Rebus Logic Din Rusia

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Puzzles of 2-nd round

of Internet Puzzle-solvers test

Author Riad Khanmagomedov
Answers must be sent to not later than 27 May 2004 (at 24:00 Moscow time).
Also, note the two best puzzles and two worst puzzles in your opinion, please.
For any questions write to: Good luck!

1. Pokers house
Put 35 of 36 cards into the grid (one card will be superfluous) so that given combinations will be
formed in corresponding rows.
Poker combinations: PAIR: two cards of same value; THREE: three cards of same value; STRAIGHT:
five sequential cards (A, 6, 7, 8, 9; 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; 10, J, Q, K, A); FLUSH: five cards of same suit;
FULL HOUSE: THREE + PAIR; POKER: four aces; FOUR: four cards of same value (not aces);

Answers format: write superfluous card using such letters for suits: S(spades), C(clubs),
D(diamonds), H(hearts). Answer may look like 9S.
Score: 6 points.

2. Cube with snakes

Place three 11-cells snakes (one cell width) to third visible sides of the cube. Snakes cannot intersect
and touch themselves and other snakes not even diagonally. Digits outside the cube show the number
of cells occupied with snakes in corresponding direction.

Answers format: write the filling of cube in direction showing by arrow from bottom to top. Use 0 for
empty cells and 1 for occupied. For example answer will be: 01011.
Score: 7 points.

3. Balanced trees
Place all numbers from 1 to 18 into the circles so that every number
will be equal to sum of numbers immediately above (on branches
which go from the number). Every branch of trees is the balance, and
numbers is the weight of circles. Every balance must be in equilibrium
- the moment of forces must be equal by zero. Two numbers have
already placed.

Answers format: first, write numbers in marked circles from left to right, then values of A and B. For
example answer will be: 4, 2, 18.
Score: 6 points.

4. Aiming battleships
Put standard fleet into the grid. Ships cannot touch each other even diagonally. Arrow on the ship
shows the line of sighting. Every ship takes to aim at nearest (in arrow direction) ship and is taking to
aim by other. Digits at right and bottom show the numbers of ships cells in corresponding row. One
ships cell has already given.

Answers format: first, write the number of horizontal arrows that go from left to right, then the
coordinates of one-tube ships. For example answer will be: 1, A6, C4, C6.
Score: 7 points.

5. Optics
There are eighteen eyeglasses at the shop window: eight eyeglasses for short-sighted with lens from -1
to -8, eight eyeglasses for far-sighted with lens from +1 to +8 and two sun glasses. Short-sighted and
far-sighted glasses have two stickers: sign - or + at one lens and digits at other. Sunglasses have
dark lenses without stickers. Same directions of window have correct arithmetic expressions having
at least one arithmetic sign between two numbers (expressions like +a-b or a-+b are not correct).
Numbers outside the window show the results of corresponding expressions. Place digits and signs into
the circles (lenses) and connect corresponding circles by line of one unit length. Three line have
already given.

Answers format: first, write the number of horizontal lines between circles, then the filling of central
horizontal from left to right. Use D for dark circles. For example the answer will be: 3, 2D-1.
Score: 6 points.

6. Minesweeper
There are some mines (no more then one in cell) on the field. Cells with digits contain no mines. Every
digits show the number of mines in six neighbouring cells. Draw simple closed line along the sides of
cells so that number of mines inside the line will be equal to number of mine outside the line. Every
digit is equal to numbers of cells side that belong to line.

Answers format: write length of the line. For example the answer will be: 20.
Score: 9 points.

7. Digit rotations
Given figures consist of unit squares with digits. Place them into the gird following by grid lines.
Figures cannot touch each other not even diagonally. You may rotate them but not reflect. Numbers
outside the grid show the sum of digits in correspondent direction.

Answers format: write content of second (marked) column from bottom to top. Use 0 for empty cells.
For example the answer will be: 660700.
Score: 8 points.

8. Magic puzzles
Every figure contains digits from 1 to 9. Place these figures into the grid so that all digits in every row
and column will different.

Answers format: write row by row (starting from top) from left to right letters for figures. Answer
may look like ABC, DEF, GHI.
Score: 9 points.

9. On growth
Every row and column must contain: a) four positive numbers: 4-digit, 3-digit, 2-digit and 1-digit; b)
all digits from 0 to 9. Digits in all numbers are arranged in increasing order (if number contain 0, then
it is the last, other digits are arranged). Numbers outside the grid show the sum of numbers in
corresponding direction.

Answers format: write numbers in marked cells in increasing order. Answer may look like
Score: 9 points.

10. Who is faster?

It needs to go from start (S) to finish (F) in minimum moves using dice with digits from 1 to 6. You
make three throws and fix the digits sequence (note them , B, C). And then go according this
sequence: In first move you go from S on A steps. If you finish at circle +3, then go on three steps
more. If you finish at -2, then go two steps back and so on. If you finish on +N, then go A steps
more. You move ends either white circle or red. If move ends at red circle your number of moves
increases by one - penalty. Next move you make on B steps (in this move +N notes B steps more).
This moves ends on white or red circle too. After move C, you make move A and so on. For example,
if you make moves 2, 3, 1 then first move ends on fifth circle (red), second on ninth circle (red) and
third on tenth and number after this of moves will be 5 (3 plus 2 penalty). In last move you can pass
finish. You don't need to stop on it.

Answers format: give your three digits in order (digits may be equals). In example answer will be
Score: 33 minuses number of moves.

Place given pentaminos into the grid with letters, so that cover maximum number of different Latin
letters plus number of different Russian Letter. Every letter may count either Latin or Russian, but not
both. For examle if you cover letter A, then you can count it as Latin, if you cover another letter A,
then you can count it as Russian. Every figure may be used only once (you may use no full set.
Pentaminos cannot touch each other not even diagonally. You can rotate them but not reflect.

Answers format: first, write number of different letters, then, location of pentaminos. For every
pentamino give letter and coordinates of two cells one with letter and other with dot. For example the
answer will be: 14: I-a3-a1, Q-e1-c2, U-e5-c4.
Score: 0.4 points for every letter over thirty.

These seven figures consist of unit square. Place it into without overlapping the rectangular (following
by grid lines) of minimum. You can rotate figures but not reflect.

Answers format: first, write the area of rectangular, then, its filling row by row using corresponding
digits for occupied cells and + for empty. For example the answer will be: 20: 77767, ++677, ++667,
Score: 66 area of the rectangular.

You must send answers by e-mail in simple text with this format:
Name: Ivan Ivanov
Country: Russia
1. ...
2. ...
12. ...
Best two puzzles: 1,2
Worst two puzzles: 3,4
At the end of mail you can write any commentary.
Thank you for participation.

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