D3.3 Curriculum

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CMAster Project Deliverable 3.


1 Version History






First draft

Richard Baker



Details for Leuven added

Anne Cazaerck



Details for Amsterdam added

Laura Hak



Transfer much of detail to Appendices

Richard Baker



Add in plans for Joint Programme

Richard Baker



Mapping matrix added

Richard Baker



Include analysis of joint programme by


Richard Baker



Ammendment to matrix for Amsterdam

Kirsten Bjiker



Final version

Richard Baker

2 Contents

Version History............................................................................................................1

Contents ......................................................................................................................1

Introduction ................................................................................................................4


Aims ............................................................................................................................ 4


Structure ...................................................................................................................... 4

Overview of parallel programmes (to start 2014) ......................................................6


Vision ........................................................................................................................... 6


Structure ...................................................................................................................... 6


Overview of programme to be taught at the University of Salford .................................... 7


Overview of programme to be taught at VU Amsterdam .................................................. 8


Overview of programme to be taught at KU Leuven ........................................................ 9

Preliminary proposal for joint programme from September 2017 ...........................10

Appendix 1 Detailed description of University of Salford modules ................................ 14

A1.1 Module 1: Measuring Walking (30 UK Credit 300 hrs) ..................................................... 14

A1.2 Module 2: Healthy walking (30 UK Credit 300 hrs) .......................................................... 16
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication
(communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

A1.3 Module 3: Walking with pathology (30 UK Credit 300 hrs).............................................. 17

A1.4 Module 4: Clinical interpretation (30 UK Credit 300 hrs) ................................................. 18
A1.5 Module 5: Research Project (30 UK Credit 300 hrs) ......................................................... 19
Appendix 2 Detailed description of VU Amsterdam courses .......................................... 20

A2.1 Rehabilitation: restoration of mobility (3 ECTS 84 hrs) .................................................... 20

A2.2 Clinical exercise physiology (3 ECTS 84 hrs) ..................................................................... 25
A2.3 Statistics for experimental research (3 ECTS 84 hrs)........................................................ 26
A2.4 Neurorehabilitation in the context of human movement science (3 ECTS - 84 hrs) .......... 27
A2.5 3d Kinematics (3ECTS 84 hrs) ........................................................................................... 28
A2.6 Electromyography (3ECTS 84 hrs) .................................................................................... 29
A2.7 Fatigue aging and disuse (3 ECTS 84 hrs) ............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
A2.8 Intermuscular load sharing (3 ECTS 84 hrs)...................................................................... 30
A2.9 Research Internship (30 ECTS 840 hrs) ............................................................................ 31
Appendix 3 Detailed description of KU Leuven modules ................................................ 33

A3.1 Sports Law (3 ECTS 84 hrs) ............................................................................................... 33

A3.2 Philosophy and ethics of sports (4 ECTS - 112 hrs) ............................................................. 34
A3.3 Adapted Physical Activities (6 ECTS - 128 hrs) .................................................................... 36
A3.4 Masters thesis physical education and kinesiology: part 1 (8 ECTS 228 hrs) .................. 38
A3.5 Advanced Issues in sports and exercise (3 ECTS 84 hrs) .................................................. 39
A3.6 Masters thesis physical education and kinesiology: part 2 (16 ECTS 448 hrs) ................ 40
A3.7 Research Methods and Advanced Issues in Research in Biomedical Kinesiology (4 ECTS 112 hrs) .......................................................................................................................................... 41
A3.8 Programming and automated Signal Analysis (4 ECTS 112 hrs) ....................................... 42
A3.9 State of the Art Research Topics in Epidemiology and Genetic Epidemiology: Part 1 (5 ECTS
140 hrs) ....................................................................................................................................... 43
A3.10 State of the Art Research Topics in Muscle Physiology and Biochemistry: Part 1 (5 ECTS
140 hrs) .......................................................................................................................................... 45
A3.11 State of the Art Research Topics in Biomechanics: Part 1 (5 ECTS 140 hrs)..................... 47
A3.12 State of the Art Research Topics in Motor Learning and Motor Control: Part 1 (5 ECTS
114hrs) ........................................................................................................................................... 48
A3.13 Laboratory internship (7 ECTS 196 hrs) ............................................................................ 50
A3.14 State of the Art Research Topics in Epidemiology and Genetic Epidemiology: Part 2 (3 ECTS
84 hrs) ......................................................................................................................................... 51
A3.15 State of the Art Research Topics in Muscle Physiology and Biochemistry: Part 2 (3 ECTS
84 hrs) ............................................................................................................................................ 52
A3.16 State of the Art Research Topics in Biomechanics: Part 2 (3 ECTS 84 hrs)....................... 53
2 | D3.3 Curriculum

A3.17 State of the Art Research Topics Motor Learning and Motor Control: Part 2 (3 ECTS 84
hrs) 54
A3.18 Internship Clinical Research (3 ECTS 84 hrs) .................................................................... 56
A3.19 Advanced methods for neurological and orthopaedic disorders in children (4 ECTS 112
hrs) 57
A3.20 Pathology in Neurological and Pediatric disorders (4 ECTS 112 hrs) ............................... 60
A3.21 Research internship in Clinical Movement Analysis (22 ECTS 616 hrs) ............................ 62
A3.22 Research internship in Clinical Movement Analysis (part of the non-degree programme
course for international students) (22 ECTS 616 hrs) ................................................................. 64
Appendix 4 Plan for VU Amsterdam Masters of Physical Therapy to commence 2014 .. 66

A4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 66

A4.2 Research methodology and topical subjects in musculoskeletal physiotherapy I (6ECTS
168 hrs) .......................................................................................................................................... 67
A4.3 Research methodology and topical subjects in musculoskeletal physiotherapy II (6ECTS
168 hrs) .......................................................................................................................................... 68
A4.4 Translational research part I and II (3+3 ECTS, 84 + 84 hrs) ................................................ 69
A4.5 Measuring movement (6ECTS 168 hrs) ............................................................................ 70
A4.6 Physiotherapy: Organisation and practice (6ECTS 168 hrs) ............................................. 71
A4.7 Clinical kinesiology (6ECTS 168 hrs) ................................................................................. 72
A4.8 Writing a research proposal (3 ECTS 84 hrs) ................................................................... 73
A4.9 Clinical Research internship (21-27ECTS, 588 656 hrs) .................................................... 74

3 | D3.3 Curriculum

3 Introduction



Project aims

The overall aims of this project (as modified in the 2nd Amendment on 24th June 2013) are:

To develop a curriculum for a Joint Masters degree in Clinical Movement Analysis through
developing three parallel programmes within the partner institutions to commence in
September 2014.

To develop a plan for integrating these into a joint masters degree to commence in 2017.

The parallel programmes will all include an option for students to study at one of the other partner
institutions for a minimum of three months which will entitle then to apply for the Erasmus study
mobility programme. This will be recognised in an Erasmus agreement signed by all three partner

Deliverable aims

This document is Deliverable 3.3. In the original application this was specified as a document:


outlining the content of the course and how it is to be assessed.


Following the project aims, the main body of this deliverable has two sections:

The first (Section 4) outlines the form and content of the parallel programmes which will
commence in September 2014.
The second (Section 5) outlines our current perception of the form and content of the joint
masters degree to commence in September 2017 (yet to be written)

The appendices describe in detail the different modules (Salford) and courses (Amsterdam and
Leuven) which comprise the parallel programmes.
(The VU Amsterdam is developing a master Physical therapy which will start in September of 2014.
Some of the courses developed for this may be useful for the joint Masters Programme planned to
start in September 2017 and are thus described in an additional appendix)

4 | D3.3 Curriculum

Note on ECTS
For all that ECTS is supposed to be Europe wide system there are clear discrepancies between how it
is implemented in the countries of the three partner institutions.

In the Netherlands one ECTS is defined as being equivalent to 28 hours learning.

In Belgium one ECTS is defined as being equivalent to between 25 and 30 hours of learning.

These definitions are broadly in line with other European countries

The UK has traditionally used an allocation of 10 hours per Credit and this is specified in the
UK Quality Code for Education. Most UK universities suggest a conversion rate of two (UK)
Credits to one ECTS which of course equates to one ECTS being equivalent to 20 hours of

We have been unable to find an explanation between this discrepancy for ECTS between the UK and
rest of Europe. Throughout the document we have thus referred to ECTS for the Amsterdam and
Leuven Programmes and UK Credit for Salford. Whenever we do this we have included a number of
hours calculated on a bases of 1 ECTS = 28 hours and 1 UK credit = 10 hours.

5 | D3.3 Curriculum

4 Overview of parallel programmes (to start 2014)



Our aim is to provide masters level education for the next generation of European clinical gait analysts
providing a foundation for them to become practitioners at the forefront of their discipline.
We will provide this from though three parallel taught programmes built around the local strengths of
the partner universities offering students considerable choice to meet their individual learning needs.
The programmes will be united by:


a common aim to deliver CMAster Key Competencies as outlined in Deliverable 3.2.

delivering masters level learning as specified in the Framework for Qualifications of the European
Higher Educational Area1 (also known as the Dublin Descriptors)
student mobility between partner universities for the research component of the programme
which will be acknowledged in the Diploma Supplement.


The overall structure of the parallel programmes is depicted in Figure 1. Students will undertake a
taught component at one of the three universities and then move on to take their research
component at one of the other two universities.

Figure 1. Parallel programmes to commence September 2014.

The specific characteristics of the separate taught programmes is described below.

Bologna Working Group. (2005). A framework for Qualifications of the European

Higher Education Area. Copenhagen, Denmark: Ministry of science, Technology and
6 | D3.3 Curriculum


Overview of programme to be taught at the University of Salford

The University of Salford is developing an entirely new programme designed for health professionals
already working within clinical gait analysis services. This is a part-time work-based distance learning
programme delivered over three years. It is currently being piloted with seven students who enrolled
in September 2013.
The length of modules is specified in terms of UK Credit which equates to 10 hours of learning.
The whole programme comprises 180 UK Credit (1800 hours) and, as with most other masters
programmes at the university of Salford is divided into four taught modules (30 UK Credit, 300 hrs
each) and the Masters project (60 UK Credit, 600 hrs). For part-time learning a 30 UK Credit taught
module (300 hrs) is taught over a full semester (14 weeks i.e. just over 20 hours learning per
week). The programme is thus of four sequential module over semesters one and two of the first two
years followed by the research project over the same semesters of the third year.
Semester 1

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Module 1: 30 UK Credit

Semester 2


Module 2: 30 UK Credit

Measuring walking

Module 3: 30 UK Credit


Healthy walking


Module 4: 30 UK Credit

Walking with pathology

Clinical data interpretation

Module 5 60 UK Credit (600hrs)

Masters project

Details of the individual modules are provided in Appendix 2.

7 | D3.3 Curriculum



Overview of programme to be taught at VU Amsterdam

Students at VU Amsterdam will study within the masters program Human Movement Sciences with a
CMAster supplement. This is a full-time programme spanning two semesters one year and another in
the second year. It will be most suited to students who have studied Human Movement Science as a
Bachelor degree and want to move on to develop a special interest in Clinical Movement Analysis.
When students want to receive their master degree at the VU University with the CMAster
supplement, they have to comply with the obligatory courses in the blue section. The courses and
internship in the green area, match with the key competencies of CMAster. So in order to receive the
CMAster supplement those courses are required as well. The program is described in the table below.
(Note that 1 ECTS corresponds to 28 hours of study).
Year 1 Semester 1

Year 1 Semester 2

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

Block 4

Block 5

Block 6







restoration of
mobility (3 EC)

Two of the
courses below

Statistics for
research (3 ECTS)

Electromyography (3

Inter-muscular load
sharing (3ECTS)

Normal and
development (3
concepts of
HMS (3 EC)
concepts of
HMS (3 EC)

Dynamics (6)
mechanics (6)
Perceptual motor
learning (6 EC)

(3 EC)

Practical Internship
Neurorehabilitation in
the context of
(3 ECTS)

(6 ECTS)

3D Kinematics
(3 ECTS)
Research internship + Writing a Research proposal (24 ECTS)

Details of the individual courses are provided in Appendix 2.

VU Amsterdam will also be commencing a Masters in Physical Therapy Sciences in 2014 which may
have courses which will be useful on planning for the Joint Programme from 2017. These are
described in detail in Appendix 4.

8 | D3.3 Curriculum


Overview of programme to be taught at KU Leuven

Students at KU Leuven will be accommodated within the master of Human Movement Science with a
specialization in Research in Biomedical Kinesiology. The entire programme is made of a number of
courses of varying sizes measured in ECTS which in the Belgium are assumed to represent between
25 and 30 hours of learning. The full master programme comprises 120 ECTS.
This education programme is divided in 3 parts. First of all, it consists of a few common courses (40
ECTS) that all students who follow the master in Human Movement Sciences have to take. Secondly,
students who specialize in Research in Biomedical Kinesiology have to take another 50 ECTS (Major)
of non-optional courses. Finally, for the 30 ECTS that are left CMAster students will take the Minor in
Clinical Movement Analysis consisting of 3 courses that ensure the coverage of the full breadth
specified in the Key Competency report.
The entire Master programme is a full-time course offered over two years to students residing in

Master in human movement sciences specialization Research in Biomedical


non-degree programme

Common courses for all master students

(40 ECTS)

Major (50 ECTS)

Minor (30 ECTS) with Clinical Movement


Internship for international

CMAster students (22 ECTS)

Research internship (22 ECTS)

Advanced methods for neurological and
orthopaedic disorders in children (4 ECTS)
Pathology course (4 ECTS)

The Research Internship that will be offered to Amsterdam and Salford students is is described
separately as a component of a non-degree programme to allow more flexibility in what can be

9 | D3.3 Curriculum

5 Preliminary proposal for joint programme from September


Involvement of partners

The University of Salford and VU Amsterdam are both committed to the development of Joint Masters
programme in Clinical Movement Analysis to commence in September 2017. KU Leuven are prevented
from doing so by national legislation (en-acted after the start of this project) but will be able to host
students to conduct their research project.



The programme will be delivered by full-time study over one year (60ECTS)
5.2.1 Pre-masters courses
Staff who are actively involved in clinical gait analysis tend to come either from an engineering/
physical sciences or allied health background and it is unlikely that they will have sufficient
understanding of all aspects of movement analysis to be enrolled directly onto the Masters
programme. VU Amsterdam thus already run a number of pre-masters courses to bring applicants
who require such support up to the required level for their current Human Movement Science
programme. These courses are currently delivered in Dutch on site in Amsterdam. VU Amsterdam and
the University of Salford will collaborate to develop English versions of these which can be delivered
by distance learning.
Available courses are (see Appendix 2 for details):

Muscle physiology
Digital signal processing
Measuring physical quantities






5.2.2 Semester 1: Measurement and Data Processing Methods (560 hrs, 21 ECTS)
This will be taught on-site by VU Amsterdam. It will draw together existing courses focussing on
measurement and data processing methods and their application to Clinical Movement Analysis and
teach these within the first semester.

