Jensen Park Ward Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan


Jensen Park Ward

Response Plan

Don Hein
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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

I. Introduction:.............................................................................................................................................3
Purpose of the Ward Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan:........................................................3
Plan Distribution:.....................................................................................................................................3
Plan Preparation Overview:.....................................................................................................................3
Recommended Preparations at the Ward and Household Level:..............................................................4
II. ORGANIZATION:.................................................................................................................................5
Ward Leaders:..........................................................................................................................................5
The Ward Emergency Preparedness Committee:.....................................................................................6
The Ward Emergency Preparedness Organizational Chart:......................................................................6
III. THE PLAN:...........................................................................................................................................6
General Information:...............................................................................................................................6
The 5 Steps:.............................................................................................................................................6
Step 1. Likely Emergencies or Disasters:.............................................................................................7
Step 2: Critical Information:................................................................................................................7
Step 3: Assignments and Procedures Prior, During and After an Emergency:.....................................9

Period Following a Disaster...........................................................................................................10

Emergency Communication Methods................................................................................................11


Encourage Member Participation...................................................................................................11

Responsibilities given to Priesthood, the Relief Society, and other Ward Council Members:................12
Primary Ward HQ, Jensen Park Ward, 3024 South 1200 West, Syracuse Utah:................................12
Secondary Ward HQ, Syracuse South Stake Center, 065 South Bluff Road, Syracuse Utah:............13
Relief Society: Medical/First Aid; Food; Water................................................................................13
Elders: Disaster Clean-up; Protection...............................................................................................13
High Priests: Communication; Sanitation; Garbage..........................................................................13

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

YM: Will assist as runners for Communication................................................................................13

YW: Will assist with childcare as needed.........................................................................................13
Primary: Group children activities as needed....................................................................................13
Maps, addresses and contact information for families within our neighborhood (home, cell, email):. . .13
Plans to contact Jensen Park Ward area families:...................................................................................13
Those with special needs:......................................................................................................................14
Procedures to help those who experience emotional trauma:.................................................................14
Available Resources List:......................................................................................................................14
Appendix E will be updated as needed by the WES:.............................................................................14
Contact information for local govt., the Red Cross, etc.:......................................................................15
Public Agency Contact Information:..................................................................................................15
Community Organizations Contact Information:...............................................................................15
APPENDIX A: Assignments for Emergency Preparedness and Implementation......................................16
APPENDIX B: Map of Our Area Block Captain and Sister Bock Captain............................................18
APPENDIX C: Jensen Park Ward area Phone & Contact List, Current Ward Council.............................20
APPENDIX D: Special Needs List - WF-3..............................................................................................21
APPENDIX E: Neighbors with Available Resources - WF-4...................................................................22
APPENDIX F: Disasters & Emergencies Possible in Our Area & What to Do........................................23
APPENDIX J: Ward Emergency Preparedness Organizational Chart.......................................................47

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

Jensen Park Ward/Area

January 2014

I. Introduction:
Purpose of the Ward Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan:
The Jensen Park Ward Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan provides information and
guidance to ward leaders and members regarding preparing for and responding to an emergency
event in the ward. It should be reviewed and updated regularly when new information
concerning organizational structure, contacts, resources, response protocols, technologies, and
best practices are made available.
The Jensen Park Ward Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan is based on principles set
forth in the Emergency Preparedness section of the website. The Link is:
All preparation and responses within the ward should be carried out through existing Church
organization. The ward emergency preparedness and welfare committees should be used in these
The Ward Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (WEP) should be used by the ward
leadership to encourage members and families within the ward boundaries to become
knowledgeable about likely emergency events, and to make adequate preparations so that the
short term and long term effects of these events are mitigated as much as possible.
Plan Distribution:



Ward emergency preparedness committee members


Block captains


Others as recommended by the bishop of the ward

Plan Preparation Overview:

Adequate emergency preparation requires:


Knowing what can happen,


Knowing what to do in any given event to save lives and protect property,
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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan


Having resources (people, equipment, supplies) available to respond to a given situation,


Having communication protocols established with backup plans to be able to report

conditions and needs to authorities, and to be able to help, comfort and encourage victims.


Being able to put an appropriate plan into action,

Being able to mitigate the short term and the long term effects of a disaster or

Recommended Preparations at the Ward and Household Level:

The following is a list of measures that should be taken by each ward and household with-in the ward
boundary. These measures are requested so that the ward plan will be coordination with the stake plan.

1. The ward has an up-to-date emergency preparedness plan.

2. Ward Emergency Preparedness Specialist(s) are assigned and serving. They have been
trained. They are familiar with the ward and stake plans. They are not a first responder, e.g.,
fireman, police, EMT, medical doctor, etc.)
3. Assistant Ward Emergency Preparedness Specialist(s) are assigned to assist Ward Emergency
Preparedness Specialist(s) in serving. They have been trained. They are familiar with the
ward and stake plans. They are not a first responder, e.g., fireman police, EMT, medical
doctor, etc.)
4. Each geographical area (Ward) has been divided into neighborhood blocks of approximately
9 to 15 residences each (this includes member and nonmember households). Each block is
monitored by a Block Captain and an Assistant Block Captain or Sister Block Captain
assigned. (the Assistant Block Captain is optional, but recommend for each block) If for any
reason an Assistant Block Captain is not assigned then there must be a Sister Block
Captain assigned as back up if Block Captain is unable to full there responsibilities.
5. Block Captains have been identified and are willing to serve (can be non-LDS). They have
been trained. They are familiar with the ward and stake emergency plans.
6. Emergency Communication Specialist(s) have been identified and are willing to serve. They
have been trained. They are familiar with the ward and stake emergency plans.
7. The Ward Emergency Preparedness Specialist has verified that the Block Captains, the
Assistant Block Captains, the Communications Specialist(s) are not first responders.
8. Block Captains have collected and maintain critical information concerning the individuals
or families in their block. Information may include:

Names of individuals in household

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan




Telephone numbers Home, Mobile, Work, etc.


Email addresses


Number of adults 18 and older


Number of children under 18


Special needs if any


Skills that might be useful in an emergency situation


Tools or equipment useful in an emergency (only if offered)(A standard form is available

from the stake)

9. The Emergency Preparedness Specialist has distributed and trained the Bishopric, the ward
council, and the ward emergency preparedness committee on the ward and stake emergency
preparedness plans.
10. The Block Captains have encouraged each household to have a family or household
emergency plan, to be as prepared as possible, and to be familiar with the basics of the ward
and stake plans.
11. Leadership in each home should be familiar with the Ward Emergency Plan and should have
both a temporal and spiritual testimony of emergency preparation.
12. Head of Household in each home should have the basic supplies ready in case of emergency
or disaster listed in order of importance and financial resources below.
a. Sanitation Kit
b. 2 Weeks worth of water stored for each member of home.
c. 72 Hour Kit for each member of home
d. 1 Month worth of food stored for all members of home
e. 3 Months worth of food stored for all members of home

1 Year worth of food stored for all members of home

The Jensen Park Ward Emergency Preparedness Organization is as follows, duties and
responsibilities of the members of this organization are outlined in Appendix A

