Herald - January, 1977

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LF its JANUARY Early bird banking Drive-in as as 8 a.m. Til 7pm. on Friday Loty Daven Mon.-Thurs, 93005 805. Feidoy 99007 t07 Sounds 9330819390101 Save with no service charge checking treo, teen #88 Sty Tee aot 19 eon wth $20 or mmr one po toro ase ‘orogens Nekrter Our Cecking ou SECURITY BANK OF NOVI sldiary of Security Bancorp Ine. member FDIC 478-4000 ~ GOOD TIME PARTY * ¥ “STORE package liquor Charles chips live lobster keg beer domestic & imported wine » _ We'ro located on 7 Mile Road just west of Northville Road. Open Monday thru Saturday 9 to 10 and Sunday noon to 6 to serve you, 349-1477 FARNOLDI Music Co NORTHVILLE'S COMPLETE MUSIC CENTER Flutes + Clarinets + Trumpets -"Sax.. Harmonicas + Recorders + Jaw Harps Banjos * Dulelmers + and More .« ‘An Instrument for Everyone GULBRANSEN and LOWERY ORGANS GRAND, FIGHER and WINTER PCANOS ALVAREZ. and GIBSON GUITARS Sheet Music and Instruction Books Expert Guitar, Banjo ond Autoharp Repair Piano Service and Tuning Private Instruction Available on Most Instrumunts Convenient Financing Avallable “HVILLE PLAZA MALL 7 340-1019 ae (Gre D LAKES Baltor Tols Walker “Trudy Austin Art Consultant Tedy Whitmore Special Reporter ‘Ann Preod Printing, ois Walker, Collating Trudy Austin Charles Buswell ‘Margaret Buswell Trudy Austin Children's Pages Krysin Van Renterghem Tante Ryan ‘Tho Highland Lakes Herald shall be the official designated news media of the Highland Lakes Condominium Assoctation, serving all residents, ‘groups and organizations. The Association and its Board neither control nor are responsible for the contents of the Herald apart from the official submissions of the Association, All material submitted for inclusion in the Herald ‘must be true and factual, newsworthy and of gen~ feral interest. ‘The editor reserves the right to hhold items from publication pending validation of facts. In cages where stems are of a ctitical or controversial nature, the editor raserves the right to hold up publication until both sides have had a chance to reply. ‘AN material submitted must be signed. Signatures, ‘will he witheld upon request. ‘The Editorials, sf there are any, reflect the opin ons of the staff and not that of the general membership of the Association. No material will be accepted for inclusion in the upcoming issuo after the 25th of the month. Exception will be made only in cases whore the infomation is extremely important to the readers {in the coming issue. ‘The editor and staff of the Highland Lakes Herald Servo on a voluntary basis for indeterminate periods of time, s0 long as they produce a paper which contplies with the editorial policy. All letters to the editor, questions, comments, want ads, etc. ate to be placed in the Herald box in tho Clubhouse. All communications should be én witing and presented in this, manner unless the case 45 an extreme omerge~ ney and in such case you may phone a staff | Shloath, NEIGHBORHOOD_NEws } Grosse Pointe Hunt Club was the setting for Sea eee oe em ea i OR MARTIN J LEVIN The bride ts the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Fay, ashe tla Son Optonerit Living in Grosse Pointe. Her father was & Principal of Amerman Elementary here. 3481330 ‘The bridegroom 1s the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goldsmith. INORIENILE SGUAKE Rabbi Robert Syme 0: Detrolt Temple Terao ‘reformed congreaation) pexformed the 6:80 sam ceremony under 8 canopy of brown eucalyptus and crdar ane Ivory pampas ras, There matertals also wore used for table arrangements surrounding fat pink candies. HARD 4 SOFT ALUTS CHD CONTACTIENSIS EYE EXAMINATION Cantor Harold Orbach of Temple larael sang to the bride. Detroit piinist Bemard Kate played voloe~ ons by Mozart and Handa} for the coremony nd lator during dinner played a varioty of aisle ranging feom classical to college Given in marriage by het parents, Cyncioo wore a gorn of ivory peau do soid with white ‘alencon and Viennase lace applique, She cartied a Flemish bouyuet of roses, stepha~ notis, baby's breath and carnations In shades of white with Ivy. ROSS B. NORTHROP & SON’ FUNERAL DiaecToRS ‘Shee 110 vesins uN The bride's sister, Mrs. Chatles Rosenborg ‘31-0697 481233 . sf Highland Lakes, was matron on honor in 4 flowing brown chiffon gown over ivory with accent of woven ivory ribbon on the bodice. She carries a mixed bouquet of pale pink roses, carnations and Ivy. ‘The bride's nieces, Megan and Amy Rosen= Painting by lou hoty, wore flower airs In long brown vel~ ‘vot dowas tuimmed with tvory oyelet and lace. They carted baskets of pink sweet hart roses, baby's breath and tvy tied with ivory ribbons. call_ 349-1558 reasonable rates free estimates ‘anytime DEPARTMENT-STORE or prescriptions... Northville Pharmacy Allan Potts, Re Phe 124 East Main Street Emergency: 