Rehabilitation: Restoration of Mobility

Normal and abnormal motor development
Coordination dynamics
Applied Mechanics
Clinical Exercise Physiology

84 hrs (3 ECTS)
84 hrs (3 ECTS)
168 hrs (6 ECTS)
168 hrs (6 ECTS)
84 hrs (3 ECTS)


5.2.3 Semester 2: Clinical interpretation (600 hrs, 21.4 ECTS)

This will be delivered through distance learning by the University of Salford. It will allow students to
implement what they have been taught in Amsterdam in their local environment and to develop
expertise and skills in clinical data interpretation. It will be based on the two modules Walking with
Pathology and Clinical data interpretation that have been developed as part of the CMAster project for
the new masters programme at the University of Salford.

Walking with pathology (inc. research methods)

Clinical interpretation

300hrs (10.7 ECTS)

300hrs (10.7 ECTS)


5.2.4 Semester 3: Research Project (600 hrs, 24 ECTS)

Students will then take their research project full-time over one semester at the VU Amsterdam or the
University of Salford or KU Leuven or at a remote location (either their own work-place or another
approved by the Universities). These options are already in place under the parallel programmes that
have been developed as part of the CMAster project.
10 | D3.3 Curriculum

This will thus be a choice of:


Research project (University of Salford)

600 hrs (21.4 ECTS) A1.5


Research internship (VU Amsterdam)

588 hrs (21 ECTS)


616 hrs (22 ECTS)



Clinical research internship (KU Leuven)

11 | D3.3 Curriculum


Mapping to CMAster competencies.








A. Specification: A Clinical Movement Analyst should be able to determine which sub-set of available
measurements is most appropriate for a particular patient.
A1. An understanding of the role of the Clinical Movement Analyst,

A2. An understanding of normal and pathological anatomy, physiology and



A3. An understanding of disease conditions and movement disorders that

might lead to people being referred for clinical movement analysis,

A4. An understanding of the available measurement technologies and the

principles on which they are based and of general measurement theory,

A5. An understanding of the likely interventions that the referring clinician

might be considering,

A6. An ability to communicate effectively with the referring clinician,

patient and any carers attending with the patient.





B. Data Acquisition: A Clinical Movement Analyst should be able to operate measurement equipment
and work in cooperation with the patient to acquire high quality movement analysis data.
B1. An understanding of the available measurement technologies and the
principles on which they are based,

B2. An ability to operate measurement equipment ,

B3. An understanding of any processing or modelling methods which will

be applied to data.

B4. An understanding of surface and functional anatomy,

B5. An ability to detect equipment malfunction or data artefacts and

troubleshoot such problems with hardware, software or relating to the
B6. An understanding of clinical governance framework including specific
health and safety, legal and ethical requirements, and quality assurance
procedures and documentation.


B7. An understanding of the role of any other staff involved with the

B8. An ability to work effectively with the patient and any carers attending
with the patient and with other staff involved with the appointment .

C. Data processing: A Clinical Movement Analyst should be able to process data to

provide data in an appropriate format for interpretation.
C1. An understanding of available data processing and modelling packages
and the principles on which they are based,

C2. An ability to operate data processing and modelling software,

C3. An ability to develop alternative processes for processing and

modelling data when required,

12 | D3.3 Curriculum

C4. An ability to detect software malfunction or data artefacts and

troubleshoot such problems with software,

C5. An understanding of clinical governance framework including specific

quality assurance procedures and documentation.

D. Data interpretation and reporting: A Clinical Movement Analyst should be able to provide
a clinically meaningful interpretation of clinical movement analysis data.
D1. An understanding of normal and pathological anatomy, physiology and

D2. An understanding of the available measurement technologies and the

principles on which they are based and of general measurement theory,

D3. An understanding of disease conditions and movement disorders that

might lead to people being referred for clinical movement analysis,

D4. An understanding of how movement patterns are likely to be affected

by probable impairments,

D5. An understanding of the likely interventions that the referring clinician

might be considering,

D6. An understanding of clinical reasoning paradigms and evidence based



D7. An ability to operate specific and general software packages to support

interpretation and reporting,
D8. An ability to communicate effectively with the referring clinician.


E. Maintaining systems and services: A Clinical Movement Analyst should be able to plan and
maintain systems and services that are capable of producing high quality clinical movement
E1. An understanding of the available measurement technologies and the
principles on which they are based and of general measurement theory,

E2. An understanding of clinical governance framework including specific

health and safety, legal and ethical requirements, and quality assurance
procedures and documentation,
E3. An ability to perform calibrations, spot checks and routine and
occasional maintenance activities on measurement hardware and software,
E4. An ability to analyse the requirements of a movement analysis service
and to plan for service development.

13 | D3.3 Curriculum



Appendix 1 Detailed description of University of Salford


Module 1: Measuring Walking (30 UK Credit 300 hrs)

This module aims:

to create a new learning environment in which students can flourish as autonomous and
social learners.
to allow students to use and reflect on their experience of clinical gait analysis measurement
systems and thereby develop a mastery of state of the art technology.

It is delivered as a series of weekly units most of which are based around a specific learning task
involving capturing clinical gait analysis data within the lab. The practical tasks are designed to bring
users with different levels of practical experience of clinical gait analysis to an advanced level
focussing on assuring a high level of data capture within their routine clinical practice . Each week
there is a virtual classroom at which students can reflect on their weeks learning with at least one of
the teaching team.
There is a strong emphasis on the development of clinical protocols for laboratory tests requiring
students to revise their own laboratory documentation (or develop it if there is none) in the light of
learning that is at the forefront of the field.
Through writing weekly entries in their learning portfolios students are trained to write high quality
appropriately referenced academic English.
Intended learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: On successful completion the student will be able to:
1. explain a systematic understanding of measurement theory and how it is implemented within
data capture systems for clinical gait analysis (Knowledge).
2. apply that understanding to improve personal and/or team practice to ensure the high quality
of captured data and identify measurement artefact within the data (Application).
Key transferable skills: On successful completion the student will be able to:
3. write succinct and authoritative academic English with appropriate referencing (Information
literacy and Communication)
4. integrate knowledge from primary and secondary sources which may be limited or incomplete
to synthesize a clinically applicable understanding of specific subject areas (Cognitive)
5. use a virtual learning environment to support an advanced programme of personal study and
group learning (Learning skills)
Introduction to the virtual learning environment and general on-line resources. Expectations of
learners on a masters level programme.
Definition of clinical gait analysis through review of key historical papers and group discussion. High
level documentation of clinical services (completing a CMASUKI Statement of Purpose form).
Experiencing clinical gait analysis as a patient and reflecting on the experience.
Review of relevant aspects of measurement theory. Variance component analysis and the reporting of
repeatability studies. Signal processing. Characteristics of different measuring systems.
Practical and theoretical aspects of recording high quality clinical video. Clinical protocols.
Observational gait scales including Ranchos Los Amigos, Edinburgh Gait Score, Salford Gait Tool and
Rivermead Gait Scale.

14 | D3.3 Curriculum

Review of theory of camera based motion analysis systems. Positioning and calibrating cameras to
optimise performance. Reviewing the academic literature comparing motion analysis systems.
Systematic description of kinematic models with a special focus on the Conventional Gait Model and
six degree of freedom models. The effects of marker misplacement on kinematic outputs. Revision of
clinical protocols for kinematic measurement. Current understanding of soft tissue artefact. Practical
effects of marker misplacement. Repeatability studies.
Review of kinetic measurement theory. Calibration of force plates and spot checks to assure data
quality. Clinical protocols for capturing kinematic data.
Capturing normative data. Comparing normative data between laboratories (theory and practical
exercise). Repeatability studies in the literature.
Review of electrophysiology of nerve and muscle action. Choosing an EMG system. Sensor design and
placement for high quality EMG signal detection. Signal processing for EMG. Clinical protocols for
individual sensor placement. Incorporting EMG measurement into clinical practice. Synchronisation
and event detection. Normalisation of the EMG signal. Clinical protocols for multi-muscle testing.
Other measurements used in clinical gait analysis. Specification and justification (business case) of
new measurement systems. Clinical protocols for alternative measurement techniques.
E-learning portfolio demonstrating engagement with learning tasks and application of learning
to personal and/or team practice (60% - ILO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
Case study of data collection from healthy subject (collected by student) compared with
normative reference data collated from group (40% - ILO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

15 | D3.3 Curriculum


Module 2: Healthy walking (30 UK Credit 300 hrs)

This module aims:

to foster critical appraisal skills for personal academic reading and in providing and receiving
formative peer assessment.
to provide a framework of experimentation and literature appraisal in which students can
develop an advanced understanding of healthy walking and how its characteristics are
represented in gait analysis measurements.

The early part of the module presents a systematic understanding of the biomechanics of healthy
straight line walking at the state of the art including relevant aspects of neuromusculoskeletal
anatomy and physiology and motor control. A substantial part of the module is dedicated to a
substantial literature review on an aspect of non-cyclic walking which is integrated with a peer review
exercise modelled on the submission of a paper to an academic journal.
Intended learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: On successful completion the student will be able to:
1. explain a systematic understanding of healthy human cyclic walking and at least two areas of
non-cyclic walking which is at the forefront of knowledge in the field (Knowledge).
2. apply that understanding to interpret biomechanical measurements of healthy human walking.
Key transferable skills: On successful completion the student will be able to:
3. use a range of search engines to comprehensively identify relevant primary material from the
clinical and biomechanical literature and reference managing software to manage the results
(Information literacy)
4. write a comprehensive literature review of specified topic requiring integration and synthesis
of primary source material which is complex and may be limited or incomplete (Cognitive
processes and Communication).
5. apply knowledge with academic rigour to provide authoritative peer feedback and to respond
creatively to such feedback (Learning skills).
The inverted pendulum model. A systematic understanding of the kinematics of why we walk the way
we do based on the requirements for functional walking. Critiquing conventional explanations of
healthy walking. Kinetics of healthy walking. Functional anatomy of the joints and its relationship to
kinematic models used in gait analysis. Theory and practice of functional joint calibration. Theory and
practice relating joint moments and electromyography. Musculoskeletal modelling. Static optimisation.
Comprehensive and authoritative literature searching. Reference management. Critical analysis skills
for masters level learning. The peer review process. Writing a peer review. Writing a letter of
The biomechanics of non-cyclic walking. Gait initiation and termination. Stair and incline ascent and
descent. Obstacle crossing. Running.
State of the art in foot modelling.

Professional interview based on E-learning portfolio demonstrating how the students
understanding of healthy walking has developed through engagement in learning activities.
(70% - ILO 1, 3, 4)
Peer review of an aspect of another students work and creative response and of peer review
received from another student (30% - ILO 1, 5)

16 | D3.3 Curriculum


Module 3: Walking with pathology (30 UK Credit 300 hrs)

This module aims:

challenge students to explore the conventional understanding of why their patients walk the
way they do and through this develop an advanced and systematic understanding of walking
with pathology.
develop a comprehensive understanding of clinical and biomechanical research techniques to
expand the evidence base for clinical practice.

Intended learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: On successful completion the student will be able to:
1. explain a systematic understanding of the physiological and anatomical basis of
neuromusculoskeletal assessment and how it augments clinical gait analysis (Knowledge).
2. explain a systematic understanding of how neuromusculoskeletal impairments affecting
patients with at least two conditions affect the biomechanics of walking and how clinical
interventions might be expected to improve these (Knowledge)
3. devise a clinical research project to extend the evidence base for an aspect of clinical practice
within clinical gait analysis (Research)
Key transferable skills: On successful completion the student will be able to:
4. Identify and critically evaluate research and advanced scholarship to identify a gap in the
evidence base that requires further research (Information literacy and Cognitive processes).
5. Use modern collaborative learning tools (such as a wiki) to support group learning and
communication of understanding and of the evidence on which it is based (Learning skills and
Neuromsuculoskeletal conditions and impairments that affect walking. Cerebral palsy, Osteoarthritis,
spina Bifida, Parkinson Disease, Stroke, Amputation. Physiology and anatomy of joint contracture,
spasiticity, bone and joint deformity, muscle weakness and fatigue. Neuromusculoskeletal assessment
theory and practice. The effect of impairments on gait biomechanics.
Common interventions for limitations in walking ability. Orthopaedic surgery, spasticity management
through botulinum toxin, intrathecal Baclofen or selective dorsal rhizotomy, physiotherapy,
progressive resistive strength training, FES, orthotics and prosthetics. The role of gait re-education
and training in physiotherapy.
Research methodology. Research design. Sample size calculations. Statistical methods in
biomechanical research. Ethical aspects of research. Writing a coherenet research proposal.
Outcome measures in movement analysis. Assessing outcome within the ICF. Gait indices. Activity
monitoring. Subjective and objective measures of activity and participation.
Contribution to wiki describing how walking is affected by at least two specified health
conditions (50% - ILO 1, 2, 5).
Provide a research methodology to address a gap in the evidence base for personal clinical
practice (50% - ILO 2, 3, 4).

17 | D3.3 Curriculum


Module 4: Clinical interpretation (30 UK Credit 300 hrs)

This module aims to;

outline an advanced and systematic approach to the interpretation and reporting of clinical
gait analysis data and encourage students to develop a mastery of this.
empower students to apply their knowledge with originality and practical understanding to
improve their personal and institutional clinical practice.

The first part of the module introduces a impairment focussed interpretation as a standardised
approach to clinical data interpretation and reporting and encourage students to apply this to a range
of cases representing patients with a variety of conditions. The second part focuses on clinical
governance and the management of clinical gait analysis service. This includes a placement in another
clinical gait analysis service.
Intended learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: On successful completion the student will be able to:
1. implement a systematic approach to the interpretation of clinical gait analysis at the forefront
of knowledge in the field (Knowledge and Application).
2. apply his or her understanding of the barriers and facilitators of best clinical practice in clinical
gait analysis to improve personal or team practice within the work-place (Application)
Key transferable skills: On successful completion the student will be able to:
3. identify and critically evaluate research and advanced scholarship to enhance clinical practice
(Information literacy).
4. integrate knowledge, handling complexity ad incomplete or limited information to interpret
clinical gait analysis data (Cognitive processes).
5. communicate their understanding and the evidence base on which it based to professional
colleagues through formal and informal writing and speech to improve clinical practice
Impairment and function focussed interpretation. Case studies of patient with a variety of conditions.
Mentored interpretation and reporting practice. Professional communication.
Clinical governance. Management and maintenance of clinical gait analysis services. Modern
accreditation frameworks. The duty of care and professional and clinical responsibilities.
Clinical placement.
Professional interview based on portfolio of case studies illustrating clinical interpretation
skills. (60% - ILO 1, 4, 5).

