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Atomic Gaming Technical Tutorial 1

How to draw individual game statistics from the ATRONIC diversity Multi-game
This tutorial will show you how to draw individual game data from the diversity multi-game on the OXYGEN cabinet.
From this information you will be able to tell how many games have been played per individual game as well as each
games performance in wager and win.

What you will need:

1. ATRONIC diversity multigame on OXYGEN cabinet
2. Main door key
3. Audit Key
4. USB Memory Stick (virus free)
5. Computer with USB port to read data

1. Open the main door of the OXYGEN cabinet and insert a USB memory stick in one of the slots on the outside of
the logic cage box. Close the main door, but dont lock.

Atomic Gaming Technical Tutorial 1

For more information contact: +27 11 514 5100

Please consider the environment before printing this document. This document will still be relevant in black and white, draft.

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2. Turn and hold the Audit Key until you see the Audit Menu like the picture below. Select Machine Information
in the top left hand corner

3. Now you will see the Machine information Menu. Select Save Machine Information on the menu.

Atomic Gaming Technical Tutorial 1

For more information contact: +27 11 514 5100

Please consider the environment before printing this document. This document will still be relevant in black and white, draft.

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4. The screen will show your USB memory stick in the yellow bar. Select Save.

5. Now the machine will run through all the tabs and save individual game statistics on the USB Memory Stick.
Once finished a green bar will appear at the bottom of the screen saying Event Log read out successful!

Atomic Gaming Technical Tutorial 1

For more information contact: +27 11 514 5100

Please consider the environment before printing this document. This document will still be relevant in black and white, draft.

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6. Open the door and remove your USB Memory Stick.

7. Close and lock the door.

8. Turn the Audit Key and return the armrest to its position for play to continue.
9. You can now plug the USB device into any computer and draw individual game data from the TXT files.
Note: As part of a value adding service, Atomic Gaming will construct a consolidated report from the data. Kindly
contact us for more information on +27 11 514 5100.
This tutorial is strictly copyrighted to Atomic Gaming (Pty) Ltd

Atomic Gaming Technical Tutorial 1

For more information contact: +27 11 514 5100

Please consider the environment before printing this document. This document will still be relevant in black and white, draft.

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