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II. Identification: Identify the area of psychology as referred to by the

following statements.
1. This area deals with the relationship of brain functioning and behavior,
the psychological effects of brain damage, and its psychological intervention.
2. It deals with the clinical assessment, diagnosis, and the treatment of mental
disorders with the use of psychological methods.
-clinical psychology
3. Traditionally, this deals with normal or moderately maladjusted individuals.
-counseling psychology
4. This area deals with how man behaves in his interactions with others taking
into considerations his perceptions, attitudes, values, and traits.
-social psychology
5. This area is concerned with the teaching- learning situation and conducting
studies for the improvement of measurement and evaluation as well as relationship
in the corporate world.
-educational psychology
6. This area is involved in the screening of job applicants, training, and evaluation
of job performance.
-industrial-organizational psychology
7. This area is concerned with the interrelationship of the mind, body behavior, and
health, as well as the promotion of health and prevention of illness.
-health psychology
8. This study is a specialty area of Clinical Psychology. It deals with the relationship
of psychology and the law.
-psychology and law
9. This area is concerned with the scientific study of the biological basis of behavior.
10. This area is interested in exploring mans mental processes, his learning and
his thoughts, ideas, and beliefs.
-cognitive psychology

LO2___Neurological Basis of Behavior

I. True or False
1. Dendrites are highly reactive substances that damage cells in the nervous system.
2. A synapse is an area on a neuron that has been destroyed by MS.
3. The pituitary gland releases a great variety of hormones that can stimulate activity in
glands of the endocrine system.
4. Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter that can have an inhibitory effect in the
5. The receptor cells called cones play a key role in daylight vision and color vision.
6. Testes produce the hormone testosterone in men.
7. Cerebellum does the coordination in the body so that the task to be done can be
If the cerebellum is damaged, movements become uncoordinated.
8. Corpus Callosum allows the transmission of impulses from the right brain to the left
brain and vice versa.
9. Genes have been found to show no relationship with understanding human behavior.
10. The limbic system is concerned in different emotions which include fear, anger, and
related to sexual behavior.
LO3___Human Development
Select the best answer.
1. What area in psychology is concerned with the study of the principles of
human development?
A. Neuropsychology
B. Development Psychology
C. Social Psychology
D. Forensic Psychology
2. This involves examining the developmental changes in relation to age..
A. Longitudinal design
B. Cross- sectional design

C. Experimental design
D. Correlational design
3. This involves observing different groups with different developmental
A. Longitudinal design
B. Cross- sectional design
C. Experimental design
D. Correlational design
4. This refers to the inherited physiological, emotional, intellectual, and social
characteristics that make up the individual
A. Environment
B. Genes
C. Attribute
D. Heredity
5. This refers to the external force that influences the individual
A. Environment
B. Genes
C. Attribute
D. Heredity
6. If you put something to the infants mouth, it would right away suck on it.
What kind of reflex is shown?
A. Rooting reflex
B. Sucking reflex
C. Moro reflex
D. Autonomic reflex
7. This development of motor skills is from inside (center of the body) to
A. Sensorimotor principle
B. Concrete principle
C. Proximodistal principle
D. Cephalocaudal principle
8. In this stage of cognitive development, children acquire object permanence
and symbolic thought.
A. Sensorimotor stage
B. Preoperational stage
C. Concrete operations
D. Formal operations
9. In this stage of cognitive development, children are capable of conservation.
A. Sensorimotor stage
B. Preoperational stage
C. Concrete operations

D. Formal operations
10. Sarah is an adult who thinks abstractly of different things around her. She is
believed to be at this stage of cognitive development
A. Sensorimotor stage
B. Preoperational stage
C. Concrete operations
D. Formal operations
11. This developmental theory mainly focuses on sexual themes
A. Piagets Cognitive Stages of Development
B. Ericksons Psychosocial Stages of Development
C. Kohlbergs Moral Stages of Development
D. Freuds Psychosocial Stages of Development
12. According to Freud, this is a condition where a child fails to resolve a conflict
of a particular stage
A. Libido
B. Fixation
C. Aggression
D. Regression
13. This developmental theory focuses on the examination of information
processing of an individual.
A. Piagets Cognitive Stages of Development
B. Ericksons Psychosocial Stages of Development
C. Kohlbergs Moral Stages of Development
D. Freuds Psychosocial Stages of Development
14. This is the psychosocial stage where adolescents know and understand who
they are
A. Identity vs. Role Confusion
B. Industry or Inferiority
C. Intimacy vs. Isolation
D. Integrity vs. Despair
15. Elderly people have a tendency to feel dissatisfied with their lives and will
perceive their lives as empty. This psychosocial stage refers to
A. Identity vs. Role Confusion
B. Industry or Inferiority
C. Intimacy vs. Isolation
D. Integrity vs. Despair
16. This is the conflict among elementary school age in Ericksons Psychosocial
Stages of Development
A. Identity vs. Role Confusion
B. Industry or Inferiority
C. Intimacy vs. Isolation