Negotiated assessment demonstrating how professional practice has improved as a result of

engagement with the programme. (40% - ILO 2, 3, 5)

18 | D3.3 Curriculum


Module 5: Research Project (30 UK Credit 300 hrs)

This module aims to give students an opportunity to complete a significant empirical research project
and write this up in a format suitable for submission to a peer review journal.
The emphasis in this module will be facilitating the student to develop a mastery of independent
learning, thinking and the enhancment of student motivation and autonomy. The primary mechanism
to support this will be the project supervision team. This will consist of the primary supervisor who will
be from the University of Salford and have a PhD, a history of supervising postgraduate projects and
of publishing in peer-review journals. There may be one or more co-supervisors. Wherever possible
this should include a senior clinician or researcher from the laboratory/service in which the research is
being conducted. Supervision teams will be expected to meet regularly throughout the project.
In line with the programme specification, learning is also considered a social process and students will
be expected to learn through interaction with work-based colleagues and other members of staff with
specific expertise at Salford. They will be particularly encouraged to consolidate relationships with
other students for peer support. There will be a programme of seminars based around student
presentations throughout both seminars and a virtual classroom where students can meet will also be
available continuously.
Intended learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: On successful completion the student will be able to:
1. devise and conduct research to extend the evidence base for clinical practice within clinical
gait analysis (Research).
2. explain a systematic understanding of their chosen research area which is at the forefront of
knowledge in the field (Knowledge)
Key transferable skills: On successful completion the student will be able to:
3. identify and critically evaluate research and advanced scholarship to identify a gap in the
evidence base that requires further research (Information literacy and Cognitive processes).
4. overcome complex theoretical and practical challenges handling complexity and incomplete or
limited information in the implementation of clinically applicable research (Cognitive
5. communicate their understanding and the evidence on which it is based to specialist
audiences clearly and unambiguously through formal writing (Communication).
6. learn new highly specialised knowledge and skills to support independent research providing a
foundation for lifelong continued professional development (Learning skills)
Engagement will be encouraged by requiring students to present three pieces of work to the seminars
over the course of their project

Literature review of their chosen subject area (before week 5 of Semester 1)

Fully worked up research protocol (before week 10 of Semester 1)
Conference type presentation of their complete project (before week 10 of Semester 2)

A project report written in the format of a paper suitable for submission to Gait and Posture
as an Original Article (3,000 words and no more than 5 figures/tables). (60% - ILO 1-3, 5, 6)
A 20 minute interview which will focus on the journey the student has travelled throughout
the research project (40% - ILO 5, 6)

19 | D3.3 Curriculum

Appendix 2 Detailed description of VU Amsterdam courses


Pre-masters Courses (level 6)


Mathematics (9 credits level 6)

At the end of the course the student will be familiar with the basic mathematical concepts
and techniques in the study of movement can play a role.


Complex numbers, functions, equations (including systems of equations), differential and

integral calculus (including differential equations), coordinates and coordinate systems,
transformations and axes vector and matrix calculus.


42 hours lecture, 42 hours seminars, 161 hours of self-study, 7 hours assessment.

The course extends over two periods. The first will focus on developing basic skills and
the second on the application of these to movement research will be emphasized. These
will be further split into two components. New and/or relatively difficult material will be
delivered within a conventional lecture format designed for the whole class including the
discussion of examples to deepen understanding. It is assumed that stronger students
will progress through a combination of these lectures and self-study. Supporting classes
will are intended for mathematically weaker students and have a more informal character
as seminars allowing students to seek advice from teachers on specific problems they are


Muscle Physiology (6 credits level 6)

At the end of the course the student should have the knowledge of energy metabolism of
skeletal muscle at rest and during exercise, the physiology of the muscular system, the
heterogeneity of characteristics of the muscular system, the consequences of the
heterogeneity of the functioning of muscles, muscle protein synthesis and degradation.


Structure of the muscle fibre, mechanisms of force production (cross-bridge function,

length, power relationships and force-velocity relationship); control of the contractile
process (excitation-contraction coupling, stimulation frequency-effect relationship); fibre
types and motor units; recruitment and monitoring fire behaviour of motor units, spinal
reflexes; energy metabolism during various forms of exercise, regulation of glycolysis,
citric acid cycle and respiratory chain. Aerobic and anaerobic systems, lactic acid
production, metabolic flux. Glycogen and lipid metabolism. Construction and operation of
the haemoglobin molecule (oxygen dissociation curve); the functioning of muscles in the
intact body, and the interpretation of externally measured net joint moments in relation
to the acute (within one contraction) changes in activation levels and contractile
properties; protein turnover, synthesis and degradation and mutual regulation


Principally lectures


Digital Signal Processing (6 credits level 6)

At the end of this course the student should have knowledge of computers and software
needed to process digital signals and to independently solve problems from this
knowledge to in movement science.


Numerical techniques that are used in the processing of digital signals, such as
interpolation, curve fitting, filtering, differentiation and integration. To carry out these
techniques, use will be made of it at the fast Fourier transform as implemented in
MATLAB. Concepts that play a role in programming, such as data type, program
structure, sub and visibility (within MATLAB).


12 hours of lectures, 18 hours practical, 135 hours of self-study, 3 hours assessment.

Initially the course will delivered primarily through lectures and both supervised and
unsupervised practical activities. Self-study will require students to develop their
20 | D3.3 Curriculum

programming skills using Matlab and will require students to have access to this software
and work through learning material within the digital learning environment Blackboard.
Teaching will be dependent on students having an understanding of mathematics
equivalent to that attained through successful completion of Course 5.3.1 as described

Measuring Physical Quantities (6 credits level 6)

At the end of this course the student should have an understanding of the common
measurement techniques and data processing methods enabling them to make
measurements appropriately through understanding the operating principles of relevant


Equipment specification, procedures and calibration. Measurement accuracy and

recognition of artefact. Direct and indirect measurement techniques for motion analysis;
measuring position, velocity and acceleration, kinematics; measuring and processing
force signals from measuring plates and other load cells; measuring and analyzing
electrical signals such as EMG.


28 hours lectures, 28 practicals, 106 hours self-study

Teaching will be dependent on students having an understanding of mathematics and
digital signal processing equivalent to that attained through successful completion of
Courses 5.3.1 and 5.3.3 as described above.


Statistics (6 Credits Level 6)

At the end of this course the student should understand statistical methods and
techniques such as may occur in the implementation of (movement) scientific research
and learning the skills necessary to be able to perform statistical analysis.


After an introduction to the scientific method and basic statistical concepts, will include
the following topics are covered: correlation, regression analysis, t-test, analysis of
variance (ANOVA), factorial ANOVA, ANOVA with repeated measures and non-parametric
techniques. To carry out these techniques, the SPSS package will be used.


12 hours lectures, 24 hours practical, 130 hours self-study, 2 hour exam.

Lectures will be followed by group based computer practical sessions during which expert
guidance is provided. Outside these hours, when no other activities are planned, the
computers in the teaching rooms are also available. TO work at home SPSS must be
purchased (which can be fairly cheap via surfspot.nl). There is also a web-based course
created within the digital learning environment Blackboard.


Biomechanics (6 credits level 6)

At the end of this course the student should be familiar with the principles of classical
mechanics, and with simple applications of relating to kinesiology.


This course is limited to the mechanics of rigid bodies in a plane. It first deals with the
quantitative description of the motion (translation and rotation) of rigid bodies using
Newtons second law to explain the causes of translational and rotational movements. It
describes the main concepts of energetics, such as kinetic energy, work done by forces
and moments, and power, and the relationships between these variables. Modelling of
the mechanical aspects of biological systems runs like a thread through the course.


The course is given in two consecutive study periods consisting of a weekly lecture and a
practical. During the lectures, the central points of the topic are explained and examples
will be discussed. Practical sessions assume that students have the material prepared. In
addition to lectures and workshops, a number of computer practicals are organized.

21 | D3.3 Curriculum

Teaching will be dependent on students having an understanding of mathematics

equivalent to that attained through successful completion of Course 5.3.1 as described


Rehabilitation: Restoration of Mobility (3 ECTS -84hrs)

Being the key-issue in rehabilitation, this course concentrates on the restoration of mobility and its
underlying mechanisms - at the different levels of the International Classification of Functioning,
Disability and Health (WHO 2001). Primarily a biophysical approach is taken: biomechanical and
exercise physiological principles, techniques and research findings will be discussed in specific patientrelated experiments and studies. Aspects of adaptation, compensation as well as concepts of learning
and training mechanisms will be addressed. Research in this field will be presented and discussed in
the format of Capita Selecta.framework for the clinical context and the implications for diagnosis and
treatment will be discussed.
Intended learning outcomes
The student is able to:

understand the relevant issues, terms, concepts, and models in the restoration of mobility within
the context of rehabilitation,
understand and knowledge of the practical aspects of patient-related biophysical - research into
restoration of mobility in rehabilitation,
develop knowledge, understanding and skills in (clinical) human movement research results,
methods and techniques of measurement of function & structure, activity, participation and
appreciate and understand various aspects of adaptation, compensation, training and learning of
function and activities in the framework of restoration of mobility in persons with lower limb
understand the contexts, and the practical process of scientific research and communication in the
combined fields of rehabilitation and human movement sciences

Written examination covering lectures and reading material; short essay questions. (80%),
assignment(s), Essay on restoration of mobility conform format popular scientific magazine. (20%).


Normal and abonormal motor development (3 ECTS -84hrs)

The course deepens the understanding of normal and abnormal motor development and
developmental disorders in foetuses, infants and young children. Lectures and tutorials provide insight
into actual problems in the research and practice of perceptual-motor development, particularly in the
area of health sciences. The lectures present an overview of the developmental disorders in which
motor problems are either defining characteristics (i.e., cerebral palsy) or form part of a larger
spectrum of difficulties (i.e., autism, ADHD). Symptoms will be described and diagnostic criteria will be
discussed. The main rehabilitation methods will be related to theories on development.
During tutorials the students learn to discriminate abnormal from normal movements in foetuses,
infants and young children and are introduced to different types of measurement tools used to
quantify motor performance.
Intended learning outcomes
Students should be able to identify, summarize, critically evaluate and expand upon topics regarding
the development of perceptual-motor behavior in normal and populations at high-risk for abnormal
motor development. Students are acquainted with different types of qualitative motor assessments
and instruments to quantify motor performance. They are able to identify early alarm signals and
describe the advantages and disadvantages of several tools to diagnose disorders involving motor
22 | D3.3 Curriculum

problems. They are able to describe perceptual and motor problems of several developmental
disorders (e.g. cerebral palsy, developmental coordination disorder).
Final written exam with open-ended questions. Attending the tutorials is compulsory. The critical
review has to be marked as pass by the lecturer.


Coordination dynamics (6 ECTS -128 hrs)

Coordination dynamics is governed on the one hand by principles of self-organization, and on the
other hand by intentionality, perceptual information and explicit knowledge. Coordination patterns
exist at multiple levels:
1. dynamics within or between body segments of a moving person;
2. dynamics between moving segments of multiple persons and
3. dynamics between person and external events, as well as between persons.
Coordination dynamics provides a framework to study the nature of pathological, normal and expert
movements by assessing stability and loss of stability of coordination patterns as a function of training
and rehabilitation.
The first part of the course provides an overview of the key principles, concepts and methods of
coordination dynamics by adopting a 3-stage empirical approach:
1. gaining background theoretical information through lectures and literature,
2. gaining hands-one experience by participating in experiments, formulating hypotheses and
analyzing the so-obtained data,
3. gaining a thorough understanding of the key aspects of coordination dynamics by linking
theory and practice.
The second part of the course focuses on the application of coordination dynamics in sports and
rehabilitation, again by adopting a 3-stage empirical approach. In the context of rehabilitation, specific
emphasis will be placed on interventions based on environmental coupling aimed at facilitating desired
coordination patterns and/or stabilizing existing unstable coordination patterns. In the context of
sports, the nature of interactions between two or more athletes will be the focal point, including their
cooperative and competitive effects on pattern formation and coordinative stability.
Intended learning outcomes
The student is able to:

explain the key principles, concepts and methods of coordination dynamics in a qualitative
indicate how these aspects may contribute to assessments and interventions in the context of
sports and rehabilitation.
interpret scientific literature in the area of coordination dynamics.
design new basic or applied coordination dynamics experiments.

Written closed-book exams with open-ended questions. The final grade is determined by both the
Midterm Exam (25%) and the Final Exam (75%). However, in case the grade of the Midterm Exam is
lower than that of the Final Exam, the final grade is fully determined by the Final Exam grade (i.e.,
Midterm Exam [0%], Final Exam [100%]).


Applied Mechanics

23 | D3.3 Curriculum

In this course, students will upgrade their mostly 2D biomechanical knowledge to the 3D world and
they will learn to apply this new knowledge to perform biomechanical analyses in the context of Sport
and Health.
Students will learn to analyze laboratory measurements using a 3D inverse dynamics model.
Furthermore, they will learn how to work with more simple measurement techniques, such as
accelerometers found inphones. Students will also learn how these complex and simple measurement
tools can be applied in biomechanical research in both the laboratory and in field settings. Lastly,
students will learn to choose methods that are adequate and efficient for a given problem; in other
words; what are the most efficient ways to analyze a given situation, and at what cost (i.e. decrease
in precision) does this come?
Measurement using the following systems will be covered in this course:

Laboratory grade 3d motion/force registration

Joint angles
Joint moments
Angular momentum
Simple wearable accelerometers

Intended learning outcomes
The student is able to:

analyse laboratory measurements using a 3D inverse dynamics model.

work with more simple measurement techniques, such as accelerometers found inphones.
apply complex and simple measurement tools in biomechanical research in both the
laboratory and in field settings
choose methods that are adequate and efficient for a given problem; in other words; what are
the most efficient ways to analyze a given situation, and at what cost (i.e. decrease in
precision) does this come?

Weekly practical report + final examination

24 | D3.3 Curriculum


Clinical exercise physiology (3 ECTS 84 hrs)

Basic didactic information and laboratory experiences of the effect of pathophysiologic conditions on
human energy metabolism and health. The focus will be on organ systems and their linkage to ATP
generating pathways and on how this influences skeletal muscle performance. The application is to
the use of exercise both diagnostically and as a therapeutic tool. After this course the student will
have the fundamental knowledge and skills to use exercise in patients with cardiopulmonary/metabolic
disease and to work cooperatively with other health care providers.
Course objective(s)
To provide the student with the fundamental knowledge of clinical exercise physiology as a variant of
normal exercise physiology, which will enable the student to apply this knowledge in preventive and
rehabilitative exercise programs.
multiple choice

25 | D3.3 Curriculum


Statistics for experimental research (3 ECTS 84 hrs)

On the basis of case descriptions and raw data the student is capable to:

determine the research designs and choose, justify and perform the appropriate statistical
analyses (t-tests or ANOVAs or their non- parametric counterparts) using SPSS.
report the analyses and the results in the same way as is commonly done in methods and
results sections of scientific journal articles.

Intended learning outcomes
Students will learn ins and outs of applying and interpreting statistical techniques that are common or
are becoming common in experimental research.
The topics covered in this course are:

Research design
Basic statistical principles (e.g. data exploration)
Estimating a population mean from a sample
Independent and paired t-tests and their associated confidence intervals
Non-parametric difference tests
Linear regression
One-way ANOVA (between subjects and repeated measures)
Factorial ANOVA (two-way between subjects, two-way repeated measures, two-way mixed
Effect size
Data transformations

There will be lectures and SPSS practical sessions for all the topics covered in the course.
The students have to take an examination. It will focus on t-tests, non-parametric difference tests,
one-way ANOVA and factorial ANOVA.

