiritual bond between an Ummati and
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). There is NO fatwa or law on display of adab. Listen and
learn how Sahaba and our elder displayed their love for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).
Fidak Ummi wa Abbi Ya Sayyadi Ya Rasul Allah !!

Milad un Nabi Mubarak ! MashAllah ! Alf Alf Marra Salat o Salam ala Rasul
Allah (sm).
In these times, we see many painful debates where many ignorant are trying to
belittle and insult this great occasion, entering into arguments without knowledge,
without wisdom, without clarity of heart and without purity of soul.
Expressing the love of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) is NOT a matter of debate, fatwa
or allegations of bidda.
shall share more videos on this delicate subject... these six minutes will bring khair
for you inshAllah !
InshAllah, this one azaan of Ishq and adab of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) will clear
all your confusions about displaying your love for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).
Remmeber this -- the greatest attack of shaitan & fitnah of Dajjal is that they will
try to confuse you about the love and adab of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).
As Iqbal baba had said that the greatest advice of Iblees to his followers is "this
Ummati of Rasul Allah, who may remain poor and hungry but is not afraid of
death, there is only one way to destroy this Ummah -- attack & destroy the love of
Rasul Allah (sm) that this Ummah has !!!!
Today, you find people whose every fibre is made of haram, who declare war on
Allah and His Prophet by eating Riba, who are brutally cruel and support Kuffar
and Mushriks, whose hearts are made of stone and their faces are black with hell
fire and they themselves are drowning in Kufr and Shirk are the ones who shout
loudest about Shirk and Bida when you display any love for Sayyadi Rasul Allah

(sm) !
Know this well -- only Iblees, Mushriks, Gustakh and Mulhids will hate Sayyadii
Rasul Allah (sm) and prevent any display of and adab for our beloved Sayyadi !!
Watch this video now.. and recite durued or salam on Sayyadi Rasul Allah !

To all those Muslims who want to celebrate Milad shareef, I have a strong advice:
Please maintain the dignity and honor of this sacred occasion. This is a serious,

sacred, blessed occasion. Do NOT turn this into a circus, carnival or fun fair !
Naats on the tunes of Indian songs are extremely beyadab way of expressing your
love. Reciting musical naats in a group as if they are all in a disco is actually
There are many who celebrate just to score points against those who disagree. DO
NOT do this. If you cannot do this in love of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm), with adab
and love, then its better not to do it.
Recite durud shareef, feed the hungry, do acts of kindness, recite Naat shareef with
adab, share stories from Sayyadi's blessed life and teach your children adab. This is
the way to celebrate.
May Allah have mercy upon this Ummah. There is one extreme which calls this
occasion as bidah and shirk. There is other which has lost all sanctity of the
occasion and have turned it into a carnival. The middle path of adab, love and
dignity which has been practiced by the Ummah always has been lost somewhere
in between !


To all Muslims who are confused about expressing their love their Sayyadi Rasul
Allah (sm) and are quick to declare it as Shirk, Kufr and Bidah, we give this
comprehensive response. Please read carefully and slowly with open heart and
mind. May Allah soften your hearts towards Rasul Allah (sm) and give you firasat
of a momin to understand the wisdom of deen.
1. DO NOT take the extreme position of calling it kufr, shirk and bidah when there
is a strong difference of opinion within scholars and the Ummah! Calm down and
accept the difference within the Ummah with dignity. Doing Takfir of a Muslim is
Haram.. ! Allah will never gather this Ummah on Kufr, shirk and Bidah.. ! When
the entire Ummah accepts this as a gesture of love for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm),

then calm down and dont do takfir.