D. Integrity vs. Despair

17. This refer to the stage where the child can differentiate what is good from
bad and what is right from wrong, though the rules being implemented by the
parents or significant adults
A. Preconventional
B. Conventional
C. Postconventional
D. Formal
18. The moral development at this stage will be significantly re-shaped, remoulded, re-transformed
A. Preconventional
B. Conventional
C. Postconventional
D. Formal
19. What is this condition among women where cessation of menstruation and
ovulation happen?
A. Menopause
B. Andropuase
C. Regression
D. Progression
20. This developmental aspect is greatly influenced by social and cultural
A. Moral
B. Cognitive
C. Sexual
D. Social

LO4___The Sensory System

1. What do you call the process of knowing material, concrete stimuli through
the external senses?
A. Perception
B. Sensation
C. Retention
D. Realization
2. It involves the sense of taste
A. gustation
B. audition
C. olfaction

D. cutaneous
3. What element or condition of perception refers to any aspect of the world that
influences our behavior or conscious experience?
A. Stimulus
B. Receptor
C. Transmissor
D. Brain center
4. What element or condition of perception refers to the bundles of nerve fibers
that convey sensory messages or impulses from one neuron to the next?
A. Stimulus
B. Receptor
C. Transmissor
D. Brain center
5. What color has the longest wavelength?
A. Blue
B. Purple
C. Violet
D. Red
6. Without , human vision will be impossible
A. Light
B. Color
C. Perception
D. Wavelength
7. The sense organ for vision
A. Nose
B. Retina
C. Skin
D. Eye
8. This involves the stimulus for hearing the sound waves emanating from the
source of the sound such as the voice of the teacher or music being played
A. Visual
B. Auditory
C. Sensing
D. Olfactory
9. This involves sensation with chemical substances in the gaseous state
A. Visual
B. Auditory
C. Sensing
D. Olfactory
10. What element of sound is being referred by the pitch?

A. Complexity
B. Tempo
C. Frequency
D. Intensity
11. Which of the following is the receptor for gustatory function?
A. Optic nerves
B. Taste buds
C. Olfactory nerves
D. Cochlea
12. The following are sensations that belong cutaneous sense EXCEPT:
a. touch
b. pressure
c. pain
d. sight
13. This refers to the sense of movement
A. Somatosensation
B. Stereognosis
C. Kinaesthesia
D. Lateral fissure
14. This refers to the touch sensations
A. Somatosensation
B. Stereognosis
C. Kinaesthesia
D. Lateral fissure
15. What do you call the receptor for warm sensation?
A. Free Nerve Endings
B. Krauses Corpuscles
C. Ruffinis Endings
D. Proprioceptors
16. What do you call the receptor for kinaesthetic sensation?
A. Free Nerve Endings
B. Krauses Corpuscles
C. Ruffinis Endings
D. Proprioceptors
17. This term refers to blindness
A. Anopsia
B. Anacousia
C. Anosmia
D. Ageusia
18. This term refers to deafness

A. Anopsia
B. Anacousia
C. Anosmia
D. Ageusia
19. This term refers to loss of olfaction
A. Anopsia
B. Anacousia
C. Anosmia
D. Ageusia
20. Which of the following does NOT belong in the list below?
A. Cerebellum
B. Medulla
C. Pons
D. Nasal passage

1. This is the process of creating meaningful patterns from raw sensory
A. Sensation
B. Perception
C. Accommodation
D. Learning
2. What nature of perception is shown in the following example: homosexuality
may be a taboo in one society and acceptable in the other.
A. Perception provides and justifies subjective reality.
B. Perception is also not constant between people or even within a person.
C. Perception is the influence of your own personal characteristics and
D. Perception creates meaningful patterns from raw sensory information.
3. What nature of perception is shown in the following example: many Filipinos
desire to gain height as evidenced By TV commercials and stores offering a
whole array of supplements.
A. Perception provides and justifies subjective reality.
B. Perception is also not constant between people or even within a person.
C. Perception is the influence of your own personal characteristics and
D. Perception creates meaningful patterns from raw sensory information.