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

Ward Leaders:
The Bishop presides over the ward and is responsible for all ward-wide emergency preparedness
activities, and for responding to emergencies within the ward. Members of the Bishopric can
assist the Bishop in fulfilling this responsibility. Ward priesthood leaders (the High Priest Group
Leadership, the Elders Quorum Presidency, and the Aaronic Priesthood Quorums) and the Ward
Relief Society Presidency, Primary and Young Women's will assist the Bishopric by coordinating
with the Ward Emergency Preparedness Committee in these efforts.
The Ward Emergency Preparedness Committee:
This committee oversees the development and maintenance of the ward emergency preparedness
and response plan. The Ward Emergency Preparedness Committee may include but is not
limited to:
1. The Ward Emergency Preparedness Specialist(s),
2. The Assistant Ward Emergency Preparedness Specialist(s),
3. The Block Captains, and Assistant Block Captains if assigned,
4. Ward Emergency Communication Specialist if assigned,
5. Ward Medical/First Aid Specialist if assigned,
6. Ward Food/Water/Shelter Specialist if assigned,
7. Ward Sanitation Specialist if assigned,
8. Ward Engineering and Safety Specialist if assigned,
9. Others as need by the Bishop
The Ward Emergency Preparedness Organizational Chart:
The Jensen Park Ward Emergency Preparedness Organizational chart is as outlined in
Appendix B


General Information:
On the website under Welfare/Leader Resources/Emergency Preparedness/Guides, there
is a document entitled Stake and Ward Emergency Planning Guide (PDF). According to this
document stake and ward emergency response plans should provide specific guidance and
information that can be used to preserve life and property during and after an emergency. The
Jensen Park Ward Emergency Preparedness Plan was developed using this document as a guide.
The Plan follows the 5 steps outlined in the guide (see below).
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The 5 Steps:
There are 5 basic steps to the plan, including:
1. Identify likely emergencies or disasters
2. Gather critical information
3. Outline assignments and procedures
4. Establish emergency communication methods
5. Encourage individual and family participation

The first three of these are described in more detail below:

Step 1. Likely Emergencies or Disasters:
The most likely emergencies or disasters to occur in this area include:
a. Earthquake
b. Bio-Chemical Hazard
c. Hurricane/Tornado / Wind
d. Blizzard/Winter Storm/Ice Storm
e. Flooding

Epidemic Diseases (Influenza, Small Pox, etc.)

g. Wild Fires/Home Fires

h. Missing Person

Terrorist Attacks/War/Civil Unrest/Destruction of Homes and Church Property


Epidemic Illnesses (influenza, small pox, H1N1, etc.)

k. Loss of Jobs

Failure of Communication system, financial and/or other social institutions

Basic plans for dealing with each of these emergencies are included in this document (see
Appendix F). The plans set forth herein are intended to be a guide and should be followed when
possible. If appropriate, these plans may be used as a response plan to emergencies and situations
that are similar in nature to those included but not specifically identified in this document.

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Step 2: Critical Information:


Contact data for individuals and families Contact information for residents
living in ward boundaries (including those who are, and those who are not associated
with the Church) will not be included in this plan. Contact information for families and
individuals within the ward should be maintained by the ward council. However, a
current list of ward members is available on-line using the LDS.Org website (see Stake
and Ward Websites under the Quick Links tab). This contact information is also
available in the LDS Tools app available on most mobile devices. Contact information
for full-time missionaries and individuals and families who are not associated with the
church should be obtained through other methods if possible. (See Appendix B Ward
Maps with Ward and Block Boundary Information)


A map and contact list of the ward This plan includes a map of the ward divided
into blocks, with street names and individual residences indicated and block captains
highlighted. Also included is the list of block captains and there contact information
along with current neighborhood phone list and current Ward Council list and contact
information. (See Appendix B Stake Ward with Ward and Block Boundary


Individuals or families with special needs A list of individuals or families with

special needs such as those with disabilities, the elderly, or other similar circumstances
should be prepared and maintained by each ward. The list will include names, contact
information, a brief description of the special need or needs associated with each of these
individuals or families, and a phone number of a family member not in the area, who can
be contacted in the event of an emergency. Prior to an emergency, an able bodied person
in each ward should be assigned to each one of these individuals or families who would
check on and give assistance to the individual or family in the event of an emergency.
This List is in Appendix D. Appendix D for reasons of privacy, this information will
only be provided to the Bishopric, Ward Emergency Specialist, Relief Society President,
High Priest Group Leader, and Elders Quorum President version. (Please refer to the
resident contact data by ward as noted under the Contact Data for Individuals and
Families heading above).


Individuals with equipment, skills or facilities A list of individuals or families

living in the ward with equipment, skills, or facilities that may be useful in an emergency
should be prepared and maintained by each ward emergency specialist (WES). These
individuals must acknowledge a willingness to share these items or skills prior to an
emergency occurrence. (Equipment may include tractors, backhoes, front loaders, trucks,
generators, winches, pumps, chainsaws, etc. Skills may include medical or emergency
response training, engineering license, etc.) For reasons of privacy, the Ward Emergency
Preparedness Plan will not include this information. Only the Bishop and Ward
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Emergency Specialist (WES) will have this list. This list is only to be used in an
emergency and all those on the list have the right to not volunteer there skills or
equipment if asked to.

Contact information for public safety agencies (e.g., Police, Fire, Medical - See
Appendix G)


Contact information for community organizations (e.g., American Red Cross,

Syracuse CERT, etc., - See Appendix G)


Contact information for area welfare leaders, and local church welfare operations
(Stake Presidency will retain this information)

Step 3: Assignments and Procedures Prior, During and After an Emergency:

A. Prior to a Disaster; The Jensen Park Ward and through the Syracuse Utah South Stake

has previously arranged with the city of Syracuse to be one of the reporting organizations
during or after an emergency. Individuals and families are encouraged to take direction
from civil authorities during emergencies. During an emergency, the Stake will report
status to, and take direction from the Citys civil authorities and disseminate important
information or direction back to the ward which then informs the individuals and families
living within the ward. Ward leaders, and individuals and families within the ward
boundaries should become familiar with the information contained in this plan.
B. During a Disaster; During a disaster, all individuals and families within the ward

boundaries are encouraged to follow the recommendations given in Appendix F Specific Emergency Responses.
C. Immediately after a disaster; Syracuse City has requested that in an emergency the

Stake President or other authorized leader contact the Fire/Police business line (801-8254400) to coordinate emergency responses. Below explains how this will be done starting
with the home:
1. Each family assesses their family members and the stability of their shelter. If needed
take 72 hours kits and go outside of the home. The evacuation center/Ward HQ for the
(YOUR WARD MEETING AREA) if families need to evacuate their homes. If there
are injuries requiring help, place red ribbon on front door/area. If immediate care is
not needed, place the green ribbon on front door/area.
2. Block Captains are to secure their own families and then walk through their
assigned areachecking on each family and house. This is to be done as quickly as
possible. They will call the Ward Emergency Specialist (WES) with their report
indicating: Medical needs, damage to homes, and what families they were not able to