349-0812 Phone: 349-0850 FREE PARKING RIGHT NEXT DOOR Since 1872 NEIGHBORHO (Continued) Leonard Goldsmith, a medical school studont from Philadelphia, was best man for his twin brother Ushers were his his brother-in-law, Cl ‘and Lawrence Bolle. hers, Jeffrey and Robert, leg P. Rosenberg, About NO guests attonded from New York, Mas achusetts, Pennsylvania and from Northville, Southfield, Ann axbor and Charlevolx. After a color tour of Northero Michigan nowlyweds are making thelr home in D where the bridegroom now is in residency at St, Iuke's Hospital, He received his under~ graduate and medical school dogrees from University of Michigan. bride is a uraduate of Grosse Pointe High School and attended Northwood Institute, Tex cain She now is a paraleg: rf gus, for two years: Denver lave flrm. Cuyler McCutchan of Hayes Court has @ one man show of his watercolor pointings on dis~ play In the Livonia City Hall, 9300] Pive Mile Road for the month of January. The display 1s sponsored by the Visual Arts Association of Livonia (VAL) of which he is a member. HL Specializing in Indoor Antenna Installation you need for the bath* Choose from exquisite velections! Largest & Moss Conplee Bath Shop in Michigan Complete Selection of Plumbing Supplizs & Fixtures FANCY BATH BOUTIQUE division Long's Plumbing Co| 190 E.Main St, Northville 349-0373 Hes: Mon.-Thurs 29-5:30, Fri; 9-9 I Sat, 9-5; Closed Sunday) PR TC I RR EL TueWed 9-4:30 , ThuFri9-6 Sot 83:30 Put Voursey SY Our Place \ _ For A Change Distinctive Hair Designs 102 W. Main Northville © ‘We havo s0 very much to offer you! Free home color constul= tons on Fuller O'Brien paint fas well as custom color mix- ing. Custom window shades, as wolt as the mew wood veneer shades. And we have a decorating consultant’ to assist you with all your decorating needs. Pius, a wide selection of wall ideas Including mirrors, pictures, clocks and plaques. Wo're at 107 N. Center Street, North- ville on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes~ days 9 to §, Thursdays and Fridays 9 to ( 9, Saturdays 9 to 5. We discount all wallpaper 10% to 25%. Custom dra~_ Gp ~ perles complete the Iook. 349-7110. MANAGEMENT SECTION, ‘This section of the Herald printed on spectal color paper, contains minutes cf Board of Directors meetings and Management data, This Section is the official information medium for communications of the Assoclation as prescribed by Board Resolution R-6 March 22, 1976. Any other articles, comments, advertising or editorials are the re~ sponsibility of the Herald and are not monitored by the Board of Directors prior to printing of the paper. the only exception to mont= toring would be whore tt 4s consistent with the Editor's policy of allow ing reply to criticism. We + omnend that you not only read but save this section of the Hetaiet for future reference. Resolutions and regulations approved by tie Board become a part of your Association By-Laws. Highland Lakes Condominium Association Board of Directors HIGHLAND LAKES ahd [ASSOCIATION DIRECTORY ADDRESS: 20301 Silver Spring Drive Northville, Michigan 48167 Phone: 349-4006 Regular Board of Directors Meetings are 3rd Monday of cach month in Highland Howse, DIRECTORS: President: Michael Wilson Vice President: Jack VanDam Secretary: Dorothy Gay ‘Treasurer: Victor McCormick Bob Russell Patricia Pozanowoki Dennis Foley MANAGING AGENT; — Community Management Company 23875 Northwestern Highway Suite 200 Southfield, Michigan 48075 jone: 353-1360 Manager: Dan McAfee RESIDENT STANDING COMMIT BS & CHAIRPERSONS: (Phone numbers available at the Clubhowse) Grounds: Bruce Aumann a Insurance: Stan Felthouse Recreational Vehicle: George Wavdrip & Human Relations: Warna Robert Engineering: Ray Usell Pool & Recreations: Mary Lou Goten Whenever pidijble addvess your inquiries in weiting aN Fire, Accident, Theft, Traffic Violations, Stray Animals, te, Northville Township Police Phone: 459-1700 Association Fee Billing Problems Community in Southfield Phone: 353-1360 Manager in Clubhouse Phone: 349-4006 Emergency Problems when Clubhouse is closed (Sewers, Etc.) Community in Southfield ey ‘ Phone: 353-1360 Extvrnal Maintenance Problems Questions or Suggestions - Contact the Manager, Committee Chairperson, ox Board of Directors, depending on the situation. MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE “BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF — HIGHLAND LAKES CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION December 20, 1976 ‘The monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of Highland Lakes Condo minfum Association was held at the principal office of the Association in the Town- ship of Northville, State of Michigan, on the 20th day of December 1976 at 7:45 PM in accordance with the By-Laws of the Association, ‘The following Directors were present: The Mrs. Gay and