4. What theories state that there are different rules our mind follows in creating
our interpretations of the world we live in?
A. Gestalt
B. Freudian
C. Piagetian
D. Foucauldian
5. What theory states that images we see and focus on in the world are figures,
while those blurred in the background or in our peripheral vision are ground?
A. Figure- Ground
B. Similarity
C. Closure
D. Proximity
6. What theory suggests that objects in our environment are grouped together
and perceived as one entity based on similarity?
A. Figure- Ground
B. Similarity
C. Closure
D. Proximity
7. What theory states that we tend to see a whole and complete image even if it
is not because some parts are missing
A. Figure- Ground
B. Similarity
C. Closure
D. Proximity
8. What theory suggests that humans group entities in the world based on
nearness in space or distance?
A. Figure- Ground
B. Similarity
C. Closure
D. Proximity
9. What theory suggests that humans see whole, uninterrupted figures even if
parts of them are cut off and unseen?
A. Closure
B. Proximity
C. Common Fate
D. Continuity
10. What theory suggests that seeing objects move in the same direction, at
almost the same speed, we perceive the entire group of these objects as a
unified whole?
A. Closure
B. Proximity
C. Common Fate

D. Continuity
11. The Rubin Vase is an example of
A. Figure- Ground Perception
B. Common Fate Perception
C. Closure Perception
D. Proximity Perception
12. This refers to seeing objects as having constant shape, size, and color
regardless of changes in perspective, distance, and lighting
A. Perceptual Constancy
B. Common Fate Perception
C. Auditory Consyancy
D. Optical Illusion
13. People's perception of a particular object's size does not change regardless
of changes in distance from the object. What type of perception is this?
A. Size constancy
B. Shape constancy
C. Distance constancy
D. Color constancy
14. Mario sees the figure as a triangle regardless of the angle of his view to the
object. What type of perception is shown in this situation?
A. Size constancy
B. Shape constancy
C. Distance constancy
D. Color constancy
15. The brightness or darkness of a room does not change the perception of
intensity of what we look at. What type of perception is this?
A. Size constancy
B. Shape constancy
C. Distance constancy
D. Color constancy
16. Categories of perception that enable one to walk through this threedimensional world without bumping into a wall or each other
A. Depth and Distance
B. Motion
C. Size and shape
D. Color and hue
17. We perceive ____ using certain cues in the environment as well as through
the natural movements of the eyes.
A. Depth and Distance

B. Motion
C. Size and shape
D. Color and hue
18. What do you call perceptions that are formed even if they are based on
sensations that do not go above the absolute threshold
A. Extrasensory perception
B. Imaginary perception
C. Delusional perception
D. Subliminal perception
19. This is defined as sending or receiving information beyond normal sensory
A. Extrasensory perception
B. Imaginary perception
C. Delusional perception
D. Subliminal perception
20. This refers to being able to communicate with another person using only the
A. Telekenesis
B. Telepathy
C. Precognition
D. Clairvoyance

LO6___Altered States of Consciousness

Select the best answer.
1. Defined as a state of our awareness when we do not have a full grasp and
apprehension of all the stimuli in the
environment that are acting on our senses.
A. Consciousness
B. Meditation
*C. Altered State of Consciousness
D. Hallucination
2. During REM sleep, though you are sleeping, your mind is in an active mode. What
does REM stand for?
A. Restful Eye Motion
B. Rapid Eye Muscle
C. Restless Eye Movement
*D. Rapid Eye Movement

