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MAY 1977 (ous swunoss seonees OL an i i dad | TAON JO MNVS ALINNOAS ve nok enios oF 9 01 woot ABpLiNg pur OT 2 6 1 aepinges niyy Repuow odo “peed oTyaueoN yo 15008 y8nf PLOY OTF Z WO PAYLOOT 8.,8M, OUIM peyloduil yg OWSeWwop 490q Bey ‘19}SqO] CAL I sdiyo sepeyg “onby) eBeyoed 8 OLS ,ALUVd || ol AWIL GOOD » SUBOT JUSUIOAOKILU] @LUOH | no peo BO snag Bb) pB,0 ays Kp vii-tona Wok AAvi i Jenes-ABs0uz| uo sopes | i @@ ‘09 SISA leony LOLOL GYE samu sueruvay vo ai WS Mop 03 savior, sod QZ 45 NOSSHT AVLIND ANOAD §auuayo ose 5 DIS IC IONY ann Loyd 07 100A uy sp ec a 240 1.007 HOI mare aang iQ 0h sO 01020 MED OR m4 “Jandy Buchmann Jeanne Michalak Chreulal pager Viginia Simpson Beinuing Co = kedlitors Collating & Stapling Ginny Sherman ‘Trudy Austin Margaret Busivell Charles: Buswell Art_Work ‘inn Stine Children's Pagos ayaa Van Renterghom ‘The (Habland Lakes Herald shall be the offietal dusignated news media of the Hii! Lakes Condoninium Assocation, serving all residents, groups and organizations. ‘The Association and Lts Bourd wetter conttol nor aro rngponsthle for the contents of the Herald ‘putt for: the olffelal subiakseione of the Association, AN matettad submited for teluston tn the Herald must be true and {aetual, newsworthy and of gen~ feral interest. The editor reserve the: right to hold {tens frow publication pending validation of facts. In eases where Hems are of a ertttcal for controversial natine, the ealitor reserves the Halt te hold ap pablteathess until be wes have oo te tephy 20) ooababal subnatted mast be sane. signatures: WAIT oe wth pan eee The futtortals, 91 there are any, telleet the opin Jone of the stall and nol that of the general romborship of the Assoetation. Nu suatenal will bee accepted for Lneluston fn the lupcomlng Issue alter the 25th ef the month. Exception will be made only tn cases where the Intorieation 18 extremely 4 Wo the waders, In the coming ‘The editor and periods of mo, so Jom 08 they produce a paper which complies with the editorlal polfcy. All Iettors to the editor, questions, comments , want ads, ete. are to be placed tn the Harald hox in the Clubhouse. Al communications should be in writing and yresonted 21 his manner unless the caus fs an extreme emerge Hcy and in such ease you may pone a statf member at home. Happy Mother’s Day ! By Sandy Racha april showers bring May Slowars, and In this blooriing month of Luv year, we colebrats Mother's Day. though out observance of Mother's Duy is Httle more than, Soult 2 century ol, the origin of this day dates back te times belore the birth of Chttst he is the cage In many of our holidays, Mother's Day ts rooted fn varly rvlsatous practices. The ancient Romans had spring festivals duticated to mother goddesses Sepecially to the goddess Cybele, Tt was Lusically the worshiy of the “feminine priniple of tie" as contrasted to honoring of out tinnexitate mothers « ater in time, Chifetiane eubetituted! the: pagan ractice of hoy ering Cybele, by dedicating a day to the veneration of Mary, the Motler of God. It baeame 2 ay 1 Tatiich the poo, le visite’ the church of their baptism. Parishioners would come and bring alfts and offerings to the Mother Church to deuonstrate ther devotion. ih tingland, { the date ls uncertain } #t became customary for young men and woinen who had apprenticed themselves out to Jobs, to come home on "Motherkua Sunday, * ringing food and elfts for thelr mothors. This custom proceded futo the 1th and L centuries where the children would retuen to thelr homes on this diy ~ aga betngtr Cakes and flowers. Thore would be a general celebration tn which the whole farihy Gttonded church. There would then he dinner of roast veal or Tonils, dusty whic the mother would be toated as queen of the feast tho founder of Mother's Day in ovr country was Aina M Jarvis. FE seems some~ what lronte that Miss Jarvis never had children of hee own and was, in fact, a spinster tuoughout her Life. However aho was vory devoted to her own mother, the dauaiiter of ‘4 Methodist ininister in Grafton, Wast Vingnka "Two yoars after the mother's death ts) 1905, Anna Jarvis: hes taking steps instituting a Mother's Pay. Reportedly, she was coneomned about the treatment of tet hy their adult children. She began a jetter writing campaign to eons {and other Influentlal people in hopes of gaining support for her cause, Anna's project was successful, ‘The first obgervanes of Mother's Day wat held West Virgiala in 1908 at Grafton Church. the ehurch service was hiekd in honor of Anna Jarvis's own mother. Thor,dy actuallty, an wecasion honoring all mothers as we observe today. ‘Camations have become the traditfonad flower ln conjunction with Mothe:'s Day ‘Thus fs because the camstion a? particular favorite of Mise jurvis's mother. In time, the white carnations that are worn oF displayed en Mothor's Day came to symbolize respect paid to 4 deceased mother, while red earmations pay homage to the: Living. There fs a sad note to the story of Anna Jarvis. Instead of natrlaye, she chose to take care of hor own mother for years. After the mether's deatlt, she took on the fesponsibility of caring for her blind sister. In time, Miss Jarvis became disillusioned with her own creation. She could not accept the “cotmercialisiy™ which roplaced what was originally a primarily religious observance. Her personal Iife gradually Goteriorated. Her sister died, she lost her property, and Mies Jarvis began to lose her sight as well, In 1944, she was iJ] and without money. She died at a sanitarfum in West Chester, Pennsylvanta in 1948. ‘We, however, can be grateful for her efforts. The feeling of love and reverence for the one responsible for our being 4s deeply rooted in us all. In what ever way you celebrate this day, may it bo filled with the spirit of joy and happiness! a won, nunisters Highlan club News (Our meeting on April 21st, whlck was hosted by Lottie Nelon was so exetth and there should be a lot of attractive women around Highland Jakes aica due le Pat Hann and the House of Glamour In fe Plymouth. Tat tnstrueted us on hould be applied to make us Ieok our best. fsma Chel ais} ont wted radiant when Pat completed har make: fargaret Hake and Tosn Wess alr cut and styled by two hair stylists, Sandy and Jon, and the results were very complimentary to them ie day berore the niweting, on McCutchan had a full day at the House of Glamour Salon w fiers they had persone! facials, the complete works. They looked Lovely and glowing at the meeting. They also modeled dresses from New Gal in ‘Town Dress Shop that is located next door to the House of Glamour Salon, Queaticas were answered on halr styles and maie-op during our Coffee and Cookies break. Taose who did not attend misiaed w really delightful meeting (On May Sth, we to show us how to hosted by Kay Ru to teach us how only # doe tray 3 el ne front the Stathee shop ob Mymenath dry flowers and woed's to put tn attractive arrancemnts Member pain Man fpal Estate. | 9563 Mariner Ct, Highland Lake Coudenions i aed B B) “Gift buying gotting te bea chore? FSZELO 4 i wee etd. «packed, i ji] witht good Aasta~ethes ging, a NS Wl whole “new experience? sonny (or tee pee os every tone) Ask your neighbors about our sumptuous cheese trays! ; CheeseeWine Barn { Northville Syuare 1 UpperLevel-Behind sheEsedlater “euperienced in yo a | tS On8O anid. conden Halng Thpe Tro The, bane Masten (itfetine member of Bass Anglons Sportsman Socsety ) by Touts Zimostrad 1. Chango your fishing line, start tho now soason off with Frosh Une, preferably a wll known brand Line, 2. Cloan and oll your reel, most any good tuekIn shop enw maker ainald ropes for you, smd if big repatrs are needed, they van Inform you whee to get liens dene. 3. Chock the Mine quides (eye Jets) on your rod for snags or qruavin, HT amy ate test filo them away with a fine file, or roplaco thom. 44 Check the wrap around }ine that hold your Hine gules: te he vod, a coupes Eoats oF ‘clot nail polish wil) cure most loose or slightly frayexl waap avounila, 5. Loam to flsh one lake well, before trying te master other Jake 6, Loam to fish the threo (3) most productive batts: ‘A. Safety Pin Spinner Batt B. Crank Batt = Alphabet Lue ©. Plastic Wonn All of the baits wil} produce Buss 7. Remember, Bass Season doos not opon this year unIM May Zi. five Hhougit the ‘ae biting now, it 4s against the LAW to koep thom. Also, this 4 yotting eos to th ‘time whon Bass start looking for a place to spawn, Hf yext kenp o kill thas © won't have any to catch years from now. Silver Springs (Curtis Take) is only aboot wwenty arron, Vwe Fbthed Silver Springs Last year and this year, and have fount sinall population of Haas, but Ive yot to keep one Bass from out lake. T release most of the Bass 1 catch, and kéop only what my family eat. There ss also a good Blue Gill population, and no elosod season, but a limit of (25) a days 1 be glad to answor any questions you may havo on Bass fishiuy, Drop your questions Off for the Bass Master at the Clubhouse Jn cate of the Highland tckos