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Distinguishing between Human Resources Management and Personal
Assessment the function of human resource management in contributing to
organizational purpose:.............................................................................................3
Human resources management has following five main functions for the purpose
of organization purpose.............................................................................................3
Evaluate the role and responsibilities of the line manager of the human resource
Analyzing the impact of legal and regularity framework on human resource
A legal and regularity framework has great impact on human resources
management. As we know that human resources are very important similarly legal
framework are also very important............................................................................4
The reasons for human Analyzing resource planning in organization:.....................4
Outlining the stages involved in planning human resources requirements:..............5
Comparison the requirements and selection process in two organization:................5
Evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection in two organization:.....6
Assessing the link between motivational theory and reward....................................6
Evaluating the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay............7
Assessing the effectiveness of reward systems in different contexts........................7
Examine the methods organizations use to monitor employee performance............7
Identifying the reasons for cessation of employment with an organization..............8
Describe the employment exit procedures used by two organizations......................8
Considering the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment
cessation arrangement...............................................................................................8


Organizations design and create an approach to manage people or employees; such an approachis
called Human Resources Management. It is said that the body of any organization is its people or
employees so the key resources of this approach are people or employees. All activities are
included in the domain of HumanResources (HR) such as development of skills, motivation, and
acquisition of their people. So the Human Resources is a name of three main activities i.e.
motivation, development, acquisition of human resources. Human resources are responsible to
create and maintain good human relationship in the organization. They are also concerned to
motivate individual to accomplish their goals, they are also involved in development of
individual. Human resources is also componentof boarder managerial function, it is not separate
from managerial function. Human Resources management is defined by Scott, Clothier and
Sprigel, Human Resources Management is the planning, directing, organizing and controlling of
the procurement development resources to the end individual objectives and goals are
accomplished. As per this definition, Human Resources Management is the personnel function
of the enterprise that deals with controlling, planning, directing and organizing.Human
Resources Management is the system that also ensures the efficiency and controlling, and
provides equal opportunity to all workers in an organization. As we know that, the people and
employees are the assets of the organization so Human Resources Management also views all the
activities of people and employees of the origination for the benefit of the organization. The
main objective of Human Resources Management is to focus on the accomplishment of
organization goals. Human Resources Management also includes its contribution to conduct jobs
analysis and recruitment of the right people for job and the personnel needs. Human Resources
management also provides incentives to the employees of the organization to increase their level
of confidence and to motivate them so that they work hard to achieve the goals of the

Distinguishing between Human Resources Management and Personal

There is no main difference between human resources management and personal management. It
is said that human resources management is the new version of personal management but in
following matters human resources management differs from personal management.

There is different of approaches between Human Resources management and personal

resources .human resources is a new and modern approach while personal management
is an old approach to controlling management of the organization.

Human resources management focus on controlling, planning, and motivation of

humanresources of the organization while the personal management focuses on personal
administrative and labor wages matters etc.
In human resources, functions are performed to the achievements of organization goals
whereas in personal management functions are performed for the satisfaction of
employees, labors.
More development training is provided in human resources management whereas les
development training is provided in personal management.
Human resources management is related to all levels in the organization while personal
management is only related to personal management.

Assessment the function of human resource management

in contributing to organizational purpose
Human resources management has following five main functions for the purpose of organization
Recruitment: To hire an experienced and work hard employee is very important
for any organization to become successful in the market of business. Therefore,
this main an important function of the organization is controlled and performed by
human resources management.
Training and development: A newly hired employees need training to achieved
organization goals so this function of providing trainings to new employees are
performed by Human resources management.
Professional Development: HRM is very helpful to provide leadership skills so
that they would be able to become a good leader.
Benefits and Compensation: HRM provides Benefits, incentive and compensation
to the employees of the organization to motivate them and make them more
confident to achieve their goals in future.
Ensuring Legal Compliance: Itis a responsibility of human resources department
to ensure legal compliance of the organization such as tax allowance, laws
polices, working hours, break times, over time etc.

Evaluate the role and responsibilities of the line manager

of the human resource management
Line manager is responsible to directly manage individual employees or a team. Line managers
are also responsible to report high level of management about the performance of the employees.
Some main responsibility of line management is as follow:

To manage people day to day

Line management also manages operational costs.

Line management also provides technical expertise.

They allocate work and rates.
It is responsibility of line management to check the work performance and quality as
Line management also deals with customer or clients.
Line management also measure operational performance.

Analyzing the impact of legal and regularity framework on

human resource management
A legal and regularity framework has great impact on human resources management. As we
know that human resources are very important similarly legal framework are also very important.
tax law also regulation also have impact on human resources management .to maintained the
smooth relationship between employees, legal working ages and safe working conations , issuing
involving discrimination all are involved in legislation.