26 | D3.3 Curriculum


Neurorehabilitation in the context of human movement science (3

ECTS - 84 hrs)

Within eight lectures the significance of movement science in the field of neurorehabilitation is
elucidated. Practical examples are given on how theories on motor control, perception and behavior
can be applied in clinical research. On the other hand, the emphasis of these lectures is placed on
how movement scientists may collaborate in clinical research of patients with neurological diseases
such as stroke, Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis. In order to improve knowledge transfer
from preclinical to clinical research (i. e., translational research), students will be educated in the state
of art about the underlying mechanisms of functional recovery and the role of adaptive motor control
in mentioned neurological diseases.
Intended learning outcomes
The student is able to:

understand mechanisms of functional recovery related to stroke;

understand the pathophysical processes and symptoms that characterize stroke, Parkinson's
Disease and Multiple Sclerosis;
understand clinical decision making in neurorehabilitation for management of patients with
stroke, Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis;
acknowledge the importance of ICF- model in rehabilitation medicine.
interpret the clincal relevance of selected measurements of outcome;
categorize measurements of outcome used in rehabilitation medicine;
understand the clinical decision making process for functional prognosis in Multiple Sclerosis,
Parkinson's Disease and stroke.

50 multiple- choice questions. Re- examination will consist of 3 to 4 open ended questions (written

27 | D3.3 Curriculum


3d Kinematics (3ECTS 84 hrs)

In this course students are introduced to the fundamentals of three- dimensional kinematics, as well
as the (more or less) standard application methods.
The course will comprise three separate blocks focusing on:

the definition and use of local coordinate systems in the calculation of osteokinematics;
the use of technical marker sets as well as the practical implications of data processing,
especially correcting for missing markers and;
the calculation procedures for obtaining helical axes, needed for the definition of functional
axes-based coordinate systems.

Intended learning outcomes
The student is able to:

define and calculate local joint coordinate systems;

use and understand different calibration methods and their limitations;
translate technical motion descriptions into clinically relevant units;
apply the above to experimental data;
interpret and comment on methods as described in the literature.

The course consists of classes, computer practicals and work group, in which 3D kinematics theory
and application will be taught and consequences for research will be discussed.
The assessment consists of:

three in-term practical assignments, each contributing for 15% of the final score
computer test consisting of a matlab based assignment and a literature review (55%)

28 | D3.3 Curriculum


Electromyography (3ECTS 84 hrs)

In this course, the students are introduced to the electrophysical background of electromyograph
(EMG). Subsequently, the course focuses on methodological aspects of EMG acquisition and analysis,
focusing on the potential of this method as well as its pitfalls.
Intended learning outcomes
The student

has a basic knowledge of electrophysiology and the background of electromyographical;

has a basic knowledge of the different ways; of collecting electromyograpical data in various
application fields;
can collect and analyze EMG data for kinesiological use;
can choose the appropriate method for collecting EMG data in kinesiological study;
knows the possibilities and limitations of EMG data;
can interpret EMG data in relation to motor control, force and fatigue;
can identify contamination in EMG data and can apply methods to reduce its effects;
knows the standards for reporting EMG data.

Electrophysiology, Motor control (motor unit recruitment and firing), Instrumentation and electrodesHD-EMG and spatio- temporal information, Onset determination, Amplitude estimation, Force
estimation, Co-contraction and cross- talk, Motor unit firing and decomposition, Frequency content,
conduction velocity and fatigue, Practicals measuring EMG, analyzing EMG data.
2 hours written test with equally weighted open ended questions.

29 | D3.3 Curriculum

A2.10 Intermuscular load sharing (3 ECTS 84 hrs)

A2.10.1 Introduction
In this course, the students are introduced to methods to estimate the mechanical load on structures
in a muscle-joint system through inverse mechanical analysis. Since muscle-joint systems are
mechanically indeterminate, estimating the distribution of the net moment over moment-producing
structures (mainly muscles) is the main challenge. The course consists of three major subjects. First,
after a general introduction on modeling and model validation, EMG driven and optimization models
for estimating the distribution of the net moment over muscles will be dealt with and data on load
sharing as measured in animal experiments will be discussed in the context of such models. During a
computer lab students will modify and use a simple model of a muscle-joint system driven by
optimization. Second, the mechanical and neural connectivity between muscles will be introduced in a
lecture. In the subsequent computer lab, the model will be adapted to study the effects of
intermuscular force transmission and neural overflow. Third, a formal analysis of joint stability will be
introduced and the effects of stability requirements on load sharing between muscles will be
discussed. In the following computer lab, students will apply stability constraints in the model to
further study these effects. Based on sensitivity analyses for specified inputs, parameters, or model
assumptions with the model, students will prepare a written report with respect to a self-selected
question related to one of the three parts of the course.
A2.10.2 Intended learning outcomes
The student is able to:

explain the most common methods for inverse mechanical analysis of muscle-joint systems
and is able to apply these.
describe the possibilities and limitations of these methods.
describe recent insights on mechanical and neural connectivity between muscles and can
integrate these insights into the inverse mechanical analysis.
assess the validity and sensitivity of such methods and can interpret and report results in a
scientific format.

A2.10.3 Assessments
Students, in groups of two, write a written report based on the topic of one of the three computer
labs (optimization criteria, intermuscle connectivity, stability constraints). They phrase a research
question and hypothesis with respect to this topic and perform the analyses needed to answer the
question. First a proposal is written and submitted for feedback. The report should have the format of
a research paper. However, the introduction section should be limited to a minimum (i.e., one
paragraph; ~200-300 words), including the research question and hypothesis. The report should
describe in detail which analyses were performed using which models (methods) and provide the
results of the analyses. The discussion should incorporate relevant methodological literature and
literature concerning the question at hand. The total number of pages should not exceed 20 excluding

30 | D3.3 Curriculum

A2.11 Practical Internship (6 ECTS 168 hrs)

A2.11.1 Introduction
Practical internships can be taken at various companies, institutes or organizations, which is why there
can be considerable differences regarding the content of the internship. Generally speaking students
will receive a written assignment containing, in any case, what is expected of the student within the
framework of the internship. The student is expected to become familiar with the activities within the
company, institute or organization, as well as gaining insight into the role of their assigned
department within the organization. This includes evaluating which Movement Sciences aspects are
applied within in the department and which aspects could be applied in the future.

A2.12 Research Internship (24 ECTS 840 hrs)

A2.12.1 Introduction
During the research internship, students conduct scientific research in a 'master - pupil relationship'.
The research must meet the following qualifications:

it is aimed at a suitably challenging research question;

it is conducted in a methodologically correct way;
it is related to and is based on the theory that applies to planned research.

The teaching focus of the internship is on gaining insight in to the connection between the
components of the research process, namely formulating a research question, creating a hypothesis,
planning and conducting experiments, processing data, interpretation of the results and reporting. It
should be kept in mind that 'experiments' should not be interpreted too narrowly: these can also be
field measurements, or epidemiological research.
The student pair or student conducts the research internship under the guidance of a faculty staff
member. The internship is often part of a larger project. The subject of the internship is chosen in
consultation with a staff member and/or the coordinator. It is also possible for a student to choose
one's own subject, in consultation with the coordinator. Proposals for an internship from staff
members and external partners can usually be found on Blackboard ('Research Internship'), although
it might be worthwhile contacting the Research Group Leaders (PI) of research institute MOVE for
information on the latest possibilities. The Research School MOVE website (www. move. vu.nl) is an
appropriate orientation on the Research Internship. In consultation with the coordinator, a student
may conduct the research internship outside the faculty or abroad. Especially for foreign projects,
additional requirements related to courses followed and obtained grades might apply. Above all, an
internship abroad requires an early start to have sufficient time for the much more complex
organization of the internship (at least 1 year before the start of the internship). Once the subject and
the internship supervisor(s) have been established, the student writes a work plan for the research
internship, comprising research question, hypothesis(es), methods statistics and planning. Beyond
time schedule, the latter should include choices for equipment and indications for organization of the
work. If the work plan is approved by the internship supervisors, it has to be presented during a work
group meeting of the specialization to which the students belong, or, if applicable, a meeting of the
specialization in which the work is best suited. Reporting takes place in the form of an English
language formal paper, or research report (depending on the internship). Research results also have
to be presented at a work group meeting at the end of the process. Every student has a right to
consultation and supervision during the research internship. The available time for supervision
depends on the size of the internship and is in the order of 30 hrs for an individual 24 ECTS internship
(and for a pair 60 hrs).

A2.12.2 Assessments
The evaluation of the research internship consists of three elements, namely:

the performance of the experiments and specifically the data collection and processing (40%)
the report (50%)
31 | D3.3 Curriculum

the oral presentation of the report during the work group meeting 10%)

The performance of the experiments is judged by the internship supervisor(s), the report and the oral
presentation are judged by both the internship supervisor(s) and a second assessor.

32 | D3.3 Curriculum

Appendix 3 Detailed description of KU Leuven modules

Common courses for all Masters Students

Sports Law (3 ECTS 84 hrs)

For the first part, the course provides a general introduction to the basic concepts and principles of
Belgian, European and international law, with particular attention to those parts of the law which are
of relevance to sport. For the second part, the course goes deeper into sports law as a particular field
of law and addresses key sport-legal fields and legal problems.
Intended learning outcomes
After completing this course, the student is able to:

identify and understand basic legal concepts, sources and principles;

name and understand the rules of law relating to sport, both in a Belgium as in a European
and international context
and answer questions of law related to sport and use legal arguments in this respect
to fit the rules of law related to sports into a historical, social or political context

First, this course provides a general introduction to the basic concepts and principles of Belgian,
European and international law, with particular attention to those parts of the law which are of
relevance to sport. Topics to be discussed include: the concept of rights and rules of law, the sources
of law (legislation, case law, doctrine), the judicial organization, overview of major jurisdictions (public
law, civil law, labour law, criminal law, international and European law ).
The course then goes deeper into sports law as a particular field of law and addresses key sport-legal
fields and legal problems. The topics to be discussed are: the concept of sports law, the sources,
principles and structure of the sports law, the role of government and self-regulation in sport and the
division of competences on sport in Belgium, the role and influence of Europe in sport (with focus on
the European sports article and important European cases), the role of arbitration and disciplinary
rules in sport, the relationship between governmental law and sports law, the status of nonprofessional and professional athletes, health, doping and ethics in sport; liability in sport; safety in
sport; transfers and agents in sports, media, and sports personality rights.
Written exam during exam period.
The written exam consist of four open questions. Each question has an equal weight in the final score.
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

33 | D3.3 Curriculum


Philosophy and ethics of sports (4 ECTS - 112 hrs)

This course consists of two major topics. The content of the topics is outlined in section C).

Philosophy and Ethics of Sports and Human Kinetics (3 ECTS)

Applied Ethics in Sports (1 ECTS)

Intended learning outcomes
After completing this course, the student:

has a critical-philosophical attitude in relation to the concrete sports practice and his / her
own presuppositions
is able to understand an analyze the discussed texts
is able to explain, compare an connect the ideas and arguments in the discussed texts
is able to develop philosophical arguments related to the covered topics
is able to process philosophical literature independently
is able to report in an appropriate language and style

This course contributes to:


the comprehension of the social relevance of sport and physical activity

a more critical look at problematic developments in modern sport
The argumentative skills of the student

The content of Part 1: Philosophy and Ethics of Sports and Human Kinetics is the following:

What is philosophy and what is moral philosophy?

What game / sport and whats the role of rules?
Why is sports ethics more than just applied ethics?
Fairplay: formal and informal
Sportsmanship: win worthy
Health as a (moral) ideal
Philosophy of Culture and Sports:

Physical Culture as a culture

Sports / game as a metaphor for the meaningful / meaningless life.

Transhumanism and sport: sport as an attempt to define the limits of the human body and to

The content of Part 2: Applied Ethics in Sports is the following:

Introduction: from ethics to applied ethics

Sports, integrity and aggression: the determination of boundaries
Athletic Enhancement: moral arguments pro and against
Emancipation of women and (other) minorities in / through sport?
Dis / abilities, sports and society: towards a biosocial model
Specific age groups: challenges: youth sports, senior sports ..
Sports and regulation: sporting and guiding ethically
Decision: formation of LO & BW to professional responsibilities

The entire course is evaluated by means of a written examination. In advance, students write a short
paper (800-1000 words), in which they, starting from a chosen (scientific) article, a current event or a
personal experience, shed their philosophical light on a theme from the course (with attention to both
teaching activities).
34 | D3.3 Curriculum

The final point is established as follows: - Written exam Philosophy and ethics of sport and exercise:
50% - Written exam Applied Ethics in Sport: 20% - Paper - assessment by Philosophy and ethics of
sport and exercise: 20% - Paper - assessment by Applied Ethics in Sport: 10%
The student cannot pass the examination if he does not complete both the written exams and the
paper (final score: not completed).
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

35 | D3.3 Curriculum


Adapted Physical Activities (6 ECTS - 168 hrs)

The course consists of three major topics. They are explained into more detail in section C)

Classification (3 ECTS)
Introduction to Adapted Physical Activity (1,5 ECTS)
Adapted Physical Activity: Practice (1,5 ECTS)

Intended learning outcomes
After completing this course, the student is able:

to frame Adapted Physical activities in the continuum Rehabilitation - Elite Sports and
Education - Elite Sports.
to analyse the person - equipment - interface in relation to the activity.
to understand the interaction between performance factors
to understand the concept of "Evidence-based Classification" and the sport-specific
to understand and argue the impact of impairment on the performance
to estimate the physical abilities of persons with disabilities through observation
to create a functional profile of an individual
to describe and apply the target group specific didactic-methodological concepts
to evaluate the functional level of the person with a disability
to explain the overall picture of the most common impairments
the student has experienced adapted physical activities himself

This course contributes to:


The student gets a broader vision about the possibilities of movement for persons with
The student gets an improved attitude in respect of the person with a disability.
The student learns to think inclusive in a sport context.

Content of part 1, Classification, is the following:

After a theoretical introduction of the concept of evidence-based classification, students will observe
sports(wo)men during competition and learn to judge the impact of impairment on performance
through observation. Most of the time students will work in small groups to discuss their observations
and argue the impact of impairment on activity performance in athletes with diversity in disability in a
variety of sport-disciplines and activities of daily living.

Content of part 2, Introduction to Adapted Physical Activity, is the following:

Situating the domain of Adapted Physical Activities (APA) in the continuum rehabilitation elite sport and education - elite sport.
Movement Potential and motion characteristics of the main target groups (people with
neuromusculoskeletal disorders, visually impaired, hearing impaired, persons with intellectual
The Belgian and international structure of sport for persons with disabilities.
Attitude towards people with disabilities.
An overview of adapted materials and the importance of the person - tool - interface on the
basis of an overview of adapted physical activities.
Disability specific didactic-methodological concepts.

Content of part 3, Adapted Physical Activity: Practice, is the following:

Principles of adapted physical activities by means of demonstrations are interpreted. Students gain
insight into the achievement of objectives through adapted physical activities. Population specific
adapted physical activities are demonstrated.