Herald } goa Fishing and Light Winds to all, MAY PROGRAMS AT THE NORTHVILLE LIBRARY mhe six wives of Henry VIII" in two one-hour sogments Is this month’s feature for senior citizens. ‘The fim, which is based on the television series of several years ago, will be shown on Thruselay, May 19 and May 26 at 2:00 P.M, AL age groups are welcome to the program, which will be held In the vacant store next to the Vital Foods store on the lower level of the Northville Square mall. Those w h to attend should ragister at the library or by calling 349-3020, Roots Beqlaning Tuesday, May 2, the libratios of Northville and Plymouth aru Jotntly presenting the film series, *Roats! the same episodes which were atved on tole: vision in Januaty will be shown at they Dunntin= Hough Libtary in Plymouth over a aeven week potiod. Tho programs will all begin at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesdays through June 14. All segments last two hours, except tho fourth and alxth episodes, each of which 18 one hour Length. Admission is free and there is no aved to reg- ster. The Dunning-Hough Libraty te Joonted at 223 S, Main St. in Plymouth. DR MARTIN J LEVIN Optometmist 348-1330 Northville Square Hard Ex Goft Contact Lenses Adult Gs Child Eye Examinations aa We have so very much to olfer you! Free home color consul Hou: aw Puller O'brien paknt fas well as custom color mix- ng Custon winwow shades, a Well 35 the new wood vencer shades. And we have a decoratiny consultant to assis you with all your derorating needs. Plus, a wlio selection. of wall ideas Including mirors, pleture., clocks and places Wo're at 107 *, center Stroat, North- ville on Me. fuesdays, Wednos: days 9.10.5. 00 says and Fridays 9 to 9, Saturdays ie. We discount all wallpaper 10% to 25%. Custom dra perles comnts the look. 349-7110, ONE RESIDENTS OPINION REGARDING THE GARBAGE BINS Thave just re-read the Manager's File in the last Herald, and just reviewed the responses to the opinion survey, and find {t Interesting to compare the views of a non-resident to those of the resicients..there is quite a discrepancy! I for one am very glad that so many osidents took the time to express their opinions. Many havo safd thal no-one roally cares ‘of would take the time to respond Lf they were given the opportunity, lt IN] responses: sean to prove them wrong. ‘Tearing out the bins appeared on the surface to offer a solution to the rodent problom, but firmly beliove that it would only lead to worse problems in the long nim. My wife and T recently moved to Highland Lakes from an apartment complex that provided no raceptaclos for residents to use for rubbish, and the mess we had was TERRIBLE. We felt that the bins provided here, despite their drawbacks, were a definite advantage over curbside deposit. AL it took was one or two people setting out early, or one oF two acttve Jocal animals tearing at the bags, and the area resembled a Junkyard. ‘the problen hecame especially. ‘acute dusing the summer months, when resi lonts wero most unwind t keep rubbleh stored in their own units. I can’ sympathize with those with youngster, who do not want to keep ditty diapers and such stored away until trash pickup day! Wo pay 0 considerable amount of money for the maintenace services here, and we do not always see the results of out expenditures. Iam not convinced that the maintenance stall ‘n conjunetion with the removal sorvice and residents, have an over-whelming problem in maintaining the bins. If our manager spent the tme 10 assure that the removal service prop: etly did its job, including periodic cloantny of the bins, they might net altract rodents as much, Lat us re-examine the alternatives... 1t has been stated that the costs to ropatr the bis 19 too high, as much as $2 belws heeded for each board. ven with the sing cost of lumbor, I fine if difficult to belie that we cannot buy them at a more favorailo price in quantity. ‘the management. he proposed that the usable hoards from bins tom.down be made avaliable to residents for repairs, for that $2 price per hoard T understand. T find that haid to accep fence Replacing wooden bins with brick bins might cost more inittally, ‘ut would likely reduce the ongoing maintenance costs. This might bea very attractive Tong tenn selution; Dumpsters are not favored by meny.reaidanta, ave to thesr unsightly appesrancs snd ‘odoxiferous nature, I eoncury ; “Tearing the bins out 4s a shert term solution that has many poteittal problems Th experiences of other comploixes may be'a reference point, but doos not guaranteo like results here, It will only take 4 fowcarcless or inconsiderate poople to ervate a vrob- Jem far worse than those wo face now, It would be interesting to allow one or two courts where a majority favor ramoval to try this for a test period, prior to subjecting the unwilling majority to the experiment, 7 Continured on next page ATTENTION TENNIS PLAYERS! ‘Tho 2nd Annual Highland Lakes Mixed Doubles ‘Tennis League is set to go. Everyone is wel- come! ALL persons wishing to play must ston tip by May 16th. You can sign up at the club house, ‘oF by calling 349-8625 or 349-5912 . ‘There will be an important meeting to discuss the Teague, ite set-up and to explain the rules. Please attend if you can, Its at 8:00 p.m. ‘Tuesday, May 10th. ‘The league 48 open to all, reganiless of whether you're a pro or a beginner, You need not have f pattner to sign up. SPECIAL REQUEST ‘The Horeld would like to make a special re~ quest of Highland Lakes Residents. It is im portant that the merchants who advertise in tho Herald realize how much of their business: is brought in by Highland Takes people. 7h advortisenonts in the Herald are what suppor .s the paper, Without our advertisers ~ there would be no Herald, as we know it. There would be the published board minutes and possible Club News, only. Therefore, it 1s Very important to encourage our advertisers by Jatting them know that thelr money spent on advertisement in the Herald 1s worth the cost At times, we can all help in this endeavor by mentioning to a store-owner that we saw his ad inthe Herald, In this way, wo can con~ tinue to have an interesting and informative paper each month, Sandy } RT PereeTeTeeeererrriryy| { D READY To SERVE Yu PERSONAL EVTTINGS POR BOTH Med g kamen FP 3677. Dow rowdy MOTH LUE Five Stan SERVICE HUBERT REALTY sere counts vou Lr ‘0 Go OF NES EM APPA ‘eet tuanehie ree ENS 1930 sian _ LAAT AAR ARES y 4 4 g 4 4 4 Arvernorannnanrannnnunl Your resident JUGULAND LAKES HANDYMAN you need $8 Dick Mersiom = 249-0127 for the bath* | Call him first for plumbing problems = leposals ~ leaks ~ noisy tollets ~ hhumldtfiers ~ hot water heaters ~ Or for electrical matters ~ door ehimes = Lighting fixtures ~ apslfance repair ~ Or miscellaneous sini tke basement Choose trom exquisite selections! 4 Most Complete Bah Shop tn Michtgon shelves ~ floor tile ~ doorwall Soren replacement ~ storndoors = window problems ~ traverse rods ~ Complete Selection of floor aqueaks ~ boles in the walt plumbing supplies, fixtures (/ FANCY BATH BOUTIQUE ong: division Long’s Plumbing Co| 190 E.Main St, Northville 349-0373 fon.-Thura 9-8:40, Pel; 9-9 sat. Closed Sunday [SPRING INTO SUMMER SAt LARGE SELECTION OF EARLY SPRING. FASHIONS TO ENJOY NOW AND THRU. THE WARM WEATHER AHEAD... 25% 50% reouctions wallpapering & painting by Lou reasonable rales WEeKL FABHON HOS wi EcaDy st. f PLYMOUTH HILTON seam ree estimates pas 9:20:30 Daly CLAMOIGGERS- FARMINGTON, ‘980000 Friday, cnytime ONE RESIDENTS OPINION REGARDING THE GARBAGE BINS (Contimiee One solution, not previously discussed at great dapth, would be to allow the residents of gach court to take responsibility for their own bins. One of the recently elected Board mem: bers proposed that resiconts willing to contribute thelr labor to fling up things be granted a credit towards their maintenance fee. Why not have each court talee on the task oF she repairs, with a ofodtt being granted tu those who participate? Whatever courts nol willing to participate could then be handled by the maintenance crow. ‘this idea was tiled to sone extent on Leidal Court last year, with very good ragults at low cost to the residents. A few People got together and added rodent-barriers to the bottom of tho bin, and virtually ellmet= hated the skunk problem in the area. With the investment of a few more houra work ced sone paint the bins could be made quite presentable. might also be a good opportanity te get te know some of your neighbors as you work together, and thus centrliute 2 lot mote te the ‘uality of our community. LETS GIVE IT A TRYIN Michal C, Mile 41905 Letdet Court i me en Freydls MEN'S & WOMEN'S STORES 112-118 E, Main St. Northville | aso Prompt Dry Cleaning Service * ALTERATIONS * SHIRT LAUNDRY ‘We Ovis & oparate OF Own Phin. 349-0777 i ‘Al Work Bone on Our Premises tower Lael eine Nowe Thurs te ‘hi ow HIGHLAND LAKES CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION DIREGTORY ADDRESS: 20301 Silver Spring Drive Northville, Michigan 48167 Phone: 349-4006 DIRECTORS: President: Jack VanDam