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Computer Assignment 2015

Std VIII : L : 4,5 8and 9

Second Semester

Fill in the blanks:

1. The websites can be viewed by anyone connected to the internet.
2. HTML is the main markup languages for creating web pages.
3. Hypertext is the method by which you move around on the web.
4. There are some tags which do not need a closing tag, they are called
Empty tags.
5. The value of the attribute should be put in double quotes.
6.All web pages that you see on the internet use html to format its break.
7. A header element typically contains the sections heading
8. The <hr> tag defines a thematic break in an HTML page.
9. td stands for table data and holds the content of a data cell.
10.Anchor tag defines a hyperlink.
11.Smart card are credit and debit cards and other card products
12.Online newspaper are also known as a web newspaper
13.A social networking service is a platform to build social netwprk or
social relations
14. An Internet booking engine is an application which helps the travel and
tourism industry support reservation through the internet
15. Software copyright is used by proprietary software companies to prevent
the unauthorized way of their software.
16.The other name for computer security is IT security.
17.Companies are launching more Lawsuits to prevent software piracy.
18.The ethical issues about storage of personal information are now
becoming an ever increasing problem.
19.Computer security also includes protection from unplanned events and
natural disasters
Write True and False
1. The tags appear when you view your page through a browser.(False)
2. The <title> element can contain the whole text of the document. (False)
3. Tags are the words between the < angle-brackets>.(True)
4. HTML is a Language, as it has code-words and syntax like any other
language. (True)
5. The <header> is same as the <head> element.(False)
6. The <header> element doesnt introduce a new section but is the head of
section. (False)

7. A <td> tag can contain text, links images, lists, forms other tables, etc.
8. You can only draw a grey horizontal lines in an HTML document. (False)
9. IBE is an application which helps the travel and tourism industry support
reservation without the internet.(True)
10. A social networking service is a platform to build social networks or
social relations among only some people.(False)
11. HTML documents can contain many different kinds of information only
as text. (False)
12. Online newspapers are much like hard-copy newspapers and have the
same legal boundaries. (True)
13. E-commerce, is a type of industry where buying and selling of product
service is conducted over electronic systems. (True)
14. Copyrights are given usually for unlimited time(False)
15. Net crimes can become a threat to nations security.(True)
16. Copyright is not an enactment by government. (False)
17. Software piracy is authorized buying of software. (False)
Multiple Choice Question (MCQs)
1. HTML consists of a series of short codes called
a. commands
b. Tags
c. syntax
d. List
2. An HTML document starts with the
a. <HTML> element b. <Head> element
c. <Body> element
d. All of these
3. the part of the web page that you actually see in the main browser window
is enclosed within
a. <P>.</P>
b. <Body></Body>
d. Both b and c
4. <Title> tag is enclosed within
a.<HTML> b.<Head>
c. <Body> d. <BR>
5. The size of header element (<hn>) ranges from
a.1 to 5
b.1to 16
d. 1to 4
6. The <font> tag has _____ attributes
d.No attribute
7.The tag used to define a break in an HTML document is
c. <P>
d. None of these
8.The attribute of the anchor tag is
a. Src
9. Advantages of E-commerce are

a. Lower cost b. Enables Group

c. Takes more time
d. Both a and
10. Which of these is not a social networking site
a. Facebook
b. Google
c. Twitter
d. Orkut
11. Automatic identification of a product by a computer can be done with
the help of a
a. Electonic check
b. Barcode
c. ATM
d. None of these
12. The protocol used for common communication (talk to each other) over
a network is
a. IP b. HTTP
c. FTP
13.Unauthorized copying of software is called
a. Copyright b. Software Piracy c. Software privacy
14. Computer security is also Known as
a. IT Security b. Internet Security
c.Network Security
d.Both b and c
Write one word for the following:
1. What is the extention for an HTML Document?
Ans: html or htm
2. The tags which do not need an end tag.
Ans:img or table(Empty tags)
3. Give the tag used to end an HTML document.
4. Where can an HTML document be viewed?
Ans: Internet Explorer
5. It changes the size of the characters.
Ans: Font size
6.The attribute of<a> tag.
Ans:<a href> </a> hyper reference file
7. The attribute to add colour to a line.
Ans:<hr color=red>
8.The tag to insert pictures in html.
Ans:<img src= path>
9. Name any two sites for news
Ans: Hindustan times and NDTV
10. Name any two social networking sites
Ans: Twitter and Facebook
11. Name any two sites for reservations
Ans: IRCTC (railway) and IBE
12. Name any two technologies of e-commerce