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contact at that home. If they cant call or text, they will walk or ask for a YM to
serve as runner to deliver the report to the evacuation center/Ward HQ.
If a block captain does not report, a runner may be sent to collect the report (See
Appendix A for more information). If the block captain is not available, another
block captain (sister block captain) or other neighbor will be asked to follow-up in
that area that the block captain was unable to do.
After the initial walk through, reporting and offering appropriate aid, block captains
will re-attempt to reach families not at home on their first sweep. If phone service is
available that may be used as an alternate way of communication.
3. The Ward Emergency Specialist (WES) will notify the Stake Emergency Specialist
who will then notify the City of Syracuse. In addition, a report of the status of the
neighborhood will be given to one of the following: Bishopric, RS President, High
Priest Group Leader, or/and Elder Quorum President.
4. Ward Council Members will be prepared to gather at the Ward HQ when their own
families are safe. It is possible that even in severe cases of medical need that outside
emergency help may not come for several hours or even days. Therefore it may be
necessary to use our own resources to meet the needs in our neighborhood. The Ward
Council will then direct needed activities:
A. Help find and account for all people within the Jensen Park Ward and assist them
in locating family members who have become separated.
B. Obtain help for those who have been injured
C. Coordinate response efforts with civil authorities and relief
D. Assess needs and arrange for the supply of basic provisions and
members and others.

services for

E. Organize safe clean-up activities

F. Determine and report condition of Church building.
G. Establish contact with Sister Ward to assist in their immediate


IV. Period Following a Disaster

Individuals and families within the ward should be prepared and be able to care for themselves in
an emergency.

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Stake leaders will communicate with ward leader to determine if the ward is able to provide
assistance to individuals and families who have suffered damage to homes or belongings,
emotional trauma, or loss of livelihood. If the ward is unable to provide the necessary assistance
the stake should draw from the resources available in the stake to provide the needed assistance.
The Stake may in turn request from the ward in assisting and working with the civil authorities
and relief organizations to identify and respond to opportunities to assist the community with
Depending on disaster and severity to the ward as a whole a second review of needs should be
assessed by the Block Captains at this time. A meeting with the Ward Council should be planned
at HQ. These topics that should be reviewed at this meeting should include but not limited;
A. Help find all people within the Jensen Park Ward area and assist them in

locating family members who have become separated.

B. Obtain help for those who have been injured
C. Coordinate response efforts with civil authorities and relief organizations
D. Assess needs and arrange for the supply of basic provisions and services for
members and others.
E. Organize safe clean-up activities
F. Determine and report condition of Church building
G. Basics needs of food, water and shelter are met

V. Emergency Communication Methods

Syracuse City has requested that in an emergency the Stake President or other authorized leader
contact the Fire/Police business line (801-825-4400) to coordinate emergency responses. Below
explains how this will be done starting with the home:
Immediately after a disaster or emergency has happened, a resident from each household in the
ward should attach a red or green ribbon
outside near their front door or in the vicinity if the
door is gone. This will communicate to the Block Captain that either all is good=green ribbon or
needs help=red ribbon. The Block Captains will make a quick assessment of their block as to
who is green and who is red and report (using Stake Form WF-2) that to the Ward Emergency
Specialist (WES) at the Ward
HQ. The WES is then to contact verbally by radio, by written
message or in person the ward assessment to the Stake President, Stake Emergency Coordinator
or another representative located at the Stake Center HQ. The Stake Representative will then
contact the City of Syracuse on the status of the stake.
The City of Syracuse will use reverse communication procedure when information needs to
come from the City of Syracuse down to the individual home.
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VI. Encourage Member Participation

Community/neighborhood people will be invited to volunteer to learn about a topic, help prepare
the neighborhood families in that area, and also develop a plan for a major disaster. This would
be an assignment within our neighborhood regardless of Church assignments (in most cases).
Descriptions of each area are
included in Appendix A. In case of a disaster, the Ward
Council will make needed assignments as needed.
In addition, the Bishopric, the Ward Relief Society and Priesthood leaders will look for
opportunities to teach and instruct ward members to assist and motivate them to prepare
themselves and their families for emergency food, water, financially, and in other appropriate
topics of preparation. Such times and places may include leadership meetings, sacrament talks,
priesthood/relief society meetings, enrichment nights, 5th Sunday lessons, mutual nights, and
scouting activities. A good website to start with is located at The Ward
Emergency Specialist and others in the ward with experience can also provide aid and support as
Ward Council members need to work to insure that their own needs and those of their families
will be met in time of emergencies. Before they can help others, they must insure that their
familys needs are met. Their example and experiences will help them lead others in this effort.
The ward council will encourage use of the dry pack and family cannery opportunities. Along
with other Ward, Stake, City, and State classes, clinics, seminars, and emergency preparation
Under the direction of the Ward Council, the Ward Emergency Specialist will have available for
each home within the Jensen Park Ward area a Family Emergency Handbook. This handbook
is to be completed by each family with details for their family and other preparation information.
Each home will receive one and as new people move in, the Ward Emergency Specialist will
ensure that they also receive a copy of the Handbook. It is recommended that the Handbook be
located on top of each familys refrigerator. Copies should be made and kept secure and put in
their 72 hr. kits.
Encourage adults within the Jensen Park Ward area to participate in Syracuse City CERT training
and other community emergency preparation events.

Responsibilities given to Priesthood, the Relief Society, and other Ward Council Members:
In the event of an major emergency and after Ward Council members have ensured that their
own families are safe and cared for, Ward Council members will then gather at the following

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Primary Ward HQ, Jensen Park Ward, 3024 South 1200 West, Syracuse Utah:
In the event the Primary Location is unsafe then proceed to the secondary ward HQ.
Secondary Ward HQ, Syracuse South Stake Center, 065 South Bluff Road, Syracuse Utah:
The following areas of emergency preparation and implementation are assigned as listed
below: (see Appendix A for more details)
Relief Society: Medical/First Aid; Food; Water
Elders: Disaster Clean-up; Protection
High Priests: Communication; Sanitation; Garbage
YM: Will assist as runners for Communication
YW: Will assist with childcare as needed
Primary: Group children activities as needed
Other responsibilities that need to be reviewed by the ward council:
A. Help find all people within the Spring Haven Area and assist them in locating family
members who have become separated.
B. Obtain help for those who have been injured
C. Coordinate response efforts with civil authorities and relief organizations
D. Assess needs and arrange for the supply of basic provisions and services for members and
E. Organize safe clean-up activities
F. Determine and report condition of Church building
Maps, addresses and contact information for families within our neighborhood (home, cell,
Appendix B is the map of our neighborhood with 18 blocks outlined and the block captains listed
with their assigned area (Block by #1-18). Also included is the list of block captains and contact
information. Appendix C is the current neighborhood phone list and the current Ward council list
and contact information. This list should be regularly updated at least every 3 months.