3. When your mind is active, in a state of arousal or mental alertness, the brain waves
active are
A. Alpha waves
*B. Beta waves
C. Delta waves
D. Theta waves
4. What NREM stage is described as light sleep?
*A. Stage 1
B. Stage 2
C. Stage 3
D. Stage 4
5. Stage 2 of NREM sleep includes the following characteristics EXCEPT:
A. Body temperatures diminishes
B. Heart rate slows down
*C. Sleep goes the deepest level
D. Sleep spindles in brain waves
6. Somnambulism is more commonly known as
A. Sleeptalking
B. Nightmares
C. Sleep apnea
*D. Sleepwalking
7. What sleep disorder gives a person difficulty in sleeping or staying asleep?
*A. Insomnia
B. Hypersomnia
C. Sleep apnea
D. Narcolepsy
8. According to Freud, this is the dreams hidden meaning.
A. Manifest content
*B. Latent content
C. Real content
D. Freudian content
9. According to Freud, the following statements are true about dreams EXCEPT:
A. A dream is a form of wish fulfillment
B. Dreams may contain unacceptable impulses or wishes not acceptable to the ego.
C. Dreams operate on two distinct levels of consciousness
*D. Dreams are just like what we are thinking in everyday life.
10. Which of the following defines what a lucid dream is?
A. a dream with unusually clear meaning
B. what Freud called a "latent" dream
*C. a dream where you know you are dreaming
D. a type of nightmare
11. An altered state of consciousness during which an individual is placed under a
control of someone who influences his behavior.
*A. Hypnosis
B. Meditation
C. Sleep deprivation

D. Hallucination
12. All of the following describe as hypnotized state EXCEPT:
A. Suggestibility is increased
B. Attention becomes less focused
*C. Ability to plan stops
D. Enriched fantasy is readily evoked
13. The following are beneficial effects of hypnosis EXCEPT:
*A. Enhancement of memory
B. Relaxation
C. Relief from pain
D. Enhanced quantity of dreams
14. This is the practice of focusing attention.
A. Hypnosis
*B. Meditation
C. Sleep deprivation
D. Hallucination
15. Techniques used in this practice include activities such as repetitive chanting and
breathing exercises.
A. Hypnosis
*B. Meditation
C. Sleep deprivation
D. Hallucination
16. This is associated with an increase in alpha and theta brain waves, and physical
indicators of relaxation such as slowed pulse and breathing.
A. Hypnosis
*B. Meditation
C. Sleep deprivation
D. Hallucination
17. What kind of drugs stimulates the central nervous system?
*A. Stimulants
B. Depressants
C. Hallucinogens
D. Inhalants
18. What kind of drugs causes sensory and perceptual distortions?
A. Stimulants
B. Depressants
*C. Hallucinogens
D. Inhalants
19. The following are examples of stimulants EXCEPT:
A. Nicotine
B. Caffeine
C. Cocaine
*D. Alcohol
20. This state includes sensory or perceptual experiences that happen without any
external stimulus.
A. Hypnosis

B. Meditation
C. Sleep deprivation
*D. Hallucination
Select the best answer.
1. What is called as a relatively permanent change in behavior or behavior potential
caused by reinforced practice and experience?
A. Conditioning
*B. Learning
C. Acquisition
D. Maturation
2. Which of the following shows learning as translated into performance?
A. Appreciation of French arts
B. Memorization of the preamble
C. Rote learning
*D. Riding a bike
3. What behavioral theory on learning asserts that our behaviors are changed using
manipulation of stimuli?
*A. Classical conditioning
B. Operant conditioning
C. Cognitive learning
D. Social learning
4. What element of classical conditioning automatically produces an emotional or
physiological response?
A. Conditioned response
B. Unconditioned response
C. Conditioned stimulus
*D. Unconditioned stimulus
5. Which of the following evokes an emotional or physiological response after being
*A. Conditioned response
B. Unconditioned response
C. Conditioned stimulus
D. Unconditioned stimulus
6. The following are features of classical conditioning EXCEPT:
A. Stimulus- Generalization
B. Discrimination
C. Extinction
*D. Retrieval
7. Which of the following theories works with using pleasant or unpleasant
consequences to control the occurrence of behavior?