The reasons for human Analyzing resource planning in

The reason of human resources planning is to accomplish the optimum use of human resources
and to hire right number and experienced employees to achieve the organization goals. In every
organization, good planning is a key to success. A good planning is one of the main aims of
human resources department because it deals with employment advertiser and with recruiting.
Creating objectives, goals, and collection of information all are included in the responsibility of
HR. The main reason of HR to use planning is to know that how many employees do the
company have and what type of worker do organization have, and how should organization use
their available resources and how company can maintain its employees.HR planning gives
efficient shape to management system. HR planning makes progress of organization and makes it
successful. Growth of workers and extend improvement provided by HR through training. HR
satisfies each need of employees such as promotions, salary, and improvements. Hence, human
resources department helps to develop human resources and increased productivity of sales and
income of the organization.

Outlining the stages involved in planning human resources requirements

Following are the stages involved in planning human resources requirements.

Future Oriented: In the organization, to view the future requirement of labor human
resources planning is required.
Continuous Process: This stage involves continuous updated and revised human
resources planning because the planning, which prepared today cannot be applicable in
future so the continuous changes in planning are required.

Maximum Utilization of Human Resources: At this stage it is checked that how

employees are utilized in a productive manner and it also checks exiting employees
capability and potential performance of work.
Right Kinds And Numbers: This stage of human resources planning identifies right
numbers of employees and kind of right people at right time and decides right people for
Determination of Demand and Supply: This stage involves determination of demand and
supply of human resources in the organization. It also helps to estimate the optimum level
of humankind.
Environment Influence: It is important to change human resources planning as
changingoccur in the environment so this stage make human resources up to date.
Related To Corporate Plan: Planning is important at all levels, which include strategic,
tactic, and operational level.
A Part of Human Resources Management System: planning is a part of Human Resources
Management because it makes business efficient.

Comparison the requirements and selection process in two organization

A good and effective selection of employees in the organization is the key of success. It is very
important for any organization to hire talented and experienced employees. Let ussuppose there
are two organizationsRoyal A, and Royal B. Royal As recruitment process is efficient, its
planning is made by passing all three stages strategic, tactic and operational. Where organization
Royal Bs selection of employment is weak, they are not making effective planning and decisions
according to recruitments of new employeesare weak. So, if we compare these two
organizations, Royal A requirements and selection process is much better as compare to RoyalB
becauseRoyal As human resources department is making good planning according to selection
of new employees. Any organization which has desire of successful selection planning, it should
avoid emotional and physical condition of state, lack of rapport with the admiration of the
measure, inadequate knowledge of how to respond to identify individual differences.

Evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection in two organization

The effectiveness of the recruitment and selection in the organization is very important. As we
discussed above that organization royal As recruitment and selection is much better than Royal
B. Nowweevaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection of these two organizations.
The effectiveness of the recruitment of any organization depends on the size of the organization,
it is necessary for the organization to know the size of their operations. Royal A is a large
organization but the Royal B is small organization. In Royal As recruitment, it usually screens
resumes and conduct the initial interviews and then passes the most efficient applicants, it is then
sent to hiring manager for the final decision. Whereas in Royal Bs recruitment the manager at
makes decisions final the same time because there are less members in the organization. In large

organization, there are many people between employer and employee, whereas in small
organization hierarchy is also small. Effective recruitment and selection process make
organization successful. Royal A hired well trained and qualified employees, which shows the
effectiveness of the recruitment and selection in the organization Royal A.

Assessing the link between motivational theory and

Motivational theory describes the evidence-based knowledge about the employees behavior.
There are numerous factor, which are involved to influence the efficiency of employees.
There are three types of motivational theories, i.e. the Instrumentality theory, Content theories by
different researchers, and the Process theories(Iwise, 2015).
There are several factors to motivate the employees in terms of rewards or goals and objectives.
Rewards play important role to motivate the people towards their jobs and duties. When
employees are offered for rewards to fulfill their economic needs, then the level of productivity
increases automatically.
Instrumentality theory was written by Taylor (1911), which describes that the conditioning and
reinforcing behavior ever motivates by rewards.
At Tesco, bonuses are offered to the employees for remarkable profits.For example, managers of
the grocery stores.