2. There is a general rule of deen -- all haram acts have been defined and
explained. All haram animals have been explained. All haram food have been
explained. All haram business transactions have been explained. Rest are all halal
and the Ummah can develop, innovate, improve, progress in all matters of deen
and life as long as the act itself is not haram.
Let us explain.
There was NO written book form of Quran in the time of Rasul Allah (sm). Khulfa
e Rashideen were very cautious in writing and collecting the Quran because Rasul
Allah (sm) had not done it. But the wisdom of the deen demanded that Quran
should be compiled, collected, binded as a book, distributed to all corners of the
world. So, it was done as the act itself was not haram nor considered a bidah, even
though Rasul Allah (sm) had not done it himself. Later, after many decades, zer,
zabr, pesh were added to Arabic quran because non-arabs found it difficult to read
arabic without airab. Sahabas had never done it. But when it was done, NO one
called it a bidah or forbidden as the act was good and was in line with the spirit of
Islam not against it.
For many hundred years, Quran was NOT translated into any other language
because Arabic was the main language of the world. But when Muslims started to
forget arabic, there was a need to translate Quran in other languages. Many
scholars considered it an act of blasphemy or Bidah but finally they understood
that this "good bidah" has to be introduced because the wisdom of deen demands
that Quran should be spread to all people, even if they cannot understand Arabic. !
Today, all those people who read Quran through translations should know that
Sahabas, Tabe'een, Taba tabe'een or even after them for hundreds of years did
NOT use translated Quran. Using a translation is a "good bidah", as they say it.
Under the same wisdom, Allah has asked Muslims to deploy military power to
defend yourself. This is the rule ! Details are left to the need, technology,
capability of the time...
So, can we say that using Tanks, F-16's, Cannons, Submarines, satellites, naval
ships is a Bidah because Sahabas never used these things ?? NO ! anyone saying
such a thing would be a total fool, whose heart is sealed and who cannot
understand the wisdom of deen !

Same example can be applied to every walk of life. Our deen is NOT just Ibadaat
but it is also economy, politics, military, technology, social life, judiciary -- in fact
every sphere of life. So, the argument of Bidah and innovation in deen is not just
applied in Ibadaat but also in every sphere of life which a Muslim lives.
Sahabas NEVER used any of the things we use today. They NEVER used
loudspeakers to give azaan, they never decorated Masjids like we do, they never
used alarm clocks to wake up for salat, they never used cars, aircraft or cell
phones, or video cameras... !
So, if the argument is that Sahabas never did it, then it should be applied to all
spheres of life not just in Ibadaat ! Every thing we do today is bidah then
But the wisdom of deen is that Sahabas used latest weapons of that time. That
gives us total approval to use all types of latest weapons which we can develop or
acquire. With this wisdom in mind, using a battle tanks become a Sunnah, because
Tank is a weapon and using a weapon is a Sunnah !
Similarly, Rasul Allah (sm) used every means available to him to spread the
message of Islam. That gives us the wisdom that we can use every modern
technology including Media, social media, TV, satellites, Newspapers to spread
our message !
Now coming to economy and Bidah, The same people who create most fuss about
Milad are the ones leading the world in using Haram economy, Riba based wealth,
Banks and false paper currency. All these acts are not just Haraam but are actually
a war against Allah (swt) and Rasul Allah (sm) ! The same people celebrate their
national day every year, celebrated 100 years of their kingdom, have pictures of
their king at every nook and corner of their kingdom, even on fake haram bank
notes! Is this Halal ?? Did Rasul Allah (sm) and Sahabas approved of this ?? Isn't
this clear Haram, shirk and Kufr ?? It is.. !!
Now coming back to expressing your love for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).
There are clear and direct orders given to the Ummah in multiple verses of Quran
and ahadees that we MUST teach our children love and adab of Rasul Allah (sm),
we MUST recite Salat o Salam on Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm), we must teach our
children about Sunnah and Seerah of Rasul Allah (sm) and we MUST teach our
children Quran and its wisdom.