36 | D3.3 Curriculum

Practical 1: General principles of APA. Objectives, types of games, playful shapes, types of
Practical 2: Principles of APA, applied to special groups
Practical 3: Adapted Physical Activities for people with visual impairments: Principles and
Practical 4: Wheelchair use, basic principles, applications and skills.
Practical 5: Wheelchair basketball demonstration and physical fitness for wheelchair users.
Practical 6: Adapted Physical Activities for people with intellectual disability: principles and
Practical 7: Adapted Physical Activities adapt to heterogeneous groups and inclusive
movement activities.
Practical 8: Overview adapted sports: Sitting volleyball, Boccia, Prellball.

Students make a written examination (Multiple Choice), open book (25% of the total score).
Students get to see film clips of people with a disability and need to analyse (50% of the total
Students are assessed on the basis of an assignment, executed during the practicum (25% of
the total score).
The final score is the mathematical mean of the 3 scores with mathematical rounding.
Attendance for the practicals is compulsory.
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

37 | D3.3 Curriculum


Masters thesis physical education and kinesiology: part 1 (8 ECTS

228 hrs)

Under the supervision of his promoter, a research question in the domain of kinesiology is formulated
by the student. The exact content is determined by the choice of the subject.
Intended learning outcomes
The student acquires a broad knowledge concerning the masters thesis subject.
and gains insight in the different phases of research in physical education and kinesiology.
Furthermore, the student demonstrates problem-solving skills and gains insight in the
elaboration of a masters thesis.
Upon completion of this course, the student is able to:

formulate a relevant research question.

collect and select relevant scientific information concerning the research question.
fine-tune the research question, based on collected scientific information, and according to
the most recent scientific and academic standards.
integrate theoretical knowledge and concepts into an original research.
Communicates research findings in an oral presentation.
Organize work and tasks.

The student has completed a written introduction (draft version) of his research, which corresponds
with the generally accepted scientific standards and scientific language, both with respect to content
and format.
The student reaches the additional objectives set for this first year of working on a masters thesis.
These additional objectives were set at the start by mutual agreement between the student and his
The tasks in part 1 of the Masters Thesis:


formulate a research question

write a literature overview
attend seminars
discuss with supervisor, interim evaluations
present at a seminar
write an introduction

The research project is presented by the student in a seminar at the end of the academic year in a
presentation (10 presentation with 5 discussion). In this presentation, the student briefly gives an
overview of the relevant recent literature and motivates his choice of research topic (gaps in the
current literature). The score on the thesis part 1 is determined on the basis of the presentation and
to what extent to the additional objectives (contract) were achieved. The latter assessment should
also take the score on the first written text (draft version of the introduction) into account.
The final score is calculated:

60%: process evaluation by the promoter, in which 10% of this score is based on the written
introduction (draft)
20%: evaluation of the seminar by the promoter
20%: evaluation of the seminar by the session chairman

The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

38 | D3.3 Curriculum


Advanced Issues in sports and exercise (3 ECTS 84 hrs)

This course consists of 2 major topics. They are outlined into more detail in section C):

Policy, management and marketing (1,5 ECTS)

Performance and Health (1,5 ECTS)

Intended learning outcomes
By the end of this course students must have gained insight to the relation between physical activity,
fitness and health. Students acquire knowledge of research strategies which lead to this scientific
insight. Students can apply this scientific knowledge to setting up efficient, evidence-based treatment
programmes and guidance programmes for non-atlethic populations. Apart from that, students have
gained insight to the diverse achievement-determining factors within diverse sports. Different recent
questions with regards to achievement-determining factors in sports will be dealt with. Students must
be able to form an opinion on these questions in a critical way.


The content of the first part, policy, management and marketing, is the following:
The course consists of practical cases coming from three different profit fields: the public profit, the
economic profit and the social profit. First of all, professionals introduce the cases. Afterwards,
interactive and critical discussions between moderator, presenter and the public take place.

The content of the second part, Performance and Health, is the following:
External speakers with a specific professional and/or academic expertise within the sports domain are
invited to give a presentation. Topics are complementary with other courses. Examples of possible
topics are:

Education of trainers
Doping within the sports field
Scientific support within professional sports

Written exam during the exam period. Multiple-choice questions.

39 | D3.3 Curriculum


Masters thesis physical education and kinesiology: part 2 (16 ECTS

448 hrs)

Under the supervision of his promoter, a research question within the domain of kinesiology is
formulated by the student. The exact content is determined by the choice of the subject.
Intended learning outcomes
The student can demonstrate a profound knowledge of the studied subject. The student acquires
insight into the various stages of scientific research in Kinesiology. The student demonstrates problemsolving abilities and insight in the development of the masters thesis.
At the end of the course, the student is able to:

carry out an individual research project under the supervision of a promoter (data
assessment, data analysis).
clearly report research findings and their meaning on a critical and scientific manner
(interpretation and discussion of study results).
integrate theoretical background and concepts
communicate in Dutch or in English orally and in writing about their own research
critically evaluate research
write a paper in a form and content that are consistent with generally accepted scientific

Collection of empirical data
Statistical processing of this information, including interpretation, conclusion and relating it to
writing a scientific text according to the guidelines of the chosen Journal or according to the
formal guidelines for a monograph of the Faculty
The masters thesis is defended in front of a jury in a time frame of 30 minutes maximum. The
student presents the masters thesis with special attention to the rationale, methodology, results and
implications (5). Afterwards, the members of the jury evaluate by critically questioning the student.
The evaluation forms and the details about calculating the final score, are listed in the Concept of the
Masters Thesis (Toledo).
The final score is calculated:


process + product evaluation by the promoter (prior to the defense)

product evaluation by the critic (prior to the defense)
evaluation of the defense by the promoter
evaluation of the defense by the critic
evaluation of chairman of the jury

The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

40 | D3.3 Curriculum

Major courses for all Masters Students with specialization in Researc h in

Biomedical Kinesiology

Research Methods and Advanced Issues in Research in Biomedical

Kinesiology (4 ECTS - 112 hrs)

The course consists of 2 major topics. They are described into more detail in section C).

Seminar data management (2 ECTS)

Seminar multivariate statistical techniques (2 ECTS)

Intended learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student is able to:


to apply (1) quality control procedures in the data-entry (coding) process and (2) data
management of large multivariate datasets by means of different statistical software
to design his/her own data entry, data-cleaning and dataset management protocol
to select a specific research design related to specific research questions (both in multivariate
epidemiology and (clinical) intervention studies)
to select, apply and interpret the correct statistical or multivariate technique
to use statistical software packages to perform these multivariate analyses and to interpret
the output of these analyses.
to critically reflect on pros cons of different statistical analysis techniques

The content of the first part, seminar data management, is the following:

preparation of research output from different field applications (lab-data, survey material,...)
input of data (creation of variables / coding scheme, design protected data entry fields,
design a data-entry window, ...)
quality control of large sets of data (compare double entry , data cleaning) using descriptive
statistics, frequency tables, ...
dataset manipulation (sub datasets, merge, new variables, ...)

The content of the second part, seminar multivariate statistical techniques, is the following:
Theoretical and practical application (via S.A.S./Statistica/SPSS or other statistical software packages)

Multiple regression
Logistic regression
Factor Analysis
Discriminant analysis
Cluster analysis
(factorial) ANOVA and Mixed Models
Power analysis o MANOVA

Prior to the exam, a dataset is handed to the students and specific research questions are
formulated. The student analyzes this dataset using the data management techniques and with the
most optimal statistical techniques, using the statistical software that was used during the course. The
outcome of this take-home-exam is presented by the student at the oral exam (slide show
presentation), with a discussion afterwards.
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

41 | D3.3 Curriculum


Programming and automated Signal Analysis (4 ECTS 112 hrs)

This course consists of 2 major topics. They are described into more detail in section C).

Programming and automated Signal Analysis: Theory (2 ECTS)

Programming and automated Signal Analysis: Exercises (2 ECTS)

Intended learning outcomes
This course aims on theoretical knowledge and practical skill acquisition in the students. During the
course, the student is introduced to state of the art data processing methods used in human
movement science:

The student first gains insight in the fundamentals of electronics and signal processing: the
student is able to explain and apply these fundamental concepts, as well as concepts from
system theory and analysis. The student is able to explain and understand implementation of
these concepts.
Secondly, the student is introduced to the fundamentals of programming. The student can
explain and implement these, as well as analyse them in larger programming structures.
Finally the student can independently design, implement and critically evaluate simple
programs for data processing. He can critically evaluate complex programming examples and
evaluate the effect on specific parameter settings on data processing results.

For demonstration and implementation of the fundamentals, matlab is used as programming platform.


The content of the first part, programming and automated signal analysis: theory, is the following:
Part 1: Signal description, correlation analysis of signals, fourier analysis, system responses, digital
Part 2: program structure, data structure, variable definitions and operations, function declaration,
variable declaration, data input/output, graphical data presentation, implementation of data and signal
processing algorithms

The content of the second part, programming and automated signal analysis: exercises, is the
Exercises on part 1 and part 2 of the theoretical part.

Theory: open book exam Practice: take-home exam which will be discussed at the oral exam.
The final score consists of the average of the 2 parts.
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

42 | D3.3 Curriculum


State of the Art Research Topics in Epidemiology and Genetic

Epidemiology: Part 1 (5 ECTS 140 hrs)

This course consists of 3 major topics. The content is described in section C).

Research techniques in genetics and genetic epidemiology (2 ECTS)

Genetic determinants of human performance (3 ECTS)

Intended learning outcomes
This course covers both specific research methods and recent international study results in the field of
genetic variability in health- and performance related fitness, physical activity, and its relation with
At the end of this course:


The student should be able to understand and interpret research on the genetic determination
of various health- and performance related fitness, physical activity and health phenotypes.
They should be able to critically evaluate interindividual variability in these traits, understand
research methods and designs to be able to disentangle influences of genes and environment,
and gene x environment interaction in both unmeasured and measured genotype approaches.
Students should be able to follow-up this research field.

The content of the first part, Research techniques in genetics and genetic epidemiology, is the
1) Genetics: what is a gene? Mitosis, meiosis, basic principles of inheritance, multifactorial
phenotypes, types of mutations, epigenetics
2) Theoretical background on research designs to quantify and identify genetic and environmental
sources of interindividual variability in health- and performance related fitness, physical activity and
responses to exercise training (endurance & strength), including unmeasured and measured genotype

Unmeasured genotype approach:

familial aggregation, relative risk, family studies, twin studies, adoption studies
genotype x training interaction designs
Measured genotype approach:

linkage studies (in multifactorial quantitative traits)

whole genome LD association mapping studies

(positional) candidate gene polymorphism studies (case/contol, population, Gene variant x

environment interaction studies)

haplotype analysis

The content of the second part, genetic determinants of human performance, is the following:

Overview of recent research reports using unmeasured and measured genotype approaches
to study human variation in health- and performance related fitness, physical activity and
responses to exercise training
Twin analysis, candidate gene, GWAs, linkage, next-generation sequencing: applied to human
performance and health-related fitness.
Hands on practice in an unmeasured genotype approach and measured genotype approach
study design using available data on phenotypes (and genotypes).

Evaluation elements:

Genetic concepts and theoretical background genetic epidemiology: open book exam (5

43 | D3.3 Curriculum

Presentation one topic in Genetic determinants of human performance (5 points)
Report and presentation on take home exam (data analysis of a genotype/phenotype dataset
(association/linkage) or twin data analysis) (10 points)

Calculating the overall total: Addition of the three separate scores. All separate evaluations need to
be taken (if not not completed or NA is the overall score on the OPO).
Each failed subscore substracts one point from the overall total.
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

44 | D3.3 Curriculum

A3.10 State of the Art Research Topics in Muscle Physiology and

Biochemistry: Part 1 (5 ECTS 140 hrs)
A3.10.1 Introduction
This course consists of 2 major parts. They are explained into more detail in section C).

Research techniques in exercise physiology and biochemistry (2 ECTS)

Cellular physiology and biochemistry (3 ECTS)

A3.10.2 Intended learning outcomes

De student is able to:

Describe and apply de basic techniques used in muscle physiology and biochemistry in animal
and human models
Perform basic protein and RNA dosages
Collect and analyze data sets
Describe cellular signaling pathways involved in the regulation of skeletal muscle energy
metabolism at rest and during exercise
Make the difference between acute and chronic cellular adaptations

The aim of the current course is to introduce the students into the acute and chronic responses of
muscle cells to contraction. Primary attention is focused on the role of cellular signalling pathways in
the adaptations of skeletal muscle energy metabolism and protein synthesis to exercise and training.


The content of the first part, research techniques in exercise physiology and biochemistry, is the

Muscle protein extraction

Protein determination and quantification (Western Blot)
Enzymatic fluorometric assays
Muscle RNA extraction
mRNA expression and quantification (Real Time-PCR)
Muscle fiber typing via immunofluorescent techniques

The content of the second part, cellular physiology and biochemistry, is the following:
The following issues are addressed during this course:

Interaction of exercise and diet in muscle cell adaptations to exercise and training
Effects of carbohydrate intake on exercise metabolism and performance
Effects of fat intake on exercise metabolism and performance
Effects of protein intake on exercise metabolism and performance
Use of nutritional supplements in exercise and training
Exercise, nutrition and immunity
Body weight loss in exercise and training
Exercise and nutrition in female athletes
Pre- and probiotics in exercise and health

A3.10.4 Assessments
The final score (/20) is the sum of the following subunits:

reports and exercises: /8

powerpoint presentation: /4
final examination: /8

Attendance to the classes is compulsory and will be taken into account in the final score (-1 per
unfounded absence).
In case of lacking report(s) and/or exercise(s), a "0" score will be attributed to this report/exercise
45 | D3.3 Curriculum

and the lacking report(s) and/or exercise(s) will have to be submitted during the third examination
session in case of a total score below 10/20 for the OPO.
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

46 | D3.3 Curriculum

A3.11 State of the Art Research Topics in Biomechanics: Part 1 (5 ECTS

140 hrs)
A3.11.1 Introduction
This course consists of 2 parts. They are explained into more detail in section C):

Research techniques in biomechanics (2 ECTS)

Modelling and optimizing of human movement (3 ECTS)

A3.11.2 Intended learning outcomes

At the end the student is able to:

comprehend, apply and adapt state of the art measurement techniques in biomechanics;
apply these techniques in state of the art methodology related to human movement modeling
and optimization.

This course contributes to the understanding of the interaction and interpretation of multi-parameter


The content of the first part, research techniques in biomechanics, is the following:
General principles on the use of computer aided measurement techniques are introduced with
emphasis on quality assurance of data collection. Measurement principles and techniques commonly
used in Biomechanics are introduced and applied. These include: measurement of 3D motion of the
human body, measurement of forces acting on the body, measurement of plantar pressure and
measurement of muscle activity. For each technique, commonly used processing techniques are
introduced and data interpretation aspects are discussed. Aspects of quality assurance and lab
management are introduced.