A. Classical conditioning
*B. Operant conditioning
C. Cognitive learning
D. Social learning
8. According to Skinner, what is called as any consequence that strengthens a
A. Readiness
B. Reward
*C. Reinforcer
D. Token
9. What type of reinforcer is related to basic needs?
*A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Positive
D. Negative
10. Which of the following causes a release from an unpleasant situation to strengthen
A. Primary reinforcer
B. Secondary reinforcer
C. Positive reinforcer
*D. Negative reinforcer
11. The following elements comprise the formula for reinforcement EXCEPT:
A. Prompt
B. Response
*C. Interference
D. Reinforcement
12. Who pioneered the study of cognitive processes in learning?
A. Ivan Pavlov
B. B.F Skinner
*C. Edward Chace Tolman
D. Albert Bandura
13. What is called as the mental representation of our environment such a maze?
*A.cognitive map
14. What is characterized by mechanical learning through repetition and memorization?
A. understanding
B.discovery learning
*C. rote learning
D. social learning
15. Which of the following is applied when your professor teaches you possible
solutions to a
problem and gives you freedom to utilize the best option available?
*B.discovery learning

C. rote learning
D. social learning
16. Mr. Parker is a person with enough attractiveness and perceived credibility who
the attention of his fans. According to Social Learning, he may be considered as a ___.
A.cognitive map
17. What learning theory is also known as observational learning?
A. Classical conditioning
B. Operant conditioning
C. Cognitive learning
*D. Social learning
18. The following are four processes that determine if you will be influenced by the
models behavior.
Which does not belong to such group?
*A. Desensitization
B. Attention
C. Retention
D. Motivation
19. Complete this statement: While operant conditioning works with ____ behavior,
classical conditioning works with ____ behavior.
A. Reflex-voluntary
B. Ideal- model
*C. Voluntary-involuntary
D. Involuntary- voluntary
20. Tommys father rewards his achievements in school by giving him new gaming
software. What view of learning is exhibited?
A. Classical conditioning
*B. Operant conditioning
C. Cognitive learning
D. Social learning
Select the best answer.
1. Which of the following memory functions refers to converting information into
a useable form?
*A. encoding
B. retrieval
C. storage
D. retention

2. Which if the following memory functions refers to taking memories out of

A. encoding
*B. retrieval
C. storage
D. retention
3. Which of the following memory functions refers to holding information in
A. encoding
B. retrieval
*C. storage
D. retention
4. This is characterized by a conscious effort in encoding and retrieving
information from our environment.
*A. explicit memory
B. implicit memory
C. iconic memory
D. echoic memory
5. Raymark noticed that there was something wrong on the photo after suddenly
remembering a previous experience.
Which type of memory was used in this scenario?
A. explicit memory
B. implicit memory
*C. iconic memory
D. echoic memory
6. You saw your friends female classmate for the first time yesterday and can
hardly remember her face after
trying to form a mental image of her looks. Which type of memory is best referred
to by this example?
A. explicit memory
B. implicit memory
*C. iconic memory
D. echoic memory
7. Which type of sensory memory involves auditory comprehension?
A. explicit memory
B. implicit memory
C. iconic memory
*D. echoic memory
8. This is said to be responsible for filtering out the information we sense in the
environment that are of no
use and transfers those pertinent ones to short- term memory.
A. visual attention
*B. selective attention
C. focused attention
D. distracted attention

9. Which of the following retains small amounts of information for a few seconds
or less than 30 seconds?
*A. short-term memory
B. sensory memory
C. long- term memory
D. declarative memory
10. Toru was able to remember her girlfriends contact number by dividing the 11
digits into three groups.
Which of the following is practiced by Toru to retain this information?
A. rehearsal
*B. elaboration
C. selective attention
D. chunking
11. Students often say certain concepts aloud and have it repeated for many
times to retain those pieces of
information in preparation for exams. Which of the following is shown in this
*A. rehearsal
B. elaboration
C. selective attention
D. chunking
12. Which of the following is a mental storage where we keep our knowledge and
experiences for a relatively permanent period of time?
A. short-term memory
B. sensory memory
*C. long- term memory
D. declarative memory
13. Which of the following does NOT belong in the group below?
1. declarative memory 2. episodic memory 3. working memory 4. procedural memory
A. 1
B. 2
*C. 3
D. 4
14. Which of the following is NOT an example of a procedural memory?
A. riding a bike
*B. knowing the name of your best friends mother
C. knowing the steps in cooking Adobo
D. brushing your teeth
15. We are used to learning the rainbow colors by remembering the word
ROYGBIV, which stands for red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Which of the following recall strategies is
used in this scenario?
*A. mnemonics
B. rehearsal
C. memory cues
D. spaced practice

