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Unit 5 Television

A bit : biraz
About : hakknda
Act : rol
Addict : baml
Afraid of : -den korkmak
Aggressive : agresif
Ago : nce
Also :Ayrca
Alternative :alternatif
Always : her zaman
amusing : gldrc
Ancient : antik,eski
answer : cevaplamak
Are you kidding ? aka
m yapyorsun ?
Around : etrafnda
art : sanat
Auidience : seyirci
Avengers : Yenilmezler
Awareness :
farkndalk,bilinli olma
Bad :kt
Be : olmak
Bedroom : yatak odas
Before : nce
Behavior : davran
Board game : tahta
stnde oynanan oyun
boring : skc
Breakfast : kahvalt
Cartoon : izgi film
Celebrity : nl kimse
Century : yz yl
Channel : kanal
Children : ocuklar
Circle : yuvarlak iine
Combine :Birletirmek
Come on : Haydi

Complain : ikayet etmek

complete : tamamlamak
Connection : balant
Couch potato : Gnnn
ounu TV karsnda
oturarak geiren kii
Craft : el ii
Dinner : akam yemei
Documentary : belgesel
Educator : eitimci
Egypt : Msr
Entertainer : elendirici
event : olay
Excellent : mkemmel
exciting : heyecan verici
Expand : geniletmek
Experience : deneyim
Factual :
gerek,gereklere dayal
Fear :korkmak
Find : bulmak
form : ekil
Frequently : sk sk
Fun : elenceli
funny : komik
General : genel
Get information : bilgi
give : vermek
Good : iyi
Guest : misafir
Happen : olmak
happening : olay
Harmful : zararl
Healthy : salkl
Hero : kahraman
Hieroglyphic :
hiyeroglif.Eski Msra ait
yaz biimi
Historical : tarihi
Homework : ev devi
Hour : saat
I think : bence

illustrated :
image : grnt
in front of : nnde
incredible : inanlmaz
information : bilgi
interesting : ilgin
Joke : aka
Keep out of : -den uzat
Kid : ocuk
Know : bilmek
Late : ge
Learn : renmek
Likely to : eilimli olmak
Limit : snrlamak
Lives : yaamlar,hayatlar
Magic : sihir,by
manner : tarz,ekil
Mean : demek istemek
Meaning : anlam
More : daha fazla
Mostly : ounlukla
Movie : film
Need : ihtiya duymak
News : haber
No matter : nemi
nonsense :
often : sk sk
Only :sadece
Outside :dar
Overweight : ar kilolu
Parent : anne-baba
People : insanlar
Per day : gn ba
Personal : kiisel
Political : politik
Powerful : gl
prefer : tercih etmek

preference :tercih
Present : sunmak
prize : dl
question : soru
Quiz Show : bilgi
Reality Show : sradan
insanlarn yaamlarn
konu alan televizyon
recent : en son
Re-imagine : tekrar hayal
report : bildirmek
Risky : riskli
Room : oda
Say : sylemek
Scary : korkun
Scientific : bilimsek
Screen : ekran
Sentence :cmle
Series : dizi
Share : paylamak
Show : gstermek
Side : taraf
Sign : iaret
Sit-com : komedi dizisi
Sleep : uyumak
Sleepy : uykulu
Social : sosyal
Somehing :Bir ey
Spend : harcamak
Spiderman : rmcek
Star Trek : Uzay Yolu
Style : stil,biim,ekil
Subject : konu
Suitable : uygun
Talk : konumak
Talk Show :
sylei/sohbet program
Thanks to : -e sayesinde
Think : dnmek

Thought : dnce
Title : balk
Too much : ok fazla
two-dimensional : iki
Understand : anlamak
Unusual :
Use :kullanmak
Vampire : vampir
Viewing : izleyi
Violence : iddet
Violent : iddetli
visual : grsel
Watch : izlemek
Weekend : hafta sonu
What kind of ? Ne tr ?
While : -erken/arkan
Why ? Neden/Niin ?
Word : kelime
Work : i
World : dnya
Year : yl

Page 44
People always need heroes, no matter what year or what century. We need magic. And
thanks to Josh Lane and his Hero-Glyphics series, for this excellent series. Lane combines
classic comic book and television and movie heroes and re-imagines them in a powerful
style of Ancient Egypt hieroglyphics. Can you see X-Men, Spiderman, the Avengers, Star
Trek, Power Rangers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
Page 49
Here are some practical ways for more productive TV-viewing in your house: Keep TVs and
Internet connections out of bedrooms, turn the TV off during meals. Dont watch TV while
doing homework, treat TV as a privilege to be earned not a right. Be careful about the
programme signs. Watch TV only after completing homework, find extra time like
schoolwork, sports activities, and other responsibilities during the week. Find fun
alternatives to television like board games, playing outside, reading, working on crafts or
hobbies, or listening and dancing.
Page 50
Matt: Hi, Maria! Howre you?
Maria: Hi, Matt. Sorry, I havent seen you. Im a bit sleepy.
Matt: Why? Is there a problem?
Maria: Oh, no. I watched The Vampires last night. It was too late. I couldnt sleep then
but it was incredible. Did you watch it?
Matt: No, Maria. I dont watch TV.
Maria: Sorry, I didnt understand. You dont watch TV? Are you kidding?
Matt: No. I sometimes watch TV. Years ago I was a TV addict. I was always in front of the
screen. Then, I had some health problems. I couldnt sleep, study, go out or eat healthy.
Maria: Oh, come on. It must be a joke.
Matt: No, Maria. Now, Im very happy. Im at the basketball team and I spend more time
with my parents and friends. Maria: How do you get information or I mean
Matt: News? HahaaaI use the Net and of course, I watch TV but only for some special
programmes, like documentaries, sports, etc.
Maria: WellIm
Suitable for general audience: Genel izleyici kitlesi
Suitable for ages 13 and over: 13 ya ve zeri iin
Suitable for 18 and over: 18 ya ve zeri iin uygun
Suitable for ages 7 and over: 7 ya ve zeri iin
Violence and Horror: iddet ya da korku ierir.
Negative Examples: Olumsuz rnek oluturabilecek davranlar ierir.


watch tv

play computer games

I prefer watching TV to playing computer games.

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