Vice President: Robert Russell Secretary: Dorothy Gay Michael Wilson Patricia Pezanowski ‘Thomas Pegan Robert Gartwright ‘Treasurer: Edmund Valdukaitis MANAGING AGENT; Community Management Company 23875 Nosthwestern Highway, Suite 200 Southfield, Michigan 48075 Phone: 383-1360 On-Site Manager: Dan McAfee (349-4006) RESIDENT STANDING COMMITTEES & CHAIRPERSONS: (Phone numbers available at the Clubhouse) Ground Bruce Aumann Insurance Stan Felthouse Recreational Vehicle: George Wardrip Human Relations warna Roberts Engineering: Bob Pezanowski Pool & Recreations: Mary Lou Golen Finance Beverly Mills Highland Herald: Jeanne Michaleki/Sandy Bachmann Social: Chuck Key WHO TO CONTACT: (Whenever possible address your inquizies in writing) Fixe, Accident, Theft, Traffic Violations, Stray Animals, Etc, Northville Twsp, Police Phone: 459-1700 Association Foo Billing Problems Community Management Phone: 353-1360 External Maintenance Problems Mgr. in Clubhouse Phone: 349-4006 Emergency Problems when Clubhouse is closed (Sewers, Btc.) Community Management Phone: 353-1360 Questions or Suggestions - Contact the Manager, Committee Chaixperson, or Board fof Directors, depending on the situation, Additional Information: 455-5550 Ta-2222 Michigan State Police ‘Wayne County Road Patrol Sete te He te He oe He te He We HE HE Fe ee He Hee Be Highland Lakes Yacht Club News First HL. yacht club race. All residents welcome! Date: Moy 15 0 Entry fee: $4.00 Place: Swan Harbor Lake, Time at the end of Silver Spring Drive. totter tty tsk For more information, cali Bert Sass - 348-4939 Sotctotictotciok tok totck dette ttt tea week kkk C&L WINDOW INSTALLATION We Service Ida Windows Replacement glass & screen for patio doors & windows. Patio’ door hardware & wooden door handles Combination storm windows Combination storm doors Combination basement storm windows...window balancers. 6000 Brockway Union Lake, Mich. 48085 call = 363-5160 MANAGER'S FILE Highland Lakes is never going to Took the way it was originally intended or the way each of us would like it to look. That is, not until each and every resident starte showing a little concern for the subdivision as a whole. Every resident hag a basement and a back patio in which to store toys and bicycles, Yet there are toys scattered all over the common elements and stored on front porcher. Highland Lakes is surrounded by large open and unlandseaped areas, Why is it, then, that pet owners cannot walk their pets to these areas? Instead these pets are allowed to run loose on the common elements unattended and their owners {do not clean up after them, How about all that traeh blowing around the subdivision. Some of it is dropped by the rubbich contractor during pick-up. The staff is working with the contractor to correct that, Don't blame it all on the contractor, however. If everyone would pat all their trash in plastic bage and properly tle them, there would be much less trash dropped. ‘These items are not only common courtesies, they are the rules, Every person must do hie or her own part in following there rules or the appearance of Highland Lakes will never improve. Dan McAfee MANAGEMENT SECTION ‘This section of the Herald printed on special color paper, contains minutes of Board of Directors meetings and Management data. This section is the official Information medium for communications of the Association as prescribed by Board Resolution R-6 March 22, 1976. Any other articles, comments, advertising or editorials are the respon~ sibility of the Herald and are’ not monitored by the Board of Directors prior to printing of the paper. The only exception to monitoring would be hare it Is consistent with the Editor's policy of allowing reply to eriticism, ‘We recommend that you not only read but save this section of the Herald for future reference. Resolutions and regulations approved by the Board become a part of your Association By-Taws, Highland Lakes Condominium Association Board of Directors MINUTES OF THE MERTING OF THE BOAKD OF DULECTORS OF HIGHLAND LAKES CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Mareh 28 1977 A special meeting of the Board ef Directors of Highland Lukes Conslominiuny Association was held at the principal office of the Association in the Township of Northville, State of Michigan, on the 28th day of March, 1977 al 7:45 PM in accord ance with the By-Laws of the Assoctat ian The following Directors were p-esent: Gay, Peyan, Peaunowski, Cartwright, Russell, VanDam, Mr, Wilson wau absent, Also presents Dan MeAlee, 5d Valdles aitis (Treasurer) and Beverly Mills (Chairwoman of the Finanee Committee), Prem ident VanDam presided and Secretary Gay kept minute, ‘The minutes of the March 7th aud 21st meetings wore reacy by Secretary Gay and accepted as corrected by the Board, Policy Resolution No. 14 pertaining to collection of past div (detinauent) assessments as corrected by We Boure wan accepted an tnously Beverly Mills, Chairwor n of the Finance Committee, topether with Treasurer Ed Valdukaitis, presented the recommendation of the committee tw rectily the cash flow deficit of $47,000, Rather than an Herease in monthly Kevewsinents, it is rec ‘ommended that Special Assessment of approximately $70.00 (based ou unit valve) per Co-Owner be levied, payable iu two installments of $35.60 due May Let and June Ast, Prolonged discussion on the current cash flow situation and the recommendations and ite alternatives followed the report, merits of the Motion by Russell, support by Cartwright to make an additional assessment of $48, 370,00, apportioned amongst the Go-Ouniers according to percentage of anit value {approximately $70, 00) to cover unusual high utility billy of Tanuary,, Februacy, and March and other extraordinary expenses, which places us in a deficit situation, payable in two installments due May 15th and June 15th, Carried unanimously. Correspondence A letter from Bonnie Wright, Chairwoman of the 1977 Harbor Day, setting, forth ideas for activities for this year's celebration, ‘The Hoard approves in general the plans, The participation of outsiders ay sellers of wares to be limited and subject to Board approval. Secretary Gay divected to ¢0 advise Mrs, Wright. Request for permission to hold a Staff Party at the Clubhouse on April 8, 1977, 9PM ~ 1AM. Motion by Cartwright, seconded by Pesanowski to approve request. Carried DIRECTORY INFORMATION ADDITIONS TO DIRECTORY: Elizabeth Gannon 19671 tronwood Court Douglas Csont 19543 Dartmouth Place Stanley Diment 42385 Anchor Court Jonathon Cox 42954 Richards Court Douglas Thompson 42109 Seeaic Lane Joeaph Schan 19724 Dearborn Court Ed Pringlemeir 42373 Anchor Court C. Adusky 42373 Anchor Court Ettore Paolucct 19420 Malvern Court Leonard C, Tetsworth 41370 Lehigh Lane D, Downey 42750 Lyrie Court Wayne Painter 19715 Hayes Court DELETIONS FROM DIRECTOR M, Neideck 42109 Scenic Lane Ronald Myers 19624 Aqueduct Court Robert Brownlee 42750 Lyric Court M. MacLean 19724 Dearborn Gourt G. Brom, 19717 Hayes Gourt C. Carne 41334 Windsor Court Glenn Hirseh 42373 Anchor Court Richard Kaufman 42113 Scenic Lane William McNeill 42930 Richards Court Ralph Miller 19775 Hayes Court Ray Hovorka 42772 Lake Success Drive CORREGTIONS IN THE DIRECTORY: MM, Pruckop 19475 Eddington Place 8. Bachmann 20283 Silver Spring Drive R. Downey 42750 Lyric Court Robext Mowiwethor 19517 Whitman Court 348-9695 Unlisted 348-9593 348-9397 348-1156 348-1212 3aa-9114 3aa-9114 Unlisted 349-0165, 343-2475, Unlisted 349-8082, 349-2460 348-2475 349-6431 (MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF HIGHLAND LARES CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION April 18, 1977 ‘The monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of Highland Lakes Gondo- tniniuin Agsociation was held at the principal office of the Association in the Town ri af Novthville, State of Michigan, on the 18th day of April 1977 at 7:45 PM in iecardance with the By-Laws of the Association. ‘The following Directors were presect: Cartwright, Gay, Pesanowskl, Russell, VanDam and Wileon,. Also present were Valdukaitis, Treasurer, and Dan McAfee and Dick Stopa of Community Management Company. ‘The minutes of the March 28th meeting were read and aecepted as corrected, Co-Owners Forum: Larty Irwin atated that he believes that individual gas meters for each wnit would make a noticeable difference in the heating bills and the Co-Owners in his build Teplare willing to pay to have the meter changes made In order to test the theory, Tt ine Mvaioted out that there 18 no need for such a test ae all arv agreed that those care se petihie veapect would be less £0 if paying thelr individual bills, The problem sin each a poseible change 18 the cost, probably between $200 - $300 per unit, be- cane tthe slumnbing, excavating and sod repair involved, Amendment of the sae peed und permission of regulatory bodice of condominiums also raise obstacles. saeieology may make a change more feasible at some future date. Sine HLLGA has secently changed to residential gas rates, we should see an approximate 14% saving in