Pezanowski, Messers. McCormick, Russell and Wilson, VanDam arrived at 8PM. ‘The minutes of the November 15th meeting were read and accepted with one correction in respect to the approximate one time assessment of $72. plus for in= ulation. Association Attorney Lawrence Thompson presented an updated summary oa the lawsuit pending against Levitt, Since negotiations conducted for aver a year pro- ved unsatisfactory, a suit was filed against Levitt in Oakland County Gireuit Court on October 25, 1976, On November 16, 1976 a lis pendens wae filed to prevent Levitt and ITT from divesting themselves of any of the property surrounding High- Tand Lakes until settlement of the suit, There will be a preliminary hearing on Tanuary 3, 1977. Richard Stopa, President of Community Management Company, was introduced. He in turn, introduced Dan MeAfee, who has been assigned to be the full time on-site Manager as of January, 1977. In answer to the question, "What services does a management company perform?" Mr. Stopa stated that he envisions the Management Company running the project there by (wecing the Board to promulgate policy. He stressed the need for communication hetween the Co-Owners and the Management Company as well as between the Co-Owners and the Board, He will outline the services hie company offers Highland Lakes ree~ fdents for the January meeting and for publication in the February Herald, President Wilson presented a brief summary of the insulation project. Une fortunately, but unavoidably, the project was delayed several weeks until permission was received from HUD (per FHA regulations) to borrow from our Capital Replacement Fund to finance the cost, Work did begin the week of December 12 and as of December 20th seven buildings had been completed, Work will begin again after January Ist. The cooperation of all residents ia requested in making their units available following the directions circulated December 10th, upon notice of the specific date respective linits will be insulated, ATTENTION is directed to an attic insulation program questionnaire printed elrewhere in the January Herald, He stated that he is available to Vie McCormick reported on the 1977 budget, ‘The increase in monthly discuss the budget in detail with anyone who wishes to do s0, Minutes of Mee Paye 2 of 3 \g December 20, 1976 Association Fees, an average of 10, 10%, is primarily due to increases in utility rates, iusurance, and salaries, Motion by VanDam: To affirm the 1977 Operating Budget as presented by McCormick, Seconded by Gay. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ‘The Board agreed to consider Item 5¥, the surance Committee Report, at this time, Stan Felthouse reported on the matter of the $500, deductible limit on fire insurance, ‘The Board accepted the committee's recommendation and the question will be prosented to the membership on the election ballot as decided in November. (The Board agreed to consider Item 7A of the agenda out of order, A question has arisen regarding the HIGHLAND HERALD becoming iavolved in competition with private business in respect to printing for organizations or associations other than Mighland Lakes. Mrs. Pezanowski has reviewed the HERALD!S records with Lois Walker, Motion by VanDam: To accept the reports and discuss the matter in Jan~ wary. Supported by Gay. CARRIED, Russell will check with Attorney Thompson regarding legal implications, Motion by VauDam, seconded by Gay: To pay Attorney Thompson's bill for November. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, Motion by McCormick, seconded by VanDam: To table the engagement of & C.P.A, for the 1976 audit. "CARRIED, Paul Tiderington reported for Management that a water bill due January 1 for the amount of $19, 900 has been received, ‘The gas bill due December 29th is for $33,000, There are some outstanding bile due Long's Plumbing Company dating Lack to January and February 1976, Duplicate bills have been requested, Correspondence for the month was reecived and accepted. ‘The Board unanimously agreed to table the questions of outside antennas and parking problems until the January meeting. Since the pool repair bids were s0 dlsparare, the Board agreed to relet diet. It was recommended that the specifications be reviewed and referred to the Poot Committee. ‘The question of FOR SALE signs was discussed briefly. A uniform sign for display in windows was considered, A motion to table by Russell, supported by Van Darn was Carried, The Board has received a request from an unmarried Co-Owner that a friend with whom the unit is shared be granted the privileges of the Clubhouse and the pool. ‘The request will be referred to the Human Relations Committee for policy ¥ee~ ommendations. Minutes of Meeting December 20, 1976 Page 3 of 3 ‘The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 PM, APPROVED: Dorothy K Gay Secretary ‘Michael L, Wilson Prenident HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE, We are a small but enthusiastic group. Some of the things we have discussed and are attempting to implement 1, Illuminated maps of the avea to be installed af the entrance and at the Clubhouse. 