The content of the second part, modelling and optimizing of human movement is the following:
The aspects of the mechanical performance of the muscle, of body segments and of the total body
will be discussed in the course. Attention will be drawn to
1) the transition of the knowledge based on mechanical properties of muscle and
movement apparatus to the construction of a mathematical model,
2) validation& analysis of the behaviour of the model (e.g. sensitivity analysis),
3) optimization of the model and human movement in general. The theory will be
applied to muscle performance, ergonomics and pathology (e. g. pathological gait).
Theoretical introduction is given to aspects of modeling, simulation and optimization. Seminars,
focused on one of the specific application areas and including the different aspects (construction,
validation, optimization).
A3.11.4 Assessments
The students select the topic of a groups assignment. Under supervision, they collect and process the
required data. The students discuss their findings. They present this in a written report as well as in
an oral presentation. Individual participation to each of these elements is accounted for in the
evaluation. Students should be involved in all elements.
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

47 | D3.3 Curriculum

A3.12 State of the Art Research Topics in Motor Learning and Motor
Control: Part 1 (5 ECTS 114hrs)
A3.12.1 Introduction
This course consists of two major parts. The content is explained into more detail in section C).

Research techniques in motor control and learning (3 ECTS)

Research seminars in motor control and learning (2 ECTS)

A3.12.2 Intended learning outcomes

At the end of this course, the student is able to:

understand the processes underlying motor control and learning

understand the principles underlying movement coordination
describe the integration of sensory modalities (proprioception and vision) in movement control
record behavioral parameters along with brain activity
discuss the principles of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and Magnetic Resonance
Imaging [functional (fMRI) and structural MRI (Diffusion Tensor Imaging, DTI).
apply the basic techniques for single- and multi-limb movement registration
to apply various techniques for eye-movement recording (e.g., EOG, corneal reflection, pupilcentre, or a combination of these)
dissociate between perception and decision making processes
to independently use these techniques, process the data (via excel, matlab, e-prime) and
interpret the output of these analyses
to present fluently to peer students research data using ppt (slides in English, presentation in

This course intends to additionally:

Function in a laboratory environment

Develop contacts with participants
Team work experience
Organization of planned research activities and distribution of responsibilities



The content of the first part, research techniques in motor control and learning, is the following:

The following topics will be covered during this course:

Movement recording of various effectors via digitizers, shaft encoders, electromagnetic
Principles of medical imaging techniques: structural and functional
Eye-movement recording techniques
Integrated eye and hand recording measurements
Role of proprioceptive and visual afferences in goal-directed upper limb movements
Link between kinematics and visual and proprioceptive perturbations
Neuromuscular control in subjects with chronic ankle instability
Motor imagery
Perception and decision making
Augmented feedback for optimizing performance and learning

The content of the second part, research seminars in motor control and learning, is the following:

General introduction to various motor control and brain recording techniques: from the
cellular to the systems level
Behavioural research paradigms for motor control and learning
Specialized techniques for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
(TMS, rTMS), Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)
Neurobehavioural research paradigms for expert perception and performance

48 | D3.3 Curriculum

New challenges to accelerate the motor learning process

Mathematical models to predict future performances

A3.12.4 Assessments
The evaluation consists of:
a) 20%: the practice sessions (independence, taking initiative, critical mind setting)
b) 30%: the presentation (end of the classes)
c) 50%: the oral exam.
There is a compulsory attendance for the classes. In order to receive a score, all elements need to be
completed. If not, the overall evaluation of the course is not completed (NA).
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

49 | D3.3 Curriculum

A3.13 Laboratory internship (7 ECTS 196 hrs)

A3.13.1 Introduction
This laboratory internship (20 days) aims at the further training of the students scientific research
skills within the domain of the master thesis.
A3.13.2 Intended learning outcomes
At the end of this course:

The student has participated in the research unit as a junior research member.
The student has gained knowledge within the research field of his master thesis, however
in additional research skills (e.g. learning/development of a new lab technique,)
The student has participated in discussions related to the development of new research
set up (design, operationalisation of research variables, standardization, ethical committee
documents preparation), lab meetings, data assessement, analysis and interpretation,
(active) participation in a congress/scientific meeting.
The student knows how to present his research using a poster presentation format

A3.13.3 Topics
This laboratory internship (20 days) aims at the further training of the students scientific research
skills within the domain of the master thesis. Specific research topic and tasks are set at the beginning
of the internship using a contract.
A3.13.4 Assessments
Evaluation scheme based on the different aspects

cooperation (daily interaction in research team, attitude,) scored by the (ZAP) supervisor of
the research lab using a standardized evaluation scheme
poster presentation of research findings (research seminar with all students)
e-portfolio (lab book notes, log book, overview of hours/days and specific research activities,
subjective reflection).

All different aspects mentioned above need to be completed in order to get an overall score.
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

50 | D3.3 Curriculum

A3.14 State of the Art Research Topics in Epidemiology and Genetic

Epidemiology: Part 2 (3 ECTS 84 hrs)
A3.14.1 Introduction
More detailed concepts regarding measurements and finding relationships concerning physical activity,
physical fitness and health are the main topics of this course.
A3.14.2 Intended learning outcomes
The goal of this course is:

to provide students with theoretical and practical information about the most effective ways to
collect, score, and interpret data of physical activity, physical fitness and health (related
parameters), for research purposes.
to provide students with information about the relationships between physical activity,
physical fitness and health.

At the end of this course the student:

is able to critically review and apply different methods to collect, score and interpret data of
physical activity / sedentary behavior assessment, as well as the assessment of physical
fitness and health parameters
is able to explain and interpret the different (epidemiological) correlates between physical
(in)-activity, fitness and health

A3.14.3 Topics
Measurement and analysis issues for physical activity assessment
Measurement and analysis issues for physical fitness assessment
The study of relationships between physical (in)activity, and disease, health related risk
factors and other concerns (e.g. mental health)
The study of the distribution and determinants of physical activity and physical fitness in a
The study how physical activity and physical fitness can be altered
The study how physical activity can be promoted to enhance peoples quality of life
A3.14.4 Assessments
Chapters from the handbook, state-of-the-art articles and review manuscripts that have been
discussed in both theoretical and practical sessions represent the material to be studied and evaluated
during an open book exam (oral exam). This oral exam takes place in the examination period and is
planned by the instructor of the course together with the students.
The final score also accounts for the quality of oral presentations and/or written reports Students who
have not presented or have not made a written report, get not completed (NA) as the final score.
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

51 | D3.3 Curriculum

A3.15 State of the Art Research Topics in Muscle Physiology and

Biochemistry: Part 2 (3 ECTS 84 hrs)
A3.15.1 Introduction
Advanced topics regarding muscle physiology and biochemistry are discussed (see section C).
A3.15.2 Intended learning outcomes
After completing this course, the student is able to:

Explain the physiological mechanisms that are responsible for the improvement of health and
performance by physical activity
Explain the interaction between exercise and diet in optimizing health and performance
Interpret scientific literature in the field of exercise physiology and nutrition: this includes the
ability to read and understand peer-review articles in the field of basic and applied exercise
physiology and biochemistry, and nutrition and metabolism.
Translate up-to-date knowledge in the field of exercise physiology and biochemistry, and
nutrition and metabolism to the field of physical activity and health, as well as exercise
performance in athletic populations.

The aim of the current course is to learn students with a pre-existing strong background in exercise
physiology and biochemistry to independently follow-up and interpret scientific literature in the field of
exercise physiology and biochemistry, and nutrition and metabolism.
A3.15.3 Topics
The following issues are addressed during this course:

Interaction of exercise and diet in muscle cell adaptations to exercise and training
Effects of carbohydrate intake on exercise metabolism and performance
Effects of fat intake on exercise metabolism and performance
Effects of protein intake on exercise metabolism and performance
Use of nutritional supplements in exercise and training
Exercise, nutrition and immunity
Body weight loss in exercise and training
Exercise and nutrition in female athletes
Pre- and probiotics in exercise and health

A3.15.4 Assessments
The articles and presentations discussed in the lectures and seminars are the content of the open
book examination. Students have to be able to interpret the content of these articles and
presentations, and explain the importance of the data in the field of muscle physiology and muscle
Ten of the 20 points are assigned based on the quality of the oral presentation during the
seminars/colleges. The other 10 point result from an open book examination covering all papers and
presentations used in the course. Decimal scores higher than 10/20 are rounded according to
mathematical rules. Decimal scores less than 10/20 are rounded downwards
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

52 | D3.3 Curriculum

A3.16 State of the Art Research Topics in Biomechanics: Part 2 (3 ECTS

84 hrs)
A3.16.1 Introduction
The main topic of this course is muscle mechanics (see section C)
A3.16.2 Intended learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student is able to:

understand the mechanical muscle output as a result of the multi-factorial interplay of basic
mechanical properties and
experience the strength and the weakness of this approach.

This course contributes to:

critical reading of scientific literature.

the development of test leader skills.

A3.16.3 Topics
In general, the mechanical behavior of single muscle is addressed, from the sarcomere to the entire
muscle level. The following chapters are covered:

Muscle architecture in vivo, thus not based on traditional cadaver studies but based on MRI
and ultrasound recordings.
Mechanical properties of tendon and passive muscle.
Mechanical properties of active muscle, especially the effect of contraction history.
Force transmission and shock absorption during eccentric action.

A3.16.4 Assessments
There are approximately 2 individual assignments, resulting in a presentation. The evaluation consists

6/20: content of the presentation

6/20: the students attribution to the discussion (after the presentation)
8/20: closed book examination (organized in the academic year in one of the last classes)

Elements that are not completed, will be evaluated 0/20.

The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

53 | D3.3 Curriculum

A3.17 State of the Art Research Topics Motor Learning and Motor Control:
Part 2 (3 ECTS 84 hrs)
A3.17.1 Introduction
This course consists of 3 major topics. They are explained into more detail in section C.

Practical Experience and Training in Methods and Designs used in Motor Control and Learning
Research (1 ECTS)
Reading and Discussion of Seminal Papers in Motor Control and Learning (1 ECTS)
Design, Data Registration and Analysis of an Exemplary Motor Control Experiment (1 ECTS)

A3.17.2 Intended learning outcomes

The objective of this course is to gain experience in motor control and learning research by critically
reviewing the scientific approaches and available evidence underlying current theories, and by active
participation in several experiments. Students will gain a deeper understanding and hands-onexperience in various techniques such as kinematic registration, electromyography, tendon vibration,
visuomotor distortions, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI). Moreover, basic research paradigms and their interpretation as well as potential
drawbacks will be discussed on the basis of seminal publications. Such basic paradigms refer to
measurements of motor plasticity, adaptation, movement perturbation, transfer designs, dual-task
paradigms, simple and complex RT tasks, coordination paradigms, postural control tasks, and
neurophysiological measurements with TMS and fMRI.
After the course, students should be able:

to point on strengths and weaknesses in a given study regarding motor control and learning,
based on critical review of hypotheses, experimental paradigms, selected measurement
techniques, data processing and interpretation of the results.
to conduct a basic experiment including formulation of the hypothesis, selection of
appropriate measurement techniques and experimental conditions, data processing and
interpretation of results.

This course also contributes to:

Behave properly as an experimenter or research leader

Present fluently research data to peers using ppt (slides in English, presentation in English)
Present a poster during an (inter)national congress of Kinesiology
Maintain appropriate contacts with colleagues and participants
Work in teams, organize research activities and take on responsibilities



The content of the first part, Practical Experience and Training in Methods and Designs used in Motor
Control and Learning Research, is the following:
Hands-on experience in basic research methods of motor control and learning. Registration and
analysis of kinematic data, EMG, and TMS in the context of various paradigms, such as coordination
tasks, RT tasks, and control and learning experiments. Integrate behavioural and neurophysiological
techniques in paradigms focusing on eye-hand coordination, eye-hand interactions, visual
perturbations and illusions, proprioceptive perturbations, motor imagery, manual asymmetries and
transfer effects, perception-action interaction, flash-lag effect, decision making, expert performance,
hazard perception. In addition to behaviour in normal subjects, also abnormal performance of patients
with neurological deficits will be examined.

The content of the second part, Reading and Discussion of Seminal Papers in Motor Control and
Learning, is the following:
Discussion of classical studies in motor control and learning, using a combination of behavioral and
neuro-scientific techniques. Students will learn how to understand strengths and weaknesses in an
54 | D3.3 Curriculum

exemplary study regarding motor control and learning, based on critical review of hypotheses,
experimental paradigm, selected measurement techniques, data processing and interpretation of the
results. Students have to prepare each theoretical class by critically reading the selected paper and
writing up a personal short report for categories such as formulation of hypothesis, type of
experimental paradigm, selected measurement technique, outcome measures, data processing and
interpretation of the results. Seminal experiments and key findings are discussed in motor plasticity,
augmented feedback, transfer, simple and complex motor responses, aging, expertise, expert
perception and performance, coordination and postural control, brain activation as well as excitability
of the motor system.

The content of the third part, Design, Data Registration and Analysis of an Exemplary Motor Control
Experiment, is the following:
Application of the theoretical knowledge: from hypothesis formulation to hypothesis testing and data
collection. Planning and performing typical motor control/learning experiments.
A3.17.4 Assessments
a) Evaluation of the presentation of seminal papers in motor control and learning. Students
have to give a short (20min) powerpoint presentation in which they will report about the data
obtained in one research paper. This presentation will be graded and students will receive feedback
about the strengths and weaknesses of their presentation. (25%)
b) Evaluation of the application of methods and designs used in motor control and learning
research. Students are evaluated for their cooperation/interaction during practical sessions, and this
part will be graded. (25%)
c) Evaluation of the design, data registration and analysis of an exemplary experiment.
Students have to run an experiment and prepare a short report stating the research question,
experimental setup, used methods, data analysis and results. (25%)
d) During the final exam, students present and discuss individually an original experiment that they
would like to conduct if they would be granted the opportunity. On a 2-page report, they will provide
the research background, hypotheses, methods, statistical analyses and make a prediction about the
expected results. This report will be graded. Students are also examined with respect to the topics
covered in the seminar. (25%)
In order to receive a final score, all evaluation element sneed to be completed. If not, the overall
evaluation is not completed (NA).
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

55 | D3.3 Curriculum

A3.18 Internship Clinical Research (3 ECTS 84 hrs)

A3.18.1 Introduction
Practical topics regarding the work in a clinical research setting are discussed (see section C).
A3.18.2 Intended learning outcomes
At the end of this course:

The student knows the different phases in Clinical Research (drug development, phases,
processes, design and organization)
The student knows and/or has applied different tasks and responsibilities that are
common in a "project team" (CTA, CRA, DM, ...). He has knowledge of the work field of
Clinical Research in Belgium and internationally.
The student has analyzed a specific (ethical/organizational/) topic within the field of
Clinical Research
The student had the experience of a short internship under supervision of a CRA within a
running project.