future bills. ‘A request was made to keep the poo! open several hours later, several days week, for adulte only,to accomodate adults who work late, ‘The Pool and Rec 2 eee cormitice haa consigered thie possibility in the past and will give it consid- eration again. ‘A second owner whose unit does not have a back fence in the patio area inquired whether this fence could be added for privacy, He was advised that thie can be done Tut at his expense since he is second owner. ‘An inguiry was made about 4 ceiling damaged daring the insulation program by ‘AireTite, Inc. which has pot yet been repaired. Management was directed to advise Ate that rezaire would be made and the cost deducted from their final payment, Longwood Court residents again rained the question of their street sign and court lighte,, The light fixtares are there but due to some unknown electrical prob- some not connected, Management will investigate and report, Residents of Richards and Pond Courts are concerned about trespassers who pavicin their court lots and use Lake Success. They request that the barrier and trea- Minutes of Meeting, March 28, 1977 Page 2 of 2 Written recommendation from Ground Committee for the Inwu maintenance contract received and discussed. Motion by Russell, seconded by Pezanowski to approve the recommendation of the Grounds Committee to award the contract to Morland Land: caping, Carried unanimously by voice vote, seconded by Pagan that Community Management Co- statements and other firancial materials nanimously, Matton hy Pesanowa mpany supply copies of monthly financia to Chairwoman of the Finance Committee and the Treasurer. Carried Management's recommendstions of Murch 21, 1977 meetity vegarding parkiny problems discussed in detail. Management wan dircetwd to report all aspects uf towing contract and the cost of signs (Wo be posted at all court lot entrances) at the April Open Meeting. Motion by Cartwright, seconded by Pegan to approve son, auditors for services rendered, Carried unati jously by vuice vote, Motion by Russell, seconded by Cartwright to pay bill of Walter Kulusel Carried unanimously. Dan McAfee raised the quostion of the advinubility of add. joual insulation, for the Clubhouse, Dan McAfee was directed to discuss with Mrs, Joan Boucher the rules re- garding classes offered at the Clubhouse, ‘The meeting was adjourned at 12:20PM. Appgoven, Bn. Dorothy Kt Gay Secretary Minutes of Meeting April 18, 1977 Page 3 of 4 GMC recommends that the Board consider a policy resolution regarding the equity unit value in the Association and its use in resale prices, Referred to the Finance Committee for study and repo: CMC recommends a change in the Association fiscal year. Referred to the Finance Committee for study and report, CMC requests payment to Plante & Moran of $175,00 for servicer which re sulted in a savings of approximately $1, 500 the Axwociatton, Referred to the Finance Committee for study and report, Motion by Wilson, seconded by Russell: That the bill for $255, 00 be paid to Scott, Schroeder & Howell for professional services, Carried, Motion by Wilson, supported by Pezanowski:to take matter of Dancing Classes offered by Mrs, Boucher out of order, Curried, Dan McAtce has discussed classes with Mrs. Boucher, She is offering a service to residents ualyyat 4 small fee. She has posted a $50. 00 Seeurity bond, ‘The question of insurance Liability on injury to students in classes war raised, Russell will check with the Insurance Committee, Motion by Russell, seconded by Cartwright: To approve coatiniation of classes by Mrs, Boucher subject to coverage of Hability. Carried, Resolution by Cartwright that Board act to clarify the use of the Clubhouse, the liability and depreciation factors. Wilson offered a commendation to Mrs, Boucher for her services to Association members, and ip particular her dance classes with teenagers, (On the basis of the bids and Management recommendation, motion by Wilson, seconded by Cartwright: To accept bid of Robertson Brothers Pools to resurface land open pool. Gartied unanimously by voice vote. Management has met with several single family owners of Rippling Lane re= warding weage of the lakes. ‘They wish to pay annual fec and want clarification of fales snd privileges snvolved, Referred to Attorney Thompson, Many rubbish bine are in great need of repair. CMC requests Board make decision on action to be taken. Motion by Wilson, seconded by Cartwright: To hold special meeting on rubbish bins as soon as additional data is reeoived, McAfee will coordinate and will work with Engineering Committee, Garried. Minutes of Mecting April 18, 197 Page 2 of 4 passing sige be moved to make the sign more conspicuous and the barrier more diff- Putt to circumvent, Mike Wilson explained that Lake Success is private property and the Land is not posted. The Township is attempting to solve the problem and currently tteing the public nuisance approach, Management was directed to investigate the re~ quest to relocate the barrier and trespassing sium. ‘Aw inquiry was made about the necessity of new assessment of approximately $10.00, The facts were reiterated: ‘The natural gas rate increase, the severe wintery aod the wubudgeted $12, 000 tax bill on commen property. Management: Dan McAfee reported that Attorney Thompson is working on the amendae nt of the Master Deed to allow deeding of two parking spaces to all Co-Owners. A study Indicates that if "resident only parking" sigos are to be posted ut all court entrances, forty five ave geeded, The standard sigh costs appraximately $3.50 and « custom made sign costs approximately $9.50. Since the round has thawed it has become evident that people parking at the curb, paviicularly along Crystal Lake Drive, aye parking on the lawn and have ratted find jojured it, Teis recommended that a fav of $25, 00 be established for parking fon the Laven, Motion by Wilson, supported by Cartwright: ‘That Attorney Thompson be i= steucted to proceed promplly toward amending the Master Deed to deed a second packing space to each Co-Owncr and 80 include the necessary negotiation with the de~ wasell. teloper, Carried, Opposed: Motion by Cartwright, supported by Wilson: ‘That standard signs be purchased and posted on an experimental basia in the ten most troublesome parking lots, Carried, Opposed: Pezanowski. Motion by Pezanowski, supported by Cartwright: To levy an administrative charge of a miniumum of $25, 00 on owners of motor driven vehicles which are parked or driven on Lune, unless prior permission is granted, Carried. Cartwright suggested that Management be directed to find ways to keep people off the grass. Management recommends that the annual election procedures should be clarified and formalized, Referred fo the Elections Committee to work with Management, CMC is attempting to resolve whether or not the Working Capital Deposit policy and procedure is valid, Referred to the Finance Committee for study and report, POLICY RESOLUTION ON DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS Policy Resolution Number 15-1977 of the Highland Lakes Condominium ‘Naber Year Association located in Nosthville, Michigan, a resolution pertaining to: Publishing Names of Go-Owners Who Are Three Months Delinquent In Monthly A: WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being all members of the Board of Directors of Highland Lakes Condominium Association, @ Michigan Goxporation, do by un- animous consent to and adopt the following resolution: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT any Co-Owners whose monthly assesements are delinguent for a period of three months shall have hie/ her name and the amount delinquent published in the Heral "This Policy Resolution wae approved by the Highland Lakes Condominium Association Board of Directors on___March 28, 1977 Effective date Mare 28 1977 Signed (7 ‘President Minutes of Mecting April 18 1977 Page 4 of 4 Committee Reports: Mary Low Golen offered recommendations of the Pool and Recreation Committee for toma lessone schedule for children and adults to begin May 3, 1977, They wish a Doubles Exhibition June 4, 1977 at 2:00 PM and would like to initiate ‘The Board voted by telephone on April 24, 1927 to approve the Only one court is to be used for to schedul a Tennis League, Committee proceed with their plan for the season. tenuis Lessons (except when an additional court is not in use), Jeanne Michalski presented a resolution forming a standing committee of the Highland Lakes Hoald Staff, Motion by Gay, seconded by Wilson: “To accept and approve the resolution, ‘The Ad Hoe Committee recommends that the Treasurer be responsible for ap- if also recommenda that the Board set a date for a peoval of payment of small bills to advise of time table for meetings and reports. ‘meating with committee chain ‘The meeting was adjouracd at 12:10AM. APPROVED ‘Doroihy K. Gay Seeretary Tack Vandaw President ERGINERRING CONKITTEF REPORT ‘OENERAL MEEMING HELD APRIL 12, 1977. TH AMPENANCES Bob Pezenowskt Bob Heintz Bay Krustnsiet Mike Wills Jin Yates