16. What condition involves the complete loss or inability to recall previously
saved information?
A. retrieval
B. recall
*C. forgetting
D. encoding
17. Lawrence has forgotten the lesson in Law because he failed to accurately
commit the concepts in his memory in
the first place. Which of the following is shown in this situation?
*A. encoding failure
B. memory decay
C. cue- dependent forgetting
D. interferences
18. All the experiences that go between reviewing stage and testing situation are
called _____.
A. encoding failure
B. memory decay
C. cue- dependent forgetting
*D. interferences
19. This is a condition when memory traces become weaker or fading.
A. encoding failure
*B. memory decay
C. cue- dependent forgetting
D. interferences
20. If Marren is drunk and forgets where his car is parked, it will be easier to recall
the location if he gets drunk
again. Which of the following is best referred to by the situation?
*A. state-dependent learning
B. interferences
C. memory disuse
D. mnemonics
LO9___Motivation and Emotion
Select the best answer.
1. This refers to the experience of feelings such as fear, joy, surprise, and anger, which
also activates and affects behavior?
A. drive
B. motivation
C. feeling
*D. emotion
2. Which of the following theories on motivation viewed motivated behavior as an
attempt to reduce an unpleasant state of tension or arousal?

A. Arousal Theory
*B. Drive- Reduction Theory
C. Instinct Theory
D. Incentive Theory
3. Which of the following theories suggests that each individual has an optimum level of
arousal that varies from one situation
to another and over the course of the day?
*A. Arousal Theory
B. Drive- Reduction Theory
C. Instinct Theory
D. Incentive Theory
4. Nilo was motivated to study for the course for he believes that this could greatly help
him in practical aspects.
What type of motivation was shown in this situation?
*A. extrinsic
B. intrinsic
C. reinforced
D. explicit
5. This refers to a serious eating disorder associated with an intense fear of weight gain.
*A. Bulimia Nervosa
B. Paranoia
C. Anorexia Nervosa
D. Dehydration
6. American people may not be motivated to eat some of the Filipinos exotic dishes and
vice versa. What factor in
hunger closely explains this situation?
A. Biological
*B. Cultural
C. Eating Disorders
D. Arousal
7. Hunger is primarily regulated by two regions in the hypothalamus. What factor in
hunger closely explains this view?
*A. Biological
B. Cultural
C. Eating Disorders
D. Arousal
8. Which of the following refers to the direction of an individuals sexual interest?
*A. sexual motivation
B. sexual behavior
C. sexual orientation
D. sexual acquisition
9. Which of the following refers to the humans primary drive that motivates reproductive
which is vital to the survival of the species?
A. sex
*B. arousal

C. drive
D. instinct
10. Kaoro, a university student, is happy to be a part of an organization that supports his
in Astrophysics. Which level in Maslows hierarchical model is best referred to by this
A. Physiological needs
*B. Biological needs
C. Safety needs
D. Belongingness needs
11. The following concepts refer to the components of emotion EXCEPT:
A. cognitive
B. physiological
C. behavioral
*D. paranormal
12. Which of the following theories of emotion states that the environmental stimuli bring
on physiological
changes in our bodies that we interpret as emotions
A. Cannon-Bard Theory
B. Cognitive Theory
*C. James- Lange Theory
D. Instinct Theory
13. Which of the following theories of emotions states that the processing of emotions
and bodily responses
occurs simultaneously rather than one after the other?
*A. Cannon-Bard Theory
B. Cognitive Theory
C. James- Lange Theory
D. Instinct Theory
14. Which of the theories of emotion states that the situation that we are in when we are
aroused- the overall
environment- gives us clues that help us interpret this state of arousal?
A. Cannon-Bard Theory
*B. Cognitive Theory
C. James- Lange Theory
D. Instinct Theory
15. Mrs. Dalloway suddenly raised the volume of her voice to call the attention of the
rowdy group of boys in her
class. This also showed her anger with the said situation. Which of the following
nonverbal form of communication
is best showed in this situation?
*A. Voice Quality
B. Facial Expression
C. Personal Space
D. Explicit Acts