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Plans to contact Jensen Park Ward area families:

Block captains: Using block captains to first assess need for help and identify where all
neighborhood individuals and families are as quickly as possible. Block captains are to be
trained in making quick assessments and appropriate reporting. They report to the Emergency
Preparedness Coordinator. If for any reason or time the Black Captain is unable to fulfill this
responsibility the Assistant Black Captain or Sister Block Captain may fill this roll.
The Ward Emergency Specialist will call by phone, radio, text or runner if needed, the Stake
Emergency Specialist (located at the 1200 West Building) who then reports to the Syracuse
The Ward Emergency Specialist will also inform one of the following --Bishopric, RS and
Priesthood leaders-- of identified needs and reports.
If radios and phones are not working, YM (priest age) will act as runners to communicate with
the Stake Emergency Specialist people and within the neighborhood.
Jensen Park Ward area homes will have the Family Emergency Handbook which contains red
and green cloth ribbons so that they can help assist the block captains in quickly identifying
homes which have emergency/medical needs as soon as possible after an emergency.
Those with special needs:
As a ward council, a list of those with unique needs have been identified. In the event of an
emergency the block captains will stay in close contact with these families, when located in their
block, making contact twice a day to ensure they have the needed support and resources. This
list is Appendix D. Appendix D will be provided to the Bishopric, Relief Society President, High
Priest Group Leader, Elders Quorum President and all members of the ward counsel. There will
be a hard copy with the complete ward plan kept in the clerks office. The Ward Emergency
Specialist will also have a copy of this list. The ward council will have this list and will review
this list to keep it current (at least bi-yearly).
Procedures to help those who experience emotional trauma:
Support will come through the direction of the Bishopric and Relief Society President.
Available Resources List:
Because of the importance of confidentiality, the WES is charge of this list and to keep it
current and up to date. The form WF-4 will be used for this purpose. The WES, through WF-4
will identify those with available resources such as medical or first aid training, heavy equipment
operators, chain saws, snowmobiles, snow blowers, 4-wheelers, RV and trailers, generators, etc.

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Appendix E will be updated as needed by the WES:

(Available to the Bishop and Ward Emergency Specialist ONLY; otherwise, this list is not to be
made available to anyone else. The utmost strict confidentiality must be used when using this
Contact information for local govt., the Red Cross, etc.:
Public Agency Contact Information:
Emergency Calls ............................................................................................................911
Syracuse Police Department ......................................................................... 801-825-4400
Syracuse Fire Department .............................................................................801-825-4400
Syracuse City Office .....................................................................................801-825-1477
Davis County Sheriffs Dispatch Office........................................................801-451-4150
Emergency Preparedness/Homeland Security................................................801-451-4100
Davis County Health Department .................................................................801-525-5000
Utah State Health Dept. (Disease Control)....................................................801-538-6129
Federal Emergency Management Agency..................................................1-800-621-3362
National Poison Control Center .................................................................1-800-222-1222
Homeland Security ........................................................................................202-646-2500
Community Organizations Contact Information:
American Red Cross (north Utah Chapter) ...................................................801-627-0000
Syracuse CERT (Syracuse Fire Dept.)...........................................................801-825-4400
Davis County Medical Reserve Corp .............................................................801-525-5075
Poison Control...........................................................................................1 (800) 222-1222
Suicide Hotline.............................................................................1 (800) 273 TALK (8255)
FEMA: To register for assistance....................................................800) 621-FEMA (3362)
Gregg Brustad (Stake Emergency Specialist)................................................801-710-0362
Chris Wood (Assistant Stake Emergency Specialist)......................................801-628-8853

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APPENDIX A: Assignments for Emergency Preparedness

and Implementation



Help individuals with

emotional and spiritual

Bishop and

Search &

Find and rescue those that

are missing, lost or stuck in

EQ and HP

First Aid

Help with First Aid and

Medical Needs.



Provided as runners to Ward

Leaders as needed if no
phone or radio
communication is available.



If neighborhood food is
needed, develop plane and
provide for those needing.



Fulfill all water needs of

drinking and potable.

RS and HP

Child Care

Provide group child care,

entertainment, moral support
and assisting mothers.

and YW

Clean Up

Be aware of equipment,
safety and organization of
community clean up.



Organization and handling of

waste and garbage in the




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Develop appropriate plans

under direction of ward



To preserve and protect the

deceased and to prevent
disease and health issues and
concerns in the community.




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APPENDIX B: Map of Our Area Block Captain and Sister

Bock Captain


Block Captain

Sis. Block Cpt.



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APPENDIX C: Jensen Park Ward area Phone & Contact

List, Current Ward Council

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APPENDIX D: Special Needs List - WF-3


Contact Info

Assigned to
Care For

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of Need

Special Care Required

Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

APPENDIX E: Neighbors with Available Resources - WF-4

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APPENDIX F: Disasters & Emergencies Possible in Our

Area & What to Do
1. During an earthquake event do the following:
a. Stay calm.
b. If inside a building, stay away from glass, outside doors and walls, or anything

that could fall.

c. Take cover under a sturdy table or desk and hold on as it may move during an

earthquake event. If there isnt a table or desk available nearby crouch in an inside
corner and cover your face and head with your arms.
d. Do not use an elevator.
e. If outside, stay there. Move away from buildings, utility lines, or anything that

could fall.

If in a vehicle, stop in a safe place as quickly as possible, and stay in the vehicle.
Avoid stopping near or under buildings, overpasses, trees, or utility lines.

g. If possible, tune in to local civil authority information (by radio, television, or

other communication medium). Listen for real-time reports of conditions and

h. Share response recommendations to those around you who may not know what to


Proceed cautiously once the event has stopped. Watch for damage to roads,
bridges, buildings, etc.

2. Once the event is over, ensure that all family members are accounted for and that no

immediate danger or emergency exists in the surrounding area.

3. If injury or death have occurred, if individuals are missing, or if there is immediate

danger to any individual contact authorities immediately (see reporting structure),

and if properly trained take necessary action to preserve life and mitigate danger.
4. Begin the reporting process individuals/families report their current household

status using the reporting method in this document.

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

5. After family members have been properly cared for and immediate needs have been

met, members of the stake emergency preparedness team begin reporting and
mitigation efforts.
6. Block Captains assess the status of households in their individual blocks and report

status and immediate needs to the ward leaders.

7. Ward leaders report the current status to stake leaders and stake communication

8. Information received by each of the wards should include the following information:
a. Name, title, and contact information of the reporting person
b. Name of unit (ward name)
c. How the presiding officer of the ward can be reached
d. Number of individuals injured, missing, or deceased
e. Description, location, and magnitude of the damage

Actions being taken at the ward level

g. Assistance or supplies needed but unavailable locally

h. Available resources to assist with the emergency including:
1) Qualified medical professionals,
2) CERT team members,
3) Building engineers and contractors,
4) Communications specialists, etc.
9. Stake leaders and stake communication specialists report the current status to civil

authorities and to Area priesthood leaders.

a. Stake presidency (SP), high council (HC), stake relief society presidency (RS),

stake emergency preparedness specialists (EP), stake media specialist (MS), stake
communications specialist (CS) should gather to the stake center high council
room to receive reports from each of the wards, report status to civil authorities,
and to assess what further action is needed.
b. If the high council room is unusable as a meeting place, another location on the

stake center property will be identified by a member of the stake presidency.

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

c. If the stake center property is unusable or inaccessible, the relief society room of

the 1200 West building (3024 S. 1200 W. Syracuse, UT) should be used as an
alternative location.
d. A member of the stake presidency should receive the compiled reports obtained

from the wards. This information should be relayed to the priesthood leader
responsible for regional welfare or to church headquarters. Times and methods for
follow up communications should be discussed at this time.
e. Leaders should understand that civil authorities have priority in directing efforts

to respond to emergencies. Church members should act under the direction of

such agencies and do all they can to help protect life and property and to maintain
safety and order until normal conditions can be restored.

Members acting as groups under priesthood leadership can offer significantly

more help during and after an emergency than they can by acting individually.