ur, BI11 Mosher presented a set of maps delineating the boundaries of the Highland Lakes Condominium Assocation, and Aiscussed the properties recently deeded to the Association by Levitt. Several sursestions were made to be passed on to the Noard resardin the Alsposition of these properties, With Information possibly pertinent to the pending LaMstlt. Ray Krusinski reported hie findines on possible economies in the replacement of court Lighting as the ourrent fixtures burn out. A complete report will be submitted to the board, with representative cost fgures, for thelr study and approval. One course of action...the replacenent of the present Neroury vapor lamps with Wgh-preasure Sodium. ..appears to offer a potential lone term savin of 23% Tt was siegested by the committee that one or two fixtures near the clubhouse be selected for a trial of the new lamps, and that reeldents' opinions on the chance he solteited, Kr. Krusinskt also presented cost timures for the installation of @ large ntreetiamp atthe irht Nile entrance...about $1,600 including materials and labor. It wae recommended that Detrolt Baison be contacted to see If they can do the uperate. A further report will be made at the next neetine. The results of the survey on garbage bins have been compiled and a report was made to the committee, No slnele aption recelved a majority of the votes, but 1t appeared that . 7lgvesaents were not favorable to the removal of the bins, First place choices were as follows: Option 1- Do nothing. eeater en ruiiceesifelg) Option 2- Upgrade and ‘repair wood bins. + Qoeion 3- vpsraae ara ant’ sorean topes. Option 4 Replace with Brick bins..rsss Option 5- Replace with netal dumpsters, ++. Option 6- Chane services to net dumpaters...9.0% Option 7- Tear out. bins. Rseiausaeathesaha0® ‘The total survey and ranze of responses were weiahted to analyze the opinions, with 6 poins for ist choice, 5 points for Second an? so on. the results weres HIGHLAND LAKES CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Delinguent Accounts As of Apsil 20, 1977 ‘voit Name, Amount 46 2023.06 138 Sharp 700, 00 016 Fielder 464.10 132 Larson 275,15 ns Meredith 543. 62 105 Vargo 519.75 2az Kare 532.22 aa catzns 952, 62 268 Stofenga 1091. 43, 494 thon 1434.72 545, Sowders 372.95 501 Tomioa 704,16 503 Brakeville 263.25 525 Benstein 535,20 205 Vigna 429.25 335 Late 660.15 64 Kaufman 748.94 605, Tervast 493,00 Option Leese Option 2. Option 3.+ Option bs Option 5 perenne Option TS o.t6 Option 7, Ti eue Tt might also be noted that the two least favered options, (tho Et miant Sthe most last piace votes) were to do nothing (31-68) ana tear out the bins (308). ‘he conmittee reconnends that the board look at the potential for doine the repairs to bring ell the bins up to standards, with {Re Goamiple addition of the screen tops. Also, several of the tne bra felt that the board should still consider renoval of the seers it was still one of the top 3 chotoes on the overall weighted vote, mhe committee would 1ike to thank Mr. Mosher for his interest ‘end participation. We would also like to thank Mrs, Pezanowsk one Ritended to report on sose of the financial matters, and to WeSten to the report on the survey Tenults. Any other residents tne are interested are invited Lo attend the wectinas...the schedule {a published on the back page of the Herald each onth, I, 97? LIGHTING cost SUNMARY The followine cost estinates were obtained by Mr. Ray Krusinskct, and should be rewarded as references only. the actual costs to the Asgoolation would depend on the volume of purchases ani the rates we are able to negotiate. ‘current Lights? 175 watt Mevoury Vapor, Life estimated at 24,000 hours (6.57 years 610 hrs/day) Lamp cost: $14.00 Eamp cost /yr: 2.13 Power consumption (wié/kwh) 25.55 vax 02 AES I yar Total annual expanse (power + Lamp cost) $28.70 Recommended Uehtas 100 watt High Pressure Sodium, 20,000 hour Lite (5.47 years @ 10 hre/day) Lamp cost: 38.00 Per year: 6.94 Power consusptions ith 60 rex 158 4 TBTB/year ‘Total Annual expense @ 22.12 “his amounts to a saving of 23% over current operation. The cost for the ballast units 1s approximately the sane. In addition, the new units would have a higher light output than the present bulbs. GAS APPLIANCES For the benefit of our newer residents and for tome of our older residents, we are providing below a form to be completed for any gas applianc: fon which you fare not paying the required charge. Appliances and the monthly charge for each are shown below: APPLIANCE, MONTHLY CHARGE, Gas Fireplace Log $3.25 Gas Grit, 1.00 Gas Lights 3.20 Gas Ranges 1, 80 Gas Dryers 1,40 NOTH: If you are not paying for your gas appliances, you are cheating those who fare paying their proper share of our gas cost Namet Address: Unit i Appliances: Date: RETURN THIS FORM TO THE CLUBHOUSE AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE Werenren Respouses } Choe = Sr zrichoice © Pe 78 Choice = OPS? Chore, Raw Score. %o I 250 149 2 13 18.6 3 317 18. “ 4 232 13.8 Ss 24 75 6 170 10.1 7 276 14d BROOKLANE 18 HOLES - PAR 60 “COMMUNITY NEWS Golf Course , Zant to apply some Spring time "zoom" to a masterpiece of accomplishment ? i i Reads ~ Horne Phone 8.9777 ‘Want to put an hour a week to work and see omar Sheldon on sparks fly? mt OUTSIDE PARTIES WELCOME | ‘Then come join the six Bucket Rrigaders’ who are doing just that at Silver Springs! Wo started assembling learning games just a yoar ago and got under way with our "buddies" | Special Retiree Rate ! last fall, ‘Riter 10A.M. ~ Before 4P.M. $2.00°9 Holes $8.00 18 Hien | ‘ho rosults we're getting are most oncourasins- | Weekly Rates. surprisingly G-R-E-A~I1 Our one regret is 9 Holos $3.50. - 18, Holes $6.00 | that we don't have more Mome to help bull confidence, and boost understanding and accomplishments in other buddies waiting for $6.00 Bofore 10:00 A.M the same lift. Aftor 10:00.A.M. hero hood wort 18 Holes $6,50' - 9 Holes $4.50 oro sa scout deed worthy of the mame--and | pages carey ‘an opportunity to learn how you can help your vn child tn the bargain! $8.50, - 18 Holes $10.00 9 Hol Lot the "GET-UP-AND-GO spirit in you eal the school office right now (349-8071) and toll Paye Stone you'd like us to contact you! (eave your phone number, please) EYL PRAMINATONS, RRERACFION CONTACT: Le ‘This 1s one leaning experience you'll never al Service on ryoylasses & Frames 349-1575 S08\W. Main Weat of Conter + Northvilte Stuart F Camepeue ‘hore will be a school Bucket tea = May 10th at 9:30 P.M, In the brary. Please come Join Us and find out what Bucket Brigade ts all about! Helen Single, Coordinator ce) | OD, FAAO ‘hursday/and Sunday | | | 1 OFPICE OPER DAILY Por Prompt Service, Call rns Ee reine wana \ aera | SHRUB BED MAINTENANCE Maintenance of your front shrub bed, aa in the pasty IL out be bnetuded In the lawn maintenance contract. 1C anyone wishes to have their shrub bed weeded and evergreens trimeed by the eee yeetion Maintenance staff, pleage wontact the Clubhouse (349-4006) prior tw May 31, 1977 ‘Those of you who wish to plant annuals or prrenntata, plege fae tree ty dw oo however 1, Tewill he necessary to do your own shrub bed matntenans 2, Keep all plants at Least one foot back from the ealye of yemr shrub tel te climinate possible damage by lawn mowers. 3. The Association will not be responsible for di in shrub beds, UNITED CONDOMINIUM OWNERS OF MICHIGAN United Condominium Owners of Michigan will be holding their Third Annual Seminar on Saturday, June 4, 1977, at the Northfield Hilton Inn, Troy, Michigan, from to 4:00 p.m. Registrations must be made in advance. Your registration will be confirmed and the fee is non-refundable, Registrations must be recelved no later than May 28, 1977, UCOM memburs $30 ~ Non-members 950. Make checks payable to UCOM, F. 0. Box 40542, Redforil, Mi. 49240, if additional infomation is needed, please contact: 573-9661 or 584-7252 (svenings or weekends) 733~7469 or 478-0969 (anytime). ‘This seminar offers you an opportunity to gain from the experience of specialists in the condominium field. What's more, this seminar is specifically designed for condo own fers, association directors and prospective purchasers of condos, who share elmialar concerns. You'll meet condominium directors and exchange expertences - discover "tricks of the Trade” ~ gain new Insights in the entire concept of condominium living. Experts will give you more understanding of what's involved in the operation of & Successful association. Current pertinent information will assist you {n understanding and implementing your management responsibilities . wal de Hg pte (-? needs, hi 7 Mity at “prices you can foc megrath bros. « 624-656) liscensed Gldrs, 352°34+65 (A Highland Lakos Resident) DOORVIEWERS, DOORWALL LOCKS, & DEADBOLTS INSTALLED Call 348-1856. ALL WORK DONE BY PROFESSIONAL LOCKSMITHS WE ARE BONDED & INSURED TO PROTECT YOU Cuyler :feCutchan, president of the Three Citie's Art Club would like ‘announce the Club's May Art Show and Sale on May 13th from 9:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. and