16. Which of the following nonverbal forms of nonverbal communication of emotion

refers to the distance that people
maintain between themselves and others?
A. Voice Quality
B. Facial Expression
*C. Personal Space
D. Explicit Acts
17. What is the idea behind Abraham Maslow's famous hierarchical theory?
A. to preserve Maslow's theory forever
*B. as one takes care of basic needs, the "higher needs" become more relevant
C. the road to enlightenment consists of many small steps
D. it was a sort of temple or meeting place for his students
18. The James-Lange or "body reaction" theory of emotion proposes that...
A. you feel emotion, then a bodily reaction
*B. you react with your body first, then you feel emotion
C. the somatic nervous system is the seat of emotion
D. emotion is adrenalin plus context
19. A person eats a very rich meal. In the biological perspective, what normally happens
A. body temperature rises
*B. hunger drive increases
C. body temperature falls
D. extreme sleepiness
20. Satiety is apparently caused by multiple factors. Which of the following though is
typically the most influential factor in terms of food?
*A. food reaching the bloodstream
B. food reaching the large intestine
C. food being transformed into glucose in the bloodstream
D. food lingering in the stomach
Select the best answer.
1. Personality can be all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual
B. Personality is the distinct pattern of behavior, thoughts, and feelings that characterize
a persons adaptation to life
*C. Personality is a permanent change in behavior or behavior potential caused by
reinforced practice and experience.
D. Personality is the more or less stable and enduring organization of a persons
character, temperament, intellect and physique which determines his or her unique
adjustment of the environment

2. Which of the following approaches in studying personality emphasizes the

importance of unconscious process and their influence on the individuals personality
*A. Psychodynamic Approach
B. Humanistic Approach
C. Trait Approach
D. Behavioral Approach
3. Which of the following approaches in studying personality explains consistent
behavior patterns as the result of conditioning and expectations?
A. Psychodynamic Approach
B. Humanistic Approach
C. Trait Approach
*D. Behavioral Approach
4. Which of the following approaches in studying personality gives emphasis on the
concept of self-acceptance and self-actualization?
A. Psychodynamic Approach
*B. Humanistic Approach
C. Trait Approach
D. Behavioral Approach
5. Which of the following approaches in studying personality attempts to learn what
traits make up personality and how they relate to actual behavior ?
A. Psychodynamic Approach
B. Humanistic Approach
*C. Trait Approach
D. Behavioral Approach
6. According to Freud, this operates on the demands of the pleasure principle.
*A. id
B. ego
C. superego
D. consciousness
7. Mila was caught cheating during exam but still blamed her classmates for the said
act. Which defense mechanism was shown by her action?
A. Repression
B. Sublimation
*C. Displacement
D. Denial
8. Alden Jerome is known for diverting sexual impulses from its original focus to any
person other than himself. Which defense mechanism was shown by his action?
A. Repression
B. Sublimation
*C. Displacement
D. Denial
9. Grisham devoted his painting skills to abstract arts, while diverting his aggressive
tendencies. Which defense mechanism was shown by his action?
A. Repression
*B. Sublimation

C. Displacement
D. Denial
10. Sigmund Freud considered the super-ego as
A. the agent of adaptation
*B. an internalization of parental values
C. the primary process
D. the "engine"
11. Why did Adler call sublimation "the healthy defense mechanism"?
*A. it provides a harmless but pleasant change of mood and emotion
B. it is the result of higher education
C. it protects the ego from damage
D. it benefits humanity
12. Using Jung's theory, a "wild man" professional wrestler would be seen
as an expression of ...
*A. the id
B. the anima
C. displacement
D. the "wild man" archetype
13. Which of the following theories is considered a humanistic approach in explaining
A. Analytic Psychology
*B. Individual Psychology
C. Psychoanalytic Social Theory
D. Person- centered Theory
14. This views human nature with optimism and proposes that man is motivated by
different needs.
*A. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
B. Rogers Person- centered Theory
C. Jungs Analytic Psychology
D. Adlers Individual Psychology
15. Bandura had to teach himself, part of the time, in high school. He said this helped to
teach him the power of...
A. self-efficacy
B. reinforcement
C. the ego
*D. social organization
16. Which of the following is a condition where individuals are considered unstable,
highly emotional and can easily
become upset or frustrated over minor things?
A. extraversion
B. introversion
*C. neuroticism
D. psychoticism
17. This theory consists of neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and
A. Personological Trait

