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1. Mention the source of environmental pollution !

Jenis Aktivitas


Hasil Samping yang ditimbulkan

Household sewage, waste water, dirt air pollution

need a place to stay, etc.

1 sewage

Transport of Air Pollution Air Pollution Sound

Pollution Accidents Need land for roads, etc.
2 Transport

Industrial and
3 Factory

Air Pollution Water Pollution Waste land / the

remains as waste heat Sound Pollution / ground
noise needs, and others.
Pollution Air pollution due to waste water / waste
remains a need for land, and others.

4 Mining
5 Agriculture

Soil pollution

2. How to create a good sanitation ?

3. What are the example of preventive program for improving the
quality of environment?
1. Every home needs to maintain the plant in order to look beautiful
and fresh
2. Residents must provide enough land to make way
3. Each house has a covered trash
4. Citizens need to hold frequent community service cleaning the
(Subagyo, P. Joko, S.H. 1999. Hukum Lingkungan, Masalah
danPenanggulangannya. Jakarta: Penerbit Rineka Cipta)
1. awareness towards environmental pemeliharaa
2. The protection of the environment

3. The development of the environmental functions

4. Use the resources are not excessive
5. Control in the use of resources
(Hardjasoemantri, Koesnadi. 2000. Hukum Tata Lingkungan. Edisi ke7. Cetakan ke-15. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press)

4. What are the kind of wastes ?

Organic waste (waste that can be recycled and can be described

by a bacterium, for example: leaves, grass, etc.)
non-organic waste (waste that can not be described by bacteria,
eg plastic bottles, cans, etc.)
(Yuliarsih, Retno widyati, 2002, Higieni dan Sanitasi, Jakarta: P.T

Garbage, is the rest of the management or rotting food scraps that

easy. For example, waste from household kitchen
Rubbish, material or waste management is not easily decompose,
which consists of:
a. Flammable as wood
b. Its not absolute burning like canned
Ashes, ashes are all kinds, such as might occur as a result of wood
Dead animal, is any kind of carrion especially large ones, such as
horses, cows.
Street Sweeping, is any kind of garbage or dirt that littered the
streets, because discarded by motorists or by people who are not
Industrial waste, are the objects that constitute the remaining
solid industrial waste.
(sumber: Azwar, Azrul, 1996. Pengantar Ilmu Kesehatan Lingkungan)

5. What are the bad effect of waste based on health,environment,

and socio economic and cultural?
6. What is the impact of bad sanitation ?
Cause environmental pollution on human health, the livelihood, the growth of
flora and fauna that are within the reach of pollution.

7. How to manage waste ?

Manage waste

Storage of waste (refuse storage)

Waste storage means is a dumpster while. Before the garbage is
collected, and then transported and disposed.

Garbage collection (refuse collection)

Waste is stored temporarily, and then need to be collected, to be
transported and disposed of or destroyed because of the amount
collected garbage large enough, it is necessary to build the trash.

Disposal of waste (refuse disposal)

Waste that has been collected, the next need to be removed to be
(sumber: Azwar, Azrul, 1996. Pengantar Ilmu Kesehatan Lingkungan)

8. What is the criteria of good or healthy environment ?

1) Conditions conducive to the realization of the state of a pollution
free environment
2) The availability of clean water
3) Adequate environmental sanitation
4) Settlements healthy
5) Planning the health-minded
6) The realization of a society that helping each other.
Criteria for Clean Environment course strongly related to sanitation
problems, especially in drainage and waste, on-site waste treatment
site, and the application of the 5 Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle, reform,
and REpLaNT), clean air and clean water.

9. Mention the type of sanitation!


Mention the purpose of environment sanitation!

can improve health

can reduce morbidity and mortality
(Subagyo, P. Joko, S.H. 1999. Hukum Lingkungan, Masalah dan
Penanggulangannya. Jakarta: Penerbit Rineka Cipta)


What are the benefits of sanitation?


can improve health

can reduce morbidity and mortality
(Subagyo, P. Joko, S.H. 1999. Hukum Lingkungan, Masalah dan
Penanggulangannya. Jakarta: Penerbit Rineka Cipta)

What are the benefits of managing waste ?

-Mengurangi angka kesakitan dan kematian
-Menciptakan keindahan
-Meningkatkan produktivitas
(sumber: Azwar, Azrul, 1996. Pengantar Ilmu Kesehatan Lingkungan)


What are the obstacle in sanitation ?

-the lack of awareness

What are the characteristics of clean water?

Physical Conditions
- Colorless, tasteless, odorless, clear
Terms bacteriological
- Does not contain bacteria, especially E. Coli
Chemical Terms
- Not contaminated by chemicals or excessive minerals.

Pengantar ilmu kesehatan lingkungan, dr. azrul azwar M.P.H., 1996


What are the disease that cause by rodent?


How to eradication of rodent?

Manage rodent :
a. Supervision of mechanical or physical
How to mechanical or physical control is by beating, using a wire
netting, mosquito nets, an air (room), heating (room) or wear
protective electrical current flow.

b. Oversight of chemical
Chemical substances that are used can be deadly, expel or cause
attraction. Chemicals that cause traction, intended to raise the
animals they will be at a certain place and then destroyed.
c. Supervision Biophysical
The principle used here he is; lah capture the animal and then
sterilized with gamma rays using, and then released back to nature
d. Supervision biological
The principle is to take advantage of the other animals that become
enemies of arthropods and or Rodentia
e. Cultural supervision
The principle is to create the circumstances that are not beneficial
arthropods or Rodentia, with the changing habits or unfavorable
f. Integrated Surveillance
(sumber: Azwar, Azrul, 1996. Pengantar Ilmu Kesehatan Lingkungan)


What are the source of clean water ?