This course contributes to:

skills for teamwork

presentation skill development
peer assessment
self evaluation related to the requirements and motivation to proceed in a job position in


What is Clinical Research? (drug development, phases, processes, design and
What functions/tasks/responsibilities are involved in the different positions within a
project team (CTA, CRA, DM, ...).
How is the Clinical Research field organized in Belgium and internationally?
Different (ethical/organizational/) topics within the field of Clinical Research (e.g.
Placebo testing, Clinical studies in developing countries, )
Short internship under supervision of a CRA within a running project.
Meet & greet with former Movement Sciences students working in the field of Clinical

A3.18.4 Assessments
Evaluation scheme based on the different aspects

presence and cooperation (class moments and on-site internship)

MC test on theoretical aspects

All above elements are taken into account for the final score. All evaluation elements contribute
If the student fails on evaluation element 1 of the Internship, the student will fail for the overall
course. The score on evaluation 1 will be transferred to the resit period. Non-submission of the
portfolio or no-show on presentation or MC-test results in not completed.
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

56 | D3.3 Curriculum

Minor courses for Masters Students within CMAster Option

A3.19 Advanced methods for neurological and orthopaedic disorders in
children (4 ECTS 112 hrs)
A3.19.1 Introduction
This course consists of three major topics. The content of the topics is outlined in section C).

Clinical Motion Analysis to delineate the Treatment Strategy in Children with Neurological and
Orthopaedic Disorders (1.8 ECTS)
Clinical Presentation and Treatment Approach in Children with Orthopaedic Disorders (1 ECTS)
Orthotics and Braces in Children with Neurological and Orthopaedic Disorders (1.2 ECTS)

A3.19.2 Intended learning outcomes

After completing this course, the student will have:

Gained in depth knowledge in neurological and orthopedic disorders in children (diagnostic

indications and associated problems)
Gained insight and knowledge of the specific rehabilitation issues of children with neurologic
and orthopedic disorders (development of appropriate treatment strategies).
Deepened his insights and knowledge of methods of evaluation and treatment of different
pediatric disorders.
Gained a profound insight into the mechanical and functional action, the construction
principles and the indications or orthopedic appliances, its effect on posture and motion and
on the rehabilitation processes.



The content of the first part, Clinical Motion Analysis to delineate the Treatment Strategy in Children
with Neurological and Orthopaedic Disorders, is the following:
In the first part of this OLA the variety of pathologies for which clinical movement analysis is applied
in daily clinical practice will be defined and discussed. Students are introduced in the biomechanics of
normal walking (kinematics, kinetics and EMG) and in the use of clinical gait analysis, upper limb
analysis and other evaluation tools to guide the clinical decision making process in children with
neurological and orthopaedic problems (such as cerebral palsy and spina bifida). A variety of
treatment options (botulinum toxin treatment, selective dorsal rhizotomy, intrathecal baclofen)
combined with physical therapy and orthotic management are discussed in detail. Special attention is
given to the strength of an optimal combination of different treatment options and to the definition of
goal-oriented physical therapy to improve gait. Treatment strategies are introduced and illustrated by
means of clinical cases. The standardised and objective evaluation tools are used to fine-tune the
treatment strategy and to provide evidence for the outcome.
During the second part of this course, the theory will be translated into a practical exercise. A clinical
case on the use of evaluation tools (clinical examination and three dimensional gait analysis) before
clinical decision making (multilevel chirurgy) in cerebral palsy is offered in a webapplication
programme in which students work together to solve the case (peer learning).

The content of the second part, Clinical Presentation and Treatment Approach in Children with
Orthopaedic Disorders, is the following:
The focus of this course is on the discussion of specific orthopaedic problems in children, including
lower limb problems, pelvic, trunk and upper limb problems, and orthopaedic problems in sports, in
neuropaediatrics (cerebral palsy, neuromuscular disorders, spina bifida, erbs paresis) and in other
specific diseases and syndromes (arthrogryposis, osteogenesis imperfecta, infections). Special
attention is given to rheumatic disorders in children. The orthopaedic problems are introduced and
illustrated by means of clinical cases. The discussion focuses on diagnosis and background, on

57 | D3.3 Curriculum

orthopaedic treatment principles and appropriate after-care, as well as on evaluation tools linked to
different pathologies.
The focus of this course is on the discussion of specific orthopaedic problems in children, including
lower limb problems, pelvic, trunk and upper limb problems, and orthopaedic problems in sports, in
neuropaediatrics (cerebral palsy, neuromuscular disorders, spina bifida, erbs paresis) and in other
specific diseases and syndromes (arthrogryposis, osteogenesis imperfecta, infections). Special
attention is given to rheumatic disorders in children. The orthopaedic problems are introduced and
illustrated by means of clinical cases.
The discussion focuses on diagnosis and background, on orthopaedic treatment principles and
appropriate after-care, as well as on evaluation tools linked to different pathologies. The focus of this
course is on the discussion of specific orthopaedic problems in children, including lower limb problems,
pelvic, trunk and upper limb problems, and orthopaedic problems in sports, in neuropaediatrics
(cerebral palsy, neuromuscular disorders, spina bifida, erbs paresis) and in other specific diseases and
syndromes (arthrogryposis, osteogenesis imperfecta, infections). Special attention is given to
rheumatic disorders in children. The orthopaedic problems are introduced and illustrated by means of
clinical cases.
The discussion focuses on diagnosis and background, on orthopaedic treatment principles and
appropriate after-care, as well as on evaluation tools linked to different pathologies. The focus of this
course is on the discussion of specific orthopaedic problems in children, including lower limb problems,
pelvic, trunk and upper limb problems, and orthopaedic problems in sports, in neuropaediatrics
(cerebral palsy, neuromuscular disorders, spina bifida, erbs paresis) and in other specific diseases and
syndromes (arthrogryposis, osteogenesis imperfecta, infections). Special attention is given to
rheumatic disorders in children. The orthopaedic problems are introduced and illustrated by means of
clinical cases.
The discussion focuses on diagnosis and background, on orthopaedic treatment principles and
appropriate after-care, as well as on evaluation tools linked to different pathologies.

The content of the third part, Orthotics and Braces in Children with Neurological and Orthopaedic
Disorders, is the following:
In this course analysis of the specific options and selection criteria for orthotic an prosthetic treatment
of paediatric patients is discussed: in particular the application of ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs), dynamic
and neuro-physiological orthoses, orthopaedic and correcting shoes, knee-ankle-foot orthoses
(KAFOs) and hip-knee-ankle-foot orthoses (HKAFOs) including paediatric reciprocating gait ortheses
(HGO, RGO, ARGO, Isocentric) and twisters. Special attention is given to adaptions in view of a better
functionality. Further several aids such as verticalisation aids (standing frames, paraflex, clic-clac,
stabilisation frames, etc), seating technology, preventive cushions, seatings and assembly with
wheelchair frames, therapeutic mattresses, application of handorthoses in the treatment of spasticity
(lycra, neoprene, low temperature thermoplastics, etc), orthotics for treatment of contractures,
plagiocephaly helmets, some specific orthoses for children and myoprostheses are discussed.
Particular emphasis goes to future developments in the field of assistive devices. In the practical
sessions constructions of orthoses, prostheses, mattresses, seatings, preventive cushions and several
types of wheelchairs are demonstrated. Further, exercises are given in adjusting orthotics, using low
temperature thermoplastic materials in hand orthotics and appliance of simple supportive casts.
A3.19.4 Assessments
Oral examination during the examination period.
For the first part regarding Clinical Motion Analysis to delineate the Treatment Strategy in Children
with Neurological and Orthopaedic Disorders, the interactive cases are part of the permanent
evaluation. Students have to discuss the clinical cases in a report. If students do not hand in the
report or hand it in too late, the quotation on the report will be 0/20.

58 | D3.3 Curriculum

The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and examination regulations of the KU
Leuven and the faculty additions.

59 | D3.3 Curriculum

A3.20 Pathology in Neurological and Pediatric disorders (4 ECTS 112

A3.20.1 Introduction
This course consists of two major topics. The content of the topics is outlined in section C).

Pathology in Neurological Disorders (1,7 ECTS)

Rehabilitation of children with neurological disorders: theory (2,3 ECTS)

A3.20.2 Intended learning outcomes

When completing this course, the student is capable to:
Detect the deficits of patients with neuro(pediatric) disorders and document them;
Describe the different deficits (e.g. motor disorders) and has knowledge of the relevant
clinical examination techniques;
Recognize the signs and symptoms of patients with neuro(pediatric) disorders. The focus lays
on disorders relevant for clinical movement analysis;
Describe the pathohpysiology and genetic background of the most important neuro(pediatric)
Relate the located deficits to the patient's functional deficits;
Describe the basic principles of non-physiotherapeutic treatment techniques in patients with
neuro(pediatric) disorders;
Do clinical reasoning with respect to clinical signs, evaluation and treatment techniques in
patients with (neuro)pediatric disorders.
This course helps students to:
Use medical terms in a correct way
Read, interpret and use scientific articles in a critical way
Evaluate the different treatment options in a critical way


The content of the first part, Pathology in Neurological disorders, is the following:
After an introduction, the signs, symptoms, technical investigations and treatment options of the
following important neurological diseases are discussed:
Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system
Motor disorders
o I: disorders of the basal ganglia
o II: disorders of the cerebellum
Spinal cord injuries
Neuromuscular diseases

The content of the second part, Rehabilitation of children with neurological disorders: theory, is the


The pathofysioloy and genetic background and symptomathology of the most important neurological
disorders in children are discussed. This includes: cerebral palsy, acquired brain injury, multisided
disabilities, cognitive disabilities and genetic syndroms, spina bifida, neuromuscular disorders and
plexus brachialis injury

Neuromotor rehabilitation:

The motor signs en syndroms, clinical evaluation and treatment in children with the following
neurological disorders are discussed: cerebral palsy, spina bifida, neuromuscular disorders and plexus
brachialis injury.

60 | D3.3 Curriculum

A3.20.4 Assessments
During the exam period, there will be a written exam that consists of multiple-choice questions.
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and examination regulations of the KU
Leuven and the faculty additions.

61 | D3.3 Curriculum

A3.21 Research internship in Clinical Movement Analysis (22 ECTS 616

A3.21.1 Introduction
This course is divided in two parts. The content is outlined in paragraph C).

Research internship in Clinical Movement Analysis (20 ECTS)

Internship Report (2 ECTS)

A3.21.2 Intended learning outcomes

At the end of this internship:
The student has achieved skills to perform at a more independent level as a researcher in a laboratory
within the field of clinical movement analysis. These skills relate to the different phases of clinical
movement analysis and related research projects: literature search/synthesis, problem definition and
development of new research questions, design of a study (evaluation protocol - research protocol operationalization of measurements grant application writing), data assessment, data
analysis/hypothesis testing, interpretation of findings, reporting and academic writing. This process is
best embedded in ongoing clinical activities and research.
Furthermore, after completing this course, the student

Has an updated knowledge on (new) measurements procedures and techniques relevant for
the domain of clinical movement analysis.
Is able to critically analyse and interprete new insights and concepts of clinical movement
analysis and understand their relevance for clinical reasoning process and clinical practice.
Is familiar with the state of the art on new developments within the domain of neurological,
paediatric and musculoskeletal medicine
Is able to read and interpret recent scientific literature and to understand its relevance for the
clinical reasoning process and clinical practice.
Is able to develop advanced communication skills by discussing relevant topics with experts in
the field.

This internship contributes to:

The student should be able to fit into a clinical motion analysis group, be a team player
Contribute actively to the research in a specific multidisciplinary team of the clinical movement
analysis group
The student learns to discuss cases in the domain of clinical movement analysis. Data
collection, data processing, reporting and interpretation are part of the discussions. The cases
consist of enough variation regarding pathology and the type of movement analysis (gait
analysis, upper limb, evaluation and others).
Develop academic writing skills and presentation skills (report of the scientific internship)



The content of the first part, Research internship in Clinical Movement Analysis, is the following:
Internship in a biomedical kinesiology research group. Active participation as a junior researcher. In
addition, theoretical classes, case discussions, interactive workshops and practical sessions related to
state of the art topics in the field of clinical movement analysis, will be organized.

The content of the second part, internship report, is the following:

Students gets in contact with internship supervisor before start of the internship
Internship plan: the student discusses with his supervisor the plan (research line) for the
62 | D3.3 Curriculum

This plan is included in the e-portfolio as a contract with a timeline

The student reports on his progress and scientific steps/procedures taken on a daily/weekly
basis in an e-portfolio. The supervisor signs to confirm the activities of the student
The student is active as a junior researcher in ongoing research within the research unit
A written report is prepared (part 1: situation of research unit/position of the student,
research topic-, part 2: scientific report, part 3: subjective reflection)
The student presents his/her experiences and scientific findings using an oral presentation
format with the other students in a seminar

A3.21.4 Assessments
All elements will contribute to the final score:
1) Research skills and internship activities, cooperation during internship, learning process, will
be evaluated by the internship supervisor and a score will be determined together with the
academic internship coordinator.
A standard evaluation form will be used as a guideline.
2) Written report: this report is discussed by the student, supervisor of the internship and
academic responsible member. If the students internship is abroad, a multimedia conference
can be used to have this discussion. The supervisor of the internship will evaluate both
process (internship as such, learning process) and product.
3) E-portfolio (quality, timely follow up,)
4) Presentation of internship(results) during seminar with all students
All above elements are taken into account for the final score.
Non-submission of the written report or e-portfolio or no-show on presentation results in not
completed (niet afgelegd).
If the student fails on evaluation element 1 of the Internship, the student will fail for the overall
If the student succeeds on evaluation element 1 of the Internship, but fails on any of the other
elements (2, 3, 4), these elements (written report, e-portfolio, presentation) need to be retaken in the
second exam period.
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

63 | D3.3 Curriculum

A3.22 Research internship in Clinical Movement Analysis (part of the nondegree programme course for international students) (22 ECTS
616 hrs)
A3.22.1 Introduction
This course consists of two parts, which are described in more detail in section C).
1. Research internship in Clinical Movement Analysis (12 EC)
2. Internship Report and seminar (10 EC)

A3.22.2 Intended learning outcomes

At the end of this internship:
The student has achieved skills to perform at a more independent level as a researcher in a laboratory
within the field of clinical movement analysis. These skills relate to the different phases of clinical
movement analysis and related research projects: literature search/synthesis, problem definition and
development of new research questions, design of a study (evaluation protocol - research protocol operationalization of measurements grant application writing), data assessment, data
analysis/hypothesis testing, interpretation of findings, reporting and academic writing. This process is
best embedded in ongoing clinical activities and research.
Furthermore, after completing this internship, the student

has an updated knowledge on (new) measurements procedures and techniques relevant for
the domain of clinical movement analysis.
is able to critically analyse and interprete new insights and concepts of clinical movement
analysis and understand their relevance for clinical reasoning process and clinical practice.
is familiar with the state of the art on new developments within the domain of neurological,
paediatric and musculoskeletal medicine
is able to read and interpret recent scientific literature and to understand its relevance for the
clinical reasoning process and clinical practice.
is able to develop advanced communication skills by discussing relevant topics with experts in
the field.

This course contributes to:

The student should be able to fit into a clinical motion analysis group, be a team player
Contribute actively to the research in a specific multidisciplinary team of the clinical movement
analysis group
The student learns to discuss cases in the domain of clinical movement analysis. Data
collection, data processing, reporting and interpretation have to be part of the discussions.
The cases consist of enough variation regarding pathology and the type of movement analysis
(gait analysis, upper limb, evaluation and others).
Develop academic writing skills and presentation skills. The student has to give a literature
review and a research protocol of his chosen subject area and this during a seminar with
other students. At the end of the internship the student should report the outcomes of the
study in a format suitable for submission to a disciple specific peer-reviewed journal.