2, Dog txercise Areas. 3. Further utilization of the Clubhouse, ‘At a future meeting, Dick Bahel will provide us with a speaker from the American ‘Arbitration Association, Watch the Herald for the date for this important speaker. Our next meeting will be held at the Clubhouse at 7:30PM on January 20, 1977. a - WIGILAND LAKES conDOMENTU ASSOCTATLON Atte Insulation Program Wy are we Insulating? tree baste reasons: 1, Cost savings per the attached schedule 2) Improved confort due to less warm air movement through ceflings. Will Provide nore even heat (and cooling in summer) throughout the house nl aore affective operation of husidifiers. 43, Ing*/oal shold gave up to 62 on their electric bills due to more Uirijieat ade conditioning. tho decided to ineulate? ‘the Bonré of Directora, after study by the Engineering Committee and con~ rultation and review of statistics with the uellity company, the supplier nd the contractor ond review of the finanetal considerations, voted that Tevould tr inthe bese interest of the Association to undertake the pro~ ‘ram. ow ore we susutating? lie are having wens Corning Piberglaes blows in through the attic roof vents, f vorkaen must go up tn the ateie through your closet hatch door to rake the material tovan even depth of 11 inches, We currently have either 1} or 3 Inches in each unit. Those built 4n the early stages of the development have only Ts Inches. Isn't this messy? No. tecause of tts composition (atrands of fiberglass), 1t cannot seep through the eefling fixtures, ete, The top of the closet ceiling door ts covered with a layer of Eiberglaes mat (not loose) 60 that vhen the door is removed in the future, the material will not come off. There may be a small amount of fiber~ glass that has cone off he vorkwan's clothes on your closet floor after he eaves. Pace 4 up and throw it in the vastebasket, What about the assessment? ‘The tots! seseesnent will be about §50,000 ($72.35 per unit). The total cost Gf cee project in $73,500, We should be able to pay §23,500 of this from [976 operations. The aeseesnent vill take place in the first quarter of 1977. Your cost of the abgessnent will be recovered 4n about 2% years through future nalntenance fee savings (see schedule)» hot Kind of safeguards do we have to make eure that we get insulation co 11 thore vii 9 a minim of four H.U.D. Inspections; you can Lift the hatch dior and ware yourself 1 Wat are other condomtntuns doing about insulation? [As Virtually all are considering 1¢ and many have already conpleted thetr progran. Out contractor (Alr-fite) currently has miny bid requests from condos and co-op. Q tien will my unit be donor A. ha hest ve con, wo arm starting with the oldent antes and working forvard. ‘The contractor can do about 20 units per day, so It vould take about 33 Working daya. He cannot work when the roofs are slippery. We hope to be completed within 10-12 weeks, taking the weather into account. The program began on Decenber 15, Q. I'm never hone during the day and don't Like to Leave wy key with anyone, nae ean Edo? A. The managenent staff will be contacting you in advance of the scheduled date for your butlding. You ean leave your key vith them or vith a neighbor. Imcaber, the contractor ie reputable and fally insured. Your cooperation is neoded hocause there will be delays LF the contractor cannot do every unit ih abuilding st tho tino tine. Dolaya will eost us money because ve uAlL not realize the 1OZ savings in gas cost according to our projections and this MALL have to be patd out of maintenance fees. WLc.d, PROJHCTED NATURAL GAS COSTA () = pee unte per nonth lutchoue wien Yearly cumulative nsulatton Savings Savings 1976 $210,500 (525.83) 1977 252,600 ($30.46) $227,340 ($27.41) $25,260 ($3.05) § 25,260 ($ 3.05) 1978 290,490 (535-03) 261,641 ($31.52) 29,069 (33.51) "54,309 (9 6.55) 1979 3341063 ($40.28) 300,657 ($36.25) 33,606 (34.03) 87,715 ($10.58) 1980 3841173 (§46.33) 3454755 ($41.69) 38,418 (34.64) 126,133 ($15.22) 1981 441798 ($59.28) 397,618 ($47.95) 44,180 (85.32) 170,313 ($20.58) TOTAL Savings per unte 1977 = 1961 = $246.47 Projected assessment for insulation: 12.39 Seyear Net Savings sme [Assessment Costa will be recovered in about 2 years ‘assumes 20f gas cost Anctease in 1977 and 18% each year thereafter ‘Assumes 101 gas usage decrease due to insulation (Actual experionce 42 10 to 17% Sn condominiums per Consumers Pover Company) Your monthly aaintenance fees in 1981 should be $5.32 Less than they would have heen Tf we did not fosulace. DIREGTORY INFORMATION ADDITIONS TO DIRECTORY: Stanly Estrada 19349 Andover Gourt Robe-t Walls 42784 Lake Success Drive Robert Watson 20268 Longwood Court George Giffin 42520 Lake Success Drive Donald Dobek 19628 Aqueduct Court Raymond Scott 41315 Lagoon Court David Seitler 42508 Lake Success Drive D, Gunningars 19563 Mariner Court wan Jaramillo 42762 Lyric Court, Christopher Miller 42728 Lyric Court George Millar 20018 Bryn Mawr Court BLL. Chang 42738 Lyric Court DELETIONS FROM DIRECTORY William Richardson 41315 Lagoon Gourt Roger Frayer 42508 Lake Success Drive Donald Mahon 19563 Mariner Court R. Gary Dolenga 42728 Lyrie Coust Byron MeCalmont 20018 Bryn Mawr Court CORRECTIONS IN THE DIRECTORY: David Saterfiel 19714 Dearborn Court A. Kelly 19753 Hayes Court Unlisted 348-1651 349-5261 Unlisted Untisted 349-6759 349-2697 348-2641 349-1186 Untisted 348-2087 349-5959 Unlisted Unlisted ‘We speclatize in homeowner insurance for condominiums J 7-4 I RIZZO ee aes Member UNRA = MULTI-LIST SPECIALIZING IN CONDOMINIUH RESALES AS WELL AS HOMES CANT LAND IN THE Nonmivines alta REALTOR assocramss STU BAKER iby BuaKE JOHN LONG SI HATHA "bisa TM BRIGHTON BILL RBIDLY, 45906. BROKER ‘ro! RU220, BROKER 349-9460 Ermer | | | | di Freydl's re MEN'S & WOMEN'S STORES 112 - 118 E, Main St. Northville aLso. Prompt Dry ¢ Cleaning Service “ALTERATIONS — * SHIRT LAUNDRY Wo Own & Operate OuPOwn Plant. ‘All Work Done on Our Promisas 349-0777 NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS Birth of thetr first child, Jeffrey Andrew, is ‘announced by Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Tole of Seabrook Ct. thelr son was born November Sth at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak and weighed nine pounds, ten ounces. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Theodore ole of Detrolt and Mr. and Mrs. Albert MoGlinsey of Kalamazoo. Great~grandpar- tents are Willam Tole of Excanaba and Mr. and Mre. James Jellis of South Dakota. Ron and Cathy Van Horn of Rippling Lane announce the birth of a daughter, Mandy, bora December ist, at 4:42 a.m. and woighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces. Baby Mandy hag two brothers, Matt 4 and Brian 11/2. ‘We know of two Highland Takes residents, who received degrees recently. Kathleen Susan AuBuchon of Leidel Ct. was awarded ‘a bachelor of science degree December 12 At the 26th winter commencement at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti. Joseph Penstela of Dartmouth Ct. was awarded ‘8 mastors degree In elementary education from Oakland University. Funeral services for Gordon William Carne, 60, of Windsor Ct, were held December 15, at the Harry J. Will Funeral Home in Liv~ onla Me. Carne died December 12 at St. Mary's Hospital. Hehad boon a resident of High- land Lakes for thre and a half years. ‘your letter carrlar says thanks to ull yyis friends in Highland Lakes for their kindness and friendship. He sald to wish all of you the Happiest New Year ever and hopes that he won't have too many Pills for you in 19771 Intetment was In Evergroen Cemetery. OR eer pec FINE Income Tax Service in Highland Lakes call Jim Howell 19987 Seabrook Court 349-5753 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL | BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Don't stand in Iino or sit and wait ~ Come and see me where the service is GReaT! 3 SS BE RS ee © come 25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE SORES ort Te a FR L. EYE PXAMINATIONS: RPRACTICN CONTACT LENSES Service on Eyoglasses & Pranes 349-1575 Main West of Center + Rorthville Srvart F Camppeu. OD., FA.A.O. (OBPECE OPEN DATLY 508 Except nhureday and sunday For Prompt Service, Call 349-1575 SATURDAY 18 EUN DAY at NORTHVILLE LONES + ABC BOWLING 10 a.m. & 12:30 p.m, 2 yias ~ 22 yrs. ~ SANCTIONED © OPEN BOWLING 8:00 ~ 7:00 + NO-TAP MIXED DOUBLES 10:00 p.m. » OPEN BOWLING ~ Mon. , W ‘Thurs, Pri. APTER 9:00 p.m. 1352S. Canter St. 349-3060 oN ait «© SALES © SERVICE © INSTALLATION, SIDA - COMMERCIAL MASTER KEY SYSTEM GOLF El ole aN Sat orn NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS (Contined) Funeral services for Leo Smigielski, 49, of Richards Ct. were held December 24, at Casterline Funeral Home Ine. in Northville. Taterment was in Acacia Park Cemetery in Birmingham. Mr. Smigielskl died December 21 at St. Mary's Hospital. He is survived by bls wife, Barbara Rockstahler Sinigtalakt, and a daughter and son Taura Ann Smigielski ‘and Stephen Smigielski. The Smigiclski's were one of the first families to move into Highland Lakes Mra. G. W. Carne and son Larry wish to express thelr thanks and gratitude for the expresaions of sympathy and lovely flowers received at the funeral home for Mr. Carne. GOLD INSTRUCTIONS ~ GROUP. & PRIVATE JOHN KOCH, PGA PROFESSIONAL CALL 349-9777 ~ SIX MILE & SHELDON RDS. "MOBILE SERVICE ini'suouRes NORTHVILLE SQUARE MALL wun HAPPENINGS By Chance Cheese & Wine Barn | A PENNY SAVED IS Et Cetera Shop Elias Brothers LIKE A PENNY EARNED.. 