May 14th from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M which will be hold at the Plymouth Credst Union Wullding located at S00 8. Harney in Plymouth. They will also feature crafts. Cuyler MeCutchan sill have his ppalntings on display in the window of the Datrolt Edison Company In Plymouth ‘turing the month of May. Siapbysuaas guanenvannneannte iesanenaberannaunaneauaauseniensanend Store Hours a. on Sa Soin te Bun [ee Seni sai SPRING Housecleaning TIME! } | SreciatOnConoie gay Cleaned Professionally SN AT REASONABLE HATES ‘eek GH H & H CARPET CLEANERS Robert Hall Phone - 531-1885; callfor FREE Estimate CCIE eat CaN ce 349-0424 GAL MENS S/XTLd ANNUAL HIGHLAND LAKES CAL TOURNAMENT SUNDAY, JULY 3[> 1977 GCOWIN GLEN GOLF COURSE + TEE TIME 12:00 NO0N- /8 HOLES FOLLOWED Bro STEAK DINNER ANDO PRIZES Ss + S/7 Peace PER PERSON ANY SIGN UP INOIVICPUALLY IR YOUK GROUP + FEES MUST LE FAI BY SULY24-1377 + CONTACT: 0 BOB KEENE BEF- 38119 © CHUCK VAN KENTERGHEM 349- &71/ © KEN GIFF 349-8732 aa. PLT ouy NOVI ) MOTIVE 21530 NOVI ROAD 'BETWEEN 8 & 9 Mile Rds, 349-0290 Mon. thru Fri. 1-7; Sat, 7-3 Check Our Get Acquainted Is ronie Tune-up Special jap AG PLUGS, POINTS & CONDENSER $ Alignment '§ Special FRONT END, CASTER, SUMMER AND THE POLICE vag! that Une of year again where soon ell the people spond a great deal of time outside, we EMA Hlghland Jakes with lots of opei spaces and lakes and ducks and geese and & eee AA Un toun nearby, the summer opens up the meforty of the benefits of Highland sa einer along with the benefits come some of the problems and nutsances With saeete coming out of thelr homes there are increased social probleme within any areas poobiihne lakes and gravel pits being other people, somo very vaclesirable, Ante our neighborhood. [after stoning ta many complaints about noise, beer cans, and outsiders parking in our tee eg en our roads to go to our lakes and the gravel pits J decided to etwwck Into some WSainle answers to these complaints. 1 vote dawn a6 many problems as 1 could think vee imagine and called Northville Townsltp police chief Nissun. We talked et come Jenght and much to my surprise, encouragement and possible future progress as well 3 weright Information were the ond roeult, There are many things that wore talked about seein ihich T cannot discuss et this time, but hope to in the near future, T know that so oid ia working on several problems in'the community and with the township and the epee committees are trying to do all they can to make this a better place to Hive. T Lea mot some of this information might be helpful to the residents to have a better under— Aeshdiny of out problems and also some possible answers and also a feeling for not only AMiua the police should be called if ever needed, but why call or what can we as tax- payers expect in help ‘As you should know Highland Takes 1s considered pitvate property, including lakes and cies this creates a problem of handling some of our problems. the police, according re chief Nisoun, can and will enforce all Jaws but there again, laws once on private Troperty take # separate conbotation. Any baste crime such as a moving violation (speed hug, wrocklese driving, etc.) can be enforced on our roads. Parking problems at thts time eA tomein a great concern and have to be handled mostly through Highland Lakes Ass0~ aulkion and te management for the present. ‘This includes outsiders parking on out prop Shy and using out lakes and tho gravel pits. Right now there ie an effort being made to frre the gravel pita ~ not our Jakes ~ to be fenced as a hazard, ‘This could help our comm= [nity immencely. Also crimes of theft, vandalism, drugs, noise, litter, personal problems, seins, and animals, otc. can and will be enforced by the police when called, Did you know that the township definitely has a leash law. Any dog running at large oF not Hoonood can or would be picked up. Any dog bite or harassment will certainly get a re deonce. Skunks or muskrats are animals in their natural habitat, that unless create 3 seover tows eannot be dealt with by the police. But DO we really want our police to be Sponding theit tine Chasing dogs or skunks. Some of Our own etfort could eliminates much of this. Gotting down to what will not be enforced without eltizens help, Our roads by thetr very aoa seevppen to the public. Also thore are certain erimes which are difficult to enforce. jay type of a public disturbance such as nolse, litter, harassment, trespassing or a moving we gllon etc. NOT seltnessed by the police are difficult to enforce without @ oltizen filing veermal complaint, Right away most people say "I'm not going to get involved." Well all (continued on next page) GARDENERS AND FLOWER LOVERS OF HIGHTAND LAKES Do you remember the petunias and marigolds planted at the entrance and in front of the club- house last yeat? As of now, there are no funds approved for these plantings and the time { fast approaching. Could you contribute a dollar? ‘The plans include four flats of petunlas and ono flat of marigolds for the entrance with another flat of petunias placed In the planter in front of the clubhouse. (Previous years Grounds Committee funds have provided the permanent plantings of shrubs, roses, tulips and dafto~ ils). Also, 3 or 4volunteors will be needed to set in the annuals either May 21 or May 28. If you are interested please contact Riga Krueger, 42708 Lyric Court, 348-1768, For your own gardens Free manure is available at Sheldon and Seven Mile. Wood chips are availabe for $.52/cubic yard (the man said 2 to 3 garbage bags full.) Merciman Yard, Wayne County Road Commission, 7681 Merriman (Ann Arbor Tr, & Warren area) 7:30 a.m, to 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday, Phone 522-7370, At both places you must load your own ~ a pitch fork can be signed out from the clubhouse. Right now is the time to take notice of the Forsythla blooming in our complex ~ and decide which areas could use more color. Forsythia is very easy to start. Take 12 ~ 10 inch cut~ tings, strip leaves and buds fom bottom 6 inches, and put them directly into the ground at east ‘six weeks before killing frost next fall. They can be moved at any time during the ore" ing psn i met on Cea Member UNRA = MULTI-LIST SPECIALIZING IN CONDOMINIUM RESALES AS WELL AS HOMES AND YACANT LAND IN THE NORTHVILLE ROSS B. NORTHROP & SON Fungnat oiRecTons 4a nem wt SHAS TQOOT Northuile a. ™ nasa Northville ROALTOR ASSOCIATES ; Stu pakOR DOUG HenwtcK 348 TS) MARTHA BYLSMA JOHN LONG oe JeRty CLARKE DICK MERRIAM KEN CUM TOM SECHLER 22401 Grand River Detroit Redford 531-0537 BILL REILLY, ASSOC. BROKER TONY RIZZO, BROKER What's Happening At The Movies ‘This 1s your friendly "Whato Happoning At The Movies" gal. 1 have a fev goovtias and also a few not 50 goodies. I have actually missed my roguiar show days tase past two weeks because they"¥e not making them fast enough for me. There's oot fone movie for me to go see right now because ve seen them all Fist Pll tell you about "Airport 77 1 liked it just as much ax "76" and “75. ‘this big 747 goes down in the Bermuda Triangle so you Just know there're in trouble! Dear Jack Lommon 1s a hero that saves the day. Those movies arc always full of suspence and I dig that. The Bagle Has Landed” with Michel Caine, was real good, It's « World War 1) plot by the Germans to kidnap Winston Churchill. It's supposed to be a true story with lots of action, A good one for the men. ‘about "Slap Shot™ with Paul Newman, T just don't know what to tell you. It's fa spoof on hockey with language that is unreal. The movie ads war you that the Janguage may be too intense for some but that's the understatement of the year, ‘Those naughty words coming out of darling Paul Nowman's mouth Just didn't seem right. audrey Rose, "a reincarnation thing, would have been better off staying buried. (Booor ing!) "Black Sunday" was terrific. Another good one for the men. ‘The rating was for violence, and thero's plonty of that, Not that I'm one for violence, but {eseems that's the way the movies are all running theso days. ‘This is a thrilling tale of terrorism at the Super Bowl Jn Miami + De they or don’t they succeed in killing 80,000 fans. You mast see for yourself. ‘One of the free-bees at Livonia Mali was "Aloho Bobby and Rose." It was so bad,T ‘won't oven comment on it. "Robin and Marion” with Sean Connery (ex. 007 ) and ‘Audrey Hepburn was wonderful, ‘This w>s another "second time" for me and 1 enjoyed itoven more this time, Tt was about Robin Hood and Maid Marion in their later years. The story was Just beautiful, " the Stranger and the Gunfighter" was another Gud. "A Chinese Wester with dubbed in Bnglish, made in Italy. How's that for complete confusion? " Sky Riders” with two of my favorites, James Coburh and Robert Culp was super. ‘This one, T would have gladly payed to see. It was abcut hang giidore, a eport that {= popwilar in California. ‘They run off the side of a mountain and soar like a bird with large wings on its back. If Iwore young again, I'd love to try that. ‘This