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How-To Guide

Provided by Customer Experience Group

H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows


Applicable Releases:
SAP Web IDE 1.4
Version 1.0 - October 2014

H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)

Document History
Document Version

Authored By



Customer Experience

First release of this guide

H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)

1. Business Scenario ............................................................................................................................... 4
2. Background Information .................................................................................................................... 4
3. Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................................... 4
4. Step-by-Step Procedure ..................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 Download and install Java .................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Download and install the required software ........................................................................................ 6
4.3 Configure and start Eclipse Orion ......................................................................................................... 9
4.4 Connect to a remote system ............................................................................................................... 13
4.4.1 Connecting to a generic OData source ........................................................................................ 13
4.4.2 Connecting to an ABAP system .................................................................................................... 16
4.5 Connect to an external Git repository ................................................................................................ 19

H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)



SAP Web Integrated Development Environment (or SAP Web IDE) is a next-generation cloud-based
meeting space where multiple project stakeholders can work together from a common web interface,
connecting to the same shared repository with virtually no setup required. It includes multiple interactive
features that allow you to collaborate with your colleagues and accelerate the development of your
HTML5/UI5 applications.


In this How-To Guide we will see how to install SAP Web IDE locally for trial on a Windows machine. For
this example we are using a PC with Windows 7 Pro 64bit.



Some prerequisites:


A copy of the SAP Web IDE installation package. You can get it from here: you just need to fill the
form with your data and follow the instructions.


This is the sequence of steps:

1) Download and install Java
2) Download and install the required software
3) Configure and start Eclipse Orion
4) Connect to a remote system
5) Connect to an external Git repository

H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)


Download and install Java

In order to run Eclipse Orion you need to have a JVM installed on your PC. You need to have at least
version 6. Unfortunately, version 8 is still not fully supported.
1. To check your JVM version you simply need to open the Windows terminal and run the command
java -version. If you get this

then it means that you dont have any JVM installed. If you have already a valid JVM you can skip this
2. In order to download a JVM you can go to Java SE downloads: you just need a JRE.

3. Once downloaded the executable file, launch it and follow the instructions. The version we are
downloading in this example is JRE 7 release 72, but any other newer release of version 7 should be
fine. As I said, at moment Java 8 is not fully supported. Alternatively you can download the SAP JVM,
but for that you need to perform a manual installation of it.
4. You have successfully installed Java

H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)


Download and install the required software

You need to download 3 packages:

Eclipse Orion: its a web based version of Eclipse
Eclipse Director: its a tool that allows you to install some further components into Eclipse. It works
from the command line
SAP Web IDE installation zip
1. Download the Eclipse Orion package at
2. Download Eclipse Director package at
3. Download the SAP Web IDE installation package from SCN to your local hard drive. The file you
download is something like Once you have extracted it, you will find
a file named This is the SAP Web IDE installation package

4. Create a new folder on the C drive named SAPWebIDE

H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)

5. Extract the Eclipse Orion package in C:\SAPWebIDE

6. Extract the Eclipse Director in C:\SAPWebIDE

7. At the end, you should have the following folder structure

8. Open terminal

H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)

9. Go to the C:\SAPWebIDE\director folder

10. Run this command in order to install the SAP Web IDE package into Eclipse Orion:
director -repository jar:file:/<location of the downloaded zip file>!/ -installIU -destination c:\SAPWebIDE\eclipse
NOTE: if the path to the downloaded zip file contains spaces, you need to wrap the entire path
with double quotes (i.e. jar:file:C:\Users\path with some spaces\Downloads\
In our example, the complete command is
director -repository jar:file:C:\Users\Virtual\Downloads\!/ -installIU -destination c:\SAPWebIDE\eclipse

11. You have successfully installed your local copy of SAP Web IDE
12. Should you need to uninstall, you can use the command
director -uninstallIU -destination

IMPORTANT!!! : If you need to install a new version of SAP Web IDE, you have first to uninstall
the previous version and then install the new one.