10. With the approval of the Area Presidency, Church buildings may be used as

emergency shelters, first-aid stations, community food distribution centers, recreation

areas, etc. If a church building is to be used for any of these purposes, the stake
emergency preparedness committee should work in cooperation with civil authorities
to identify persons who can:
a. Ensure the conditions are safe at the building
b. Maintain order, cleanliness, and sanitation at the building
c. Give assistance to individuals in need while at the building
d. Store tools, equipment, and other available resources
e. Oversee the services being rendered

The stake emergency preparedness committee should ensure that Church

buildings are protected from damage and vandalism. The committee should
also ensure that those using the buildings observe church standards of
conduct, including the use of proper language and the Word of Wisdom.

11. Church leaders should provide for the social and emotional needs of disaster victims.

This may be done by planning ways to relieve the emotional trauma that individuals
might suffer during and after a disaster by offering worship services, recreational
events, counseling and service opportunities.
12. All communications with media personnel should be through the stake media

communications representative.
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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

Bio-chemical Hazard:
1. During a bio-chemical hazard event do the following:
a. Stay calm.
b. If inside a building, stay in the building. If in your home, stay in your home

(Shelter in Place), unless instructed by civil authorities to evacuate. Follow all

civil authority instructions.
c. If possible, tune in to local civil authority instructions (by radio, television, or

other communication medium). Listen for real-time reports of conditions and

d. If possible, turn off the air conditioning or heating system including the fan. Do

not turn these systems back on until instructed to do so by local authorities.

e. If in your own home, and if supplies for doing so are available, seal all windows,

doors, vents, etc., with plastic sheeting and duct tape.


If traveling in a vehicle when reports of contamination are received, get out of the
area as quickly as possible. If not possible, stay in the vehicle, close the windows
and sunroof, and turn off the air conditioning or heating system including the fan.

g. If outside of the contamination area, do not go into the contaminated area.

h. Contact family members by phone or radio to alert them of the current conditions

and to instruct them on how to respond. Also obtain reports of their current status.
2. Ensure that all family members are accounted for and sheltered in place or evacuating

the area as required by the local media or civil authorities.

3. If injury or death have occurred, if individuals are missing, or if there is immediate

danger to any individual contact authorities immediately (see reporting structure).

Do not attempt a rescue by exposing yourself and endangering others. Continue this
course of action until no immediate danger or emergency exists in the surrounding
area. Safe conditions should never be assumed, but should be verified by receiving
assurance from local media or civil authorities that any and all exposure danger has
passed and that it is safe to go outside.
4. Begin the reporting process individuals/families report their current household

status using the reporting method in this document.

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

5. After family members have been properly cared for and immediate needs have been

met, members of the stake emergency preparedness team begin reporting and disaster
mitigation efforts.
6. Block Captains assess the status of households in their individual blocks and report

needs to the ward leaders.

7. Ward leaders report the current status to the stake leaders and stake communication

8. Information received by each of the wards should include the following information:

Name, title, and contact


information of the reporting person


Name of unit (ward name)


How the presiding officer of

the ward can be reached
Number of individuals


injured, missing, or deceased

Description, location, and


magnitude of the damage

Actions being taken at the


ward level
Assistance or supplies needed


but unavailable locally

Available resources to assist


with the emergency including:

1) Qualified medical professionals,
2) CERT team members,
3) Building engineers and contractors,
4) Communications specialists, etc.
9. Stake leaders and stake communication specialists report the current status to civil

authorities, and to Area priesthood leaders.

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

a. When it is safe to do so, stake presidency (SP), high council (HC), stake relief

society presidency (RS), stake emergency preparedness specialists (EP), stake

media specialist (MS), stake communications specialist (CS) should gather to the
stake center high council room to receive reports from each of the wards, report
status to civil authorities, and to assess what further action is needed.
b. If the high council room is unusable as a meeting place, another location on the

stake center property will be identified by a member of the stake presidency.

c. If the stake center property is unusable or inaccessible, the relief society room of

the 1200 West building (3024 S. 1200 W. Syracuse, UT) should be used as an
alternative location.
d. A member of the stake presidency should receive the compiled reports obtained

from the wards. This information should be relayed to the priesthood leader
responsible for regional welfare or to church headquarters. Times and methods for
follow up communications should be discussed at this time.
e. Leaders should understand that civil authorities have priority in directing efforts

to respond to emergencies. Church members should act under the direction of

such agencies and do all they can to help protect life and property and to maintain
safety and order until normal conditions can be restored.

Members acting as groups under priesthood leadership can offer significantly

more help during and after an emergency than they can by acting individually.

10. With the approval of the Area Presidency, Church buildings may be used as

emergency shelters, first-aid stations, community food distribution centers, recreation

areas, etc. If a church building is to be used for any of these purposes, the stake
emergency preparedness committee should work in cooperation with civil authorities
to identify persons who can:
a. Ensure the conditions are safe
b. Maintain order, cleanliness, and sanitation at the building
c. Give assistance to individuals in need
d. Store tools, equipment, and other available resources
e. Oversee the services being rendered

The stake emergency preparedness committee should ensure that buildings are
protected from damage. They should also ensure that those using the buildings

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

observe church standards of conduct, including the use of proper language and the
Word of Wisdom.
11. Church leaders should provide for the social and emotional needs of disaster victims.

This may be done by planning ways to relieve the emotional trauma that individuals
might suffer during and after a disaster by offering worship services, recreational
events, counseling and service opportunities.
12. All communications with media personnel should be through the stake media

communications representative.

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

Hurricane, Tornado, Wind Storm:


During a wind event do the following:


Stay calm.


If inside a building, stay inside the building and get as low as you can. If
there is a basement go into the basement.


Stay away from glass, outside doors and walls, or anything that could fall or


Take cover under a sturdy table or desk and hold on as it may move during a
wind event.


If there isnt a table or desk available nearby crouch in an inside corner and
cover your face and head with your arms.


If outside, stay there. Lie down in a low area such as a ditch or swale and
cover your head with your hands and arms. Move away from buildings, utility
lines, or anything that could dislodge and fly toward you.


If in a vehicle, stop in a safe place as quickly as possible, and get out of the
vehicle. Lie down in a low area such as a ditch or swale and follow the
instructions above.


If possible, tune in to local civil authority instructions (by radio, television, or

other communication medium). Listen for real-time reports of conditions and

Ensure that all family members are accounted for and that no immediate danger or
emergency exists in the surrounding area.
If injury or death have occurred, if individuals are missing, or if there is
immediate danger to any individual contact authorities immediately (see reporting
structure), and if properly trained take necessary action to preserve life and mitigate
Begin the reporting process individuals/families report their current household
status using the reporting method in this document.
After family members have been properly cared for and immediate needs have
been met, members of the stake emergency preparedness team begin reporting and
mitigation efforts.

