Farmer'S Sickle, Sofa, Palanquin

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Sickle a tool associated strongly to the common man

Sofa a luxury of the rich or powerful
Palanquin a luxury of the powerful

Using the farmers sickle, give authority to a common man to slice off the sattra as
per his needs keeping in mind the hierarchy of the sattra in terms of power.
Hierarchy Sattradhikari

The top hierarchical entities are situated in the centre of the sattra

Sattradhikaris house, museum (a space showcasing the history of the top

hierarchical entities)
1) As a protest or a reaction to that, the common man would like to place a part
of his daily activity in the centre of the sattra rangmanch.
Rangmanch is a space where the common man or the lower hierarchical
entities get to display their daily activities and the slightly different culture
that they have when compared to the higher hierarchical members.
Museum and rangmanch can be clubbed together as their core function is the
same and that is to display. Museums are a passive space while a rangmanch
can be made active.
Slicing the museum in such a way that the passive space of it can be
combined with the active space of the rangmanch and the slice itself
becomes the transition space between the passive to the active.
2) Sattradhikari house: - common man would like to see more of the leader of
the sattra. Also out of respect he would like to make improvements in the
house for the sattradhikari.
Sattradhikaris house:
Verandah semi public, semi open space utilized for informal meetings.
Living room private space, closed.
Study room private space, closed
Bed room private space, closed
Temple - private space, closed
Kitchen - private space, closed
Guest room - private space, closed (used by guests)
Bathroom - private space, closed

Toilets - private space, closed and located outside

Verandah is the space where the lower hierarchical mass of the sattra get to
meet the sattradhikari.
Provision of a semi open space for the meetings to take place can increase
the encounters between the sattradhikari and the masses. Events like
pravachans, meetings with visitors, etc can take place in this space.
Take the private spaces to a level away from the provision of the semi private
verandah space to give more privacy to the leader.
Private spaces kitchen, temple, bedroom, study room, bathroom, toilet,
living room. Slice all the private spaces and then elevate them in such a way
that they make provisions for the pravachans to take place efficiently.
3) The bridge:
When looked from a lens further away from the sattra, we can see that the
sattra itself as an entity lies in the top hierarchical region when compared to
the villages that surround them.
This hierarchy is catalyzed by the bridge which acts as a medium for the
hierarchy to take place.
It connects the region of the local masses to the region of the divine, region
of commotion to the land of peace and calmness.
Region of spiritual unrest to the region where you can minimize them.
So in accordance to that, the project revolves around slicing the bridge in
such a way that provisions and spaces are created to help the travelling
masses pass from a land of unrest to that of the calmness.

Old wooden frame structure, rammed earth stage, brick masonry sittings, wooden
trusses over stage, steel trusses over sitting area.
Two types of dances women, men. East side>shopkeepers house, west side>3
shops>books, literature, handicraft, utilized during raas (November), bihu,etc.
(very occasionally).
Propmaker stays near the rangmanch after 3 houses. Three middle aged men.
Dancers practice for raas in the namgarh.
Props are of bamboo framework, covered with hay and then painted.
There is a room filled with costumes near the rangmanch.
The stage for raas is properly decorated with proper lights and curtain provisions.
Sound instruments are placed in the niche on the stage.

The bridge is sliced in such a way that each chop accommodates the three
programs and also maintain an easy transition between each of them. The three
programs being:
1) An open market (on top of the bridge)
2) A closed controlled market (mid level)
3) An introduction to the sattra w.r.t common mans views (lowest level, ramp)
Open market market that exists even today. Dense w.r.t. human population. Space
is inversely dense. Huge crowd collection.
Closed controlled market market selling goods made by the people of sattra,
under the administration of sattra. space is more dense, and the human pop is less
denser as compared to the above level.
Introduction to sattra display various things that the common man of the sattra
have achieved. Raas (props, photographs), paintings, etc The lowest level and the
ramp is the most densest space, which is able to isolate the human self from the
crowd and allowing the self to concentrate himself with the nature and a bit of
sattra (w.r.t common man)

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