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Caracas 23 de febrero del 2015

Gua de Ingles
Causative Have
Its used to express the idea that x cause y, to do something (Request
task). Also when someone does something for us, or to talk about experiences
(usually negative experiences)
Active: HAVE + SOMEONE + VERB (infinitive whit to)
I had the plumber repair the leak
Passive: HAVE + OBJECT + VERB (past participle)

I had the leak repaired by the plumber

Emphatic structures
1) Clift sentences: the emphasis is on a specific word
a) He wants to buy a Mercedes
*it's a Mercedes that he wants to buy
-When we emphasize the doer/subject we use who/that
-When we emphasize another part of the sentence we use that
2) Inversion: the emphasis is on what we say/ write
b) I have never felt so humiliated
<<*Never have I felt so humiliated*>>
3)Actions (do-did-does): the emphasis is on the verb
I get up at 4am
*I <do> get up at 4 am*
She go home early
*She <does> go home early*
She studied for the test
*she <did> study for the test*
In Order To
It's used to express purpose, it answer the question "why?" And usually
goes before a verb
If it is a preposition or noun, for is used instead
I went to the library TO study last night
I went to the store FOR some bread
Helen borrowed my dictionary to look up the spelling of "ocurred"

Reflexive pronouns
It is used as the object of a verb or a preposition when the subject of the
sentence and the object are the same. Also it is used for emphasis or to say
someone do/did something alone
I saw <MYSELF> in the mirror
I<MYSELF> faxed the report
Ann lives by <herself>


Future progressive
When: to express an activity that will be in progress at a time in future
Structures: will +be + v(ing)
At this time next week I will be laying on the beach
I'm not going to be studying at home tomorrow
Will you be studying next Tuesday at this time?
What will you be doing on carnival next week?
Aux: will+be
Keyword: any related to progressive structures
Future perfect
When: it expresses an activity that will completed before another time or
event in the future
Structure: Will+have+Verb (past simple)
I will have finished my homework by the time my mom arrives
By the time we finish the school year we will have taken a lot of exams
It's early by the time we get to the airport the airplane won't have arrived
Aux: will+ have
Keyword: by the time
Past perfect
Had+ Been+ V (past participle)
Simple future:

Will + be + V (past participle)

Future perfect
Will+ have+ been+ verb (past participle)
Active: Mary (subject) helped (verb) the boy (complement)
Passive: the boy (complement) was helped (verb) <by Mary> (subject it's
not necessary in the sentence)
Reciprocal pronouns
Each other: when they talk about two people or things
One another: when they are more than 2 people
-We write to each other every week
-They speak to one another every day
-I think they love each other very much
-Mary and Tom had and argument last week and haven't spoken to each
other since then
-in my office, people are very friendly whit one another

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