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

Block Captains assess the status of households in their individual blocks and
report immediate needs to the ward leaders.
Ward leaders report the current status to the stake leaders and stake
communication specialist.
Information received by each of the wards should include the following
a. Name, title, and contact information of the reporting person
b. Name of unit (ward name)
c. How the presiding officer of the ward can be reached
d. Number of individuals injured, missing, or deceased
e. Description, location, and magnitude of the damage

Actions being taken at the ward level

g. Assistance or supplies needed but unavailable locally

h. Available resources to assist with the emergency including:
1) Qualified medical professionals,
2) CERT team members,
3) Building engineers and contractors,
4) Communications specialists, etc.
9. Stake leaders and stake communication specialists report the current status to civil

authorities, and to Area priesthood leaders.

a. Stake presidency (SP), high council (HC), stake relief society presidency

(RS), stake emergency preparedness specialists (EP), stake media specialist

(MS), stake communications specialist (CS) should gather to the stake center
high council room to receive reports from each of the wards, report status to
civil authorities, and to assess what further action is needed.
b. If the high council room is unusable as a meeting place, another location on

the stake center property will be identified by a member of the stake


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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

c. If the stake center property is unusable or inaccessible, the relief society room

of the 1200 West building (3024 S. 1200 W. Syracuse, UT) should be used as
an alternative location.
d. A member of the stake presidency should receive the compiled reports

obtained from the wards. This information should be relayed to the priesthood
leader responsible for regional welfare or to church headquarters. Times and
methods for follow up communications should be discussed at this time.
e. Leaders should understand that civil authorities have priority in directing

efforts to respond to emergencies. Church members should act under the

direction of such agencies and do all they can to help protect life and property
and to maintain safety and order until normal conditions can be restored.

Members acting as groups under priesthood leadership can offer significantly

more help during and after an emergency than they can by acting individually.

10. With the approval of the Area Presidency, Church buildings may be used as

emergency shelters, first-aid stations, community food distribution centers, recreation

areas, etc. If a church building is to be used for any of these purposes, the stake
welfare committee should work in cooperation with civil authorities to identify
persons who can:
a. Give assistance to individuals in need.
b. Ensure the conditions are safe.
c. Maintain order, cleanliness, and sanitation at the building.
d. Store tools, equipment, and other available resources.
e. Oversee the services being rendered.

The stake emergency preparedness committee should ensure that buildings are
maintained and protected from destruction and vandalism. They should also
ensure that those using the buildings observe church standards of conduct,
including proper language and the Word of Wisdom.

11. Church leaders should provide for the social and emotional needs of disaster victims.

This may be done by planning ways to relieve the emotional trauma that individuals
might suffer during and after a disaster by offering worship services, recreational
events, counseling and service opportunities.
12. All communications with media personnel should be through the stake media

communications representative.
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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

Blizzard, Winter Storm, Ice Storm:

1. During a winter storm event do the following:
a. Stay calm.
b. If inside a building, stay inside the building.
c. If power and/or utilities are available during the storm, check heating

system/furnace for continued operation. Monitor regularly and adjust as needed.

d. If power and/or utilities are unavailable due to the storm, arrange for alternative

heat sources such as wood stoves, fireplaces, portable (kerosene, propane, or

other) heaters if available. If not available, obtain any other items to help
individuals stay warm such as blankets, bedding, sleeping bags, coats, gloves,
hats, etc.
e. If possible, tune to local civil authorities (by radio, television, or other

communication medium). Listen for real-time reports of conditions and

instructions. Follow the instructions.

If outside, get inside as quickly as possible.

g. If in a vehicle, proceed as long as it is safe to do so, but recommend getting inside

of a building as soon as possible.

h. Follow the recommendations above for being inside a building.
2. Ensure that all family members are accounted for and that no immediate danger or

emergency exists in the surrounding area.

3. If injury or death have occurred, if individuals are missing, or if there is immediate

danger to any individual contact authorities immediately (see reporting structure),

and if properly trained take necessary action to preserve life and mitigate danger.
4. Begin the reporting process individuals/families report their current household

status using the reporting method in this document.

5. After family members have been properly cared for and immediate needs have been

met, members of the stake emergency preparedness team begin reporting and
mitigation efforts.
6. Block Captains assess the status of households in their individual blocks and report

immediate needs to the ward leaders.

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

7. Ward leaders report the current status to the stake leaders and stake communication

8. Information received by each of the wards should include the following information:
a. Name, title, and contact information of the reporting person
b. Name of unit (ward name)
c. How the presiding officer of the ward can be reached
d. Number of individuals injured, missing, or deceased
e. Description, location, and magnitude of the damage

Actions being taken at the ward level

g. Assistance or supplies needed but unavailable locally

h. Available resources to assist with the emergency including:
1) Qualified medical professionals,
2) CERT team members,
3) Building engineers and contractors,
4) Communications specialists, etc.
9. Stake leaders and stake communication specialists report the current status to civil

authorities, and to Area priesthood leaders.

a. Stake presidency (SP), high council (HC), stake relief society presidency (RS),

stake emergency preparedness specialists (EP), stake media specialist (MS), stake
communications specialist (CS) should gather to the stake center high council
room to receive reports from each of the wards, report status to civil authorities,
and to assess what further action is needed.
b. If the high council room is unusable as a meeting place, another location on the

stake center property will be identified by a member of the stake presidency.

c. If the stake center property is unusable or inaccessible, the relief society room of

the 1200 West building (3024 S. 1200 W. Syracuse, UT) should be used as an
alternative location.
e. A member of the stake presidency should receive the compiled reports obtained

from the wards. This information should be relayed to the priesthood leader
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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

responsible for regional welfare or to church headquarters. Times and methods for
follow up communications should be discussed at this time.
g. Leaders should understand that civil authorities have priority in directing efforts

to respond to emergencies. Church members should act under the direction of

such agencies and do all they can to help protect life and property and to maintain
safety and order until normal conditions can be restored.
h. Members acting as groups under priesthood leadership can offer significantly

more help during and after an emergency than they can by acting individually.
10. With the approval of the Area Presidency, Church buildings may be used as

emergency shelters, first-aid stations, community food distribution centers, recreation

areas, etc. If a church building is to be used for any of these purposes, the stake
welfare committee should work in cooperation with civil authorities to identify
persons who can:
a. Give assistance to individuals in need.
b. Ensure the conditions are safe.
c. Maintain order, cleanliness, and sanitation at the building.
d. Store tools, equipment, and other available resources.
e. Oversee the services being rendered.

The stake emergency preparedness committee should ensure that buildings are
protected from destruction and vandalism. They should also ensure that those
using the buildings observe church standards of conduct, including proper
language and the Word of Wisdom.

11. Church leaders should provide for the social and emotional needs of disaster victims.

This may be done by planning ways to relieve the emotional trauma that individuals
might suffer during and after a disaster by offering worship services, recreational
events, counseling and service opportunities.
12. All communications with media personnel should be through the stake media

communications representative.

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

1. During a flood event do the following:
g. Stay calm.
h. If inside a building in a flooding area, get out and go to higher ground.

If possible, tune to local civil authority instructions (by radio, television, or

other communication medium). Listen for real-time reports of conditions and


If sandbagging programs are available and can be used to help redirect flood
waters elsewhere to protect life and property, assist in placing sandbags as

k. If traveling in a vehicle when reports of flooding are received, get out of the

area as quickly as possible and go to higher ground, or follow the instructions

of local authorities.

If outside of the flood area, stay outside of the flood area unless you are a
qualified search and rescue team member and are directed to assist the civil
authorities in search and rescue efforts.

m. Contact family members by phone or radio to alert them of your current

condition and location. Also obtain reports of their current condition and
2. Ensure that all family members are accounted for and that no immediate danger or

emergency exists in the surrounding area.