film was made in Greece and the sconery was breath taking « By the way, although I mentioned seeing "Black Sunday" earller in the column, T neglected to say that I saw it twice this month. Never have I paid to see the same movie twice, but my Saturday matinee show companion talked me into it. She had read the ook and according to her, they really changed the story. So, those of you who also read It, don't be too surprised. There are several foreign actors in st with accents and ft times, they're hard to understand, Tt was still very exciting, and I enjoyed st very much, Well folks, I think I've covered about everything for this month. Remember ‘these are just my opinions but I hope ve been of some help to you, If I heven't it's SUL a joy and lots of fun just telling you "What's Happening at the Movies.” SUMMER AND THE POLICE (Continued) Loan say 4s, If you have a complaint of this natwe, and are not willing or feel that &t 13 net ‘that bad to warrant a formal complaint then you are not only wasting your time but the poli efforts. A formal complaint needs to be an accurate report of what happaned, what time, Where or type. They can be a problem sometimes involving a court appearance in extreme cases, but in certain instances might be a necessity to preserve yourself, your family or your domain. L ologe by saying again I was impressed with our conversation and the statement of Chief Nissun that the police are paid by taxes to serve and support the people, but are limited to the laws of the community as wa wnnld desira anyway. Ne also offared that he of some~ fone from the police would be willing to speak to our restdents 1f needed. But again let us fall hope that this is not needed and that Northville and Highland Lakes are and remain a nice and peaceful community. I wish all residents a safe and happy summer and the hope that our unanswered problems can of will be worked out. David 1. Hamilton The. Grecian. Palace... fe Restaurant (08a! Featuring ee aN 4 Greek and Amarican Food “FAERI TS lds © Spend Ropeta Yun Tusdoy try More Ghickeh Fish 475 ‘475 FREE ‘Dessert “with any Meal! Now Opan Sundays 105, 1.2365, Seven tiled, Hours S9Mon-Sat, (Garr Out Aide IN THE NORTHVILLE PLAZA au-NORTIMILE 349-8ee: Scout oa BORON Ol co. FRI. 00 HD 8 : may ae <9 A to fA _# Att Shi GcOm ace FB aya . a j iB A gDligh DONATION at THE poog TT Frisk aviwS ysr eile Tae. NESE R arap Yo TROCKY THANK YOU COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT! Because of the professionalism of Community Management we were able to get almost $350 from our share of the Aggociation's working capital. Fow, if any, of the homeowners that have sold prior to Community's takeover ever got this credit. Be sure when you sell that you call the Clubhouse and get a "Statement of Account" before you close, I will pay you to do so. Lois & Tom Walker Remember To Patronize Our Advertisers use oF Grviesh| Lacrel Hl ee NORTHVILLE PLAZA MALL 7 7 Mile near Northville Ra. q * 349-2360 Get a real salon haircut for your child Wednesdoys & Thursdays at Hof $..$5 rea Magnaver PHILCO LIECTROMICS ~~ 348-9130 135 € cady northville ‘clallzing In Indoor Anterna Installation _—_ ‘all members — important meeting Tuosday, ‘May 10th, 8:00 p.m. in the Clubhouse. Our guest speaker will be Paula McClure, North~ ville Public Schools. Toplo: Plus Program. We will also be finalizing plans for our June itm auxd electing offloors for next your. Mother's Club regrets the cancellation of the Old Time Movies Party. Don’t forget to sign up for pool privileges at the Clubhouse ! Hello follow teens! We decided it was about time to Liven up your monotonous lives in Highland Lakes with a teen column. We will offieteily start next month, but first, here is what’ ‘going on at Northville Iltght May 6 A dance, sponsored by the soph- May 20 6 p.m. to A dancethon against May 2) Gp.m. Novi, at Novi High. REMEMBER THE DATES See you next month, Britt and Amy Evans: SHELDON LAX & ASSOC., INC. Aluminum Window & Patio Door Specialist Insulated Glass @ Screens Sales e Service @ Parts CALL Sheldon Lax @51—9622 (Bus) 851-2047 (RES) WHERE HAVE ALL. THE DANDELIONS GONE ? Remember last year at this time when we had a yellow common area Instead of a green one? fell thanks to our Board and Bruce Kopltz expert advice, our yellow friends have appartently bit the dust. What a nice change. A Pleased Resident 7 as [recount ava esac] ‘WE HAVE REPLACEMENT GLASS aerials POR HIGHIAND 1AKES DOORWALLS ‘on soma rome ronnesicas WE CAN REP) ACE ALL YOUR meer. Frmmnron a Ne Bere, on. 849=7540 on 349-1; REASON/BLE RATES {25916 NOVI RO AT GRANO RVER- NOM 8 COL 8766 N. Territorial Rd. ‘Wost of Sheldon Ra. PUBLIC INVITED @e i na Irs Canter iM_VARGO TM 8 Fefington Re, Head Professional bide). Sindee 12108 Private Lesson, ‘Group Lessons : ee aninsant es Come Browse With Us of One Hour skins $8.00 per person ‘ (6) Half Hour tessons Magazines, Posters, Cards Short 6-12 persons Meatum Onw Hows : Tong Irons, §93,00 52.00 pe torsonl] Gift books, Hardcovers, ‘woods Chipping 18-20 persons Putting ‘One Hour $1.00 per person pHoNe: BP cuyp = 450-7272 HOME ~ 349-0856 HIGHLAND LAKES MEANS YOU AND ME! Spring = that's the reason! It's here, full-blossom, and has tossed our winter-bashed souls, ‘outdoors into the realm of budding trees, delicately hued flowers, and dazzling sunshine. Who are all these happy folks? Joggers. bikers, tennis-buffs, patto-sitters, walkers, avd Ssherfolk abound. So many new faces! The area near Silver Springs Lake was host to n ‘erous moving vans inching through the massive "white stuff” lost winter, and a welcone {2 hereby extended ~ to this patch of paradise. Along with the wolceme, comes some observa~ tions which have staggered my aesthetic SENSE! A boat in the lake, oqutpped with @ motor; two unfamiliar faces astride a motor bike driving full-speed around the lake; two other swt {ing faces bearing ait rifles as they stroll on the walk next to the Many wildlife eres: tures make their homes in and around our lako and ara ideal targata ~~ for aya and camara only. ‘The enjoyment offered to residents of Highland Lakes is contingent upon knowledge of the guidelines (LAWS). These guidelines have been published in a booklet, a copy of which, de available at the clubhouse. ‘More of us would havo a chance to onjoy the glorlous freedom attainable here if all of us followed the guidelines. Children should be made aware of there rules, too. Carolyn Toyer NOW'S THE TIMEL “T0_DO THE HOME IMPROVEMENTS YOU'VE BEEN PLANNING. ACT NOW AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SERVICES STORAGE SHELVES DROP CEILINGS STORAGE SHEDS. PANELLING WINTER WEATHERIZING GENERAL REPAIR ROOF REPAIR, FREE ESTIMATES 1 AMA COLLEGE ARCHITECTURE STUDENT OFFERING YOU HIGH-QUALITY WORK AT VERY ECONOMICAL PRICES, MY , g g f 4 CUSTOM SHELVING — CUSTOM BUILT BARS f s g 5 g FIVE YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN THE CONSTURCTION BUSINESS f g f f 4 4 j 5 4 HAVE RESULTED IN MANY SATISFIED CUSTOMERS, ALSO¥ g 1 OPERATE ON A LoW-OVERHEAD BASIS, MAKING MY PRICES 5 VERY HARD TO BEAT, CALL EVENINGS, DAVE McGRATH 624-656 SonnaennanneA SUNT RAASREAAANNAREANN! I Pat Meisgen, one of the night receptionists, is a member of the Chia Jen Karate Club. She won Student of the Month Award for ‘ttendance, ability and attitude. Keep up se good work Pat. ——— ane Carl Michalski of Savoy Ct. has earned his Bachelor of Solence Degree in Criminal Justice for Madonna College in Livonia. ‘The Highland Lakes Mixed Bowling League ‘will end thelr season with a banquet on Fidday, May 6th, at the Holiday Inn in Farmington. Highland Lakes Sundowners Bowling League ‘will bowl their last games on Sunday, May 15th, Their end of season banquet 4s planned for Saturday, June lith at Napoleon's in Plymouth. Posner’s Carpet & | Upholstery Cleaning | 464-3137 Professional Cleaners Free Estimates Stain Consultants | Residential e Commercial | Shampoo or Steam | Dry Cleaned Upholster. For Velvet & Delicate Fabrics Sealed Tiled Floors 82.00 off with this aa. | ‘The Annual Schoo! of the Northville Schoo! District will bs held en Monday’, June 18, 1877, Tao Jask day on which persons ay register in order to Be aligible te vote 1s Monday, Bay 16, 1927 before §:00 Pats Highland Lakes Junior Gisi Scout Troop 737 has won a free camping week-end for being "tops" in cookle sales of troops in their aren . ‘The troop will be going camping May 20, 21 and 22 at Hillside 3a Ann. Amor. rn ‘The Highland Lakes Herald ts looking for ‘someone to write a "Neighborhood News” column, If you would be Interested, just ‘drop a note to the Co-Editors in the Herald Box or call the Herald on 243-6006. If any~ fone has any suggestions about a column of ‘this type please let us know. Sandy & Jeanne 346-2090, CU Jat Northyille.Square—its the store witha host of delights on Dear Highland Lakers, ‘Theee years have gone by ince t opened the Et ceter stop. Tine does Ay view you're having fun. 1 hope jon witl come and help us Celebrate ehie third anni Yersary. All itens vill be Feduced 10% to 75% on May 2oth and 2ler only. cordially, ONE SERVICE For All Your ALUMINUM WINDOW & DOOR NEEDS Apartments, Condominiums & Single Family Homes x OUR SPECIALTIES ARE: © Insulated Glass Replacement (Windows and Patio Doors) e Screen Replacement @ Parts (Rollers, Sash Balances for IDA Windows) © Storm Doors & Windows © Storm & Screen Enclosures e Energy Conservation Ideas RS Our crews are all qualified men, experienced in all phases of aluminum window and dour replace- ment, repair and maintenance. READY & ABLE TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS SHELDON LAX & ASSOC., INC. For Information & Pricing Call 313 ¢ 851-9622 QOOOCOCOOOOCO0O00000'D Qmen, DO YOU LIKE TO PLAY GOLF? © 2 Ornyone interested in starting a Senior Citizens, weekday golf league for the summer, O S; 8 contact Ted Swickard, 349-0960 0 OCQCODCOOOQOOOOOOO0OD Novi Road Dry Cleaners 35" TO CLEAN SUEDE? TRY THESE PRICES! 