The rain, dew or snow, the water obtained from space, due to the
precipitation of clouds, atmospheric water vapor.
Water the soil surface, can be standing water or running water, such
as lakes, rivers, seas. Water from shallow wells is also from ground
Water in the soil, the surface water that seeped into the ground, so
it was mengakami filtering by soil or rock. Water in the soil at a
time will also be a water surface, with the water flowing into the
(sumber: Azwar, Azrul, 1996. Pengantar Ilmu Kesehatan Lingkungan)


What are the type of environment ?

Biological Environment
(-)Seedling disease, animal disease agents, the organism as a plant pest

(+)As a source of food

The physical environment

(-) Air that dusty, barren soil, poor water quality, the unqualified sense,
garbage disposal
(+) Clean air, fertile soil, healthy housing

Economic Environment
(-) Poverty endanger human health (disease susceptible)
(+) Equitable Prosperity

The social environment

(-) Properties characteristic of asocial, antisocial, etc.

(+) The nature of mutual cooperation, obey and respect the laws in force
in the community
Soemirat, J., 1996. Kesehatan Lingkungan, Gadjah Mada University Press,


What are the characteristic of contaminated water ?

a. Adanya perubahan suhu air. Air yang panas apabila langsung dibuang ke lingkungan akan
mengganggu kehidupan hewan air dan mikroorganisme lainnya.
b. Adanya perubahan pH atau konsentrasi ion Hidrogen. Air normal yang memenuhi syarat
untuk suatu kehidupan mempunyai berkisar pH berkisar antara 6,5 7,5.
c. Adanya perubahan warna, bau dan rasa air. Air dalam keadaan normal dan bersih pada
umumnya tidak akan berwarna, sehingga tampak bening dan jernih, tetapi hal itu tidak
berlaku mutlak, seringkali zat-zat beracun justru terdapat pada bahan buangan industri yang
tidak mengakibatkan perubahan warna pada air. Timbulnya bau pada air lingkungan secara
mutlak dapat dipakai sebagai salah satu tanda terjadinya pencemaran. Apabila air memiliki
rasa berarti telah terjadi penambahan material pada air dan mengubah konsentrasi ion
Hidrogen dan pH air.
d. Timbulnya endapan, koloidal, bahan terlarut. Bahan buangan yang berbentuk padat, sebelum
sampai ke dasar sungai akan melayang di dalam air besama koloidal, sehingga menghalangi
masuknya sinar matahari ke dalam lapisan air. Padahal sinar matahari sangat diperlukan oleh
mikroorganisme untuk melakukan fotosintesis.

e. Adanya mikroorganisme. Mikroorganisme sangat berperan dalam proses degradasi bahan

buangan dari limbah industri ataupun domestik. Bila bahan buangan yang harus didegradasi
cukup banyak, maka mikroorganisme akan ikut berkembangbiak. Pada perkembangbiakan









berkembangbiak pula.
f. Meningkatnya radioaktivitas air lingkungan. Zat radioaktif dari berbagai kegiatan dapat
menyebabkan berbagai macam kerusakan biologis apabila tidak ditangani dengan benar, baik
efek langsung maupun efek tertunda.
a. The change of water temperature. Hot water if directly
discharged into the environment will disrupt the lives of
aquatic animals and other microorganisms.
b. The change of pH or the concentration of hydrogen ions.
Water normally eligible for a life has a pH ranging from about
6.5 to 7.5.
c. A change in color, odor and taste of water. The water in
normal and clean in general will not be in color, so it looks clear
and crisp, but it does not hold up, often toxic substances
actually present in industrial waste materials that do not cause
discoloration of the water. Odor in water environment can
absolutely be used as one of the signs of pollution. If the water
has a taste means there has been the addition of material in
the water and change the hydrogen ion concentration and pH
of the water.
d. The onset of precipitation, colloidal, dissolved material.
Materials for solid waste, before getting to the bottom of the
river will float in the water besama colloidal, thus blocking the
entry of sunlight into the water layer. Though sunlight is
needed by microorganisms to perform photosynthesis.
e. The presence of microorganisms. Microorganisms play an
important role in the degradation process of waste materials
from domestic or industrial waste. If the waste material to be
degraded quite a lot, then the microorganisms will also
multiply. On the proliferation of microorganisms is not a
possibility that pathogenic microbes multiply participate
f. Increased radioactivity water environments. Radioactive
substances from a variety of activities can cause a wide range
of biological damage if not handled properly, either direct
effects or delayed effects.

What are the source of waste ?

Garbage, is the rest of the management or rotting food scraps that

easy. For example, waste from household kitchen
Rubbish, material or waste management is not easily decompose,
which consists of:
c. Flammable as wood
d. Its not absolute burning like canned
Ashes, ashes are all kinds, such as might occur as a result of wood
Dead animal, is any kind of carrion especially large ones, such as
horses, cows.
Street Sweeping, is any kind of garbage or dirt that littered the
streets, because discarded by motorists or by people who are not
Industrial waste, are the objects that constitute the remaining
solid industrial waste.
(sumber: Azwar, Azrul, 1996. Pengantar Ilmu Kesehatan Lingkungan)


What are the impact of bad environment?

Lingkungan kotor menyebabkan penularan berbagai penyakit.

Lingkungan kotor juga menurunkan produktivitas masyarakat.

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