Activity A Read The Following Text Carefully.: New Graduates Face Tougher Struggle in Their Search For Jobs

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Apoio 11

Activity A
Read the following text carefully.
New graduates face tougher struggle in their search for

Around half of all this year's graduates will struggle to find

full-time jobs for many months after leaving university if current employment
trends continue, according to new research.
Analysis conducted by the Local Government Association (LGA) reveals that
51% of graduates were in full-time employment within three months from
leaving university in 2010, the latest figures that are available, compared
with 57% in 2003.
"These figures are particularly worrying at a time when thousands of young
people are gearing up to go off to university with the hope of improving
their job prospects," said Peter Box, leader of Wakefield council and
chairman of the association's economy and transport board.
"Young people who are trying to get on the career ladder are instead finding
themselves without a job and potentially falling into long-term
unemployment. This can have scarring effects that last a lifetime and have a
huge cost to the taxpayer in welfare and benefits," Box said.
The LGA analysis, which is based on figures published by the Higher
Education Statistics Agency, also indicates that graduate under-employment
is also increasing. It suggests that the number of university leavers going
into part-time employment has risen from 7% in 2003 to 11% in 2010.
Between 2002 and 2010, the proportion of graduates who were considered
to be unemployed also increased, from 6% to 8%.
Of the 20 local authority areas in England and Wales with the lowest
proportion of graduates in full-time employment, 17 are in London, chiefly
because the capital has a higher proportion of highly skilled jobs than other
places and attracts a higher proportion of people looking for work.
The association called for the government to give councils and employers
greater powers so that they could match training to jobs in local labour
It also called for universities to work with them to ensure that students are
offered careers advice in their final year that included information on the
opportunities that are available in specific locations.
"Councils and employers best understand their local labour markets, and we
want to work with universities to ensure graduates are not only equipped to
take local jobs but that we are able to harness their talent to drive growth in
our economies," Box said.
"We need to ensure that the skills people have make a better match with the
jobs that are being created in a local area."

1 Say who or what the following words refer back to.

a these (line 8)
b their (line 9)


c this (line 12)


Complete according to the text using your own words as far as


About_________________ of the students will have difficulties in finding a job this

b The number of graduates in fulltime jobs in 2011 has ________________
London has the highest number of graduates in full-time jobs once

Answer the following questions. Use your own words as far as possible.

What did the Local Government association do to try solving graduate

b. Explain the title.

Explain the following expression using your own words.

we are able to harness their talent to drive growth in our economies"


Activity C
Fill in the gaps with the correct verb tense.
At the moment the world ________________ (1. face) a worsening youth employment
crisis: young people____________(2. be) three times more likely to be unemployed than
adults and over 75 million youth worldwide ______________________(3. look) for work.
The ILO _____________________(4. warn) of a scarred generation of young workers
facing a dangerous mix of high unemployment, increased inactivity and precarious
work in developed countries, as well as persistently high working poverty in the
The ILO's programme on youth employment _____________________(5.operate) through a
global network of technical teams at its headquarters in Geneva and in more than 60
offices around the world. It_______________(6. provide) assistance to countries in
developing coherent and coordinated interventions on youth employment. This
integrated approach _______________________(7. combine) macro-economic policies and
targeted measures which address labour demand and supply, as well as the quantity
and quality of employment.

For Guy Ryder, Director-General of the International Labour Organization Global youth
unemployment ____________________(8. become) a reservoir of wasted talent and a
tinderbox of frustration. The idea ___________________(9. be) to guarantee that a young
person who is out of education and out of work is given a job or training, as well as
counseling and guidance.

Word formation. Complete the table.





Written Activity
Write about 120 words on the following:

Write a letter of application for the following job ad.

Permanent and temporary positions currently exist in SA Health hospitals and mental health
care facilities across the state. We are looking for suitably qualified psychologists whether
you're a recent graduate or an experienced professional.
We need a psychologist for the following speciality:

child and youth services

As a SA Health psychologist, we can offer you:
excellent remuneration, benefits and incentives
flexible and lifestyle-friendly conditions
career advancement opportunities including scholarships to support your post
A criminal history check may be conducted on the recommended persons for these
Submit your resume and cover letter to Michael Horton, Recruitment Coordinator, quoting
reference PSY296 to


Your teacher Isabel Costa

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