How to achieve these objectives is left to the times and space we live in, according
to the needs and demands of the time and age. We can use any means to spread the
love of Rasul Allah (sm)! If the act of spreading the love of Rasul Allah (sm) is
NOT haram in itself, it is permissible to use any technology, medium or event. We
can use TV, social media, satellites, books -- everything. We can celebrate all year
or we can focus on the month of arrival of Rasul Allah (sm).
In these times, the greatest fitnah which the iblees has spread is that it has made
this Ummah beyadab towards Rasul Allah (sm). The greatest duty in these times is
to spread the love of Rasul Alah (sm) in the hearts of the Ummah ! This love is the
essence of our deen, NOT the Ibadaat ! Khawarij do more Ibadaat than aulia Allah
but their hearts are made of stone !
It is the love of Rasul Allah (sm) which makes heart soft and tender towards Allah
and hidayat. No ashiq e Rasul can be cruel, brutal or stone heart.
The day of arrival of Prophets is celebrated in Quran. The day Hazrat Issa was
born is mentioned as a blessed day by Issa (as) himself. Same is written about
other Prophet also. When Rasul Allah (sm) came into this world, the entire cosmos
celebrated the occasion -- great signs were seen all over the world, signalling the
arrival of the most blessed soul of the cosmos.
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) himself celebrated his birthday by fasting on every
Monday ! Sahabas recited Naats, poetry and Durud o Salam on Rasul Allah
whenever they gathered. There were dedicated poets in Darbar e Nabwi who
recited Naat in love of Rasul Allah (sm). Sahabas were present around Rasul
Allah(sm). They did not have to remember Rasul Allah (sm) as they could see him
all the time, around them. Just as the Sahabas did not need to write the Quran, or
make a book out of it, or put airab on it or translate it into other languages BUT
that does not mean these acts done by later Muslims are Haram or Bidah !
The Hukm is to remember and teach and display the love of Rasul Allah (sm). It
can be done in any way, by any means, in any time, in any month, by any number
of people, privately or official -- as long as the act of expressing the love is not
haram itself.
That is why the Ummah does it so passionately and regularly especially in Rabi ul
awwal ! In these times, it is the NEED of the time to revive the love of Rasul Allah
(sm) as this is the only shield we have against fitnahs of Dajjal and Khawarij !

There is NOTHING haram or bidah in expressing your love for Rasul Allah !!
It is known, proven and without dispute that Naat was recited by Sahabas in front
of Rasul Allah (sm). Then the question is " why is Saudi government has banned
all Naats, Qaseedas and Madh of Rasul Allah (sm) from all Media, Masjid e Nabwi
and Media???? You can go to jail in Saudia for reciting Naat even though it is
Farz, Halal, Sawab and proven through the Sunnah of Rasul Allah (sm).
So, please DO NOT debate on this issue. if your heart is still not satisfied, stay
silent and let other Muslims express their love in any way they want. DO NOT
declare others as Kafir, Mushriks or Biddatis on this issue. Those who say that are
themselves drenched in Haram and Riba as we have explained above.
To those who are celebrating in love of Rasul Allah (sm), pl maintian the dignity
and decency and DO NOT start practices which are haram in itself like making
Naats on Indian songs.. !!
Maintain the adab. May Allah bless us with love of Rasul Allah (sm) and save us
from the fitnah of Dajjal and Khawarij ! ameen.

This is Islamabad today !!

That is why Pak army is special army to lead the Ghazwa e Hind, under direct
spiritual command of Sayyadi Rasul Allah !
The only army in the Muslim world to present 31 gun salute to their supreme
commander Sayyadi Rasul Allah on the sacred occasion of Milad un Nabi (sm) !!
MashAllah, MashAllah !
Labbaik Ya Sayyadi Ya Rasul Allah ! Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !!
Pakistani naat khwans should learn the adab of reciting naat from Sami Yusuf.
This beautiful Salat o Salam has all the adab and love worthy of an Ashiq e Rasul.
It is sad to see that many contemporary Pakistani naat khwans have gone over
board and are actually committing bayadabi by reciting naats on the tunes of filthy
indian songs. In the past we have produced some of the finest naat khwans like
Qari Waheed Zafar Qasmi, Umm e Habiba, Muzaffar Warsi and many others
who's naats still drive you to tears.
The purpose of Milad un Nabi (sm) is to develop the love of Syyedi Rasul Allah,
not to score sectarian points or celebrate aimless festivity. Adab, and Love of
Syyedi Rasul Allah demands that we avoid all bidaah and vulgar activities in the
name of Milad un Nabi.
JazakAllah o Khair.


May Allah give infinite barakah to beloved Quaid ! Nation was orphaned after he
left us and to this day, we remain orphans, waiting for a leader like him !
For the last 70 years, the beysharam Mullahs and Beyghairat liberals have been
lying about this Wali Allah ! Our younger generation is unaware of the stature,
status and the duty of this "sword of Islam" ! I would recomend all of you to take 1
hour out and watch this program. You will know more about the Quaid and his real
duty in this hour than you would learn in a lifetime.. !
Recite Fatiha for Baba Quaid !

