Year 5 Spring 2 2015 Newsletter

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Year 5 Newsletter

February 2015
Welcome back! I hope you have had a relaxing half term break. We are
continuing to work on the termly targets which were sent home in January. If you
require any information on these then please do not hesitate to contact me.
This half-term we will begin by finishing off our mystery stories based in the
school grounds. The children have really enjoyed this unit so far and they have
worked hard adding detailed descriptions to their sentences. We will then
progress onto writing with cross-curricular links and purpose using persuasive
language for arguments and debates. We will also have a strong focus on general grammar,
spelling and punctuation and on using a range of sentence structures in our writing to engage the
readers and add more detail to our writing.
Ways to help: In lessons, we will be focussing on using detail to engage readers. When your
child is reading, encourage them to locate challenging vocabulary, discuss the meaning and how
they could use these words in their writing.
We will be starting this half term revisiting mental and written division
using both the short method, and the chunking method. Children will then
recap 2D and 3D shapes and use Venn and Carroll diagrams to sort them
using their own criteria. Later on in the half-term we will learn about
fractions, decimals and percentages and then progress onto calculating with
these, measuring area and perimeter and to explore statistics and reading various scales and
interpreting data.
Ways to help: Continue to practice instant recall of all multiplication tables. Please talk to your
child when they are completing their homework and ask the children to explain how they have
calculated an answer or solved a problem. Consistently reinforce key mathematical vocabulary
such as multiples, factors, prime numbers and digits to assist children with their independent
problem solving.

TThhee W
Whhoollee S
Scchhooooll tthheem
mee ffoorr tthhiiss hhaallff tteerrm
m iiss......
Maatteerriiaall W
Science Properties and Changes of Materials
In science, we will continue to explore the solubility of materials, how to change the state of
materials and solutions and how heating and burning change different materials. We will then
explore reversible and irreversible changes and how these happen.

In history we will begin this half term exploring how crime and punishment have changed since
the Anglo-Saxon times. We will then focus on studying Early Islamic Civilisation and make
comparisons between the times.
Art and DT
In DT, we will complete our textile teddies project using a variety of stitches to secure these
materials in place. We will also progress onto developing Pop Art skills through drawing, painting
and explore how to create bold, bright images to create a class story.
In music, we will continue to sing and practice for the Sing
Together concert and learn to identify different rhythms within
In French, we will be learning to name the different
planets and write sentences describing these.
In computing, we will begin to explore graphics and why they are
important. We will look at a variety of different marketing to
explore how companies arrive at a final design idea and how to
advertise a personal product.
In RE we will be learning about Easter, what it means in other cultures and the story describing
Our PE lessons will continue to take place every Tuesday so please ensure
that your child brings their PE kit to school on this day and that earrings are
taken out. Please also ensure that your childs PE kit is clearly labelled with
their name. This half term we will be doing invasion games with a focus on
hockey. We will also be going swimming every Monday so please ensure that
your child has their swimming kit with them each Monday.
Our forest school day is on Tuesday 3rd March 2015.
I have really enjoyed working with each and every one of you since starting at Harris
Primary School and I look forward to settling into the second half of the year.
Miss Murray

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