5 Penny Arcade BROWSE THE Golden Comb L.G. Haig Shoes FOR BARGAINS Kandy Kettle ALL JANUARY Dr. Martin J. Levin a Northville Public Library Transcontinental Travel Vital Foods in downtown Northville Convenient free parking 3 handy entrances; W. Cady, S.Wing and W. Main Mkt NOV! ROAD COIN LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS ALTERATIONS & REPAIRS i COMMUNITY NEWS s Novi Choralatres, the year-old regional choral group which made its debut last spring, ‘will present Ste first concert of this season on Sunday, January 23, at Walled Lake Wes fem Fiigh School Auditorium at 4:00 p.m. Under the direction of William Edwards, the 27 velce Choralaires will present a wide variety of Choral music, Included will be a sacred work, Gloria, by Vivaldi, from the Baroque era, Accompaniment for this plece, set to a portion of the Catholic Mass, will be provided by a small orchestra consisting Of string, trumpet and oboe players. Solo~ sts will also be featured in this serious por tion of the concert. In addition, the Choral~ tires wil demonstrate their musical versitil~ : ity by presenting selections from Plddler on TEAIMEX the Roof and other familiar pieces. Again, reAine fesiring aotlate and epectal aeconpant~ ‘Open TaN TO TPE ‘ments, the Chorelatres will endeavor to se! Varying mecde for your dllght and entertain L SEVEN DAYS AWEEK 1067 Nov! RD a. 47349-8120 JUST N.OF BMILE * Admission is $2.00 for adults, $1.00 for children under 12, ‘Tickets may be purchased from choir members, at Meadowbrook Drug Store (10 mile and Meadowbrook Rds.) of at the door. Walled Lake Western 1s located at Beck Rd. 6 Pontiac Trail. Papes.tiq OR wontons The & Frinton Re, Daly 1009 Sindee 12106 Come browse with us ‘The Novi Community Band continues to prac- tice Monday evenings 7:15 - 9:00 p.m. at Novi High School, located on aft Road hhatween 10 Mile and Grand River Ave. Residents of Highland Lakes are invited to join the band as we begin our Sth concert season. We are particularly interested in the following instrumentation: Lead trumpet, French horn, bassoons, percussion, obo For further {nformation, call 349-8088 or 149-0376. Magasines Posters Cards Gift Books. hardcovers paperbacks ‘tne Novi Community Band 1s available to school. and. play a concert for your olub of association. We would need at least one months notice ona concert date. Call Guy Smith, director Of the band at 349-7055 to schedule @ con~ ne special ordery ca "CONDOMAXIUMS" by Dick Merriam, Realtor Associate. Now that we are into 1977 and looking forward to continuing Improvements in our national economy, let us take a statistical look at how our neighbors (those who had to sell thetr Highland Lakes coavsx.isium homes during 1976) fared in the market place: My records show that of the 684 individually owned condominium homes in our complex, 54 changed hands during the calendar year at an average sale price of $34,500. Resale prices ranged from $27,000 for a two bedroom townhouse to $41,500 for a three bedroom Townhouse with garago. While these figures show an improvement over 1975 resale figures, they still show that condominium homes have not yet appreciated In value as have single family homes during the past five years. In my opinion the reason tor this 1s that the majority of "would be" home buyers are not knowledgeably snformed of the advantages and have not yet accepted the condominium concept as a viablo alternative to the traditional ~ and more costly single family home. But someday th suid be" home buyers will realize what a good thing we have here ~ 4 "total" residential community for easy living ~ and our home values will increase in the market place. SPSWAAIAAAaeaaaaeaawaw{eSLASAASS&SaSA A Oure. ae up Yer Pestle Door. Have. an oes Batto Door Locle Tnstalle&. that will | Securely tock your “Patio Door. ener Cully close, or open For Ventilation 2. Prevont- exch th stro the Patio Door (with oll pve. voluables) even IG & 2 ee uh leap oeable uns aay the al nN be on Se Seepre-a- Dook Co. 12 Pont profess! patel lnstallehon, TENNIS. & LESSONS it is rare in a person's Iife that they find A two eateers they love doing equally well. | Novhulle Squares ho sore witha host of deighls on every shelf! Explore Etc. now! It happened to me. One career is nursing and the other teaching tennis . Anyone can call themselves a tennis pro, Buy a racquet, a few balls, a fancy outfit, Yan der Meer's Tennis University (the pro off riifacts to give your A E ry day of the year Bverybody has self doubts in a changing situation. In tennis, T hear such thinge T'm too old to learn , I'm a klutz Mn uncoordinated, I don't have the time, I'm too skinny, too fat, eve U's so wrong ta minimize yourself this way. Look at what you have accomplishod in your Asfe, Just running a