1053 Novi RD. NORTHVILLE RAM LEATHER CARE, ‘Svedeor Cowhide Jacketsto25 -CARRY-OUT SERVICE “15 MINUTE PICK-UP ‘WE DELIVER 7" eoupen = -4 ewroy : 10 sma atad rege! BZ weens seevice LHALAP only 1057 Wovi Road Just north of Eight Mile Road 34 19-8120 ATTENTION PLEASE! the deadline for submitting articles and advertisements for publication in ‘the Herald 1s the 25th of each month, In order to get the paper printed and out on tie, we must have all materlals assembled by this date, If you wish to subuilt copy for the Herald, please bring {t into the Clubhoure and place it In the box mark= od Herald by the 25th. We ask your co-operation in this mattor COPY ‘MACHINE Nothing should go to your head NEED COPIES OF YOUR BUSINESS OR PERSONAL WORK? USE THE COPY MACHINE AT THE CLUB- HOUSE COST Is 5¢A COPY OR 4¢ EACH FoR 20 OR MORE etch on rb & Fruit Baskets Dietinctve thir Designs ‘Our Specialty ae mi ronda thesia “Mb ge aia sance : . wed i BRDUGE DAILY _103.West Main, Northville ime Mon-Wed 9-4:30 thin <_ $40-062 BADKGOSO SEES j TOTS PAGE on NO A \UBRENY. wy AG 42 (GOO ot Krystn VenRevtera du te 2 ei , DNAS AARAAAAAAAAATATAUAAASATCUEEUEES Sg, ~ What bird is alway in low sits? A bedi, cs ht id be fund in ren Avalon, Winat do you get when you put @ doorbell across hummingbia? Aruna WANT ADS WANT AD RATES. Resident words or less § .50 wwe word maximum $1.00 ‘Non-Resident 20 words or less $1.00 40 word maximum $2400 PAYADLE IN ADVANCE ‘Money and Ad should be placed in the Highland} Lakes Herald Box at the Clubhouse by the 25th| cof the month. For Sale: Simmons Crib, single drop side, Jenny Ling style, walnut fintsh; with mattress, $40, 349-7586 dd Jobs: Responsible 1S year old boy. No jab too challenging. Windows washed, base ‘ats cleaned, Call 349-8709 Wanted: English-make fold-up bike. Has thumb-sorew in middle to loosen for storage, easy transportation. Full adult size. ‘call 349-7394 For Sale: Fox Cape - best offer. Worn three times. Hoover portable washing machine-best| viler. 349-9193 Painting and Texturing. Good estimates! Satisfaction Guaranteed! Contact Bill White 348-9066 Basements Finished ~ Cabinets - Formica Tops = Remodeling. Call Dole Martin 453-1760, ‘Tutoring available: Certified Leaming disabil~ ities teacher available to help children and adults learn better, Diagnostic and perscrip~ ‘ive teaching, Call Joe Renstein ~ 340-1567 for further information. Amway products from Joe & Loutse Benstetn: Laundry, home cleaning, car and beauty pro Quote avalloble. Smoke detoctors and fire extinguishers are also available, Call 348-1567 for free catalogue or products infor- mation. Mise: Dry goods Stoms for sale. King size blankets, King size spreads, and matching drapes. ‘Traverse rods for 36" window, also 84” cafe rod and 84” extention traverse. Call Joe Benstein ~ 348-1567. Por Sale: Beautiful natural gas log Including grate, automatic safety shut off valve, lava Fock base, Cost over $200 4 years ago ~ a stoal at $80 completo! 349-4614 Por Sale: Bassett head board & 2 night stands. Each night stand has 2 roomy chest size drawers and a book hutch. White finish. $90 for all throe polcos! Ideal for child's room. 349-4614 Moving & Garage Sale: Furniture, clothing & lots of everyting. 30882 Bobrich, One block of 6 mile, 1/2 block E of Merriman. Friday Saturday, May 6 & 7-9 a.m. tllS p.m. Lawn Maintenance: Mowing, trimming, weed- tng, ete, Rob Massard and Jeff Evans . Call 349-6736, “SENIOR CITIZEN SPECIAL BA) Monday, Tuesday & {ShippShore saey Perm, cut &style \ $18.00 0. 93.0 Shampoo & set $5.00 Manicures for Men & Women Thurediy, Peay & Saturday George, Zaroh, Amy, Mr. Michelle, Helen, Janet and Debbie the manicurist welcome you. We honor,.,Diners Club Mastor Charge BankAmericard 4 FLORAL ‘s* Northville Pharmacy Allan Potts, Re Phe 134 ast Main Street na0NZeD eDOCS werner Ags Phone; 249-0950 Emergency: 249-0019 juugwreng aes REE PARKING yo, ow uns RIGHT NEXT DOOR Since 1872 Babysitters AIL babysitters listed below are residents ‘of Highland Lakes. For your conventence cut this page out and keep it handy, \e babysitting list will be revised every three months. Any additions or changes will he held ntl] the July Issue. }im Bahel, 13 449-0206 Linda Lelemer, 15 say-waya Beth Bockman 1569 Nancy Leahy, 15 S608, Patty Beckman, 17 1589 ‘Helen Miller, 15 5563, Molly Behen, 19 8709 Lisa Myers, 14 6470 Mary Bellmore, 16 5654 Sally Natr, 15 2969) Charlene Benoit 9349 Debbie Miley, 16 as98 Dorreen Benolt, 12 9348 Sharon Shultz, 17 677 Kelly Brundage, 17 2765 ‘Both Oatey, 16 784) Torti Brundage, 19 2765 tsa Oatey, 13 7aa1 Barb Byce, 15 0420, ‘Joff Oatey, 14 7841 ‘tammy Byce, 13 0420 Ken Osborne, 15 sand Renate Cahill, 15 2618 Valerie Pearson, 14 maz Jule Charlat, 16 2517 John Peory, 15 349-2540 Karen Clemens, 18 0457 ‘Amy Peery. 2540 Chris Clements, 15 3928 Linda Peery, 17 2540 Cathl Daskalakis, 19 9193 Ann Fond, 17 549-2690 Diane Dechape. 16 5805 Bllrabeth Pond, 13 2690 ‘Tony Docker, 14 9476 Dawn Prest, 11 6346 Michele Dominique 6553 Georgla Regan 0206 Karen Edgeworth, 16 8625 ary} Roth, 15 348-1113 Amy Evans, 13 6736 Cattle Ruddon, 13 349-3954 Butt Evans, 14 6736 Michele Richardson, 14 8453 Kathy Fauer, 16, $452 -Melissa Richardson, 10 8453 Denise Gaymer, 18 6295 Peggy Sitarskl, 17 79 Debbie Graves, 18 3786 Deb Smith 6470 Robert Graves, 16 3786 Sue Smith 6478 Karen Graves, 14 3756 Tawnya Smith 5900 linda Graves, 12 3756 Jan Strasser, 16 8362 Dawn Grinde, 15 6429‘ Pllzabeth Thomas 0487 Claudia Horgan, 12 8466 Krystn Van Renterghem, 16 a7it Lisa Jakeo, 14 440-1042 Denise Vargo, 17 0056 ‘Marianne Kaeding, 18 343- Yvonne Vargo, 15 nse Janet Kain Zo\ Valassis, 15 7774 Dana Kitchen, 12 Marla Weld, 13 7365 Alisa Keinsky, 14 ‘Tammy Wolfe, 15 340-2454 Stephanse Krinsky, 17 Pattl Wright, 15 349-6547 Robert Krinsky, 15 Darlene Zuby, 13) 340-1646 WANT ADS__CONTINUED For Sale: Hand Lawnmower $5.00. Call 349-4614 For Sale: Two Atlas Snow Tires F78-14, used fone season Polyester Belted ~ Unmounted. Call 349-1177 Lawn Cutting: Call Doug - 349-8295. Going to Europe or South Amorica? Lessons in Spanish, Fronch, Italian and first year Geman offored right here in Condominium, from University of Michigan graduat $5 an hour ~ Students $6 an hour ~ Others 349-8678 Start or continue an interesting hobby. Plano Jegsons offered right here inCondomintum from graduate of Detrolt Conservatory of Muate and University of Michigan. $5 an hour - Students $6 an hour - Others 349-8678 WANT ADS CONTINUED Found: Second Morris the Cat! Could it be yours? Very lovable ~ needs someone wh cares, Call 348-2978, Classified Section ealiy Tandete, General handyman Dick Merlam 349-6127 Babysitting Toulse Binhanmer 349-5495 Newspaper Drive Northville ~ Plymouth Sentor Girl Scout ‘Troop 501 is having a Newspaper Drive May 17 ~ May 20 to help pay for a trip to Kentucky planned for this summor. Save your old newspapers and drop them off on ‘May 17th only at 41862 Sunnydale Drive (located in Northville Commons) or you can call 349-9128 for more information. FAMOUS BRAND NAME CARPETING ‘OVER 1500 SAMPLES ON DISPLAY % CARPETING %& LINOLEUM % CERAMIC TILE WEXEETY AtexanderSmith MEY Call For Shop © At © Home Service 349-4480] k= ‘146 E, CADY - NORTHVILLE isd Clubhous: Bridge Group 12:30 My V.O5SR feuchre Card Dan. Cia] Closed Ballroom Dance Cla. | Battetie Exercise Cia, {tub 8:00EM 7:30-8:45 30-8145 PM 10:30-11:30AM 3:45-7:302M Adult Diseo Das. Cla. 4 7:30-9:00PM fess 3 1 Giadhouse| Mother's Cisd Meeting a. idge Group 12:30PM| Balletic Exercise Cla. Closed | 5:00 Social Commiittes Meg [tennis League Meg. | 6:00PM | 8:00PM, Bellzoom Dence Cla, 7:30-8:45 PM, Bsoctzs39aM 7:30PM alt Disco Dance Gla Mother's Day coopnocnil palieg Haase oe Teen Dise Closed Das. Cla, fomen's Gib, Mig. jase Cara 7:30-8:45 } :a0eM cies sooo | | ! Director's] Adult Disco Dance Cla Meg. 7:30 | 7:30-5:00PM oe yaaa | Ban, Clas | chorea’ 2030-1 ; 7:50-8:48 73d. 8s45PAe tse a 30 $30 Agult Diseo Dauce Cla| ae fe] fete mer cls. | :30AM 125-1:30PM, iult Disco Dan. Cr. 30-9200 i i Board of =e 143-130PM i TiO fas | Bridge Group 12:3071 | Battroom dance cr Battetic Exer. Cla, 10:30-11:50AM the seasc 8 730-8255 MAY 1977

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