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My chimera

Chimera is a monster from Greek Mythology that has a lions head, goats body, and
snakes tail.
What if one day, you met a girl that you will fall for despite of being a nerd and
found out that shes a chimera?
The classes has ended but Chime was still there in the dark room , sitting alone,
listening to the music, thinking about nonsense things and how she will be able to
hide from the bullies that hurt her.
She doesnt have a friend, herself only. Her teachers cant do anything about the
bullies. She tries to hide everyday from them just to protect her from being hurt and
from being a life-sized toy.
*knock knock* Whos there? She asked with a scared voice. What are you doing
here? Why are you still here? And who are you by the way? The boy asked to her. I
was listening to the music the whole time. She answered while looking at her
phone changing the music to Cant Take My Eyes off you cover by Walk Off The
Earth. Shes about to leave the room but the boy grabbed her hand. Wait! I forgot
to introduce myself No need. I should go now. Something happened at our house.
She lied. Yes, she does. Can I accompany you to your home? No. I mean, my
house is not so far from here. She run, and run, and run as fast as she can. As fast
that no one can find her, even that boy that she had just met.

Two weeks later, she never saw the boy he met that afternoon. She thinks that its
good that the boy should not appear again in her life, she hates to be with people
and she hates to be close because if they might know her true identity, he might
leave her.

She eats everyday at The Macintosh that is 100 km away from her school. She was
eating there when she saw familiar face. It was the boy she met. She needs to hide
from him. She put herself under the table and silently praying that the boy will leave
the restaurant but its too late. The boy opens the tablecloth and he saw the girl.
Aha! Why are you trying to hide yourself from me even though I saw you about 5
minutes to be exact? Im just.. Im just trying to play hide and seek he he he ..
yeah. Hide and seek. She said while thinking What I should do now?. With me? At
the restaurant? Like seriously? Yes. Does it sound good? She said while smiling.
They have talked for the past 5 hours. Exchanging likes and dislikes. Oh before I

forgot. What is it? The boy put her hands up like he was trying to have a shake
hands with her, oh she knew what will happened next. Im Stanley, and you are?
Where are you from? Wheres your family? Why are you so mysterious? Stanleys
exaggerated questions. Yes, he is Stanley. He knows him, very much. Chime doesnt
want to answer. She doesnt want him to be part of his life. Oh! I have to go. Its
already 8pm. Can I accompany you to your home? No. Im okay. Please? No.
Im alright. No need for you to accompany me. But.. Please, Stanley. Okay,
miss-i-dont-know-your-name She smiled and he smiled back at her.

On her way home, Chime was smiling when she remember her conversation with
Stanley. She knew him; she is his friend more like of best friend before.
Flashback 4 years ago
Hey. said the little Stanley.
Who are you? the little Chime asked
Im Stanley. He gives his best smile to her.
Im Chime.
What a beautiful name.
Of course
They become good friends since that day. But one night, worst thing happened.
Stanley was rushed immediately to the hospital. The doctor said he have brain
tumor. She prays all night, for him. Shes always in his side before and after the
operation. He is still in comatose for 2 months.
While she was sleeping, she had awakened when she heard a voice calling her
Chime the voice said her name many times.
Huh? Who are you? She saw a monster. Yes, thats what she thinks now.
My name is Boss. I am the Chimera from a Neverfarawayland.
What are you doing here? Chime tries to calm but in her head, small voice kept
saying thats a monster Chime, you should put Stanley in a safe place.
Im here because I heard you. Huh? shes still try to figure out what is happening
right now.
Wha-what? What are you talking about?

Youre just like me.

You are a chimera. I am youre aunt. Your mom is my sister. But, because
something happen. The two of you went to this place. Thats why your body
transformes at exactly 12 am until 5 am.
Boss is looking straight to Chime. It just like there is something between the two of
Why are you here? She answered.
Hey there is a young girl in front of her. Just like her
Oh! Twinnie, what are you doing here?
Here Twinnie is here younger sister.
A gift? Where is it from? It was small red box.
Why you just read the message instead, huh? Her sister said sarcastically.
Okay okay. *ehem* Dear miss-i-dont-know-your-name, here is my gift for you. I
was hoping you will like it . Love, Stanley.. what? How do you get this?
Its in your bag. Twinnie leaves her.
At that night, she cant stop herself from smiling.