Evaluating the process of job evaluation and other factors

determining pay
The process of job evaluation determines that which type of job is more payable that other jobs.
There are several techniques, e.g. job grading, job ranking, and factor comparison for the
employment of job evaluation(Admin, 2015).
There are several factors to determine the worthiness of job through pay. These factors include
skills of the employees, responsibilities of the employees, efforts of the employees, and working
conditions of the employees. After evaluating the factors for worthiness jobs, the value of pay is
divided for each factor of the employee(HR, 2015).
At Tesco, the management compares the skill, job title, experience of the candidates while
recruiting and then decide pay scale for the selected employees.

Assessing the effectiveness of reward systems in different

When the employees receive the value of their work in terms of monetary or non monetary
benefits for their performances, then these are called rewards. Rewards are the powerful tool for
motivational concerns. There are two reward systems to bring improvements in work
efficiencies(HRM, 2014):
1. Financial rewards: these rewards are given to the employees in the form of wage rates.
For high quality or quantity, based rewards are given in the form of bonus or gifts.
2. Non financial rewards: these rewards are offered in terms of promotions or achievement
awards for the efficient employees in return of good work.
Follows are the effective reward systems for the employees.

Examine the methods organizations use to monitor

employee performance
If the organizations (e.g.) focus upon their monitoring system through employees performances
then these can bring better changes for effective output. To monitor the performances of the
employees, there are different methods, such as(DeBenedetti, 2010):
1. Reviewing the performances of the employees through reliable resources or database
2. Appraisal comments from the peers is a good technique to monitor the performance of
other employees
3. Dashboards is one of the effective methods to monitor the employees performances
through rating or review system
4. Reviews of the customers are helpful for the organizations to monitor the performances
of the employees

Identifying the reasons for cessation of employment with

an organization
Role of the employees is just like a back - bone for the organization by providing the human
resource services. There are several reasons, which can be a cause of cessation(Brookins, 2014):

Budget reducing by the employees can be a cause of cessation

Short attendance of employees
Poor performance of the employees
Negative attitude or angry behavior with the colleagues or the customers

Above-mentioned reasons for employment cessation are necessary to implement, otherwise the
organizations can face losses because of less effective employees.

Describe the employment exit procedures used by two

At Tesco and Sainsbury, employment exit procedure seems same. The employee asks the
resignation letter at the last or second last day at the organization. All the required information is
stated on documents, such as payroll, job responsibilities, reasons for job leaving, etc. At last, the
authorities for job leaving permanently issue the termination letter. After terminating the
employee, it is advised him to cancel all telephone or IT access from the organization, cancelling
all computer and account passwords, and cancellation of all bank details related to the
organizations(Approach, 2014).

Considering the impact of the legal and regulatory

framework on employment cessation arrangement
The impact of the legal and regulatory framework on the employment cessation plays an
important role for proper arrangement. The legal framework for terminating the employee ends
all relationships through proper documentation systems. Through a legal notice from the
organization for cessation, an employment agreement ends automatically.
There are some sources of law, such as Constitutional status of the rules on the right to work,
International agreements and conventions, role of the Judge etc. These types of law and
regulatory sources give a fundamental right of freedom for everyone. Role of legal and
regulatory framework help the contract parties for freedom of will and avoidance of conflicts and
confusions between both parties and the contractors(Gregorov, 2014).

The role of an organization is to manage the Human and Capital Resource systems in terms of
employees and capital management. Previously, the personal management system was the form
of Human Resource Management to organize the firms and industries, and currently on Human
Resource Management System is popular all over the world. The functions of HRM include
recruitment processes, professional developments, and the Legal Compliance Ensuring. The role
managers are important for HRM system, such as dealing with the customers or the suppliers.
Legal and regulatory framework is important to manage all organizational frameworks to avoid
conflicts and problems. With the help of HRM strategies, the recruitment process becomes easy
to manage the efficiency of the employees. Role of motivational theories is important for the
promotion and reward strategies of the employees. When employees are motivated, then they
show efficient skills for high returns for the organizations. Not only the recruitment system is
important, but the termination strategies are also helpful for the employers and organizations as
well. Freedom of right and monitoring system are the major two function of the HRM for the
success of the organizations. Legal and regulatory framework is important during the recruitment
and termination process of the employees for the protection of human rights.

Admin, 2015. Job Evaluation. [Online]
Available at:
Approach, H., 2014. Tesco Hrm And Its Evolution Business Essay. [Online].
Brookins, M., 2014. The Reasons for Job Termination. [Online]
Available at:
DeBenedetti, J., 2010. Methods of Tracking Performance. [Online]
Available at:
HR, 2015. Job Evaluation: Methods: Factor Comparison. [Online]
Available at:
HRM, 2014. Reward Systems. [Online]
Available at:
Iwise, 2015. Motivation. [Online]
Available at:

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