The content of the first part, Research internship in Clinical Movement Analysis, is the following:
Internship in a research group in the domain of clinical movement analysis. Active participation as a
junior researcher. In addition, theoretical classes, case discussions, interactive workshops and

64 | D3.3 Curriculum

practical sessions related to state of the art topics in the field of clinical movement analysis, will be
organized during the internship period.

The content of the second part, internship report and seminar, is the following:
The student has to give a presentation during a seminar with other students. The content of the
seminar is a literature overview of their chosen subject area an a fully worked up research protocol.
Furthermore, the student has to deliver a project report written in the format of a paper suitable for
submission to a disciple specific peer-reviewed journal.
During the internship, the student reports on his progress and scientific steps/procedures taken on a
daily/weekly basis in an e-portfolio. In this e-portfolio, the internship plan (research line) that is
discussed with the supervisor is also included. By the end of the internship, the student should write a
subjective reflection regarding his experiences and add it to the e-portfolio.

A3.22.4 Assessments
All elements will contribute to the final score:
4) Research skills and internship activities, cooperation during internship, learning process,
will be evaluated by the internship supervisor and a score will be determined together
with the academic internship coordinator.
A standard evaluation form will be used as a guideline.
5) written report in a format suitable for submission to a disciple specific peer-reviewed
journal: this report is discussed by the student, supervisor of the internship and academic
representative. If the students supervisor is abroad, a multimedia conference can be used
to have this discussion. The supervisor of the internship will evaluate both process
(internship as such, learning process) and product.
6) e-portfolio (quality, timely follow up,)
7) presentation of internship(results) during seminar with all students
All above elements are taken into account for the final score.
Non-submission of the written report or e-portfolio or no-show on presentation results in not
completed (niet afgelegd).
If the student fails on evaluation element 1 of the Internship, the student will fail for the overall
If the student succeeds on evaluation element 1 of the Internship, but fails on any of the other
elements (2, 3, 4), these elements (written report, e-portfolio, presentation) need to be retaken in the
resit period.
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of
the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

65 | D3.3 Curriculum

Appendix 4 Plan for VU Amsterdam Masters of Musculoskeletal

Physiotherapy Sciences


The VU Amsterdam is developing a master Physical therapy which will start in September of 2015.
Some of the courses developed for this may be useful for the joint Masters Programme planned to
start in September 2017 and are thus described in this appendix.
This program is meant for students who finished their bachelor program in Physical therapy which is
offered on different locations in the Netherlands. The master program will include courses, all based
on face learning, with a total volume of 30 ECTS (840 hrs) and a Clinical research internship which
exists of an internship of 21 ECTS (588 hrs which can be extended to 27 ECTS 656 hrs) and the
course Writing a research proposal (3ECTS 84 hrs).
Program overview:


Research methodology in musculoskeletal physiotherapy, part I (6ECTS 168 hrs)

Research methodology in musculoskeletal physiotherapy, part II (6ECTS 168 hrs)
Biomechanical analysis of human movement (6 ECTS 168 hrs)
Translational research part I (3ECTS 84 hrs)
Translational research part II (3ECTS 84 hrs)
Measuring movement OR Physiotherapy: Organisation and practice (both 6 ECTS 168 hrs)

Optional courses (6 ECTS in total)

Clinical research internship

Writing a research proposal (3ECTS 84 hrs)

Internship (21 or 27 ECTS, 588 or 656 hrs)

66 | D3.3 Curriculum


Research methodology in musculoskeletal physiotherapy I (6ECTS

168 hrs)

Research in physiotherapy has evolved considerably over the last two decades. New insights in the
pathobiology and psychology of patients seeking physiotherapy management, and technical advances
in medical research, have led to many new research avenues. In this course, we discuss a wide range
of research methodologies, as well as important research outcomes and developments in
physiotherapy, especially musculoskeletal physiotherapy.
This course (Part 1) provides an introduction to research and evidence based practice. Furthermore
the course discusses which research designs and which principles of data analysis are the most
appropriate to address different types of research questions in health and rehabilitation research.
Research questions and designs relate to reliability and validity, diagnostic and prognostic studies, and
various designs to determine clinical efficacy (e.g., cohort studies, randomised clinical trials). The
critically appraisal of the quality of studies in these domains is also covered. Important and recent
discoveries in physiotherapy, which applied the methodology outlined above, are presented by leading
clinical researchers (nationally and internationally). The clinical themes are chosen in such a way that
students indirectly become familiar with various data acquisition methods, including techniques and
paradigms to study pain related human behaviour, brain activation in pain, mapping of the brain,
human movement, muscle activation, body composition and nerve function. In preparation for, and
following the presentations by experts, the methodology, statistics and clinical implications are
discussed in detail. Practical sessions are organised for student to learn how to apply the statistical
methods using statistical software packages (SPSS).

Intended Learning Outcomes
The aims of the course are:

To provide opportunities to students to hear first-hand and interact with leading researchers
in physiotherapy regarding some of their research achievements, and to improve the students
theoretical knowledge in musculoskeletal physiotherapy.
To enable students to select appropriate research methods to address various research
questions, and perform and interpret statistics using SPSS software.
To provide students with appropriate tools to be able to critically appraise the quality of
published research, and to develop a level of understanding of these designs that allows
students to participate in the debate about strengths and limitations of specific designs and
To facilitate a level of understanding among students of research methodology and statistics
that allows effective communication and collaboration with statisticians on complex research

Knowledge assessment, assignment, presentation

67 | D3.3 Curriculum


Research methodology in musculoskeletal physiotherapy II (6ECTS

168 hrs)

This course builds on the knowledge gained in Part 1 of Research methodology and topical subjects in
musculoskeletal physiotherapy. The format and aims are comparable. Expert clinical researchers
present their clinical research findings, and also the research methods and approaches they developed
to achieve these outcomes. This material is used as examples in the discussion of research methods
and statistics. The research questions and designs in this course relate to determining factors that
contribute to rehabilitation outcomes and disease status, including clinical prediction rules, qualitative
research designs, mixed methods research designs, research summaries (systematic reviews), and
best practice in healthcare (clinical practice guidelines). As in Part 1, tools are discussed to appraise
the quality of studies which apply the above-mentioned methodology.

Intended learning outcomes
The aims of the course are comparable to Part 1 of Research methodology and topical subjects in
musculoskeletal physiotherapy Please see that section for further details.
Knowledge assessment, research report

68 | D3.3 Curriculum


Translational research part I and II (3+3 ECTS, 84 + 84 hrs)

Translational research fosters the multidisciplinary and multidirectional integration of basic science
research, patient-oriented research, and population-based research. Its long-term goal is to improve
the health of the public. Before 2000, the term translational research was rarely mentioned in the
literature. However, since 2000, it became a focus of most grant agencies and translational research
institutes were developed. This course discusses the different stages of translational research: T1:
findings from basic research are tested for clinical efficacy or applicability (e.g., proof of concept, preclinical and phase 1 clinical trials); T2: new interventions are evaluated under controlled or ideal
environments to form the basis for clinical application and evidence-based practice guidelines (e.g.,
phase 2 & 3 clinical trials); T3: new interventions or guidelines are evaluated in general practice or
real-world environments (e.g., clinical outcome research, phase 4 clinical trials); and T4:
investigations to test whether interventions improve global health (e.g., population-level outcome
studies). Cost-effectiveness studies of prevention and treatment strategies are an integral part of
translational research and are also discussed. Students will design an implementation or translational
plan for research findings in musculoskeletal physiotherapy (from basic scientific discovery, to clinical
insight, to implications for practice, to implications for population health, to improved global health).
Ideally they will use the findings of their own research (Clinical research internship) as a starting
point, but if not feasible, a related research topic can be chosen.

Intended learning outcomes
The aims of the course are:

To gain insight in the complexity of translational research and to be able to understand the
barriers and facilitators for the implementation of research findings in physiotherapy practice
To be able to formulate realistic short-term, intermediate and long term implementation goals
of research programs in physiotherapy, and strategies to achieve these goals

Knowledge assessment, research report, presentation

69 | D3.3 Curriculum


Measuring movement (6ECTS 168 hrs)

In order to describe and understand the biophysics of human movement quantitative measurements
should be made. A variety of measurement tools can be used to quantify human movement. Typically,
these measurement tools convert physical quantities (for instance movement or force) into electronic
signals and subsequently digitize these signals for further processing on a computer to derive the
information that this desired. In order to be able to effectively collect, process and interpret these
data during your research projects, some understanding of the biophysical background of these
measurement tools and of the dedicated signal processing techniques is required.
In this course students will become acquainted with several measurement tools that are regularly
used at the Faculty of Human Movement Sciences to analyse human movement (i.e. motion capture
systems, force sensors, electromyography). In a series of lectures the physics involved in capturing
data and several relevant signal processing principles will be explained. During hands on practicals
students will learn how to operate these measurement tools and how to process the collected data
using Matlab. In these practicals some of the possibilities and limitations (in accuracy) of these
measurement tools will be demonstrated.

Intended learning outcomes
The aims of the course are:

To gain knowledge in the physical aspects of measuring human movement.

To gain knowledge of common principles in signal processing.
To be able to operate common measurement tool in movement analysis, specifically: motion
analysis, force sensors, electromyography.
To be able to process data collected with the designated measurement tools using Matlab.
To appreciate to possibilities and limitations of the designated measurement tools.
To be able to critically interpret accuracy and validity of the measurement outcomes .

Knowledge assessment and practical reports

70 | D3.3 Curriculum


Physiotherapy: Organisation and practice (6ECTS 168 hrs)

Physiotherapy is a registered paramedical profession concerned with the prevention and care for
musculoskeletal and movement disorders. Close 20.000 physiotherapists in the Netherlands provide
these services within private practices, hospitals and various other healthcare institutes. Within
physiotherapy a number of specializations exist aimed at specific patient populations or disorders. The
responsibilities of physiotherapist include screening, diagnostics and treatment either independently or
after referral by a medical doctor. The mode of operation in physiotherapy practice can be regarded
as a systematic process of clinical reasoning, intervention and evaluation. Rules and regulation
regarding the provision of care in physiotherapy are described and maintained by the Dutch
government and physical therapy association. In order to understand the research needs, context and
boundary conditions within the field of physiotherapy, knowledge of the organisation of physiotherapy
within the healthcare system as well as the basic mode of operation in physiotherapy is required. In
this course, aimed at students without a background in health care, the organisation of physiotherapy
within the Dutch healthcare system will be discussed in a series of lectures. Besides the basic process
and principles of screening, diagnostics and treatment in physiotherapy will be presented and
explored in several workshops.

Intended learning outcomes
The aims of the course are:

to gain knowledge of the organisation of physiotherapy within the Dutch healthcare system.
to gain knowledge of the basic process and principles of screening, diagnostics and treatment
in physiotherapy.

Knowledge assessment and assignment

71 | D3.3 Curriculum


Biomechanical analysis of human movement (6ECTS 168 hrs)

Human movement is characterized by a complex interaction of contracting muscles, actuated joints
and bones and a controlling nervous system. Insight in the dynamics of the musculoskeletal system
required to resolve which specific joint movements are involved during a given movement task, which
joint and muscle loads arise, and how human movement relates to pathology of the musculoskeletal
This course will be centred around the question how to assess and interpret movement of the human
musculoskeletal system in a clinical context. Based on knowledge obtained from the courses
"Biomechanics" and "Measuring Movement" advanced techniques for assessing and describing joint
kinematics, net joint moments and muscle involvement during human movement will be discussed.
The underlying biomechanical models and their assumption and pitfalls will be addressed. In addition,
the focus of the course will be on the interpretation of the results of these analyses applied to clinical
problems from the field of physical therapy.
Next to a series of lectures covering the theoretical concepts in kinesiology, a series of practicals will
teach students how to process kinematic and kinetic data of human movement and how to interpret
these data for selected movement problems or interventions.

Intended learning outcomes
The aims of the course are:

To gain knowledge on different analyses techniques for exploring joint kinematics, kinetics
and muscle functioning in common movement tasks.
To gain knowledge on the underlying models and assumptions.
To be able to apply these analysis techniques to selected movements.
To be able to interpret the data from these analyses within a clinical context .

Knowledge assessment, research report

72 | D3.3 Curriculum


Writing a research proposal (3 ECTS 84 hrs)

In this course, the student will be required to write a 5-6 page research proposal based on a template
derived from the PhD project Proposal template from the MOVE research Institute. The research
proposal should be devised so that it can potentially serve as starting point for the clinical research
internship. If that is indeed the case, the supervisor of the internship will be the assessor of the
research proposal. Otherwise, the coordinator of the course will appoint a supervisor, whose expertise
corresponds to the topic of the proposal.
In the course, elementary aspects of the research topic are addressed, such as problem definition,
research approach, theoretical framework, research goal, research questions, methods, milestones,
scientific and societal relevance and target group.
The student becomes acquainted with the context of research financing, and the financing
requirements of similar research. The research proposal is presented orally at the end of the course.

Intended learning outcomes
The aims of the course are:

To acquire knowledge and insight into:

o Designing a research proposal, including to autonomously collect scientific information
and to analyse and evaluate this information critically
o Requirements imposed by different research funders for a research proposal
o Important financing mechanisms and the ways in which a research proposal is
To be able to reflect on social and ethical issues
To be able present a research proposal to a specialist audience

Research proposal

73 | D3.3 Curriculum


Clinical Research internship (21-27ECTS, 588 656 hrs)

The objective of a research internship is to obtain insight into the various components of the research
process, as well as the cohesion between the various components. The intention being: how to phrase
a question, formulate a hypothesis, prepare and perform experiments, classify data, interpret results
(theory development) and write reports. Students are then able (under supervision) to apply this
insight when preparing, performing and reporting on scientific research. This objective is mainly
concerned with the research technical aspects of scientific research. During the research internship
students will also have varying, often valuable, experiences. They will experience what it is to plan a
research project from start to finish and to independently implement it, and that working with others
is an interesting and often educational experience.
Intended learning outcomes
The aims of the course are:

To be able to formulate plans, including designs, methods, procedures and analyses, for
tackling research questions
To be able to autonomously collect scientific information efficiently and to interpret knowledge
concerning specific topics with respect to causes, prevention, diagnosis and (conservative,
physiotherapeutic) treatment of movement and musculoskeletal disorders
To be able to apply knowledge from the human movement sciences to frame and answer
clinical research questions relevant to this field of study
To be able to reflect on social and ethical issues pertaining to the dissemination and
application of research results
To be able to communicate with experts from different disciplines and to build exchange and
collaboration between disciplines
To get awareness of ones own scientific weaknesses and strengths

The evaluation of the research internship consists of three elements, namely:

the performance of the experiments and specifically the data collection and processing (40%)
the report (50%)
the oral presentation of the report during the work group meeting 10%)

The performance of the experiments is judged by the internship supervisor(s), the report and the oral
presentation are judged by both the internship supervisor(s) and a second assessor.

74 | D3.3 Curriculum

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