Watch a very special 2 part program today on Such TV channel's program Goya
with Arsalan Khalid at 8 PM inshAllah !
This is a two part program for Friday and Saturday night. Cancel all your

appointments and fasten your seat belts for this roller coaster

Such TV website also live stream it. search for it on net please for those who are
outside the country.
A blessed day, another sacred azaan, alhamdolillah !
You can watch SUCH TV live streaming here if you dont get it on cable.
InshAllah, will upload the link also later.
8 pm Friday and Saturday night inshAllah.
Our todays program, alhamdolilah.
Part 2 will be aired tomorrow, Saturday inshAllah !
Our "welcome" to that rascal Modi


Dont forget to watch part 2 of the program on Such TV tonight at 8 pm inshAllah.

On a lighter note, On modi's visit, when I saw Nawaz smiling uncontrollably upon
receiving that bhangi, it reminded me of the face NS makes when he sits with Gen
Raheel )
The second part of our program aired today, Alhamdolillah.
O Allah, be our witness that we warned this nation !


Alhamdolillah, in this sacred month, our much awaited book on agenda for
political, constitutional & structural reforms in Pakistan is now published and
available ! This is the basic concept of a Presidential model of government,
eliminating all the ills and evils of this present parliamentary democracy & the
election system that we have in Pakistan which brings in rascals and snakes in the
parliament and the government.
The concept is built around the role model of Khilafat e Rashida, redefined for
modern times and 21st century Islamic welfare State !
All aspects of politics, economic, judiciary, media and social values have been
defined in the light of a new dynamic Constitutional framework using the Islamic
concept of Ijtihad.

InshAllah, this will be the working document for any patriotic government coming
in Pakistan in near future!
This book is for those who have power in their hands to shape and change things.
Students and ordinary citizens can benefit academically but this needs a
power(sultan) to implement this. InshAllah, that sultan will come from Allah (swt).
We have done our homework since I returned from Saudi Arabia !
For now, we are NOT going to upload the soft copy. The hard copy is being sent to
those who matter. InshAllah, khair will come from it. We will offer it to public in
near future, not now.


Jazak Allah to all those who contributed in sponsorship, effort, advice, editing and
printing of this priceless document. Your ajr remains with Allah alone as silent
soldiars in His cause to defend Pak Sarzameen and Ummat e Rasul(sm).
For now, these books will only go to patriotic opinion makers and policy makers
who have the power to implement these ideas. Enemies and political rascals would

be more than interested to steal the ideas, float them as their own, hijack the
concepts and then try to stop them. That is why, we will NOT upload this book for
now. Please wait. it is being sent to those who matter most in this battle. Once that
is done, the book will be made available in book stores and online also. So, pl
These politicians all over the world are the worst animals, more than the cunning
lawyers and the rascal journalists, who are actually the pillars of this satanic
western civilization. The system of modern politics is designed to fool the masses,
loot the public and keep the hold of Zionist bankers strong.. ! Ordinary people who
vote are just the sheep for the slaughter and they do it so willingly... !
This entire system of Politics, elections, democracy need to be uprooted for all
times to come.. InshAllah soon !

InshAllah, tonight, Monday, watch me on Khara Sach with Lucman on Channel 24

News at 10 Pm ! Regional security issues to be discussed inshAllah !
Our program today -- If Hindu Zionists can desire to make akhand bharat, then we
can also battle to create greater Pakistan ! Hindu Zionists are accelerating their
own demise by triggering Ghazwa e Hind !!
Yes, we also want to eliminate borders between Pakistan and India and this huge

country will be called Pakistan inshAllah !!