H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)


Configure and start Eclipse Orion

Choose the menu option File -> New -> Project

Before starting Eclipse Orion, lets change the port of the Orion server by modifying a parameter in the
configuration file.
1. With Windows Explorer go into the Eclipse Orion folder. Lets change the default Eclipse Orion port
from the standard 8080 to 9090. This is an optional step, but since there could be other software
running on that port, its a best practice to change it.
2. Double click on the file orion.ini

3. Locate the line -Dorg.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.http.port=8080, change the port number to 9090

and save the file

H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)

4. Double click on the Eclipse Orion executable to start it

5. Click on Run if you get this message

6. Click on Allow access when you get this message


H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)

7. You will get a new terminal window like this: dont close it!

8. Open your Internet browser and type http://localhost:9090/webide/index.html

9. The Eclipse Orion home page will be loaded. Click on Create a new account


H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)

10. Enter the required information and click on Sign up

11. Your local SAP Web IDE will be loaded

12. You have successfully started your local SAP Web IDE
13. Should you need to close SAP Web IDE and Eclipse Orion, close first the browser page containing
SAP Web IDE and then select the console that Eclipse Orion opened when you started it up. Type the
command close and then hit ENTER. Confirm to close it by pressing y


H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)


Connect to a remote system

Now that we have configured our SAP Web IDE, we might also want to
connect it to a remote system to get some data.
There are basically 4 ways to do it and for a couple of them you need to
create a special destination file, which gives to SAP Web IDE all the needed
connection information.
In particular, we might want to connect to a generic OData source or to an
ABAP system. Lets give a look to how we can create the destination files for
these two connection methods.

Choose the menu option File -> New -> Project


Connecting to a generic OData source

Lets suppose we want to connect to the public sample gateway system
You can get more information and register to it by going to the page Getting started with the SAP
Netweaver Gateway Service Consumption System.

1. Open terminal
2. Type
cd C:\SAPWebIDE\eclipse\config_master\service.destinations\destinations

3. Type
echo #ServiceDestination > ES1


H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)

4. Type
notepad ES1

5. Append the following lines to the file:


6. Save the file


H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)

7. Close SAP Web IDE, if it was already open, and restart it. You will probably need to sign again in
Eclipse Orion

8. Create a new project (i.e. a new SAP Fiori Starter application),

9. At the step 3 - Data Connection you can do the following:
a. Click on Service URL
b. Select the es1 destination
c. Enter the path to the resource (it will be concatenated with the URL specified in the
destination). In this example we can use /sap/opu/odata/IWFND/RMTSAMPLEFLIGHT/
d. Click on Select
e. After entering the credentials for accessing the gateway system, you will get the list of the
available OData entities

10. You can click on Next and continue with the project creation


H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)


Connecting to an ABAP system

Instead, if you want to connect to an ABAP system, you need to create a different kind of destination.
Lets suppose you want to connect to the GM6 ABAP system ( in
order to consume some OData for creating a new Fiori app or for extending some existing ones.
Furthermore you want also to execute some other SAPUI5 applications. We need to pass this
information to the SAP Web IDE and the way to do it is through the destinations additional property
WebIDEUsage; we need to specify in this property the three usages we want to have with this
destination: odata_abap (for consuming OData), dev_abap (for extending existing Fiori apps) and
ui5_execute_abap (for executing SAPUI5 apps). Please refer to the official SAP Web IDE
documentation to get more information on this.
NOTE: Please notice that GM6 is an internal SAP system, so you might not have access to it.

1. Open terminal
2. Type
cd C:\SAPWebIDE\eclipse\config_master\service.destinations\destinations

3. Type
echo #ServiceDestination > GM6

4. Type
notepad GM6


H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)

5. Append the following lines

Description=GM6 HTTPS destination

6. Save the file

7. Close SAP Web IDE if it was already open and restart it. You will probably need to sign again in
Eclipse Orion


H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)

8. If you start creating a new project you should be able to see your remote server in the list

9. Enter your credentials for GM6

10. You should be able to see the list of services provided by that system


H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)


Connect to an external Git repository


Since you need to pass through a proxy you cannot access your Git repositories. For this you need to do
some configuration. First of all you need to configure the orion.ini file to allow the SAP Web IDE to pass
through the proxy.
Choose the menu option File -> New -> Project

1. Close SAP Web IDE and exit from Eclipse Orion as explained at step 13 of 4.3
2. Go in the C:\SAPWebIDE\eclipse folder with Windows Explorer
3. Double click on the orion.ini file to open it in the editor

4. Add the following lines to the file, just after the -vmargs line.
-Dhttps.nonProxyHosts=<hosts to be excluded from proxy>

In our example its


H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)

5. Save the file

6. Restart Eclipse Orion and reopen SAP Web IDE
7. You need now to configure the account settings for the SAP Web IDE Git Client. Click on Tools Git

8. Provide your account information and click on Update


H2G Install SAP Web IDE locally for trial (Windows version)

9. You have successfully configured your Git client with a proxy. You can test it by simply going to File
Git Clone Repository

10. Enter the name of a repository you want to clone in your environment, provide your credentials and
click on OK

11. The project has been cloned successfully


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