Delivearble 8.3 Launch Event (1.0)

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CMAster Project Deliverable 8.


Launch event

Version History






10th October 2014

First and final

Richard Baker


Version History ................................................................................................................................ 1

Content ........................................................................................................................................... 1

Purpose and Background ................................................................................................................ 1

Setting ............................................................................................................................................. 2

Programme ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Photographs of Launch event ......................................................................................................... 5

Appendix 1- Launch Presentation slides ......................................................................................... 6

Purpose and Background

The original application stated:

The last month of the project (September 2014) will coincide with the third Joint Meeting of ESMAC
and the (North American) Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society 1 in Rome. These are held every
four years and are, effectively the world meeting for the CMA community. A launch event will be run
at this meeting to publicise the course and raise international awareness.

At the time of the original CMAster application there were plans for the 2014 ESMAC conference in Rome
to be the third of a series of joint conferences with the (North America) Gait and Clinical Movement
Analysis Society (GCMAS) following Amsterdam in 2006 and Miami in 2010. Since the applications those
plans did not materialise and GCMAS chose not to continue this arrangement.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication
(communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


The European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children is the principal academic society
for clinical gait analysis within Europe. In 2014 the annual conference was held jointly with the
Societa Itialiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica (SIAMOC) the largest and most active regional
society within Europe and marketed as the 1st Clinical Movement Analysis World Conference. The
Conference is preceded by three days of educational activity including the Annual ESMAC Gait
Course and 8 symposia. Members had a prominent role in both. Coinciding so closely to the
completion of the CMAster Project this was the obvious venue to hold a formal launch event.

2 | 8.3 Launch event

The conference was held at the Angelicum Conference Centre at the Pontifical University of St
Thomas Aquinas in the centre of Rome.


Pictures taken at the 1 Clinical Movement Analysis World Conference (courtesy of


The launch event was held on the morning of Saturday 4th October had two components. The first
was the CMAster breakfast, an informal event at which anyone had an opportunity to come and
have breakfast with the CMAster team and chat about the programme.
The main event was the CMAster Launch and Keynote lecture within the main auditorium. Professor
Baker first gave an outline of the CMAster Programme (see Appendix one for slides). He then
introduced Julie Reay who is one of the students who has just completed her first year studying on
the work-based distance-learning programme being delivered from the University of Salford. She
talked about her experiences as a student on the programme.

3 | 8.3 Launch event

Invite to launch event from placed in all conference bags

Then Professor Baker then introduced Dr Adam Shortland to deliver the CMAster lecture. Adam is
the Consultant Clinical Scientist who leads the One Small Step Gait Laboratory at Guys Hospital in
London. He also holds an Honorary Senior Lectureship at Kings College, London and has an
international reputation for both clinical and research work particularly in studying how changes in
muscle phyiology and anatomy affect walking in children with cerebral palsy. He also serves as
External Examiner for the CMAster programme at the University of Salford.

CMAster Launch event as outlined in the Conference Programme

4 | 8.3 Launch event

Photographs of Launch event

5 | 8.3 Launch event

Appendix 1- Launch Presentation slides

6 | 8.3 Launch event

7 | 8.3 Launch event

8 | 8.3 Launch event

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