International Business Q Bank Prof Bharat Nadkarni Sept 2014

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International Business

(Prof Bharat Nadkarni)
Question Bank
1. Describe Raymond Vernons Product Life Cycle theory of international trade and explain why
an innovator and exporter has to turn importer at later stage (maturity stage) of PLC.
U S of America is the highest exporters and highest importers in the world. Elaborate
your explanation with the help of Raymond Vernons Product Life Cycle Theory of
International trade.
2. Define Globalisation and describe the stages in the evolution of Global companies. Explain
with examples, the driving and restraining forces of globalization.
3. State the characteristic features of Transnational Economy, as explained by Peter Drucker.
4. Describe various Entry strategies in International Business with examples.
5. Define Multinational Corporation (MNC). Explain the merits and demerits of Multinational
Corporations. Critically examine the role of MNCs in the international economy.
6. Explain the forces influencing competition in an international business?
7. A firm which plans to go international has to make a series of strategic decisions. Elaborate
with examples.
8. Explain why the need to export is crucial and describe the institutional framework to promote
exports in India.
9. What role Business Ethics and CSR play in globalization? How will it help Organisations in
Sustainable Business?
10. Why is FDI important for host and home country? Discuss the FDI environment in India in last
20 years. Also suggest how to increase inward FDI.
11. Discuss the contemporary theories of International trade with suitable examples. How can the
Porters Diamond model of competitive advantage be used to assess competitive advantage for
India for Cotton Textiles or Agro based products ?

12. WTO aims at removing non tariff barriers and reducing tariff barriers. If so, critically
evaluate achievements and problem areas which WTO has to encounter in order to succeed in
the above objective.
13. State general agreements incorporated in WTO and discuss their impact on Indian industry and
trade with special focus on sectors.
14. Discuss any two of the international issues:a.

Intellectual property rights.

Purchasing power parity.
G 20 and impact on Indias foreign trade.
Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status Advantages and Disadvantages
Environmental Concerns.

15. Any indigenous organization has potential to become global organization in todays business
environment. Explain sequential steps which are prerequisites to emerge as global corporation
with practical illustrations.
16. Discuss the economic, cultural, social, political and technological environment of international
business as it prevails today. Draw lessons for Indian companies wishing to go global.
17. Which are the key environmental factors relevant to International Business? Explain each
factor with examples.
18. Logistics in International Business has made a world a global village. Comment.
19. Mergers & Acquisitions are the quickest routes to go global. What are the merits and
demerits of M & A.

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