Our new book is a seriously philosophical, ideological, historical and legal

document for re-engineering the entire spectrum of Pakistani society! At present,
there is NOT a single political leader, analysts or anchor in the country who even
has the basic qualification to even understand the deep issues involved. These
superficial and shallow talk show tigers have no idea what nation building is all
about !
There are many sincere people no doubt, but surely they are not qualified .. This

would be the real challange for us -- find sincere and qualified people worthy of
this noble task !
This is NOT a general knowledge book. This is a working paper for the true
The enemy is single minded and focused to destroy us.
This is NOT the time for debates, arguments, explanations or clarifications. Those
whom Allah chooses for the task, know how to go about it. Those who are
ignorant, are not chosen ! Simple..
For us the mission is clear, goals defined, objective in sight and we are marching
full steam without any confusion or doubt alhamdolillah ! We offer no apologies,
give no quarter, report to none.. except Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) !
Your role is to support the cause in social media, society and Media with all your
resources and capabilities. There is NO formal membership, no ranks, no
command structure.. Everyone is a soldier in this war.. ! It is a thankless job, so do
not expect people to praise you
in fact, expect all troubles and attacks once you embark...!
May Allah be with you and protect you from the fitnahs of shaitan and Dajjal !


sharing more pages from the book as teasers

You will have to wait for some more time to get your hands on the hard copy. It is
being sent to those who have the power in their hands to change things.. InshAllah
read these for now and absorb the intense message..

InshAllah, we will give you a pleasant surprise this week

My wife will join me in a show to tell her side of the story when I was in Saudi jail

Her first ever appearance on any media would be a brief account of what this
amazing Momina went through alone, surrounded by harsh Saudi Intel officers,
when her husband was facing certain death..
Will announce the time and date later
We will let you guess for now

For the new members, who have joined us after October and have missed the
following post I made about the role of my beloved wife, we are posting it again.
Behind every fortunate man, there is a sacred & blessed lady !
Who knows it better than me !! alhamdolillah !


Dear Children,
while we defend our Ummah & Millat, it is also our duty to do your tarbiat & teach
you adab of living this life.
Today, I am very sad.. Heard a news that a young man shot and wounded a girl
who had refused to marry him and then committed suicide !! Astaghfurullah ! what
a loss in Dunya and Akhira !! A moment of anger and rage and a humiliation &
punishment for all times to come..
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) had warned us that in the end time, Children will be
filled with rage and anger ! We see this everyday around ourselves, in our homes,
schools, offices...
For Allah's sake, control your anger. Control your tone & words ! All fitnahs start
from your tongue ! Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has given bisharat of Jannah to those
who keep their tongues and private parts in control !
If you are single, respect your elders, parents, teachers.. If you are married, also
respect your spouse! Talking back to elders and to spouses break homes.. Shaitan
will provoke you to shout and scream BUT you MUST control. Recite Durud
shareef when anger fills up in you. DO NOT throw things, break glasses or use
your hands to hurt anyone in your anger/rage. Dont let shaitan take over you. He
will make you do things in anger which you would regret forever...
Raised voices in anger are instruments of shaitan to create fitnah...
Momin is dignified in happiness and sorrow. He never raise his voice in anger or in
rage or even in happiness except to praise Allah (swt).
If you do not get what you want, do sabr.
If you get what you want, do shukar.
Remain dignified always..
When you buy good things for yourself or indulge in luxuries, do sadaqa always.. !
Remember those who dont have what you have.. share what Allah has given you
and NEVER take Allah's gifts for granted... He has given and He can take it away
without notice ! Never be casual... NEVER !

These are times of fitnah.. Dajjal is all too powerful and have entered into our
media, our food, our medicines, our schools and our masjids.. ! Be very careful
about Halal food. It is NOT just pork or dog meat which is haram, even chicken
and beaf is also haram if bought from Haram money !! Haram rizq takes away the
barakah in your dua and then you complain Allah (swt) does not answer your duas
Dont miss your salat.. BUT more importantly remain extremely respectful to
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). NEVER speak about Rasul Allah (sm) if you are not
sure about manners of adab ! This is an extremely sensitive domain. Dont mess up
here please.
This Gregorian new year is about to begin. The whole world would be taken over
by shameless satanic celebrations. Dont waste yourself here. Allah has NOT made
you for this senseless filth..
Know yourself.. you are too precious to be wasted like this..
You are the future of this Ummah ! generations would suffer if you fail to do your
duty here. Feel the responsibility. Allah will ask you about it. On the day of
Judgement, you must NOT be ashamed in front of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).
May Allah be with you, give you Hayat e Tayyaba, Rizq e Kareem and Husn e
Khatima.. !
Stay blessed...


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