The next day, she came early at school. Some people are looking at her. She needs
to hide before the bullies might see her. She always came at school with many large
books in her hand. While walking at the corridor, she accidentally slipped and fell on
the floor. Thats what she thinks that she will fell on the floor but someone saved
Are you okay? *pertaining to the bullies* please stop bullying Chime
Butthe bullies reacted but Stanley interrupted them
If you didnt stop this, I will tell Ms. Ana about this.
Whaaaat? Stanleys friends bring the bullies to Ms. Ana, their principal because
they didnt stop bullying Chime.

Sta-stanley? Oh! Im okay. Thanks for saving me. A blushed cheek had seen on
Chime when she knew that it was Stanley who saved her. The bullies run after the
incident happened.
Stanley is accompanying Chime every day. Even though she didnt want it but still
Stanley wins.
After a month, Stanley asked to court her and after 10 months they became couple.
In their 2nd monthsary, he made a surprise to her.
Open your eyes
Wow! she was shocked when she saw the place.
Do you like it?
Yes of course thank you honey She gives a kiss that makes Stanley shock.
They are eating peacefully when suddenly something appear to Chimes face.
Are you okay?
Why are you asking?
Look at your face
Huh? *looks at the mirror* Oh noooooo! There was a hair into her cheeks like a
face of a lion and it is getting added and added.
Wait.. honey! Chime ran as fast as she can. Its not 12 am but her body
transformed into a chimera. She goes to the wash room to see her face. While shes
inside, a familiar voice called her name.
What are you doing here? she was still shocked about whats happening to her
right now.
Im here to get you and bring you to our place, our home
No! This is my home. I will lived normally here, not with you, and not without
Oh! The little boy in the hospital. I wonder what he will do if he knows your true
No one will ever know my true identity, so please leave me alone!
Aha! I like your personality.

Shut up
Have you ever forgotten our deal?
Do you want him to be safe from danger or whatsoevercalled disease?
Yes. I want him to be safe. I miss him.
Great. I will help you but theres an exchange for that wish.
What is it? Ill do everything just to be able to save him.
You will go back to our place and marry King Ebrahim and be a queen. After Boss
said those words, he left.
Yes, I dont forget our deal.
Then why arent you going with me? Now is time Chime
No! I wantI want to stop this deal
Are you serious?
Yes, I am damn serious! I want to be with my family, most especially with Stanley. I
want to spend more time with him. I want to have a normal life, just like the other

You cant be like them Chime. You are not a human, you are a chimera
My god! Whyhow it happened. I mean why me? Why of all people in the world,
why I have to be like you, why I have to be a chimera?
Thats the purpose. Everything happens for a reason
Crap that!
Listen, if you didnt go with me. I will get the life of your truly love. Mark that! Im
giving you 24 hours to think. You want to lose him or you will sacrifice for him and
left him? Your time starts now. Boss disappeared as she said those words. Chime
goes back to her human appearance. Will she sacrifice for the one she love or stay
here but might take him away from her?
After what happened to their dinner date, Chime always hiding to Stanley. She
receives 100 missed calls every day and many messages from him. She cried all
night. She didnt come to school just to hide from Stanley. Good thing Stanley didnt
know their house. After 10 hours, she finally has a decision.

