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This quest is triggered immediately after receiving the Phasewalker from Lilith. Go to the east to
collect aBook of the Dead page. Backtrack to the first floor then take the northern door.
Activate the time portal to the left using the phasewalker.


Get a Boatman Coin behind the the pillar to the right then proceed to the central platform to
fight this some new enemies Be careful of the massive Legion Champions as their wide-ranged
attacks can deal heavy damage up close and from a distance too.

Once the enemies are defeated, head to the southeast. Loot the chest to the left and proceed
downstairs. Wall-run to reach the first platform then wall-run again to reach the hand-hold at the
far end of the wall. Climb up (ignore the chest in the middle platform for now) then continue along
the corridor, taking out two more enemies along the way. Once you've reached a pit with a

deathgrip hoop, grab on it to reach a hand-hold above. Instead of climbing up drop down instead.
You'll get hold of a hand-hold below. Move and vault over to the corridor


Follow the short corridor until you see the deathgrip hoop at the end. Don't use it for now but
instead, look up to the right and you'll see a cleverly hidden deathgrip hoop. Use it to scale the
wall and reach a secret chamber.

There's aBoatman Coin near the railing, a Stone of Resistance stuck on the ceiling to the
south and the rare scythe called Demonflame Renders.

After getting the loot, jump down then use the deathgrip hoop at the end of the corridor. Wall
climb until you reach the upper ledge and loot the chest containing the Dungeon Map.


Wall run to return to the previous corridor you took and head back to the deathgrip hoop you
dropped off from again then climb up until you reach the upper ledge. There's a Book of the
Dead page near the edge.

Exit through the door and pull the lever. Defeat the Legion Champion that will spawn. Next,
there's statue to the northwest that has a Stone of power on its belly.

Collect it then drop down to the lower ledge to the right to loot a chest. Climb back up then
enable the nearby time portal to return to the present.


Grab the Soul Arbiter's Scroll to the right. Next, loot the chest on the other end then jump off to
the walkway below. Scale the western wall using the deathgrip then go through the door to the

Continue heading southwest to reach a damaged bridge. Activate the time portal to return to the


Loot the chest then destroy all objects in the room to reveal another secret chest. Return back to
the present afterward.


Cross past the bridge and proceed downstairs. Get a Boatman Coin at the end of the walkway
to the southeast. Head to the northeast platform this time to find a Stone of Power on the wall to
the north. Now, return back to the past.


Upon returning to the past, you'll have to face a new kind of enemies called Maelstroms. They're
the Shadow Edge's version of Liches so you may use the same strategy against them. They're
quite annoying and dangerous especially in groups since they can summon fireballs from a

After defeating them, head to the south to find a Boatman Coin above the stairs. Backtrack then
move along the southern walkway to find aStone of Power lodged on the wall.

Step on the pressure plate in the corner to the north then soul-split. Control a soul then get past
the opened gate to the northwest. Wall-run across the gaps until you reach a room with more
enemies. Clear it out then look the Relic of Etu-goth in the southeast corner. Activate the
nearby portal as well.

Switch souls then head east. Stand by the broken railing then activate the northern portal. Switch
back again to the other soul inside then pick up a shadowbomb from the nearby pod. Eliminate
the small crystals surrounding the pod first (this will enable you to grab a collectable in the
present). Grab one again then throw it to the portal so it goes through and for the other soul to
catch it

Tip: If you're having trouble making your other soul catch the bomb, lower your aim or adjust your

Switch souls and carry the bomb to the other walkway where you have a clear view on the
crystals and destroy them. Enter the time portal next to go back to the present and obtain the
Skeleton Key from the central platform.


Head north and open the portals in the room ahead through the destroyed wall. Next, head to the
lower alcove where you tossed the bomb in the past and activate the portal there as well. Use the
deathgrip hoop to enter.

Once there, loot the chest to the west. You'll find a Book of the Dead page in the southwest
corner. Check the space where the shadowbomb pod was located earlier to get a Soul Arbiter's
Scroll. Once done, make your way to the southern time portal (by the damaged bridge) and
return to the past.


Head to the locked door and repel the demon ambush. Unlock the door and follow the hallway to
reach the main hall again. Pull the lever there then jump down to the lower ledge to the north.
Defeat the lone enemy there then loot the chest. Use the time portal nearby to return to the


Peek over the eastern edge then carefully move to the corner until you see the portal across.
Enter aim-mode and adjust until you get a clear shot at the portal. Activate it then go to the west
and activate the portal. Enter it and you should reach a Book of the Dead page. (If you've

been diligently exploring optional dungeons and locations up to this point, this should be your last

Tip: If you have collected all pages at this point, this should make up the Fourth and final chapter.
Sell it to Vulgrim to get the last key and complete the quest, earning you experience and gilt. The
last Death Tomb is in Shadow's Edge, a short distance away from where Ostegoth stands.
Go to the west then climb the northern wall to reach the western balcony. Enter the door and
you'll find the last Gnome at the dead end. You'll receive a notification that you received a mail so
fast-travel to the nearest Tome and check your messages. Claim your reward to complete the

This is pretty much the last collectable you need to find in this area. Once done, climb the
northwest ledge (present) and enter the central platform leading to Samael's ruined chamber.
Enter the time portal there to find Samael in the past.


This is a rather difficult fight as Samael has really damaging attacks that will give you the run for
your money. It will be helpful to have equipment that enables you to steal health or wrath per hit;
otherwise, get the best gears you can collect/ afford at the moment.
(First Phase) You have to fight him normally on the ground. His attacks are solid and powerful
so evade often to keep your health up, while hitting him with quick counterattacks. After suffering
considerable damage, Samael retreats to his throne and lobs fireballs at you. Evade these and
anticipate his stomp attack shortly. Continue damaging him and fall back to his throne again, this
time releasing more fireballs. After retreating the third time to his throne, Samael will create a
bridge for you to cross. Approach him and attack him to start the second phase of the battle.

(Second Phase) Samael's attacks become even more powerful at this point. As you deal
damage to him, he'll be retreating to his throne. When this happens, stay at a distance and watch
out for the fire glyphs on the floor which will erupt into deadly flame pillars moments after. They
can deal continuous damage that lingers seconds after. If you have Aegis Guard, make sure to
carefully time its activation to minimize the damage and allow you to aggressively counterattack
as well.


After defeating Samael and getting the Demon Key, fast travel out of the dungeon and talk to the
Crowfather. You're now ready to fight the last boss of the game.
However before doing so, you can tie up some loose ends - like collectables and side quests.
Check the next quest page for more details.

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