household, 1¢ a 24 hour Job. Yet most of you, have taken on outside fobs and activities as well. Look at the ‘coordination one must have in just planing a diaper on a baby. $0, you sea, people are capable of learning somothing differont ike tennis . Young poople have their solf doubts, and feel shy and apprahonsive too. So, no matter what ago, learning ean bo painful or enjoyabld Tals ts why, 1 ty aad make each porson com~ fomable and relaxed in ny classes. ‘oxi 15390 BOOKKEEPER Long Plumbing Company Is growing. Wear correnily seeking. applications. for” 8 boktkeeper, experience desired. Pleas sand ompiee reaume to 190 E. Main, Nore ‘SiG. Ail applieatons wil be Kept atte. confidential. An” Equal Opportunity Employer. Grokes, tactics MIGHLAND LAKLS THEN CLUt The Highland Lakes fecn Club held thelr Christmas Dance December Uf, at 8:00 PM. W the Highland House. the teens invited thelr friends to an evening of dancing to the music of Knights Out. The music was very good and the teens all enjoyed themselves. cons weld like to thank the various poople who partlotpated Jn organtzing the sew and ale to the chaperens who wore 30 kind to glve of thelr tlie 2 aasiv: in aning tho dance smoothly. A special thanks to Don Grinde, who rune so many errands ‘oF the Clubhouse. Without Don, it would be difficult to get everything the teens riceded 10 promote the dance, the swthor thank you 1s ty olor to Uhr residents of Uybland Lakes and Mes. Sthrm for the nieonventoner of rt having the uaw of the clubhuuue during these dances and also for uatthay up with tho Lou muste, jonts had a Merry Christmas and a Happy jottar year than 1976, We, the teens, hope the lilghland Lakes res Now Yoar and hope next yoar will be even a PPP SAAAAAAA AER URETUEUAAEAERASERATTT NOW'S THE TIME er TO DO THE HOME IMPROVENENTS YOU'VE BEEN PLANNING, ACT NOW AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SERVICES 4 4 f j 4 4 g FINISHED BASEMENTS WOODEN PATIO DECKS g CUSTOM SHELVING CUSTOM BUILT BARS Bee Seen, f SSE? ee , ce g ROOF REPAIR FREE ESTIMATES j 5 4 f 4 f 5 4 IAM A COLLEGE ARCHITECTURE STUDENT OFFERING YOU HIGH-QUALITY WORK AT VERY ECONOMICAL PRICES, HY FIVE YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN THE CONSTURCTION BUSINESS HAVE RESULTED IN MANY SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. ALSO, [OPERATE ON A LOW-OVERHEAD BASIS, MAKING MY PRICES VERY HARD TO BEAT. CALL EVENINGS, DAVE McGRATH 624-6561, ses Garren enn anna Sta eeunnnEenees 40° ananiaweaeeeneaenes Our Women's Club mem Holiday Season We had our Christmas Zuacheon at the Round Thble in Plymoy We enjoyed a fashion show presented by Merle’ Norman St. lakes resident, Fran Hennings of Hayes Court, was one of Russall made Christman wooden spoon favors for us. to our Holiday fun, st 4 reminder, ladies, about January 20th meeting at 1:00 p.m we have Ploronce Pianer our hand welting expert Mark February 17th on your calondars. We are going to have "Luncheon i the Clubhouse, tic) from Dorothy Jack 248-6293 oF any Highland Lakes Woman be served at 12:30 and will he complete from appotizers 10 d les of Highland Jukes and door prizes. The luncheon is open Store Hours Mon eu Sa. S.am.to 6 pan Clossd Sunday CUSTOM CUT FREEZER BEEF SZC od een lariat Caius REE jope the Highland Lakes residents had an extra spectal 1 on December 9th. o of Plymouth, ie lovely models , ‘They were vary unique and added Highland Kay in the Clubhouse when All Filghland Lakes ladies are invited. Served" at will be $1.00. Duo to limited seatins, get your tickate early Luncheon will sert plus there will be oir guests. “aves rire Gian | MARCUS GLASS 25 NOM Nowe Faron -puywoura (Bo 949-7540 0349-1230 RERSONABL WE HAVE REPLACEMENT GLASS ‘GE NOE UP & DELERT OW AUTO GLASS ORLY aE aver WE CAN REPLACE ALL YOUR INSULATED WINDOWS RATES 25916 NOVI AT GRAKO RIVER - Nov Old-Time Movie Party coming soon in Februor presented by MotHers Club Wateh for more information in the February Herald Tickets will be on sete in February * : . Com ronnie Wwrighr hel bre 8 Motuers Club Carter's ka +o wale in FEB. Wate tw be announced Clubhouse residents anp Guests welcome. ony question G04 vounie wri br BY - 102 MOTHER’ EWS. [At our December meeting, members enfoyed working on ribbon wreaths and cookie oma~ ments, We were glad to have our newest recruit, Carol Karvola, return for a second meeting. Old Time Movies fans, take notice. Mother's Club will sponsor an Old Time Movies Night at the Clubhouse tn February Check the flyer in this issue for specific details. Also in February: our semi-annual Carter's Salo. (Notice ft has beon changed from March to Pebruaty this year). separate flyer will be distributed with details. The next Mother's Club mesting will be on January 11 at 8:00 p.m. in the home of Naney Torwin, 42928 Richards Court. All welcome. eee. Storewide Clearance 20-70%Reduction Pendleton