She texted him that she wants meets him at The Macintosh, 7pm. He replied yes.
She arrived at exactly 7 pm where she saw him.
Hi honey Stanley wants to kiss her but Chime stopped him.
Lets-- *sigh* lets stopped this relationship.
BuBut? Why? We have dreams together. Dont you forget that? Why you
suddenly wants to break up with me?
II love someone.
What? Oh b*llsh*t! You cheated on me.
Yes. I cheated you She is crying while saying those words. She needs to lie to him.
Suddenly, Boss appeared between them.
Ola everyone. The people in the restaurant went out screaming because they saw
a monster. Stanley was shocked while looking at the chimera.
Hi Stanley. Im Mera, her aunt. Stanley couldnt answer like there is blocking his
mouth to speak.
Why are you here? Why did you showed to usto Stanley?
Nothing. I just want to appeared here and break this drama scene. Too tired
watching this kind of story plot.
Stanleys still shocked about the happenings right now.
Hey boy, you want to say something or you just want to remain silent. Err
Shut up Mera, stop talking to him.
Why would I do that? You two already broke up. And dont forget about the deal.
We should hurry now and marry the king or else you know what will going to
Stanley knew all. Mera tell him what happened 5 years ago. He knows that hes
about to die but Chime scarifies for him.
No. Dont leave me Chime, my honey. He said it to her a million times but she
didnt listen. Chime was looking at Boss then she looked to Stanley. She was very
confused; she didnt know what to do.
But she loves Stanley; she wants to be with him forever.
I love you. Please dont leave me. If you will leave me, I might be ending up dying.
I just want to die than not seeing you.

Boss is clapping her hand. She loves the scene. She loves whats happening right
now. She loves to make Chimes life miserable. But she stopped laughing when
Stanley throws something from her. He throws all the food in their table.
Stop it! Stop it! The chimera released a fireball. The restaurant is in fire. Chime
run towards Stanley. They hugged each other.
Clap clap for that. Boss said it in a sarcastic tone.
Chime transformed into a chimera. She didnt know what to do now.
Im not going to leave him Mera.
Oh! Are you sure?
Okay bye Stanley
Stanley fell in the floor. This cause Chime to get angry to Mera.
The two girls had a fight. Chime was about to lose the game when she remember
something. Her mother told her about the chimera. She said that you can beat her
using a sword. But its impossible to find sword in this restaurant buthey she
remember the statue at the center of the restaurant. She went there leaving Boss
laughing. She tried to get the sword but her strength is not enough to get it. She
saw Stanleys best friend.
Oh! Kyle, good thing youre here. I need your help. Stanley is in danger, and I need
to get this sword.
What? Are you going to kill my best friend?
No! I will not going to kill him. I need this sword to save him from danger. Im a
chimera and my aunt are there trying to kill him.
Chimera? Youre a monster? Holy
But, Im not like them. Oh! Please, save your questions later, Stanley needs us
right now, please?
O-okay she said without hesitant. Its not the right time to ask question, thats
what Kyle said to himself.
After many tries, they able to get the sword and ran to where Stanley and Mera left.

So, after a minute you find another one you love, huh?
Shut up, Mera
Oh. Wheres your manner? Its already 11:50m, she will transformed into chimera
when the clock is at 12 am.
Chchime? Kyle asked as he saw how Chime transformed.
Save your questions Kyle.
This is going to be the best battle my dear niece
Chime unable to defeat Mera. The tension between them is high. Chime is wounded,
she cant walk.
Ha ha ha. I can taste some victory right now. Your lose Chime.
Youll never win
Whwhat are you talking about?
You will never wiiiiinnnnnnnnnn... Chime is screaming as she said those words,
she attacked Mera in her body where her heart is located and it cause Mera to fell
down and died.
She went to Stanley and tries to revive him but its too late. Hes gone. Kyle was
crying when he saw his best friend. They are all crying but something happen.
Why are you crying guys? said Stanley while smiling
Stastanley? You are alive? Oh my god! You are alive. Stanley and Chime hugged
and kissed each other, never mind there was Kyle watching them.
Guys, please stop it! Get a room.
You better find yours Kyle. Ha ha ha.
Im going to leave you Stanley, Im not like you.
You are like me, like us. I will love you even though you are a chimera. Stanley
sealed it with a kiss.
Chime goes back to her human appearance. Meras body disappeared after Stanley
woke up.
After that happened in the restaurant, their lives became normal. Mera didnt
appear anymore to Chimes life. Chime always became a chimera but that not stop
Stanley from loving her.

Hey honey, what are youoh my god! Stanley made a surprise for her. He wants
to propose to Chime.
Chime, will you be my wife?
Yes? Wooh. Thank you. I love you.
I love you, more.
I love you the most, my chimera.
The End

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