3. If injury or death have occurred, if individuals are missing, or if there is immediate

danger to any individual contact authorities immediately (see reporting structure),

and if properly trained take necessary action to preserve life and mitigate danger.
4. Begin the reporting process individuals/families report their current household

status using the reporting method in this document.

5. After family members have been properly cared for and immediate needs have been

met, members of the stake emergency preparedness team begin reporting and
mitigation efforts.
6. Block Captains assess the status of households in their individual blocks and report

immediate needs to the ward leaders.

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

7. Ward leaders report the current status to the stake leaders and stake communication

8. Information received by each of the wards should include the following information:
n. Name, title, and contact information of the reporting person
o. Name of unit (ward name)
p. How the presiding officer of the ward can be reached
q. Number of individuals injured, missing, or deceased

Description, location, and magnitude of the damage

s. Actions being taken at the ward level


Assistance or supplies needed but unavailable locally

u. Available resources to assist with the emergency including:

1) Qualified medical professionals,
2) CERT team members,
3) Building engineers and contractors,
4) Communications specialists, etc.
10. Stake leaders and stake communication specialists report the current status to civil

authorities, and to Area priesthood leaders.

a. Stake presidency, high council, stake relief society presidency, stake

emergency preparedness specialists, stake media specialist, and stake

communications specialist should gather to the stake center high council
room to receive reports from each of the wards, report status to civil
authorities, and to assess what further action is needed.
b. If the high council room is unusable as a meeting place, another location on

the stake center property will be identified by a member of the stake

c. If the stake center property is unusable or inaccessible, the relief society room

of the 1200 West building (3024 S. 1200 W. Syracuse, UT) should be used as
an alternative location.

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

d. A member of the stake presidency should receive the compiled reports

obtained from the wards. This information should be relayed to the priesthood
leader responsible for regional welfare or to church headquarters. Times and
methods for follow up communications should be discussed at this time.
e. Leaders should understand that civil authorities have priority in directing

efforts to respond to emergencies. Church members should act under the

direction of such agencies and do all they can to help protect life and property
and to maintain safety and order until normal conditions can be restored.

Members acting as groups under priesthood leadership can offer significantly

more help during and after an emergency than they can by acting individually.

11. With the approval of the Area Presidency, Church buildings may be used as

emergency shelters, first-aid stations, community food distribution centers, recreation

areas, etc. If a church building is to be used for any of these purposes, the stake
welfare committee should work in cooperation with civil authorities to identify
persons who can:
a. Give assistance to individuals in need.
b. Ensure the conditions are safe.
c. Maintain order, cleanliness, and sanitation at the building.
d. Store tools, equipment, and other available resources.
e. Oversee the services being rendered.

The stake emergency preparedness committee should ensure that buildings are
protected from destruction and vandalism. They should also ensure that those
using the buildings observe church standards of conduct, including proper
language and the Word of Wisdom.

12. Church leaders should provide for the social and emotional needs of disaster victims.

This may be done by planning ways to relieve the emotional trauma that individuals
might suffer during and after a disaster by offering worship services, recreational
events, counseling and service opportunities.
13. All communications with media personnel should be through the stake media

communications representative.

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

Epidemic Diseases (Influenza, Small Pox, etc.):

1. During an epidemic or illness event do the following:
a. Stay calm.
b. If possible, tune in to local civil authority instructions (by radio, television,

internet, or other communication medium). Listen for real-time reports of

conditions and instructions. Take note of the normal signs and symptoms of
the disease, areas of danger, if medications or vaccinations are being
distributed, and where you should seek medical attention if you become ill.
Note, public health officials may not immediately be able to provide
information on what you should do.
c. Use common sense and practice good hygiene.
d. Seek medical attention if you become sick. You may be advised to stay away

from others (quarantined).

e. If outside of the contamination area, do not go into the contaminated area.

Contact family members by phone or radio to alert them of the current

conditions and to instruct them on how to respond. Also obtain reports of their
current status.

2. Ensure that all family members are accounted for as required by the local media or

civil authorities.
3. If illness or death has occurred contact authorities immediately (see reporting

4. Begin the reporting process individuals/families report their current household

status using the reporting method in this document.

5. After family members have been properly cared for and immediate needs have been

met, members of the stake emergency preparedness team begin reporting and disaster
mitigation efforts.
6. Block Captains assess the status of households in their individual blocks and report

needs to the ward leaders.

7. Ward leaders report the current status to the stake leaders and stake communication

8. Information received by each of the wards should include the following information:

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

a. Name, title, and contact information of the reporting person

b. Name of unit (ward name)
c. How the presiding officer of the ward can be reached
d. Number of individuals who have become ill or deceased
e. Actions being taken at the ward level

Assistance or supplies needed but unavailable locally

g. Available resources to assist with the emergency including:

1) Qualified medical professionals,
2) CERT team members,
3) Communications specialists, etc.
9. Stake leaders and stake communication specialists report the current status to civil

authorities, and to Area priesthood leaders.

a. When it is safe to do so, stake presidency (SP), high council (HC), stake relief

society presidency (RS), stake emergency preparedness specialists (EP), stake

media specialist (MS), stake communications specialist (CS) should gather to
the stake center high council room to receive reports from each of the wards,
report status to civil authorities, and to assess what further action is needed.
b. A member of the stake presidency should receive the compiled reports

obtained from the wards. This information should be relayed to the priesthood
leader responsible for regional welfare or to church headquarters. Times and
methods for follow up communications should be discussed at this time.
c. Leaders should understand that civil authorities have priority in directing

efforts to respond to emergencies. Church members should act under the

direction of such agencies and do all they can to help protect life and property
and to maintain safety and order until normal conditions can be restored.
d. Members acting as groups under priesthood leadership can offer significantly

more help during and after an emergency than they can by acting individually.
10. With the approval of the Area Presidency, Church buildings may be used as

emergency shelters, first-aid stations, community food distribution centers, recreation

areas, etc. If a church building is to be used for any of these purposes, the stake

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

emergency preparedness committee should work in cooperation with civil authorities

to identify persons who can:
a. Ensure the conditions are safe
b. Maintain order, cleanliness, and sanitation at the building
c. Give assistance to individuals in need
d. Store tools, equipment, and other available resources
e. Oversee the services being rendered

The stake emergency preparedness committee should ensure that buildings are
protected from destruction and vandalism. They should also ensure that those
using the buildings observe church standards of conduct, including the use of
proper language and the Word of Wisdom.

11. Church leaders should provide for the social and emotional needs of disaster victims.

This may be done by planning ways to relieve the emotional trauma that individuals
might suffer during and after a disaster by offering worship services, recreational
events, counseling and service opportunities.
12. All communications with media personnel should be through the stake media

communications representative.

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

Wild Fires and Home Fires:

1. During an event do the following:
a. Stay calm.
b. If a wild fire is approaching the area you are in, tune in to local civil authority

instructions (by radio, television, or other communication medium). Listen for

real-time reports of conditions and instructions.
c. If instructed by civil authorities to evacuate. Follow all civil authority

d. If a wild fire is approaching or engulfing your residence notify emergency

personnel immediately.
e. If your home is on fire, alert all occupants and get out of the structure as

quickly as possible. Do not stop to take anything with you. Do not try to fight
the fire.

If traveling in a vehicle when reports of home fires or wild fires are received,
get out of the area as quickly as possible, or follow the instructions of local

g. If outside of the fire area, stay outside of the fire area.

h. Contact family members by phone or radio to alert them of your current

condition and location.