Jan. 8 Sale 9:90 to 6:30 Da 9:90 to 9 Friday [rete sure 33Main swerve Norte Moon woRTHVILL 349-0838 funnel will gift place mores Deg 1 il” ‘Cats we GIRS prams Soar ene 29.2380 GIR, scour News Highland Lkes Girl Scouts hosted a Christmas Party forse me nelghborbood chiliien fon December 19 at the Clubhouse. | Rach scout invited o 4 oF § year old guest and prepared an invitation to the party and obtainted permission slips from the parents of thelr guest. They also provided transport ‘ition to theparty as well as suparvision during the party. ‘the scouts had planned to buy a small toy for cach guest, as well as prizes for the games. Mrs. Karen Moffatt supervised the shopping trip and so very graciously donated all the toys land prizes we needed, Our troop would like to extond our gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt, for thelr gencrosity prevented our treasury from being depleted. Everyone enjoyed themeelves and even ono shy guest who preferred to stay in Ue BILLL~ lard Room, just couldn't resist jolning uswho n he saw how much fun we were having. ‘the aris not only had {un but completed badgework at the same time. We want to thank. all of the mothers who helped us with this project. Paronts aro invited to a short lavestiture coremony at the clubhouse January 16 at 7:30) Jn the Rap Room. Maureen Fogel, Leader, Troop 737 TRAVEL PLANS, INC. oni ER ar onigas ua osprey race meat ns Se Tet Se House oF TYLES When a haircut suddenly has the power to make or break your entire future. . .men, ‘women, teens & children call 348-9120 SEWING - My home ~ Custom Drapes ~ Curtains Highland Lakes Resident 348-2841 135 e cady northville > TINY TURTLE'S SAFETY LESSON, Father Hi, son How dd you 6 on your report card? NEVER SKATE ALONE ON A POND | | Som its. -- YOU'RE NOT FAMILIAR WITH. if Fo Sale Big dog. Bosutal anim na good wotch- fe viet syne. Eoecy fer et Paul: Lary was putin jal for stealing a pe Neary: How id they prove tt Ful: The ple squealed Mother: Did you take a bath toy? Ally: Nom there one misting? WANT ADS ‘1 shales after 6:00 Bae sap Ce ection! Now and Used + Make an offer. Call Ken ~ 349-2155. For Sale: Neutral colored "tansithonal” style sofa with vory large co-ordinated wall hang~ ike brand new, $200.00, Call A. a7 For Sale; 5 CM electric portable typewriter, rine eetuin. Good condition. 350.00 Call 249-4614. aie w io yeai ‘wuse! Turn your fagcron! vst yoergation room, den oF bed Joon, Clb els Cohn ~ 949-6442, Thinking ig 5 STAR SERVICE 478-4313 oe Deze sn oe Seoest LASSIPIED SECTION Alterations, Repairs, Dressmaking B. McNeill 349-1957 Sowing, Custom Drapes, Curtains Pat 348-2941 Dog Walking Service Crag 349-5223 Leaky Faucut Dick Merriam E. _ General Handyman 349-8127 Party Trays & Fruit Baskets Our Specialty FRESH QUALITY MEATS THOME MADE ITALIAN SAUSAGE FRESH PRODUCE DAILY ook Frnt Src 108 asin 240.0822 Of Selling? —— LET US HELP! HUBERT REALTY Claudia Archambeau, 17 Beth Beckman Patty Beckman, 17 Molly Bohen, 13 Mary Bellmore, 16 Charlene Benoit Dorreen Benolt, 12 Kelly Brundage, 16 ‘Terri Brundage, 18, Barb Bye, 15 ‘Tammy Byce, 18 Renate Cahill, 15 Julle Charlet, 16 Karen Clemens, 18 Cathi Daskalakis, 13 Diane DeChape, 16 Michele Dominique Karen Edgeworth, 16 ‘Amy Evans, 13 Britt Evans, 14 Denise Gaymor, 18 Debbie Graves, 18 Robert Graves, 16 Karen Graves, 14 Dawn Grinde, 14 Claudia Horrigan, 12 Lisa Jakea, 14 Marlanne Kaeding, 18 Janet Kain Dana Kitchen, 12, Alisa Krinsky, 14 Stophante Krinsky, 17 Robert Krinsky, 18 349-8460 1589 1509 8709 5654 9340 9348 2765 2765 0420 0420 2618 2517 5005 9193 5805 5005 6553 8625 6736 6736 6295 3756 3756 3756 6429 8466 aan-ina? 549-7093, 340-9737 349-3308 8457 8487 8457 All babysitters listed below are residents of Highland Lakes. Tor your conventence, ‘cut this page out and keep It handy.. ‘The babysitting list will be revised every three months. Any additions or changes will he held until the March Linda Letemer, 15, Nancy Leahy, 15 Helen Miller, 15 Lisa Myers, 14 Sally Natr, 15 Debbie Miley, 16 Sharon Shultz, 17 Beth Oatey, 16 Lisa Oatey, 13, Jeff Oatey, 14 Ken Osbome, 15 Valerie Pearson, 14 John Poory, 15 ‘Amy Poory, 15 Linda Peery, 17 ‘Ann Pond, 17 Elizabeth Pond, 13, Georgia Regan Catle Ruddon, 13 Pogsy Sitarskt, 17 Elizabeth Thomas Deb Smith Sue Smith ‘Tawnya Smith Jan Strasser, 15 Krystn Van Rentorghem, 16 Denise Vargo, 17 Ywonne Vargo, 15 Zot Valassis, 14 Marla Wald, 13, Pattl Wright 13. Darlene Zuby, 13 te 349-8304 5608 5563 6470 2969 asge 6727 7841 7041 7a, 3424 9232 348-2540 2540 2540 349-2690 2690 0206 3954 349-1279 0487 6478 6a7a 5980 8362 am 0956 0856 222 7365 6547 348-1846, Pee 226 Ese AuvoNnye seroaasio| "mooentre eee ce Le as froin fps WaOF 8-084 teip aerosoe peso | carstie-o8:2 “eI surg Shoorttes, ou ca5438-08'4 Seip s00ea woorres é pesoro senogania|

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