B. Six Personality Trait

C. Dimensions of Personality
*D. Five Factor Model
18. Which of the following is NOT a usual quality of an introvert person?
*A. outgoing
B. quiet
C. reserved
D. reflective
19. Which of the following methods in assessing personality involves a face-to-face
interaction between the psychologist
and the individual?
A. Projective Tests
B. Personality Traits
C. Behavioral Observation
*D. Interview
20. Which of the following methods of personality assessment doesnt rely on selfreports, and gives a good idea of the
range of a persons behaviors, but it is expensive and time consuming and open to
A. Projective Tests
B. Personality Traits
*C. Behavioral Observation
D. Interview
LO11___Stress and Health Psychology with Background on Abnormal Psychology
Select the best answer.
1. This refers to any attempt we make to cope with a stressful situation, balancing our
needs against the demands of the environment and the realistic possibilities available to
*A. adjustment
B. homeostasis
C. aggression
D. effort
2. Which of the following sources of stress is usually brought by major life events in
ones life?
A. life changes
*B. everyday hassles
C. individual difference
D. peer pressure
3. This is a feeling that one must speed up, intensify, or change the direction of ones
behavior or live up to a higher standard of performance.
A. frustration

B. conflict
C. avoidance
*D. pressure
4. The woman denied a job promotion may agree a less desirable position that
doesnt require branch office experience, or she may strike a bargain to go to the
branch office for a shorter time. Which of the following types of coping best reflects this
A. confrontation
*B. compromise
C. withdrawal
D. denial
5. Which of the following involves acknowledging a stressful situation directly and
attempting to find a solution to the problem?
*A. confrontation
B. compromise
C. withdrawal
D. denial
6. Ivan, a college freshman, feels he doesnt fit in at the college he chose so he
preferred to transfer to another school. Which of the following ways in coping with stress
is shown in this scenario?
A. confrontation
B. compromise
*C. withdrawal
D. denial
7. Which of the following is NOT a physical reaction to stress?
*A. restlessness
B. upset stomach
C. rapid pulse
D. shortness of breath
8. Inability to concentrate, loss of self- confidence, and insecurity are examples of this
type of reaction to stress.
A. physical
B. psychological
*C. behavioral
D. developmental
9. Which of the following is an example of a physiological response to stress?
*A. release of hormones from the adrenal gland
B. display of aggressive behavior
C. unfounded or baseless fears
D. feeling of personal inadequacy
10. Which of the following is characterized by episodes of anxiety, sleeplessness, and
nightmares resulting from some disturbing event in the past?

11. Which of the following theories states that psychological disorders are the result of
learning maladaptive ways of behaving?
A. biological model
B. psychoanalytic model
*C. cognitive- behavioral model
D. systems model
12. Which of the following theories states that psychological disorders are a symbolic
expression of unconscious mental conflicts that generally can be traced to early
childhood or infancy?
A. biological model
*B. psychoanalytic model
C. cognitive- behavioral model
D. systems model
13. This is characterized by disturbances in mood or prolonged emotional state.
*A. mood disorders
B. anxiety disorders
C. personality disorders
D. sexual disorders
14. Which of the following is the most common mood disorder, wherein a person feels
overwhelmed with sadness and displays symptoms such as excessive guilt or feelings
of worthlessness?
A. psychosis
*B. depression
C. mania
D. bipolar disorder
15. What is a typical symptom of schizophrenia?
A. nightmares
B. an obsession with cleanliness
C. excessive "checking"
*D. hallucinations
16. Which is NOT a typical symptom of mania?
A. bursts of activity
*B. persistence
C. intense emotions
D. a "flight of ideas"
17. What is always found in cases of OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder)?
A. hallucinations
B. excessive concern with cleanliness
C. forbidden wishes
*D. irrational impulses
18. What is most likely to be associated with a depersonalization disorder?
A. killing someone without guilt
B. elective mutism
C. delusions
*D. feelings of unreality
19. What are two primary symptoms of the antisocial personality?

A. guilt and pride

B. anger and aggression
*C. amorality and impulsiveness
D. hatred of society and willingness to take action against it
20. Which of the following is NOT among typical symptoms of ADHD?
A. easily distracted
*B. mean or aggressive to other children
C. difficulty playing games according to the rules
D. moves about excessively during sleep

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