Ans: Email and EDI

13. A mode of e-commerce in which consumer posts his project with a set
budget online
Ans: B2C and C2C
14.What is ethics in computer.
Ans: Ethics in computer storage of personal information
15What is internet privacy required for?
Ans: personal information.
16. What is meant by a reliable protocol?
Ans: Recipient(S)
17.What is copywrite.
Ans: Copywrite is a legal concept
18. What do you mean by software piracy?
Ans: permission
Short answer questions
Q1: What does HTML stand for ?
Ans: HTML stand for Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a computer
Language used to create web pages and websites.
Q2: What is the purpose of a web browser?
Ans: Hyper Text Markup Language(HTML) is the main markup language
for creating web pages that can be displayed in a web browser.
Q3:What are the two parts of an attribute?
Ans: The two parts of an attribute are name and a value.
Q4: What is the use of a closing tag?
Ans: Closing tag is used so that effect of particular tag is not applied on
other text.
5. What is src?
Ans:Src stands for Source
6.What do you mean by an empty tag. Give two examples
Ans: In HTML, images are defined with the <img>tag. The<img> Tag is
empty which means that it contains attributes only and has no closing tag.
7. What is the use of the alt attribute?

Ans: The alt attribute provides alternative information for an image if a user
for some reason cannot view.
8.Discuss tables in HTML.
Ans: A table is divided into rows (with the<tr>tag) and each row is divided
into data cells(with the <td> tag). Td stands for table data and holds the
content of a data cell.
9. What is meant by electronic forms?
Ans: Electronic forms is a technology that combines the familiarity of paper
forms with the power of storing information in digital form . Imagine an
ordinary paper form, a piece of paper with lines, boxes, Check-off lists, and
places for signatures.
10. What is internet?
Ans: The Internet is a decentralized global network of millions of diverse
computers and computer networks. The Internet is a tool for
communications between people and businesses. The network is growing
very fast and as more and more people are gaining access to the Internet, it is
becoming more and more useful.
11.Explain B2C.
Ans: Businesses selling to the general public typically through catalogues
utilizing shopping cart software.
12.What is e-commerce?
Ans: Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, is a type of
industry where buying and selling of product or service is conducted over
electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.
13. What are the modes of e-commerce?
Ans:Modes of e-commerce are
1. B2B(Business-to-Business)
14.Write the advantages of e-commerce.
Ans: Advantages of E-Commerce
1. Overcome Geographical Limitations

2.Gain New Customers With Search Engine Visibility

3. Lower Costs
4. Locate the product Quickly
5.Eliminate Travel Time and Cost
6.Provide Comparison Shopping
7. Enable Deals, Bargains, Coupons, and Group Buying
8. Provide Abundant Information.
15.What is the difference between a reliable protocol and an unreliable
Ans: A reliable protocol is one that provides reliability properties i.e it
provides true information which follows the rules. Unreliable protocol
provides notifications to the sender which does rules are not followed
16. What are the two rights protected by the internet protocol?
Ans: The two rights protected by the internet control are:
The right to freedom of expression and
The right of privacy.
17. Name some hardwares, consider safer for storage of data and why?
Ans: Devices such as dongles, drive locks, or disabling USB ports, or CD
ROM drives may be considered more secure & very easy to carry without
any cables.
18. Write some common types of software piracies.
Ans:Some common types of software piracy include counterfeit
software(main software), OEM unbundling, softlifting, hard disk loading,
corporate software piracy(office software piracy), and Internet software
piracy(global software piracy).
19. What is cyber warfare?
Ans: Internationally , both governmental and non-state actors engage in
cybercrimes, including espionage(to obtain secret information), financial
theft, and other cross-border crimes. Activity crossing international borders
and involving the interests of at least one nation state is sometimes referred
to as cyber warfare.

