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CMAster Project Deliverable 6.


Bologna Process: Diploma support

and Europass mobility record
1 Professional and ethical issues report Version History





19 March 2014

First draft

Richard Baker


5th May 2014

Second draft incorporating information

from VUA and KUL (finalised for approval)

Richard Baker

2 Contents:

Version History ...................................................................................................................... 1

Contents: .............................................................................................................................. 1

Aim of this document ............................................................................................................. 2

Background ........................................................................................................................... 3


Bologna Process ............................................................................................................. 3


Europass ........................................................................................................................ 3


Deliverables ................................................................................................................... 3

Diploma Supplement .............................................................................................................. 4


Overview ........................................................................................................................ 4


Diploma Supplement at the University of Salford .............................................................. 4


Diploma Supplement at VU Amsterdam ............................................................................ 4


Diploma Supplement at KU Leuven .................................................................................. 4

Europass Mobility Record ........................................................................................................ 5


Overview ........................................................................................................................ 5


Current status of Europass Mobility Records within the partner universities ........................ 5


Europass Mobility Records for CMAster students ............................................................... 5

Appendix 1:

University of Salford Transcript and Diploma Supplement ....................................... 6

Appendix 2:

VU Amsterdam Diploma Supplement ....................................................................16

Appendix 3:

KU Leuven Diploma Supplement (Template) .........................................................23

Appendix 4:

CMAster Europass Mobility Record (Specimen) .....................................................29

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication
(communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

3 Aim of this document

Objective 3 of Workpackage 6 is: to ensure that the course and qualifications gained are aligned with
the Bologna process.
Two of the deliverables relate to this 6.3a Diploma Supplement Table and 6.3b Guidelines for
Europass Mobility Record which are described in the original application:
These requirements will facilitate the recognition of this qualification throughout Europe.
The Diploma Supplement outlines the contents of the course and the guidelines for the
Europass Mobility Record will support the student in recording education and training
activities in different countries.

2 | D6.2 Bologna Process: Diploma support and mobility record

4 Background
4.1 Bologna Process
The Bologna Process is a collective effort of public authorities, universities, teachers, and students,
together with stakeholder associations, employers, quality assurance agencies, international
organisations, and institutions, including the European Commission.
The main foci are:

the introduction of the three cycle system (bachelor/master/doctorate)

strengthened quality assurance and
easier recognition of qualifications and periods of study.

4.2 Europass
Europass is the initiative seeking to address the third of the Bologna Process foci. It has the specific

to help citizens communicate their skills and qualifications effectively when looking for a job or
to help employers understand the skills and qualifications of the workforce;
to help education and training authorities define and communicate the content of curricula.

It is essentially a formalised web-based process for documenting education, skills and training and has
five components. The first two are completed by the citizen:

the Curriculum Vitae helps skills and qualifications effectively and to be presented clearly. It
can be created on-line using tutorials or a template and instructions can be downloaded in a
variety of languages.
the Language Passport is a self-assessment tool for language skills and qualifications which
can be created using similar tools.

The other three documents are issued by education and training authorities:

the Europass Mobility records the knowledge and skills acquired in another European
country (Appendix 1 is the example that can be downloaded from the Europass web-site);
the Certificate Supplement describes the knowledge and skills acquired by holders of
vocational education and training certificates;
the Diploma Supplement describes the knowledge and skills acquired by holders of
higher education degrees (Appendix 2 is the example that can be downloaded from the
Europass web-site).

4.3 Deliverables
Deliverables 6.3a is the Diploma Supplement Table (the template for the Diploma Supplement) and is
described below in Section 5. Deliverable 6.3b is the Guidelines for the Europass Mobility Record and
will be described in Section 6. As with other deliverables, this document will describe current provision
at each of the partner universities and conclude with an outline of any developments that are required
specifically for the CMAster project.

3 | D6.2 Bologna Process: Diploma support and mobility record

5 Diploma Supplement
5.1 Overview
The Diploma Supplement is a document accompanying a higher education diploma, providing a
standardised description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies completed by
its holder. It is produced by the higher education institutions according to standards agreed by the
European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO.
The supplement is designed as an aid to help (but not guarantee) recognition it is not a CV or a
substitute for the original qualification.
It has the following eight sections of information:

the holder of the qualification

the qualification
its level and function
the contents and results gained
certification of the supplement
details of the national higher education system concerned (provided by the National Academic
Recognition Information Centres (NARICs) )
any additional relevant information.

Graduates in all the countries taking part in the Bologna Process have the right to receive the Diploma
Supplement automatically, free and in a major European language.

5.2 Diploma Supplement at the University of Salford

The Academic Transcript is the summary of academic attainment at the University of Salford and the
Diploma Supplement is an explanatory document designed to be read alongside this. A copy of both
documents is supplied in Appendix 1.
For students undertaking the new programme in Clinical Movement Analysis the Masters Project will
be recorded as credit awarded by Accredited Study Abroad (ASA) in the Info column. Other than this
no changes are required to either document.

5.3 Diploma Supplement at VU Amsterdam

The Diploma Supplement issued by VU will not need adapting and a sample copy is attached as
Appendix 2.

5.4 Diploma Supplement at KU Leuven

The Diploma Supplement issued by KU Leuven will not need adapting and the current template is
attached as Appendix 3.

4 | D6.2 Bologna Process: Diploma support and mobility record

6 Europass Mobility Record



The Europass Mobility Record is a document that records knowledge and skills acquired in another
European country.

a work placement in a company;

an academic term as part of an exchange programme;
a voluntary placement in an NGO.

It is designed for any person moving to a European country to learn or acquire a work experience,
whatever their age or level of education. It is completed by the two partner organisations involved in
the mobility project, the first in the country of origin and the second in the host country.
The partners may be universities, schools, training centres, companies, NGOs, etc.

6.2 Current status of Europass Mobility Records within the partner

The University of Salford does not have a central policy on the issuing of Europass Mobility Records.
This is a local responsibility and schools/colleges have flexibility to develop their own documentation.
VU Amsterdam issues Europass Mobility Records in line with the template available on the Europass
Europass Mobility Records are not issued routinely at KU Leuven.

6.3 Europass Mobility Records for CMAster students

Given that VU Amsterdam is the only one of the partner Universities routinely issuing Europass
Mobility Certificates and has adopted to use the template available at the Europass web-site it has
been decided that CMAster students will all be issued a Mobility Record based on the same template.
An editable version of this has been developed and a sample of this is included as Appendix 4.
This will be used to document any student mobility in the proposed Joint masters programme as well.

5 | D6.2 Bologna Process: Diploma support and mobility record

Appendix 1:

University of Salford Transcript and Diploma


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Appendix 2:

VU Amsterdam Diploma Supplement

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Appendix 3:

KU Leuven Diploma Supplement (Template)

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Appendix 4:

CMAster Europass Mobility Record (Specimen)

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