2. Ensure that all family members are accounted for and that no immediate danger or

emergency exists in the surrounding area.

3. If injury or death have occurred, if individuals are missing, or if there is immediate

danger to any individual contact authorities immediately (see reporting structure),

and if properly trained take necessary action to preserve life and mitigate danger.
4. Begin the reporting process individuals/families report their current household

status using the reporting method in this document.

5. After family members have been properly cared for and immediate needs have been

met, members of the stake emergency preparedness team begin reporting and
mitigation efforts.

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

6. Block Captains assess the status of households in their individual blocks and report

immediate needs to the ward leaders.

7. Ward leaders report the current status to the stake leaders and stake communication

8. Reports delivered to the stake by each of the wards should include the following

a. Name, title, and contact information of the reporting person
b. Name of unit (ward name)
c. How the presiding officer of the ward can be reached
d. Number of individuals injured, missing, or deceased
e. Description, location, and magnitude of the damage

Actions being taken at the ward level

g. Assistance or supplies needed but unavailable locally

h. Available resources to assist with the emergency including:
1) Qualified medical professionals,
2) CERT team members,
3) Building engineers and contractors,
4) Communications specialists, etc.
9. Stake leaders and stake communication specialists report the current status to civil

authorities, and to Area priesthood leaders.

a. Stake presidency (SP), high council (HC), stake relief society presidency

(RS), stake emergency preparedness specialists (EP), stake media specialist

(MS), stake communications specialist (CS) should gather to the stake center
high council room to receive reports from each of the wards, report status to
civil authorities, and to assess what further action is needed.
b. If the high council room is unusable as a meeting place, another location on

the stake center property will be identified by a member of the stake


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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

c. If the stake center property is unusable or inaccessible, the relief society room

of the 1200 West building (3024 S. 1200 W. Syracuse, UT) should be used as
an alternative location.
d. A member of the stake presidency should receive the compiled reports

obtained from the wards. This information should be relayed to the priesthood
leader responsible for regional welfare or to church headquarters. Times and
methods for follow up communications should be discussed at this time.
e. Leaders should understand that civil authorities have priority in directing

efforts to respond to emergencies. Church members should act under the

direction of such agencies and do all they can to help protect life and property
and to maintain safety and order until normal conditions can be restored.

Members acting as groups under priesthood leadership can offer significantly

more help during and after an emergency than they can by acting individually.

10. With the approval of the Area Presidency, Church buildings may be used as

emergency shelters, first-aid stations, community food distribution centers, recreation

areas, etc. If a church building is to be used for any of these purposes, the stake
welfare committee should work in cooperation with civil authorities to identify
persons who can:
a. Give assistance to individuals in need.
b. Ensure the conditions are safe.
c. Maintain order, cleanliness, and sanitation at the building.
d. Store tools, equipment, and other available resources.
e. Oversee the services being rendered.

The stake welfare committee should ensure that buildings are maintained and
protected from destruction and vandalism. They should also ensure that those
using the buildings observe church standards of conduct, including proper
language and the Word of Wisdom.

11. Church leaders should provide for the social and emotional needs of disaster victims.

This may be done by planning ways to relieve the emotional trauma that individuals
might suffer during and after a disaster by offering worship services, recreational
events, counseling and service opportunities.
12. All communications with media personnel should be through the stake media

communications representative.
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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

Missing Persons:
If a person or persons residing within the ward boundaries are reported missing and
priesthood leaders determine that the resources of the ward are needed to assist in the
search efforts, priesthood leaders should respond as follows.
1. Immediately after determining that the person or persons are missing, church

leaders, if notified, should take the following steps:

a. Ensure that family members have contacted civil authorities such as the Police

Department, or Sheriff's office to make an official report. If this has not been
done, leaders should advise the family members to do this immediately or do
it themselves.
b. Encourage family members and church leaders to follow the direction given

by the civil authorities.

c. Inquire about possible assistance the church (i.e., neighborhood block, ward,

stake, etc.,) could offer the civil authorities. If the authorities indicate that
volunteer assistance would be useful, church leaders should be contacted to
organize such efforts.
d. If the bishop of the individual or individuals who are missing has not been

contacted, he should be contacted as soon as possible.

e. The bishop should assess the situation and consider ways the ward can help.

The bishop should contact the stake president or a member of the stake
presidency if the stake president cannot be reached to determine if the stake
has resources that can be used to assist the civil authorities. Resources may
include but not be limited to offering manpower, special skills, knowledge
about the missing person or persons such as special needs or a medical
conditions, etc., and tools and equipment.

g. The stake president may contact the high councilors assigned to the wards

within the stake to outline specific assignments and assistance needed from
the other wards in the stake.
h. The high councilors if requested should contact the respective wards and

outline what assistance is needed by the wards and identify when and where
the assistance is needed.
2. Leaders and members should understand that civil authorities have priority in

directing efforts to respond to emergencies. Church members and others should

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

act under the direction of such agencies and do all they can to assist in the
situation, and not hinder it. Members acting as groups under priesthood
leadership can offer significantly more help during an emergency than they can by
acting individually.
3. With the approval of the stake president, Church buildings may be used as a

search command center. If church facilities are used for this purpose, church
leaders should ensure that buildings are protected from damage and vandalism.
They should also ensure that those using the buildings observe church standards
of conduct, including proper language and the Word of Wisdom.
4. It is recommended that all communications with media personnel be handled by

the stake president or through the stake media communications representative.

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

Destruction of Church Owned Property:

If significant destruction, damage or vandalism to church owned property is observed or
reported, stake leaders should take the following steps.
1. Contact civil authorities (Police, Fire Department or County Sheriff) to report the

destruction, damage or vandalism.

2. The stake president should contact the area presidency to report the damage.
3. If a break-in has occurred, do not let anyone enter the property or disturb the site

until law enforcement has arrived, investigated the incident and given approval
for entry.
4. If obvious structural damage has occurred such as fire, earthquake, or wind

damage, do not let anyone enter the building until the facilities management office
(FM) or stake physical facilities representative (PFR) has received clearance from
a professional engineer attesting that the structure is safe to enter.
5. Take necessary action to protect the property from further destruction. This may

include boarding up doors, windows etc. Local leaders should work through the
local facilities management office to coordinate this work.
6. Inventory church owned property at the site. This should include the aid of the

Bishops of the wards that meet in the building. Each unit leader should prepare a
list of all damaged, stolen or missing property.
7. If it is evident that theft has occurred, each unit leader should identify equipment

and materials such as computers, temple recommend books, blank checks, blank
Bishops order forms, etc., that may have been stolen and notify church
headquarters immediately.
8. The stake president, stake PFR and the local facilities management office should

work together to develop a course of action for cleaning-up and repairing the
facility. Depending on the extent of the damage, professional service
organizations may be needed to assist with the clean-up and/or repair work. Local
leaders should work through the local FM office to coordinate this work.
9. Leaders may need to work with the units to make arrangements for congregations

to meet in other facilities for a short period of time.

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Jensen Park Emergency Preparedness Response Plan

Stake Emergency Specialist

APPENDIX J: Ward Emergency Preparedness

Organizational Chart


Area President

Ward Emergency Specialist

Ward Council

Block Captains

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