Long answer questions

Q:1Write the basic structure for an HTML document.
Ans: Every Web page has certain HTML tags that give them the same basic
structure this structure helps you begin to built your own HTML pager
HTML tags:- the <HTML> and <?HTML> basic HTML tags which appears
at the beginning and end of a text document.
Document Title:-you can add a title to your HTML document to help people
search your web page.
Body:- The noticeable content that makes up your web page including
paragraph ,Lists, Tables and images lives in the body of your HTML
Q:2Write the steps to create and save an HTML document.
Ans: We can use word processor or a text editor to create a web page start
the text editor or word processor that you will use to create a web page.In
this chapter start with Notepad.
Step to creating and saving HTML Document:
1. open notepad and type the text that you want to appear on the web page.
2. Check for any spelling and grammar errors in the web page.
3. Click on file in the menu bar.
4. Click on Save or Save As to Save the web page,
The Save As Dialog box Appears.
5. type a name for your document with the extention *.htm or *. Html.
6. Click here to navigate to the folder wher you want to store the page.
7. Click on save as type:- box to see list of the wys by which you can save
the web page.
8. Click on save:- Notepad saves the page.
3.What are hyperlinks? How would you in clued them in an HTML
Ans: A hyperlink or link is a word, group of words, or image that you can
click on to jump to another document <a href= Url> Link text </a> The
href attributr Specifies the destination of a link Example <a href =>Click here</a>. Some important websites for kids

4.What is the use of <img> tag? Also discuss its attributes?

Ans: In HTML, images are defined with the <img> tag. The <img> tag is
Empty, which means that it contains attributes only, and has no closing tag.
To display an image on a page, you need to use the Src attribute. Src stands
for Sourc. The value of the Src attribute is the URL of the image you
want to display. For example, <img src= url>.
5. Explain the ordered and unordered list.
Ans: A list of items that are marked with bullets is called an unordered list.
The list starts with the <UL> tag and each item in the starts with the <LI>
The following code illustrate the use of <UL> and <LI> tag:
<HI> useful Animal products </H1>
<LI> milk </LI>
<LI> eggs and meat </LI>
<LI> leather</LI>
<LI> wool and silk</LI>
<LI> Honey, wax and lac</LI>
The list that is marked with numbers is called an ordered list. The list starts
with the <UL> tag and each item in the lists starts with the <LI> tag. The
following code Illustrates the ordered lists:
<HI> parts of a computer </H1>
<LI> Hardware </LI>
<LI> Software</LI>
On running the above program you will get the output as shown.

6.Discuss payment systems of e-commerce.

Ans: Systems of Payments in E-commerce. Here are some of the payment
modes in e-commerce:
1. Credit card: We want to purchase a product or service the credit card
organization will handle this payment like and other.
2.Smart card: The chip can store significantly greater amounts of data.
3.Digital or electronic cash: Transmitting a number from one computer to
4.Electronic checks: Electronic checking systems such as pay Now take
money from users.
5.Electronic wallet: This is a payment scheme, such as Cyber cashs
Internet wallet, That stores your credit card numbers on your hard drive in
an encrypted form.
7.Discuss the various other facilites provided through internet.
Ans: Internet facilitates the option of providing online news. There is an
option for making online reservations which eases the job of various
reservations, like travelling, hotels or event tickets. Social networking sites
have become popular way to establish social relations.
8. How privacy is a major concern while using internet.
Ans: When millions of internet users put their personal information on net
than it is possible that hackers may expose their personal information &
even misuse it.
9. Differentitate between software piracy and copyright.
Ans: Software piracy and copyright
Software piracy
1. It is the unauthorized copying of
1. Copyright is a legal concept.
2.Use by only one user at any time.
2.It usually for a limited time
3.It tried to stop software piracy by
3. Proprietary software license user.
copy-protecting their software

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